88-2014 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council f_ /�O� CANARV - DEPARTMENT _/ BIUE - MAVOR File NO. O A� — � Council Resolution �� �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUED: That application (ID #40389) for the transfer of a Gas Station (to 3 Pumps) License, 9 Add' 1 . Pumps, an A-2 Grocery (A) License, a Restaurant (A) License and a Liquid Fuel Dealer License currently held by Q Petroleum Corp. DBA Q Petroleum at 2525 W. 7th St. , be and the same is hereby approved for transfer to Total Petroleum Inc. DBA Total at the same address. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman � sche;be� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson DEC � a � Form Ap roved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - 'L �/� Certified Pass C un .il Se r BY BS, Approve y 'Navo . ate _ 2 } �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By 'J BY �y� D E C 311988. , ���a�� . UIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE / 1 l INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud / ` - � Applicant� `O'�G.� ���l�C�hr� �,1�_ Home Address ���-���I i5 h�.ru 1�+-� � Rusiness Name� `� Home Phone ��/ — -T�S� �J Business Address a�a s l.�• ��'`�• Type of License(s�r}� _ �, •� :;�,,,,,�,b �.� Business Phone �(� � 333'1 ( {��I,��„ �a �• � p}l.�'���.,,,�Q g/ LS� Public Hearing Date �a- � �L� License I.D. 4{ �(� 3$"� at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Cha bers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �6 �3 � I �10� llate Notice Sent; ��I���� /��`�\ Dealer �{ ►/l�pr to Applicant �. J Federal F3.rearms 4� � �pr Public Hearing DATE TNSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D �°� � ��l � 6� Health Divn. � f� - 7 ' ��� , Fire Dept. � � ; � D�a�l� , s�. � , Police Dept. I ---- �'� �3 ok License Divn. � '� y�� ' C��� City Attorney � /,�.IS' ((� � u�� Date Received: Site Plan G��c� � Sr� 1� � To Council Research � Lease or Letter Date from Landlord �.�q,�Q'd CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: .New Cqrporation Name: . , . . � Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: � Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: 1 , � ' City of Saint Paul " ` �t Department of Finance and Management Services � ��—a0/� � License and Permit Division 203 City Hall � 1^ � . • St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-298•5056 ��.� � APPLiCATION FOR LICENSE . CASH CHECK CIASS NO. New Re�ew a a -��- a a ^. �ate �� �� 19�{' ; , Code No. Title of License ' From ���� ��' t9�� To � /r �g Y't -i r�,, _� � � ., i i� l .',,y � •� . .�� •_-�f ? . :� Y- � ' '-'`I � 1 - � '. e'' � �1: • ' �� � './ 1(�.i `i�e^—.� �� y� n !^r�,�. -� ' � '+ '� 'ti . • � '( c,,.._ •- �l AppllwntlComPanY Nam� � iy .�i - � � .t'i 'i:,� ^+1 �� 1 L.T� 4 , + 100 Busi�ess Name �`��, ��; l _ �'! - -, : L���. x i _ -�, • � J ` , ioo , � �.�� 1.,�: . �"1T' ��{ ;�'� � _� �� j`t� �, .., '�- _, ;�' ._� ,. � ,� � ��; Business Addreas `J-- \ Phon�No. �, 100 1 .\. . r�--� `5� l� C�1 `t'�� � i ` ��}. ., ,i �. ('!�!�J � r � 100 Mail toAddress i PAOne No. ��1 ,00 ��, � a ; �� � ManapeNOwner•Name 100 � �l y'i � �{ � t ` �` � � �� •' ';� � I ��"f i,ti.1 1 1� 'i (!.: t,;=-t 100 AlanaqedGwner•Home Address Phon�No. 40g8 Appticatlon Fee 2 � � ! f 'I `i' Y .1•:'� t f�;l • .J � R cefved the Sum of 100 �� ; t `� � ��.i` '�+ �.�� j,l ....-.�:- (( . .,{.: .1.•. .�_.� � ; :(aj �� ManapeqOwnM•Ciry,Stat�3 Ztp Cod� ' � 100 Total 100 . License Inspector ^'\1' � ' By:'T•c�� �` Siynature ol Applfeaet Bond• Company Name Policy No. ExpinHon Date Insurance• Company Name Policy No. Expiation Oate . Minnesota State Identificat(on No. �� ��,C� Social Security No ' Vehicle Information: � S�rial Numbsr ate Numb�r Other. - THIS IS A RECElPT FOR APPUCATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your application fo�Iicense will either be grante0 or rejected subiect to the provislons of the zoning o►dinanca and completfon o(the inspactions by the Heatth, Fire,2oning andlor License In�pectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS � ,.� � � � � :��-- � :w. � , J' _� � i . '%� x 1 ( =T:� . �. . L . �l ` ' .�� �,' �+ IT ���'/.`? � �^ '� ;� %i'r�t•' - /:'�-� J.?-- t =�-v� -��'=i= t�: . � � � ��W�' �l� �( . ! t .. . .. '/1 'V��� •_ _/ r .. , : . �� ao�� CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,�:,� , -, , D�AR'!.'h�fiT � FIl�ANCE AtiD MWNAGFa� S�(YICLS, .�.-.._� - `-` . � LICEi95E ARD P�QT DIVZSIOA '..._ _ _ � ,, . � �.�� ��� �? �:, l f� 1 S 'I�ese stateme� tcrms are issued in d�plicate. plwe aasrer a11 qnestians lti�l�y aad compl.etely. This applicstfon ia thorougl�ly cbecked. Any faltiticsLioa �+ill � cavse for deaial. Date Sept�nber 14, 19 88 1. Application tor Grccerv/Gas Station License (yi��e� (p�t� 2. Aame of a licant PP DoLQ Mast (Total Petroletun, Inc.) 3. If npplicant is/haa been a msrried femsle, list msidta nems �+. Dste of b irth 7/13/5 5 Ag� 3 3 Place ot bir�h A 11 e q a n, M I 5. Are yau a citizen of Lhe United States es Ratire _ i�aturaliytd �_ 6- Are you a regiatered voter ve s �ihere North�il le, NLT 7. Home sddress 116 8 8 Thornh i 11 Rd. Aome telephooe 612 942-6244 A. Present business sddreas 8148 Pillsbury Ave, S Busi�ss te - lepbane 6�.2 881-44�3. S• Includin8 your Pres�nt basinesa/employme�, v�at bnsiness/�lvysent ha�e yon followed !or the past tive yesrs. Business/�playmeat Address Total Petroleum, Inc. P.O. F3ox 500 Denver, CO 80201 �___ . 10. Married es It ans�+�er is "yes", list t�ame and addresa ot spc�use Patricia J. Mast 11688 Thornhill Road Eden Prairie NIN 55344 II. Iiave you ever been arrested for an oftense that l�as reaulted in a coavietion!No If ansver is yes", liat dstas ot arrests, rhere, c3�arges, coavictioas and senteeees. Date ot arrest 19_ t�lhere CAAFCE CONVI(.'PION �� Date a: arrest 19 where CfiARG� CONV IGTSOiI S�� `�f�.�"°� . . 12. `' List the names and addresses (it married, name ot apause slso) of all pezsans, � ;' corporations, partnerships, associationa or organizations wl�ich ia aay wsy have: a. A mortgage intereat in the 1lcensed premfse, `,2�e-ae�J � , b. A aecurity interest in tlx licensed premises, license, or llu�nishings of the licensed premise, `?��� c. A prvmiasory note tor ttuids loaried for the aperation of the licensed premise or the purchase o! 'the license, �%�%�`�� d. Financially contributed to the purchase oP the premise or the license it- self `�2d�n,�.� e. Arry other interest either direct or indirect, either financial or otherxise i in the licensed premise or the licenae itself, Attach a copy hereto of a�r atid all documenta nferred to iA this altidsvit. 1?. Give names aad addresses oP tsro persons, residents of St. Paul, Minnesota, Nho can give intormation concsrning you. �1� ADDRFSS James P. Hill 1707 Tavlor, St. Paul, NIl�1 55104 Scott Fisher 812 - 17th St., Newport, �1 55055 14. Addreaa of premiaes ror �rhich License or Permit is made 2525 West 7th Street Address 2525 W 7th St., St. Paul, I�IlV 55116 Zone clsaaificatfari - - 15. Betxeen s+hat cross streets Davern & W Maynard Dr. Which side of street N�ide 16. Ra�e under vhich this buaiaeas r�rfll be condurted Total 17. Busi�ss telrphone eianber 612/690-3337 I�'. Attach to thia application, a detailed description oP the design, lxstion, and aquare Pootage of the premises to be licensed 17(psq. ft. - Block Building �9. 1re premises no�+ occupied yes What business Q�/c-store H�v� long , . . � � ���o/ . 20: List license which you currently hold, or formerly held, or may have an intere in NUN�E20US , 21. Have aay of the licenses listed by you in Fo. 20 ever been xvoked. Yes Na �_. If anaver is "yes", list dstes and reasona: 22. Do you have an interest of ar�r type in arnr other businesa or businesa premiaea. I: ana�+er is "yes", list business, businesa address and telephoae number.+_ No 23• If business is incorporatea, give date of incorporation� 2/6 19 36 and attach copy of Articles o_* Incorporation and miautes of first meeting. 2�. List all ofPicers of the corpora�ion giving their nsmes, off3ce held� hc�e address, nnd home and busineas telephone n�bers: 3Q3/399-6601 Philippe Dunoyer, President - 2000 E 12th Ave., Denver, CO 80206 303/291-2C85 303/771-2571 C. Gary Jones, Vice President - 5927 E Jamison Lane, Enqlewood, CO 80112 303/291-286� 303/799-0993 Larzv C. Ross, Secretarv - 8749 E Otero Cr., Ehqlewood, OD 80112 303/2Q1-�145 303/690-6137 R_+nd Leeks, Treasurer - 1a656 E Grand Ave., Aurora, CO 80115 303/291-2079 . . 25. If business is partnership, list partner(s) addresa aad tel�ephcne a�bers: � ''.l. � ' Ad dress Tel.Ao. - ,r+.�. ,r-..� . - •_ '.i�,... � • . . �� 26. Is there s�yone else vho xill have an interest in this busineas az premisesY Ir answer ia yes", give name, hame address, telepha�e m�bers and in rhst maaner is tbeir interest: No � � 27. Are yon goin�t to operate this buainess personal�y �j� it nat, who xill vperate it: P.O. Box SQO Aame Total Petroleum, Inc. Home addre8a Denver, CO 80201 q1el.Ao}03/291-2000 . Are you going to have a Nfanager or assistaat in this business? ZS ansi+�er is � � "yes", give name and ho:ae address and home teiephone rnzmber: 16325 Fairgreen Ave. Name Katherine Bruhn Home dddress Rose�un� Nll�i 55068 Te1.No.612 43i-6853 29. Has ar�one yau have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name oY person, dates oP arrest, where, charges, comic- tions and sentence No 3p, I understand this premise may be in- spect y th pol e, fire, health aad other city oPficials at a�r and aI1 times when the bnsiness is in operation. State of ytinnesota) � � ��a� Y )SS Coun of being Pirst duly sworn, deposea and says upon oath that hss "ad the Poregoing statement bearing his si�ature and lmo�rs the contents t ereof, aad tha.t the same is true of his oWn l�oyrledge except as to those ma.tters thereia stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves th�em to be true. � Subscribed and svorn to toze me M�-�r�,� �� Q �� Signat o Applicsat this ���� day P 1, LG�, GZ�2��'`� Notary :'ublic, County, Minnesota ,;:-•• MARLENE J.WA�STEN r i t�. NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA '�fy co�ission expires � DAKOTA COUNTY � My Commianon Exp�ros Fab.24.1981 _/ � - . .6=. q � . . f� � �� .�.� . � � � � �„��,� �„�� �R��I�`�����o. ��0 2�5 4 M�^. �}: C�rchedi - �T oEV�r a� w.voA ron.�srum • ' Chris�ine Roz k ��� �� — ����� �«ry� ' ; ACF . .. � � .. N0. �� � ROUTIIIG� - �BUDfiEr DIF�CTOR .. .. . - 7 /�� � .. F i nanc e & 1 o�R: �A„� �.-4 .. : : ,Applicat_ion for the tran�fer of a Gas Sta�ion ;(to 3 Pumps) L�cense, ,9 Add'1 Pumps, an A-2 Grdcery License, a Restaurant (A) License and a Liquid �uel Dealer Licelnse. t Notificat�on Date: 12-5-88 H,earing Date: 12-20-88 I�b1�qAT1oN�(API+�'�(M a►qe�(fi�) _ ; COUNCIL RESEARCN : , . .. PLANtINO COMA3810M � . CML 8ERVICE COMBA�SSION�� = DATE IN DA7E W7 � .• ANALY3T � � � PHONE NO. . . - . DDNlK�1�MM�ION , . I�876:8CH001.9OARD� � . . . . . . /-' - . SfAPF.. . . , . �p1ARTER COM�NSBION . - j COMPLETE l48�k9. . . ADD4.NiFO.ADDED'R - �, �HETD TD OONM�T ..� , COt�TTTU6NT. - . . � _ . ' _ ' � _�F6H ADDi NFO. _f�BIiCK At]DED* � � . SMBTiMf.T 00lNiCL . : .. . � +�PCPUNI1TIOfJ: . . _ � . . . : . • � SI�PORf'A 9NMpi COIMCL Q�E871VE4 � . . � .. . - . - � . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . � .. . � . . . . . . . � . � � . . �... � . � ' - .. �-�.. lr11A7N0�lIOBLlM,1lM�.Q�1011l'1�1�(VYtw.What,Wh&1.W11M8.iNhY): : Tota] Petroleum Inc. DBA Total requests approval of its app1ication 'for i the transfer of the above �icenses �currently heid by Q Petro1etrtn Corp. ` DBA Q Pe�roleum at:2525 W: ': 7th Street. Total Petroleum, Tn+c. will :contjnue � -� :- op�ratibr� at the same addr�ss. � : ; , _ , _ . . . .. �snwc��coa�e.n.iw.�a.�..�.,,�a►r. :. :. . Ai l fees and_appl i cations have been subnitted. Al l requi red da visior�s - � Zoning, .Health, Fire, Polic�e and License have given their approvals. � a' _ � ca�wea�ueMCes tw�..wn.a,wr To,�wn,�:.. ; , . . . , . .: , -- � ;. . , ; ; If Council approdal is give�, Total Petroleum will operate a Tot�l Station . Store at 2525 W. 7th Street� _ _ ��ru►n�: _ ; . �s, co�s . Coun �( ��:s€��°ch Center . . �t� Q� i�188 ��,►,�: ��: �; 3