87-454 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV — OEPARTMENT File NO. �/ � ��� BLUE — MAVOR C un ' e olution -� ' � ` � Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#56096) for a One Day City of St. Paul Gambling Permit by Dayton's Bluff PTSA at 262 Bates Avenue for April 10, 1987, between the hours of 5:30 P.M, and 8:30 P.M. be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel � so��e� __Against BY .�ed.c�o Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 8 - 198Z Form App o ed by City Attorney Certified •s Counc.il ret BY B}� . �, Approved by , vor. Date �'1 ' � ~ +� Appro by Mayor for Submission to Council �-f " ., � � BY - – — BY ��r"�4i:d��.4.�' f .. . _ _. '� 'VVI�� , � ! �___ :,_ .._ . -_..,y �1,��7���/ i ��_ .,-, � , �T: , ° r_�_.__,.:� .,�,�:�i�n`c '":il`T' 'I1 l,�L h:.Cu rL u 'lri:i iC.- �T f ♦T r�^ (1 -•i.� � �' �.-� ^-n—. � • 7^`l' . T 'rTl" �J l.'1Vi l;i :�vi�i1J� ttl'iJ i+�lii'lli :�'a'lll 1J�-�li 1 i� ni. m•T ^ -�r.,�r+ �. �. m ��f � r r*+ � r' F��; '� ? �'" p.rTT '�0�'.ATICDi i�?�...uI�:=D �,;I�1� l:r?v1Ji:�Tli., "OR P"?.:'Sl TO �....:i.i:C� GA.��?TI:'.� S.��._I�P, _ t�_L �(��, � I �. ..Fi:.^.c O� �'_'��u.iii�c°..Li(:I: �� i�1 � �/L( �Z 1 / �� I 2. :�c;dress ia!:ere �r€anization's re�-��ar meetin�;s are h.eld �(�c�_ .�,2��c :•QvP . _ � �. �a�- a.^.G ti*�e oi �nee:ir.�-s�[ 5� /11��nC�c.�, c�� v�i,r���r �� t- '?. i�,C� ,, �rr i�. �lddr�ss ;vY:ere �amblinF Session :�rill he held �� 1�� ��? �2�Q�-ps A�� � i , j, l� S^P�1ca:�t. o�aner C� pro*�ert;' 'f�P'_'F'. �'i2.^hl�:l�' �BSS�.C`.^. `dlll �'2 Y12�C: '=°S_�:TO j �J. Tr '1?ase:� ?•TIlO 1S o•;mer of prc^ert;j 4i'f.?7'8 CrclTlt���:i� ;iPSS1CI: T-rl�l �":8 �":°��� i I i � i . 'A I //� 17 7. If leased, attach letter of per,:.ission to conduct Gar;blir.� Session, s;_�ned by lessor. s. :+ai1e of of�icer makin� agpiica��on rr1r1 r �+�f � �C.)vi!; i 9. Address of oflicer ma'!�.ng application /(;�, / ��'/�r %,��;- �� /,J� Date of birth /� ��,�`% � 1 10. :�a^�e cf �ana�-er wt:o will conduct Gambling Session� � i S °�u�t�-i � ; % I ii. :�ddre s s of mana�e r / ;%.S � )'��n /P�r r� �2te of cirth , ;, i ��f i i 12. In connection with ;ahat event is this Gamblin� Session be_r� held? j{;���.�, f � 1' �l►��cY r� 1 � P ✓' �,n�c� x I3. ::hat type of gamblin� device(s) .n 11 be used? Paddlet•;'r.eel �ohoard '_'a*:fle � 1L:. �a;�, dutes and hours this a�plication is for anc nuriber of sess'cns. � �a�'�s )J�r��,�_I ,�l�����a�es f�nr�� � i L� Hou.rs 5-30- S',,-� () iTo. of Sessicr_,s�— r . ,_, 7 � '17. ':l�_ �ri�es be p31� ln noney OT' ''1?�_"C�'?3.rlC:1S°� ��✓ ��; ri��i.0 P --- i:�. TS �r° a.TJD�1C8rili. 35SOC12,t1.021 OI'^2111Z8C� Lll1C?P.T' �:'lZ �2WS O_� �t'.2 .�i`i,Sl,g Of 1 i"riP.�0+2.? (,��_ 17. ::o�r lenE i.as Cr�-ani�atior. beer. �r. e�ister:ce?�>;,,�_� ___ __ l�. ::hat is t.".e purpose oi Lre V,�3Z`.7.ZStion? j��_��`C rn n`�e �F rru.�� /, r ��f������ c' �J fE"j'Y1 GL Y1 C� ��l'l��(�I�Y/Y C (' �CP +/� <,:,/'/ �/�� !�I'L�v���� ��/�I �.� "�1�1/1� iI�C P.'F�� � � 19. �fiicers of tr.e Or�;anization :iame-Title Address �ate o� �irth ��G i)�Z �SC'�I ii f�_ ' �l"E' < �U 7� �f [ �r.",il Gti/r r./ �, c.e ) /� t'i'c't�, , �� + '�y,� l n � 1) � , .,,�� � ". I��C/�l - ,�(.( ��,��(����� �^�'.� r,+��' t'Gf Yl /��i, � �(l l.) f� �/Q/'j �V,P�.S � " "'"'r,iI'//� �/ �-f�y C.L�C �2. - vl V�cJc, .n���- - �errP�c'rr✓/ _ locf9 ��- S�fh �� . �,y�r�O �r'����s�'n - T►2 e s u/c°/' �l� 4 � ���-�s�/ � ,_�✓• .._'Jr? n�::"cS C= Oi c1Ce2'S Ol' d:!j' OL:°i :�t?rSQi;.S �c�l':1 '_�OI' S2I"�7=.C°S li\7 ..._? •11rCLr.�' Z.:.i:?O�, �?��'�e-Title :;dd:P.SS �S�e of rirt'r. � 1 �1. lr. ��rrose custcd,� Wlli recor:s oi Or€;ani.zaticn's Gam�lin�- Sess_ons �e kept? �_, ��a::e .��n.�4 fc-��s .�',,�:r��� ' ' ; � ad�ress � ���-� �"�a'�c°�- �✓F . L 22. Attac" a copy o� your Organizatior�'s membership roster and date each ^�ember joirled. 23. 4t�ach the G�h1in� Sessior_ :-`ana.��r's bon�. �;;. ���tSC�' 3 CC��' Ci tti18 :i@732'Li*�81:t Ol t�'i? Treasuz^,j� I:1tA2'.^.21 .'.ecer�ue ::ervice ��i�2L'J"7` O:� Or�ca.izat�.cr. ��e^:rt fron �nceme �':�", :orm �9�. (Cr:acter i.;19.0� (I!. ) f t T1 ml+P + M � p ��T 2�. iiLi.SCY: a coti;; of �enart;�ent of the : asu�~y, I:1�P.?":1c31 .':P_verue �e_ ��c,., _.�e*�pt Cr�-ar.- ization Business Income Tax", rorm 9°0^. (C'r_apter 419.0l� (2). i 26. Attach the annual report required of charitable organizations by ;4innesota Statutes, Section 309.53. (Chapter 419.0� �3). ) 27. I?ave �rou read and do you thoroueY:l�r understand the nrov,sions o_° a11 laUrs� ordir.ances ar.rl r��-ulation� �overnin�- the oneration of Ga;^hlirr� :'ess,_cr�s' 2?. �:ny chan� es des,_red b;� tre applica:.t associati.or: ma,y �P made only �•r th Lhe cor.sent e° the i.icense Cocamittee. 29. iias any person(s) participating in +he operation of any of �"e �amblin� sessior:� cov- ered by this �icense ever been cor.victed of a felony in t}-e State of �:innesoLa or in a.^y other State or cederal Court? Yes ;�10_�_. Ii ar:sTfrer is "yes", provide r.arr.es, addresses and birth-dates. ..L7C����e ns �i 1�;�;'�- _�J-c}� vr€ani z ati or� � f ��,��,{;�.��r� �J�--=��� ; L � i,� c , , , , �.�;.,. (Offic�r-'"itle f� . � BriG� }�Y�(,�r��.�;� �%Q���:; ; � t'c,r��i�i i j'� /�r���� .,�.C���•;•,�,-,, (:Iana�-er �n c!:ar�e' o? �amblin�- �ession) � Sta�e of :s:�r_esota) )SS County af �ansey ) Q nL�S E' (� �1 y�r� and beinP auly stiaorn sa,� th4t tt�e,tir 3-�� the ;�etit_oners in Lhe above arplication; +„hat ,::e� !,:avn �^___:'. the fore�:oir.� pet�tion and T:no�.r �he contents tL;ereof; t'r:a: tre sar?e is �r�s� ^" ';`.:a;r o:Jn kr_ot�rle:,��•�. �ubscr:.ber: anc? scaorn to he�i/o:e me �?-:is / � �Z ''.3`✓' Ol C/"/(�,[/(�GL ��� / .� i;ota 1- o��c, -� , ., Count�r, :�Linnesot� ;hr ccsrulission esnires �:i:.l�ir.� ^epar�:-ient A�S�r4va,d ' . ,�, ;u:7-&apa:rou,sd by rire Je�art�ent aonroved ?�sanp�oved bv Police �eoartner.t �,pprcved---�isap,r,rovez-�y