88-2008 WNITE -CITY CLERK COUIIC11 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L /'J CANARY - DEPARTMENT .,� �( BLUE -MAVOR File �O• v City Attny/JTH ^ Council Resolution ���'� � _� �v� \ v�--,^--+_.�-, ( 'L � ' _ .. Presented By ► '���X� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Uate RESOLUTION ADDING TWIN CITY TESTING DEVELOPMENT AREA TO ENERGY PARK DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT PROGR.AM FOR SAID AREA, AND CREATING A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT AND APPROVING A TAX INCREMENT .FINANCING PLAN FOR THE TWIN CITY TESTING TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS , a) The staff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) at the direction of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota by its Resolution No. 88-10/5-2 adopted October 5 , 1988 undertook a redevelopment study and analysis of a nine block area bounded generally on the east by Raymond Avenue and the Trlestern boundary of the Waldorf Paper Company property, on the south by Interstate I-94 right of way; on the west by Trunk Highway 280 right of way, and on the north by University Avenue; hereafter referred to as the Project Area; and b) PED staff has determined that Twin City Testing Corporation presently located in the southwesterly most two blocks of the Project Area presently employs 315 people in 86 , 000 square feet of improvements at this location and projects workforce and workspace expansion requirements to 700 people in 175 ,000 square feet of space over the next five years , that COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b art ent of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz � Retttnan Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By %Z-/��f By tapproved by Ylavor: Date _ Appro e y May r fo 'ssion to Council By 1`^'C�-� . ��f�-aood' -2- these requirements cannot be met at the present location and that the Corporation will acquire a suburban location with adequate exp�.nsion space unless it obtains public assistance to permit acquisition of additional property adjacent to their present location; and c) PED staff has further determined that the property adj acent to the present 'I�ain City Testing location is largely built up (85% improved) with mixed residential , business , parking and industrial usage on land zoned I-1-intensive industrial use, that 48% contained buildings or improvements containing substantial and major deterioration, 34 percent had moderate deterioration, and the remaining 18 percent had minor deterioration or were in good condition, and that the cost of acquisition and clearance , relocation of displaced persons and businesses , provision of site improvements and parking at this location and of financing , estimated in total at $4,465 , 000, far exceeded the cost of ux�improved land with street access and utility service; and d) PED staff finally determined that the Port Authority was wil.lin,g to undertake a proj ect to provide expan- sion space for 'Itain City Testing, provision of new parking facilities to serve this expansion and to alleviate the parking shortage in the Raymond/ University area, and to provide the means of providing n.ew affordable housing to persons dis- placed by the project undertaking; and that a project could be financed by pooling tax increments from the Energy Park Development District (Develop- ment District Number 3) and cre�.tion of a tax increment financing district in the project Area; an d e) A �ain City Testing Development Area Amendment to The Energy Park Development District (Development District Num'�er 3) and Development Program and Tax . . ��� -�oo�' -3- Increment Financing Plan for the Project Area were prepared and submitted to the Sairi� Paul Planning Commission tahich by its Resolution No. 88-80 adopted November 4 , 1988 determined this district amendment and plan were consistent with the Compre- hensive P1an of the City of Saint Paul . f) Said Arzendment, Redevelopment Program and Tax Incre- ment Financing Plan were presented to the HRA Board and by its Resolution No. 88-11J16-3 adonted November 16 , 1988 , made certain findings and recommendations , directed submission of the Tax Incremen.t Financing Plan to the Ramsey County Board and the Board of Independent School District No. 625 for review and comment in accordance with Minn. Stat . Section 469. 175 Subd. 2 which submission was made on November 18 , 1988 ; and g) A public hearing �aas held on December 20 , 1988 , on the proposal to add the Project Area to the Energy Park Development District and upon the Development Project And Tax Increment Financing Plan for the amended Development District area creating a tax increment financing district of three blocks bounded generally on the east by Pelham Boulevard, on the south by Interstate I-94 right of way, on the west by Trunk Highway 280 right of way and on the north by Franklin Avenue; and h) At said public hearing the City Council has considered documentary eviden.ce including the said Amendment, Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan together with (i) HRA Resolutions Numbers 88-10/5-2 , 88-11/16-3 and staff reports dated September 30 and November 9 , 1988 , (ii) Planning Commission Resolution No . 88-80 and attached Memorandum dated October 26 , 1988 , and (iii) the Building Conditions Evaluations Summary dated October 20 , 1988 and Exterior Building �onditions Evaluation Forms for each improved property in the proposed tax increment financing district and oral testimony presented. . ���-olaa� -4- NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows : 1. On the basis of information adduced at the public hearing and otherwise within the knowledge of the City Council , it is hereby found and determined as follows : a) That the proposed Development Program will improve the Twin City Testing Development Area pro- viding an impetus for commercial and industrial development, increased employment, an expanded tax base, removal of conditions of substandardne�s and deterioration and removal of inappropriate land uses , and an opportunity to construct parking facilities essential to proper development of the Area and surrounding commercial-industrial complex; b) That the Development Area and proposed Tax Increment Financing District proposals are consistent with the Land Use Plan, Economic Development Strategy, District 12 Plan and other relevant components and provisions of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Saint Paul which is the general plan for the develop- ment or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole; c) That 85% of the parcel in the Tax Incremerit Financing District are occupied by buildings , streets , utilities or other improvements and 48% of the buildings are structurally substandard as containing major deterioration in two or more principal components and widespread moderate or minor deterioration to the remainder of building components and an additional 34% contain widespread deterioration to principal building components to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance in order to remove such con- ditions , and that consequently the District con- stitutes a redevelopment district within the defin- ition contained in Minn. Stat. Section 469 . 174. Subd 10(a) (2) A ���'��Od -5- d) That the proposed development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Financing District, given the high cost of acquisition and clearance of built up property, expense of relocation of displaced persons and busine�ses , cost of providing site improvements and parking facilities , all. as identified in the Development Pro�ram and Tax Increment Financing Plan, in the opinion of the City Council would not rea�onably be expect�d to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foresee- able future and therefore the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary to the successful imple- mentation of said Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan; e) That the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan provision for public-private partnership and private redevelopment of the District area, will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the city as a whole, for development or rede- velopment of the project by private enterprise; 2. The Twiri City Testing Development Area Amendment to the Energy Park Development District (Development District Number 3) and the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan For 'I`win City Testing Development Area and Twin City Testing Tax Increment Financin� District Plan (Twin City Testing District) and the Development District and Tax Increment Financing District thereby created are each hereby approved and the PED staff is author- ized to file two copies of the Tax Increment Financing Plan with the Commissioner of the Department of Trade and Economic Development of the State of Minnesota. 3 . The PED staff is hereby authorized to file copies of the Tax Increment Financing Plan and this Resolution with the Ramsey County Department of Taxation and Records Administration and Ramsey County Auditor with a request for certification of the original assessed valuation of the District. 4. The amendment of the �nergy Park Development District by incorporation of the �cain City Te�ting Development Area renders desireable the reconstitu.ting of the Advisory Board For Energy Park Development District created by P,esolution Council File No . 276868 WHITE -�C�TV CLERK COI1flCl1 �//� PINKY - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT �j�OD BIUE - MAVOR File NO. v� � Council Resolution Presented By �--���- ���—���--��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -6- adopted May 19 , 1981 , which action shall be separately considered and acted upon by the City Council. Following review of the Development Program by the reconstituted Advisory Board and receipt of its advice on the planning, construction and implemen- tation of the Development Program herein approved, the City Council shall review the Development Program or proposed modification thereof in light of such advice and recommendation for Program modification, if any, as may be made by the Advisory Board. If Program modifications are recommended which affect land use and Comprehensive Plan compliance, the report of the Planning Commission respecting the same shall be obtained prior to their consideration by the City Council . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b artm of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� _ In Favor Gosw;cz Rettmaa �be1�� � _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson D�C [ Q '�� Form Approved by City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e b ouncil . reta By ' " �� �� By, f Approved b 'Navo . _ �� 2 � ��7�7 Approved y Ma or ubmission to Council By �� � lJ�'L..� p'i�liS}IF� D E C 3 1196� � � � ' ��+' � .. � .N°_ Q1465 PF[l DEPlARTMENT . - - - -- - - --����#t1td1"8�C COI�ACT NAI4E �33� YHO�IE `� � - ,_ � 12 12-88 DAT� G i (See reverse side.)'. k � � ,� Departme�t Director � Mayor (or Assistant} � ,_ Finance and l�tanagement 3ervi4es Director ; City Clerk . Budget Director �.- � ,� Cou cilme er Sone�n 1 City Attorney lj�� � _ 3 � TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: j__ (Clip all locations for signature.) � ` WHAT WILL BE ACAIEVED B� TAKING �TTON ON THE ATT/�C�B�iMATERIALS? (PurposeJRationale) i Resolutian and Public Hearinq approving Twin C�ty Testing Tax Increment Area, � , Tax Increment Plan and Amend�ents to Energy Park. � f i � � . ` RECEIVED i � f /� { ; ' " . - � U�� �- � IVVV � 9e. . �. 1� COSTjBENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSdNNEL IMPACTS ANTICIP�ED: ���a�,� ����C� . Tax Increment Financing Plan-�-to be implerr�ented by the Port Authority. �� � � � . , _ FINANCING _SOBRCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI�'Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: � (?tayor's signature not required if�under $10,000.) , � Total Amount of Transgction: , Activity Number: � . � Furtding Sour€e: Tax Increment (P�rt Authority) , � � ATTACHMENT3: (List and number all �attachments.) , ' � f ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES � � � � � � � ,- � �Yes _No Rules, Regulationa�, Procedures, or Budget Amendment requiredP _Yes _No If yes, are they a�r tiraetable attached? DEPARTI�IENT REVI�i CITY� ATTORN�Y�`�VIEW � �_Yes No Council resolution r�quired� Reao2ution required? „�Xes ,_No � _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance su��icient? �Fes _,-No Yes No Insurance attached? ' ; . � This form is designed to make it easy for you to reply. ❑ First Class Mail - S�mPiy�ore your onswer in ihe space pwvided. Keep one ❑ Inter-Office copy for your files and relum Ihe other to us. Thank you. ST. PAUL CITY ATTORNEY ��-a� 647 CITY HALL ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 PHONE 298-5121 �—►— � � `'�3 ` h �/�� ��-2 ?�_,`h r? TO r� DATE � Z �I Z�p$ ( � � y7� SUBJECT �l.v�tiLt/' � � � l.��c'1'b1iQ'1� � MESSAGE /I� �-e/L 8�t/L �) �G�i�4F��,,'.,—_"! io �""` C�rTn�- "_1 ` _°��'��� , � �¢�t� '�7`�r � �°�� � �- 7'c�� T� i - . �,ei,�,�,� � �: �. � + � . � � � , �' � � ��� �� � . ��� REPLY �onv-riMeas ae-oaoEH No 2asoo—Pr���ed �n usn SENDER-KEEP YELLOW COPY FOR YOUR FILE. MAII WHITE AND PINK COPIES. ��� ��-aoD�' �.0� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL.MEMORANDUM DATE: December 12, 1988 T0: Albert Olson FROM: Sheri Pemberton J�J� RE: City Council Public Hearing for December 20, 1988 Attached is a copy of a Public Hearing which was published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch on Saturday, December 10, 1988. Please place this Public Hearing on the City Council Agenda for Tuesday, December 20, 1988. A City Council Resolution (copy attached) is being routed for signatures and will be forwarded to you by the City Attorney's Office, prior to the City Council Meeting. . Thank You. Attachment cc: Jim Hart Gloria Bostrom Dave Gontarek SAP:lk kECEIVED bEC1�.1988 ���Y CLERK �ECEIVED DEC�1988 CITY CLERK � ._ ��-�� �,-, ,,, �. CITI' (�i= ;.�.,;� ,; Pr�UL �� � �+ i� :?EPART,��1c�T ��= PL��'�If�G ,�'�7 FC�»(�•.1►c , �r . ����'viENT ��`.;�`�;: ; _ � :���, ,, ,� - .. r;JSING - 'a 2i Neit Fnurth Cheet,Sa;nt f'iu!.'�1,-.'•�n1a.5i102 .,. � � GEG�,G: l�'I�.'.R �1AYOn � December 9, 1988 !�:s. Rosemary Frank � St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch 345 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Dear Ms. Frank: At:.ached is a Notice of Public Hearing on Redevelopment Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan for Twin City Testing Development Area Amend.ment to Energy Park Development District and Tax Increment Financing ?lan (Twin City .. Testing District) . Please publish this Notice in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and �ispatch on Saturday, December 10, 1988. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 228-3358. Sincerely, ; ' --- �. .. i. • , . ' - . i _A�Y .� � � Sheryl A. Pemberton � Rea1 Estate Administrator Enclosure • � �bcc: Chron �. Legal � Jim Hart Dave Gontarek � � -�oe� �� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING UPON DEVELOPMENT . . PROGRAM AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TWIN CITY TESTING DEVELOPMENT AREA . AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT AND AMENDMENT TO ENERGY PARK DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing before the Council of the City of � Saint Paul will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 20, 1988, to consider the proposals of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of . the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HR.A) , to adopt a Redevelopment Program and � Tax Increment Financing Plan for T�ain City Testing Develapment area and Tax Increment Financing District and to adopt an Amendment.to Energy Park Development District. That the purpose of the proposed amendment provides for activities which will specifically meet the comprehensive plan goals, resulting in retention of a major employer of high quality, higher pay ,jobs and its physical and employee base expansion in Saint Paul. It will also rationalize an inappropriate land use pattern, providing additional space for labor intens�ve clean industrial activity and will assist efforts to meet additional parking requirements that are inhibiting commercial development improvements in the surrounding business area. The primary purpose to amend this Plan is to eliminate and/or improve those existing conditions which serve to impair the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul, and which also serve to � inflict an economic blight upon existing private investment in the area through public intervention so that private enterprise will achieve the means and encouragement to provide both housing and commercial redevelopment. The Energy Park Development District adopted May 26, 1981 is requested to be amended to include the area known as the Twin City Testing Development District, legally de,scribed as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of Raymond Avenue and University Avenue; thence Southerly along the centerline of Raymond Avenue to the Easterly extension of the South line of Lot 6, Block 18, Baker's addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. , Minn; thence Westerly, along said extension and south line of said Lot to the Northwest corner of Lot 7, said Block 18; thence Southerly to the Southwest corner of said Lot 7; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Lot 18, said Block 18 to the Southwest corner of said Block 18; thence Southerly along the West line of said Block 18 to the Southwest • aorner of said Block; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said . . Block 1$ to its intersection with the Northerly extension of the East . � line of Geo. H. Watson's Re-Arrangement in Ford Place and in Blocks 91 and 20 Baker's Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota; • thence Southerly along � said extension and East line to its intersection with the Northeasterly right-of-way line of I-94; thence Northwesterly along said Northeasterly right-of-way line of I-94 .to its intersection with the extended centerline of Cromwell Avenue; thence Northerly along said extension and the centerline of Cromwell Avenue, to its intersection with the centerline of University Avenue; thence Southeasterly along said centerline of University Avenue to the point of beginning, and there terminating. � � � C���aa�' The Pro�ect area shall consist of approximately 9 blocks, bounded generally on E�.a EsB� by R�ye�end Avenue and the Western boundary of the Waldorf Paper . Company property; on the Soluth by I-94 right-of�way; on the West by the T.H. 280 right-of-way; and on the North by University Avenue; as legally described above and incorporated in this plan amendment. The legal descriptions along with adjacent and ab�tting streets� alleys and sidewalks shall constitute the Project Area. Copies of the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan for Twin City Testing Development Area and a Tax Increment Financing District together with a Amendment to Energy Park Development District and related documents including Exterior Building Condition Surveys are on file in the office of the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, and in the o'ffice of the Department of Planning and Economic Development, City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, lOth Floor, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and are available during regular business hours. That upon said Public Hearing the Council shall consider the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan for Z�in City Testing Development Area and Tax Increment Financing District and an Amendment to Energy Park Development District and the redevelopment and community development activities in said proposed plan and determine whether (1) the land in the Project area would be made available for redevelopment without the undertaking of the Project and provision of public financial assistance being considered, (2) the Development Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for redevelopment of the Development District area by private enterprise, (3) the Plan conforms to the general plan for the development of the locality as a whole, and (4) the Plan makes provision toward development of a viable community in Saint Paul, including exganded and industrial/commercial revitalization and expanding economic opportunities principally for persons of low and moderate income. That further upon said public hearing all interested persons will be given the � opportunity to be heard or to submit written comments and the City Council will consider, among other matters, (1) whether the Twin City Testing Development Area of the Tax Increment Financing District constitutes a development district within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes Section 273.73 Subdivision 10(a)(2) , (2) whether development of these sites of the . Redevelopment Area would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the forseeable future necessitating the use of tax increment financing, (3) whether the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan and the Project and District thereby proposed will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole for the development of the Pro�ects by private enterprise, and (5) whether the Development District should be amended and the Tax Increment . Financing Plan should be adopted. . Dated December 9, 1988 ' ALBERT OLSON CITY CLERK � WMITE - CiTV .CLERK CO110C1I G �//� P�NK - C�N4NCE GITY OF SAIti'T PAUL /� '/� BLUEpY - M1VpORTMENT , F11C NO• V V�OO� c�ty attny/JTx COUncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION ADDING TWIN CITY TESTING DEVELOPMENT AREA TO ENERGY PARK DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR SAID AREA, AND CREATING A TAX INCRErNIENT FINANCING DISTRICT AND APPROVING A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE TWIN CITY TESTING TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS , a) The staff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) at the direction of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota by its Resolution No . 88-10/5-2 adopted October 5 , 1988 undertook a . redevelopment study and analysis of a nine block area bounded generally on the east by Raymond Avenue and the Western boundary of the Waldorf Paper Company property, on the south by Interstate I-94 right of way; on the west by Trunk Highway 280 right of way , � . and on the north by University Avenue; hereafter referred to as the Project Area; and b) PED staff has determined that Twin City Testing Corporation presently located in the southwesterly most two blocks of the Project Area presently employs • 315 people in 86 ,000 square feet of improvements at this location and projects workforce and workspace expansion requirements to 700 people in 175 , 000 square feet of space over the next five years , that COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i.ong In Favor GosM�tz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted b�• Council: Date Cenified Passed by Council Secretary By ,� � ��_�� -�� . Bi Appro�ed by Mavor: Date _ i Appro ed by Mayor for Submission to Council �.. � ����oeP' -2- these requirements cannot be met at the present location and that the Corporation will acquire a suburban location with adequate expansion space unless it obtains public assistance to permit acquisition of additional property adjacent to their present location; and c) PED staff has further determined that the property adjacent to the present 'I�ain City Testing location is largely built up (85% improved) with mixed residential , business , parking and industrial usage on land zoned I-1-i.ntensive industrial use, that 48% contained buildings ar improvements containing substantial and major deterioration, 34 percent had moderate deterioration, and the remaining 18 percent had minor deterioration or were in good condition, and that the cost of acquisition and clearance, relocation of displaced persons and businesses , provision of site improvements and parking at this location and of financing, estimated in total at $4,465 ,000, far exceeded the cost of izr�improved land with street access and utility service; and d) PED staff finally determined that the Port Authority was willing to undertake a project to provide expan- sion space for 'Itain City Testing, provision of new parking facilities to serve this expansion and to alleviate the parking shortage in the Raymond/ University area, and to provide the means of providing new affordable housing to persons dis- placed by the project undertaking; and that a �roject could be financed by pooling tax increments from the Energy Park Development District (Develop- ment District Number 3) and creation of a tax increment financing district in the project Area; and e) A 'Itain City Testing Development Area Amendment to The Energy Park Development District (Development District Number 3) and Development Program and Tax ' • ��r�oo� -3- Increment Financing Plan for the Project Area were prepared and submitted to the Sain� Paul Planning Commission which by its Resolution No . 88-80 adopted November 4 , 1988 determined this district amendment and plan were consistent with the Compre- hensive Plan of the City of Saint Paul . f) Said Amendment, Redevelopment Program and Tax Incre- ment Financing Plan were presented to the HRA Board and by its Resolution No. 88-11/16-3 adopted November 16, 1988 , made certain findings and recommendations , directed submission of the Tax Increment Finaneing Flan to the Ramsey County Board and the Board of Independent School District __ No. 625 for review and comment in accordance with Minn. Stat. Section 469. 175 Subd. 2 which submission was made on November 18, 1988; and g) A public hearing �aas held on December 20, 1988 , on the proposal to add the Project Area to the Energy Park Development District and upon the Development Project And Tax Increment Financing Plan for the amended Development District area creating a tax increment financing district of three blocks bounded generally on the east by Pelham Boulevard, on the south by Interstate I-94 right of way, on the west by Trunk Highway 280 right of way and on the north by Franklin Avenue; and h) At said public hearing the City Council has considered documentary eviden.ce including the said Amendment , Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan together �aith (i) HR.A Resolutions Numbers 88-10/5-2 , 88-11/16-3 and staff reports dated September 30 and November 9 , 1988 , (ii) Planning Commission Resolution No. 88-80 and attached Memorandum dated October 26 , 1988 , and (iii) the Building Conditions Evaluations Summary dated October 20 , 1988 and Exterior Building Conditions Evaluation Forms for each improved property in the proposed tax increment financing district and oral testimony presented. � � � � C��-�oo� -4- NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows : l. On the basis of information adduced at the public hearing and otherwise within the knowledge of the City Council , it is hereby found and determined as follows : a) That the proposed Development Program will improve the 1�ain City Testing Development Area pro- viding an impetus for commercial and industrial development, increased employment, an expanded tax base, removal of conditions of substandardne�s and deterioration and removal of inappropriate land uses , and an opportunity to construct parking facilities essential to proper development of the Area and surrounding commercial-industrial complex; b) That the Development Area and proposed Tax Increment Financing District proposals are consistent with the Land Use Plan, Economic Development Strategy, District 12 Plan and other relevant components and provisions of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Saint Paul which is the general plan for the develop- ment or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole; c) That 85% of the parcel in the Tax Increment Financing District are occupied by buildings , streets , utilities or other improvements and 48% of the buildings are structurally substandard as containing major deterioration in two or more principal components and widespread moderate or minor deterioration to the remainder of building components and an additional 34% contain widespread deterioration to principal building components to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance in order to remove such con- ditions , and that consequently the District con- stitutes a redevelopment district within the defin- ition contained in Minn. Stat. Section 469 . 174. Subd 10(a) (2) ; � � ` , ��-�?oo� -5- d) That the proposed development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Financing District, given the high co�t of acquisition and clearance of built up property, expense of relocation of displaced persons and businesses , cost of providing site improvements and parking facilities , all as identified in the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan, in the opinion of the City Council would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foresee- able future and therefore the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary to the successful imple- mentation of said Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan; e) That the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan provision for public-private partnership and private redevelopment of the District area, will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the city as a whole, for development or rede- velopment of the project by private enterprise; 2. The Twiri City Testing Development Area Amendment to the Energy Park Development District (Development District Number 3) and the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan For �ain City Testing Development Ar.ea and �ain City Testing Tax Increment Financing District Plan (�ain City Testing District) and the Development District and Tax Increment Financing District thereby created are each hereby approved and the PED staff is author- ized to file two copies of the Tax Increment Financing Plan with the Commissioner of the Department of Trade and Economic Development of the State of Minnesota. 3 . The PED staff is hereby authorized to file copies of the Tax Increment Financing Plan and this Resolution with the Ramsey County Department of Taxation and Records Administration and Ramsey County Auditor with a request for certification of the original assessed valuation of the District. 4. The amendment of the �nergy Park Development District by incorporation of the �ain City Testing Development Area renders desireable the reconstitia.ting of the Advisory Board For Energy Park Development District created by P.esolution Council File No . 276868 wr+ITE - C�TY �LERK � • F,~K - F�N.N�E C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council C�N�i7v - OEPIRTMENT B�uE - w+�rOR �G . File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -6- adopted May 19, 1981 , which action shall be separately considered and acted upon by the City Council. Following review of the Development Program by the reconstituted Advisory Board and receipt of its advice on the planning, construction and implemen- tation of the Development Program herein approved, the City Council shall review the Development Program or proposed reodification thereof in light of such advice and recommendation for Program modification, if any, as may be made by the Advisory Board. If Program modifications are recommended which affect land use and Comprehensive Plan compliance, the report of the Planning Commission respecting the same shall be obtained prior to their consideration by the City Council . COUNCIL MEMBERS ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Sc6eibel A ga i n s t Y Sonnen K71son Form Approved by City Atto �ey Adopted by� Council: Date 1 ,� � Cert�fied Passed b}• Council Secretary BY � � 3� /� � � �'6'/� i �c�"� B',' -- � . Appro��ed by 1�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council -�3 G��00 a �SU~ '~`C`T• O• �1 , , CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; �����,,, ; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT `,►� __� ��o �o' DIVISION OF PLANNI'�G 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 �.a• 612-228-3270 GEORGE UTIMER � MAYOR RECEIVED November 4, �988 Nov o 9 �98a C►TY CLERK James Scheibel, President Saint Paul City Council City Hall and Courthouse Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Council President Scheibel: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 472A.03, regarding Municipal Development Districts, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed Twin City Testing Corporation Project Area amendment to the Energy Park Development District. Attached is the Planning Commission's resolution and Committee Report. Sincerely, ',���,����. Peggy A. Reichert, Planning and Economic Development Department Deputy Director for Planning. PAR:da cc: Gloria Bostrom Chuck Towle Steve Grochala �� �(S 01�1 � _ -_ � ���ao� city of saint paul P��9 commission reso�tion f�e number 88-80 �te November 4, 1988 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul has transmitted to the Planning Commission an amendment to the Energy Park Development District and Plan, as required under Minnesota Statutes 472A.03; and WHEREAS� adoption of this project will permit the expansion of the 1�,iin City Testing Corporation's headquarters in Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed development plan amendment for conformance with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Saint Paul and other planning considerations; and WHEREAS, Financial agreements to praceed with the project include provision of "replacement housing" units using Tax Increment District proceeds; BE IT NOW RESOLVED� that the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul finds the proposed �in City Testing Development Area Amendment to the Energy Park Development Plan and District to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Saint Paul; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission strongly supports redevelopment for the expansion of the T�in City Testing Corporation`s facilities; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that approval of this project by the Commission does not set precedent for the Planning Commission's approval of "replacement housing" policies or ordinances presently under consideration by the City Council, Mayor and Planning Commission or other appropriate bodies. mov�e�d by MC DONELL seconded by ��Y in ��or 1__5__ .nst � = Abstained 1 ��'-aor�� �,T, ,� CITY OF SAINT PAI,�I =�•' .�'>�. PLANNING COti1M1SS10� �. �-;. :e l �� ui�:niu .� '.� ��u IU A= ,., � )ames Christenson,Cha• '�:�, ���� 'S West fourth Street Samt Paul.Minnesota»':_ 612-228-3_- GEORGE V►TIMER MAYOR MEM�R.L�NDQI'� DATE: October 26, 1988 T0: Planning Commission FROM: Economic Development Committee SOBJECT: Twin City Testing Development Area amendment to the Energy Park Development District BACKGROUND AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Twin City Testing Services� Inc. has been a Saint Paul company for over 50 years. Recent mergers and expansions to regional operations in the Midwest have necessitated expansion at their headquarters laboratory and main offices here in Saint Paul. The firm is presently located on the southwesterly most two blocks of the development district area. The company is proposing to expand one block to the north between Cromwell and Pelham Blvd. , including a portion of Myrtle Street which would be vacated. They, with the assistance of the Saint Paul Port Authority would build additional laboratory, office and parkin? facilities for their employees. O,rer the next �ive year period, 1�ain City Testing Corporation projects an expansion from its current employment of 315 people to approximately 600 - 700 employees and from its current space of 86,000 square feet to a total space occupancy of 175,000 square feet. In addi�ion to meeting the expansion needs of Twin ''ity Testing, the Port Authority proposes to deal with two other issues in �he development area: Parking is a premium for businesses located in the Raymond / University Avenue commercial area. As part of the redevelopment activities associated with the pro�ect the Port proposes to examine options for increased parking facilities including ramps that would serve both the Twin City Testing parking needs and provide parking necessary to support appropriate redevelopment for commercial uses in the Raymond /University Avenue Commercial node. - C��-ado rERq� MAP I "� , �.,, o, � � � TWIN CI?Y TESTING DEVELOPMENT AREA g - AMMENDMENT TO THE ENERGY PARH DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT � O . " ,, AREA TO BE INCLUDED � ��,� � , �� - ;._ _- _-, Qv p o �° r ��i ,�' dpo 1 '•,7` Q � `.�� ' �' � ^ =�`\i:`., ? i •1 � 0� V D �RSiT � '� ,� I r------- ---- Y4 + � � '� --�------ ELUS � = . -� VF .� � i� 1 '�, --- � � , � ., _.-' ,__ n C Y � r . : � I ✓ . � �� -..'�' ~ p O ��•' -' � -� % ; , I . . Y _�y+ � ''�: r �y• Q O. Y !�-_ � I , �, / ,< � , � ; �_._ � j � _ . ' �', �r . � :+t� � o !-+—- �..�i. � `LL�11 r.c.� � � � � � �V I AV , `-�FRANKt11 • � __� - -+--- � � • . -�� �-- � •� .. � � O-- � - ' /"- h-- .j ; � • ` L � � --� �f--- : � .i � • •• ' : --� -- � � � � �' � � 3 � ' � � �I � ��` • � � � �1 �!�1 _ , � � o INITIAL PROJECT AREA ��-� � 1 . i -- � -- • T- ---- � � Q . � `. , ^t , `��' I �� �'�i / �'�'�'� Q ' , � ��i �� ; '_ �� �'� � — _�_�" ''_�_' �� � �� � . _.�. . . _- � � �`,i .• . � • "'_"' Q' �i��� • �.-i^�- •� ii1� ' '. 1� �s "'_"' ; . , V .. . • _ . � �EXISTING 'TWIN CITY -�--'�- - � • °' / � ` _. r TESTING PROPERTY � _ _ - - �•�- _' �i -. � o ��� �� \`� \ --- � � a . �. _ :; o � ;; , . � � � ;; � o �� -�;,��, :.; 0o e ° ° ` � N 0 0 = o � � .. � o° � ° a o 4 ° o ���� -,� `. ./������ � ���-�oo�' page two Z�in City Testing Review October 21, 1988 Removal of several apartment buildings and homes will be required to make way for the 'hrin City Testing expansion. In addition to the usual housing relocation benefits accruing to the residents displaced by the redevelopment activities, the Port has agreed to provide 10 "large -family" housing units as part of the project to replace housing units being removed due to the project. Inclusion in the Energy Park Development District: The development area is proposed as an amendment to the Energy Park Development district. As such, since the activities of industrial development, parking and housing development are already included in the Energy Park plan no additional pro�ect activities and ob�ectives are outlined. The Tax Increment District � Plan outlines more specifically the actual activities associated with the T�ain City Testing Project. Inclusion in the Energy Park District allows pooling of , Tax Increments from Energy park to pay the larger costs in early years of the district required in order to provide the replacement housing proposed as part of the pro�ect activities. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW: Minnesota Statutes 472A.03 states: "A municipality may, after consultation with its planning agency or planning department and after public hearings, notice of which shall have been published in the official newspaper of the municipality, . . . . .designate development districts within the boundaries of the municipality." COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: The T�ain City Testing Development Area amendment meets several policy objectives in the Comprehensive Plan, as noted in the following comments from Ylan elements: Land Use Plan: Policy (4.3-5) "The city will investigate zoning provisions and fiscal and non-fiscal incentives which can be used to encourage labor intensive industry to locate in Saint Paul." The land use map for the Plan designates this area for labor intensive industry. While there are a number of residential units in the development area, the area has been zoned I-1 since 1975 and was an industrial classification in the previous zoning code. Economic Development Strategy, P. 12: "Saint Paul shall continue to provide assistance towards industrial and co�ercial development. Saint Paul shall continue policies designed to aid local firms experiencing difficulties in e�cpanding." District 12 Plan, p. 24: "Objective: Support healthy business enterpriaes and acco�odate the expansion of desirable uses along University Avenue." ���-�oo� page three 1�in City Testing Review October 21, 1988 Other Objectives from the District T�elve Plan (page 27) also support the Twin City Testing Expansion: "Retain and attract clean industries "Investigate opportunities for development of vacant and underutilized land. "Provide for increased job opportunities. "Maintain a strong tax base." STAFF FINDINGS: The proposed amendment provides activities which will specifically meet a number of these comprehensive plan goals. The block proposed for lfain City Testing expansion is primarily vacant underused land. The expansion will permit Z�in City testing to expand its employment of professional scientists and engineers. Total employment at the Saint Paul site can be expected to grow from 225 employees today, to 600 in 1993 when the expansion activities will be completed. The implementation of development activities associated with this pro�ect will result in retention of a major employer of high quality, higher pay jobs, and its physical and employee base expansion in Saint Paul. It will also rationalize an inappropriate land use pattern, providing additional space for labor intensive clean industrial activity; and will assist efforts to meet additional parking requirements that are inhibiting co�ercial development improvements in the surrounding business area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission find that the Twin City Testing Development Area Amendment to the Energy Park Development District and Plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. COP4IITTEE RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission find that the Twin City Tes�ing Corporation Area Amendment to the Energy Park Development District and Plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; that the Commission strongly supports Tt�in City Testing Corporation's expansion in Saint Paul; and that approval of the project does not set precedent for the Commission's position on the issue of "replacement housing" due to its inclusion in this project's activities. A resolution is proposed for the Commission's consideration. _ - ---- - _ ��-aoo� TWIN CITY TESTING DEVELOPMENT AREA AMMENDMENT TO 'i'HE ENERGY PARK DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (De�elopment Diatrict Ndmber 3) SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA The Energy Park Development District adopted May 26, 1981, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul (Council File No. 276898) is hereby amended to include the area known as the Twin City Testing Development Area, by incorporation of the area described below as part of the Energy Park Development District. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA The project area shall consist of approximately 9 blocks, bounded gnerally on the east by Raymond Avenue and the Wcstern boundary of the Waldorf Paper Company property; on the south by I-94 right of way; on the west by the T.H. 280 right of way; and on the north by University Avenue; as idcntified on Map I, and legally described in Attachment A attached to and incorporatcd in this plan amendment. Thesc legal descriptions along with adjacent and abutting streets, alieys and sidewalks shall consiitute the Project Area. ATTACMENT A . TWIN CITY TESTING DEVELOPMENT AREA AMMENDI�NT TO THE ENERGY PARH DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (Development District Naober 3) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of Raymond Avenue and University Avenue; thence Southerly along the centerline of Raymond Avenne to the Easterly cxtension of thc South line of Lot 6, Block 18, Baker's addition to the City of St Paul Ramsey Co Minn; theace Westerly, along said extension and south line of said Lot to the Northwest corner of Lot 7, said Block 18; thence Southerly to the Sonthwest comer of said Lot 7; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Lot 18, said Blocic lE to tbe Sonthwest corncr of said Block 18; thencc Southcrly along the West line of said Block 18 to the Southwest corner of said Block; thence Eastcrly along the Sontherly line of said Bloek 18 to its intersection with the Northerly extension of the East line of Geo. H. Wibon'a Re-Arrangcment in Ford Place and in Blocks 19 and 20 Baker'a Addition to St Paul Minnesota; thcncc Sontherly along said extension and East line to its intersectioa writh the Northeasterly right-of-way line of I•94; thence Northw►�,nerly atoag:aid Nort6ea�erly right-of-wajr line of I-94 to its intersection with the eztended cxnterline of Crom�rcll Avenue; thence Northcrly along aaid extension and the centerliae of Cromwrell Avenue, to its intersection with the ctntcrline of University Avenne;thence Sonthe�sterly slong said centerline of University Avenne to the point of beginning, and there termiaating. 1 - ��oo� . C�i� �E,qq�' MAP I � ��00�'� r . �` .� TvVIN CITY TESTING DEVELOlMENT ASEA � �~ �' AMMENDMENT � � TO THE ENERGY PAItY DEVELOPII�NT DIST�ICT •� O � � r ` AREA 70 BE INCLUDED � � � d��, �� '.;�=- _ �-__ _- Q� c �, �.�:,-o�o ��,� • `� _ "',;' , ' - �� ol � '�P °0 , 1 0 'i lid,l��q � i :�� - � , c D �S � � _-__:_ ____.: �rr, � �. ., , et��s _ . _• �F J I � i i �; �l ---- � � � �� _--- �. p � y ' � � I ` • � � � ; r - -,�--- � � v i<�'` i I� �'• /i � � i '�'� � � � �' � Q v i r�,__ ` i � ' • .y_ � •,^ ,� Y � ' y i 1 i � 1 . ` ./� �� - , ; r :�. . ~ o +-J ..;_L ..�.. �' ` � � � / v> o � • AV . FRANKUI ., � o .'_�, =��-= I i i I ' 1 , -s-_ • • .. � o- - �,� ; ; I . � L :F__ � � ;i - i •� � ' < i : x � /' �1! I � �' I v - � � �t � ♦ � -- � � �, � i � .. 3 - _ ;��,�► .; ; �� � _ . . � ;� � ! o . . � o i " �I ( � � -�= � � o ( � � --- ' a . - � - --n -- ^ . T-•----i � ; i i/ o .�. � `. � t 1 �---� f r o , �-__,� �� � �� o --•-- --- _ ♦ � �- ------ , ' �j ��. --- � � ---- t �---=� - ----- " 'i � " • �::i : _�- � ; •� -- �s ------- � '� � � �---:- - ---- v � -.� -� �'1 + � - ♦ : � ------ <' ' JI �� _ •v � _ "' �� • ` ---� 1 �� ,�� • --- �v ��. --_� � // � ° i �� � =� �, ,�- � . - :� o :; o : - o , ;� � o o � '-�.,. •.: . , 00 o ° o ` i '-� � o o =• ' o a "t` � /��� ° a � l�\\. � � q� . Gc��aoo� LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS INCLUDED IN ABOVE: That part of Lot 7 lying Southerly of Block A� Geo. H. N+atson's Re-arrangement in Ford Placc and in Blocks 19 and 20 Baker's Addition to St. Paul Minnesots. FORD PLACE ST PAUL RAMSEY CO. I�QNN. Lots 1-6, Block 6; Lots 1-18, and vacated alley, Block 7; Lots 1-24, Btock 8; Lots 1-12, 18-24, Block 16; Lots 1-24, Block 17; and Lots 1-b, 18-24, Block 18; BAKER'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST PAUL RAMSEY CO MINN Blocks A and B, GEO. H. R+ATSON'S RE-ARRANGEMENT IN FORD PLACE AND IN BLOCKS 19 AND 20 BAKER'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL MINNESOTA Lot A, GEO. H. WATSON'S THIRD ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. Block A, FERGUSON'S ADDITION, ST. PAUL, MINN. Lots 29 and 30, AUDITORS SUBDIVISION NO 4 ST PAUL RAA�LTEY CO MINN Those parts of Pelham Blvd. and Glendale Street lying between University Avenue and I-94; thosc parts of Franklin Ave. and Myrtle Ave, lying between the centerliaes of Cromwell and Raymond Avenues; that part of Wabasb Avenue lying between Cromweil Avenue and the Northcrly extension of Gco. H. Watson's Re-Arrangement in Ford Placc and in Blocks 19 and 20 Baker's Addition to Si. Paul Minnesota; the East half of Cromwcll Avenue between University Avenuc and I-94; the West 6alf of Raymond Avenue between University and the Easterly extension of the North line of Lot 7, Block l8, Baker's Addition to the City of St Paul Ramsey Co Minn; that �rt of Highway 280/392 lying East of the eatended centerline of Cromwell Avenne, and North of I-94. 2