Kulkay RECEIVE� J�',N �� 2�14 NOTICE OF CLAIM I�'ORM to the City of t,5�t LR���innesota Mimirsnru Smre Stntu�e 466.05 states that " ...everv person...whn clni�ris dn�nc�ges from mtv municipa/ih�...shul/cn�ise to l�e preseiTtec/to the �n��ernrng hud��of dre mur�icipa/ity withr�t 1�40 duvs nfter d�e uNeged/oss or injtrry is cfiscovered a nn(ice statiitg the time,place,mul c•ircumstnnces thereo�,ancl die mnount q/�contpenscitlnn or other re/ieFdemnnc/ed." Plr:�se complete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printing your answer to each question. If more space is needed,attach additional sheets. Please note that you will not be contacted by telephone to clarify answers,so provide as much information as necessary to explain your claim,and the amount of cc►mpensation being requested. You will receive a written�cknowledgement once your form is received. The process can take up to ten weeks or longer depending on the nature of your daim. This form must be signed,and both pages completed. If something does not apply,write`N/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 1� «'EST KELLOGG BLVD, 310 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 F'irst Name �7�.��/ Middle Initial �-� Last Name _ Cc�m�an� c�r F3usiness Name (v ( � :1re Yrni an In,urance Co►npany? Yes,� If Yes, Claim Number? Street Address ��(�� f'H ,�1�2� `�-' �/�1��-�n c� - Cit� !2� N c��� State�Y�!� Zip Code S�'/ � AF+�24�t� Da�time I'hc>ne (�)�- •�ell Phone (�1�3)��-�5�3 Evening Telephone ( �3>as� q s5,3 Dat< <�f.��cicient/ Injury or Date Diseovered �S'��C r�D (,3 Time UJ� am pm Please state, in detail, what occurred (happened), and why you are submitting a claim. Please indicate why or how you feel the City of Saint Paul or its employees are involved and/or responsib e for your damages. Please check the box(es) that most closely represent the reason for completing this form: ❑ My vehicle was damaged in an accident ❑ My vehicle was damaged during a tow ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a pothole or condition of the street ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a plow J�'My vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed ❑ I was injured on City property I C'i Other type of property damage—please specify_ � ❑ Other type of injury—please specify In order to process your claim you need to inelude copies of all annlicable documents. For the claims types listed below, please be sure to include the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of your claim. Documents WILL NOT be returned and become the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for yourself before submitting your claim form. O Property damage claims to a vehicle: two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds $500.00; or the actual bills and/or receipts for the rep�irs • Towing claims: legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt O Other property damage claims: two repair estimates if the damage exceeds $500.00; or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs; detailed list of damaged items O Injury claims: medical bills, receipts O Photographs are always welcome to document and support your claim but will not be returned. Page 1 of 2—Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form Failure to complete and return both pages will result in delay in the handling of'your claim. All Claims–please comnlete this section Were there witnesses to the incident'? Yes No kn n lcircle) Provide their names, addresses and telephone numbers: Were the police or law enforcement called? Yes : 'o Unknown (circle) If yes, what department or agency? Case #or report# Where did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street, intersection, name of park or facility, closest landmark, etc. Please be as detailed as possible. If necessary, attach a diagram. Please indicate the amount you are seeking in compensation or what you would lik the City to do to resolve this claim to your satisfaction. i T w�� 02( . D 1- � $ � tl Vehicle Claims–please complete this section check box if this section does not a 1 Your Vehicle: Year � _� Make �t � Model � �f� License Plate Number State Color Registered Owner Driver of Vehicle Area Damaged - City Vehicle: Year Make Model License Plate Number State Color Driver of Vehicle (City Employee's Name) Area Damaged Injurv Claims–please complete this section �,�heck box if this section does not apply How were you injured`? What part(s)of your body were injured? Have you sought medical treatment? Yes No Plannin� to Seek Treatment (circle) When did you receive treatment? (provide date(s)) Name of Medical Provider(s): Address Telephone Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you miss work? (provide date(s)) Name of your Fmployer: _ __ _ __.—__—_ Address Telephone �heck here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. Number of additional pagE��. By signing this form,you are stating tltat all informatioi:you liave provided is true aitd eorrect to t/:e best of your knowledge. Unsigi:ed forms will not be proeessed. Submitting a false claim can result in prosecutio�:. Date form was completed �� Print the Name of the Person who Completed this Form: 1 1 �� F...��� 1 Signature of Person Making the Claim: Revised February 201 1 '�1an hulka�� l-102 �`h Street South Princeton, MN 55371 ��'ork # 651 649-5299 Home# 763 257-9553 RE: reimbursement for towing ticket in the amount of$ $219.50: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Response to; what occurred (happened), and why you are submitting a claim: Occurred: I (mv son Tucker Miller) received a Citation# 620900204413 on 18 December(c� 0510 citing the offense as snow emergency under ordinance 161.13. As the vehicle was titled in my name it was necessary for me to come to the St. Paul impound lot and pav the fine of$219.50. Why am I filling a claim: My son rents a house located on Acker Street with 3 roommates, all 4 renters are subscribed to the City of St. Paul web site for text messa�e notification for snow emer�encies, 3 of the 4 roommates have different cell phoneproviders, a114 tenants in that house were towed that mornin�yet not one of the renters received any text message notification from the Citv of St. Paul. Under St. Paul Q & A this is the definition; Q: What is a Snow Emergency? A: A Snow Emergency is a declaration the city uses after snowfalls of usually 3" or after an accumulation of snowfalls of 3" or more.... My c�uestion does that mean the average person is required to measure the snow to see if the accumulations has reached the "accumulation measurements" or need to take into consideration that the weather conditions are favorable for slush clean up before it freezes? 1 From the Weather History for St. Paul, MN December 15, 2013 No snow December 16, 2013 Li ht snow December 17, 2013 No snow December 18, 2013 No snow *Towed OS 10 December 19, 2013 Li ht snow *no tickets no tow ms December 19, 2013 * (snow started 8:48 PM) I saw the messages and news articles that came out hours before any light snow fell. I received a text message (about 9:00 am) telling me it was not a snow emergency but a request to move vehicles, no tow, no tickets would be issued, and in the paper/website "No snow emergency, but St. Paul asking residents to move cars. I also saw a website that stated "No ticket No tow for St. Paul residents" The conditions on December 18t" did not qualify for a snow emergency it was an"opportunity" due to weather conditions being warmer,just like December 19th and that is why the request to move the vehicles stated that if the residence did not comply; that there would be no towing or ticking. I don't believe text notifications were sent out, this being based on the 100 people I saw in the line and overhearing the conversations of"what notification" I mean these are native St. Paul residence bailing their vehicles out, not naive young men from Princeton MN. If there was a 3" snow fall they would have complied with the snow emergency laws. I don't like to base any evidence on hearsay, so I contacted my cell phone carrier and then pulled my records regarding all the text messages my son had (of course I only saw my number) and when I inquired further and provided the cell carrier the text message number that showed up on my phone, I was told because it is a state alert these alerts are not allowed to be charged to cell phone users there would be no record. I called the City of St. Paul and they could not provide me with any evidence that the text message went out. I only have the proof of 4 vehicles being towed from the same house, with different cell phone providers and they were all home at the time. Something failed in this process. Thank you for your consideration in my request. Mary Kulkay 2 Z � ` ` ti � � � � � � � r � � ` ` ` � ` L � � ST PRUL 111POUIID L U! 83�1 BAkGE CHAF�r1E( k!� ��1NT PAUL MN. 5^iE���i45N ' 651 266-5G�2 . � , .��,.'41�194 _, -ii..,,..,iE�063oltia�:;� Sale zzzzzzzazz-�_''`; UISR � :r , M.!.; �..�pd Rmount. � �i�.�ti� iaz. + t� -�F1 '�-.: $ �:ly.�;i »,,:�,�� 16;53;�� ': �� �'9�3 Rapr Coae; 065327 '-�����.�. Gnlioe � ��; ,. 12/18/2013 RED 16:42 FAX �001 : �*������st*�*�������� � ��� T% REPORT ��� � ��s*�s���ss��*���a��* TRANSMISSION OR T%/R% NO 0093 CONNECTION TEL 96516036897 SUB-ADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 12/18 16:42 USAGE T 00'17 PGS. 1 RESULT OK �; —---- � 18 December 2013 . ,� To whom it may concern: >: , I give my son Tucker Miller who resides at 114 East Acker Street, St. Paul MN � 55 i i 7 permission to remove from your towing facility my vehicle. Mary Kulkay 1402 5�' Street South, Princeton, N1N 55371 � Minnesota Driver's License# Q217127184110 -.,-�.- .. . . .. a � . -� : - M[�N�:N ES:OT� � ' '�:� .:i.;,M . +�'�'�f A ' ' y .S� - .i i ; ,PRl�`T S p� � "�,�'",t�'o ; � 1 i D�r�.ot wtih " a� � t . tB�K.. EyM '3 .. iW10ht •W Ipllt -�,��� { • � s-4 tss - . i , tSsuen OT-�012 YA46 ± arr��irfiaa�io �� � . �, � ---_ �.__._----------. _..__.____.._.____._.._.__:__T_% � :; 1?J30/13 Results f . .� .� � � � �. �,.� �� � �..e� ,�'� �, � ,�� �� � �� �'.��,�. '�3.��k..��a���°" � ���� ��'�� �,���A���'; . � �, • �}"5�� j `%paza'-3°> • Pay Fines Online Sea rch Resu Its <--- Go Back to Search PaQe The following violation(s) was/were found. . There is a convenience fee for using this service that is added to the amount you pay today. The amount of the fee is $1.50. Result: 1 � Citation number: � � 620900204413 � _____�� � Defendant Name: MARY LORRAINE KU LKAY Issued on: —� 12/18/2013 5:10:00 AM Location: � AF 111 ACKER � I�._ �� Main offense: SNOW EMERGENCY PKG .� _a�_ - _ -_____.a..._ — =---__ License plate number: 235BPX _____.�_.._m�___..__.__.__.__��,�_����..��.__..�._�.��__.�.� Total amount due: � l __..________��. ________._____�______�_� $56_.___.�.._.�______.____._._� �otal amount due date : 1/25/2014 � Pay fine: �ay mis F�ne� � If you have questions regarding these results, contact the Violations Bureau in person or by phone at (651) 266-9202. 2ndwebpay.courts.state.rm.us/webpa�/Inq uiry/Results/ �� f _ _ _ �...:. .�.__._.� � � CITATION _ State of Minnesota Ramsey Dis6lct CouR City of �`�!`-,+� ��L--. �. Citation# (IIIIII IIIiI IIIII(�I���I�II��II��I)IIIII I�II IIIII�I)�I�II ? 620900204413 s2osoo2o44�3 , � DL Number ❑MN ❑CDL .. _ � Name O '�i Fust I�ddle L'asl � Address—Str�et,Apt# � i � �ity State Zip � � � DOB(mm/dd/yyyy) Eyes Height Weight Sex Race Effinialy , i � Vehicle License No. PI Year Sta �ke T Nbdel Color • , ,�,.���� ��+,� Q��:.1.5 j � Offense , Ti e e� ❑AcddentlCrash � ��` I� ,��.'.� ❑Praperty ❑Nytuy ❑Fa�l ❑Pedestriar� � Parking M er Number Neighborhood Code ❑HousinglBuildng Code N ' 0 � ❑Booked � P Operate ❑Owner ❑Passenger ❑Driver � � `` . � Offense Loca' n �� ���� � � ; �� � _ � o � : ,' '� No 1 Offense���� �������'�! �� �r..� 'A �, _ � No 2 Offense ��"a"`� � !` ,� (,� �.. No 3 Offense ��"'�0n�"a"� � � ❑Speed 169.14(subd ): mph zone : � ❑No Seat Beft Use 169.686.1(a) ❑No Proof of Insurance 169.791(2) :, ,qC Taken-AC: Test type: ❑ Refused ❑ Breath ❑ Blood ❑ Urine � ` - __..._ � -- I _:_ -; : ❑Hazardof]s Material(D0� ❑Unsafe Conditions ❑School Zone - - � ❑Endangering Life& Property ❑Work Zone ❑Commercial Veh. DOT# _ � Identification: ❑DL ❑DVS Web ❑Photo ID ❑Other - � See back of citation for information on paying your fine. {� If cited for No Proof of Insurance or No Drivers License in Possession, Proof of Insurance andlor } � Dnvers License must be shown at one of the�olaUons Bureau locations listed on the back of this � citation within 21 days from the date the citation is filed with ihe Court. � il Please read the back of this citation carefully and respond. � t. - �, ,_ - - ... . . . - .. .. . � Y . .�.. ... . . .... . . . .�.'. � , (. Officer(s)Name(s) � Otficer No(s). _ f ; :'CN# � � �.� C���p���� , � How lssued ❑InAerson ' [7Mailed at Scene . � i . .:_. , _ . ;, a � : , � DEFENDANT , ] : � � 12/19/13 Cityof St.Paul �AINTPA � �`!�� €�-��,�t I������ ����t��� �� � � � � ���� _.. ..__. ..., , ��.., .. ... _..__.::.____.,.�,� ��:�F...���;,�<� .. ..�;,� Welcome 763 234 5263 Already Subscribed 763 234 5263 is aheady subscnbed to Snow Emergency Alert for City of St. Paul. Subscnber Preferences ' Finish i . Gose . Your contact mfomration is used to deliver requested updates or to access your subscnber preferences. Privacy Polic� - He . � �y1�� �� � �,��` �'�,y rc�j � �} .,: ;..� C �""` 1 Q K s '��"�-°r �` � �?,9y(1.s.- ' Y � � � / �- �i�:_ ��� �� � . , �.� /���� �r, � � �, httpsJ/public.ga�delioery.corr✓accounts/STPAU Usubscri ber/q ualify 1!1 1/3/14 Cityof St.Paul,MN-Official Website-SnovvEmergencyFAQs �A I N T PAI� L : � �-�,� ��,����s����� �������� �s� � �� � � :�� _ : � • _' A � � R:.�.., � .: . ��� . . ' ..�. ... .� '"° 'Search You are here:Hon�e>Governrrent>Public Works>Street N�intenance>Snow Row ina>Snow-Related FAQs> Snow Emergency FA� Snow Emergency FAQs Srww Shove(v�g FAOs �'..' � -€;'r`: � 3- '"'��•_� . _.„„w., r�ow operetbn Faos 'Select Language �:; Ticket&Tow FAfls WwereU oy C.�.?��tc Trenslaie Snow Emergency �AQs Roperty Dartsge FAQs Niscelaneous FAQs Q: What is a Snow Emergency? A: A Snow Emergency is a declaration the city uses after snowfalls of usually 3"or after an accumulation of snowFalls of 3"or more. Once the declaration has been made,a set of citywide parking rules goes into afrect. These niles allow Public Worlcs ���� _ ,^��,�.� N�k crews to effectioely and eficiently plow,allowing us to plow tull�vidth while still allowing on-street parking. = o;z,����y" '� For details on Snow Emergencies visit w�vw.stpaul.govlsnow and leam about the parking regulations. � � � Q: Why must the city call a snow emergencyl �����°�Y ���3°� � A: It allows us to coordinate on-street parking and plowing. Like other major urban cities on-street parking is in great demand. ������# '°`- Many residents do not ha�,e off-street parking available to them and thereTore park in the street. If cars are not mo�,ed the streets become impassabie for snow plows. This further creates problems for emergency�ehicles and residents alike. Since banning parking on streets during the winter months,like most suburban communities do,is not an option.Snow emergencies are the most etfecti�,e way to clear streets. Q:How does the city announce that a snow emergency has been declared? A:When a snow emergency is declared,the city immediately: •Contacts local teletision and radio stations with an announcement •Contacts the local newspapers with an announcement •Begins broadcasting a Snow Emergency message on the city's cable TV Channel 18. •Posts a newsflash on the city's web page�nnouncing the declaration with links to infortnation about snow emergencies. •Updates the message on the city's plowing"hot line"(651)266-PLOW(7569). Q:Is there someone who I can call to flnd out if a snow emergency has been declared? I A:You can catl one of the foliowing two num'bers to find out: •(651)266-PLOW(7569)this is the snow pbwing"hot line°which proHdes a recorded message on the status of snow emergencies. • (651)266-9700. This is the Street&Bridge Maintenance 24hour phone number. Q:What"social media"outlets are available to let me know that a snow eme�gency has been declared? A:Se�eral social media methods are updated with snow emergency information. i •The city's Facebook page: The City of Saint Paul •The city's Twitter account: www.twitter.cam/ci#yofsaintpaul •The Pubiic Works Twitter account:www,twitter.comistpaulpublicw Q:Can I recetve a text or email when a snow emergency has been declared4 A: Yes! Sign up for SnowAlert to recei�e a text message or email when we deciare.Visit www.stpaul.gov/snowalert to get signed up. Q:What time does the snow emergency atart? A: Snow emergencies always begin at 9:00 p.m.on the day it is declared. The next day plowing begins at 8:00 a.m. The 9:00 p.m.start gi�es the media and other notification systems time to notify residents aliowing them time to mo�,e their�ehicle. Q:How long does a Snow Emergency last� A: A snow emergency lasts 96 hours(Tour days). Streets are generaily plowed within the first 20 hours of a declared emergency but the city's parking bans stay in affect for 96 hours to gi�e Public Works a chance to go back to streets where�ehicles were not mo�ed and tow trucks had not yet arti�ed. You may NOT park on any streeUblock that has not been plowed tull width during this time period. Q: How much does the city budget for snow emergencies? A: Generally speaking,the city budgets for an aeerage of four snow emergencies per year at an approximate cost of$550,000 per snow emergency. The budget is established for normal/arerage snow seasons. Q: I used to get a phone call telling me there was a snow emergency,why don't we get called? A: A decision was made to discontinue its use because it did not dramatically reduce the number of tickets and tows issued. Since discontinuing the phone call Public Works has brought oMine social media and SnowAlert(the email/text notifications system)that are much less expensi�,e means of communicating. 4:. I signed to receive a texUemail for snow emergencies previously;why don't I get those anymore? A: That service is a subscription service.If any changes haee occumed to your phone service,problems may arise.The most likely explanation inwlees a change in telephone carriers without a corresponding update provided to SnowAlert. Similarly,email notices may be blocked owing to a user's security settings. Be sure to occasionally check your subscription infortnation.Visit www.stpaui.gov and click on"E-Subscription"on the right side of the homepage to manage your account. Q:Is there aomeone I can talk to find out what the parking rules are for my sheet? A: Yes,please contact the city's Street and Bridge Maintenance DiHSion at(651)26Cr9700. We urge residents to find out where Tn n�r4 hefnro�nv enn��i ctorYc follinn Thie��rill heln vrn�i�nriom}�nil 4he mine fidhi onrl heln rocirion}c m�4e rloricinne nnro}ho www.stpaul.g�rxkxasp�C?N ID=4258 1/2 1�3/14 � WeatF�er Historyfor St Paul,MN�Weather Underground Weather History for St. Paul, MN Sunday,December 15,2013 S�.ar�slay.L���r,e��,r_E,>r i5,2�1;'v «PreHOUS Day December �� '15� �2013� �View, Ne�Day» , � ' Daily Weekly ' Nbnthly ', Custom __ _ _ _. __ _ _ Actual Average Record Tenperature Mean Terrperature 2°F - Max Terrperature 3°F 28°F 46°F(1997) WSn Temperature 0°F 13°F -8°F(2008} Jegree G�ys Heating Degree Days gq h bis ture Dew Wint -10°F Averege Hurridity 60 Ivgxirrum Hurridity 69 Mnirtum Hurtidity 52 Recipi?afion Recipitation 6.00 in - -() Sea Level Ressure Sea Level Ressure 30.19 in Win�J Wind Speed 11 rrph(M!W) Max Wind Speed 15 mph N�x Gust Speed - Visibility �^,,,,,30�tri1 EY8f115 - .r ��'� _... Z. ..'.�7 Ave�ages and records for this station are not officiai NWS values. Ciick here for daia from the nearest station with official NWS data(KMSP). T=Trace of Recipitatan,MM=�vissing Value Source:NWS Daily Surm�ry _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ . __ L Seasonal WeatherA�erages � www.wunderground.carJhistory/airport/KSTP/2013✓1?!15/DailyHistory.html?req cit�NA&req state=NABreq statename=NA 1/3 1(3✓14 ; Weather Historyfor St Paul,MN�Weather Undergramd F TemF�er�b.�re D��+�Pcirrt Average HighJLow � 30 __ , _ . -1 20 - � _, _ ___ . . ,_ _ _ _ -7 _ _ _. 10 _ _ _ .12 p _ _ �..-� _ . '_. -18 _�p - '�-----.�_ ' �.�..._,.��:� -23 .20 _29 midnigMl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 �H9 hPa � E�tOtritfYi�'PYF's'sU�B I 30.3 __ __ _,_ __ 1026 I '..`___-�-.,,�,�-:_ -_-�__,__,._;-_,..._.------'-- 1023 30 2 ; ,.r , ' -- �-.�--,`_- 30.1 1019 � midnightl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mph y��nd S'�?eFci ULind Gust kmlh 23.0 , '. _ __ 37 18.0 _ - 29 13.0 "--_ -,,_���r^-,,.._„_�---�.._� , _ 21 8.0 _ `�,.,� ,__ __.. 13 . s"`---�-�",. _=.""`�`,,, -- 5 m�dnight1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 naon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11;1rid Dn(ileg) 360 A • . . . � � . • . . . . F 270 A ,':;f-' , � _� , � . . 180.0 r_ ° •, _ . 90.4 = i >__ ' � :_ _ _ ,__ OA ' " _ midnigM1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1�,,,,�, CErtify This RBport �?' ��?c�a�r������������a��i�tcar�r��3��.�g��r��ir��� _._ ., .. _. . _ _... __.- __ _ _ .__- ___ __ �_ _ _ . �. _. _ �� __. - �_._._ .. _ __._. Time(CST) Temp. , �ndchitl ', Dsw Point Humidity Pressure Visibility �nd Dir wnd Speed Gust Speed , Precip , Events Conditions , ' 12:53A. _� _ __a _ _ _� __. __ _ __ _ _ M -0.0°F -19.4°F ' -8.0"F 69/o ' 30.15 in 10.0 rri MN 15.0 rryh ' - ' WA ��Y�°�dy -t8.7°F ! -8.0°F 69% 30.15 in 10.0 rri NW 13.8 rrph - N+A , ��� ! 1:53AM -0.0°F , 2:53 AM -0.0°F ' -17.1°F ' -8.0°F ', 69% ' 30.17 in 10.0 rri NW 11.5 rrph - ' WA ' Overcast ' 3:53 AM -0.0°F -17.1°F -8A'F 69% ' 30.18 in 10.0 mi MN 11.5 rtph - WA Overcast , ' 4:53 AM -0.0°F . -17.1°F -8.0°F 69% 30.1$in. 10.0 mi . NNW 11.5 rtph - WA Overcast 5:53 AM •0.0°F -18.0°F _S.0°F 69°/a 30.17 in 10.0 mi NVJ , 12.7 rrph - WA Overcast 6:53 AM -0.0°F 16.3°F _SA°F 69% , 30.18 in 10.0 m MN 10.4 rrph ' - WA Overcast 7:53 AM -0.0°F -79.4°F . _8.0°F 69% ' 30.19 in 10.0 rtr NW 15.0 rrph - WA Overcast _ Nbstly ! 8:53 AM 1.0'F -15.8°F -8.0°F 66% 30.19 in 10.0 rti NNW 11.5 rrph - WA ', qoudy , ! 9:53 AM -0.0°F . -18.7°F .9.0°F 66% 3032 in 10.8 mi NW . 13.8 rtph - WA Overcask 10:53 AM -0.0°F -17.1°F -11.9°P 57% 30.22 in 10.0 rri PtlYW 11.5 rtph -. WA Overcask 11:53 AM 1.U'P -12.9'F _ _11.0°F 57% 30.21 in 10A mi _I�J�N 8.1 nph - WA qear ' 12:53 PM 1.9°F -7.6"p - �11.0°F 55% 30.19 in 10.0 rri NVY 4.6 mph - _ WA_ pear ' ' 1:53 PM 3.0°F �6.4"F _11.0�F 52"� 30.18 in 10.0 mi NPNV 4.6 mph __ WA_ Clear 2:53 PM 3.9°p -3A<F _ -9A'F 55% 30.17 in 10.0 mi _NW , 3.5 rrph_ - M1BA _ qear www,wurxierground.corr�history/airport/KSTPJ2013/1?J15/DailyHistory.html?req cit�NA$req state=NAB�req statename=NA � 1(3/14 Weather Historyfor St Paul,MN�WeaUier Underground 3:53 PM 3.0°F -9.3°F ', -11.0°F ' 52% ! 30.18 in i 10.0 rci North ' 6.9 rrph - ! WA , !; Partly qaudy ; 4:53 PM 1.9'F •9.2°F ', -11.0°F I 55% ': 30.19 in ' 1Q.0 mi North ', 5.8 mph - I WA ', Gear ', ' S:53 PM 1.9`F -10.6°F ' .11.0°F 55% ' 30.20 in ' 10.0 mi ' North ! 6.9 rrph - ' WA ' ' M°stly ' ' ' ', ' r Cbudy ' 6:53 PM 1.9°F -5.6°F -11.0°F I 55% ', 30.20 in ' 10.0 rri ' North 3.5 mph - ': WA �s� Cbudy ` 7:53 PM 1.9°F -�.B°F ' -11.9°F ' 52°h ' 30.20 in 10.0 mi + Nf� ', 4.6 rrph - + WA Overcast ' 8:53 PM 1.9°F -9.2°F ', -71.0°F ', 55°Jo 30.21 in ' 10.0 mi ' tJorth ', 5.8 rrph - ' WA Overcast , '. 9:53 PNi 1.0°F -11.7`F ' •11.9°F : 55°/n ' 30.22 in ' 10.0 rri ' NE ', 6.9 rrph - ' pyq NbStly , Cloudy 10:53 PM -0.0°F -7.9°F ' -13.0°F !, 54% ', 30.22 in P 10.0 mi East 3.5 mph - WA Overcast i 11:53 f'M ' -0.0°F ' -11.6`F : -11.9°F ', 57% ', 3Q.2D in : 10.0 mi t East ', 5.8�h - WA ! Overcast ��,.,��a�.k .-m ...a..�.._._. .___..�... ____..� _... .�.�.._� �.......__......_,...,�.�._.« .n....r.,,..-�,.. s____ R.m...,.�. �`- ___.-':,.�� .__...._...........,_.....,��!.......�....,. n.�m.�.....�..�_�.._.__ .. .............��.... . ..,r,�-�. 5how fuil tv�TARS�NETAR FAQ�Corrrre Delirrited Fle ' I I www.wunderground.corr�history�airport/KSTPl2013/12/15/DailyHistory.html?req cit�NA&req state=NA&req statename=NA �3 1/3✓14 Weather Historyfor St.Paul,MN�Weather Underground Weather History for St. Paul, MN Nbnday,December 16.2013 ��(,>e?t��azc (i,.cp�_ .• - ?��`_ «PreHOUS Day December �� ;16� �2013�*�, -Y Q� Ne�d Day» ', Daily Weekly Monthiy '; Custom _ _ _ __ __.. . _ __ _ ___ _ . __ _ _. Actual Average RBCOrd Terrperat�re AAean Terrperature 9°F _ A�x Terrperature 19°F 27°F 46°F(igg7) hfn Tertperature 1°F 12°F -9°F(20�8} �Jegree Days Fieating Degree Days 56 '.'bistJre Dew Fb�t 3�F Average I-iirtidity 77 A�cirrum Hurridity 92 h4nimum Hurridify 55 �'ecipi'taiion Recipitation 0.05 in _ _�� Sea Level fn-essuse Sea Levsl Ressure 30.03 in k'�ind Wind Spsed 7 rrph(SSE� Max Wind Speed 12 riph M1+�x Gust Speed _ Visibility 5 rciles Events Fo9,Snow �� ��t}�_ � �� �� Averages and recor or �s sta#ion are not officiai NWS values. Ciick here for data from the nearest staGon with officiai NWS data(KMSP). T=Trace of Recipitatbn,MM=�vissing Value Source:NWS Daily Sumrary _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ ___ . Seasonal WeatherArerages�� �i www.vwrxierground.corNhistory/airporUKSTP/2013/12l16/Dailyi-listory.html?req cit�NAB�req state=NA&req statename=NA 1/3 1/3✓14 Weather Historyfor St.Paul,MN�WeatF�er Urxierground ' F T�mNer:�are D���r�a Pi�int Average HighJlnw � 30 !.._ , i. -1 20 ;'.�_J,�� _. _ _� 10 _ . ,._�W.�.,.�.. __.W__ �__, .12 �_�..�. _� p -_ -.--�'_"___..=-'w--'';-__ . � - ___ .18 .�p _-._..-.- _ . � . ',. .23 .20 _ .29 midnigMl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 �Hg B.itorn�hir Pressure hPa 30.2 -,-.�_,__ ; _ , � - , �- =. ; 1023 �..,----�..__ 30.1 , _ ; _ __ , _._ 1019 ��_,-' 30A _�"'�-�''`,,,1,�,.���"`\.�-�'°.,,,,�- �_:. 1016 �..5""'-.�-,-__ 29.9 _ : 1013 midnight1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mph ',�6ntl�c�eutl Wind Gust kmlh 20A _ _. 32 15.0 , . ; , � .__ 24 10.0 �- �., �_..---� ;_. . _ y. � - 16 SA --'- . ' � �.'' ��.,d'�1.�'`.'.-``� ., r-- _ l ° r1 t--�`�- ~�--`_,ti �,`"'--------�, r---�:. 8 0.0 � p midnigM1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1N1r�r�D!r(rJec�} 360 A 270.0 'd�i __ � . . � , � � 180.0 £' ;���,k,_`. •. e �. ._ . ,_ . . , . .C.. �. . . . • , a s 90.0 � . _ � , . � � OA ; , ' midnightl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1�,,,�� Cert'rfy This Rsport _�.__.� Super New Welding Machine �������� www.multiplaz.com Super New Technology Plasma Welder All in One to Weld,Cut,Braze,Solder I����sr€�����at���r�4����r�,� ��S��r�rat�orz� ., r ._ �_ __ . __ .,._. .__. _. . ._..____ , __... �_._ � ,�. ___. _ ,___d Time(CS'� ', Temp. ' WindchiU , Dew Point Humidity Pressure - Visibility Wind�ir , wnd Speed ' Gust Speed Precip Events Conditions ' _ ,__ _.__W W ... �._ � .. ..,__ _.� �__ _.. �.__ _ .�__ . __. ... _ __. . _ ; 12:53 AM 1.0°F ' -10.3°F -11.9°F 55%a 36,18 in 10.0 rri East 5.8 h - PUA Overcast 1:53 AM 1.0°F -11.7°F , -11.0"F , 57% 30.17 in 10.0 rri SSE , 6.9 mph - WA Overcast ' ' 2:53 AM ' 1.0°F .11.7°F ' -9.9'F ', 60% 3Q.17 in 10.0 rti Esst 6.9 mPh WA _ Overcast ' ; 3:53 AM 1.9°F ; -12.8°F ', -8.0°F 63% 30.13 in _ 10.0 rri SE 9.2 mPh -_ __ rYA _ Overcast ' 4:53 AM 1.9°F -5.6°F . -8.0°F ' 63% , 3Q.15 in 10.0 mi SSE 3.5 mPh - N�A _ Overcast ' i 5:53 AM 3.0°F -10.5°F -7.1°F 63%0 30.11 in 10A rri SE 8.1 rrph WA . Overcast , i 6;53 AM 3A°F -12.5°F -6.0°F. 66% 30.11 in 10.0 rti SE 10.4 rrph WA Overcast I T.53 AM ' 3.9°F i -12.2°F ', -5.1°F ' 66% ' 30.08 in . 10.0 rti .SE 11.5 rrph .. WA . . Overcast ' , 8:21 AM ' 3.2°F -13.1°F -4.0°F ' 72% 30A2 in 2.5 rri SE 11.5 Rph - 0.00 in , Snow �L"ghE Snow 8:27 AM : 3.2°F -13.1`F -4.0°F 72% 3Q02 in . 1.2 rri SE I 11.5 rrph -. 0.00 in Snow L'ght Snow ' 831 AM 3.2°F ' -t2.2°F -4.0°F 72% .30.03 in 0.8 iri SE 10.4 rrph - 0.00 in Snow Light Snow ' 8:38 AM : 5.0°F ; -8.1°F , -2.2°F ' 72°l0 30.04 in 1.2 rri SSE 8.1 mph -. . O.00 in Snow L'ght Snow ' ' 8:42 AM 5.0°F -6.Q°F -2.2°F : 72% 30.04 in ' 3.Q rri SE ' 6.9 mph - . d.00 in Snow L'ght Snow 8:53 AM 5.6°P •5.6°F ', -2.0°F ', 73�0 ', 30.10 in . 1.5 rri SSE 5.8 mph . 0.00 in Snow L'ght Snow ', ' 9:65 AM ' 5.0°F -6.9°F -2.2°F ' 72% 30.04 in 0.8 rri SE 6.9 mph - . 0.00 in Snow L'ght Snow ' 9:13 AM ' S.0°F -9.1°F ! .0.4°F ', 78% 30.05 in 0.5 rri South 9.2 rrph - 0.00 in Snow Snow wwvv.wunderground.corrdhistor�dairporUKSTP/2013✓12/16/DailyHistory.html?req cit�NAB�req state=NA&req statenarrie=NA 2/3 1/3114 Weatt�er Historyfor St Paul,MN�Weather Underground �I 920 AM 3.2°F •11.3°F -0.4°F 85% 3D.05 in ' 0.2 rti ? SSE ' 9.2 nph - ', 0.01 in ' Snow , Heavy Snow , ' 9:28 AM 3.2'F -7.8°P -0.4°F 85% 30.05 in I 0.2 rri South ', 5.8�h - ' OA2 in S�w , Heavy Snow ' ' 9:53 AM 5.0°F -6.9°F 1.0°F 84% ! 30.08 in ; 2.0 rri SE ' 6.9 mph - 0.05 in ' Snow ', L'ght Snow ', ', 10:02 AM 5.0°F -9.1°F 1.4°F 85% ' 30.02 in ' 2.5 rri 1 ESE ! 9.2 mph - ': 0.00 in ' Snow L'ght Snow ' 10:10 AM 8.8°F -4.8°F 1.4°F 79% '; 30.03 in i 5.0 rri : SSE 6.9 mQh - 0.00 in ! Snow L'ght Snow , ! 10:53 AM 7.0°F J.5°F 1.9°F ', 80% i 30.05 in ' S.0 rri SSE ' 10.4 rrph - ', Q.00 in { ' Ftaze , 11:04 AM 8.6°F -4.7°F 1.4°F ' 73°k 30.00 in 10.0 rri ' SSE ' 9.2 rrph - ', WA ' ' Overcast ' _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ : 11:53 AM 9.0°F - 3.9°F ' 80°k ' 30.04 in ' 10.0 rri ' Cakn : Calm - ' WA ' ' 4vercast ' 12:35 PM 10.4°F - ', 5.0°F 79% 29.99 in 1.2 rri ' Calm ; Calm - ' 0.00 in ! Snow L'ght Snow ' 12:38 PM 10.4°F 4.0°F 5.0°F , 79% ', 29.98 in ' 0.8 rti ' SSE i 3.5 rrph - ' 0.00 in i Snow L'ght Snow I 12:49 PM 10.4°F ' 2.2°F 6.8°F ', 85% ', 29.98 in ' 1.2 rri l SSE , 4.6 mph - s 0.00 in Snow i L'ght Snow ', 12:53 PM ' 10.9°F ! 1.4°F T.0°F ' 84°/, ', 30.02 in ; 2.Q rci i SSE ', 5.8 mQh - s OAO in ' Snow , Light Snow , ' 1:02 PM 12.2°F i 1.T°F i 6.8`F , 79°/a ' 29.97 in 3.0 mi ' SSE ', 8.9 rrph ' - 0.00 in ffaze ', 1:16 PM 12.2°F 6.1°F ; B.B°F 79°!0 ' 24.97 in s 2.0 rri ' South ', 3.5 mph ' Q.00 in Snow L'ght Snow ' . _ __ _ _ , _ _ _ ' 1:34 RN 12.2°F ' 6.1°F j 8.6°F 85%a ', 29.97 in ! 2.0 rri SSE I 3.5 rtph - ', Q.00 in ' Snow ' L'ght Snow ' 1:53 Rul : 12.9°F ' 6.9'F ', 8.1`F ' 81% 30.01 in � 2.0 rri . SSE 3.5 rtph - O.00 in Snow L"ght Snow , 2:16 PM 15.8°F ', 7.2°F 8.6°F 73% ! 29.97 in 4.Q M WSW 5.8 rtQh - 0.00 in Snow L'ght Snow ' 2:38 PM ' 15.8°F ' 7.2°F 8.6°F , 73°/a , 29.97 in ; 2.5 rri SW 5.8 mph - 0.00 in Snow L'ght Snow ' i 2:45 PM 15.8°F I 7.2°F 8.6°F ', 73% ', 29.97 in = 3.0 rri SW 5.8 mph - . 0.00 in Snow L'ght Snow , 2:53 PM ' 15.1°F 4.2°F ', 9.0°F 77°!0 ' 30.01 in ' 3.0 rti ' SW i 8.1 mph - 0.00 in Snow L'ght Snow '. ! 3:53 PM ' 16.0°F : 7.4°F I 10.0°F ', 77°/, j 30.04 in ' 9.0 rri WSW ', 5.8 rrph - O.QO in Ovsrcast ' ; 4:17 PM 17.6°F ' 9.3°F ' 10.4°F ' 73°/a ', 29.99 in 9.0 rri WSW ' 5.8 rtph - WA Overcast ', 4:53 PM ' 17.1°F : 10.0°F ', 10.9°F 77% ; 30.03 in ' 10.0 rri ' West 4.6 rrph . WA Overcast : ' S:53 PM 17.1`F ' - 10.9°F 77°k ', 30.03 in 9.0 rti Calm ' Calm _ PUA .. Overcast ' 6:33 FM 14.0°F : 8.2"F 10.4°F ', 86% ! 29.9$in 8.d rri South 3.5 rrph - : WA �ds� ' ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; 6:53 PM 12.0°F ' 4.1`F II 9.0°F ' 88°k ' 30.02 in 7.0 rri SSE ' 4.6 mph - ! WA ' Ciear ' , 7:53 FM 12.9`F 6.9°F ' 10.0°F 88°h I 3D.01 a� 6.0 r» ' SE : 3.5 mph - ! WA '; qear ', 8:53 PM 10.0°F 1.8°F ' T.0°F ' 87°h 30A0 in ' 4.0 rri ! SE I 4.b mph - I WA , pear , I 9:40 PM 6.6°F - 6.$°F ', 92°/a , 29.95 in 1.8 fTi ' Calm ', Celm - ', WA ' , Partly Cloudy ; 9:50 PM 10.4°F 4.d°F 6.8°F 85% , 29.95 in € 4.0 rri SE , 3.5 mph - , WA Partly qoudy ' ;_ _ _ € _ _ _ _ _ _ I 9:53 PM _ 10.0°F - 3.6°F 7A`F 87% 29.49� t 5.0 rti SSE 3.5 mph _ WA Partly Goudy , i ! 10:53 PM ' 12.9°F ' 6.9°F ' 10.6°F ', 88°h 29.97 in 4.0 rri SE ' 3.5 rrph _ . Wq �� , ', Cloudy 17:53 PM 19A^F 15.1'F 85�0 29.95 in 7.O rti Cakn Caim . WA_ Overcast I ��.:<��C��.,.._�.,, ___�_.,,. .� _'._._ .._._....� ,n ,.....� __.��..,,.,, .,�..�_�.�m.r.......�.....w, ` _�_m„ � .,�,���....�,.,n ..�..�.� w.m.�..,..���.�.,_M. . ,��..�.,._ ,_,.m.K. ,. , � �:^ Show full METARS�NETAR FAQ(Comre Delirrited Fle ,_ _ ___ . __. _ . _.__..... _ _ I I I www.wunderground.corrVhistory�airportlKSTP/2013/12/16/DailyHistory.htrril?req cit�NA&req state=NABreq statename=NA 3/3 .,°�3/14 _ We�ather Historyfor St.Paul,MN�Weatlier Underground Weather History for St. Paul, MN Tuesday,December 17,2013 i_ir�s�i.�. ��_ , ,_ '- �; , �PreHOUS Day December '� �17 L�� �2073� ..lf�eVltF Next day» Daiy Weekly Nbnthiy Custam _.. __ __ __ __. _. . _ Actual Average RBCOrd Terpera;�re Maan Terrperature 22°F - �c Tertperature 33°F 26°F 44°F(1997) Nin Temperature 10°F 11°F -5°F(2000} Deyrae Cays Headng Degree Days 42 �A7iStUfB Dew Wint 15°F Average Fkirridity 69 �v}aximum Hurridity gq Ninimum HumiditY 59 t'�ecipi!2tion Recipitation 0.00 in - -O Sea L el Ressur Sea Level Ressure 30.02 in �.;nd ', Wind Speed 13 rrph(WNW) i Max Wind Speed 26 rtph I i I�x Gust Speed 32 rtph � Visibili3y 10 rriles Events �l.J ����'^� Averag or is station are not official NWS values, Click here for data from the nearest station with officia4 NWS data(KMSP). T=Trace of Recipitatbn,MM=M1�Sssing Value Source:NWS Daily Sumrt�ry _ _ __ __ __ _.... _ � _ Seasonal Weather A�,erages� www.vwnderground.corr►�historyrairport/KSTP/2013/12/17/DailyHistory.htrr�l?req cit�NA&req state=NA&req stater�arrie=NA 1/3 ?/3/14 _ Weather H istory for St Paul,M N�WeaUier U rxierg round F Temperabare D�v�3 Pi�ir� Average HighJLow � 6 _ , ;__ . 2 2305 .---y���._,- ;. a ._. .4 - �._� --��; _ -__�`"`"_---=- . .9 � � 10 � _"'--�-:- _. -15 5 _ - e _ , .. .18 midnigMl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 in Hg g�rotnetrir�ra�sur5 hPa 30.2 � _ ;_ _. - 1U23 30.1 � __ __... ;_ r__ � ,�,._..�-- ,_ a_._ ; _- 1019 30 0 _ . ._ _.:---", .--.�'-�,-�-f".. , 1016 29.9 ------�-..._--�-�-_''��- : , .. '1013 29.8 1009 midnigMl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mph �,��nd S�eSd UNnd Gust kmrh ° . . . ��„_...__.--"w`-�..�'-"^'-r-r*.�'..�-�'"�t~�� '"'��i_„__1�„. _.. , . . �_ 0.0 a 0 midnigMl 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 '�Nlrtd Dir{�Jeg) sso.o . , , z�o.o ',,�t'' ' . .�_ . • . . : . ., + . •� � � � 180.0 ' � ' , , o . , _ ... f .__ 90.0 c I i ; . _ ' ;_ OA _ midnight1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1�,,�� Cert'rfy This Rsport � �'4s�tas�uv�s���"��.-°'C i{C�$4}P�a�c �$��a�CV�.�lL�t15 Time(CS� Temp. ; Windchili ', Dew Point ', Humidity ', Pressure : Yisibility ; Wind Dir ! Wind Speed ' Gust Speed Precip i Events Conditicns ' 12:53 AM ` 25A°F °; 17.1°F ' 19.0°F 78% ', 29.91 in i 10.0 rri i West ! 6.9 rtph ' 18.4 mph WA O.�ercast ', 1:53 AM 27.0`F : 17.3°F , 21.0°F 78°h ! 29.90 in ' 10.0 rti ' West 10.A rrph - WA ; ', Wercast ' , 2:53 AM ' 28.9°F ' 19.2°F ', 23.0°F i 78°h ' 29.90 in ' 10.0 mi West 11.5 mph - i rUA ' Partly C�oudy ; ', 3:53 AM 33.1°F 22.6°F ', 26.1°F 75% ! 29.89 in ' 10.0 mi ' West , 15.1 rrph 25.3 rtph ' WA Overcast '! 4:53 AM 30.9°F ' 20.7°F ', 23.0°F 72% , 29.90 i� ', 10.0 mi ' West 13.8 rrph - ` WA Partty C€oudy ! 5:53 AM : 3D.0°F , 19.5°F ', 23.0°F ' 75% ', 29.91 in 10.0 rri : West 13.8 rrph - WA I qsar i 6:53 AM 28.9°F 16.9°F I 21.9°F 75% ' 29.94 in ': 10.0 mi ! WMN 17.3 rrph 21.9 mph WA . Partfy Cbudy , ' 7:53 AM 28.0°F I 15.3°F ' 19.9°F ! 72% ', 29.95 in 10.0 mi WMN ! 16.4 rrph ' 24.2 mph WA ' Clear 8:53 AM 28.0°F > 15.3°F ' 18.d°F 66°h ', 29.97 in ' 10.0 rri WMN ' 18.4 rrph 26.5 rcQh ' WA ' ' pear ' I 9:53 AM '. 28.0°F 14.8°F ' 18.0°F ' 66% ' 30.W in ': 10.0 mi 4VMN ' 20J rtph ! 2$.8 trph ! WA MDS� , ' qoudy 10:53 AM 28.0°F ` 1B.1°F ' 18.0°F 66% ', 30.01 in i 10.0 rri WNW ', 16.1 rrph : 29.9 rrph ' WA ', ' O�ercast ' 11:53 AM 28.0°F 15.7°F : 18.0°F 66% ' 3Q.Q0 in 10.0 ffm West ' 17.3 Rph 27.6 rtph ' WA ' �S� ' ' CJoudy 12:53 PM 27A°F ; 13.2°F ' 17.1°F ': 66% 30.01 in 10.0 mi ' NW i 20.7 rrph ! 28.8 mph ' O.QO in ' , Overcast 1:00 PAA 26.6°F ' 12.0°F ' 15.8°F 64% 29.98 Irl 10.0 mi WMN ' 23.8 rTph ' 28.8 mph WA ' �s� , , , Cbudy 1:53 PM 26.7°F 10.4°F ! 14.0°F ' 60% 30.01 in � 10.0 mi ' WMN ', 26.5 rrph 32.2 rrph ', 0.00 in ', ', �5� ' wuvw.wurxierground.corMiistory/airport/KSTP/2013/12/17/DailyHistory.html?req cit�NABreq state=NAB�req stater�arrie=NA 2/3 ,4/3/14 , Weather Historyfor St Paul,MN�Weatlier Underground ' ; , ', ' Cbudy ' 2:53 PM 24.1'F 8.7°F 12.0'F 60°k I�I 30.03 in ' 10.0 rti ' WMN ' 23.0 nph ' 28.8 mph ': WA ', �$� ' ' Cbudy i 3:53 PM 21.9'F 5.1°F 10.9°F 63°/a ' 30.06 in 10.0 mi ' 4VMN ', 25.3 mph ' 29.9 rcph I! WA C�ear 4:53 FM 19.9°F 5.7'F 10.0°P 65% 'r 30.Q9 in ' 10.0 rrr " West ', 16.1 rrph + - ' WA ' Par#ly Cbudy ', ' S:53 PM 19.0°F 6.1°F 7.0°F 59% 30.12 in ' 10.0 mi ' WMN ' 12.7 rcph 21.9 mph ', WA ', ' pear ', __ _ ' 6:53 PM 18.0°F 5.4°F 7.0°F ! 62°k ', 30.14 in ' 10.0 mi ! WNW I 11.5 rtph - ' WA ' Clear ' 7:53 PM 16.0°F 5.3°F 6.1°F 65% 3Q.14 in 10.0 rri r WtJW ' 8.1 rtph - ', WA ' , Clear ', 8:53 PM 15.1°F ' S.2°F 6.1°F 68°k 30.15 in : 10.0 rri ` WMN , 6.9 mph ' - ' WA ParUy Goudy ! 9:53 Rui 12.9°F 6.1°F 74% 30.15 in 10.0 mi ' Calm ', Calm - ' N+A Partly Cbudy I i 10:53 PM 12.9°F - ' 6.1°F 74°h ! 30.14 in 10.0 rri Calm ' Calm ' - ' WA Clear 11:53 PIN 10.0°F 3.6°F i 6.1°F 84% 30.72 in ', 10.0 mi East , 3.5 mph ' - WA C�ear eh,_.��,�o� ' ' �� . . ��� Show fuli A�TARS�MEfAR FAQ�Comre Delitrited Fie ' ___ _ _ _ __. ; _ _ __ _ .. _ I 'I i � www.wunderground.corrJhistory/airport/KSTP/2013✓12/17/DailyHistory.Mml?req cit�NA&req state=NA8aeq statename=NA � 1/3/14 Weather H istory for St.Paul,M N�Weather U nderg round , Weather History for St. Paul, MN Wednesday,Decernber 18,2013 Vr?.., , ,.,a. ,= - _.-- . � •s.. .PreHOUS Day December • (18'� �2013 � ! View Ne�Da » L»� i . .� � � � Y Daily Weekly Nbnthly Custom __ _ __ __ _ ... __.. _ __ Actuai Average Racord Ter*�ra[�re Mean Terrperature pp°F A�x 7errperature 33°F 25°F 46`F(1997) t�fn Tertperature g°F 1p°F -4°F(2008} Degree G'ays Heabng Degree Days 44 �.k�i tura Dew Fbint 15°F Average Humidity �g A�xirtum Humidiry 92 Ninimum Hurridfty sq �ecipi#ati�n Recipitation D.00 in - -�) Sea Level FYessure Sea�evel Ressure Zg.gq i� L'4ind Wind Speed 5 rrph(SSE� ►v�x Wind Speed 15 rtQh M�x GustSpeed _ Visibility 10 miles Events �` ��—�� � � C �1�J� J Averages and records for this station are not officiai NW5 values. Ciick here for data from the nearest station with official NWS data(KMSP). T=Trace of RecipitaUon,MM=kSssing Value Source:MNS Daily Surmary _ . _....._ __ . _ __ �.. . __ __ _. Seasonel WeatherA4era es � _........_.._..................._...._......_.._.._._.....___..__.._9_._.._...i �v u�� y� D�1 D � ; � www.vwrxierground.corr�histor�dairport/KSTP/2013✓12/18JDailyi-listory.html 1/3 � 1l3J14 Weather Historyfor St Paul,MN�Weather Urxierground F Terr�����r.::bare Dt:�,�Pt3ir;t A•�rerage HighlLow � � �_�,--',. --��..�1 . ` .1 2�i1 _,.�--'� �_�_-.<-._.-� �Y,.,'_"__,>___.�`...'_ _7 , . . _� 9 10 `�-�_ ._�--- __ 12 5 ,��_ -_--___.� _ . , _ 15 � .18 rcidnigMt Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 �� Earottt�trir Fressure hPa 302 _ _ 1023 30A ~tY'�----�_.--,�-.� ' 1U19 --- � � 1016 29.8 "--�--..�::,___.��y 1013 29] """..,�, �^_..-�---.,...� 1009 ; -.._,,,__,.._ _._._�.�..- : 1006 29 6 .__ 1002 midnigMt 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 m� '�find 8�?eG�� VUnd Gust kmM 25.0 , 40 20 A 32 15.0 ��. r'�,-=: f 24 15A ,.,-'"'-�✓`��.,t' �`'-----`�-�� � . , r!,,.- 16 ,.. - _;�y r;,...- ._ g 0 A _ _.. O midnigMl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1rl�rid Dir(r,�eg) 36D A : 270.0 '�9;. .. • , _ 180.0 c; � � __ �.. . . . , , _ 90.0 c_ ' � � � ' , ._ _. OA midnigM7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 1�„�{ Certify This Report __�___,�.__.__..._ Sunday Paper Coupons �' sundaypaper,shopathorne.com The Same Collection,Just Cheaper. Score Sunday Paper Coupons Free! �<<��fir�y ���e�t�-�t��°��i�i�r��� ���ed�����r�=rs , _ _ _ _ _. _ __ .. _. __ ._ _ _. _.. . � �-- -� _ Time(CS� Temp. �ndchill ' Dew Point Humidify Pressure Visibility wnd Dir : wnd Speed Gust Speed Precip Evants Conditions ' � __ .__ _ .. _._ . . __ _., _... __ _. __. .. _ ' 12:53 AM 8.1°F - ' S.0°F 87% 30.12 in 10.0 rri Calm Calm - WA l ^ pear ' 1:10 AM 8.6°F - , 6.8°F 92% 30.08 in . 10.0 mi + Calm I Calm - �A , Scattered : ' qouds ' f:53 AM 8.1°F " -0.5°P ' 3.9'F 83% 30.11 in 10.0 mi SSE 4.6 mph - WA qear ' 2:53 AM 10.0°F -1.9°F , 6.1°F 84% I 30.07 in 10.0 mi SSE 8.1 rrph - ; WA ' ' Scattered ' : ' qouds ' 3:53 AM ' 10.9"F ` 1.4°F ' $.t°p 88°/n 30.04 in 9.0 rri SE 5.8 mph PUA _ ParUy Cbudy I 4:53 AM 1d.9°F .0.8°F ' 8.1°F 88°h 30.01 in 10.0 mi SSE 8.1 nPh WA _ pear ' 5:53 AM 14.0°F ` 6.5°F 10.0°F 84% 29.95 in 10.0 mi SE 4.6�Ph WA Clear I ! 6:53 AM 75.1°F 1.8°F : 10.9°F 84% 29.90 in . 10.0 rri SSE ,_11.5 rrPh _ _ WA _ Gear ' 7:53 AM ' 18.0°F 5.4"F ' 12.0°F 78% 24.65 in. 10.0 mi SSE 11.5 rrph. - . pyq . . . qeaf 8:53 AM ° 14A`F 5.0°F ' 12.0=F 74% 29.82 in_ 10A mi _SSE 15.0 rrph _ WA _ qear ' ' 9:53 AM 21.9°F ' 9.8°F ' 12.9°F 68°/, , 29.78 in 10.0 mi SE 12.7 nPh -_ WA pear ` 10:53 AM 24.1°F ' 16.0°F ', 14.0°P , 65% 29.79 in 10.0 mi South .6.9 nph WA qear ' i 1:53 AM 27.0°F 18.7'F I 17.1"F 66% 29.73 in. 10A Ri . SSE $.1 mph PUA qear ' ; 12:53 PNi 28.9°F ' 22.8°F ' 19.0°F 67% 29J0 in 10.0 mi SSE 5.8 mph PYA pear ' ' 1:53 PM 30.9°F ' 27.5°F 21.6°F 67°/a .29.68 in 10.0 mi ESE .3.5 mph . PUA . . qear www.vwnderground.corNhistory�airport/KSTP/2013/12/18/DailyHistory.html . y3 1r3114 Weatl�er Historyfor St Paul,MN�Weather Underground • 2:53 PM 33.1°F - 21.4°F ! 64% 29.68 in 10.0 mi ' Calm ' Calm - WA ' pear 3:53 PM 33.1'f - 23.0°F 66% ' 29.69 in ' 10.0 mi Calm ', Calm - ' WA ' qear ', 4:53 PM 32.0'F - 23.0'F 69% 29.69 in ' 10.0 mi Calm ', Calm ; - ' WA ' qear ', ' S:53 PM 2s.9'F - 23.0°F 78% 29.70 in ' 10.0 rri ' Calm ' Caim ' - ' N!A , ', qear ' 6:53 PM 26.1'F - 21.0°F 81% 29J2 in ' 10.0 rri ; Calm ' Caim ' - ' WA ' ' pear ' ' 7:53 PM 24.1'F - 21.6°F 88% ' 29.73 in i 10.0 mi Calm , Caim - PUA , ', Clear , ' 8:53 PM 27.0`F 23.0`F 23A°F . 85°h 29.74 in 10.0 rri ' NMN ' 3.5 rrph - ' WA ' pear ' ' 9:53 PM 24.1°F 16.0°F 19.9°F ', 84°h ' 29.77 in 10.0 mi WNYV , 6.9 mph ' - WA , Qear ', 10:53 PM 27.0°F 18.0°F ' 21A°F 78% ' 29.79 in 10.0 m NW 9.2 mph - , WA ', Clear ' 11:53 PM 27.0°F 15.6°F ' 19.9°F 75°/a ' 29.82 in 1Q.0 rri : MN I 13.8 rrph - ! WA ' pear -; .. ��..:< �, ___._. ��........ ... .. ......�.. �..�.�.�_, ___._�.�.o��__. _. ���:_ _>..,�� Show fuil N�T'ARS((vETAR FAQ�Corrrro DelirrNed Fle ' wowv.uwnderground.corrVhistory/airporUKSTP/2013✓1?J18/DailyHistory.htmi �3 1/3l14 � WeatF�Historyfor St Paul,MN�WeatF�Underground Weather History for St. Paul, MN Thursday,December 19,2013 Tt tti�r;�y ...r,i ,,°,a{?i:t _ _.. «Previous Day December � ;19�� 2013� �,Vipw NeM Day» .,�.� ._.�.....:...... ._...... _�. .._ .._...___..._ ..._�. ....�... _ _�...,...�_ ...,..__r.. ....... ', daily Weekly Monthly ', Custom __ __. Actual Average i�cord Tertperature Mean Tertperature 22°F - Mmx Terrperature 26°F 24°F 45°F(20i0) MSn Tertperature 17°F 10°F -9°F(2005) Oegree Gays Heating Degree Days 44 I praistura ' Dew Point 11°F Average hkirridity 73 tv�xinum Humidity 81 Winirrum Humidity 65 �-scipi!aiion Recipitation 0.00 in - -0 Sea Leve1 Ftessure Sea Level Ressure 30.04 in l'4'in+� Wind Speed 9 mph(North) tv�x Wind Speed 14 rrph Max Gust Speed 21 rrph V is ibility 7gi�as--- _,.. Events , ��� Snow �a�R�� A ge are not officiai NWS values. Click here for data from the nearest station with offic Sdata(KMSP). T=Trace of Recipitation,MM=tvSssing Value Source:MNS Daily Surmpry _ _ _ __ __ __ _ . _ _ __ __ _ _._ 5easonal WeatherA�.erages �" � ! �� � � ) � ! ��1 �' '� \ � � � / �, C �� Y �� G��' ��r�� -���� � -���� �. '� �- 1: �� C, �,� � �' �,�r ��"�.�' `; '1 � � �° �V- � $��,��. � / � �! � r�.�� ,�. � � � � � �. � � . �{� f. ��� _. �,/" r __� : _. � � 'tJ �� � i1 '� s � �,,._. ; f .,� _ � . � � 1 � � ��. � � � � ��''`� � ;�`�� � �, �+ ��'� U� 1 � ti.� � ; ,�,,`.,�'" y� � /��'; �4.+\ \ �`' ; ,1.; r ��1� � '- � ������ ' � ,� `r� �, r�E'. � , �� j' (� � n �,�` ';, �'.�`� ��� � � �` � `�,1 � ���� � �--,� � �� �,� # ��:�� � `« � �,� a,��-� ` `�� k, www.wunderground.corrVhistory/airport/KSTP/2013/12/19/DailyHistory.html?req cit�NA&req state=NA&req statename= ���,�� ��� ���'i/3 � •1/3�14 * Weather Historybr St Paul,MN�Weatlier Underground 3o T""�'�'�r.�are Geu��P��ir,t Average Highllnw �1 25 --�- , _ � _ 4 - .� _ .. � __ . �-�- . ' __ ; >__ -7 20 .':_.� _ -���. _ 15 �-`�--�,� - 9 10 -�-:. .._. , _-___-__..�.__ ' e_ _ , 12 5 < J :_ _...;..._ -15 rmdnigMl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 in Hg BarolTtgtrir WrS::sUre hPa 302 _ _ , ; ._ _ 1023 30 1 �N�',---�-�-'�.,__�T__.__�.-.....v__,�;�.•..^-..1 1019 30A _. �f.r-�'""_.'_"_ . ; 1016 29.9 �,..W.,----�- _ __ {_ _ __" � �_ _. �1013 29.8 � __ � � _ , ' � 1U09 midnigM1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mph �,�qnd�'�eFi1 ULtnd Gust kmM �, 30A _ _. __ qg 25A � _ � � _ , _._. 20.0 .. _ _ . � _., a.._ _ �32 15A ' , __ < Zq I �-�._..--^.. � 10.0 '^-..,, _ �--- �-'"�''.- ' .K� - _ �-'"_"`-_,,,.:�`'�...,� y q$ � 5A midnightl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 360.0 1(�Snr,�Dir {dec�} 270.0 ;6'i, �, �, � . 180.0 � " �__ ; 90.0 � '; , . . • . ,,. ,. . , m� ,, , , dnight1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1�,,,�, ' CertNy This Report :��;��°�v�'�����c;� t~�i���a�°�� �3����sv��ic►�ts ,_..._ _. .._ . ... ..._. _ __ _ __� _. ..._ . . __ .. _..__., __. ___ . .. ._ _.. Tima(CS� Temp. wndchill , Dew Point Humidity ' Pressure Visibllity �nd Dir , wnd Speed Gust Speed ', Precip ', Events ', Conditions ' __ _� __. _ --- - . __ ._ . . _ , 12:53 AM 26.1°F . 16.2°F 19.0°F 75% 29.85 in 10.0 rri ' NMN ! 10.4 rrph - : WA ', qear ' 1:53 AM 24.1°F 16.0°F ' 18.0°F 77% Y9.89 in 10.0 mi NNW ', 6.9 mph - '; PUA Qear ', ' 2:53 AM 23.0°F 15.8°F ' 16.0°F 74°h 29.91 in . 10.0 mi ' NNW ', 5.8 rtph ' - ' WA C7ear ' 3:53 AM 21.9°F 12.5°F ' 14A°F 72% . 29.94 in 10.0 mi ' t�NV , 8.1 rrph ' - WA : '; Clsar ' 4;53 AM 21.0°F 13.4°F 12.9°F 71°I> 29.96 in : 10.0 mi : North ', 5.8 mph ' - ', WA , Ciear ', 5:53 AM 19.0°F 10.0°F ' 10.9°F 71�0 30.01 in . 10.0 mi North ' 6.9 rrph - ', WA ' ' Caear I ' 6:53 AM 18.0°F 6.1°F 10.9°F 74°h . 30.04 in 10.0 mi ' North ! 10.A rrph ' - i WA ' �s� Cbudy ' 7:53 AM 17.1°F 3.8°F ' 10A°F 74% 30.04 in . 10A mi North ', 12.7 rrph 20.7 rrph ', WA ', (Tiercast ', $:53 AM 17.1°F 3.6°F ' 10.0°F 74%0 30.07 in 10.0 rti ' Nf� ' 12.7 rtph - WA Scattered i Cbuds 9:53 AM 18.0"F 6.9"F I 10.Q°F 71%o . 30.10 in 10.0 mi North ', 9.2 mQh ' - , WA , Scattered , qouds ' 10:53 AM 18A`F 6.9°F ' 9.0`F . 68°h . 30.12 in ' 10.0 mi ' Nt� 9.2 mph ' - WA ' qear ', ' 11:53 AM 18.0°F 6.9°F ' 9.0°F 68%, 30.10 in 10.0 mi Nt� ' 9.2 rrph - ' M1YA ', pear ' ' 12:53 FM 19.0°F 6.1°F ' 9.0°F 65% . 30.08 in 10.0 mi ' NPE ' 12J rrph ' - WA I C�ear ' 1:53 PM 18A°F 5.4°F ', 8.1°F 65°� 30.06 in. 10.0 mi ; NE I 11.5 rrph - ', WA ', Clear , www.wurxierground.corr�historydairporUKSTP/2013/12/19/Dailyi-listory.htrni?req cit�NA&req state=NA&req statename=NA � -ir3/14 ' Weatlier Historyfor St Paul,MN�Weatlier Underground ', 2 53 PM 1Q.0'F 4.2°F ', 8.1°F ' 65% 30.06 in i+ 10.0 rri ' North ', 13.8 nph - ' WA ' Mostly ; ! ' ', Cbudy ' I 3 53 P4 1 E.0'F 6.9'F 8.1°F ' 65% 30.06 in 10.0 mi ' North 9.2 rrph - ! hUA overcast a S;�� ta 0'F 6.9'F 9.0°F ', 68°h 30.07 in ! 10.0 rri Nt� 9.2 rrph ' 17.3 rrph WA Overcast i _ __ _ _ _ I 5 53 PV 19.0'f d_2'F 4.0°F ', 65% ', 30.09 in 10.0 mi NNE ' 9.2 mph - WA Overcast 6 a3 FL 19-0'F 8.1'F 9.0°F ' 65% ' 30.07 in . 10.0 rri ` Nh� ' 12.7 rrph - ' WA i Overcast ', 7 53 Pu 19.0'f 6.8`F 10.0°F 68�, 30.08 in 10A rri NI� 11.5 rrph N!A Overcast I : i 8 48 F� t 7.6'F 6.4'F 10.4°F 73% , 30.05� ' 2.5 rri North 9.2 rtph - 0.00 in Snow L'ght Snow �, _ __ __ __ , 8 53 FiA tl.0'F 6.9°F 10.8°F ', 74% ', 36.08 in i 2.0 rri ' North ' 9.2 rrph - 0.00 in ' Snow Light Snow , �i 9:08 FR1 17.6'f 7.3'F 72.2°F , 79°� ' 36.05 in 1.8 rri North ' 8.1 mph - ' Q.00 in ', Snow I L'ght Snow ' 9.t 9 RN 17.6°F 5.7°F 12.2°F 79% ', 30.05 in 2.5 rti : Nt� ; 10.4 mph - ! 0.00 in , Snow ' L'ght Snow ' !, 9:36 PM 17.6°F 6.4°F 12.2°F ! 79% ', 30.04 in ' 1.8 rri : Ni� 9.2 mph ' 1B.1 rrph 0.00 in ' Snow L'ght Snow 9:48 PM , 17.6°F ' 5.d°F ', 12.2°F ', 79% ', 30.04 in ', 2.6 iri ' NE ' 11.5 rrph - ` d.00 in ' Snow L'ght Snow 9:53 PM 18.0°F 5.4°F 12.0°F 78% ' 30A7 in ° 2.0 rri + IJt� 11.5 rtph - ' 0.00 in ' Snow L'ght Snow ', 10:16 PM 17.fi°F ; 5.7°F ', 12.2°F i 79�0 30.04 in ' 2.5 rri ' North ; 10.4 rtph - i 0.00 in ; Snow : L'ght Snow : 1026 PM 17.6°F 7.3°F ', 12.2°F 79% ' 30.03 in ' 4.0 rri ' Nt� ' 8.1 mph - ' 0.00 in ' Snow L'ght Snow 10:53 PM 18.0°F 6.1°F ' 12.0°F I 78% ', 30.06 in ' 9.0 rti ' North ! 10.4�rph ' - 0.00 in Overcast , 11:39 PM " 17.6°F 8.2°F ' 12.2°F 79% 30.03 in ' 2.5 rri t� ' 6.9 rrph - O.DO in Snow L'ght Snow ! 11:53 PM ' 18.0°F 7.7°F 12.9°F ', 81°/a 30.07 in 3.0 rri ' North , 8.1 rtph - 0.00 in Snow L'ght Snow ' �::F.�� �_�;: uaM�....e . ,.�,,�..�..,�,�.,,,. ........-�;�..� ,,,�.w:..» _.,�,.:.._�,�,,��,A...,,��,�_„�..�.r.,.,N„,�,.,�, „a......, ..>. ,.,.W���.�,�� Show fuil METARS(lvETAR FAQ�Cormr�Delimited File __ _ ......... ' III www.vwnderground.corrJhistorylairport/KSTP/2013/12/19/DailyHistory.html?req cit�NA&req state=NAB�req statename=NA 3/3 12/19�13 No snow eme�gency,but St.Paul aslang residents to mo�e cars-KMSP-TV No snow emergency, but St. Paui asking residen#s to move cars !'r,sknd:l)ec79.'1.013�:50PMC>t' Updated:Dec 19.2013?:50 PMCST by Lindsey La8e11e-email 5T.PAUI,t�'�rur.(KtriSP)-lh'F�ile there's no snow emergencyin Si.Paid,lhe city is s6p asking residents to more their cars to make room tnr piows on'Fhursday. St.Pau[Public NJoeks is looking to capiWli�on the current weather and cantinue post-snow cleanup before more cold wealhar strikes'fhu!sday e+.ening.Cars will not be Gcketed and towed as theywouid in a snow emergency,Dut artt encoureged io mo4e from daypinw routes,which are any sVeeb that don't haue a "5naw Emergenc�+'sign. Ch�rr 80 nlows are worKsiig to re-plow compacted snow tFat accumulated aver ttie last tew weeks and stuck around due to co)d�leaNier, Resicir.nt�csn cz>n;act Sireet Akiintenance Sorncc Dosk at 651-266-9700 or emaii snuwernergenc�ci,stpaul�nr.us te repon rerr�aininy problematic areas. k�P UP WETH SNOW ENiERGETICIES U�sit httnl/www.shoaul.aov/snow or call 651-26G-PLOW c� Read more:3 chanoaa to SL Paul snow removal dan �� %/ ,r � �- __ __ __ _ __ �. RECOMMENDED VIDEOS Pmmotad Uy TeUOala �v ���� ,I� � � �;�; � ���" � � � ���:> � /� � � � � / How To Troat Psoriasis StudeM,16 dias in anowy crash Thousands oi flsh dead under ke in Shoraview �.�r�:���� a"._�,� � .�' �. ;:� si� � ,� � � � x p �'� a a�:.. .�. . . . ... , w€�.��. ... . . . . The Sacret To Making Him Fall Tho rishtail Braid in 5 Eaay Steps. 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PmmoteA by Tabcnla uw�uv.nyto�Qwincities.cartMsoory24264601/no-snaw-emergency-but-st-paul-aslang-residents-to-mo�cars 1/2 1/3/14 Weather Historyfor St.Paul,MN�Weather Underground t Weather History for St. Paul, MN Wednesday.December 25,2013 V:adr�esd�t� 'tiv�_,+-.,._� ZS ZE�1; �c PreHOUS Day December �•� j 25;� �2013� ,�/leyV; Ne�d Day» Daily Weekly Nbnthly ' Custom _ __ _. __... _ __. _._. _ _. Actual Average Record TenperaF�rs Maan Tertperature ig^F _ AAax Terrperature 25°F 23°F 42°F(1999) Mn Temperature 10°F 9°F -17°F(2000) Degree Cays Heating Degree Days qg ;rr�isture Dew Pbint ��>F Average F�kimidity �g Maxirtum Hurridity gq M1iSnimum Hurridity 63 Recipi':�tion Recipitation 0.00 in _ _�} Sea Level Fressure Sea Levei Ressure 30.12 in L�nd Wind Speed 6 mph{West) Max Wnd Speed �g�yh Max Gust Speed 26 rrph Visibility 8 rriles Events Snaw Averages and records tor this station are not official MNS values. Click here for data from the nearest station with officiai NW5 data(KMSP). T=Trace of Recipitatbn,MM=tuissing Value Source:tWVS Daily Surm�ry ___ _ _ _ Seasonal Weather A4erages -.-.----.--_.._........_.__._......_..____...__._.._.._..._._, ���-:�'. �� g ,� � J / � Q�j 1 ,�� l�C- c�'��� ,�.,11(�� C/j� ��?IC`�:�� P c er:�-'tJ °�l� ----""`_ L�!G/-�°' C� � L ��,{.0 �_...� V /l� � � / i �',.����>,�� � G�:..� ;`��^��: E , a � ��.�r1-�° �J�;j�}� t.J;�. �'",�,�,' )�` � � z :� ` ` � � � � , � � ;�` � � ' �.,��;� ;.,{JDa . � ���.", �� � >' "' '�� ' �° Q;ld� ��r'°1 ttl ��x) ���.��� wuuw.uwnderground.corrdhistory/airport/KSTP/2013/12/25/DailyHistory.html?req cit�NA&req state=NA&req_statename=NA 1/3 1/3/14 Weather Historyfor St Paul,MN�Weather Underground � TFmper:�bare Deu;�`airrt A,rerage Hightlnw �1 25 _q 20 _.�.---�� , >._ -7 15 �_.-_.--�'��-�-��---- -�n_.�.-- __�'`-�, - �_-"_- .�..._--- 9 10 - �� �s----_`_"------ ..--�._ _ •12 5 _.� . -15 � � - ' -18 mibwgMl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 �� Barornehir,Pr?'s'sure hPa 302 � � _.� , : _ , ,�;�� 1023 `'�w-^� y �J- . - - ."-- "__ 30.1 - a..�� -'_-,�-_,`. , _ _ �..<.r . � .. 1019 � 30 A ; " ' 1016 midnigMl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mPh 'd(4nd S�Fei� 1Mnd Gu�[ kmM 35 A _ 30 A _ 48 25 A " 20A • . � 15.0 10.0 r-�..,�f��"---t'r. '---,..,��.�_� 24 f ,� 16 S.0 F.�,.__..<� , 8 0 A � - '. : O midnigM1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t�;fn�Dit (�i�g} 360.0 270.0 .. . .. � �E , '�t}j... ' . �. , � • .�_ r .:.. • �8�.� �'..... '. , .. _. �. . . . , � . .� �... � �... _� . � � ' ... . _., . _.. 90A � l ?._ __ OA midnigM1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1�,,,�� Certrfy This IZeport �€ �°���a�-1��r������r�i:���r�� �������r�tir��� . . � _ _ ____ . _ __. . ._. __ ... _. .._.____ _ _._ . ._ �...� ..... _..._ . � _.m . __ _ __. _____�__.._ Time(CS� Temp. Windchill Dew Point Humidity , Pressure Visibility Wind Dir wnd Speed Gust Speed Precip Events Conditions __ __ __.__ _.�._.... _...._ __, .. ._ .__._-., _ _.___., .._ _m�. __._�_ �. _ ;_ .... ...m _ . ..._._�_.. i 12:53 AM 1 10.0°F - 3.9°F 76% 30.19 in 10.0 mi Calm Caim - WA Overcast _ _ _ 1:53 AM : 10.0°F { 0.4°F ' S.0°F 80°h 30.17 in 10.0 mi SSE 5.8 mph - WA Overcast 2:04 AM ' 30.4°F ; 2.2°F 5.0°F 79°h 30.13 in 10.0 mi SSE 4.6 mPh _ WA _ Overcast 2:53 AM 10.9°F 1.4°F I 6.1°F 81% 30.17 in 10.0 rtr SSE 5.8 nph . 0.00 in Overcast i 3:53 AM 12.0°F - ! T.0°F 80% 30.15 in _ ; 10.0 rri Calm _Caim _ WA Overcast ' I _ _ j _ ` ' _ ' i 4:14 AM 12.2°F 6.1°F , 6.8°F 79% 30.11 in ' 10.0 rri SSE , 3.5 mph ! - WA . Overcast i _ _ . __ 4:53 AM 12.9°F ' 5.2°F 8.1°F , 81% 30.13 in 10.0 rri SSE 4.6 rrph - WA , Overcast 5:53 AM 94.0°F ; - 9.0°F 80% 30.12 in ; 9A rri_ Cakn Calm _ -__ WA__ __ Overcast ' 6:53 AM 14.0"F ' - ', 10.0°F 84% 30.13 in 7.0 rti Calm (;aim WA . Overcast ' I 7:53 AM 15.1°F ', 7.7°F 10.8°F 84% 30.13 in � 7.0 rti SE 4.6 mph . -. . WA Overcast , 8:53 AM 16.0°F 8.8°F ' 10.8°P 81% _30.12 in _ ° 5.0 rri_ ESE 4.6 mph 0.00 in _ Heze ' 9:30 AM ' 17.5°F ' 9.3°F 12.2°F ' 79% 30.08 in . B.0 rri SSE . 5.8 mph . WA Haze 8:53 AM , 17.1"F ' 8.7°F ' 12.9°F 84% ! 30.13 in 4.O rri SSE 5.8 mph 0.00 in Snow L'ght Snow ! 10:53 AM 18.0°F ' 9.8°F ', 14.0°F 84% 30.12 in 4.0 m SSE 5.8 mph . . 0.00 in Overcast ': 11:53 AM ' 79.9°F ' - ' 15.7°F : 81% 30.11 in _. 4.0 rri Calm Calm __ _ WA Haze ' ; 12:53 PM : 21.9°F - ', 17.1°F 82% 30.09 in 5.O rri Calm Calm _ ; WA _ Haze , _ _ _ _ 1 www.wunderground.corrVhistory/airport/KSTP/2013/12125/DailyHistory.html?req cit�NA&req sNate=NA&req statename=NA y3 1/3/14 Weather Historyfor St.Paul,MN�Weatlier Underground 1 32 PM 2�.D'F 129°F I 17.6°F ! 74% ' 30.04 in ; 7.0 rri ' MN 13.8 rtph - WA ', Overcast t 53 P�l 2i0'F 13.1°F 18.0°F 75% 30.08 in ; 8.0�ri MN 13.8 rrph - ' WA : ' Ovsrcast 229 F�N Xt'f 14.6'F 17.fi°F 74% 30.05 in ' 8.0 rri MN ' 10.4 rrph - WA �� : Cbudy : 2 53 F� 2Lt 'F 13.1'F 17.1°F , 75% 30.08 in i 9.0 rri MN , 11.5 rrph - WA : M°Stly , Cbudy 3 14 R.� 2�.t'F 11.9'F 17.6°F ' 74% 30.07 in ' 7.0 rri tJW 16.1 rtph - ' WA '' M°stfy Cbudy 3:34 RN 23.0'F o.7'F 15.8°F 74°10 30.07 in 9.0 rri WNW , 18.4 mph 26.5 mph . WA Overcast . : 3:53 FM 23.0'F 10.6`F 14.0°F 68% ; 30.11 in ; 10.0 mi WMN 13.8 rrph - . WA (Nercast 4:22 PM 21.2'F 8.3`F 10.4°F i 63% , 3Q.09 in 10.0 mi WMN 13.8 rtph ' 21.9 rrph WA ' Scattered , , 'i qouds , 4:4�PM 21.2°F 8.9°F , 12.2°F ', 68�0 30.10 in 10.0 rti 4VNW ', 12.7 rtph - ! WA ' ' r`�OS�' ', Cbudy 4:49 PM ; 21.2°F 8.3°F ' 12.2°F 68% : 30.10 in 10.0 rrr ; WMN I 13.8 rrph ' 23.0 mph WA M°stty , , ! Cbudy 4:53 PM 21.9°F , 8.2'F , 12.0°F , 66% 30.14 in 10A rri WNW 16.1 rcph 23.0 rtph WA. Overcast 5:53 PM 18.0°F ' 6.9°F ' 10.0°F 71°h 30.16 in _10A mi WNNV 9.2 rtPh - WA qear ', 6:53 PM , 17.1°F , 3.0°F 9.0°F 71% 30.17 in_ 10.0 mi _West ' 13.8 nPh - __ WA _ Pattly qoudy ; �:53 PM 15.1°F 3.3°F , 8.1°F 74% i 30.18 in 10.0 rri West 9.2 rt�h - WA Scattered ' ' ' Cbuds 8:53 PIN 15.1°F ' 4.2°F 7.0°F 70% ..3Q.18 in 10.0 mi West . 8.1 mQh - WA. Overcast 9:53 PM 15.1°F 4.2°F j 7.0°F ', 70%a 30.17 in 10.0 mi WNW 8.1 mph - WA . Overcast 10:53 PM 15.1°F 6.4°F ' 7.0°F 70°!0 30.18 in 1D.0 rri West . 5.8 mph. - . WA Overcast 11:53 PM ` 16.0°F ' 8.8°F I 8.1°F 71% 80.17 in 10.0 mi West 4.fi rrph - WA . Overcast ' �s,,.,,u��. �.�.� ,��r ' �.�,,.,. � ..�.�� -:�,z_� _,,�,���,�,,<��,_p,�,,..� ,�,. .��.s�.,a�, .....A�„�,�..���m ,m.,....,�,�a� r�.�.�.,�.�..,�,, w�..-�.���>�..�.,�,.�,_,������� ' Sfiow full N�TARS�ME?AR FAQ(Corrrre pelirrited File _ __ _ __ _ ._ __._ __.. _ _..;: � www.wunderground.corr�history/airport/KSTP/2013/12/25JDailyHistory.html?req cit�NA&req state=NA8�req statename=NA 3J3 1r3n4 CityofSt.Paul,MN-Official Website-SnowEmergencyFAQs .,,r.�.��.,.,�,.�.,�,.� ���.....,.4�.��4����,y. �����..�,���.,�N�..,...��....�.,.u��,..���.,.�.,.��w��� ���,.��.,.r�.»�...,��.�������..�..���..��„..��...,.�,.. snow has Nallen. G:Why are there two phases to a Snow Emergency? A:. Because residents ha�,e a need to continue to use on-street parking during snow emergencies,we ha�e to haee a place for people to paric. Dividing the city into two distinct sets of routes aliows people to find a place to park their�ehicle with some methodology. Q:. Has the city ever considered parking on one side of the street only during the snow season? Why don't we do that? A: The city has discussed options such as this seoeral times.One-side bans are easy to implement city wide and can be done quickly. Since parking is in such high demand in some areas and not in others the city chooses to look at problems indiHdually and address accordingly rather than just make a blanket rule that affects ereryone whether there is a problem or not. � f � www.stpaul.go�rxiexasp�C?NID=4258 �