87-490 WHITE - C�TV CLERK ` PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl �,/�- �/� CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L y �'�" � BLUE - MAYOR � FIIC NO• r < Coun 'l Reso tion ����' , • . _ a� ' Presented By �eferred To �.�%�:G�-�-c� �l� ��� Committee: Date � —l9'�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Minnesota Department of Transportation is about to let a contract for the revision of the traffic signal at the intersection of Trunk Highway 52 (Robert Street) and Annapolis Street; Therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of St. Paul, Agreement Number 63935 , between the City of St. Paul, the County of Dakota, the City of West St. Paul, the City of Inver Grove Heights, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation; explaining the responsibilities for cost, maintenance and operation of the traffic signal that is to be revised at the intersection of Trunk Highway 52 (Robert Street) and Annapolis Street; A copy of said Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. JPM:kaj COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DfeW Nays �� Nicosia _ � Traffic—Publi Wo s—R H o Rettman In FavOr � , �_:, ,, Scheibel � /,� � _ �onnerr• � -- A ga i n s t By tx � Tedesco ' i�4ilwn-. � APR 9 - 1967 Form Approve by c� A torn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y•s e ounc.il S retary BY By� Approved by Mavor: Da e ��_�� ��� t 3 pp�oved by M yor or Submission to Council �` ' - - �- '� By _ �"� By ps�i i��Ep G�P R 1 81987 PUBLIC WORKS - ` �EPARTMENT 0 _ . � r � �'7—`� . John P. Maczko = CONTACT . _ - = :, �5�2=?�t5L � - `: -- PFIONE - _ _ _ � _ _ r .^ .Mar��-��3- P�g&�'" - _- DATE . . _ - _ - �. ,. , � � - . . ` ; _ . : - hSg.I€,t�=�E�°�:��I�t�QRDER �E��tR"�'FT��l:oc��orts--fQr-Si=gnatur�) : = - r �-�'� :'�_. - - : 3 Director of Management/Mayor - _ _ . Finance and=Marragement- Services _Directar -� =- 4 City Clerk Budget Direct�r�- - _�_ - - . : _ _,.r2�C i ty;Att�n��r__;=_ . Y;�AT 4�It�- BE�aGHTEVEt1 BY-TAKING--�CT�ON ON THE. ATTKCH€��_M{�I€R�RLS_2_ ��urposel , . -�- : =- : , _ _ , _ Rationa_le} : . - -`. : . Z'I7�_'��'����Ef����'tS-<�Qt���_��`>E��g�3.�.�?S-. �0�=-COStF_ ��A'�t'.�3�2.C�, ��s`— a,- a�:eratia�n of--:ti���raffic--�ig��_��-a��_�.�'D�:.�r���rtzEt�:,J��1��-a�� �,�< ��:` " t�-s�e�c��rg--�f°�Trt�k� �c�a�•-52--=�Rabe�t--�t�eet�_a�=-�apo�rs ��r�e�`=arn�=--_ ' . �n _ ._ r_ �tx��c��S�re�t.-=��::��se==-ac�re.�t�.•��::a��-s�cecle=-and===�e��ia�te-Ag'�eein��r���' - �- �Nc�, 5.�3�f��-1�s =r�'atect��aa��a,w�I3'�7:_� ,_. �:__� ` fi ,. : : �F2cC�iVED c: ,---. . p�4R - - ,:���� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: _ �ti�r� ._ l�9AY�+�' Ther.e_:�1,�=Ja�a�--izzc�ease_.o�:,=�SPrcu�imate�y _-�1,�5E}Ek�pes_;�ear-�_the_operati�c� �<_- ` _ _ ..._ - � �audg��:�;T-be���.ar�e�e�k�--rta�_-m��a��ng�=�kt�-_.s-i gna��a� _�a���-;5't. -_ � � �- ar.d Curtice �t: No additioi�al` personnel will be required. - - �INANCING SOURCE AND=BUDGET AC'FIVITY NlJMBER--CHA�6ED-OR--CI�EQI�: _�Mayor's-signa� =� _. - ture not re- �-.__ _ 7ota1 Amount -of- Transaction.- -�'Il,84a.5g -�-_ quired-i f under - � � ;�, : $�a,000) Funding Source: 1983 CIB - _ _ .. .: .. : 1985 CIB - C Acti uity �tumber�;:P=�K.6-2.310 �:� : - ,- _. . �E����G� ATTACHMENTS �L��t-a�e�.a1�tiA�.#�#rm�t�� = _ . - � _ _ MAR 31�7 . _.: . _ _ . __ _ _ _ __ ._ __ . . . . . . , :� ._ .-:.. . : . . 1 copy of Agreentent.��Iumbe�r-6,��.5� - : 1 �oPy- a� A���.��-=t�-�_ = _ - _ - �tTY /��'T'�R N EY 1 Council Resolution for Agreement Number_ 63957 --_ - : - _ l_ Council Resolution for Agreement Number 63935 - � - DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW y Yes No Council Resolution Required? " Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required?- Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached: � (SE� REUE,R�E SIDE FQR INSTRUCTIONS) . Revised 12/84 . . _ _...-,-._.,.qm_.�.,._..T,__.,�.._...�.....,..� -- _.____.__ .�_�.�._ . . �, � . ���-`�9� uembe�: CiITY OF ►S'AI1TT PAUL JaaicaNRa�tmaa�� ,,�u�t�nio : Hilci Sonaea "i ��� • OFFICT OF THE CITY COIINCIL 3oha Drew (Alt) Date: April 1, 1987 ' � Committee I� e ort � p To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Wor� Committee at its meeting of April 1 , t987 took the foilowing action: Hearinq Date 1 . 4/7/87 VACATION: Petition of City of St. Paul for the vacation of Lots 1 8 Z, Block 3, Nelson Park. This is excess property and no tonger needed by the City {bounded by Lexington, Bayard, Scheffer and Pleasant) (laid over from 3-18-87) . Recomnended approval . 2. 4/9/87 VACATION: Petition of Pinehurst Properties for the vacation of a sewer easement in Lot 3, Block 9, Saint Catherine Park located at the intersection of PINEHURST and CLEVELAND. Purpose: To remove the encumbrance of the sewer easement from the land and restore clear titl� to the property. Recommended approval . 3. 4/16/87 VACATION: Petition of Nar-Mar Inc. for the vacation of ROY STREET fram University to 300 feet south and the alleys in Blocks 1 and 2, from 300 feet south of University in Homer H. Hoyt Co. 's Addition. The area to be vacated is bounded by University, Snelling, Shields and Fry. Area to be used for the development of a retail/office building and public parking ramp. Recommended approvai . 4. FINAL ORDER: Improving BIRMINGHAM STREET from York Avenue to Case Avenue by grading and paving, constructing concrete curb and gutter, constructing storm water drainage facilities and constructing a street lighting system and doing all work necessary to complete said project. Also slope construction in the above grading and paving (laid over from 3-4-87) . Laid over in Committee to April 15. 1987. CITY HALL SEVENTfI FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-4475 �46 • ' (�'�7-�90 � 5. RESOLUTION: Adopting Public Improvement Assessment Policy for the City of St. Paul . (4-12-83) Recomnended resolution be withdrawn - no longer applicable. 6. RESOLUTION: Autfiorizing an agreement between the City of St. Paul and the Minnesota Department of Transportation expiaining responsibilities for cost, maintenance and operation of traffic signal to be revised at the intersection of T.H. 52 (ROBERT STREET) and Curtice Street. (3-19-87) Recortmended approval . 7. R�SfJIl1Ti OFiz ' autfivr i z i ng �`� '�t9�ent �t� tlae.�i t i es of St. Paul , West St. Paul and Inver Grove ffeigh�s�>� the County of.,, E3akota and the Minnesota Department of Transpo�ati"�n explaining the responsibilities for cost, �i ntenar�ie and operat i on of the traff i c s i gr►a 1 tc� be rev i se@ a�E }�!e i�tersew�ticu� a� Tl t�. 52 �-l�Ei�'f` 5�REET)" and �3ts '5�r�et. (3-19-87) Recq�et�ded spprava 1 . S. RESOLUTION: Amending a resolution relating to $2,400,000 General Obligation Street Improvement Special Assessment Bonds, Series 1986, to correct a statement that was and is in error. (3-17-87) Recomnended approval on a 2-1 vote, Councilmember Rettman voting "NO". 9. RE50LUTION: Waiving and releasing retained utility easements in Board File 29016 which vacated parts of Edmund, Charles, Sherburne, Wheeler and alleys in Block 5, Dickerman Park (bounded by University, Wheeler, Aldine and Charles) as specified in Certificates of Intended Non-use. (3-12-87) Laid over in Cortmittee to April 15, t987. 10. RESOLCITION: Amending the 1986 budget and transferring $87,375 from the Sewer Repair Fund to East Kittsondale Shortline Sewer Separation fund. (3-24-87) Recorrcnended approva 1 . 11 . RESOLUTION: Amending C.F. 275348 adopted July 24, 1980, being a vacation of part of Humphrey" Addition, by deleting condition number 3 in its entirety of said resolution. (3-24-87) Recommended approval .