87-470 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council ��v�a� C4NARV - OEPARTMENT File NO• BLUE - MAVOR • Co n i lu ion Presented By '� �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That the Off Sale Liquor License held by ABC�I,�.iquor Warehouse, Inc. DBA MGM Liquor Warehouse at 1055 Payne Avenue be and the same is hereby revoked for the following reasons: 1. Failure to pay required annual license fe� 2. Failure to pay delinquent State withholding and/or sale tax i COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia ln FavOt Rettman Scheibel � � __ Against BY .�aes� wilson APR 8 — �g8� Form Appro d y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified •s•e Counc.il Se tar BY gy t�pproved by ; or: Dat -��� AP� 9 — 1`� Approved b Mayoc for Submission to Council By _ — By �`�����. _ . _ :� 6��� ��� �t � � �v1�, . l:A c ti� V� ������ , CITY '�" �m��:: � �.c.fi��*• p� Vf\�� .�. � d��' :�a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEME ,;, .t,:� F O .�1 1; � V�\,� ` .�.: , . �4� •�ii�i i�ij �p � � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIST° y ,; �= Room ?03, Cii� " .'���amucawt`�9 Saint Paul, MIflI1P.5011 ,�i$lOZ� George Latimer � M�yor March 16, 1987 A}3C Liquor Warehoi�se, Inc. riGM Li.quor Wareliouse, Inc. ]055 Payi.ie Avenue ;;�int Paul, hIN 55101 liear S].L'S: As License 7nspector for the City oE Sai_nt Paul, I am hereby notif.yi.ng yoti Lhat on Api-il. 8, 1987 a public hear.ing will Ue held before the Saint Pau�. Ci.ty Council (l.i.cense matters only) . This heari.ng wi.11 be held in the C:ouncil Chambers, thir.d fl.00r of the City and County Court House at 10:00 a.m. nt this hear.ing, the License Inspector will recommend thaL the Saint Paul_ Ci.ty Council revolce the Off Sa1e Liquor. and Original Container License you liold at 1055 Payne Avenue. 1'iie Li.cense Inspector's vfiice will base its r.ec.ommendatiori on the followi.ng: (1) Failure to pay annual license fee. (2) Failure to pay your delinquent State witiiholding a.nd/or sales tax. You :nay be represeuted at tlii;� hearing by an attorney or other r.e��re��e�� - Cative of your choice, You and/or your attorney/repi:eseiitati.ve wi11. 1��� a).].owed to cross—examine witnesses and �reser�t evidence tllr�ough ;a:itnc::.;;�:�; aild documents at ttiis hear.ing. rnc]_osc:d is a memorandum c�f: procedi,res used by tlte Saint 1'aul Ci_t}� Cou�u.i_1. for. hearings on license revocat�i.ons, susi�ensions, and denials of ne�a ]..i.cen:;��s. Ve.ry tru].y yoiirs, _ / �'������ Joseph F. Carchedi Li�ense Inspector .JrC/1p I:nc. cc: Council. Members Jerry Segal. — Ci_ty ACtorney's Office. Karen Swanberg — riinnesota Dept. of Revenue