88-2013 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FIN4NCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ///��� CANARV - OEPARTMENT y� �e� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �1 Council Resolution ��,;� �— , _ Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date � � � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #94615) for the transfer of location of an Auto Body Repair Garage License currently held by William R. Shappell DBA B & A Body Shop Reconditioning at 1041 Aurora Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to B & A Body Shop Inc. (William R. Shappell ) DBA B & A Body Shop at 1007 Arcade Street. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� � [n Favor ��.�tZ a Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t y Sonnen Wilson {,I�C 2 Q � Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' - Certified Yass b o cil Se ry BY � � gy, Approv Mavo • ate _ O`� L ,1 _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,,,: By — BY �ss� �E c � 1 1988 , . ����0,�3 • — �T�IVISI0�1 OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE / � INTERDFPARTM�NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �;''i�� �j��, �� Home Address Sp_ ��. �{� C�i s -�s' ° Business lvame � �``��� , Home Phone -. Business Address ` Type of License(s) ���1 rCC�� �io Business Phone �� - � �� � ` � 1� ��� r Public Hearing Date �� ao $O License I.D. 4i ��5�-� �� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �,�5���3 llate Notice Sent; J�����c� /��11 Dealer �� �� to Applicant � b �, �O � `� Federal F3.rearms # � � Public Hearing DATE II�'SPECTION REVI�,W VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A proved Not A roved Bldg I & D � I I a3 ± � � a , r Health Divn. , 'cLO 1.�..Q.-(.�—�. Fire Dept. ;� �� � h� � --" 0-. I q I��� 5.� rw �.�uz� f.�o�Q,,.� i ,3 � ' � i o a.a. O � I F'olice Dept. I (v� � ��. v�,o : License Divn. � � 1a3 � o � City Attorney � ��(� � �� Date Received: Site Plan I � I �� To Council Research 1�� � Lease or Letter r/ Date f rom Landlord � I � �g S �1c� .�-o�Ic,,u._. �rarn . . � � - � CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION , Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Office�s: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: •1C�.`. M�'��...-P�"�G..:,,_�r(aP��**'`"S;.tr '.��+�.e�*'..r%'d��j��.�.�u���.�1�``�`'F;".'��`�`'�•��-:^�+"w"tq-.L�s-�-gs r,�;°,ri;'�i-:.g;� ,':'�.;�•�:._ ,'.u•,:- ,r• . . . � 94�. n .. , i ', ..�ity of tiaint Paul �_ ,. , �. �lYl� ��Q� Department of Finance and Management Services License and Permit Division � � ` _ 203 City Halt ^� ° , , . ,.;. . . ; . .; _ , � ' , . - ; . ` St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-298-5056 ` ,� - . ;; ' . � ' � `APPLiCAT10N FOR UCENSE ?�•CHECK � :CLASS NO " 4�.CASH � �,�,,�c����r���� ew �y Renew �< ���',���'`;�'3� �`=€c� '� �'�����r�� �i �`�' , .� �,- �f=�� � V +�.��f�' - .�.�"� ,ly� i.yM, �'� ,�..... 0 � r �:. , � �-. n .,�f: � ,`�:. � r:, �r�.� �,,o-. � _ - - .. , �" Date r 19� . . � � ,Code No. . , Title of L�ense ,� . . .�a .. ,^ ' �=" p� , ' ' ''� � � ~ Prom � 19a To 19� . �a a� o� � �� ; ,� l� � , ' AppNca�UCompany Name _ y> . 's. 100 , �.'.d;' j. .\el;��'CJr � 100 , BuslnessName ;.. �.6 '���� '- �� Do Q„�, 3,269 f � �c_ � . " ' - : 8usinsa Address : Phone No. . _ 100 . l� 100 : MaH to Addresa Phons No. � 100 � . _��� _ ; � , :: . - ;. . - .-...M�napeHOwner•Name ., -. �. , ,. . � ; - . ,r'' r . . � - . i ... � . . .. �s"Y�'� � +"' ?`� . . . � . y� •:;: ,; . � � :100 �- „ AlanayedGwner Homs Address �-s � Phon�No. ' ���1098 ��`� APPlication Fee _ - � - ` ' : ' 2� � �'�4��; .�'r � x /02 �����Jq' .RE IV , � '. �`�,,., k . k r�4 oG/, . ��1@ SUfl1 i.,.�i 1 #� �;. i } s"s;�� � Y' *�s' a �x6 tt�r :; ` '�`' � � �� `' t , , � , : � ; � �ManapedOwner Ctty te 3 Zip Code „� y, r r�;-�� t ��. ,4��ti � � �i� n', j r ;� a..,'r t ; ',100 ��k"r ''�`�-Total �100 �� i,�i'rw��'.M1.�`�`��+3 �+i�;'�a�;�'° " .a ���P"o '� y�•. dQ ' • _ , �r : � F �:� .t 'v; .t 'r�'�a:,,? � '�t r .i }1 x°,� _ � 3� �� � � � Y ���! r� a.'�.� y- ..F..F ey.ft�'w�¢ F �..7 �r: ^� ��� '1 }��✓�"fi�� i ���,� .} F t?:' �-� � � k LL}�.' . � . ..t , , :.:. ' . . ... '! y.". • • a. . . . . ' �- ... ;,.Ucense inspector : By: , .:,; , . ,: Signatu ot Dp�icsnt � _ • �r. y . �T. � � .... �. :. � '� S� r^�` f�...;r f .i z` � � �. . �;; .. � .. _ •:. .' h� .. � � �'i� 5. :{4f: ��,Bond . .� .e l.i�, . .'... �'., �,d�,� r. n �k � ,_ : _d.v VY; :-�"��t�fX�',�� i• . ?�a"�'.�h t,.M't t , ;. .:; . . . Compamr Name . Policy No. _ � Expintion Oats ,,;. Insurance• �^` ' Company Name • Policy No. Expiratlon O�t� .. , z , . , • „ .; „ . �/ : ,. . • , ,.. • ` �Minnesota State Identification Na J�3J`���7� � � ' �— Sociai Security No. �g �:: . ;_ _ . . . _ � ,�-°�;� ,3.� . . ;, � �_� � � ��Vehicle Information. � � " � � ' �� - Serlal Number Iate Num r K r ., .�..a:.. .' . . �� . , . - - ' ' . � ` � . � ' . . .,, . . . . .. .. . . . . .i ., ��Other - . • �.s'• �.� _, , >� �:.. THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPUCATION .- . :.' . . :, . �.., ,,,;; .: ;� THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application tor Iicense will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoninq . ; ' � ordlnanCe and completion of the inspectiona by the Health, Fire,Zoniny and/or license Inspsctoro. - . ' , ` > ,,.: _ . , ,. ,.. , ., . , . , , .. 3 x . .� , . , . ,. , .. � . _ . •' ; ,_ .. : _. .:.,:_ x.;. :- , �. , . ;. ,: . ;, ,: , :; $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS - , � (�.� �L� C�.�u�> . / . G� . � _�-���} �: � : . a ert�e�ed Q-�-B� r�3 . . S�`� �1 cz n . . �. . • . �,2�t5� Q9�'c.��' � CITY OF 5T�AUL -�Zc�- �„ • DE'PARTN�NT OF FIl�ARCE AND MANAGH��!'P SffitVICP� r,�. LICEIPSE ARD P'�RM1T DIV�SIOA �i1Gd4 `a�� These statearont forma are issued in d�glicate. Pleaae ansaer all questions ltiil�y aad completely. This application ia thorough�y checked. Any falaification Mill be csuse for deaial. � Date ' �q 19 1. Appl i cat i on f or _ �t ,�O���g �- (Li cense) (Permit) 2. Aame ot applicant W � ��, � � � I � 3. Zf applicant is/hsa been a msrried lema].e, list maidea name — b. Date of birth q ' �� � �� � place of birth �,�=_ B -�� _ � 5. Are you a citizea of the United Ststes ���/� Fative _ Fsturalized _ 6. Are you a registered voter Where �}m��P �_�l`��.l.i`1��(/ �' 7. Nooe adaress � . K �' 1 U Aoee tel�phane�c� �.�0 �. Preaerrt busineas addreas �(�(��� fl�? C �� � Business telephaoe"� ��✓o�(o� 9. Including your preaent business/emplc�yment, vhat �nainess/eaplvyoant haie yon followed for the past live years. Busineas�F}nployment Addresa J'� `�6� 1 C� � I ��a,� o r� �ct �c� 10. Married � If ans�rer is ',ves", liat name aad addresa o! spause l�L,�G �h��l_/ (� ;� S� . OAK I�� � � � 11. Fiave yau ever been arrested for an offense that has reaulted in a conviction?� I! answ�er ia "yes", list dstes of arrests, vhere, chargea, corrvictio�ns snd senteoces. Date o! arrest 19____ �ere CAAF.GE CONVICTION S�PI�IICE Date of arrest I9 Where CHARGr CONVICTIOi7 g�� � . . ' > ' - •� . �i -��12. List the names and addresses (if mar.�fed, name of spouse also) of all pers�ns, o , corporations, partnerships, associationa or organizations Mhich in.aqy r+'a,y have: a. A mortgage interest in the 1lcenaed premise, b. A security interest in the licensed premises, license, or itu�nishings c� the licensed premise, c. A promissory note for Punds loaned for the aperation of the licen�ed pranise or the purchase o! 'the license, d. Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self .� e. Anyr other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherwise i in the licenaed premise or the licenae itself, Attach a copy hereto of anyr atsd all documents relerred to in this atfidavit. 1?. Give na�ea and addresses oP two persons, residents of St. Paul, Miimesots, Who can give information concerning you. � ADD�S �R �, L �4.�.�-�,v�.n � /l� `��b�Ll1v l V�R�l 7�� �-v�e. �Pr�.� �a m r�►v �C.s � � (,�.� � ���.s i �r-T��}v� 14. Addreas of premises Por �+hich License or Permit is made Addreas ����r � R �.��� s�+ Zone clasaification 15. Between what cross streets �� � �d� � Which side of street 16. ftaae under Which this business aill be conducted �� A�c�d �r Sh n� -�.�J�.; 1?. Bus i nes s telephone manber � �? � `�o( �o � 1�. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, location, sad �,�. square footage oP the premises to be licensed �9. ?re premises now occupied What business C� � H� long -��- • � � � � . �����i3 , 2Q. List icense which ou currently hold, or former�y held, or me�y have an intere in � -� 21. Have a� of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No �_. If anarrer is "yes��, list dates and reaaona: 22. Dc you have an interest of ac�y type in ar�y other busiaeas or business premises. I.° anewer is "yes", list business, businese address aad telephone number.� 23. '�� If busir�ess is incorporated, give date of incorporation � . ` 19� �� and attach capy oP Articles oP. Incarporation and minutes o first meeting. 24. List all officers of the corporation giving their names, office held� hame ac]dress, and home and business telephone n�bera: ����� �a m �h r� P A�� i -QR �.s � �S3 S� oR� �R i u � �.Cr S C/LV � Li CZ,/�/J L .rI . � 25. If business is partnership, list psrtner(s) address and telephor�e atmmbers: � �� � Address T+e1.Ao. �' , _ �, , �_ 26. Is there arLyone else Who will have an iuterest in thia business or premisea4 If saswer is "yes", give nsme�� addrees, telepho�e m�bera aad in �st manner is their intereat: � 27. Are yau goinR to operate this business pereonal�y �if not, xho Mill vperate it: A� Nome address Tel.Ao. ' - r . Are you going to have a Mansger or assistant in this business? IP ansWer is ��yes", give name and home address and home telephone number: �� • Name Home address R�el.No. 29. Has a�►one you have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? If answer is '�yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, convic- tions and sentence V\ � T"r�� 3a• I � � � � understar�d this premise mey be in- spected by the police, fir ealth and other city oPficials at at�r and aIl times when the business is in operation. State of Minneaota) )SS County of Ramsey ) �, �-�iCc v� S� a-�0,��2-LL- being first du�y sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement beariag his sigaature snd lmovs the cantents thereof, and that the s8me is true of his own knowledge exetpt as to tbose matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he be- lirves them to be true. Subscribed and sworn to bePoae me �'� r Signature o pplicant this day of 19� N�tary lic, ° JANET A.ODALEN *!y co�mmission expires -" NotaRV vus�ra �n �nr cow.oa�s a�e.2t,teot � ��_ae}� . .. . .. � . 4� . �,�, _ �„�..ry,,.� �,�� : s Gi�ffit �H��T No. p021 2 1Mr,�J. Carchedi . : CANTACT P�BON � - DEPART�AElR DMi6CfOfi . . . MAYOR(OR ABSIBTMiT) . Christine Rozek �"��� _ �& ` �� ��«.� i . �"� "°. AounNO ��� �Eounci 1 Resea�rch j Finance & t. , 298-5056 °HOSa: � �mA — � � . . / E : ' � _ . r Appl i ea�tion for the trartsfer of �n Auta Bodq�R�pai r Ga�^age Li cense. � , � � � , � , Notifi�ation:Date: 12-9-88 Hear n �ate: 12-20-88 RE001111lIQAi10N6:(N�D�lA).w.ReJec.t(Fi)1 COU�NESEJtRCIi REPOR'f: vtawaHCa oow�ssioH cm�sEav�oo�w�saN o��n� �on�cxir ; �we�vsr r�ar�No. E - : ao�+�+a oowrnssioN ' �eo exb scHOa eoar+o ; sr� cwwrfin c�oN co�a�rE�s w �ooL .�* �ru ao cart�r oor�srrtuea ; — _ww�oot sso. _�oa�ac�ooEO*; o�acr oa� , +ocwwAnor�: a � ;: auvvoaTS i�a+councw oe�ecrn�a . . _ i ; ( , i �1u►nNa vwos�.er�,�eeuE a�o�rt�rr Mhw.wi+.�.v�nen.w►,e►e,wnr): . � � � Wi.lTiam R. Shappell DBA 6 & A Body Shop Reconditioning currently licensed i ' as an Auto Bady Repair Garage at 1041 Aurora requests Coun�il sipproval ; . o� the transfer: of his license to 1007 Arcade Street to- be operated as j. B & A Body Shop Inc. (Wi�lliam R. Shappell ) DBA B & A Body Shop. I ���e«�.e�.;�dw.�.a..,,waurs�: _ : � . All fees and applicatior�s have been submitted. All required departments - � . �oning,: Fire, Police and�. License hav� given their approva1s: � � i .' ��(MIhY.whiw..hd 7u v�:„ ; . . . ., .. � . If Council approval is g�ven, B & A Body Sl�op will operate at 1 1007 Arcade Street. . l � ; - : . �. K,�u►� . ; _� + �ou;� ��es�arcli -C'�nter_ .�: , ' ��� p � 1�$$ _ 1" ' _ , , ,; � a ' , �►��: ; , . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . ' . . ' ' . 4. .. . . � . . ... . . . . . . . .. . .. . . � . . , � . . ; .. . . . . . . . . �: " .. . .. . .. .�. � . ' . ' . � .. .�� . � .� �..� . . .. . . '_ . -. � � . �iW�N�wio: . . � . .. .. t �