87-469 WNITE - C�7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /�/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO•- �� ' v� BLUE - MAVOR Cou cil so ti n - �, , Presented By � `� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#70977) for a Scrap P�Ietal Processor License by S.E.M. Corporation DBA Mississippi Street Metals at 800 Mississippi Street be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays � Nicosia Rettman In Favo[ Scheibel � ..s�w.,... __ Against BY -.�.�.a wi�son Adopted by Council: Date APR 8 - 19a� Form Approv d y City A rney Certified s Council re BY i sy- � � ; Approved by : avor: Da `���� ,'s;s''i� �; " !��� Approved Mayor for Submission to Council , BY �t�������� � . ,: � �3 i987 BY �;� �'�-�7-y�� ..;- , � � �� c___ or sT. D��� . � ��'��v�r or M�;��cE ax� r�cr�rr s�cEs �\ L ICF.NS E p�'�il PER2�ST D NIS I01'i �, , � �`. � .. ,� F; , . , .� � These statement °or:.�s are issued ir. d�uglicate. Please answer all questions Pu?�y and completely. .r.is appL' cation is thorough�y checked. Any ?alsification will be cause Por denial. Date Z 19 � � 1. Application °o^ .S C'-/-�q-,� rn�q � �Fic c_�'�sc�.� (License) (�b-� 2. Name of applicant ��- I:�1^/ L_, _3�,►a c-:��' � , :f applicent is/has been a cna,rried .°emale, list �aidea name " !�. Date of birth � ��e{�„SU Are 3�;- Place oP birth �-��'c��n,- --T-- ` � �n/c=7fTi{';?.S'�� � 5. Are you a c?tizen oP the United States YL=� Native �. _Naturalized 5. Are you a registered voter yL-� Where S�T� /"Ac. � r ��,v,v, '. Home addres s 19 Z w b�i:Z!��f L�,�c c-� �S i , fL'sa-v� Home te?ephone �99`�7�C.1 R. ?resent business address _ �SUc:� r�l!ss. S7', Buslneas telephone Z Lz -US-3� 9. including yo�u present businesa/e�ployment, What business�employment have you _o:lo�+�ed for the past five years. � . 9usiness�F.sr;oloyment -' ���z � ��'�5 � Address �1�s. 5T. lvi L�1 t S - �j Lici /'✓![ 5 5. S?� �r.��"',=i���. 1C. �darriec? � If ans�er is ",ves' , list name and address of spwse S� �,�,�/ � y��;,r'_� _ � ✓-t-�L� � 1 9 Z k= ���Z'H l,✓U c�� �l �OC= 5 T ,./'Q c�� � � . 1i, Have you ever been arrested Por an ofPense that has resulted in a conviction? /`/U ---- If ans�+er is ";,.es", list dates of arrests, where, charges, convictions and sentences. Date o° arrest 19 Where �`1_p� CONV TCTTOT`� S�rlr�� �ate �:' arrest _ 19 �1!�ere '� C!IF.RGL' C�N';I.,...,,�:; SE�rI'�.Ivrr . � `�`'�7- �/9 '12. Lis± the names ar.� a9-:�esses !i�' aierried, name oP spouse a2so) oP all p ' cornorat'_�as, �a.r±nerships, associatioas or organizations Which in any wa a. A mor�� :n�erest in the licensed premise, L- ! /�C-7n r`( S TY9� `' ��� ''J -�t- 5,n�'r2� 1N�, .4 v't �?. /%�uZ b. A secl:z-ity interest in the Iicensed premises, license, or f�u-nishings of the E=Z:�u�P�'�c�vT �v` _ — ___ licensed premise, _ S�l,�n,'.q � 13�,,� ��uc, sicln-<►<_ H� s �ST,f'a-�,•� c. A pr�^:issory note for Punds loaned for the operstion of the licensed oremise or t,h�g,u�:chase-o� the license, �.:1�T V,r� ,�/ L , 'J� �'�� � �. F:nancial:.y contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self L. �^�i O�i.:;e:' 1^t£':°St °:±�':e�' _.2'�C+.. OT i'l�i.^a�^,±� e�ti`?" _°' 2 �21 ^:` p± � ifl .^,C' tieEZ'4'i$a in the licensed premise or �he license itself, � :".�tac�: a copy hereto of any and all do�aments rePerred to in this affidavit. 1? Give names and addresses of two persons, residents oP St. Pau1, Minnesota, �;ho ca.7 give itt�°ormation conce*ning you. �ME ADDRESS �' ����'T s�;ci-+*�'� z��{c �v'y r� vE. E; — A t- ✓��1 LC VE y �2_ 2-U�S H�IRT����r /a�'�_ ?�. Address ��' premises Por which License or Permit is made �i�v ,+�i55, sT � Adc�ress :T�,/�.4�� S-�rv � 7one classiPicatior. _ ' � �: �i��'`�1� A�vn '-`. =etw�een What cross streets __�.-7v�v >7c yi},��Q ri'Y�ic4-: s�ue v: sti•��t 1�7� ��- 16. Na_�ae under which this business tirill be conducted m ti s 5, 57-, i �c�� 5 '_'. Business telephone number Z� -L-. t,> 3 3 r+v" . �� � s, t .r•�, ti�,:�;� i ii i a ;i . Attac!� to this application, a detailed description of the �esign, location, and ;I square °oota�e oP the pre�nises to be iicense� ;, f ��, i ' : /�'>>S 5, 5-r, ✓rl L-'7XJGS (I - . �re pre�i ses noW occupied y�5 What bLSiness� s���,�, ,,,t�� K�� � �- �j onE l� YL>^,� _ j, ;� �: . G�=- �7- ��i ���,.ltcense w.".ich y�u ���tly--hold;�or Porsaer� held� or_.may-}te�e-an-i��ere ,.�n �— �_, �/ ��/'�/�+� /''11 L-� `�1 (_ 1.7.��t t4 C�.(i>C�r� �,� �. �"���- i �P .:.c�r K�.-;��� �-v�t'�''.�-srH-r— � , r ��-� �.�,-7v��,.���ti-r.:; 21. Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes N� �, 7f answer is "yes��, list dates and reasons : ?_2. Do you have an interest oP any type in ar�y ot.ber business or business premises. I.° answer is "yes", list business, business address and telephoae number. �'` �'.� 23. I� bLSiness is incorporated, give date of incorooration N o �/, 1�% 19 �f�: an� attach cony oP Articles of Incorporation and minutes oP first meeting. 2�. List all oP°icers of the corporation giving their names, oP.°ice held, hame address, and home and business telephone numbers : _ =v��,.� � , .�, <-� P , r-.ZC-�, � ,n::�-- ;� ._� 7�c > � _ � `� Z.�:- lst��.{-E-t<�:�<:�? 5"� , c�''•�i:%;__ � i il.,��v y �_%C / - �% `)9_ .;9 t k/ �k�:�,t` � Z � r -r. � 3 3 v t=Fi,>�- 25. If business i"s ar'�`w•"""` �'.'" , P.__.. � p, list partner(s) address and telephvne numbers: ,!,+ .:r:,, �9xx�rt j,�,,��» y NBme ' ` "'"��► � ,�.'�r;� ' Addre83 Te1.R0 . . . .. ,....,.. — — 25. Is there ar�yone else who will have an interest in this business or premiaes? If answer is "yes", give na•ne, home address, telephone n�bers and in ahat manner is their interest: 27. Are yrns goin� *o operate this business personally ��iP not, rrho srill-operate it . R� Home address 1�e1.No. . � .. � � C.� �7-��� Are you goin,_, to rave a !�,ana�er or assistant in this business? IP answer is yes , give nar.ie an� ho;ze address and home telephone nur.iber: Name Home ad�ress Te1.N�. �9• Has anyone yo� have named ir. questions 22 throu�h 26 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, whe�e, charges, convic- tions and sentence /� � :' ?�' I understand this premise mqy t-,e in- spected by the police, iire, healtn and other city officials at ar� and a11 times wnen the business is in aoeretion. State of Minnesota) )SS CoLr.ty of Aamsey } � � �,�-�....�-- .�,���-. Signature of Ap�l nt e�' being Pirst duly sworn, deposes and says �spon oath that he has read the rOZ'EE�OlI'1� state�nent bearing his signatuxe and !mows the conter.�s thereoF, and that the same is true of his own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated upon informati�n and belieP and as tc those matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subscribed and sworn to befo�e eie �� ��,` ` ���. � Signature of App t tnis ,� r day of �C��r��=�-- 19 � 7 �.i - '.�',�-�,c� ��a�Z��� - OM11�s Mathiowetz Notar✓ ?ublic, Racnsev C�unty .innesota ����^"°BOta ° �`` lamNy County Mf�Comm. Exp. 142�92 '�y co�rnission expires j��� `� Z �ss'