87-450 WHITE - C�TV CLE�7K
CANARV - DEPARTMENT n � 7/(//1��
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. / y��' �
�' u c ' Resolution
Presented By ' � �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #33062) for a Physical Culture and Health
Services License applied for by Minnesota 5ophia lnc. DBA Dayton's
Beauty Salon at 2 E. 7th Street be and the same is hereby approved.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Drew Nays �
Nicosia [n Favor
Scheibel �
Sonnen __ AgBi(1Si BY
APR 8 " �987 Form Approv by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified a_ •e ouncil , et BY
Approved by Mavor. ate `�-�'`�� ��� � � 1g8 Approved Mayor for Submission to Council
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j� D���T OF FL*U�I10E AND MANAGEM�'YT SERVICE�a �:_;'��ii
�IC'F�SE AI�F�i PII�:iT DNISION � _- _.. _ . ,
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These s*atement °or.:,s are issuec ir, d�plicate. Please answer a�l
\\. ��pletely, i'r.�s appi?CBtion is thorough]y c�ecked. An p Questions !'1i1.�y and
Por denial. Y alsification will be cause
� Dat�'larch 3 19 87
'• Application f
� �ysical Culture Health Service Club
2• Nan►e of applicant (Licease) (Permit)
Minne�ot-a Snnhi a nr / Davt-��g Reautv Salon
� . If applicent is/has been a m�•- �
ried :easle, list maiden name
\ '�• Date of birth 10/09/43 ; BuffaloanMinntn� PS
�P 43 PlBCe oP b_rth
5. Are you a c�tizen oP the United States `
\ Yes pa�ive Raturalizec
\ 5. Are you a reg:stered voter YeS �e� Minneapolis
''. Home a,ddress 4729 South 3rd Ave. 1
� '�n, � 55409 �e tele hone823-0879
� °. Presen� business address Dayton's Beauty Salon
Business teltphone 2g2--S213
°• Including yo�„u- present businesa/employment s�at business e 1
� followed .°or the past Pive years. ' � � �At �o'e you
� Address
�'iinnt�Gnfia Sn���.0 t��n l��Vearc_�
� 120 E. 1 th St :VYC 10003
SeliQZnan & Latz, Ixc, three 3
— ( ) years Minneapolis, M�d.
. 10. Ma*rie� No If answer is �;ves„
, list name and addresa of spouse
'-i• `�ave you ever been arrested for an ofPense that has resulted in s conviction?:Io
IY answer is ";,�es", list dates of arrests, where, charges, convictions and
sentences. ---
Date o.° arrest
1° Where
�'��e �` arrest
— iy ._ Where .
_ jFj��,
12. List the naroes �n3 a��'_Yesses !i° raarried, narse oP spouse also) or
coz-porat'_oas, pzrtnersnips, associations or organizations Which in any �y
a. A mor�gage interest �n the licensed prerise, _ �;(-0 �-��C�
b. � securi�y interest in tne iicensed premises, license, or Purnishir.gs o: the
licensed premise,
c. A pro�issory note for Punds loaned for the operation oP the licensed premise
or the purchase of �he license,
�. F:nancial�y contribu±ed to the purchase of the premise or the license it-
e. Any otner interest eitzer direct ar =ndirect, e:tF.er .°1L13.^.Cial or �therw±se
in the licensed premise or the license itself,
�.ttac�: a copy hereto of any and all documents referred to in this aPfidavit.
1? Give names and addresses of tao persons, residents oP St. Paul, Minnesota, who
can give in�°ormation conce*ning you.
A;arilee Riopelle 1530 Bellows Ct. ��108 West St. Paul 551I8
Jennifer Hansen 609 Portland Ave. �k2, St. Pau1, P•1n 55102
�'�. Address o° premises for Whi,ch License or Permit is made E. 7th Street & Cedar
Address 7one classiYication B5
�5. �etween what cross streets Wabasha/Cedar Which side of street Both
16. Ya.�e under Which this business tirill be conducted Dayton's Beauty Salon
1?. �isiness telephone mm:ber 612-292-5214
1Q. Attaca to this application, a detailed description of the 3esign, location, and
square °ootage oP the p*e�nises to be licensed see attached
: . �re p*emises nor+ occupied Yes What bLSines�ayton's Beauty H��. lone 2 rs,
. � ,",.�-� .._ _ . �r- ��.�,��
� . � 20. List license w."•ich y�u c�srrently hold, or former� heZd, or may have an intere
in Plinnesota Sophia lnc. has a state shop license
Salon manager has her managing cosmetologist's license.
21. Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked, Yes
N� � _. If answer is ��yes'�, list dates and reasons:
<^_2, Do you have ar. interest of any type in aqy other business or business premises.
I° answer is "yes", list business, business address and telephone number. No
2?. I'' business is incorporated, give date of incorooration 0�/23/ 19 50
an� attach cooy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes oP first meeting.
2�. List z1Z oP°icers of the corporation giving their names, oPPice held, hame
address, and home and business telephone numbers :
Seyimur Finkelstein, Pres. 27 Sheldrake Dr. Scarsdale, NY 212-471-8973
Nathan Finkelstein, Cham. 111 E. 56th Street, NY, NY
F�na.nuel Finkelstein, Treas. 192 West Shore Rd. , Kings Pt. , �IY
25. if business is partnership, list partner(s) add_ress and telephane n�bers:
Name Address Te1.Fo.
25. ?s there ar�ycne e2se Who will hav�;�gn"��n�ereat` irr �his ousineas or premiaes?
Zf answer is "yes", give name, "'�i'ime 'ad'dr�`s$;"t��e�orie n�bers and in r+hat
manner is their interest: NO
27. Are you goin� to onerate this business personally Z�n iP not, who xill vperate
1± � 4729 So. 3rd Ave.
ftane Diane Diederichs��alon P�lanager Home address N'�eapolis, MN �1.Ao.823-0879
- a�
. (��>- '�
Are vou �oinK to l:ave a !+��.naF;er or assistant in this business? If answer is
��yes�', give nar�e and ho:rie address and home teleph be •
4�9 r'S�'�'o. 3�rd Ave.
Nar+e Dz�e Diederichs Home address r�i�.eapolis, r'�1 Te1.N�823-0879
?9. Has any�ne you have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? If
answer is ��yes", list nar,ie of person, dates cf arrest, where, charges, convic-
tions and sentence i10
��, I Plathan �inkelstein understand this premise m�y be in-
spected by the police, :ire, health and other city officials at andr and ali
times when the business is in operation.
State of ��� New York
Cour.ty of � ) rlew York �`
� —`1
Signatu.re of Applicgn±
Nathan Finkelstein being Yirst duly sworn, deposes and sa�ys upon
oath that he has read the Foregoing statement bearing his signatuxe and knows the
conter.ts thereo_°, and thst the ssme is true of h�s own ?u�awledge except as to those
matte:•s therein stated upor informati�n and belief and as to �hose matters he be-
lieves them to be true.
Subscribed and sWOrn to bePoze me ,/ �"�� Chair.n�,an
Si�nature of Applicant
this 3rd day of March 19 87
,) �•:'
i/l�z,.c L'-c�-=.,c_.._ c _;—.�
N�ta:-y` ublic, Raiase?��-�-�=j��irmesttt-�
'�y co�nission expires
Notarl►Public.Stab ot Naw Y�Mft
��M fMwllb�lt Qoul� � 7
fIpI1N MKdf 7R l�i!■�L
n° i5
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