87-460 WMITE - CiTV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPAi7TMENT J�{ BLUE - MAVOR File NO• ,{J�� � Co n ' eso ti n , � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#54149) for a One Day City of St. Paul Gambling Permit applied for by the Church of St. Patrick at 471 E. Magnolia on April 12, 1987, between the hours of 7:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays (� Nicosia ��� [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen � __ Against BY �ede�.f Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ApR $ — 1987 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P s Council Se t BY BS� Approved Mavor. �`�— b� �i�`�. `c3 � ���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy � — Bv e � R��&���.�1 , � p-�; '� i�87 , . ��__ �, �_ . ::__., C'� �7-��� . � �;�u�T:_:`� G. ��:��L".,.., _.:� .:.�:;..G'�._.,.,_ .,�._..=C�� � ✓T.�Y.._,., _ _. �.� . �.,._.f�.,., ,_�ty.. �! � .1J1li:l �.`: 1�.'vG11J.� 1�'..'ti� .L:i:' _ tLJY .,.LJ�:11�C�1 _ � � ,' l:��l.'��-:h1ICI1 �=�CuI�??D ?�iITH r�'L�CaTICP1 i GR P�'.�'"Si TO CCtIDt;C'" GX:"TLI?"G SnScIGi' I;' ST F"�?iL /'� i. :;�;.-:� �' _r�ari�a�_ci: CHURCH OF SAINT PATRICK ?. yr.�ress �here C�r�anization's re��ar meetir��s are .".eld 471 E Magnolia �. �a;- ar.d �i:�e o? �ne�tin�-s 7:OOPM - 11:OOPM - Sunday !� . nd:iress c,rhere (?amblin� Session :ail� he he�.d 471 E Magnolia �. 13 �T'��.G2T:± oT.Jner O� pronertV :•7�'�E'_'P, ic1".�;]_l^E' S�ss�on -•�il: '�e neiCi' XX °GS �TO �. �° ��ase:'., ;•rl:o is oc��ner of pr^^erty ��rere Garbi�.nE Sessicr. �.r�ll 'ne ":eld? _ 7. Ii �eased, attach letter of perriission to cor.duct GaMblir.� Session, s�_�r.ed b,y lesscr. �. ��a:-e of officer makir.g applica�ior. Stephen R Flottme�Pr 9. Address of of��.cer mar;ing applica�ion 1095 DeSoto Date of birth 8 12 44 � �_��'��� 10. :'.a:�e c� r:anz�er wt:o ;aill ccnduct Garib�in� Session ����ki G/�� �l�� �� ,� `%� �1. �::.�'.:ss� cf rar�a�er � �e�+ �nl�S� �� �a �2te of rirtr. 12. In connection with what event is this Gamhlin� Session beir.g held? FaGter Ham BingQ 13. ?:'hat type of gariblin� device(s) will be used? Paddle�rl:eel �'i.oboard F.afrle 1�. :�ay, dates and hours this application is for and nurtber of sessions. Da�(s 1 Sunday Da�es April 12, '87 Hou.�s 7:00-11:OOPMP'o. of Sessions 1 1�. ":-1i ar�zes be paid in money or ^�ercrandise? Both ��. 13 �r° �T�D�1C21"'it 2.SSQC13ti0I1 CT'F8S21ZeC� UriC?P.T' ��'1B la�as C`� t�':F? Sli.St.@ O� i l"?P.Z�0±3+� Y(-?S 17. i:ofr lor.g 'r.as Cr�anizatior. been in existe:�ce? 103 vears l�. `.•:r.a� �s the p�.irpose of �t.e vr�-anization? Religious and edLCa i onal rvi _ s 19. �i�icers of Ll:e Orgar.i�ation :ia:ne TiLle A�dress Date of bi:th Thomas Hill. OFM Cap 1095 Desoto 12/23/39 Stephen Flottmeyer 1095 Desoto 8/12/44 Ann Carlson 1745 Sunnvside Tr 0/00/60 Roy Zielinski 1406 Bradley R(�q/�4 �" �`�-y��'°. � ��. � �l'I@ _^,�.�5 C, OI°��erS O^ 2.'1;� O�:iE� t7�?T'SO.^.5 `!c'1�_� _�Z' SPT^''_.CP.S �J t'_"iE' �?,:^.c^:.^_�Za�`.v^2: � • �a ',;a��.e-�itle �dd.ess �ate o° t�rtc ' 2�. _I7 :4rJS° C`.:S�CC�y' 'vl��� �cordS pi Or�ar.�Z2T,iC71�S �13IT;�Jl�rie Sess_ons �8 �;?Gt: ;,a:ze Stephen Flottmeyer ���;e�s 1095 DeSoto 22. .�+tach a copy of your Crgan:�zaLiar.'s membership roster and date each r�ember joined. 23. Attacr. the Ga..�hlin� Sessior i4ana.�er's rcnd. 2�. :,ttac'r_ a copy ol the �epart�r:er.t of the Treasu:�T, Internal �eve�ue Selv�ce ''^.eturr: o�' Organizaiion !�':xempt �ror:. Incore '�'ax", �o~m 990. (�ha��er u19.�Z (1).) 2;. :�ttacr: a copy oi :;er.a:t�ent oi ttie ^'r�asur�r� Inter:�al ^eT�er.ue �e:vice, ''�'.:e^�� �"_�-aa- �zat�.cn Business Inc�me 'r'ax", rorm 9°OT. (Chapter l�19.02.i (2). } 26. yt�ach the annual report required of cY�aritable or�anizationG by ;�.innesot� Statutes, Section j09.53. (Chapter �19.OL (3). ) 2?. L?ave you read and do yeu tho�'ouF*hl�r unrers;,an!? the �rov;.sions o° a11 la�srs, rrz�nancPs and reC ulations �•overnin� the oneration o_' ^an;�lir.�� Ses�icr�s? Yes ��. �ny cha.��: es desired bf �he applicant asseciation :�ay nP ;�a�e only :•r th the �cr.s=r_�c c° ' the I,icense Committee. � 20. iIas any person(s ) participatin� in the operation of any o° +t-:e Far:blin� sessior.s cov- ered by this license ever been convicted of a felony in tre State of i:irr.eso�a or in any other State or :ederal Court? Yes P10 XX Ii answer is "yes", DT'OVi`�° names, addresses and birth-dates. CHURCH OF SAINT PATRICK Grganization — .�----� �Y � �/ �.y,��.,� �; �-�-C�. (Offzc�r- tle r �r and - �.� ' 1 ' . -�(- .-^� ''�i� (Ilana�-er in c:ar�.e of !'am�lin�`��ession) State oi :�iinnesota) iSS Cour:t;r of :ar�se3• ) and cein� duly s�aorn sa;� tnat 'trey � ,P tY1P netit�.eners in the above arplicat;on; }rst �:P�r natr� _=ar. the �ore�oin� pet�tion and T•�o�� the contents thereof; Lha� the same is +r•_:e c" ,,�.�;r OCdii k?!C�•T�BL.�rTF'. Su�;scr'_t�en ar.d siaorn to beiore r^e �?:; s d a3- oi �o '.�otar^,,� ?uoiic, :;ounty, �Lir.nesota :Iy cor�ission e�crires ?uildinr; �epart:�ent Approved Disarproved by rire �e:�artnent Approved ?isa�proved by °olice �eoartmer.t hpproved'�isapnrove�:?-by