99-422Council FIle # �{9 — y Z'�•� aR1GINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # �i � p � Committee: Date 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RESOLVED, that the renewal license application of Henry C. Hormann is hereby denied. 18 This Resolution, and the action taken above, are based upon the facts contained in the 19 April 6, 1999 Norice of Proposed Denial letter sent to the applicant, the Saint Paul Police Report 20 (CN 98-122-541) relating to the incident and such azguments as may have been presented to the 21 Council at the public hearing. Requested by Department of: B ���.,� A'�,c,C/ Form Appxoved by City Attorne� f q BY� � �.P� � �-�-f'vaU/1 Approved by Mayos fos Submission to Council By: � _ By: Approved by May Date � � l BY= ' c'��,.�ir7 ,�.�r/f�'A� WIIEREAS, Henry C. Hormann applied for a renewal of his TaYicab Driver's License (License ID. No 170185); and VJHET2EAS, a record check revealed that Mr. Hormann had been sentenced on November 30, 1998 for the misdemeanor offense of Obscene Phone Ca11s; and WHEREAS, the victim of the obscene phone calls was a passenger in Mr. Hormann's tasi and he used a reverse telephone directory to learn her name and telephone number; and WHEREAS, the purpose of regulating taxicab drivers is protection of the public and the nature of this offense is directly related to that purpose; and WIIEREAS, this conviction is recent and the applicant has submitted no evidence of rehabilitation; now, therefare, be it RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Adopted by Council: Date ����� Adoption Certi£ied 4y Council Sec ry LIEP Christine Rozek 12, 1999 - Public ASSKiN NUY96tfOR ROUi1NG TOTA� # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET qg -� �- No 64038 � �,.,,�,r��� � �� � ❑ CRYATiOR�EI' ❑ GIIYGFiK � ❑AUUYJ6LSERVICF9qR ❑FWNWLaERVlACCTC ❑ 141bRIORA&56I�Ni) ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREJ Resolution concerning adverse action against the Renewal Application fox a Taxicab Driver`s License by Henry C. Hormann, 738 3rd Street East. (Uncontested) vuni iurv approve (n) w rce�ett PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION What. When, AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION Has fhis persoNfirm euer vrorked unUer a cwRrac[ for Nis AepaAmeM7 YES NO Has this pe�sqVfirtn crer 6ee� a dtY emPloYee? YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a sldll rwt nortnallypossesseU by airy curteM cily employee? YES NO Is this perso�rtn a targeMd veMOR YES NO BlI2Ch l� 9f2E118h2E� COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER VES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN) a9 -�t a2- UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Applicant: Henry C. Hormann Address: 738 3` Street East Council Hearing Date: May 12, 1999 Violation: November 30, 1998 Conviction for Making Obscene Phone Galls St. Paul Legislative Code 376.16(e)(4) Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of License Renewal Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. letter from license applicant acknowledging violation 3. Notice of Proposed Denial 4. Ramsey County Court records 5. Police Report CN 98-122-541 6. License renewal application information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robirsson, Jc, City Altorney Q9 -�{ �' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemart, Mayor Apri128, 1999 Civi! Divisian 400 City Hal! Telephone: 651166-8710 15 West Ke[logg Blvd Facsimile: 651 298-5619 Sain! Paul, Minrresota 55702 �r. � �.�.,.,=:'.: 4;..:,``.� NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING �d�:-� "•"° ` }�.�� � Ce �:v�� w Mr. Henry C. Horxnann 738 3r Street East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 RE: Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License License ID No. : 17085 Our File Number: G99-0123 Dear Mr. Hormann: Please take notice that a heazing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 12,1949 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the basic facts contained in the Notice of Proposed Denial concerning your conviction for making obscene phone calls to a former passenger have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/ar written remarks. The recommendation of the license office will be fox the denial of your renewal application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �� ��� �� �` Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson �t9 -y a �-. City of St. Paul Office of the Ciry Attomey 400 City Hall Attention: Virguua D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey Dear Ms. Palmer, I am writing in response to the letter I received from you regarding the proposed denial of my St. Paul Taxicab Drivers License. I also spoke to you by phone regazding this matter on Thursday, April 15, 1999. As I indicated to you on the phone, I admit to the facts stated in the letter that I received with one exception. On November 30, 1998 I was sentenced far the violation of Obscene Phone Calls. The term "Calls" is in the plural simply because that is the tenn for the charge. In actuality, there is only one call that is in question here. To that end, I would like to amend the following sentence in your letter to me. Where it states "These calls were made to a woman" it should read "This call was made to a woman". Finally, I would like to state to you that I realize I did something very wrong. I am already paying a rather heavy price for what I did what with a fairly substantial fine that I had to pay, a treatment program that I was put into as a condition of my probation that may last for several years, plus just the general stigma of having such a thing on your record. I have been a taxicab driver in the City of St. Paul for 18 years and have been a lifelong resident of the city. Additionally, I am 49 years old and have not been in any trouble with the law other than this since 1972, when I got a DWI at the age of 23. As I stated. eighteen years of my life have been spent driving cab in the City of St. Paul. I like to think that I have been a good cab driver and good to my passengers. Even though cab driving is not the most glamorous job in the world, it is and has been my life and I enjoy it and really don't know what I'd do without it. If the City of St. Paul deems it necessary to take my license away as a result of this violation, I am out of a job that I have spent a sizable portion of my life doing. Therefore, I am requesting that this matter be scheduled for hearing by the St. Paul City Council for a final determination on the status of the license. At that time; I will present my case to them and hope for the best. Very truly yours, Henry C. Hormann b ;�.�,, o�, �. � �.� � n. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 6, 1999 OFFICE " � THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayfon.L. binson,Jr.,CityAttorney A1 O �{{a,� '\ \ CIVtI DNlSlOX 400CiryHall Te(ephone: b51266-8i10 ISii'eslKelloggB[vd Facsimile:651298-5679 Sairs! Paul, blinnesota 55l0? NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAI, Mr. Henry C. Hormann 738 3'd Street East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 Re: Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License License ID No.:170185 Our File Number: G99-0123 Dear Mr. Hormann: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection is recommending denial of your renewal application for taxicab driver's license. This action is based on the following: On or about November 30, 1998, you were sentenced for the violation of Obscene Phone Calls. These calls were made to a woman who had been a passenger in your cab. The above conduct is a misdemeanor violarion of IaR•, and constitutes grounds under Section 37616(e)(4) of the Sainf Paul Legislafive Code for denial of your license renewal application. Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code does not permit the issuance of a license to a person having a misdemeanor conviction within the past three years involving indecent conduct. Section 310.06 of the Legislative Code also allows denial of a license when such matters indicate a lack of good moral character or fitness to engage in the licensed activity. Under state law, Minn. Stat. ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inform you of certain matters: First, the grounds and reasons for the denial of the license. Zhese grounds and reasons are set forth above. 01 q -�.a�- Second, any complaints or grievances that you may have will be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the procedures set forth in secrion 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. These procedures aze substantially similaz to those required by the state administrative procedures acY, Minn. Stat. §§ 14.57-.69. ' Third, the eazliest date on which you may reapply for a taxi driver's license will be one year from the later of the following two dates: (1) the date of your successfui completion of supervised probation, with a copy of the department of corrections discharge order and other documents showing compliance with all terms and conditions of probation; or (2) the date, putsuant to section 310.02 of the Legislative Code, your Iicense is denied by the City of Saint Paul. Puture reception of a re- application does not guarantee that there will be sufficient evidence of rehabilitation, nor that a license will be issued at that time. Fourth, if you reapply, the City of Saint Paul will consider all competent evidence of rehabilitation that you wish to present. Examples of the type of evidence that wzll be considered aze set forth in section 364.03 of the state law. Since the proposed denial of your renewal application for a license is an adverse action, you are entitled to the hearing procedures established in sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. You or your attomey will have to make a written request for a hearing if you wish to contest the denial of your renewal application. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type and do not wish to continue to operate as a taxicab driver within the City of St. Paul, you may surrender your taxicab driver's license to the license division and request to withdraw your renewal application. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type, but wish to proceed with the license renewal application process, you will need to admit in writing to the facts stated above in bold type. The matter will then be scheduled for hearing before the St. Paul City Council for a final determination regarding the status of your taxicab driver's license. If you contest the facts stated above in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be heard before an administrative law judge, whose findings and recommendations will be given to the St. Paul City Council for a fmal determination. If you choose to exercise your right to an administrative hearing, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover the cost of the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. Page 2 �`t -�t a ?. Please contact me or Peter Pangborn, at 266-8710, within ten (iQ) days from the date of this letter as to whether you admit or deny the highlighted facts stated above, and whether you wish to have an administrative hearing on those facts. As stated above, if you choose to proceed with an administrative hearing, you will need to make that request in writing. Very truly yours, �����a�� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Page 3 �q-yaa- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) Ss. COUN'PY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL 30ANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 7, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL on the following named person by placing a Crue and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. Henry C. Hormann 738 3r Street East St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th da�of At�ril!11999. Notary PE7Ep P, pANGBORN �-ppjj�py p��—MINNESC°'' MY�pesn,Ej�iresJan.3� 2�� SD1034.1/990324:140535 Name Index Display 1 of Name: HORMANN, HENRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aq-4aa�- HORMANN, HENRY . . . . . . . . . . . . •/ FLD:03/12/1992 Unlaw Det 62-CO-92-2929 Archive H�RMANN, HENRY CHARLES . . . . . . . ./ FLD:05/07/1992 Concil 62-S3-92-3598 Archive HORMANN, HENRY CHARLES, [08011998] .../The State of Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:08/25/1998 Misdemeanr OBSCENE PHONE CALLS DOB 06/26/1 62-T3-98-67562 Cit #: 9$ -210751 SA Closed DISP: Guilty HORMANN, HENRY CHARLES . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FI,D:08/25/199'I NMvg Petty NO SEATBELT DOB 06/26/1 62-T5-97-57685 Archive HORMANN, HENRY CHARLES . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:04/O1J1997 Speed-PMD SPD. 35-30 CO ZO [120.50] DOB 06/26/1 62-T6-97-22671 SA Archive ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following names are "sound alikes" for HORMANN AERMAWAN, HENRY . . . . . . . . . . . jState of Minnesota (PL13) FLD:08/07/1998 Parking NON DES AREA DOB 09/20/1 62-T2-98-628382 Archive HERRMANN, HENRY J . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:06/28/1996 Informal 62-PO-96-5659 HERRMANN, HENRY J . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:06/28/1996 Informal 62-PO-96-5659 HORMAN, HENRY C . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:O1/12/1989 Concil 62-58-89-478 Archive Archive Archive SD2005.0/990324:1 Activity Display Fi 62-T3-98-067562 Misdemeanor Date filed: 08/25L1 The State of Minnesota vs. HENRY CHARLES HORMANN. [�80119981 �q ' 4 a�" Time Status Court Date Activity Start/End Judge Notice Room Tried Cntinua _ 08/25/98 Case Filed 10:25/10:25 OCC/ 09/14/98 Arraigmm�t 01:00/ J Smith OCC/ 131A 1ST APP NTC 08/25/98 PP _ 09/14/98 Arraigmm�t 01:00/ J Smith OCC/ 131A DNQ PD; FC PLEA/ATTNY 9-28-98 1PM; REFER TO CDS NCO FILED DLO 09/28/98 Hearing 01:00/ S Rosas OCC/ 1.31A PLEA/ATTNY; REFER TO CDS; NCO IN EFFECT � 09/14/98 Order 02:39/ J Smith OCCj NO CONTACT ORDER FILED; JOELLE VITIELLO DLO � 09/28/98 Aearing 01:00/ S Rosas OCC/ 131A PLED NG D/C 10/21/98 9AM J VANDENORTH CMM 10/21/98 Dispo Conf 09:00/ J VandeNorth CAN/ PLED G D/C J VANDENORTH _ 09/28/98 Doc. Filed 01:58/ OCC/ ORDER SETTING D/C AND ORDER TO REPORT FILED CMM _ 10/O1/98 Doc. Filed 02:29/ OCC/ RULE 9.01 DEFENDANT'S DEMAND FOR DISCLOSURE ICAB _ 10/16/98 Doc. Filed 01:55/ OCC/ RULE 7.01 DISCLOSURE AND MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY KAB _ 10/21/98 Plea Hrng 09:00/ L Cohen OCC/ CH OR - PG AS CHARGED; FC PSI/SENT 11j30/98 1:3� COHEN 1240 PM 11/30/98 Pre-SntInv 09:34/ L Cohen OCC/ il/30/98 Sentencing 01:30/ L Cohen OCC/ 1240 OR-PG AS CHARGED "OBSCENE PHONE CALL" PSI/SENT COFiEN _ 10/21/98 Doc. Filed 10:31/ OCC/ PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN A MISD CASE FILEPM _ 10/21/98 Cert Rep 10:32/ OCC/ CERT OF REP FILED BY ATTY BRIAN SOLEM PM _ 11/30/98 Pre-SntInv 09:34/ L Cohen OCC/ _ 11/30/98 Sentencing 01:30/ L Cohen OCC/ 1240 90D+$700 SS PO 1Y 1)NOTEBOOK TO BE DESTROYED 2)CAB CO TO BE INFORMED OF CONVICTION 3)$500+FEE5 4)REST TO VICTIM FOR COUNSELING/SECURITY ** SENT CONT ** W5 11/30/98 Clerical 01:31/ OCC/ SENT CONTINUED - JUDGE COHEN _ 11/30/98 Clerical 01:31/ OCC/ ** SENT CONT ** 5)USL CND/LA 6)NO S/S 7)ABST DRG/ALC CHEMS 8)UA/BT 9)SEX OFFENDER TX 10)NO CONTACT W/ VICTIM 11)SUBMIT TO LIE DETECTOR TESTING WS 06/O1/00 Archive / PEN/ _ 11/30/98 Clerical 02:55/ OCC/ DFDT S3ILL PAY BY 1/31j99 MD O1/31/99 Sp Acct Rv / CAN/ PA MD _ 12/O1/98 Closed 05:30/ OCC/ _ O1/27/99 PartialPay 02:25/ OCC/ CASH $300 BJM _ 02/01/99 Pd in Full 10:08/ oCC/ PD IN FULL IN ST PAUL TVB MJH �-___- _,_ ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFENSE/INCIDENT REPORT r -- � • : l T'vSlli86 Iflill�fflil�l�l,llillil�l�f�llillfl'll Ilif11 Time & Da.e oi Occurrence: D & Tir of Tn:s Reper;. OCCUrred At ❑ Betw=en: hrs. on and ��� hr5. en � �/ � � ' Q Arrest s) Mztle- � Yes [] On View { � �No Time Date ❑ Warrznt/Previous C.N. ICitations Issuzd� I� Yzs �No �• • ❑ • � Squatl >: Unit � Patrol Agency (if other than SPPD): Squ2d =: Unit � Pa;rol Agency (if other thzn S?PD) � � 3 other Other Resistance Encounteretl: Weapons Used By Police: I�'None Weapons Used By Suspect at Time of Arres, � � ❑ Yes � No J � J � � ❑ Chemical ❑ Hards/Feet ❑ Stungun � Etlgetl Weapon ❑ Firea: m � Imp�c� Weapen Pursurt Engaged n: ❑ Yes No ❑ Firearm � Impact Weapon Q Other � Explosive ❑ HanCS/Feet ❑ Oth=_r If Arrestee is a juvenile, write'JUVENILE' in the name box. tf the victim is a juvenite, the victim's name, e[c. is fiiled in, uniess ihe juvenile was a victim of a CSC or chiid ahuse. In those cases, just write "JUVENILE' in the name box. Also, do not �ist the name of an adult victim of CSC. It a victim or witness wishes to have their name kept private, and the officer has reason to believe ihat reteas��9 the person's oame vrould put them or their property in jeopardy, check the'Request Non-publiG box and leave the name boX blank. Nam= �� ^-• First. Middle): Address' G Request - Non-public I Was this person taken � � Yes Health care facitity & 1Ctldress: � I to a heaith care facility? �No ,. y�'�c �f�ue Location of Inc�Cent: ------ - ' --- � - ---`t 2. Nam.e of i ''C�-_�___�.— .__ ___ _-_ - _ ... Case Assigned ❑ Noted F _Hom _Rob �Juv _Oper _PSC _Lao �Rec /am �3ex _D/C _Burg _Theft _Prop —CAU _F8P _Au;o _DAO Pac, 7 _CO _Rph _Vice _Narco _SIU —T���Other ��S f"'- PM820-E2R S � � � � t �/ � \ �li�.Cri�. _ � ilGuarCenNaR'�e: - - - -. " - " - � I ' ❑ Medium ❑ Slender N Address: `Q Aw^ ❑ &�(tl ❑ Kinky i Q @:ack ❑ B�aCR ❑ ReCed�rg ❑ IrW.tn ❑ BIwW ❑ S:raiqht ❑ ANacan ❑ &own ❑ WaveY/Cury ❑ Kmt.e ❑ Gaay ❑ V�k:rwn Q ReC'A,:Ourn Q Snort ❑ Sandy ❑ lAetlium ❑ Wh�tz ❑ Lcn9 'Q H�s�a�k OHense/❑ 7Q ❑ ❑ 3 Q� �/' C�E.'' /tf. �il�d] C Nama (Last. First, Midd�e): D.O.B.; � � � Age: V Jwenlio - Parent/Guard�an K N�cknamo/AKA: . - HC19hC <-� . ,� � W6ight: pn Arm On Chest On F1antl Other __ N(tial Name NUm6er Picture/Desgn Witness Sex;g(�1 St. Paul Reside M�ssing Person ❑ F ❑ Y ❑ N Address: Med'wm �I Slender � � As�an ❑ BaW ❑ Kmky ❑ BWCk ❑ Black ❑ Recetlirg ❑ Intl�an ❑ Blontl ❑ Straight b�ezican � Brovm ❑ Wavey/Curty V/hRe ❑ Gray :❑ n�ownORetl/AUSumOShart ' ❑ Sandy ❑ Matlium ❑ Whrte ❑ Lonq �{ F.s�d^K Jwenile • Paren;/Guard�an Name: ❑ As+an ❑ Ba�c � Kinky ! 0 8 '°�k ❑ g�a:k d ReCetling 'Q Ind�an ❑ Bbrq ❑ Srca�ght i Q b:es�an Q&Jwn ❑ Nk.eY/Cu•F� [} VRui6 � Gra�• ❑ U :ncw� [] 7�.:iA�;u.r.0 S�qr( I '. .;•. � Sarav '� h'ea�um { :. ��:", ".��, Q �t"/hqe . � . � long i❑ . !"?[�xx ...:}..�. r ms•r�.�� ' �� ""�4�� , .�'.`�'. ;"- , �itpl Ayrw ❑ Acne ❑ Clean Sna�ei Black ❑ Birthmdrk ❑ Stubb�2 &own-LL ❑ FreCkleS ❑ 8e2rC &own-Mee ❑ GWSSes ❑ Moustache Bmwn-Oark ❑ Moles Ohve ❑ Prercea Ear(s)Q Left Hantled Paie ❑ Pockmark ❑ R:gn; HanCZ< Rudtly ❑ Sca�-8o0y Q Oiher _ ❑ SCa�—PaCiai Albino ❑ ACne ❑ Clean Shaver Black ❑ girihmaB ❑ SNbhle &owrnLt ❑ Freckles ❑ B¢a�d &own-Med. ❑ Glasses ❑ Moustache Brown-�ark ❑ Moles Ohve ❑ Pierced Eaz(s)� Left Hx:iCed Pale ❑ Pockmark ❑ Right HzntleG Rutltly ❑ Scar—Botly ❑ Other _ ❑ Scar—Faaai On Arm On Chest On FiaM Ot�er ` Initial Name Number PwNre/Design of Vichm/GuO�d�an Location. ❑ Nane ❑ No:e ❑ SoC=_r ❑ Mino� ❑ Arr..s/Hantls ❑ HBD ❑ Possible Intem2l ❑ Heatl ❑ Intox�caleC ❑ A, paRnt �OkEn E�noS ❑ Ipiernai ❑ AICOhO� ❑ Lass of Teeth Q LeSSiFee� ❑ DruSs ❑ Szvere Laceratron ❑ NECk ❑ Uni�rrown ❑ Puncture: StaS ❑ Torso Back ❑ Lor.socus ❑ Gunshot ❑ To.so Front ❑ Unconsc+ous ❑ O[Fer Malof iryu: y ❑ DOA of Victim/Guardian: ❑ None ❑ Ncre ❑ Scter ❑ Minor ❑ Nr.s/Hantls ❑ HBD Q Possible Ir.te/n21 ❑ HE2C ❑ Intozicatetl ❑ App2reot 2r.keo EUnes ❑ In'=_�nal ❑ Alcchol ❑ Loss of Teeth ❑ L�s�Feet ❑ Dr�cs ❑ SevereLZcerabon ❑ Iaeu C� Un'a;pwn ❑ Punc;ure/S;ab ❑ Tcr,o Back ❑ Ccrs�,ous ❑ Gunshot ❑ Tu� Front ❑ Urt�nsda:s ❑ Othe' Marr inryry ❑ DOA t❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ vict�m ❑ v�imess sex: p M St. Pzu� Resident ❑ Comp � Suspect ❑ Missing Person 1 ❑ F I� Y ❑ N Phone � Work Phone� Gang. Heavy � Medium ❑ SlenCer Albino (] P,qq ❑ Clea- S�zie� B12Ck �Birthmxrh �]SWbck Brovm-Lt ❑ Freckles � gog�� &mvr-MeC ❑ Gizsses ❑ Maus:=Cr.g B�ovm.DarR ❑lnoL=s O�rv� � pierceC Ear�Si Q Lefl Y.ziC?: Pa�= ❑ Pockmxrk � P�ight F.E�Ce: Rudtly ❑ $�ar-9otlY � Omer _ ❑ Scar—FaC�a! of Victim: G�ardian �cos: ?c�ury Ty�= �: _;cahor, � �on� :en. I OnArm ��NDac ��hr= {�✓ �, On Ch25; � Mmcr :� A•-_-HanC' �� Y=� On Hantl i a Poss�Je Ir;_•n= I�� Hc% �� Ir. o+<ated O:h2r ;'] A� � : " 5 { ",�l ir�-a� : � G t,rol InC�yi � Loss =1 T:�.n ;� Le�;�Fezt :� G,s q2me '� Szv�'e Lz::'b::r �� Iw�. I� U�• Humber : ] Puric:J�•s'.0 � � Ti� Back .: � �/-'scaus I Pkw�e/Des�gn :� Guns�ot �� 7i,: Fmnt !� U'co^snas �� O[hc' 1A2L. In�✓Y , .� V P - Paae 2 . . s Otrer . , . Vehicie ❑ Abandoned ❑ Impounded ❑ Stolen ❑ Used in Crime Scatus: ❑ Damaged in Crime ❑ Recovered ❑ Theft From Vehicle ❑ Other �1ake: Domestic Foreign Vehicle Type: Vehicle Size. Color. �DOOrs� � AMC ❑ Jeep ❑ Autli ❑ Kawzszk� QSaab ❑ Convertible ❑ Sub-com act ❑ Bu�ck ❑ U�coln ❑ 6MW � Maida ❑Subaru p ❑ B�'Se ❑ Geld ❑ P;. _.e ❑ 1 ❑ 3 Q 5 ❑ Hard Top ❑ Compatl � g�z�k ❑ Greer,-Li. ❑ Fs< '� 2[� 3 ❑ Catliilac ❑ Mer-Cur � Datsun ❑ MerceCes QSuzuki � Hatchback ❑ Mitl-s¢etl ❑ Cnevrolet ❑ Mercury ❑ F�at ❑ MG ❑TO ota ❑ B��e-Lt ❑ G�ear-:!zd [] Fa_ y ❑ ti!omrcycle ❑ Fuibsaetl ❑ Bl�e-VZ0 Q Gree�-Oark Q S�._r Transmission ❑ Chrysler ❑ pldsmobJe [] Hontla ❑ Mrtsobishi QTnumph ❑ Pickup ❑ Sfatwn Wago� � Bwe-�ark Q Grzy ❑ T✓_eo�s� � 0 Auteratc ❑ Cotlge ❑ Piymouth ❑ HyunCai ❑ Ni552n ❑VOlkswagen ❑ $ztlan � ❑ Manczl � Fortl ❑ Ponhac ❑ Isuzu Porsche ❑ 8 �� 1 °^ ❑ L=ve^Cer Vi-;a ❑ ❑ Volvo ❑ Tmck ❑ Ot�e� ❑ CoGGer ❑ b!arocn ❑ Ya Cw ❑ GMC ❑ Satum � Jtguzr ❑ Renault ❑ Vugo ❑ Van Shift LGCahon ❑ Other ❑ Crezm ❑ OranS� � Col�mn ❑ Other � OtF�er � plwr Year: Model ticense: State: Lic Year. Tzb �: I Y N ❑ Q A.�;znna V.I.N.: Damge Pnor to Theft: Identifyirg Charac,erist�cs: ❑ � Ea;eery ❑ 0 C 0 RzC:o ❑ � Ctors lccR=d Owner's Location/Time of Theft Locahon of Keys Oid Owner Allow Anyon= to Use Vehicle� � ��,� ��� ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ ❑ :•c�de Frc�e Personal Property in Vehicie: Va��e of Property: ❑❑ F.:d�o ❑ Q $C32 T�f? Insurance Co.: Theft Coverage� If Leasetl, Company I❑❑ Tare Pia,er ❑ Ye5 ❑ No {❑ � T•unk L=<�etl t lienhoider. Amount Owed: Date of Lzst Payr:ent: � Aileage: , Estimated Value: _ , Owner's Signature: I` _ - . _ .. _, - X ECG Broaccase Teletyp= _. (] Yes ❑ No I Relationship: (Check oniy t) ❑ Yes ❑ No ��o� Spouse Former Spouse ar. Action Taken: Can Suspect be Identified� ... Witness to the crime? .... .... is Stolen Property Traceable? Crlme Scene Piocessed? ..... Photos Taken? ....... .. .. .. Property Turned In? ... ....... Evidence Turned In? .. . .. ... � Relative [ Shared Child [ ] Arrest (by officer) ] Arrest (by citizen) Friend (living together) Friend (tormerly Irving togc:h2r) GOh ❑ Yes .� No ❑ Maybe .... B� N/hom? � Victim ❑ Yes . f7�j No ❑ Wi;r.ess ❑ Yes . .�j No ❑ Po1.ce [} Yes . Q� No Victim/Suspect Relahonsnip. , Jone ❑ Yes. � N� Type ❑ Yes �No ❑ Analysis—B�oicgical � Fingerprints ❑ Anatysis—Narcotic � I;ems to be Pnnted 9,q �tia� 6ias/Hate Crime? ❑ Yes � 2�as M.c--._;io� ❑ /+s= � ❑ Et^r�c�ty/f:.�cnal G iin ❑ Ha'Cicap ❑ a�cai ❑ Fe. Sious ❑ �z.:al � pt-�r �"�- c- CL.r �' � ` � F�s3' ": T '.- _.2'4•'".' . ... .. �r'no ReW�?e0 Gmie: .-=,._ ;r.> �.• - - . . s � , __ IYtvOaCAVe�edCrimc'.: -. - _ . Ntw SecurCd Remises Aftec Inddent --- C'.3use d Flce/ExpbsiorL .. �,�- . . . - . prppertY Iruured: ` Amount ol Loss: - , � [] Yes ❑ � No - - mwrarxe Agent: � . (Street, State, State, State, Yes ❑ ho Phone. � °1`1-`i�� Phone: Phone- Phone: Phone _•• • .•• „ � _ Owner Ltem /� OuaMit Articte Brand i pAOdel #, Seriai #, andfa Descri tion Value Date Property Y ; � p Recov=red Code . ! _ � � __ ___'_"______�.�—__ __.—_____._ '_ __�. _ . ' _ _. _._ .... , ! � ti P�ia age 1 of � �� ���y � AUTHORIZAT70N FOR RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION 1 hereby author¢e the retease of any arW all reGues:ed medical information to the St. Pauf Potice Departmen[. including copies or pno;ostats of ineC�cal reccrCs concerning my treatment. Dzte SignaNre (Patient. Paren, or Guzrdian) Patient: A;tending Physicizn: O.O.B. Daytime Phone =: Address: Arrest Number Last Name Middle Address DOB Age Sex Race �I %l1�� ' �' ' ,�� _ti . , .�� �, _/ � � • �� ., > ,_ � / _ � _ / ' i, .� ;�� �. `� _ i _/ ��y / � ,_ � � i / i � i �� i � % � - _ v � _- � - , �Cl': � � � - - ;: �1i ?t i � _ _ (}`��' ' cS.: t - .? ' t � .{3 .L�o :l. _ - £Y��'.J.:�v-`Y:SS.`e.Y _i+y�:. _ . _ .. z •�' ; +' ' p . a .. . . � _ _ _ . . .. f.�s . . .. _. . . : �� � . .. �, ' ".: "%".,i}- i ...�... . sy..C. _ _ _ �s � y.Y „ 4r � _ •.: ,,-: �:. ....r.. x:`..r;v, _ " - :.A _ -__ .i�.- =v`.L'S'.'', a'.-# _ _ 4:a'.�A,�F:�� tu , ' . ,� • ('. _ " ..' Y ' . }' - - _ - _ _ � �..^. i�,(c: . , _- _ . • y �: " __ , _ :�>'!_ �'L. �r �. �i4':.�. . _ _ -� �Ya,"_. _".1„�'c y�'T;3�: ' � � ._ • � _ v . E - � � -- -------- - � = Assisting OffiCer. Emp. No: Reportmg Offic / _ � �����--� Rzport Reviewetl By Emp. No OT Typist: I R CoC' ' N Er' •' � _ ❑Yes �,CO � F= i S � �I�a��w� r ,.��,.-:�. : -�.,_ �.., ..... . .. .. ... . . ... Paye � o, �— SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT � 7 T��of fteP°�� S` �� � C% Lt_ 5 °19-�a � SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT �� � t - p� � �6 �.� ��� ��- �� �- ��, -�( Ltu..� �.�2.J S � �..� � �� � �, � .���,..� � .��a� . . ��� ��'.�� `� �' � ��``�� ��° `�� ::�� =;v.�i � ,�'�� -�-�� ���.���� � � y%w:-� _: .�?v: . ��i `�� : .,r� ^�`>"' .. . ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTINUATION OF: ❑ ORIGINAL REPORT �� �� �/-- 7T�-lgs '- �Scn�,�-��� � ����,,� ��, _ � �:,' < :C:: "`'>i. �. ,��-;= � a r .a d. Y .' ' Y. A C� �� `¢' } L�.. �i�. � ! ,7 �p ;-5 ti _ C z�` '' � s - - � �'b � * _!'t✓ ' - .. ,. . � �� HF ❑ Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Juv ❑ Coord ❑ ID ❑ Lab D/C � Burg �] Theft ❑ Prop � CAU ❑ FSF � Auto , � Yes No Rec Team � DAO ❑ CO 1 I Yb*��I ❑ a;.v p ar,e� � ❑ Type � \ � N � � c� z Phi 622-5�� . - C - .- - c�T"� S.�OIp ! ��' 3 ST. PAUL POLIC o� cr,nFtJTGt REPORT �I CONTINUATION OF: °�9-yaa- �REPORT ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT _ ;'�. 1 y� `/!'� !/�/.�lh�f I c7if<�'.r /"l�:i< <Gli I ���i I ' ` ' ' NARRA77VE - < .. ",�„/�rrest Number Last Name F�rst � Middle Address �fl08 Age • - Officer Abel's supple�ental reoort indicates the sou=ce of the : call was from 738 E. 3` S't., apt.B in the name of H03�?ANN, �<. ;::. .. . �. ::,-:� � : .- .:_� ` . ;,? ; ::�.5:� _• s a HENRY. I checked SITS and found a criminal history on I:ORMP.�;N, HED;RY CHARLES DOB/6-26-49, Identn 67-609�. Horr,.ann nad �irst been arrested in 1967 for DOC and subseauently for a variety of traffic offenses, the last being in 1985. On 8-5-98 I spoke to by phone and met with the complainant, ����, � said that she had received a phone ca11 from an unknown person in May 1998 on a Saturday. The caller breathed heavily into the phone but did not soeak. L4hen she received the ca11 on 8-1-98 the caller spoke and asked if she would like to suck on his big hard dick. The caller then breathed heavily into the phone. During the caller's spea'.{ing +�,turned on her phone message machine and recorded part of the speaking and the heavy breathing. I made a copy os the message machine recording. '�ewas concerned about r:ome security and I advised her about some precautions and gav� her a � phone number for the Crime Prevention Unit in case sh= wanted to :-:.have her home assessed for other precautions. I advised her that vS`� . ` would be a good idea to change her phon2 nur.ber and to have it `::".�unlisted. ,�: went to 738 E. 3` St. This dwelling appears to hav2 at least -.�,.three units to it. The mailbox lists Horrann as a reside:«. *ro ''`'doors are marked with apartment nu:�.bers. ? kncc'.�ed a� a1= the =::q;;doors but got no answers. W �: � l% t�%ti �I � � Rob ❑ Juv ❑ Coord ❑ ID ❑ Lab I,,� Theft Q prop ❑ CAU ❑ P&F Q Auto �=}}�y - . , . ��.t'.': i.:_ = i :4 , k�......� . . ;. �. . _ ' _ �Yes � NoI ., '_ I ec ❑ Team ❑ Sex ❑ Rptr DAO ❑ CO ❑ HumServ �W c> z \J �l � � �� \ � Ph1622-93R CONT�NUE NARRATIVE HERE I mailed a card to Hormann asking him to call ne. �9-y»- i received a ca11 from Hormann and he agreed to meet :aith r•..e on 8-12-98 at 1300hrs. He said he was a driver for Dia*!ond Cab. On 8-12-98 I met with HORMAI3N, HENRY CHARLES DOBl6-26-49 in an interview room at Headquarters. I recorded the intezview. I told Hormann that he was not under arrest, could leave anytim� he wanted and did not have to talk with me. He �ras witl?ng to t�lk with me. Hormann said he lives at 738 E. 3r St. (rear, 1�` floor apartment) and that he lives alone. Hormann said had been a driver for seventeen and a half years. He leases his cab buy the week. He usually works in daytime hours. I told Hormann I caas investigating a complaint about a harass�ng phone call received by a women on Saturday, 8-1-98. I told him the caller talked for a bit then breathed +_nto the phone. Hormann said he had cooperated with the police when he was on the right side of things but that this time he was on the wrong side of things. I asked him to tell me what had happened. Hormann admitted making the call. I asked him to tell me what was said on the call. He said that she answered and said he110 torice. He then said something like, "Hoca would you like to suck my nice big dick." Hormann said he was masturbating during :he call. Hormann said this wasn't ��much of a conversation but uh, s:ould constitute a definitely a harassing phone ca11, obscene phone call or whatever, you know." Hormann said this is the only thing he has don= in a long tim2 that is against the law. Y.e said he had a� ar-es= fo= disord2rly conduct when he was eighteen and an arrest for D;•iI in 1972. 9 .�, 2 0 , -3 qq -y?2- ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT �%CONTINUATION OF: ❑ ORIGINAL REPORT ,� SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Date 8 Time of Report: ' OHenseMc ent: J 7eam: Time of Artest: " • "/4`" � -/ ! l��l<� ��.4 lC / Lv �5 `...,, ., -- -' , NARRATIYE � " �' "� � Arrest Number Last Name Frst �� Middle Address � DOB Age Sex Race Hormann said he met the victim when he got a call to give her a cab ride from her residence to someplace, possibly the mall o_` America. He used a cross directory in whicn he looked her address and then got her name and phone nu:�ber- He said he had only given her the one cab ride. I asked ii he had made a point of going by her house since thzn or if he would watch her and he denied this but did admit that being a cab driver he would go by her neighborhood on occasion. He called her because he rem2mbered he liked her appearance. He said he had previously called this victim six to seven times hut in the pprevious calls did not say anything. He said he would masturbate during the ca11s. He said he was not a pesky caller who ca11s back a million times. He denied making the call in May in which the victim heard only heavy breathing. T asked if he knew the victim`s address and he denied this. He said he recalled she lived on Berkley, Stanford or GIellesley between St. Clair and Jefferson and Snelling and Fairvievr. He knew the victim's name was � He recalled her last name as �. He said he was reminded of h°r last year when a �� was playinq for the White Sox. iie said it ::as an unusual last name. I asked if he knew the victim's nGtionalicy. He said he would guess French and said that several times �d'nen ne called her sne spoke French on her answering macnine be�ore speaking ❑ CHF ❑ }iom ❑ Rob ❑ duv ❑ Coocd ❑ lD ❑ lab ❑ Rec ❑ Team ._- Q D/C � Burg ❑ Theft Q?rop Q CAU ❑ F8F ❑ Auto � DAO ❑ CO - :�-�� � _ =i�i:';: � - _:z�ar_�:. -: � "� I ✓ I � . ❑ Sez R v t.p�.��� ro� ❑ HumServ P � TyPe � 0 z � � �: �, \ PM 622-33R CONTINUE NARRATIVE HERE u � � � + � Hormann said he had made these types os ca11s ior years. Fe said he beqan making these ca11s orhen he was about 15-15 years old. He said that at one point his making these phone ca11s could be considered and "addiction" because it was to the point where he was makinq these calls to females almost every day. He said he does not call anyone in particular or to harm anyone. He said that for the last three or four years he had cut back on his ca11s. He said that sometimes he called only every two to three months and sometime would go for six to eight months without calling. A'friend who was familiar with his calling had warned him he �aas 1ikely to get caught. Hormann figured it would not be hard to get caught with modern phone technology. Hormann maintained that it would be not problem £or him to quite making these calls immediately. He said that if he felt he had to get his sexual gratification in this manner that there were ways to do that iegally. He said he could ca11 900 numbers w'r_ich are thriving a11 over the country and ta1k. He said those calls cost 52.99 to 54.99 a minute. I asked how many ca11s he had made since the beqin,n,iPy of the year. He said six times. He then when on to explain thGt he meant six ��sessions" of ca11s. In each session he would ca11 from one to forty or fifty numbers depending on whether or not anybody answered the phone and what they sounded like. I° th°y hung up he would ca11 more numbers. Paqe � p1 � �J SUPPLEMENTAL R ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT TINUATION OF: f ORIGINAL REPORT ^`7� lG /,lis 1 ' ,/ / �I� , � 71�Gi7 „ 9 IG/G C lt� f S _ :" . NARRATIVE :..� a_°-; , .:.. . . .. . SUPPLEMENTAL He said he usually used a phone directory but had a iew speci�ic one he would mark down and cz11 includinq �. he denied that he called other people who had been cab custoners. He said that might be hard to believe in 17=f years. I told him that was a bit of a stretch. He denied using cab comcany records to ma:te the ca11s. He said he had not previously been caught making these calls. He agreed that when he called he would make the statement abouc sucking on his nice big dick. Hormann said, "That's pretty much wJzat I would say yah I was kinda very unimaginative you might say, you know. Pretty standard routine. As a matter of �act the majority of the time when T make these calls people would just hang up right away and I wouldn't even say anything you know. If they stayed on the phone a little while I'ld say that. Gener�lly y when I said that then they'ld hang up. And occasionally, you know, occasionally they'ld stay on the phone and talk even after that you know." I asked what they Frould talk about. "Wett actually I had a few conversations over the years where a�ter that kind of rocky initial start there we'ld settle down into a regular conversation and uh. Actually wound up meeting a:ew of these people a£terwards. And actually going out and havir_g a ieo-r with them. Actually went over to some girl's house over :n Minnea polis after meetina her, in this st r an ge manner, yoL kno�l, so. If I could call all of those people then � cuess the� cocld tell you I' m not a bad guy once you get kno<<� me, you k.no��r. But I have kind of a strange way o� going about things her some times, % G'/in tiJ - I. � I OYes Q No I` ❑ CHF ❑ Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Juv ❑ Coord ❑ 10 ❑ tab ❑ Rec ❑ Team ❑ Sez ❑ Rptr ❑ D/C [] Burg ❑ Theft ❑ PrOp Q CAU ❑ F&F Q Auto ❑ DAO ❑ CO ❑ HumServ Type q q -yir � z �� \� � � � PS1622-53R CONTINUE NARRATIVE HERE — I, ` �� you know." I told him we do want this sort of thing to stoo. Y.e said, "We11 yah, oh, _ can understand that." I asked if he dr.ank when he did this. He said the najority o` the time he had a few beers. He denied 'chat he nad2 �he cG11s because he was drunk. He making the calls he was something he has always done like smoking cigarettes. He said, "Smoking ciaarettes are legal. This is not legal." Hormann said that the phone ca11s were the dark side of Henry that comes crawling out of his shoulder once in a while. He said that the majority of the time he was one of the best guys you would ever want to know. Hormann said he was worried about losing ris c-ty cab license and that it could mean he would be out of a job whicn is very important to him. Hormann said, ��My thing has always been to get some, you know, attractive sounding female voice on the pnone and talk to that person while I'm masturbating, you know. Nothing else, absolutely nothing eise." On 8-13-98 I met with �� I told 'ner tnat Horr�nn had admitted to making the ca11. I explained court procFdures and possible sentences involving a fine, ;ail �i�e, =uspended sentences and counseling and said that it o-ras ❑p to a ju�ce �� decide this. '� said she arould like to co �heac vritn a complaint. She said that she would like _o se� _hat the susc��� got counseling for his problem. j ST. PAUL POLlCE DEPARTMENT �� -� �'>" P � " CASE C�EARANCE REPORT Date 8 Time of Report pffense/Incident A� f � Time of Arrest i_ �' � /' �� //J/S�its ��/i��� i � �- � ❑ Multipte Clearence �est By: Case Sfatus: � Patrol � Investigator �] Un(ounded � Pended leared by Arrest � Exceptional Clearance fleason for Exceplionai Clearance: � Death of Offender � Prosecution Declined � E<iradifion Oenied � Y�ctim Refused to Cooperate � Jwenile Not In Custcdy -------- - -- -- - - -- ----- - - --- -P_ ----- - -- On 8-5-98 I spoke with the victim about this com �aint. - Ori 8=I2=98 I interdiewed suspect H6RMANN, HENRY CHARLES -- - DQB/6-26-49.- Horinann admitted-to-makiTrg-t}re-otrscens-phone-ca11 - to the .victim .on_8--1-98 as well_ -a�addi-tional--hang--up -phoae-- - -- - - ca11s. He admitted to making numerous similar�hone_ca_11s to many other victims over a period of 35 years On 8-17-98 I met -- --- - --------- - -------------- --=---------- at H with Jud Hanson of the CAO about this case. She later - _------ -------- ------------ --------- -- -- - - -- called me and said she would be charging Hormann by complaint and - -' - summons` with ions O�cene""Pfione - (M) : T ----- ---ack�ised-the- �iet%m-of---the--etra-rge------ --- -------- -- CBA ------- --- --------- -- � o z . . _------ --- --- --- -- -�----- — - - - - -- - . _ .._---- -------------- — —� � � ------------------'--- ----'— --------- ------ \_ _ �� --'---- ---� �% 1 - - ------------------' -- ------------ - . � - - - - - - - � I ------ ---- -- - \-�, ��, -- - - - - - - - -'------ - ' �— \ ---' - - --- --`---- ---- �- - � z 1 S' f9eport Reviewed 8y/Unit Commender. �q N: O.T.: Typi R. . Cx+a: Name Entf J �Yes Q No ❑ CHF ❑ Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Juv ❑ rd ❑ ID ❑ Lab ❑ Rec ❑ Tenm ❑ Sax ❑ Rptr ❑ O�hsr ❑ D�C � Burg ❑ Thek Q Prop ❑ ❑ F&F ❑ Auto ❑ DAO ❑ CO ❑ HumSsrv PM 5��'y2R ti�V��� 1 nvoice ❑ Check this box if making any name, mailing address or phone # corrections. Please write the changes on this form. If your business license address is changing, please request a new ! 6uslness ticense app4icatioa. �(LC January 1'I, '1999 To: NENRY C HORMANN HENRY C HORMANN 738 3RD ST E ST PAUL, MN 55106 Contact: HENRY C HORMANN Home Phone: 651-771-1858 Work Phone: , �' _� 4� „ l � g i Transaction Description 44164 Ta�cab Driver (Renew) Expires: 03/11/1999 @ 738 3RD ST E Enclosures / Requirements: Please make ar Date of Birth: Drivers License Name of Comp; ��� �z�o�sl changes to the above �ddress and corr �_ Phone #: , � -i � Y .X . e Expiration Dafe: C1TY OF SA1NT PAUL Office of License, Inspections & Environmentaf Protection 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 5 51 02-1 51 0 (651)266-9090 FAX: (651)266-9124 License I.D. #: 0044'164 the following: �'aol � � � ��� Invoice #: 170185 Invoice Due Date: 03/11/1999 Account Balance: 21.00 Pay this Amount: g21.00 Transaciion Toiai � 21.00 Invoice Amount Due - -- -..__-;...: �-. . .. .. ,. .... - .. .' 2'�_a€�. 170185 � ������ ��; Traffic Update SD1005.0/990311:14114762 99 -�t a�— 62-T3-98-067562 Misdemeanor Date filed: 08/25/1998 Name (Last, First Middle, Suffix) 23ame: FIORMAI3I3, IiEI3RY CFIARLES, f 080119981 Bus: Address: 738 E 3RD ST APT. B City State Zip: ST PAUL. MN 55106 Foreign: _ DOB: 06261949 . Drvr's Lic: _-_-_-_ _/ State: _ VehLic: _- Cycle:_ Off Date: 08011998 Badge�: 611550 Agency,�: MN0620900 ICR Ctrl#: 98122541 Accident (0-3): Unsafe Conditions (Y/N): _ Endanger Life/Prop: _ I3azardous Material: _ CommercialJBus: _ including Speed > 14: Prosecutor ID: 000282893 - Type: M Defender ID: 000103172 - Type: R Appearance/Disposing Activity 12011998 Act: CLO at 0530 Jdg: Crtrm: Loc:Crt-D Adm-D Mand: comment: Counts #/Red Chap/Sect/Subd Citation # Plea/Date Disp DPS Pass 1-_ 609.79 S11A 98 -210751 Guilty GTY _ OBSCENE PHONE CALLS 10211998 11301998 Comment: 2- Comment: 3- Comment: 4- Comment: DL Suspended on Count _ Apply to Sentence Counts Sentence Date: X Fine $ 1 2 3 4 Surcharge $ on 11301998 700.00 and Reinstated on Judge: 03515G Incl. DL Stayed Amount $ 200.00 Alchl Assess/Waived $ Suspension Crt Costs $ No Insurance: - Operate/Allow/Parked Pub Dfndr $ Restn: $ DrvrJClinic: OR: _ Paid $ 625.00 Date: 02/O1/1999 Special Acct - Yes Pronounced: 090 Days Conditional: Stayed for 001 Yrs Probation: 001 Yrs Type-S Discharge Date: Sentence Comments 1)DSTRY NTBK 21INFRM CAB CO 3)$500+ 41REST 5ZUTC/LA 6)NO S/S 7)ABST 8)UA/BT 91SEX OFF TX lO1NC W/VIC 111LIE DETECTOR• WS Date Activity 06012000 Next: ARC Comment Next Time Judge Courtroom Location Admin. D Court D FC_ 04 07 O8 12 rxensNr:x ro: : 93n2n99s DtlH5 �.D.P_S. DRIUER>I,IGENSE`CB�M�RCIAL INQUIRY � li_i8c26 GOMMERCIpL STATUSc`-H Y A 'HELP: ` PAGE=_01 N-655-303-115-500 �-STATUS:.;UALID , GI.pSS- D" TYPE:: 1 SENLOR: MEDICBL. LIM,-MOB. . ENDORS: 'DONOR: '!LIUING 4dILL: `. CORREGTIVE''LENSo- Y; B-CpRDc PHOTO,BpTCH= 1998750155023- DUPL BATCH:<1444750175085 : NtiME: HENRY CHBRLES HORMpNN BIRTH DATE= 06/26/1449 RESTR INFO-` tiDDR: 73S'.E 3RD . - ! CITY:;ST.PpUL. : COUNTY`_ 62 ZIP: 55106 -' MBILING I1DDR: EYES: BLU 'HEIGHT: 5-08 47EIGNT= 175 GEMDERc M SUSPENSE: ' TICI{LER: DL ISSUE'DpTE- 06J16/1998 CF8? ,'DL EXPIRE DATE_ 06/26/2002 _ ,. < DNR: 10/11/94 SPEED - t.D62 N; 03/27[47 SPEED ; Y62 N 'AEXT REQUEST: `� THIS RECORD REFLECTS CONUICTIQNS`WITNIN,THE PAST FIUE.CS>"YEARS,� �19 - y �. �. _ � RAMSEY CAUNTI' Commnnity Corrections Department ADULT COURTS DIVISION SPRUCE TREE GENTRE - WEST 1600 University Avenue - Suite 410 St. Paul, HN 55104 May 10, 1999 To Whom This May Concem: Tel: 651-643-3051 Fax: &51-643-3055 Mr. Henry Horman is cunently a client of the Ramsey County Community Corrections Deparhnent. He has a sentence expiration date of ll/29/99. To this agent°s knowlecige, ivir. Horman uas been in corripiia�,c� �f all us probation condirions to date, including regular sex offender treatment attendance at Project Pathfinder. If I may be of any other assistance regarding Mr. Horman's probation status/adjustment, please feel free to contact me at 651.643.3059. Sincerely, � � B��th Tietz Probation/Parole Officer CC: File Minneaota's �st Home Eule Coanty ptlnkN on reryrled paper witA a mimmum of 10%posFmnsumer mntent Council FIle # �{9 — y Z'�•� aR1GINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # �i � p � Committee: Date 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RESOLVED, that the renewal license application of Henry C. Hormann is hereby denied. 18 This Resolution, and the action taken above, are based upon the facts contained in the 19 April 6, 1999 Norice of Proposed Denial letter sent to the applicant, the Saint Paul Police Report 20 (CN 98-122-541) relating to the incident and such azguments as may have been presented to the 21 Council at the public hearing. Requested by Department of: B ���.,� A'�,c,C/ Form Appxoved by City Attorne� f q BY� � �.P� � �-�-f'vaU/1 Approved by Mayos fos Submission to Council By: � _ By: Approved by May Date � � l BY= ' c'��,.�ir7 ,�.�r/f�'A� WIIEREAS, Henry C. Hormann applied for a renewal of his TaYicab Driver's License (License ID. No 170185); and VJHET2EAS, a record check revealed that Mr. Hormann had been sentenced on November 30, 1998 for the misdemeanor offense of Obscene Phone Ca11s; and WHEREAS, the victim of the obscene phone calls was a passenger in Mr. Hormann's tasi and he used a reverse telephone directory to learn her name and telephone number; and WHEREAS, the purpose of regulating taxicab drivers is protection of the public and the nature of this offense is directly related to that purpose; and WIIEREAS, this conviction is recent and the applicant has submitted no evidence of rehabilitation; now, therefare, be it RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Adopted by Council: Date ����� Adoption Certi£ied 4y Council Sec ry LIEP Christine Rozek 12, 1999 - Public ASSKiN NUY96tfOR ROUi1NG TOTA� # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET qg -� �- No 64038 � �,.,,�,r��� � �� � ❑ CRYATiOR�EI' ❑ GIIYGFiK � ❑AUUYJ6LSERVICF9qR ❑FWNWLaERVlACCTC ❑ 141bRIORA&56I�Ni) ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREJ Resolution concerning adverse action against the Renewal Application fox a Taxicab Driver`s License by Henry C. Hormann, 738 3rd Street East. (Uncontested) vuni iurv approve (n) w rce�ett PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION What. When, AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION Has fhis persoNfirm euer vrorked unUer a cwRrac[ for Nis AepaAmeM7 YES NO Has this pe�sqVfirtn crer 6ee� a dtY emPloYee? YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a sldll rwt nortnallypossesseU by airy curteM cily employee? YES NO Is this perso�rtn a targeMd veMOR YES NO BlI2Ch l� 9f2E118h2E� COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER VES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN) a9 -�t a2- UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Applicant: Henry C. Hormann Address: 738 3` Street East Council Hearing Date: May 12, 1999 Violation: November 30, 1998 Conviction for Making Obscene Phone Galls St. Paul Legislative Code 376.16(e)(4) Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of License Renewal Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. letter from license applicant acknowledging violation 3. Notice of Proposed Denial 4. Ramsey County Court records 5. Police Report CN 98-122-541 6. License renewal application information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robirsson, Jc, City Altorney Q9 -�{ �' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemart, Mayor Apri128, 1999 Civi! Divisian 400 City Hal! Telephone: 651166-8710 15 West Ke[logg Blvd Facsimile: 651 298-5619 Sain! Paul, Minrresota 55702 �r. � �.�.,.,=:'.: 4;..:,``.� NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING �d�:-� "•"° ` }�.�� � Ce �:v�� w Mr. Henry C. Horxnann 738 3r Street East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 RE: Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License License ID No. : 17085 Our File Number: G99-0123 Dear Mr. Hormann: Please take notice that a heazing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 12,1949 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the basic facts contained in the Notice of Proposed Denial concerning your conviction for making obscene phone calls to a former passenger have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/ar written remarks. The recommendation of the license office will be fox the denial of your renewal application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �� ��� �� �` Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson �t9 -y a �-. City of St. Paul Office of the Ciry Attomey 400 City Hall Attention: Virguua D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey Dear Ms. Palmer, I am writing in response to the letter I received from you regarding the proposed denial of my St. Paul Taxicab Drivers License. I also spoke to you by phone regazding this matter on Thursday, April 15, 1999. As I indicated to you on the phone, I admit to the facts stated in the letter that I received with one exception. On November 30, 1998 I was sentenced far the violation of Obscene Phone Calls. The term "Calls" is in the plural simply because that is the tenn for the charge. In actuality, there is only one call that is in question here. To that end, I would like to amend the following sentence in your letter to me. Where it states "These calls were made to a woman" it should read "This call was made to a woman". Finally, I would like to state to you that I realize I did something very wrong. I am already paying a rather heavy price for what I did what with a fairly substantial fine that I had to pay, a treatment program that I was put into as a condition of my probation that may last for several years, plus just the general stigma of having such a thing on your record. I have been a taxicab driver in the City of St. Paul for 18 years and have been a lifelong resident of the city. Additionally, I am 49 years old and have not been in any trouble with the law other than this since 1972, when I got a DWI at the age of 23. As I stated. eighteen years of my life have been spent driving cab in the City of St. Paul. I like to think that I have been a good cab driver and good to my passengers. Even though cab driving is not the most glamorous job in the world, it is and has been my life and I enjoy it and really don't know what I'd do without it. If the City of St. Paul deems it necessary to take my license away as a result of this violation, I am out of a job that I have spent a sizable portion of my life doing. Therefore, I am requesting that this matter be scheduled for hearing by the St. Paul City Council for a final determination on the status of the license. At that time; I will present my case to them and hope for the best. Very truly yours, Henry C. Hormann b ;�.�,, o�, �. � �.� � n. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 6, 1999 OFFICE " � THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayfon.L. binson,Jr.,CityAttorney A1 O �{{a,� '\ \ CIVtI DNlSlOX 400CiryHall Te(ephone: b51266-8i10 ISii'eslKelloggB[vd Facsimile:651298-5679 Sairs! Paul, blinnesota 55l0? NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAI, Mr. Henry C. Hormann 738 3'd Street East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 Re: Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License License ID No.:170185 Our File Number: G99-0123 Dear Mr. Hormann: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection is recommending denial of your renewal application for taxicab driver's license. This action is based on the following: On or about November 30, 1998, you were sentenced for the violation of Obscene Phone Calls. These calls were made to a woman who had been a passenger in your cab. The above conduct is a misdemeanor violarion of IaR•, and constitutes grounds under Section 37616(e)(4) of the Sainf Paul Legislafive Code for denial of your license renewal application. Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code does not permit the issuance of a license to a person having a misdemeanor conviction within the past three years involving indecent conduct. Section 310.06 of the Legislative Code also allows denial of a license when such matters indicate a lack of good moral character or fitness to engage in the licensed activity. Under state law, Minn. Stat. ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inform you of certain matters: First, the grounds and reasons for the denial of the license. Zhese grounds and reasons are set forth above. 01 q -�.a�- Second, any complaints or grievances that you may have will be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the procedures set forth in secrion 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. These procedures aze substantially similaz to those required by the state administrative procedures acY, Minn. Stat. §§ 14.57-.69. ' Third, the eazliest date on which you may reapply for a taxi driver's license will be one year from the later of the following two dates: (1) the date of your successfui completion of supervised probation, with a copy of the department of corrections discharge order and other documents showing compliance with all terms and conditions of probation; or (2) the date, putsuant to section 310.02 of the Legislative Code, your Iicense is denied by the City of Saint Paul. Puture reception of a re- application does not guarantee that there will be sufficient evidence of rehabilitation, nor that a license will be issued at that time. Fourth, if you reapply, the City of Saint Paul will consider all competent evidence of rehabilitation that you wish to present. Examples of the type of evidence that wzll be considered aze set forth in section 364.03 of the state law. Since the proposed denial of your renewal application for a license is an adverse action, you are entitled to the hearing procedures established in sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. You or your attomey will have to make a written request for a hearing if you wish to contest the denial of your renewal application. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type and do not wish to continue to operate as a taxicab driver within the City of St. Paul, you may surrender your taxicab driver's license to the license division and request to withdraw your renewal application. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type, but wish to proceed with the license renewal application process, you will need to admit in writing to the facts stated above in bold type. The matter will then be scheduled for hearing before the St. Paul City Council for a final determination regarding the status of your taxicab driver's license. If you contest the facts stated above in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be heard before an administrative law judge, whose findings and recommendations will be given to the St. Paul City Council for a fmal determination. If you choose to exercise your right to an administrative hearing, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover the cost of the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. Page 2 �`t -�t a ?. Please contact me or Peter Pangborn, at 266-8710, within ten (iQ) days from the date of this letter as to whether you admit or deny the highlighted facts stated above, and whether you wish to have an administrative hearing on those facts. As stated above, if you choose to proceed with an administrative hearing, you will need to make that request in writing. Very truly yours, �����a�� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Page 3 �q-yaa- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) Ss. COUN'PY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL 30ANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 7, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL on the following named person by placing a Crue and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. Henry C. Hormann 738 3r Street East St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th da�of At�ril!11999. Notary PE7Ep P, pANGBORN �-ppjj�py p��—MINNESC°'' MY�pesn,Ej�iresJan.3� 2�� SD1034.1/990324:140535 Name Index Display 1 of Name: HORMANN, HENRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aq-4aa�- HORMANN, HENRY . . . . . . . . . . . . •/ FLD:03/12/1992 Unlaw Det 62-CO-92-2929 Archive H�RMANN, HENRY CHARLES . . . . . . . ./ FLD:05/07/1992 Concil 62-S3-92-3598 Archive HORMANN, HENRY CHARLES, [08011998] .../The State of Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:08/25/1998 Misdemeanr OBSCENE PHONE CALLS DOB 06/26/1 62-T3-98-67562 Cit #: 9$ -210751 SA Closed DISP: Guilty HORMANN, HENRY CHARLES . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FI,D:08/25/199'I NMvg Petty NO SEATBELT DOB 06/26/1 62-T5-97-57685 Archive HORMANN, HENRY CHARLES . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:04/O1J1997 Speed-PMD SPD. 35-30 CO ZO [120.50] DOB 06/26/1 62-T6-97-22671 SA Archive ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following names are "sound alikes" for HORMANN AERMAWAN, HENRY . . . . . . . . . . . jState of Minnesota (PL13) FLD:08/07/1998 Parking NON DES AREA DOB 09/20/1 62-T2-98-628382 Archive HERRMANN, HENRY J . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:06/28/1996 Informal 62-PO-96-5659 HERRMANN, HENRY J . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:06/28/1996 Informal 62-PO-96-5659 HORMAN, HENRY C . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:O1/12/1989 Concil 62-58-89-478 Archive Archive Archive SD2005.0/990324:1 Activity Display Fi 62-T3-98-067562 Misdemeanor Date filed: 08/25L1 The State of Minnesota vs. HENRY CHARLES HORMANN. [�80119981 �q ' 4 a�" Time Status Court Date Activity Start/End Judge Notice Room Tried Cntinua _ 08/25/98 Case Filed 10:25/10:25 OCC/ 09/14/98 Arraigmm�t 01:00/ J Smith OCC/ 131A 1ST APP NTC 08/25/98 PP _ 09/14/98 Arraigmm�t 01:00/ J Smith OCC/ 131A DNQ PD; FC PLEA/ATTNY 9-28-98 1PM; REFER TO CDS NCO FILED DLO 09/28/98 Hearing 01:00/ S Rosas OCC/ 1.31A PLEA/ATTNY; REFER TO CDS; NCO IN EFFECT � 09/14/98 Order 02:39/ J Smith OCCj NO CONTACT ORDER FILED; JOELLE VITIELLO DLO � 09/28/98 Aearing 01:00/ S Rosas OCC/ 131A PLED NG D/C 10/21/98 9AM J VANDENORTH CMM 10/21/98 Dispo Conf 09:00/ J VandeNorth CAN/ PLED G D/C J VANDENORTH _ 09/28/98 Doc. Filed 01:58/ OCC/ ORDER SETTING D/C AND ORDER TO REPORT FILED CMM _ 10/O1/98 Doc. Filed 02:29/ OCC/ RULE 9.01 DEFENDANT'S DEMAND FOR DISCLOSURE ICAB _ 10/16/98 Doc. Filed 01:55/ OCC/ RULE 7.01 DISCLOSURE AND MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY KAB _ 10/21/98 Plea Hrng 09:00/ L Cohen OCC/ CH OR - PG AS CHARGED; FC PSI/SENT 11j30/98 1:3� COHEN 1240 PM 11/30/98 Pre-SntInv 09:34/ L Cohen OCC/ il/30/98 Sentencing 01:30/ L Cohen OCC/ 1240 OR-PG AS CHARGED "OBSCENE PHONE CALL" PSI/SENT COFiEN _ 10/21/98 Doc. Filed 10:31/ OCC/ PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN A MISD CASE FILEPM _ 10/21/98 Cert Rep 10:32/ OCC/ CERT OF REP FILED BY ATTY BRIAN SOLEM PM _ 11/30/98 Pre-SntInv 09:34/ L Cohen OCC/ _ 11/30/98 Sentencing 01:30/ L Cohen OCC/ 1240 90D+$700 SS PO 1Y 1)NOTEBOOK TO BE DESTROYED 2)CAB CO TO BE INFORMED OF CONVICTION 3)$500+FEE5 4)REST TO VICTIM FOR COUNSELING/SECURITY ** SENT CONT ** W5 11/30/98 Clerical 01:31/ OCC/ SENT CONTINUED - JUDGE COHEN _ 11/30/98 Clerical 01:31/ OCC/ ** SENT CONT ** 5)USL CND/LA 6)NO S/S 7)ABST DRG/ALC CHEMS 8)UA/BT 9)SEX OFFENDER TX 10)NO CONTACT W/ VICTIM 11)SUBMIT TO LIE DETECTOR TESTING WS 06/O1/00 Archive / PEN/ _ 11/30/98 Clerical 02:55/ OCC/ DFDT S3ILL PAY BY 1/31j99 MD O1/31/99 Sp Acct Rv / CAN/ PA MD _ 12/O1/98 Closed 05:30/ OCC/ _ O1/27/99 PartialPay 02:25/ OCC/ CASH $300 BJM _ 02/01/99 Pd in Full 10:08/ oCC/ PD IN FULL IN ST PAUL TVB MJH �-___- _,_ ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFENSE/INCIDENT REPORT r -- � • : l T'vSlli86 Iflill�fflil�l�l,llillil�l�f�llillfl'll Ilif11 Time & Da.e oi Occurrence: D & Tir of Tn:s Reper;. OCCUrred At ❑ Betw=en: hrs. on and ��� hr5. en � �/ � � ' Q Arrest s) Mztle- � Yes [] On View { � �No Time Date ❑ Warrznt/Previous C.N. ICitations Issuzd� I� Yzs �No �• • ❑ • � Squatl >: Unit � Patrol Agency (if other than SPPD): Squ2d =: Unit � Pa;rol Agency (if other thzn S?PD) � � 3 other Other Resistance Encounteretl: Weapons Used By Police: I�'None Weapons Used By Suspect at Time of Arres, � � ❑ Yes � No J � J � � ❑ Chemical ❑ Hards/Feet ❑ Stungun � Etlgetl Weapon ❑ Firea: m � Imp�c� Weapen Pursurt Engaged n: ❑ Yes No ❑ Firearm � Impact Weapon Q Other � Explosive ❑ HanCS/Feet ❑ Oth=_r If Arrestee is a juvenile, write'JUVENILE' in the name box. tf the victim is a juvenite, the victim's name, e[c. is fiiled in, uniess ihe juvenile was a victim of a CSC or chiid ahuse. In those cases, just write "JUVENILE' in the name box. Also, do not �ist the name of an adult victim of CSC. It a victim or witness wishes to have their name kept private, and the officer has reason to believe ihat reteas��9 the person's oame vrould put them or their property in jeopardy, check the'Request Non-publiG box and leave the name boX blank. Nam= �� ^-• First. Middle): Address' G Request - Non-public I Was this person taken � � Yes Health care facitity & 1Ctldress: � I to a heaith care facility? �No ,. y�'�c �f�ue Location of Inc�Cent: ------ - ' --- � - ---`t 2. Nam.e of i ''C�-_�___�.— .__ ___ _-_ - _ ... Case Assigned ❑ Noted F _Hom _Rob �Juv _Oper _PSC _Lao �Rec /am �3ex _D/C _Burg _Theft _Prop —CAU _F8P _Au;o _DAO Pac, 7 _CO _Rph _Vice _Narco _SIU —T���Other ��S f"'- PM820-E2R S � � � � t �/ � \ �li�.Cri�. _ � ilGuarCenNaR'�e: - - - -. " - " - � I ' ❑ Medium ❑ Slender N Address: `Q Aw^ ❑ &�(tl ❑ Kinky i Q @:ack ❑ B�aCR ❑ ReCed�rg ❑ IrW.tn ❑ BIwW ❑ S:raiqht ❑ ANacan ❑ &own ❑ WaveY/Cury ❑ Kmt.e ❑ Gaay ❑ V�k:rwn Q ReC'A,:Ourn Q Snort ❑ Sandy ❑ lAetlium ❑ Wh�tz ❑ Lcn9 'Q H�s�a�k OHense/❑ 7Q ❑ ❑ 3 Q� �/' C�E.'' /tf. �il�d] C Nama (Last. First, Midd�e): D.O.B.; � � � Age: V Jwenlio - Parent/Guard�an K N�cknamo/AKA: . - HC19hC <-� . ,� � W6ight: pn Arm On Chest On F1antl Other __ N(tial Name NUm6er Picture/Desgn Witness Sex;g(�1 St. Paul Reside M�ssing Person ❑ F ❑ Y ❑ N Address: Med'wm �I Slender � � As�an ❑ BaW ❑ Kmky ❑ BWCk ❑ Black ❑ Recetlirg ❑ Intl�an ❑ Blontl ❑ Straight b�ezican � Brovm ❑ Wavey/Curty V/hRe ❑ Gray :❑ n�ownORetl/AUSumOShart ' ❑ Sandy ❑ Matlium ❑ Whrte ❑ Lonq �{ F.s�d^K Jwenile • Paren;/Guard�an Name: ❑ As+an ❑ Ba�c � Kinky ! 0 8 '°�k ❑ g�a:k d ReCetling 'Q Ind�an ❑ Bbrq ❑ Srca�ght i Q b:es�an Q&Jwn ❑ Nk.eY/Cu•F� [} VRui6 � Gra�• ❑ U :ncw� [] 7�.:iA�;u.r.0 S�qr( I '. .;•. � Sarav '� h'ea�um { :. ��:", ".��, Q �t"/hqe . � . � long i❑ . !"?[�xx ...:}..�. r ms•r�.�� ' �� ""�4�� , .�'.`�'. ;"- , �itpl Ayrw ❑ Acne ❑ Clean Sna�ei Black ❑ Birthmdrk ❑ Stubb�2 &own-LL ❑ FreCkleS ❑ 8e2rC &own-Mee ❑ GWSSes ❑ Moustache Bmwn-Oark ❑ Moles Ohve ❑ Prercea Ear(s)Q Left Hantled Paie ❑ Pockmark ❑ R:gn; HanCZ< Rudtly ❑ Sca�-8o0y Q Oiher _ ❑ SCa�—PaCiai Albino ❑ ACne ❑ Clean Shaver Black ❑ girihmaB ❑ SNbhle &owrnLt ❑ Freckles ❑ B¢a�d &own-Med. ❑ Glasses ❑ Moustache Brown-�ark ❑ Moles Ohve ❑ Pierced Eaz(s)� Left Hx:iCed Pale ❑ Pockmark ❑ Right HzntleG Rutltly ❑ Scar—Botly ❑ Other _ ❑ Scar—Faaai On Arm On Chest On FiaM Ot�er ` Initial Name Number PwNre/Design of Vichm/GuO�d�an Location. ❑ Nane ❑ No:e ❑ SoC=_r ❑ Mino� ❑ Arr..s/Hantls ❑ HBD ❑ Possible Intem2l ❑ Heatl ❑ Intox�caleC ❑ A, paRnt �OkEn E�noS ❑ Ipiernai ❑ AICOhO� ❑ Lass of Teeth Q LeSSiFee� ❑ DruSs ❑ Szvere Laceratron ❑ NECk ❑ Uni�rrown ❑ Puncture: StaS ❑ Torso Back ❑ Lor.socus ❑ Gunshot ❑ To.so Front ❑ Unconsc+ous ❑ O[Fer Malof iryu: y ❑ DOA of Victim/Guardian: ❑ None ❑ Ncre ❑ Scter ❑ Minor ❑ Nr.s/Hantls ❑ HBD Q Possible Ir.te/n21 ❑ HE2C ❑ Intozicatetl ❑ App2reot 2r.keo EUnes ❑ In'=_�nal ❑ Alcchol ❑ Loss of Teeth ❑ L�s�Feet ❑ Dr�cs ❑ SevereLZcerabon ❑ Iaeu C� Un'a;pwn ❑ Punc;ure/S;ab ❑ Tcr,o Back ❑ Ccrs�,ous ❑ Gunshot ❑ Tu� Front ❑ Urt�nsda:s ❑ Othe' Marr inryry ❑ DOA t❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ vict�m ❑ v�imess sex: p M St. Pzu� Resident ❑ Comp � Suspect ❑ Missing Person 1 ❑ F I� Y ❑ N Phone � Work Phone� Gang. Heavy � Medium ❑ SlenCer Albino (] P,qq ❑ Clea- S�zie� B12Ck �Birthmxrh �]SWbck Brovm-Lt ❑ Freckles � gog�� &mvr-MeC ❑ Gizsses ❑ Maus:=Cr.g B�ovm.DarR ❑lnoL=s O�rv� � pierceC Ear�Si Q Lefl Y.ziC?: Pa�= ❑ Pockmxrk � P�ight F.E�Ce: Rudtly ❑ $�ar-9otlY � Omer _ ❑ Scar—FaC�a! of Victim: G�ardian �cos: ?c�ury Ty�= �: _;cahor, � �on� :en. I OnArm ��NDac ��hr= {�✓ �, On Ch25; � Mmcr :� A•-_-HanC' �� Y=� On Hantl i a Poss�Je Ir;_•n= I�� Hc% �� Ir. o+<ated O:h2r ;'] A� � : " 5 { ",�l ir�-a� : � G t,rol InC�yi � Loss =1 T:�.n ;� Le�;�Fezt :� G,s q2me '� Szv�'e Lz::'b::r �� Iw�. I� U�• Humber : ] Puric:J�•s'.0 � � Ti� Back .: � �/-'scaus I Pkw�e/Des�gn :� Guns�ot �� 7i,: Fmnt !� U'co^snas �� O[hc' 1A2L. In�✓Y , .� V P - Paae 2 . . s Otrer . , . Vehicie ❑ Abandoned ❑ Impounded ❑ Stolen ❑ Used in Crime Scatus: ❑ Damaged in Crime ❑ Recovered ❑ Theft From Vehicle ❑ Other �1ake: Domestic Foreign Vehicle Type: Vehicle Size. Color. �DOOrs� � AMC ❑ Jeep ❑ Autli ❑ Kawzszk� QSaab ❑ Convertible ❑ Sub-com act ❑ Bu�ck ❑ U�coln ❑ 6MW � Maida ❑Subaru p ❑ B�'Se ❑ Geld ❑ P;. _.e ❑ 1 ❑ 3 Q 5 ❑ Hard Top ❑ Compatl � g�z�k ❑ Greer,-Li. ❑ Fs< '� 2[� 3 ❑ Catliilac ❑ Mer-Cur � Datsun ❑ MerceCes QSuzuki � Hatchback ❑ Mitl-s¢etl ❑ Cnevrolet ❑ Mercury ❑ F�at ❑ MG ❑TO ota ❑ B��e-Lt ❑ G�ear-:!zd [] Fa_ y ❑ ti!omrcycle ❑ Fuibsaetl ❑ Bl�e-VZ0 Q Gree�-Oark Q S�._r Transmission ❑ Chrysler ❑ pldsmobJe [] Hontla ❑ Mrtsobishi QTnumph ❑ Pickup ❑ Sfatwn Wago� � Bwe-�ark Q Grzy ❑ T✓_eo�s� � 0 Auteratc ❑ Cotlge ❑ Piymouth ❑ HyunCai ❑ Ni552n ❑VOlkswagen ❑ $ztlan � ❑ Manczl � Fortl ❑ Ponhac ❑ Isuzu Porsche ❑ 8 �� 1 °^ ❑ L=ve^Cer Vi-;a ❑ ❑ Volvo ❑ Tmck ❑ Ot�e� ❑ CoGGer ❑ b!arocn ❑ Ya Cw ❑ GMC ❑ Satum � Jtguzr ❑ Renault ❑ Vugo ❑ Van Shift LGCahon ❑ Other ❑ Crezm ❑ OranS� � Col�mn ❑ Other � OtF�er � plwr Year: Model ticense: State: Lic Year. Tzb �: I Y N ❑ Q A.�;znna V.I.N.: Damge Pnor to Theft: Identifyirg Charac,erist�cs: ❑ � Ea;eery ❑ 0 C 0 RzC:o ❑ � Ctors lccR=d Owner's Location/Time of Theft Locahon of Keys Oid Owner Allow Anyon= to Use Vehicle� � ��,� ��� ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ ❑ :•c�de Frc�e Personal Property in Vehicie: Va��e of Property: ❑❑ F.:d�o ❑ Q $C32 T�f? Insurance Co.: Theft Coverage� If Leasetl, Company I❑❑ Tare Pia,er ❑ Ye5 ❑ No {❑ � T•unk L=<�etl t lienhoider. Amount Owed: Date of Lzst Payr:ent: � Aileage: , Estimated Value: _ , Owner's Signature: I` _ - . _ .. _, - X ECG Broaccase Teletyp= _. (] Yes ❑ No I Relationship: (Check oniy t) ❑ Yes ❑ No ��o� Spouse Former Spouse ar. Action Taken: Can Suspect be Identified� ... Witness to the crime? .... .... is Stolen Property Traceable? Crlme Scene Piocessed? ..... Photos Taken? ....... .. .. .. Property Turned In? ... ....... Evidence Turned In? .. . .. ... � Relative [ Shared Child [ ] Arrest (by officer) ] Arrest (by citizen) Friend (living together) Friend (tormerly Irving togc:h2r) GOh ❑ Yes .� No ❑ Maybe .... B� N/hom? � Victim ❑ Yes . f7�j No ❑ Wi;r.ess ❑ Yes . .�j No ❑ Po1.ce [} Yes . Q� No Victim/Suspect Relahonsnip. , Jone ❑ Yes. � N� Type ❑ Yes �No ❑ Analysis—B�oicgical � Fingerprints ❑ Anatysis—Narcotic � I;ems to be Pnnted 9,q �tia� 6ias/Hate Crime? ❑ Yes � 2�as M.c--._;io� ❑ /+s= � ❑ Et^r�c�ty/f:.�cnal G iin ❑ Ha'Cicap ❑ a�cai ❑ Fe. Sious ❑ �z.:al � pt-�r �"�- c- CL.r �' � ` � F�s3' ": T '.- _.2'4•'".' . ... .. �r'no ReW�?e0 Gmie: .-=,._ ;r.> �.• - - . . s � , __ IYtvOaCAVe�edCrimc'.: -. - _ . Ntw SecurCd Remises Aftec Inddent --- C'.3use d Flce/ExpbsiorL .. �,�- . . . - . prppertY Iruured: ` Amount ol Loss: - , � [] Yes ❑ � No - - mwrarxe Agent: � . (Street, State, State, State, Yes ❑ ho Phone. � °1`1-`i�� Phone: Phone- Phone: Phone _•• • .•• „ � _ Owner Ltem /� OuaMit Articte Brand i pAOdel #, Seriai #, andfa Descri tion Value Date Property Y ; � p Recov=red Code . ! _ � � __ ___'_"______�.�—__ __.—_____._ '_ __�. _ . ' _ _. _._ .... , ! � ti P�ia age 1 of � �� ���y � AUTHORIZAT70N FOR RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION 1 hereby author¢e the retease of any arW all reGues:ed medical information to the St. Pauf Potice Departmen[. including copies or pno;ostats of ineC�cal reccrCs concerning my treatment. Dzte SignaNre (Patient. Paren, or Guzrdian) Patient: A;tending Physicizn: O.O.B. Daytime Phone =: Address: Arrest Number Last Name Middle Address DOB Age Sex Race �I %l1�� ' �' ' ,�� _ti . , .�� �, _/ � � • �� ., > ,_ � / _ � _ / ' i, .� ;�� �. `� _ i _/ ��y / � ,_ � � i / i � i �� i � % � - _ v � _- � - , �Cl': � � � - - ;: �1i ?t i � _ _ (}`��' ' cS.: t - .? ' t � .{3 .L�o :l. _ - £Y��'.J.:�v-`Y:SS.`e.Y _i+y�:. _ . _ .. z •�' ; +' ' p . a .. . . � _ _ _ . . .. f.�s . . .. _. . . : �� � . .. �, ' ".: "%".,i}- i ...�... . sy..C. _ _ _ �s � y.Y „ 4r � _ •.: ,,-: �:. ....r.. x:`..r;v, _ " - :.A _ -__ .i�.- =v`.L'S'.'', a'.-# _ _ 4:a'.�A,�F:�� tu , ' . ,� • ('. _ " ..' Y ' . }' - - _ - _ _ � �..^. i�,(c: . , _- _ . • y �: " __ , _ :�>'!_ �'L. �r �. �i4':.�. . _ _ -� �Ya,"_. _".1„�'c y�'T;3�: ' � � ._ • � _ v . E - � � -- -------- - � = Assisting OffiCer. Emp. No: Reportmg Offic / _ � �����--� Rzport Reviewetl By Emp. No OT Typist: I R CoC' ' N Er' •' � _ ❑Yes �,CO � F= i S � �I�a��w� r ,.��,.-:�. : -�.,_ �.., ..... . .. .. ... . . ... Paye � o, �— SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT � 7 T��of fteP°�� S` �� � C% Lt_ 5 °19-�a � SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT �� � t - p� � �6 �.� ��� ��- �� �- ��, -�( Ltu..� �.�2.J S � �..� � �� � �, � .���,..� � .��a� . . ��� ��'.�� `� �' � ��``�� ��° `�� ::�� =;v.�i � ,�'�� -�-�� ���.���� � � y%w:-� _: .�?v: . ��i `�� : .,r� ^�`>"' .. . ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTINUATION OF: ❑ ORIGINAL REPORT �� �� �/-- 7T�-lgs '- �Scn�,�-��� � ����,,� ��, _ � �:,' < :C:: "`'>i. �. ,��-;= � a r .a d. Y .' ' Y. A C� �� `¢' } L�.. �i�. � ! ,7 �p ;-5 ti _ C z�` '' � s - - � �'b � * _!'t✓ ' - .. ,. . � �� HF ❑ Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Juv ❑ Coord ❑ ID ❑ Lab D/C � Burg �] Theft ❑ Prop � CAU ❑ FSF � Auto , � Yes No Rec Team � DAO ❑ CO 1 I Yb*��I ❑ a;.v p ar,e� � ❑ Type � \ � N � � c� z Phi 622-5�� . - C - .- - c�T"� S.�OIp ! ��' 3 ST. PAUL POLIC o� cr,nFtJTGt REPORT �I CONTINUATION OF: °�9-yaa- �REPORT ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT _ ;'�. 1 y� `/!'� !/�/.�lh�f I c7if<�'.r /"l�:i< <Gli I ���i I ' ` ' ' NARRA77VE - < .. ",�„/�rrest Number Last Name F�rst � Middle Address �fl08 Age • - Officer Abel's supple�ental reoort indicates the sou=ce of the : call was from 738 E. 3` S't., apt.B in the name of H03�?ANN, �<. ;::. .. . �. ::,-:� � : .- .:_� ` . ;,? ; ::�.5:� _• s a HENRY. I checked SITS and found a criminal history on I:ORMP.�;N, HED;RY CHARLES DOB/6-26-49, Identn 67-609�. Horr,.ann nad �irst been arrested in 1967 for DOC and subseauently for a variety of traffic offenses, the last being in 1985. On 8-5-98 I spoke to by phone and met with the complainant, ����, � said that she had received a phone ca11 from an unknown person in May 1998 on a Saturday. The caller breathed heavily into the phone but did not soeak. L4hen she received the ca11 on 8-1-98 the caller spoke and asked if she would like to suck on his big hard dick. The caller then breathed heavily into the phone. During the caller's spea'.{ing +�,turned on her phone message machine and recorded part of the speaking and the heavy breathing. I made a copy os the message machine recording. '�ewas concerned about r:ome security and I advised her about some precautions and gav� her a � phone number for the Crime Prevention Unit in case sh= wanted to :-:.have her home assessed for other precautions. I advised her that vS`� . ` would be a good idea to change her phon2 nur.ber and to have it `::".�unlisted. ,�: went to 738 E. 3` St. This dwelling appears to hav2 at least -.�,.three units to it. The mailbox lists Horrann as a reside:«. *ro ''`'doors are marked with apartment nu:�.bers. ? kncc'.�ed a� a1= the =::q;;doors but got no answers. W �: � l% t�%ti �I � � Rob ❑ Juv ❑ Coord ❑ ID ❑ Lab I,,� Theft Q prop ❑ CAU ❑ P&F Q Auto �=}}�y - . , . ��.t'.': i.:_ = i :4 , k�......� . . ;. �. . _ ' _ �Yes � NoI ., '_ I ec ❑ Team ❑ Sex ❑ Rptr DAO ❑ CO ❑ HumServ �W c> z \J �l � � �� \ � Ph1622-93R CONT�NUE NARRATIVE HERE I mailed a card to Hormann asking him to call ne. �9-y»- i received a ca11 from Hormann and he agreed to meet :aith r•..e on 8-12-98 at 1300hrs. He said he was a driver for Dia*!ond Cab. On 8-12-98 I met with HORMAI3N, HENRY CHARLES DOBl6-26-49 in an interview room at Headquarters. I recorded the intezview. I told Hormann that he was not under arrest, could leave anytim� he wanted and did not have to talk with me. He �ras witl?ng to t�lk with me. Hormann said he lives at 738 E. 3r St. (rear, 1�` floor apartment) and that he lives alone. Hormann said had been a driver for seventeen and a half years. He leases his cab buy the week. He usually works in daytime hours. I told Hormann I caas investigating a complaint about a harass�ng phone call received by a women on Saturday, 8-1-98. I told him the caller talked for a bit then breathed +_nto the phone. Hormann said he had cooperated with the police when he was on the right side of things but that this time he was on the wrong side of things. I asked him to tell me what had happened. Hormann admitted making the call. I asked him to tell me what was said on the call. He said that she answered and said he110 torice. He then said something like, "Hoca would you like to suck my nice big dick." Hormann said he was masturbating during :he call. Hormann said this wasn't ��much of a conversation but uh, s:ould constitute a definitely a harassing phone ca11, obscene phone call or whatever, you know." Hormann said this is the only thing he has don= in a long tim2 that is against the law. Y.e said he had a� ar-es= fo= disord2rly conduct when he was eighteen and an arrest for D;•iI in 1972. 9 .�, 2 0 , -3 qq -y?2- ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT �%CONTINUATION OF: ❑ ORIGINAL REPORT ,� SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Date 8 Time of Report: ' OHenseMc ent: J 7eam: Time of Artest: " • "/4`" � -/ ! l��l<� ��.4 lC / Lv �5 `...,, ., -- -' , NARRATIYE � " �' "� � Arrest Number Last Name Frst �� Middle Address � DOB Age Sex Race Hormann said he met the victim when he got a call to give her a cab ride from her residence to someplace, possibly the mall o_` America. He used a cross directory in whicn he looked her address and then got her name and phone nu:�ber- He said he had only given her the one cab ride. I asked ii he had made a point of going by her house since thzn or if he would watch her and he denied this but did admit that being a cab driver he would go by her neighborhood on occasion. He called her because he rem2mbered he liked her appearance. He said he had previously called this victim six to seven times hut in the pprevious calls did not say anything. He said he would masturbate during the ca11s. He said he was not a pesky caller who ca11s back a million times. He denied making the call in May in which the victim heard only heavy breathing. T asked if he knew the victim`s address and he denied this. He said he recalled she lived on Berkley, Stanford or GIellesley between St. Clair and Jefferson and Snelling and Fairvievr. He knew the victim's name was � He recalled her last name as �. He said he was reminded of h°r last year when a �� was playinq for the White Sox. iie said it ::as an unusual last name. I asked if he knew the victim's nGtionalicy. He said he would guess French and said that several times �d'nen ne called her sne spoke French on her answering macnine be�ore speaking ❑ CHF ❑ }iom ❑ Rob ❑ duv ❑ Coocd ❑ lD ❑ lab ❑ Rec ❑ Team ._- Q D/C � Burg ❑ Theft Q?rop Q CAU ❑ F8F ❑ Auto � DAO ❑ CO - :�-�� � _ =i�i:';: � - _:z�ar_�:. -: � "� I ✓ I � . ❑ Sez R v t.p�.��� ro� ❑ HumServ P � TyPe � 0 z � � �: �, \ PM 622-33R CONTINUE NARRATIVE HERE u � � � + � Hormann said he had made these types os ca11s ior years. Fe said he beqan making these ca11s orhen he was about 15-15 years old. He said that at one point his making these phone ca11s could be considered and "addiction" because it was to the point where he was makinq these calls to females almost every day. He said he does not call anyone in particular or to harm anyone. He said that for the last three or four years he had cut back on his ca11s. He said that sometimes he called only every two to three months and sometime would go for six to eight months without calling. A'friend who was familiar with his calling had warned him he �aas 1ikely to get caught. Hormann figured it would not be hard to get caught with modern phone technology. Hormann maintained that it would be not problem £or him to quite making these calls immediately. He said that if he felt he had to get his sexual gratification in this manner that there were ways to do that iegally. He said he could ca11 900 numbers w'r_ich are thriving a11 over the country and ta1k. He said those calls cost 52.99 to 54.99 a minute. I asked how many ca11s he had made since the beqin,n,iPy of the year. He said six times. He then when on to explain thGt he meant six ��sessions" of ca11s. In each session he would ca11 from one to forty or fifty numbers depending on whether or not anybody answered the phone and what they sounded like. I° th°y hung up he would ca11 more numbers. Paqe � p1 � �J SUPPLEMENTAL R ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT TINUATION OF: f ORIGINAL REPORT ^`7� lG /,lis 1 ' ,/ / �I� , � 71�Gi7 „ 9 IG/G C lt� f S _ :" . NARRATIVE :..� a_°-; , .:.. . . .. . SUPPLEMENTAL He said he usually used a phone directory but had a iew speci�ic one he would mark down and cz11 includinq �. he denied that he called other people who had been cab custoners. He said that might be hard to believe in 17=f years. I told him that was a bit of a stretch. He denied using cab comcany records to ma:te the ca11s. He said he had not previously been caught making these calls. He agreed that when he called he would make the statement abouc sucking on his nice big dick. Hormann said, "That's pretty much wJzat I would say yah I was kinda very unimaginative you might say, you know. Pretty standard routine. As a matter of �act the majority of the time when T make these calls people would just hang up right away and I wouldn't even say anything you know. If they stayed on the phone a little while I'ld say that. Gener�lly y when I said that then they'ld hang up. And occasionally, you know, occasionally they'ld stay on the phone and talk even after that you know." I asked what they Frould talk about. "Wett actually I had a few conversations over the years where a�ter that kind of rocky initial start there we'ld settle down into a regular conversation and uh. Actually wound up meeting a:ew of these people a£terwards. And actually going out and havir_g a ieo-r with them. Actually went over to some girl's house over :n Minnea polis after meetina her, in this st r an ge manner, yoL kno�l, so. If I could call all of those people then � cuess the� cocld tell you I' m not a bad guy once you get kno<<� me, you k.no��r. But I have kind of a strange way o� going about things her some times, % G'/in tiJ - I. � I OYes Q No I` ❑ CHF ❑ Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Juv ❑ Coord ❑ 10 ❑ tab ❑ Rec ❑ Team ❑ Sez ❑ Rptr ❑ D/C [] Burg ❑ Theft ❑ PrOp Q CAU ❑ F&F Q Auto ❑ DAO ❑ CO ❑ HumServ Type q q -yir � z �� \� � � � PS1622-53R CONTINUE NARRATIVE HERE — I, ` �� you know." I told him we do want this sort of thing to stoo. Y.e said, "We11 yah, oh, _ can understand that." I asked if he dr.ank when he did this. He said the najority o` the time he had a few beers. He denied 'chat he nad2 �he cG11s because he was drunk. He making the calls he was something he has always done like smoking cigarettes. He said, "Smoking ciaarettes are legal. This is not legal." Hormann said that the phone ca11s were the dark side of Henry that comes crawling out of his shoulder once in a while. He said that the majority of the time he was one of the best guys you would ever want to know. Hormann said he was worried about losing ris c-ty cab license and that it could mean he would be out of a job whicn is very important to him. Hormann said, ��My thing has always been to get some, you know, attractive sounding female voice on the pnone and talk to that person while I'm masturbating, you know. Nothing else, absolutely nothing eise." On 8-13-98 I met with �� I told 'ner tnat Horr�nn had admitted to making the ca11. I explained court procFdures and possible sentences involving a fine, ;ail �i�e, =uspended sentences and counseling and said that it o-ras ❑p to a ju�ce �� decide this. '� said she arould like to co �heac vritn a complaint. She said that she would like _o se� _hat the susc��� got counseling for his problem. j ST. PAUL POLlCE DEPARTMENT �� -� �'>" P � " CASE C�EARANCE REPORT Date 8 Time of Report pffense/Incident A� f � Time of Arrest i_ �' � /' �� //J/S�its ��/i��� i � �- � ❑ Multipte Clearence �est By: Case Sfatus: � Patrol � Investigator �] Un(ounded � Pended leared by Arrest � Exceptional Clearance fleason for Exceplionai Clearance: � Death of Offender � Prosecution Declined � E<iradifion Oenied � Y�ctim Refused to Cooperate � Jwenile Not In Custcdy -------- - -- -- - - -- ----- - - --- -P_ ----- - -- On 8-5-98 I spoke with the victim about this com �aint. - Ori 8=I2=98 I interdiewed suspect H6RMANN, HENRY CHARLES -- - DQB/6-26-49.- Horinann admitted-to-makiTrg-t}re-otrscens-phone-ca11 - to the .victim .on_8--1-98 as well_ -a�addi-tional--hang--up -phoae-- - -- - - ca11s. He admitted to making numerous similar�hone_ca_11s to many other victims over a period of 35 years On 8-17-98 I met -- --- - --------- - -------------- --=---------- at H with Jud Hanson of the CAO about this case. She later - _------ -------- ------------ --------- -- -- - - -- called me and said she would be charging Hormann by complaint and - -' - summons` with ions O�cene""Pfione - (M) : T ----- ---ack�ised-the- �iet%m-of---the--etra-rge------ --- -------- -- CBA ------- --- --------- -- � o z . . _------ --- --- --- -- -�----- — - - - - -- - . _ .._---- -------------- — —� � � ------------------'--- ----'— --------- ------ \_ _ �� --'---- ---� �% 1 - - ------------------' -- ------------ - . � - - - - - - - � I ------ ---- -- - \-�, ��, -- - - - - - - - -'------ - ' �— \ ---' - - --- --`---- ---- �- - � z 1 S' f9eport Reviewed 8y/Unit Commender. �q N: O.T.: Typi R. . Cx+a: Name Entf J �Yes Q No ❑ CHF ❑ Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Juv ❑ rd ❑ ID ❑ Lab ❑ Rec ❑ Tenm ❑ Sax ❑ Rptr ❑ O�hsr ❑ D�C � Burg ❑ Thek Q Prop ❑ ❑ F&F ❑ Auto ❑ DAO ❑ CO ❑ HumSsrv PM 5��'y2R ti�V��� 1 nvoice ❑ Check this box if making any name, mailing address or phone # corrections. Please write the changes on this form. If your business license address is changing, please request a new ! 6uslness ticense app4icatioa. �(LC January 1'I, '1999 To: NENRY C HORMANN HENRY C HORMANN 738 3RD ST E ST PAUL, MN 55106 Contact: HENRY C HORMANN Home Phone: 651-771-1858 Work Phone: , �' _� 4� „ l � g i Transaction Description 44164 Ta�cab Driver (Renew) Expires: 03/11/1999 @ 738 3RD ST E Enclosures / Requirements: Please make ar Date of Birth: Drivers License Name of Comp; ��� �z�o�sl changes to the above �ddress and corr �_ Phone #: , � -i � Y .X . e Expiration Dafe: C1TY OF SA1NT PAUL Office of License, Inspections & Environmentaf Protection 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 5 51 02-1 51 0 (651)266-9090 FAX: (651)266-9124 License I.D. #: 0044'164 the following: �'aol � � � ��� Invoice #: 170185 Invoice Due Date: 03/11/1999 Account Balance: 21.00 Pay this Amount: g21.00 Transaciion Toiai � 21.00 Invoice Amount Due - -- -..__-;...: �-. . .. .. ,. .... - .. .' 2'�_a€�. 170185 � ������ ��; Traffic Update SD1005.0/990311:14114762 99 -�t a�— 62-T3-98-067562 Misdemeanor Date filed: 08/25/1998 Name (Last, First Middle, Suffix) 23ame: FIORMAI3I3, IiEI3RY CFIARLES, f 080119981 Bus: Address: 738 E 3RD ST APT. B City State Zip: ST PAUL. MN 55106 Foreign: _ DOB: 06261949 . Drvr's Lic: _-_-_-_ _/ State: _ VehLic: _- Cycle:_ Off Date: 08011998 Badge�: 611550 Agency,�: MN0620900 ICR Ctrl#: 98122541 Accident (0-3): Unsafe Conditions (Y/N): _ Endanger Life/Prop: _ I3azardous Material: _ CommercialJBus: _ including Speed > 14: Prosecutor ID: 000282893 - Type: M Defender ID: 000103172 - Type: R Appearance/Disposing Activity 12011998 Act: CLO at 0530 Jdg: Crtrm: Loc:Crt-D Adm-D Mand: comment: Counts #/Red Chap/Sect/Subd Citation # Plea/Date Disp DPS Pass 1-_ 609.79 S11A 98 -210751 Guilty GTY _ OBSCENE PHONE CALLS 10211998 11301998 Comment: 2- Comment: 3- Comment: 4- Comment: DL Suspended on Count _ Apply to Sentence Counts Sentence Date: X Fine $ 1 2 3 4 Surcharge $ on 11301998 700.00 and Reinstated on Judge: 03515G Incl. DL Stayed Amount $ 200.00 Alchl Assess/Waived $ Suspension Crt Costs $ No Insurance: - Operate/Allow/Parked Pub Dfndr $ Restn: $ DrvrJClinic: OR: _ Paid $ 625.00 Date: 02/O1/1999 Special Acct - Yes Pronounced: 090 Days Conditional: Stayed for 001 Yrs Probation: 001 Yrs Type-S Discharge Date: Sentence Comments 1)DSTRY NTBK 21INFRM CAB CO 3)$500+ 41REST 5ZUTC/LA 6)NO S/S 7)ABST 8)UA/BT 91SEX OFF TX lO1NC W/VIC 111LIE DETECTOR• WS Date Activity 06012000 Next: ARC Comment Next Time Judge Courtroom Location Admin. D Court D FC_ 04 07 O8 12 rxensNr:x ro: : 93n2n99s DtlH5 �.D.P_S. DRIUER>I,IGENSE`CB�M�RCIAL INQUIRY � li_i8c26 GOMMERCIpL STATUSc`-H Y A 'HELP: ` PAGE=_01 N-655-303-115-500 �-STATUS:.;UALID , GI.pSS- D" TYPE:: 1 SENLOR: MEDICBL. LIM,-MOB. . ENDORS: 'DONOR: '!LIUING 4dILL: `. CORREGTIVE''LENSo- Y; B-CpRDc PHOTO,BpTCH= 1998750155023- DUPL BATCH:<1444750175085 : NtiME: HENRY CHBRLES HORMpNN BIRTH DATE= 06/26/1449 RESTR INFO-` tiDDR: 73S'.E 3RD . - ! CITY:;ST.PpUL. : COUNTY`_ 62 ZIP: 55106 -' MBILING I1DDR: EYES: BLU 'HEIGHT: 5-08 47EIGNT= 175 GEMDERc M SUSPENSE: ' TICI{LER: DL ISSUE'DpTE- 06J16/1998 CF8? ,'DL EXPIRE DATE_ 06/26/2002 _ ,. < DNR: 10/11/94 SPEED - t.D62 N; 03/27[47 SPEED ; Y62 N 'AEXT REQUEST: `� THIS RECORD REFLECTS CONUICTIQNS`WITNIN,THE PAST FIUE.CS>"YEARS,� �19 - y �. �. _ � RAMSEY CAUNTI' Commnnity Corrections Department ADULT COURTS DIVISION SPRUCE TREE GENTRE - WEST 1600 University Avenue - Suite 410 St. Paul, HN 55104 May 10, 1999 To Whom This May Concem: Tel: 651-643-3051 Fax: &51-643-3055 Mr. Henry Horman is cunently a client of the Ramsey County Community Corrections Deparhnent. He has a sentence expiration date of ll/29/99. To this agent°s knowlecige, ivir. Horman uas been in corripiia�,c� �f all us probation condirions to date, including regular sex offender treatment attendance at Project Pathfinder. If I may be of any other assistance regarding Mr. Horman's probation status/adjustment, please feel free to contact me at 651.643.3059. Sincerely, � � B��th Tietz Probation/Parole Officer CC: File Minneaota's �st Home Eule Coanty ptlnkN on reryrled paper witA a mimmum of 10%posFmnsumer mntent Council FIle # �{9 — y Z'�•� aR1GINAL Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # �i � p � Committee: Date 2 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RESOLVED, that the renewal license application of Henry C. Hormann is hereby denied. 18 This Resolution, and the action taken above, are based upon the facts contained in the 19 April 6, 1999 Norice of Proposed Denial letter sent to the applicant, the Saint Paul Police Report 20 (CN 98-122-541) relating to the incident and such azguments as may have been presented to the 21 Council at the public hearing. Requested by Department of: B ���.,� A'�,c,C/ Form Appxoved by City Attorne� f q BY� � �.P� � �-�-f'vaU/1 Approved by Mayos fos Submission to Council By: � _ By: Approved by May Date � � l BY= ' c'��,.�ir7 ,�.�r/f�'A� WIIEREAS, Henry C. Hormann applied for a renewal of his TaYicab Driver's License (License ID. No 170185); and VJHET2EAS, a record check revealed that Mr. Hormann had been sentenced on November 30, 1998 for the misdemeanor offense of Obscene Phone Ca11s; and WHEREAS, the victim of the obscene phone calls was a passenger in Mr. Hormann's tasi and he used a reverse telephone directory to learn her name and telephone number; and WHEREAS, the purpose of regulating taxicab drivers is protection of the public and the nature of this offense is directly related to that purpose; and WIIEREAS, this conviction is recent and the applicant has submitted no evidence of rehabilitation; now, therefare, be it RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Adopted by Council: Date ����� Adoption Certi£ied 4y Council Sec ry LIEP Christine Rozek 12, 1999 - Public ASSKiN NUY96tfOR ROUi1NG TOTA� # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET qg -� �- No 64038 � �,.,,�,r��� � �� � ❑ CRYATiOR�EI' ❑ GIIYGFiK � ❑AUUYJ6LSERVICF9qR ❑FWNWLaERVlACCTC ❑ 141bRIORA&56I�Ni) ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREJ Resolution concerning adverse action against the Renewal Application fox a Taxicab Driver`s License by Henry C. Hormann, 738 3rd Street East. (Uncontested) vuni iurv approve (n) w rce�ett PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION What. When, AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION Has fhis persoNfirm euer vrorked unUer a cwRrac[ for Nis AepaAmeM7 YES NO Has this pe�sqVfirtn crer 6ee� a dtY emPloYee? YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a sldll rwt nortnallypossesseU by airy curteM cily employee? YES NO Is this perso�rtn a targeMd veMOR YES NO BlI2Ch l� 9f2E118h2E� COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER VES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN) a9 -�t a2- UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Applicant: Henry C. Hormann Address: 738 3` Street East Council Hearing Date: May 12, 1999 Violation: November 30, 1998 Conviction for Making Obscene Phone Galls St. Paul Legislative Code 376.16(e)(4) Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of License Renewal Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. letter from license applicant acknowledging violation 3. Notice of Proposed Denial 4. Ramsey County Court records 5. Police Report CN 98-122-541 6. License renewal application information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robirsson, Jc, City Altorney Q9 -�{ �' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemart, Mayor Apri128, 1999 Civi! Divisian 400 City Hal! Telephone: 651166-8710 15 West Ke[logg Blvd Facsimile: 651 298-5619 Sain! Paul, Minrresota 55702 �r. � �.�.,.,=:'.: 4;..:,``.� NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING �d�:-� "•"° ` }�.�� � Ce �:v�� w Mr. Henry C. Horxnann 738 3r Street East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 RE: Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License License ID No. : 17085 Our File Number: G99-0123 Dear Mr. Hormann: Please take notice that a heazing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 12,1949 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the basic facts contained in the Notice of Proposed Denial concerning your conviction for making obscene phone calls to a former passenger have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/ar written remarks. The recommendation of the license office will be fox the denial of your renewal application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �� ��� �� �` Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson �t9 -y a �-. City of St. Paul Office of the Ciry Attomey 400 City Hall Attention: Virguua D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey Dear Ms. Palmer, I am writing in response to the letter I received from you regarding the proposed denial of my St. Paul Taxicab Drivers License. I also spoke to you by phone regazding this matter on Thursday, April 15, 1999. As I indicated to you on the phone, I admit to the facts stated in the letter that I received with one exception. On November 30, 1998 I was sentenced far the violation of Obscene Phone Calls. The term "Calls" is in the plural simply because that is the tenn for the charge. In actuality, there is only one call that is in question here. To that end, I would like to amend the following sentence in your letter to me. Where it states "These calls were made to a woman" it should read "This call was made to a woman". Finally, I would like to state to you that I realize I did something very wrong. I am already paying a rather heavy price for what I did what with a fairly substantial fine that I had to pay, a treatment program that I was put into as a condition of my probation that may last for several years, plus just the general stigma of having such a thing on your record. I have been a taxicab driver in the City of St. Paul for 18 years and have been a lifelong resident of the city. Additionally, I am 49 years old and have not been in any trouble with the law other than this since 1972, when I got a DWI at the age of 23. As I stated. eighteen years of my life have been spent driving cab in the City of St. Paul. I like to think that I have been a good cab driver and good to my passengers. Even though cab driving is not the most glamorous job in the world, it is and has been my life and I enjoy it and really don't know what I'd do without it. If the City of St. Paul deems it necessary to take my license away as a result of this violation, I am out of a job that I have spent a sizable portion of my life doing. Therefore, I am requesting that this matter be scheduled for hearing by the St. Paul City Council for a final determination on the status of the license. At that time; I will present my case to them and hope for the best. Very truly yours, Henry C. Hormann b ;�.�,, o�, �. � �.� � n. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor April 6, 1999 OFFICE " � THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayfon.L. binson,Jr.,CityAttorney A1 O �{{a,� '\ \ CIVtI DNlSlOX 400CiryHall Te(ephone: b51266-8i10 ISii'eslKelloggB[vd Facsimile:651298-5679 Sairs! Paul, blinnesota 55l0? NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAI, Mr. Henry C. Hormann 738 3'd Street East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 Re: Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License License ID No.:170185 Our File Number: G99-0123 Dear Mr. Hormann: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection is recommending denial of your renewal application for taxicab driver's license. This action is based on the following: On or about November 30, 1998, you were sentenced for the violation of Obscene Phone Calls. These calls were made to a woman who had been a passenger in your cab. The above conduct is a misdemeanor violarion of IaR•, and constitutes grounds under Section 37616(e)(4) of the Sainf Paul Legislafive Code for denial of your license renewal application. Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code does not permit the issuance of a license to a person having a misdemeanor conviction within the past three years involving indecent conduct. Section 310.06 of the Legislative Code also allows denial of a license when such matters indicate a lack of good moral character or fitness to engage in the licensed activity. Under state law, Minn. Stat. ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inform you of certain matters: First, the grounds and reasons for the denial of the license. Zhese grounds and reasons are set forth above. 01 q -�.a�- Second, any complaints or grievances that you may have will be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the procedures set forth in secrion 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. These procedures aze substantially similaz to those required by the state administrative procedures acY, Minn. Stat. §§ 14.57-.69. ' Third, the eazliest date on which you may reapply for a taxi driver's license will be one year from the later of the following two dates: (1) the date of your successfui completion of supervised probation, with a copy of the department of corrections discharge order and other documents showing compliance with all terms and conditions of probation; or (2) the date, putsuant to section 310.02 of the Legislative Code, your Iicense is denied by the City of Saint Paul. Puture reception of a re- application does not guarantee that there will be sufficient evidence of rehabilitation, nor that a license will be issued at that time. Fourth, if you reapply, the City of Saint Paul will consider all competent evidence of rehabilitation that you wish to present. Examples of the type of evidence that wzll be considered aze set forth in section 364.03 of the state law. Since the proposed denial of your renewal application for a license is an adverse action, you are entitled to the hearing procedures established in sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. You or your attomey will have to make a written request for a hearing if you wish to contest the denial of your renewal application. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type and do not wish to continue to operate as a taxicab driver within the City of St. Paul, you may surrender your taxicab driver's license to the license division and request to withdraw your renewal application. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type, but wish to proceed with the license renewal application process, you will need to admit in writing to the facts stated above in bold type. The matter will then be scheduled for hearing before the St. Paul City Council for a final determination regarding the status of your taxicab driver's license. If you contest the facts stated above in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be heard before an administrative law judge, whose findings and recommendations will be given to the St. Paul City Council for a fmal determination. If you choose to exercise your right to an administrative hearing, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover the cost of the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. Page 2 �`t -�t a ?. Please contact me or Peter Pangborn, at 266-8710, within ten (iQ) days from the date of this letter as to whether you admit or deny the highlighted facts stated above, and whether you wish to have an administrative hearing on those facts. As stated above, if you choose to proceed with an administrative hearing, you will need to make that request in writing. Very truly yours, �����a�� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Page 3 �q-yaa- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) Ss. COUN'PY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL 30ANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 7, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL on the following named person by placing a Crue and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. Henry C. Hormann 738 3r Street East St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th da�of At�ril!11999. Notary PE7Ep P, pANGBORN �-ppjj�py p��—MINNESC°'' MY�pesn,Ej�iresJan.3� 2�� SD1034.1/990324:140535 Name Index Display 1 of Name: HORMANN, HENRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aq-4aa�- HORMANN, HENRY . . . . . . . . . . . . •/ FLD:03/12/1992 Unlaw Det 62-CO-92-2929 Archive H�RMANN, HENRY CHARLES . . . . . . . ./ FLD:05/07/1992 Concil 62-S3-92-3598 Archive HORMANN, HENRY CHARLES, [08011998] .../The State of Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:08/25/1998 Misdemeanr OBSCENE PHONE CALLS DOB 06/26/1 62-T3-98-67562 Cit #: 9$ -210751 SA Closed DISP: Guilty HORMANN, HENRY CHARLES . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FI,D:08/25/199'I NMvg Petty NO SEATBELT DOB 06/26/1 62-T5-97-57685 Archive HORMANN, HENRY CHARLES . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:04/O1J1997 Speed-PMD SPD. 35-30 CO ZO [120.50] DOB 06/26/1 62-T6-97-22671 SA Archive ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following names are "sound alikes" for HORMANN AERMAWAN, HENRY . . . . . . . . . . . jState of Minnesota (PL13) FLD:08/07/1998 Parking NON DES AREA DOB 09/20/1 62-T2-98-628382 Archive HERRMANN, HENRY J . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:06/28/1996 Informal 62-PO-96-5659 HERRMANN, HENRY J . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:06/28/1996 Informal 62-PO-96-5659 HORMAN, HENRY C . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:O1/12/1989 Concil 62-58-89-478 Archive Archive Archive SD2005.0/990324:1 Activity Display Fi 62-T3-98-067562 Misdemeanor Date filed: 08/25L1 The State of Minnesota vs. HENRY CHARLES HORMANN. [�80119981 �q ' 4 a�" Time Status Court Date Activity Start/End Judge Notice Room Tried Cntinua _ 08/25/98 Case Filed 10:25/10:25 OCC/ 09/14/98 Arraigmm�t 01:00/ J Smith OCC/ 131A 1ST APP NTC 08/25/98 PP _ 09/14/98 Arraigmm�t 01:00/ J Smith OCC/ 131A DNQ PD; FC PLEA/ATTNY 9-28-98 1PM; REFER TO CDS NCO FILED DLO 09/28/98 Hearing 01:00/ S Rosas OCC/ 1.31A PLEA/ATTNY; REFER TO CDS; NCO IN EFFECT � 09/14/98 Order 02:39/ J Smith OCCj NO CONTACT ORDER FILED; JOELLE VITIELLO DLO � 09/28/98 Aearing 01:00/ S Rosas OCC/ 131A PLED NG D/C 10/21/98 9AM J VANDENORTH CMM 10/21/98 Dispo Conf 09:00/ J VandeNorth CAN/ PLED G D/C J VANDENORTH _ 09/28/98 Doc. Filed 01:58/ OCC/ ORDER SETTING D/C AND ORDER TO REPORT FILED CMM _ 10/O1/98 Doc. Filed 02:29/ OCC/ RULE 9.01 DEFENDANT'S DEMAND FOR DISCLOSURE ICAB _ 10/16/98 Doc. Filed 01:55/ OCC/ RULE 7.01 DISCLOSURE AND MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY KAB _ 10/21/98 Plea Hrng 09:00/ L Cohen OCC/ CH OR - PG AS CHARGED; FC PSI/SENT 11j30/98 1:3� COHEN 1240 PM 11/30/98 Pre-SntInv 09:34/ L Cohen OCC/ il/30/98 Sentencing 01:30/ L Cohen OCC/ 1240 OR-PG AS CHARGED "OBSCENE PHONE CALL" PSI/SENT COFiEN _ 10/21/98 Doc. Filed 10:31/ OCC/ PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN A MISD CASE FILEPM _ 10/21/98 Cert Rep 10:32/ OCC/ CERT OF REP FILED BY ATTY BRIAN SOLEM PM _ 11/30/98 Pre-SntInv 09:34/ L Cohen OCC/ _ 11/30/98 Sentencing 01:30/ L Cohen OCC/ 1240 90D+$700 SS PO 1Y 1)NOTEBOOK TO BE DESTROYED 2)CAB CO TO BE INFORMED OF CONVICTION 3)$500+FEE5 4)REST TO VICTIM FOR COUNSELING/SECURITY ** SENT CONT ** W5 11/30/98 Clerical 01:31/ OCC/ SENT CONTINUED - JUDGE COHEN _ 11/30/98 Clerical 01:31/ OCC/ ** SENT CONT ** 5)USL CND/LA 6)NO S/S 7)ABST DRG/ALC CHEMS 8)UA/BT 9)SEX OFFENDER TX 10)NO CONTACT W/ VICTIM 11)SUBMIT TO LIE DETECTOR TESTING WS 06/O1/00 Archive / PEN/ _ 11/30/98 Clerical 02:55/ OCC/ DFDT S3ILL PAY BY 1/31j99 MD O1/31/99 Sp Acct Rv / CAN/ PA MD _ 12/O1/98 Closed 05:30/ OCC/ _ O1/27/99 PartialPay 02:25/ OCC/ CASH $300 BJM _ 02/01/99 Pd in Full 10:08/ oCC/ PD IN FULL IN ST PAUL TVB MJH �-___- _,_ ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFENSE/INCIDENT REPORT r -- � • : l T'vSlli86 Iflill�fflil�l�l,llillil�l�f�llillfl'll Ilif11 Time & Da.e oi Occurrence: D & Tir of Tn:s Reper;. OCCUrred At ❑ Betw=en: hrs. on and ��� hr5. en � �/ � � ' Q Arrest s) Mztle- � Yes [] On View { � �No Time Date ❑ Warrznt/Previous C.N. ICitations Issuzd� I� Yzs �No �• • ❑ • � Squatl >: Unit � Patrol Agency (if other than SPPD): Squ2d =: Unit � Pa;rol Agency (if other thzn S?PD) � � 3 other Other Resistance Encounteretl: Weapons Used By Police: I�'None Weapons Used By Suspect at Time of Arres, � � ❑ Yes � No J � J � � ❑ Chemical ❑ Hards/Feet ❑ Stungun � Etlgetl Weapon ❑ Firea: m � Imp�c� Weapen Pursurt Engaged n: ❑ Yes No ❑ Firearm � Impact Weapon Q Other � Explosive ❑ HanCS/Feet ❑ Oth=_r If Arrestee is a juvenile, write'JUVENILE' in the name box. tf the victim is a juvenite, the victim's name, e[c. is fiiled in, uniess ihe juvenile was a victim of a CSC or chiid ahuse. In those cases, just write "JUVENILE' in the name box. Also, do not �ist the name of an adult victim of CSC. It a victim or witness wishes to have their name kept private, and the officer has reason to believe ihat reteas��9 the person's oame vrould put them or their property in jeopardy, check the'Request Non-publiG box and leave the name boX blank. Nam= �� ^-• First. Middle): Address' G Request - Non-public I Was this person taken � � Yes Health care facitity & 1Ctldress: � I to a heaith care facility? �No ,. y�'�c �f�ue Location of Inc�Cent: ------ - ' --- � - ---`t 2. Nam.e of i ''C�-_�___�.— .__ ___ _-_ - _ ... Case Assigned ❑ Noted F _Hom _Rob �Juv _Oper _PSC _Lao �Rec /am �3ex _D/C _Burg _Theft _Prop —CAU _F8P _Au;o _DAO Pac, 7 _CO _Rph _Vice _Narco _SIU —T���Other ��S f"'- PM820-E2R S � � � � t �/ � \ �li�.Cri�. _ � ilGuarCenNaR'�e: - - - -. " - " - � I ' ❑ Medium ❑ Slender N Address: `Q Aw^ ❑ &�(tl ❑ Kinky i Q @:ack ❑ B�aCR ❑ ReCed�rg ❑ IrW.tn ❑ BIwW ❑ S:raiqht ❑ ANacan ❑ &own ❑ WaveY/Cury ❑ Kmt.e ❑ Gaay ❑ V�k:rwn Q ReC'A,:Ourn Q Snort ❑ Sandy ❑ lAetlium ❑ Wh�tz ❑ Lcn9 'Q H�s�a�k OHense/❑ 7Q ❑ ❑ 3 Q� �/' C�E.'' /tf. �il�d] C Nama (Last. First, Midd�e): D.O.B.; � � � Age: V Jwenlio - Parent/Guard�an K N�cknamo/AKA: . - HC19hC <-� . ,� � W6ight: pn Arm On Chest On F1antl Other __ N(tial Name NUm6er Picture/Desgn Witness Sex;g(�1 St. Paul Reside M�ssing Person ❑ F ❑ Y ❑ N Address: Med'wm �I Slender � � As�an ❑ BaW ❑ Kmky ❑ BWCk ❑ Black ❑ Recetlirg ❑ Intl�an ❑ Blontl ❑ Straight b�ezican � Brovm ❑ Wavey/Curty V/hRe ❑ Gray :❑ n�ownORetl/AUSumOShart ' ❑ Sandy ❑ Matlium ❑ Whrte ❑ Lonq �{ F.s�d^K Jwenile • Paren;/Guard�an Name: ❑ As+an ❑ Ba�c � Kinky ! 0 8 '°�k ❑ g�a:k d ReCetling 'Q Ind�an ❑ Bbrq ❑ Srca�ght i Q b:es�an Q&Jwn ❑ Nk.eY/Cu•F� [} VRui6 � Gra�• ❑ U :ncw� [] 7�.:iA�;u.r.0 S�qr( I '. .;•. � Sarav '� h'ea�um { :. ��:", ".��, Q �t"/hqe . � . � long i❑ . !"?[�xx ...:}..�. r ms•r�.�� ' �� ""�4�� , .�'.`�'. ;"- , �itpl Ayrw ❑ Acne ❑ Clean Sna�ei Black ❑ Birthmdrk ❑ Stubb�2 &own-LL ❑ FreCkleS ❑ 8e2rC &own-Mee ❑ GWSSes ❑ Moustache Bmwn-Oark ❑ Moles Ohve ❑ Prercea Ear(s)Q Left Hantled Paie ❑ Pockmark ❑ R:gn; HanCZ< Rudtly ❑ Sca�-8o0y Q Oiher _ ❑ SCa�—PaCiai Albino ❑ ACne ❑ Clean Shaver Black ❑ girihmaB ❑ SNbhle &owrnLt ❑ Freckles ❑ B¢a�d &own-Med. ❑ Glasses ❑ Moustache Brown-�ark ❑ Moles Ohve ❑ Pierced Eaz(s)� Left Hx:iCed Pale ❑ Pockmark ❑ Right HzntleG Rutltly ❑ Scar—Botly ❑ Other _ ❑ Scar—Faaai On Arm On Chest On FiaM Ot�er ` Initial Name Number PwNre/Design of Vichm/GuO�d�an Location. ❑ Nane ❑ No:e ❑ SoC=_r ❑ Mino� ❑ Arr..s/Hantls ❑ HBD ❑ Possible Intem2l ❑ Heatl ❑ Intox�caleC ❑ A, paRnt �OkEn E�noS ❑ Ipiernai ❑ AICOhO� ❑ Lass of Teeth Q LeSSiFee� ❑ DruSs ❑ Szvere Laceratron ❑ NECk ❑ Uni�rrown ❑ Puncture: StaS ❑ Torso Back ❑ Lor.socus ❑ Gunshot ❑ To.so Front ❑ Unconsc+ous ❑ O[Fer Malof iryu: y ❑ DOA of Victim/Guardian: ❑ None ❑ Ncre ❑ Scter ❑ Minor ❑ Nr.s/Hantls ❑ HBD Q Possible Ir.te/n21 ❑ HE2C ❑ Intozicatetl ❑ App2reot 2r.keo EUnes ❑ In'=_�nal ❑ Alcchol ❑ Loss of Teeth ❑ L�s�Feet ❑ Dr�cs ❑ SevereLZcerabon ❑ Iaeu C� Un'a;pwn ❑ Punc;ure/S;ab ❑ Tcr,o Back ❑ Ccrs�,ous ❑ Gunshot ❑ Tu� Front ❑ Urt�nsda:s ❑ Othe' Marr inryry ❑ DOA t❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ vict�m ❑ v�imess sex: p M St. Pzu� Resident ❑ Comp � Suspect ❑ Missing Person 1 ❑ F I� Y ❑ N Phone � Work Phone� Gang. Heavy � Medium ❑ SlenCer Albino (] P,qq ❑ Clea- S�zie� B12Ck �Birthmxrh �]SWbck Brovm-Lt ❑ Freckles � gog�� &mvr-MeC ❑ Gizsses ❑ Maus:=Cr.g B�ovm.DarR ❑lnoL=s O�rv� � pierceC Ear�Si Q Lefl Y.ziC?: Pa�= ❑ Pockmxrk � P�ight F.E�Ce: Rudtly ❑ $�ar-9otlY � Omer _ ❑ Scar—FaC�a! of Victim: G�ardian �cos: ?c�ury Ty�= �: _;cahor, � �on� :en. I OnArm ��NDac ��hr= {�✓ �, On Ch25; � Mmcr :� A•-_-HanC' �� Y=� On Hantl i a Poss�Je Ir;_•n= I�� Hc% �� Ir. o+<ated O:h2r ;'] A� � : " 5 { ",�l ir�-a� : � G t,rol InC�yi � Loss =1 T:�.n ;� Le�;�Fezt :� G,s q2me '� Szv�'e Lz::'b::r �� Iw�. I� U�• Humber : ] Puric:J�•s'.0 � � Ti� Back .: � �/-'scaus I Pkw�e/Des�gn :� Guns�ot �� 7i,: Fmnt !� U'co^snas �� O[hc' 1A2L. In�✓Y , .� V P - Paae 2 . . s Otrer . , . Vehicie ❑ Abandoned ❑ Impounded ❑ Stolen ❑ Used in Crime Scatus: ❑ Damaged in Crime ❑ Recovered ❑ Theft From Vehicle ❑ Other �1ake: Domestic Foreign Vehicle Type: Vehicle Size. Color. �DOOrs� � AMC ❑ Jeep ❑ Autli ❑ Kawzszk� QSaab ❑ Convertible ❑ Sub-com act ❑ Bu�ck ❑ U�coln ❑ 6MW � Maida ❑Subaru p ❑ B�'Se ❑ Geld ❑ P;. _.e ❑ 1 ❑ 3 Q 5 ❑ Hard Top ❑ Compatl � g�z�k ❑ Greer,-Li. ❑ Fs< '� 2[� 3 ❑ Catliilac ❑ Mer-Cur � Datsun ❑ MerceCes QSuzuki � Hatchback ❑ Mitl-s¢etl ❑ Cnevrolet ❑ Mercury ❑ F�at ❑ MG ❑TO ota ❑ B��e-Lt ❑ G�ear-:!zd [] Fa_ y ❑ ti!omrcycle ❑ Fuibsaetl ❑ Bl�e-VZ0 Q Gree�-Oark Q S�._r Transmission ❑ Chrysler ❑ pldsmobJe [] Hontla ❑ Mrtsobishi QTnumph ❑ Pickup ❑ Sfatwn Wago� � Bwe-�ark Q Grzy ❑ T✓_eo�s� � 0 Auteratc ❑ Cotlge ❑ Piymouth ❑ HyunCai ❑ Ni552n ❑VOlkswagen ❑ $ztlan � ❑ Manczl � Fortl ❑ Ponhac ❑ Isuzu Porsche ❑ 8 �� 1 °^ ❑ L=ve^Cer Vi-;a ❑ ❑ Volvo ❑ Tmck ❑ Ot�e� ❑ CoGGer ❑ b!arocn ❑ Ya Cw ❑ GMC ❑ Satum � Jtguzr ❑ Renault ❑ Vugo ❑ Van Shift LGCahon ❑ Other ❑ Crezm ❑ OranS� � Col�mn ❑ Other � OtF�er � plwr Year: Model ticense: State: Lic Year. Tzb �: I Y N ❑ Q A.�;znna V.I.N.: Damge Pnor to Theft: Identifyirg Charac,erist�cs: ❑ � Ea;eery ❑ 0 C 0 RzC:o ❑ � Ctors lccR=d Owner's Location/Time of Theft Locahon of Keys Oid Owner Allow Anyon= to Use Vehicle� � ��,� ��� ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ ❑ :•c�de Frc�e Personal Property in Vehicie: Va��e of Property: ❑❑ F.:d�o ❑ Q $C32 T�f? Insurance Co.: Theft Coverage� If Leasetl, Company I❑❑ Tare Pia,er ❑ Ye5 ❑ No {❑ � T•unk L=<�etl t lienhoider. Amount Owed: Date of Lzst Payr:ent: � Aileage: , Estimated Value: _ , Owner's Signature: I` _ - . _ .. _, - X ECG Broaccase Teletyp= _. (] Yes ❑ No I Relationship: (Check oniy t) ❑ Yes ❑ No ��o� Spouse Former Spouse ar. Action Taken: Can Suspect be Identified� ... Witness to the crime? .... .... is Stolen Property Traceable? Crlme Scene Piocessed? ..... Photos Taken? ....... .. .. .. Property Turned In? ... ....... Evidence Turned In? .. . .. ... � Relative [ Shared Child [ ] Arrest (by officer) ] Arrest (by citizen) Friend (living together) Friend (tormerly Irving togc:h2r) GOh ❑ Yes .� No ❑ Maybe .... B� N/hom? � Victim ❑ Yes . f7�j No ❑ Wi;r.ess ❑ Yes . .�j No ❑ Po1.ce [} Yes . Q� No Victim/Suspect Relahonsnip. , Jone ❑ Yes. � N� Type ❑ Yes �No ❑ Analysis—B�oicgical � Fingerprints ❑ Anatysis—Narcotic � I;ems to be Pnnted 9,q �tia� 6ias/Hate Crime? ❑ Yes � 2�as M.c--._;io� ❑ /+s= � ❑ Et^r�c�ty/f:.�cnal G iin ❑ Ha'Cicap ❑ a�cai ❑ Fe. Sious ❑ �z.:al � pt-�r �"�- c- CL.r �' � ` � F�s3' ": T '.- _.2'4•'".' . ... .. �r'no ReW�?e0 Gmie: .-=,._ ;r.> �.• - - . . s � , __ IYtvOaCAVe�edCrimc'.: -. - _ . Ntw SecurCd Remises Aftec Inddent --- C'.3use d Flce/ExpbsiorL .. �,�- . . . - . prppertY Iruured: ` Amount ol Loss: - , � [] Yes ❑ � No - - mwrarxe Agent: � . (Street, State, State, State, Yes ❑ ho Phone. � °1`1-`i�� Phone: Phone- Phone: Phone _•• • .•• „ � _ Owner Ltem /� OuaMit Articte Brand i pAOdel #, Seriai #, andfa Descri tion Value Date Property Y ; � p Recov=red Code . ! _ � � __ ___'_"______�.�—__ __.—_____._ '_ __�. _ . ' _ _. _._ .... , ! � ti P�ia age 1 of � �� ���y � AUTHORIZAT70N FOR RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION 1 hereby author¢e the retease of any arW all reGues:ed medical information to the St. Pauf Potice Departmen[. including copies or pno;ostats of ineC�cal reccrCs concerning my treatment. Dzte SignaNre (Patient. Paren, or Guzrdian) Patient: A;tending Physicizn: O.O.B. Daytime Phone =: Address: Arrest Number Last Name Middle Address DOB Age Sex Race �I %l1�� ' �' ' ,�� _ti . , .�� �, _/ � � • �� ., > ,_ � / _ � _ / ' i, .� ;�� �. `� _ i _/ ��y / � ,_ � � i / i � i �� i � % � - _ v � _- � - , �Cl': � � � - - ;: �1i ?t i � _ _ (}`��' ' cS.: t - .? ' t � .{3 .L�o :l. _ - £Y��'.J.:�v-`Y:SS.`e.Y _i+y�:. _ . _ .. z •�' ; +' ' p . a .. . . � _ _ _ . . .. f.�s . . .. _. . . : �� � . .. �, ' ".: "%".,i}- i ...�... . sy..C. _ _ _ �s � y.Y „ 4r � _ •.: ,,-: �:. ....r.. x:`..r;v, _ " - :.A _ -__ .i�.- =v`.L'S'.'', a'.-# _ _ 4:a'.�A,�F:�� tu , ' . ,� • ('. _ " ..' Y ' . }' - - _ - _ _ � �..^. i�,(c: . , _- _ . • y �: " __ , _ :�>'!_ �'L. �r �. �i4':.�. . _ _ -� �Ya,"_. _".1„�'c y�'T;3�: ' � � ._ • � _ v . E - � � -- -------- - � = Assisting OffiCer. Emp. No: Reportmg Offic / _ � �����--� Rzport Reviewetl By Emp. No OT Typist: I R CoC' ' N Er' •' � _ ❑Yes �,CO � F= i S � �I�a��w� r ,.��,.-:�. : -�.,_ �.., ..... . .. .. ... . . ... Paye � o, �— SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT � 7 T��of fteP°�� S` �� � C% Lt_ 5 °19-�a � SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT �� � t - p� � �6 �.� ��� ��- �� �- ��, -�( Ltu..� �.�2.J S � �..� � �� � �, � .���,..� � .��a� . . ��� ��'.�� `� �' � ��``�� ��° `�� ::�� =;v.�i � ,�'�� -�-�� ���.���� � � y%w:-� _: .�?v: . ��i `�� : .,r� ^�`>"' .. . ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTINUATION OF: ❑ ORIGINAL REPORT �� �� �/-- 7T�-lgs '- �Scn�,�-��� � ����,,� ��, _ � �:,' < :C:: "`'>i. �. ,��-;= � a r .a d. Y .' ' Y. A C� �� `¢' } L�.. �i�. � ! ,7 �p ;-5 ti _ C z�` '' � s - - � �'b � * _!'t✓ ' - .. ,. . � �� HF ❑ Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Juv ❑ Coord ❑ ID ❑ Lab D/C � Burg �] Theft ❑ Prop � CAU ❑ FSF � Auto , � Yes No Rec Team � DAO ❑ CO 1 I Yb*��I ❑ a;.v p ar,e� � ❑ Type � \ � N � � c� z Phi 622-5�� . - C - .- - c�T"� S.�OIp ! ��' 3 ST. PAUL POLIC o� cr,nFtJTGt REPORT �I CONTINUATION OF: °�9-yaa- �REPORT ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT _ ;'�. 1 y� `/!'� !/�/.�lh�f I c7if<�'.r /"l�:i< <Gli I ���i I ' ` ' ' NARRA77VE - < .. ",�„/�rrest Number Last Name F�rst � Middle Address �fl08 Age • - Officer Abel's supple�ental reoort indicates the sou=ce of the : call was from 738 E. 3` S't., apt.B in the name of H03�?ANN, �<. ;::. .. . �. ::,-:� � : .- .:_� ` . ;,? ; ::�.5:� _• s a HENRY. I checked SITS and found a criminal history on I:ORMP.�;N, HED;RY CHARLES DOB/6-26-49, Identn 67-609�. Horr,.ann nad �irst been arrested in 1967 for DOC and subseauently for a variety of traffic offenses, the last being in 1985. On 8-5-98 I spoke to by phone and met with the complainant, ����, � said that she had received a phone ca11 from an unknown person in May 1998 on a Saturday. The caller breathed heavily into the phone but did not soeak. L4hen she received the ca11 on 8-1-98 the caller spoke and asked if she would like to suck on his big hard dick. The caller then breathed heavily into the phone. During the caller's spea'.{ing +�,turned on her phone message machine and recorded part of the speaking and the heavy breathing. I made a copy os the message machine recording. '�ewas concerned about r:ome security and I advised her about some precautions and gav� her a � phone number for the Crime Prevention Unit in case sh= wanted to :-:.have her home assessed for other precautions. I advised her that vS`� . ` would be a good idea to change her phon2 nur.ber and to have it `::".�unlisted. ,�: went to 738 E. 3` St. This dwelling appears to hav2 at least -.�,.three units to it. The mailbox lists Horrann as a reside:«. *ro ''`'doors are marked with apartment nu:�.bers. ? kncc'.�ed a� a1= the =::q;;doors but got no answers. W �: � l% t�%ti �I � � Rob ❑ Juv ❑ Coord ❑ ID ❑ Lab I,,� Theft Q prop ❑ CAU ❑ P&F Q Auto �=}}�y - . , . ��.t'.': i.:_ = i :4 , k�......� . . ;. �. . _ ' _ �Yes � NoI ., '_ I ec ❑ Team ❑ Sex ❑ Rptr DAO ❑ CO ❑ HumServ �W c> z \J �l � � �� \ � Ph1622-93R CONT�NUE NARRATIVE HERE I mailed a card to Hormann asking him to call ne. �9-y»- i received a ca11 from Hormann and he agreed to meet :aith r•..e on 8-12-98 at 1300hrs. He said he was a driver for Dia*!ond Cab. On 8-12-98 I met with HORMAI3N, HENRY CHARLES DOBl6-26-49 in an interview room at Headquarters. I recorded the intezview. I told Hormann that he was not under arrest, could leave anytim� he wanted and did not have to talk with me. He �ras witl?ng to t�lk with me. Hormann said he lives at 738 E. 3r St. (rear, 1�` floor apartment) and that he lives alone. Hormann said had been a driver for seventeen and a half years. He leases his cab buy the week. He usually works in daytime hours. I told Hormann I caas investigating a complaint about a harass�ng phone call received by a women on Saturday, 8-1-98. I told him the caller talked for a bit then breathed +_nto the phone. Hormann said he had cooperated with the police when he was on the right side of things but that this time he was on the wrong side of things. I asked him to tell me what had happened. Hormann admitted making the call. I asked him to tell me what was said on the call. He said that she answered and said he110 torice. He then said something like, "Hoca would you like to suck my nice big dick." Hormann said he was masturbating during :he call. Hormann said this wasn't ��much of a conversation but uh, s:ould constitute a definitely a harassing phone ca11, obscene phone call or whatever, you know." Hormann said this is the only thing he has don= in a long tim2 that is against the law. Y.e said he had a� ar-es= fo= disord2rly conduct when he was eighteen and an arrest for D;•iI in 1972. 9 .�, 2 0 , -3 qq -y?2- ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT �%CONTINUATION OF: ❑ ORIGINAL REPORT ,� SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Date 8 Time of Report: ' OHenseMc ent: J 7eam: Time of Artest: " • "/4`" � -/ ! l��l<� ��.4 lC / Lv �5 `...,, ., -- -' , NARRATIYE � " �' "� � Arrest Number Last Name Frst �� Middle Address � DOB Age Sex Race Hormann said he met the victim when he got a call to give her a cab ride from her residence to someplace, possibly the mall o_` America. He used a cross directory in whicn he looked her address and then got her name and phone nu:�ber- He said he had only given her the one cab ride. I asked ii he had made a point of going by her house since thzn or if he would watch her and he denied this but did admit that being a cab driver he would go by her neighborhood on occasion. He called her because he rem2mbered he liked her appearance. He said he had previously called this victim six to seven times hut in the pprevious calls did not say anything. He said he would masturbate during the ca11s. He said he was not a pesky caller who ca11s back a million times. He denied making the call in May in which the victim heard only heavy breathing. T asked if he knew the victim`s address and he denied this. He said he recalled she lived on Berkley, Stanford or GIellesley between St. Clair and Jefferson and Snelling and Fairvievr. He knew the victim's name was � He recalled her last name as �. He said he was reminded of h°r last year when a �� was playinq for the White Sox. iie said it ::as an unusual last name. I asked if he knew the victim's nGtionalicy. He said he would guess French and said that several times �d'nen ne called her sne spoke French on her answering macnine be�ore speaking ❑ CHF ❑ }iom ❑ Rob ❑ duv ❑ Coocd ❑ lD ❑ lab ❑ Rec ❑ Team ._- Q D/C � Burg ❑ Theft Q?rop Q CAU ❑ F8F ❑ Auto � DAO ❑ CO - :�-�� � _ =i�i:';: � - _:z�ar_�:. -: � "� I ✓ I � . ❑ Sez R v t.p�.��� ro� ❑ HumServ P � TyPe � 0 z � � �: �, \ PM 622-33R CONTINUE NARRATIVE HERE u � � � + � Hormann said he had made these types os ca11s ior years. Fe said he beqan making these ca11s orhen he was about 15-15 years old. He said that at one point his making these phone ca11s could be considered and "addiction" because it was to the point where he was makinq these calls to females almost every day. He said he does not call anyone in particular or to harm anyone. He said that for the last three or four years he had cut back on his ca11s. He said that sometimes he called only every two to three months and sometime would go for six to eight months without calling. A'friend who was familiar with his calling had warned him he �aas 1ikely to get caught. Hormann figured it would not be hard to get caught with modern phone technology. Hormann maintained that it would be not problem £or him to quite making these calls immediately. He said that if he felt he had to get his sexual gratification in this manner that there were ways to do that iegally. He said he could ca11 900 numbers w'r_ich are thriving a11 over the country and ta1k. He said those calls cost 52.99 to 54.99 a minute. I asked how many ca11s he had made since the beqin,n,iPy of the year. He said six times. He then when on to explain thGt he meant six ��sessions" of ca11s. In each session he would ca11 from one to forty or fifty numbers depending on whether or not anybody answered the phone and what they sounded like. I° th°y hung up he would ca11 more numbers. Paqe � p1 � �J SUPPLEMENTAL R ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT TINUATION OF: f ORIGINAL REPORT ^`7� lG /,lis 1 ' ,/ / �I� , � 71�Gi7 „ 9 IG/G C lt� f S _ :" . NARRATIVE :..� a_°-; , .:.. . . .. . SUPPLEMENTAL He said he usually used a phone directory but had a iew speci�ic one he would mark down and cz11 includinq �. he denied that he called other people who had been cab custoners. He said that might be hard to believe in 17=f years. I told him that was a bit of a stretch. He denied using cab comcany records to ma:te the ca11s. He said he had not previously been caught making these calls. He agreed that when he called he would make the statement abouc sucking on his nice big dick. Hormann said, "That's pretty much wJzat I would say yah I was kinda very unimaginative you might say, you know. Pretty standard routine. As a matter of �act the majority of the time when T make these calls people would just hang up right away and I wouldn't even say anything you know. If they stayed on the phone a little while I'ld say that. Gener�lly y when I said that then they'ld hang up. And occasionally, you know, occasionally they'ld stay on the phone and talk even after that you know." I asked what they Frould talk about. "Wett actually I had a few conversations over the years where a�ter that kind of rocky initial start there we'ld settle down into a regular conversation and uh. Actually wound up meeting a:ew of these people a£terwards. And actually going out and havir_g a ieo-r with them. Actually went over to some girl's house over :n Minnea polis after meetina her, in this st r an ge manner, yoL kno�l, so. If I could call all of those people then � cuess the� cocld tell you I' m not a bad guy once you get kno<<� me, you k.no��r. But I have kind of a strange way o� going about things her some times, % G'/in tiJ - I. � I OYes Q No I` ❑ CHF ❑ Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Juv ❑ Coord ❑ 10 ❑ tab ❑ Rec ❑ Team ❑ Sez ❑ Rptr ❑ D/C [] Burg ❑ Theft ❑ PrOp Q CAU ❑ F&F Q Auto ❑ DAO ❑ CO ❑ HumServ Type q q -yir � z �� \� � � � PS1622-53R CONTINUE NARRATIVE HERE — I, ` �� you know." I told him we do want this sort of thing to stoo. Y.e said, "We11 yah, oh, _ can understand that." I asked if he dr.ank when he did this. He said the najority o` the time he had a few beers. He denied 'chat he nad2 �he cG11s because he was drunk. He making the calls he was something he has always done like smoking cigarettes. He said, "Smoking ciaarettes are legal. This is not legal." Hormann said that the phone ca11s were the dark side of Henry that comes crawling out of his shoulder once in a while. He said that the majority of the time he was one of the best guys you would ever want to know. Hormann said he was worried about losing ris c-ty cab license and that it could mean he would be out of a job whicn is very important to him. Hormann said, ��My thing has always been to get some, you know, attractive sounding female voice on the pnone and talk to that person while I'm masturbating, you know. Nothing else, absolutely nothing eise." On 8-13-98 I met with �� I told 'ner tnat Horr�nn had admitted to making the ca11. I explained court procFdures and possible sentences involving a fine, ;ail �i�e, =uspended sentences and counseling and said that it o-ras ❑p to a ju�ce �� decide this. '� said she arould like to co �heac vritn a complaint. She said that she would like _o se� _hat the susc��� got counseling for his problem. j ST. PAUL POLlCE DEPARTMENT �� -� �'>" P � " CASE C�EARANCE REPORT Date 8 Time of Report pffense/Incident A� f � Time of Arrest i_ �' � /' �� //J/S�its ��/i��� i � �- � ❑ Multipte Clearence �est By: Case Sfatus: � Patrol � Investigator �] Un(ounded � Pended leared by Arrest � Exceptional Clearance fleason for Exceplionai Clearance: � Death of Offender � Prosecution Declined � E<iradifion Oenied � Y�ctim Refused to Cooperate � Jwenile Not In Custcdy -------- - -- -- - - -- ----- - - --- -P_ ----- - -- On 8-5-98 I spoke with the victim about this com �aint. - Ori 8=I2=98 I interdiewed suspect H6RMANN, HENRY CHARLES -- - DQB/6-26-49.- Horinann admitted-to-makiTrg-t}re-otrscens-phone-ca11 - to the .victim .on_8--1-98 as well_ -a�addi-tional--hang--up -phoae-- - -- - - ca11s. He admitted to making numerous similar�hone_ca_11s to many other victims over a period of 35 years On 8-17-98 I met -- --- - --------- - -------------- --=---------- at H with Jud Hanson of the CAO about this case. She later - _------ -------- ------------ --------- -- -- - - -- called me and said she would be charging Hormann by complaint and - -' - summons` with ions O�cene""Pfione - (M) : T ----- ---ack�ised-the- �iet%m-of---the--etra-rge------ --- -------- -- CBA ------- --- --------- -- � o z . . _------ --- --- --- -- -�----- — - - - - -- - . _ .._---- -------------- — —� � � ------------------'--- ----'— --------- ------ \_ _ �� --'---- ---� �% 1 - - ------------------' -- ------------ - . � - - - - - - - � I ------ ---- -- - \-�, ��, -- - - - - - - - -'------ - ' �— \ ---' - - --- --`---- ---- �- - � z 1 S' f9eport Reviewed 8y/Unit Commender. �q N: O.T.: Typi R. . Cx+a: Name Entf J �Yes Q No ❑ CHF ❑ Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Juv ❑ rd ❑ ID ❑ Lab ❑ Rec ❑ Tenm ❑ Sax ❑ Rptr ❑ O�hsr ❑ D�C � Burg ❑ Thek Q Prop ❑ ❑ F&F ❑ Auto ❑ DAO ❑ CO ❑ HumSsrv PM 5��'y2R ti�V��� 1 nvoice ❑ Check this box if making any name, mailing address or phone # corrections. Please write the changes on this form. If your business license address is changing, please request a new ! 6uslness ticense app4icatioa. �(LC January 1'I, '1999 To: NENRY C HORMANN HENRY C HORMANN 738 3RD ST E ST PAUL, MN 55106 Contact: HENRY C HORMANN Home Phone: 651-771-1858 Work Phone: , �' _� 4� „ l � g i Transaction Description 44164 Ta�cab Driver (Renew) Expires: 03/11/1999 @ 738 3RD ST E Enclosures / Requirements: Please make ar Date of Birth: Drivers License Name of Comp; ��� �z�o�sl changes to the above �ddress and corr �_ Phone #: , � -i � Y .X . e Expiration Dafe: C1TY OF SA1NT PAUL Office of License, Inspections & Environmentaf Protection 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 5 51 02-1 51 0 (651)266-9090 FAX: (651)266-9124 License I.D. #: 0044'164 the following: �'aol � � � ��� Invoice #: 170185 Invoice Due Date: 03/11/1999 Account Balance: 21.00 Pay this Amount: g21.00 Transaciion Toiai � 21.00 Invoice Amount Due - -- -..__-;...: �-. . .. .. ,. .... - .. .' 2'�_a€�. 170185 � ������ ��; Traffic Update SD1005.0/990311:14114762 99 -�t a�— 62-T3-98-067562 Misdemeanor Date filed: 08/25/1998 Name (Last, First Middle, Suffix) 23ame: FIORMAI3I3, IiEI3RY CFIARLES, f 080119981 Bus: Address: 738 E 3RD ST APT. B City State Zip: ST PAUL. MN 55106 Foreign: _ DOB: 06261949 . Drvr's Lic: _-_-_-_ _/ State: _ VehLic: _- Cycle:_ Off Date: 08011998 Badge�: 611550 Agency,�: MN0620900 ICR Ctrl#: 98122541 Accident (0-3): Unsafe Conditions (Y/N): _ Endanger Life/Prop: _ I3azardous Material: _ CommercialJBus: _ including Speed > 14: Prosecutor ID: 000282893 - Type: M Defender ID: 000103172 - Type: R Appearance/Disposing Activity 12011998 Act: CLO at 0530 Jdg: Crtrm: Loc:Crt-D Adm-D Mand: comment: Counts #/Red Chap/Sect/Subd Citation # Plea/Date Disp DPS Pass 1-_ 609.79 S11A 98 -210751 Guilty GTY _ OBSCENE PHONE CALLS 10211998 11301998 Comment: 2- Comment: 3- Comment: 4- Comment: DL Suspended on Count _ Apply to Sentence Counts Sentence Date: X Fine $ 1 2 3 4 Surcharge $ on 11301998 700.00 and Reinstated on Judge: 03515G Incl. DL Stayed Amount $ 200.00 Alchl Assess/Waived $ Suspension Crt Costs $ No Insurance: - Operate/Allow/Parked Pub Dfndr $ Restn: $ DrvrJClinic: OR: _ Paid $ 625.00 Date: 02/O1/1999 Special Acct - Yes Pronounced: 090 Days Conditional: Stayed for 001 Yrs Probation: 001 Yrs Type-S Discharge Date: Sentence Comments 1)DSTRY NTBK 21INFRM CAB CO 3)$500+ 41REST 5ZUTC/LA 6)NO S/S 7)ABST 8)UA/BT 91SEX OFF TX lO1NC W/VIC 111LIE DETECTOR• WS Date Activity 06012000 Next: ARC Comment Next Time Judge Courtroom Location Admin. D Court D FC_ 04 07 O8 12 rxensNr:x ro: : 93n2n99s DtlH5 �.D.P_S. DRIUER>I,IGENSE`CB�M�RCIAL INQUIRY � li_i8c26 GOMMERCIpL STATUSc`-H Y A 'HELP: ` PAGE=_01 N-655-303-115-500 �-STATUS:.;UALID , GI.pSS- D" TYPE:: 1 SENLOR: MEDICBL. LIM,-MOB. . ENDORS: 'DONOR: '!LIUING 4dILL: `. CORREGTIVE''LENSo- Y; B-CpRDc PHOTO,BpTCH= 1998750155023- DUPL BATCH:<1444750175085 : NtiME: HENRY CHBRLES HORMpNN BIRTH DATE= 06/26/1449 RESTR INFO-` tiDDR: 73S'.E 3RD . - ! CITY:;ST.PpUL. : COUNTY`_ 62 ZIP: 55106 -' MBILING I1DDR: EYES: BLU 'HEIGHT: 5-08 47EIGNT= 175 GEMDERc M SUSPENSE: ' TICI{LER: DL ISSUE'DpTE- 06J16/1998 CF8? ,'DL EXPIRE DATE_ 06/26/2002 _ ,. < DNR: 10/11/94 SPEED - t.D62 N; 03/27[47 SPEED ; Y62 N 'AEXT REQUEST: `� THIS RECORD REFLECTS CONUICTIQNS`WITNIN,THE PAST FIUE.CS>"YEARS,� �19 - y �. �. _ � RAMSEY CAUNTI' Commnnity Corrections Department ADULT COURTS DIVISION SPRUCE TREE GENTRE - WEST 1600 University Avenue - Suite 410 St. Paul, HN 55104 May 10, 1999 To Whom This May Concem: Tel: 651-643-3051 Fax: &51-643-3055 Mr. Henry Horman is cunently a client of the Ramsey County Community Corrections Deparhnent. He has a sentence expiration date of ll/29/99. To this agent°s knowlecige, ivir. Horman uas been in corripiia�,c� �f all us probation condirions to date, including regular sex offender treatment attendance at Project Pathfinder. If I may be of any other assistance regarding Mr. Horman's probation status/adjustment, please feel free to contact me at 651.643.3059. Sincerely, � � B��th Tietz Probation/Parole Officer CC: File Minneaota's �st Home Eule Coanty ptlnkN on reryrled paper witA a mimmum of 10%posFmnsumer mntent