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PtNK - i1NAN�E COUIICIl .,���- �,�iERr4- MAYORTMENT ���1 B � � , ITY OF• SAINT �AUL Fite N0. � � � � � � Council Resolution �7� ��� - Presented By PAGB 2 of 2 � � Referred To Committee: Date . Out of Committee By Date ____ , .� . ?:S4LYi?D, Tbat ihe City Coaaei2 aPgrav�s Chese chaagea ta the i98b bndgat. � �:� I? di.30 8&SOZVED, Tbat aftes J�tary I, 19$] the t�ayor aill resu�eud for Causcil � - - a�proval a 1�8� estimsted spe�diaS P].aa of $i8,5�5 izs ardex for t.he Psli.ce DepszL�n[ to so�plete their accreditati.ws process. , Fina�nci�_ is A�rail,a�"Ie Agpra�ral Bec�nci�d - - ' � � , � � '�� '��� �! j, . - � / L , � .� -, ,�� _ . �; - �� t� .:Dar+eet�r of ��.��•,�a � &idg�t I}ir ` toz ;. _ . __ __.._: -,...____ - -- . ..� _ _.._--- _ � _ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays N�oos�3 . � � In Favor �lic�e Depaztsent _ :Rettman -- ..'schefbe� J r , i " . <. ._. <.--a•,�.. .son�e� - Against sY ! '�- i"'<::!' /��-�_ - • Tadaseo Wilson ��+^ � t: �,.,�� ' . . .:i.Z: i � ;:i��•, /� . - Form Approv d by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date ► �.` , � .. e --- ��i ' � � �� �L �(p . Certified P�s'ed b ; ouncil S� c}� By ,• �:..������.� , ;� . : � , hr, „ ���c ; :, ifLL z J i�W Appioved Mayor ubmission to Councii � Rpproved by Vlavor. Date .i � � � . : . --''� � -�r`.! .. . _ _� sy y � • _ _ ._...._. . _ _.. __:. _ ... .__ _ . _ :_. _. _-- ...__ ..' . � � � � �� �1-�c�'� Accreditation of Saint Paul Police Department Start Up Cost Estimate 2-19-87 Special Fund Budget - Activity 34122 1986 1987 Budget Budget Total ----------- ----------- ----------- Postage 75 25 100 Long Distance Phones 200 100 300 COLEA Fees 0 5,700 5, 700 Software 1,000 0 1, 000 Programming & Design 2, 500 0 2, 500 Consultant Fees 0 2, 500 2, 500 Supplies 150 50 200 Telephone Equipment 150 0 150 Desks 1,000 0 1,000 Chairs 400 0 400 Side Chair 200 � 0 200 Tape Recorder 50 0 50 IBM PC-XT 4, 500 0 4,500 Bookcase 100 0 100 Travel 1,000 1,000 2,000 Purchase Department Manuals 0 200 200 Clerk Steno I-Salaries (14 mo) � 2,434 15,056 17,490 Clerk Steno I-Fringes 633 3,915 4,548 ---------- ---------- ---------- Total costs To Be Financed 14,392 28,546 42,938 Police Captain (Assigned From General Fund) 11, 550 46,200 57,750 Police Captain Fringes 4, 540 18,160 22,700 ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL INITIAL COSTS (ALL SOURCES) 30, 482 92, 906 123,388 Cost Estimates Provided by Saint Paul Police Department Mayor 's Office IBM700-BJ 2/19/87 - � - - . - (�',�y-��/ ��. t +'�"tT d� 7t �''' y Tr'i�� �� .� —rI .. �� � � � � . � `�.I�. �i f:�:._1.��, __ r ... l 3. J`4 J � , :�� ,: (�( '•-;,'i ( ■ .� j /''� ....., r(" � 11 _�._�� �1 V'1 � ��FJ...• V.�J.{� IJ..��.s..i:d �1�r%.r��l Vt�;,�1��`i�.r.� �����.l��l�.,�.��� ��u�)U�'� ,l 1' .L���L1.��4�a Ii'�r� .�.'l��f.l,'��it��,� ��� ���''�[1+�.�� 1� t1E,t.�l f�� 1��i141� �. ..a._____.._. _ ,--. _. _ __._ti._.� ._.__. _,�_�__..�. _.._..�_...._ __,..�...a_...__._,____.___.____,�._... I;�.,.,TL �, 1q�7 � . 1. Re:-elutian prov=iding spenclin� autllori_ty for 1�87 Lor tre tiv�tergate i�tarina and discussi.on of the �datergate businc�ss pl�.n. n ozr�.d `=--��"--.. 2. :lpprc�val of ninutes frc;m m:.eti.n; r��e7.d �riareh 19, 1987. _ a�ro��ed__— � 3o Resoluti.on trans.fer.ri.ng S14o,072 oi ,'�eic;hborhooc� Partn��.•;.hip Program CIB fti�.�ds f.or �1.!�6,0;2 of Cl)i�U furids frori Distr=i.ct 11 r�:.reation c::nt�r projects {Xaid ove�- L�.-om February 19, 1987) . ��Pproved 4. }:esc, '..�.tion a:nending tY�c� 1987 b�_�ciget by adding $l0,U�0 to the Finai�cin� Plan and to t���: Sp�nd=ing YJan fo?- CoT}r:nunit}� Servir_es Proi�ss�ianal Services — Vacant Buildin" K���is�ratior.. a.pirroved 5. Resc�ution avnendiiig t:ll� Sa''.ar�- Plan and Rates of CompE�nsation resolt,tion b}� establi^`:�ing a salury range in Sectiori I D Z, Grade 2._l.?.', Technical Staridard P.:�nges for the title o� Libra.ry Assistant (laid over :rom i�larcn 12, 1987) . ar,-,rm�ed E. Re>olutior� establisbing the titl_e atzd class sPecifications for Librar.y Assista.nt ir� G�-ade 20 (1_aid over from rlarch 12, 1987) . ap�ove:l_ 7. kesol��t_ion esL.ahlishing the positiot. o� Ilitman Ri�hts Pxoaram Analyst iri the ('•.assified Service at Gradf� 47 oi ttze Technicaa Barga_i_ni_ng Unit, Section I D 2 o�- the Salary Plan ancl P.a.�e:� of Compe��sation, and abol:is,iing tlze titles of Ht:man R_i_;ht�< Analyst — Researc'tier a�nd ��zfir�nati.ve °r_�_�_on Officer. , and appointin� John Huyen to position of Human Rights Yrograca Aual..yst. laid over to_A�ril 16 8. Reso.lution a*!iending, Sect-�on 8.A of tAie Civil S�rvi.ce R�.les pertainin.g to filling vacancies (.la�.d over fro�n Fc�br.uary 19,. 1987) . i approved;_.___^ 9. Resolution amending Section 16.A of the Civil Ser.vic� Rules per:;..-i_nir�� to procedures for discllar�;e, r.eduction and siispe�:sion. approuc-t I.Oo P,esolution �e�t�z3cling the 19.89 bud�et by addin� $2.�,546 to the Finan-�.i.n� Plan a�ck to the `Spnnding P1an fo� Special Projects — Police �ccredidatiori. ��roved 1.1.. R�so]_ution amending the 1987 bud�et by adciing $`L1,646 to the Financing Flan an.c: to the Spending Pla.n for Police Departr:�ent — Patrot Divisi.on. laid over to ��ril 9 1`l..o P,eso.lution amendin�; the 1987 bud�et b� adding �15,000 to the Finzacin� Plan ancl to the Spendirig P1ar. for PEI) — Herita�e Presercatio;i Commission. �_pj-oz>ed � 13. Resolutian arr.er.din;; r_he CDBG Year. XII Progra�rs budget ' �.- transferring $25,000 from Unspecifie�' Co:it.Lngen4_}� fund to Urban League/LEAi' fund for the combi.ned C:ITY HALL SEVEN"I'II FLOOR S�',Ii�lT PAUL, MI�vNLSOTA SS 10� . k�'_'."aJ,dK �