87-500 `WFtITE" - GTV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /'�+� CA'NARV -,�DEPARTMENT File NO• (� � � BCUE - MAVOR � . Co ncil Resolution -- - �°y� Presented By 7 � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A Resolutiori Request�ng The Metropolitan Coui�cil to Conduct A Study To Determine The Metropolitan Significance Of A Third Major Arena Whereas, The City of Minneapolis has voted to assist in financing the constructtion of an arena in the downtown area to serve an NBA franchise; and Whereas, this arena will require at least 60 events drawn from existing metro area facilities, including the St. Paul Civic Center and the Met Center in order to be economically feasible; and Whereas, the loss of these events will create economic stress for existing facilities and may result in either the closing of the Met Center or the St. Paul Civic Center, or increased tax subsidy for their operations; and Whereas, at least four mens ' and one womens ' professional basketball teams have failed in the metro area in the past; and Whereas, no study has been done to determine the impact on metro area facilities should the NBA franchise fail creating an even greater demand for the limited number of events; and Whereas, the University of Minnesota has been planning a major upgrade of facilities on the St. Paul and Minneapolis campuses, including a basketball arena that could include co-use with an NBA franchise; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibet Sonnen __ Ageillst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY By� Approved by Mavor: Date _ 1 Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By _ _ — By WHITE' - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCIl f�. CANARV --+DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL /� 7 � BCI�E - MAVOR File NO• v ` � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas, University of Minnesota officials have expressed an interest in exploring the co-use option with the NBA; Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the St. Paul City Council requests a Metropolitan Council study to determine Metropolitan Significance in the construction of a third major arena in the metro area; and be it further Resolved, that the City Council supports exploring the co-use option and requests the Metro Council and the University of Minnesota do a study to determine its feasibility; be it further Resolved, that the Metropolitan Council withhold approval for the construction of the arena until the studies are complete, and a need is determined; be it finally Resolved, that the City Council supports the University of Minnesota' s Phase I development of sports and recreational facilities. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � °�1°"� In Favor Rettman T Scheibel ��V Sonnen __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR I 4 1997 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Ya s d ncil S r BY BS' Approve y VlavQr: �Ba�e � �PR 21 1987 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — By P��;�v,;��� ,�:,r;:; � � 1987 .�_ �..:_ : :.;...::..� ... . .. � -- �"d'�� � �� . � � # ; CITY OI�` S�.INT PAUL `', .-_----- � =������, OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL = .�........�. ..���, � Dafe ; April 6, 1987 COMM (TTEE REPORT TO = Sa�nt Pau 1 City Councit F R � M � C o m m ii�t e e O h C i ty Deve 1 oQment and Transportat i on . CNAIR William L. Wilson ,.�',�r �� .,�stderation for obtaining a significant impact � W '" .,%�,� a t etement re g ardin g Minneapolis NBA facility request �="''" �� � ,����'� (Committee recommends suaporti ng Phase I of the ;� ������ ��.��'� Un i vers i ty of M i r�nesota's p 1 anned sports center and ' .�.___�._ - that the Me�ro Council conduct a s9anificant impact � � �_ _.: _�udY Y � NPP Evaluations and revised guidelines (Committee recommends approval ) �� � �-- 3. Rezoning RM2 - 501 Orake (Edward E. Bruglor) (Committee ;�� :�y�', recommends approva 1 of 1-1 rezon i ng) : .� �� Resolutipn approving amendments to the Rules and '`--' Reaulations for St. Paul Parks (Committee recommends acproval with amendment) � � Atl Right Parking. MN, Inc. , St. Paul operations . : �� (Committee referred to License Committee to be placed on License agenda) ��-.f -�-� ;�� ��>:t�•f +�'' � f • ;. , ' � �, c�, .-<.. �'; ."' ' -:j' �. . ,.� ,. � �. r s`� �,��;4, . � ��� ��� �J�� x� GtC� - � � CTTY HAI-L. SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT'PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 _ �+� �