99-425oRjG��A�. �r�c�ev��,e�. — �0.��6 ` 1�9��o,�n��� F��e # 9°t-4�.5 Resolution # Green Sheet # J �C�. RESOLUTION OF Presented By Referred To Committee: Date e{ �p 0 RESOLUTION MAHING CERTAIN DETERMIlVATION5 AND FINDINGS NECESSARY FOR ACQUISITION OF A PARCEL AT THE NORTHEA5T CORNER OF PELHAM BLVD. AND MYRTLE AVE. UNDER 1VIINNESOTA STATUTE CHAPTER 469, ST. ANTI�ONY PARI{ DISTRICT 12 9 ]0 I1 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �� �g :9 0 WFIEREAS, the properiy at the northeast corner of Pelham Blvd. and Myrtle Ave. is legally described as "the south 44 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Bakers Addition to the City of St. Paul", and hereafter will be referred to as "Parcel D": and WHEREAS, the 2356 UniversiTy Ave. Limited Parinership received approval for a Neighborhood STAR loan and grantin 1948 (#98-135: Specialty Parking) to develop parking on property thatincludes Parcel D, and this parking will allow buildout of an additional floor of the Specialty Building at 2356 University Ave, for ofFice use; and WI�REAS, the Limited Partnership has a potenfial tenant who will bring an estimated 80 jobs to the building, with a potential for a total of 200 jobs witlain two yeazs, if the needed parking can be secured; and WHEREAS, the Limited Partnership has attempted to privately acquire or secure a long-term ]ease for Parcel D, but k�ave been unsuccessful; and WI�REAS, acquiring Parcel D is essential for securing adequate parking to meet the needs of the Specialty Parking project; and WFIEREAS, staff is in the process of obtaining an appraisal of the property, but estimates the fair market value of Parcel D at $26,180 ($4.25 x 6,160 square feet), based on an appraisal of ]and value for adjacent property that was completed in January, 1999; and WI�REAS, funds for the purchase will come from the developer, 2356 University Ave. Limited Partnership; and WI�EREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment AuthoriTy of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota ("I-IKA") has duly adopted and there is now in legal effect a City-Wide Redevelopment Plan for the acquisition, / / PAUL, MfNNESOTA qq-'�a.s 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 redevelopment, and resale of properties and a West Midway-South St. Anthony Pazk Redevelopment Plan and St. Anthony Pazk District 12 are part of this plan; and WHEREAS, the I IRA has the power to engage in development or redevelopment activities under Chapter 469 of the Minnesota Statutes, Housing and Redevelopment Act, and that the I�ZA is authorized to engage in activities re]ating to: I) housing projects and development; 2) remova] and prevention of the spread of condifions of blight or deterioration; 3) bringing substandard buildings and improvements into comp]iance with pubiic standards; 4) disposition of land for private redevelopment; and 5) improving the tax base and the financiai stabiliry of the community, and eneages in the afore-mentioned activities when these needs cannot be met through reliance solely upon private initiative and which can also be undertaken in targeted neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the HRA Board of Commissioners in its Resolution No. 99-4(28-2 did approve acquisition of Parcel D for private redevelopment purposes; and �. WI�REAS, on May �i 1999, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed acquisition in order that the properiy owner or representatives may attend and indicate hisfher opposition or support for this proposed acquisition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St. Paul in view of the faregoing hereby adopted as findings that the public acquisition by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of the property identified as fotlows: The south 44 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Bakers Addition to the City of St. Paul is hereby approved in accordance with the following: That the City Wide Redevelopment Plan and West Midway-South St. Anthony Park Redevelopment Plan, together with Minnesota Statutes 469.012 Subd. 1(6), which authorizes tlxe I�tA to engage in activities re]ating Yo dispasition of land for private redevelopment, and improving the tas base and the financial stability of the community, and engages in the afore- mentioned activities when these tteeds cannot be met through reliance solely upon private initiative and which can also be undertaken in targeted neighborhoods, is consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole and provides economic stability for the area, and said property is being purchased in accordance therewith. 2. That said acquisition of Pazcel D would not be made available for redevelopment without the action of the I-IRA, which will allow the completion of Neighborhood STAR Project #98- 135:Specialty Pazking. This parking project wili allow buildout of an addifional floor of the Specialry Building at 2356 University Ave. W. for office use, bringing an estimated 80 jobs to St. Paul, with the potential over 12-18 inonths for a total of 200 jobs at this location. 3. That funds for said acquisition shall come from 2356 University Ave. Limited Partnership. 4. That acquisition of the property identified as Parce] D is hereby approved to be undertaken by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by d'uect purchase or by the exercise of the power of eminent domain including use of quick take. Any actions 2 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 previously taken by the FIRA in this regard are hereby ratified and affirmed. ay •�t�.s 5. That pursuant to Chapter 548, Laws of Minnesota 1984, it is hereby certified that said Parcel meets the condition of Minnesota Statutes 272.02, Subdivision 1, clause (7) and 469A40, Subdivision 1, that until sold for private redevelopment said properry is exempt from property taYes. ORi�INAI. Requested by Department of; Adoption Certif By: Appsoved by May By: Pldnnin & ECOno(niC Develo ment By: � Form Approved by Cit A torney By: � 3 Adopted by Conncil: Date���� l ,� P Ea - �10 �t���§�- T�.� �onhcl �turnmon �6-�s� i BE ON COUNGIL AGENOA BY (OATE} M� �z,19�`l -- , . � TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE �,,,o�,ro„�nR�i� ❑f 'row. H�rren (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) Qkbl� �earin9 aµc� a(�co�al of cz Cii-7 �unc<"l resot4�', maKri�� reyki�ed �'nd,�s rtecessa�7 -Fof acqu�s�}��n arr a parcel a�l- �e norff.east' co c�t.�- oF Pe111c.w� R lvd . and M� rtPe Avc - �i Sf. A�+tkory Par�.' � Oi'sf*'�rt f Z> F1R�' resot..f i`o✓� 99 - Y/a�/3 aufL,oe�z�a( acq4� sitron o� �}G„�r �acc�( SubJ e<-t '� '�, pubtic l•eC�',n9 , DATION Approve (A) a R ej EC� (R) PERSONAG SERVICE CONTRAGiS MUST ANSWER iXE FOUAWING QUESTTONS: PLANNING CAMMISS{ON CIB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVtCE COMMIS: Has this persoNBrm ever worKed untler a conGact far this departmeM? vES No Has Mis cersonlE�m ever been a cily employee9 YES NO Does Mis Pe���m D�� s sf6tl � namaltyWssessed bY anY curte+R citY QmPtoYee? YES NO Is ihis perso�im atargefetl veMOY7 YES NO �lain all vee ansMers on seoa�ate sheM anG attach to arem sheet /�c�uis� fio� o� �fi�s Pqfcel is ,��-cerrac -Evt co o� !�e��hbo; hood 4 S�(AR P c��cc'f" 9 8- t 3S' = S�e�carl- �a�t4ng .' J' T�tis P�.rce1 W;11 � Covrib�'ntc( Wi'Fi� o'�'iw-ts '�'O dcvt�cP � tic�i��nq ioti {- J �o� -Fl.e_ SPeci�.(�I $Idc�. Ar �3rb �ln+�t{si+y �kve. +irGt,szh w��t qlfa�.J more cf �haY' bk��drn� `�v !9c- cleYCi � ,� . �'or cFFr�� ��e ��s uar b� �0 — !00 mott j a bs -}p '�f f. �re�y . _�C��°'p OF TRANSACTION f � ����� ��l-�{'ZS 5 v 99 GREEN SHEET No 63602 IMtlaRDaN NIXaV6ak Z otnunprowFrro. rarcauxci SN;x � YBFlt PoR � t�1YrTlalllEY -� ��� ❑ fJtYCtFRK � ,� �,�� ��,,,,� �VC�°'� ��� �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� VES NO � SOURCE ACTNI7YNUMBER DEPARTNItiNT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPME'NT Pamela Wheelock Director CTTY OF SAII�IT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri129, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 25 Wes! Fourth Sbeet Saint Paul, NIN Si102 �.�t-�t as Telephone: 612-266-6655 Facsimile: 612-228-3267 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is soheduled for Wednesday, May 12, 1999, 5:30 pm. far the following: Purpose: A public hearing before the City Council to make necessary findings and determinations and to authorize proceeding with acquisition of the pazcel at the northeast comer of Pelham Blvd. and Myrtie Ave. through eminent domain. Legal Description of Property: The south 44 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Bakers Addition to the City of St. Paul. Previous Action: HRA Board resolution 99-3124 authorizing acquisition of this pazcel and scheduling of a public hearing before the City Council to make necessary findings and determinations and to authorize acyuisition through eminent domain. My understanding is that you will publish notice o£the hearing in the Saint Paui Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �a"^��M"�'"� Donna Drummond City Planner cc: Pete McCall •r�msrxurv• � MOTICE OF PIIBIdC HEARING, "ll�e Saint Paul (,1ty Coimcil will conduct a publlc hearing on Wedciesday, May 12_ 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the CiTy Council Chambers, Third N7oor, City Hall-Courthouse, W make necessary M�nngs and determinations and to authoxize proreeding u9th acqutsitio� ot the parcel at The nm[heast corner of Pelham Boulevard and Myr[leAvenue thrmvgh emtnent domatn. Dacal: Apri13U.1999 NANCYANDERSON AasistantGiTyCounc115ecretuy __ (May 1) ' --33:PADLLEGALLEDGER��s oRjG��A�. �r�c�ev��,e�. — �0.��6 ` 1�9��o,�n��� F��e # 9°t-4�.5 Resolution # Green Sheet # J �C�. RESOLUTION OF Presented By Referred To Committee: Date e{ �p 0 RESOLUTION MAHING CERTAIN DETERMIlVATION5 AND FINDINGS NECESSARY FOR ACQUISITION OF A PARCEL AT THE NORTHEA5T CORNER OF PELHAM BLVD. AND MYRTLE AVE. UNDER 1VIINNESOTA STATUTE CHAPTER 469, ST. ANTI�ONY PARI{ DISTRICT 12 9 ]0 I1 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �� �g :9 0 WFIEREAS, the properiy at the northeast corner of Pelham Blvd. and Myrtle Ave. is legally described as "the south 44 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Bakers Addition to the City of St. Paul", and hereafter will be referred to as "Parcel D": and WHEREAS, the 2356 UniversiTy Ave. Limited Parinership received approval for a Neighborhood STAR loan and grantin 1948 (#98-135: Specialty Parking) to develop parking on property thatincludes Parcel D, and this parking will allow buildout of an additional floor of the Specialty Building at 2356 University Ave, for ofFice use; and WI�REAS, the Limited Partnership has a potenfial tenant who will bring an estimated 80 jobs to the building, with a potential for a total of 200 jobs witlain two yeazs, if the needed parking can be secured; and WHEREAS, the Limited Partnership has attempted to privately acquire or secure a long-term ]ease for Parcel D, but k�ave been unsuccessful; and WI�REAS, acquiring Parcel D is essential for securing adequate parking to meet the needs of the Specialty Parking project; and WFIEREAS, staff is in the process of obtaining an appraisal of the property, but estimates the fair market value of Parcel D at $26,180 ($4.25 x 6,160 square feet), based on an appraisal of ]and value for adjacent property that was completed in January, 1999; and WI�REAS, funds for the purchase will come from the developer, 2356 University Ave. Limited Partnership; and WI�EREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment AuthoriTy of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota ("I-IKA") has duly adopted and there is now in legal effect a City-Wide Redevelopment Plan for the acquisition, / / PAUL, MfNNESOTA qq-'�a.s 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 redevelopment, and resale of properties and a West Midway-South St. Anthony Pazk Redevelopment Plan and St. Anthony Pazk District 12 are part of this plan; and WHEREAS, the I IRA has the power to engage in development or redevelopment activities under Chapter 469 of the Minnesota Statutes, Housing and Redevelopment Act, and that the I�ZA is authorized to engage in activities re]ating to: I) housing projects and development; 2) remova] and prevention of the spread of condifions of blight or deterioration; 3) bringing substandard buildings and improvements into comp]iance with pubiic standards; 4) disposition of land for private redevelopment; and 5) improving the tax base and the financiai stabiliry of the community, and eneages in the afore-mentioned activities when these needs cannot be met through reliance solely upon private initiative and which can also be undertaken in targeted neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the HRA Board of Commissioners in its Resolution No. 99-4(28-2 did approve acquisition of Parcel D for private redevelopment purposes; and �. WI�REAS, on May �i 1999, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed acquisition in order that the properiy owner or representatives may attend and indicate hisfher opposition or support for this proposed acquisition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St. Paul in view of the faregoing hereby adopted as findings that the public acquisition by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of the property identified as fotlows: The south 44 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Bakers Addition to the City of St. Paul is hereby approved in accordance with the following: That the City Wide Redevelopment Plan and West Midway-South St. Anthony Park Redevelopment Plan, together with Minnesota Statutes 469.012 Subd. 1(6), which authorizes tlxe I�tA to engage in activities re]ating Yo dispasition of land for private redevelopment, and improving the tas base and the financial stability of the community, and engages in the afore- mentioned activities when these tteeds cannot be met through reliance solely upon private initiative and which can also be undertaken in targeted neighborhoods, is consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole and provides economic stability for the area, and said property is being purchased in accordance therewith. 2. That said acquisition of Pazcel D would not be made available for redevelopment without the action of the I-IRA, which will allow the completion of Neighborhood STAR Project #98- 135:Specialty Pazking. This parking project wili allow buildout of an addifional floor of the Specialry Building at 2356 University Ave. W. for office use, bringing an estimated 80 jobs to St. Paul, with the potential over 12-18 inonths for a total of 200 jobs at this location. 3. That funds for said acquisition shall come from 2356 University Ave. Limited Partnership. 4. That acquisition of the property identified as Parce] D is hereby approved to be undertaken by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by d'uect purchase or by the exercise of the power of eminent domain including use of quick take. Any actions 2 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 previously taken by the FIRA in this regard are hereby ratified and affirmed. ay •�t�.s 5. That pursuant to Chapter 548, Laws of Minnesota 1984, it is hereby certified that said Parcel meets the condition of Minnesota Statutes 272.02, Subdivision 1, clause (7) and 469A40, Subdivision 1, that until sold for private redevelopment said properry is exempt from property taYes. ORi�INAI. Requested by Department of; Adoption Certif By: Appsoved by May By: Pldnnin & ECOno(niC Develo ment By: � Form Approved by Cit A torney By: � 3 Adopted by Conncil: Date���� l ,� P Ea - �10 �t���§�- T�.� �onhcl �turnmon �6-�s� i BE ON COUNGIL AGENOA BY (OATE} M� �z,19�`l -- , . � TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE �,,,o�,ro„�nR�i� ❑f 'row. H�rren (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) Qkbl� �earin9 aµc� a(�co�al of cz Cii-7 �unc<"l resot4�', maKri�� reyki�ed �'nd,�s rtecessa�7 -Fof acqu�s�}��n arr a parcel a�l- �e norff.east' co c�t.�- oF Pe111c.w� R lvd . and M� rtPe Avc - �i Sf. A�+tkory Par�.' � Oi'sf*'�rt f Z> F1R�' resot..f i`o✓� 99 - Y/a�/3 aufL,oe�z�a( acq4� sitron o� �}G„�r �acc�( SubJ e<-t '� '�, pubtic l•eC�',n9 , DATION Approve (A) a R ej EC� (R) PERSONAG SERVICE CONTRAGiS MUST ANSWER iXE FOUAWING QUESTTONS: PLANNING CAMMISS{ON CIB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVtCE COMMIS: Has this persoNBrm ever worKed untler a conGact far this departmeM? vES No Has Mis cersonlE�m ever been a cily employee9 YES NO Does Mis Pe���m D�� s sf6tl � namaltyWssessed bY anY curte+R citY QmPtoYee? YES NO Is ihis perso�im atargefetl veMOY7 YES NO �lain all vee ansMers on seoa�ate sheM anG attach to arem sheet /�c�uis� fio� o� �fi�s Pqfcel is ,��-cerrac -Evt co o� !�e��hbo; hood 4 S�(AR P c��cc'f" 9 8- t 3S' = S�e�carl- �a�t4ng .' J' T�tis P�.rce1 W;11 � Covrib�'ntc( Wi'Fi� o'�'iw-ts '�'O dcvt�cP � tic�i��nq ioti {- J �o� -Fl.e_ SPeci�.(�I $Idc�. Ar �3rb �ln+�t{si+y �kve. +irGt,szh w��t qlfa�.J more cf �haY' bk��drn� `�v !9c- cleYCi � ,� . �'or cFFr�� ��e ��s uar b� �0 — !00 mott j a bs -}p '�f f. �re�y . _�C��°'p OF TRANSACTION f � ����� ��l-�{'ZS 5 v 99 GREEN SHEET No 63602 IMtlaRDaN NIXaV6ak Z otnunprowFrro. rarcauxci SN;x � YBFlt PoR � t�1YrTlalllEY -� ��� ❑ fJtYCtFRK � ,� �,�� ��,,,,� �VC�°'� ��� �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� VES NO � SOURCE ACTNI7YNUMBER DEPARTNItiNT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPME'NT Pamela Wheelock Director CTTY OF SAII�IT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri129, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 25 Wes! Fourth Sbeet Saint Paul, NIN Si102 �.�t-�t as Telephone: 612-266-6655 Facsimile: 612-228-3267 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is soheduled for Wednesday, May 12, 1999, 5:30 pm. far the following: Purpose: A public hearing before the City Council to make necessary findings and determinations and to authorize proceeding with acquisition of the pazcel at the northeast comer of Pelham Blvd. and Myrtie Ave. through eminent domain. Legal Description of Property: The south 44 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Bakers Addition to the City of St. Paul. Previous Action: HRA Board resolution 99-3124 authorizing acquisition of this pazcel and scheduling of a public hearing before the City Council to make necessary findings and determinations and to authorize acyuisition through eminent domain. My understanding is that you will publish notice o£the hearing in the Saint Paui Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �a"^��M"�'"� Donna Drummond City Planner cc: Pete McCall •r�msrxurv• � MOTICE OF PIIBIdC HEARING, "ll�e Saint Paul (,1ty Coimcil will conduct a publlc hearing on Wedciesday, May 12_ 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the CiTy Council Chambers, Third N7oor, City Hall-Courthouse, W make necessary M�nngs and determinations and to authoxize proreeding u9th acqutsitio� ot the parcel at The nm[heast corner of Pelham Boulevard and Myr[leAvenue thrmvgh emtnent domatn. Dacal: Apri13U.1999 NANCYANDERSON AasistantGiTyCounc115ecretuy __ (May 1) ' --33:PADLLEGALLEDGER��s oRjG��A�. �r�c�ev��,e�. — �0.��6 ` 1�9��o,�n��� F��e # 9°t-4�.5 Resolution # Green Sheet # J �C�. RESOLUTION OF Presented By Referred To Committee: Date e{ �p 0 RESOLUTION MAHING CERTAIN DETERMIlVATION5 AND FINDINGS NECESSARY FOR ACQUISITION OF A PARCEL AT THE NORTHEA5T CORNER OF PELHAM BLVD. AND MYRTLE AVE. UNDER 1VIINNESOTA STATUTE CHAPTER 469, ST. ANTI�ONY PARI{ DISTRICT 12 9 ]0 I1 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �� �g :9 0 WFIEREAS, the properiy at the northeast corner of Pelham Blvd. and Myrtle Ave. is legally described as "the south 44 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Bakers Addition to the City of St. Paul", and hereafter will be referred to as "Parcel D": and WHEREAS, the 2356 UniversiTy Ave. Limited Parinership received approval for a Neighborhood STAR loan and grantin 1948 (#98-135: Specialty Parking) to develop parking on property thatincludes Parcel D, and this parking will allow buildout of an additional floor of the Specialty Building at 2356 University Ave, for ofFice use; and WI�REAS, the Limited Partnership has a potenfial tenant who will bring an estimated 80 jobs to the building, with a potential for a total of 200 jobs witlain two yeazs, if the needed parking can be secured; and WHEREAS, the Limited Partnership has attempted to privately acquire or secure a long-term ]ease for Parcel D, but k�ave been unsuccessful; and WI�REAS, acquiring Parcel D is essential for securing adequate parking to meet the needs of the Specialty Parking project; and WFIEREAS, staff is in the process of obtaining an appraisal of the property, but estimates the fair market value of Parcel D at $26,180 ($4.25 x 6,160 square feet), based on an appraisal of ]and value for adjacent property that was completed in January, 1999; and WI�REAS, funds for the purchase will come from the developer, 2356 University Ave. Limited Partnership; and WI�EREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment AuthoriTy of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota ("I-IKA") has duly adopted and there is now in legal effect a City-Wide Redevelopment Plan for the acquisition, / / PAUL, MfNNESOTA qq-'�a.s 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 redevelopment, and resale of properties and a West Midway-South St. Anthony Pazk Redevelopment Plan and St. Anthony Pazk District 12 are part of this plan; and WHEREAS, the I IRA has the power to engage in development or redevelopment activities under Chapter 469 of the Minnesota Statutes, Housing and Redevelopment Act, and that the I�ZA is authorized to engage in activities re]ating to: I) housing projects and development; 2) remova] and prevention of the spread of condifions of blight or deterioration; 3) bringing substandard buildings and improvements into comp]iance with pubiic standards; 4) disposition of land for private redevelopment; and 5) improving the tax base and the financiai stabiliry of the community, and eneages in the afore-mentioned activities when these needs cannot be met through reliance solely upon private initiative and which can also be undertaken in targeted neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the HRA Board of Commissioners in its Resolution No. 99-4(28-2 did approve acquisition of Parcel D for private redevelopment purposes; and �. WI�REAS, on May �i 1999, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed acquisition in order that the properiy owner or representatives may attend and indicate hisfher opposition or support for this proposed acquisition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St. Paul in view of the faregoing hereby adopted as findings that the public acquisition by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of the property identified as fotlows: The south 44 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Bakers Addition to the City of St. Paul is hereby approved in accordance with the following: That the City Wide Redevelopment Plan and West Midway-South St. Anthony Park Redevelopment Plan, together with Minnesota Statutes 469.012 Subd. 1(6), which authorizes tlxe I�tA to engage in activities re]ating Yo dispasition of land for private redevelopment, and improving the tas base and the financial stability of the community, and engages in the afore- mentioned activities when these tteeds cannot be met through reliance solely upon private initiative and which can also be undertaken in targeted neighborhoods, is consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole and provides economic stability for the area, and said property is being purchased in accordance therewith. 2. That said acquisition of Pazcel D would not be made available for redevelopment without the action of the I-IRA, which will allow the completion of Neighborhood STAR Project #98- 135:Specialty Pazking. This parking project wili allow buildout of an addifional floor of the Specialry Building at 2356 University Ave. W. for office use, bringing an estimated 80 jobs to St. Paul, with the potential over 12-18 inonths for a total of 200 jobs at this location. 3. That funds for said acquisition shall come from 2356 University Ave. Limited Partnership. 4. That acquisition of the property identified as Parce] D is hereby approved to be undertaken by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by d'uect purchase or by the exercise of the power of eminent domain including use of quick take. Any actions 2 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 previously taken by the FIRA in this regard are hereby ratified and affirmed. ay •�t�.s 5. That pursuant to Chapter 548, Laws of Minnesota 1984, it is hereby certified that said Parcel meets the condition of Minnesota Statutes 272.02, Subdivision 1, clause (7) and 469A40, Subdivision 1, that until sold for private redevelopment said properry is exempt from property taYes. ORi�INAI. Requested by Department of; Adoption Certif By: Appsoved by May By: Pldnnin & ECOno(niC Develo ment By: � Form Approved by Cit A torney By: � 3 Adopted by Conncil: Date���� l ,� P Ea - �10 �t���§�- T�.� �onhcl �turnmon �6-�s� i BE ON COUNGIL AGENOA BY (OATE} M� �z,19�`l -- , . � TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE �,,,o�,ro„�nR�i� ❑f 'row. H�rren (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) Qkbl� �earin9 aµc� a(�co�al of cz Cii-7 �unc<"l resot4�', maKri�� reyki�ed �'nd,�s rtecessa�7 -Fof acqu�s�}��n arr a parcel a�l- �e norff.east' co c�t.�- oF Pe111c.w� R lvd . and M� rtPe Avc - �i Sf. A�+tkory Par�.' � Oi'sf*'�rt f Z> F1R�' resot..f i`o✓� 99 - Y/a�/3 aufL,oe�z�a( acq4� sitron o� �}G„�r �acc�( SubJ e<-t '� '�, pubtic l•eC�',n9 , DATION Approve (A) a R ej EC� (R) PERSONAG SERVICE CONTRAGiS MUST ANSWER iXE FOUAWING QUESTTONS: PLANNING CAMMISS{ON CIB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVtCE COMMIS: Has this persoNBrm ever worKed untler a conGact far this departmeM? vES No Has Mis cersonlE�m ever been a cily employee9 YES NO Does Mis Pe���m D�� s sf6tl � namaltyWssessed bY anY curte+R citY QmPtoYee? YES NO Is ihis perso�im atargefetl veMOY7 YES NO �lain all vee ansMers on seoa�ate sheM anG attach to arem sheet /�c�uis� fio� o� �fi�s Pqfcel is ,��-cerrac -Evt co o� !�e��hbo; hood 4 S�(AR P c��cc'f" 9 8- t 3S' = S�e�carl- �a�t4ng .' J' T�tis P�.rce1 W;11 � Covrib�'ntc( Wi'Fi� o'�'iw-ts '�'O dcvt�cP � tic�i��nq ioti {- J �o� -Fl.e_ SPeci�.(�I $Idc�. Ar �3rb �ln+�t{si+y �kve. +irGt,szh w��t qlfa�.J more cf �haY' bk��drn� `�v !9c- cleYCi � ,� . �'or cFFr�� ��e ��s uar b� �0 — !00 mott j a bs -}p '�f f. �re�y . _�C��°'p OF TRANSACTION f � ����� ��l-�{'ZS 5 v 99 GREEN SHEET No 63602 IMtlaRDaN NIXaV6ak Z otnunprowFrro. rarcauxci SN;x � YBFlt PoR � t�1YrTlalllEY -� ��� ❑ fJtYCtFRK � ,� �,�� ��,,,,� �VC�°'� ��� �� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� VES NO � SOURCE ACTNI7YNUMBER DEPARTNItiNT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPME'NT Pamela Wheelock Director CTTY OF SAII�IT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri129, 1999 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 25 Wes! Fourth Sbeet Saint Paul, NIN Si102 �.�t-�t as Telephone: 612-266-6655 Facsimile: 612-228-3267 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is soheduled for Wednesday, May 12, 1999, 5:30 pm. far the following: Purpose: A public hearing before the City Council to make necessary findings and determinations and to authorize proceeding with acquisition of the pazcel at the northeast comer of Pelham Blvd. and Myrtie Ave. through eminent domain. Legal Description of Property: The south 44 feet of Lot 12, Block 7, Bakers Addition to the City of St. Paul. Previous Action: HRA Board resolution 99-3124 authorizing acquisition of this pazcel and scheduling of a public hearing before the City Council to make necessary findings and determinations and to authorize acyuisition through eminent domain. My understanding is that you will publish notice o£the hearing in the Saint Paui Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6556 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �a"^��M"�'"� Donna Drummond City Planner cc: Pete McCall •r�msrxurv• � MOTICE OF PIIBIdC HEARING, "ll�e Saint Paul (,1ty Coimcil will conduct a publlc hearing on Wedciesday, May 12_ 1999, at 5:30 p.m. in the CiTy Council Chambers, Third N7oor, City Hall-Courthouse, W make necessary M�nngs and determinations and to authoxize proreeding u9th acqutsitio� ot the parcel at The nm[heast corner of Pelham Boulevard and Myr[leAvenue thrmvgh emtnent domatn. Dacal: Apri13U.1999 NANCYANDERSON AasistantGiTyCounc115ecretuy __ (May 1) ' --33:PADLLEGALLEDGER��s