87-478 WHITE - C�TV CIERK / PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L -'�� , BIUE - MAVOR File �O. �� Co ncil Resolution -� Presented y � �� Referred To �-�'��/ Committee: Date `� `3��� Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Library Assistant. RESOLVED, that the title and class specification for Library Assistant I, Grade 20, shall be abolished and substituting in lieu thereof the new title and class specification for Library Assistant, Grade 21E, shall be established; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the title for Library Assistant II shall be starred ('�) abolished except as to present incumbents. - COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas pfeW Nays � Nicosia [n Favor �RSONNEL OFFI Rettman Scheibel � A1Atlr,�� t,,,�.,�, __ Against BY �— Tedeg�o �S°" APR 9 - 1987 Form pproved y Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y•s• Cou cil r BY 1 By� Approved by Mavor. te �`� —�� �s�� f � � Approved by ayor for S bmi to Council �.. � . By _ J , BY ` - P������� ,�,i��-� i � 1�$7 - � ` � ��-`��� N° 08122 Personnel• Office, pEpqRTMENT �, _ errie Le , ti CONtACT -- _ . 4221 PHONE � 2-12-87 DAT� �� �Q � �ASSIGN NUN�3ER FOR ROUTING ORDER C1 i A1 Locations for Si na ure� : Department birector 3 D rector of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Dire�tor � 4 C ty Clerk Budget Director 2 City At.torney i WHAT WILL BE ACH.IEYED BY TAKING ACTION Of� THE ATTACHED MATERI�ILS? (Purpose/ , Rationale) : At the request of the Library a study wa� conducted of the Lil�rary Assistant I & II positions. It was found that only one level of Library Assistanfi exists. This resolution combines the two titles into one Library Assistant title �o bring equity to th� department. A�Qn�'RECEIVED CflST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ` �I F�� � c '��7 The cost for .the remainder of 1987 will be $1565.00. Please ��L`Y��t�a�i���for further information, � ' RECEIVED , _ � ' ' FEB 171987 _ ' C I TY ATTO RN E FINANCING SOURCE ANO BUDGET ACTIVITY NUM�ER CHARGED OR CREDIT�D: (Mayor's signa- : ture not re- Tota1 Amount o�f "Transaction: quired if under � � $10,000) Fundi,ng Source: Activity Number: . � qTTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : 4 1 . Resolution � � �� � � � ! 2. Copy �or City Clerk ; _ ' .. I 1+ _ � ! { ,. ' � DEPARTMENT REUIEW ; CITY TTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Cnuncil Resolution Require�? ' Resol tion Required? Yes No Yes �o Insurance Required? Insur nce Sufficient? Yes No Yes �'Fio Insurance Attached: ; ; (SEE •REVERSE SIpE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . , . � �r- �7� � Library Assistant I is currently at Grade 20 and Library Assistant II is at Grade 24. The proposed Library Assistant will be at Grade 21E. Library Assistant I (Grade 20) A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. 704.55 732.00 762.69 794.20 824.88 857.99 879.79 900.78 913.78 926.78 Library Assistant I (Grade 24) A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. 774.83 804.69 836.98 872.53 908.85 946.01 969.42 994.44 1007.44 1020.44 Proposed Library Assistant (Grade 21E) A B C D E F G H 10-yr. 15-yr. 607.54 -626.33 736.86 765.92 797.43 830.65 865.24 901.59 925.02 946.81 20-yr. 25-yr. 959.81 972.81 As of 12-17-86 there were 15 incumbents in the two Library Assistant classes and approximately 502 in each class. The Library Assistant II incumbents will remain in their classification with its associated pay grade. The cost of moving the Library Assistant I incumbents into the new class will be approximately $1565.00 for the remainder of 1987. The financial impact over time will balance out as all new employees will be hired into the new Library Assistant class at Grade 21E. Grade 21E is roughly halfway between the two pay ranges currently being utilized. - _ . _ � ��1-�7X `1...'_R..rg� .._ t..1''1', �1�`_..�.��r�; ���7iJ� � ��: � �i� ;.i 1 . �J`Ji t�'.�.�-.i�._i 'L.J.�'� �.1.�i�'.. vx�'..Y vn�J.'..`:�iiJ.a 4f�u�.l�'.����� ���1�01'j, � ,j�� r-�f1��-1 ���� ��y!�5`, rS"(�} �'� 1!),,.,r"1 t ,p�=�-;i ` 1'��'f�(a .! s _.:lrld� ��4.��11.''��.. 4�,� J� 4 � �� � V �, �)��:�.1�.1�J, ����� ��.1. ��il �.a'.� _,...�.,_....__.... .w__._.. ., _____..�.�.....A..._...»_�.__.,..___,__._.��._._.._. ---.r_.�__ _.._.._., ..:.. ., A,�'P.:L� 2, 19F7 l. Rc�solutioa p.-ovidit��; �;nendin; authority £or 1.987 For the jv«ter�;atc, i�lar:ina and discussion o{ the Watcrgate business plan. _ approved � 2. .lnproval_ of minutc�s f.rom meeti.n�_^, hel_�? .�iarcn 1.9, 1987. �_apn�_ot�c�l___ 3. Re�o�ution trans.ie��-:i.r�c $_14f�,072 0` Nei�hl�orhood Parr>>elrship Pro�,ram CI:�3 iund> ior S14G,�72 of C:D)3C� iu��ds fror,i D=istrict 1_1 7��creatioit center projects (.laid over frorn Fe.br��ia.�:�;� 19, 198�) . approvF�u 'E. �.esolution americ�ing the 1.9�7 Ui.��l;:,,:,t by adding $10,0UU �i:o the Fiz�_ancin� Plari ar:d to the Spendin� Ylan for Co�mn,.�nit:;• Serv.ices Pr.of�4ssi.onal Service� - �'acart Bu��_ldin`- Itegistration. _�_approved __ �. Fesoiution amcnding the Sal.ary P]_an and Kates of Comp2i�s�t�.::ion resa].ution by esLa:?l.i_�hin.g a salary r.a;zge i?1 Sec�i_on T. D '1_, Grade ZI_E, 'Teci�n:i.r.al S� <�.�;dard R�n�es for t::e ti.�le of Li_„�ary Assiseazrt (laid over froM �I��rch 12, 1��37) . . . �7'�,Y-t)F P C? .__.._�. . . 6. •":.�3C�'i1#�otz es�ai�2��,��t,� tl�� ti���`�'r�d`.ctlass sgeca�€.�.ca�iors` for L�€brarq lis��i stant �``�'.'1�s'"�"�'1'd ��er f.rcr���Marc� 1.�'; I.987) . approved ._ 7. Resolution c�stablish:.ng the Pos�_ti..on of Hu?*{an r�.t;lits Pro�;ram L�nalSs�:_ in the Classi�Eie.d Service ai= Gr.ade 47 of �h:=: Technir_�l Barbaining ITnit, Se::* �.on I ll 2 o{ the Szi:Lary Plan an� i'ates of Co;r.pf:��sation, and abo=1_ishi.�:g the titles of Hu;nan Rights Analyst - ResearcheL and A.f.tirmative Action OfFicer, and appoiiitirtg John Iiuyen to position of Fitunan P,ights Pro,r.ram Analyst. laid ov_�1- to :'�n-il 16 8. Resc,lution amending Section 8.A of the Civi'1 Service Rules per_taining to filling vacancies (laid over from February '.9, 1987) . approv�:d ______ 9. Resolution amendinb Section 16.A of the Civil Service Rules perr.a:i.n;_n� to procectures for d:i_scharoe, reduction and suspension. ,�ro"ed �TI?',__---- 10. Resolution amel�.d:i.ng the 19�37 budgct by adding $28,5�F6 to the Financing Pla:l and to the Sp�nd_i�ig Pl�n for Special Projects - Police Accredidatioa� ann_-oved , � 11. Resolution amending th� 19c,7 bud�et by adding $21,646 to thc� E�'�.nanc:i.n� Plan ar.d to the Spendin� Pl�n for Yoli.ce Departm�.nt - �'atrol Di.vision. laid over to Anr.il 9 12. Resolution amenc?.ing the 1S87 bud�et by adcling �15,000 to the Financ-ing Plan and to the Spending Plan for PED - Heritage PreservaCion Cor.lmission. _ �,�,pi�,.��p� � 13. R�-�solution amending tk,:- CDBG Year. XII Pr.ogra�n bud;et by tr�?.-�+�,:ferring $Z5,00� from Unspecified ContingeT:tcy fund to Urban League/LrAP fu. : ro� the cc:a'�sinec CIIY HALI. ScVENZ'Ii F�.C�P.. SAINT YAUL, �;±I�I;vJ�OT�1 5�102 �.�a