87-459 wHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• ��-�� BLUE - MAVOR Co ncil Res lution ;,:--� Presented By - , ��- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Applicati.on (I.D.#91765) for a One Day City of St. Paul Gambling Pexmit (Bingo, Raffles, Paddlewheels, Tipboards, and Pulltabs) by Sacred Heaxt-St. John School at 835 E. 5th Stxeet on April 25, 1987, between the hours of 7:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. , be and the same is hereby approved. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen __ AgBipSt BY �ede�cv, Wilson AP� 8 ' �g87 Form Appr v by City torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa•• b �l : c t BY Bp Approved b • vor. Da —���� � - 1967 Appro d by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — — BY Pt9�llS�� �:,�� �; �- � 1987 . I � ..._ C'���-�-�� + � J.:,:�....._.. _ �'- `` - ---_. �`� . .., ...�..:,.._ :..., ,�.....�.. // V^ �.1. :L�.J :.-i. _. � .�i:r�ull���i '�t' �'vG.�S.: til�'IL L�il�'�.a�l ��'11t�ST.L��01J T1T' _ "� � '*+^.`m m,� %�/'•.-.T- m nr�T T•r�+ —•C(-r^�l• Qm ..j11:� .., . T. _ ..nTilr J �_,_ �'1�i. �'TC�i .'C'. 1 �� 1.., .r .:n_ r.t.. s`: �:Ti� . • _ .�, --��= - _ = �i; Sacr:ed Heart-St. John School (School Board) � _, ......_ _ .r�,_.._..�._ �. Adcress where C:�.a.nization's rp�aiar meetir.�s are heid 835 E. 5th.,St.Paul,mn 55106 3. �s;; a.^.d tir�e or :,e�tirf s First Thursday of month -- 7:30 pm :,. !�dc;ress �here Canblinp �e��ion :�ri?1 he heid 835 East Fifth Street ^. I:, 3JT'��C3`lt O�dII?I' O° �?'_'OT�?�"LV 'd}?e:'P, �3l�.tiJ1.1:i� Sess�cn �J'!�1 t'a �'i2iC? X ��BS �O �. Tr ..°_SSP.:".� �•iY:O _S CZ•!T:C'T' C� rT'O^?'_'�y �;rere CrSi';�;��n�- Sessicr. T•T_�� he :�:elG.' � �. ir �?3SEC1� 8��2C:1 �2`.ter Of per��SSlOT] tC COP.QUC� li3riD��1:€ JF55�OC'i� 5;.�.i�:: u�y �c�SG�. �. :�ame of of°icer �a'.r_ng a�pl;ca�icn David Verlo 9. Address of officer maI�ng agplication 385 Londin Place 55119 �ate of birth 6-10-50 1�. ::a:�e ci rana�er :�r::o t�riil con�uct Gar►bling Se�sion Gregory 8oland ��. acdre�s c° rsna .er 953 Oak Uiew Court - St. Paul, mn 55119 „ r ��r,,�, 9-17-50 � �2te o: �._ i2. i� cor_nectior. wit" ;�hat event is this Gariblir.F Sess�en be=r.� held? HOST NIGHT (Fund Raiser) 13. ':.:�:at t;�pe of �-a*�olin� cevice(s) will be used' i addle�r�:eel X "`p�oar� X ��rrle x .�L;. .J.3y� dates 3.^.� �:OI:TS ttLS c1D���C2ti.G:1 1S �OT 3I1G� n�u^.ber Oi ses�;cr.s. � 1 1 one l 04-25-87 u 7:00-11:00 m rT rI� 1 '�a;;,s , � � 7a.,es . ou:s P .o. ol ..ess�ons i;. '."_.L. ,:,r_�es be paid in ^�cne�� er ^�erch��dis�? money 1�. Zs tY.e a�pl�c2nt as�ociation or�anize�' W1CP.?^ tre la:as o_° the Stat.e of :'?rr.esota? yeS . �;. ::ow lcnr i:as Cr�,ani�aticr. been in eYistence? 100 yrs. _. . '.;r.a� is .t..e �ur�ose of �c:e �rrar:i�ation? Religious Education - Elementary 1�. �f°�cers of �he Or�ar.ization '.��a.rie-T�t1e �ddress �ate of bir�h . David Uerlo - President 385 Londin Place 55119 6-10-50 Louis Uetter - Vice Pres. 1201 Wilson St. 55106 7-12-44 Lo;is Aguir�e - Treasurer 1048 Jessie St. 55106 9-10-39 � ' (,Ji�-'��-ysi 4 ��.��� ..i�JZ na.:i"35 0.�. Q.r��CerJr OP �c�.�If O�iZEa r?T�.c..'.�.�:.5 �Iai.ri _�OI� 8Ei'V_.C.'LJr vJ �.I:e VZ�E�ar.�L6N�OZ:• m' +16 "a�*`e-1'� hddress �ate or �^i�th 21. i:� w'r.o�e castcd;� ai� •_�COrds oi �€•anizaiicn's �ar„bl�n� Sess�ons re kent^ ;;a.7e Sister Katherine Rossini CSJ H��rpss 835 East Fifth St., St. Paul, �In 55106 Per your office - 22 23 24 25 26 - no copies necessary to attach 22. .�ttach a ccpy of ✓o',ir pr�an:�aiion's .�embersr.ip roster and da�e each me�nber joined. 23. :+�tacr t?:e �:�.1�lhli*?f- �essior. :•':a*:�:.er's �end. - Non-profit organization c::. :�t}i,3�!^ S CC�y Oi �:�@ ��^3:�Li2Tit 02' +r8 "�^225llI':'� I:1t�?^T121 ''.eve~ue Ser�rice ��:•'.�2''i.U?'1^. O� Cr�za_.i�atio.^. 1te�:^t �r � e �^�" � „ � , ., ,, � � o:^. _ncor� , =o-T oc . �Ct apter L_9.�Z tl;. i �5. Sttac!: a cc��• o° �erart-�ent o�' tze ^r�as» � , � - -u"�', L^.�Prnal 1e�•er.ue ::e:vice, '�:;e..^rot Gi F�;;— � izatioti �usiness Tncone "ax'�, :o� y;�pT, (i,r2ater L19.OL (2). � � ;; ?6. ::ttach i'�e 32'�*:�1c3� �^ort requ:red of c::aritahle or�anizat�ons bv ::ir_r.eseta Stat•:i+es, l Sectior. 3�9.5�. (Cha�ter �t19.C! (j). ) � 2?. ?iave y ou read ar_C do ^eu thoroti��l? un�ers�ar;d �he nrovi.sior.s o�' a.11 la�rs, ord�nar.ces 2:'1: :"c'^'�3'.�0215 ;OVe:'IL'::F t?72 O*P:c1t'Ori G_•' _i�.Pt�l�:1E' c2S810T15� y83 ?�. :�3- cia.^: es des=:ed �-- �� #� �,, �..e appl�cant asscci�t�or. �ay �e r�ade o*i1-, ' th ' '•;y t'r.e cor.sent o.° the I,:�ccnse Coru�►ittee. ` } �n. t�BS ar.y persor.(s ) �a^�iC��`ti� lII �r2 o eratior. Of 321 ' O.° 2 �^i�� n_ ca' c � Ered by t'r.is '�cer.se ever been conv�c�ecpef 4 ''e�o.. in „Ye+State ofli•:� s�`�'"*or.., cor- ''y + r_rieso..a or �n any othe: State cr �edera� Court? Yes " •+o X . I� ar:�taer is "yes", pro�rid� r.ames, add:esses ar,d birth-dates. Sacred Heart-St. John School (School Board) lGr�aniza�ior. ,, David' Verlo - President � � %� =� 1 �u��'`-�"���.----. (�rriC�y,�Tltl6' ,� i � � > �, �/� an� Gregory Boland ,`,�,��yc� ,�� ��f��,,�, . ♦ (:ian�_er in c`:ar�e o�'.. - ;,' n�- ession; �tate o� :�.nr_esota) )�� �our.t;� cf ::a�.se�• ) Sacred Heart-St. John School Board an� David Uerlo beir.r du��- sworn sa�r tr:�t t'r:e�r .: ,P the ne�`_�_er,ers i n the above arplycat�or.; ±�at �;;�ti� h���� :�e,:� ',he fore oinr- et,tio^ ar.. 1 + �L. €' P 3 _a:ow �he conter.,,s ersof; tl:a+ �r_e sane is �T'"1° o" tte'r o:�rr. �r.ct�;ledt�s� Su!:scr`_ned an� sz���rn to �ef�re me t?:i� € . . I�A LEN ` � ,� �� I':.�.'�� ��� NG7 Y PUBUC—MINNESOTA �1�it I� :+u t3i^� ?.. .� �Expires June 6, 1992 11T:tv� r11,^,nesota :;; corv^�i _ _, . G /99� Buil�iz�- ^epar',.:�ent Approved uisacproved by Fire Jeaart;lent Approved sa�proved y - �� Police ;;eoart�.er.t np�:c�ea"'—���ar:�roved—'�,y !1" � i y.:; 11L1 a �^