87-443 �Y WHITE — CITV CLEftK PtNK . — F�trlbNCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ��,� CANAF'+ — DEPARTMENT File NO• � e4u���MaNOR O�din�nce Ordinance N0. "��7��d r` Presente By � � �/ / Referred To '� � ���= Committee: Date �'��� Out of Committee B Date n Ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules y establishing the classifications of Manager f Facility Maintenance, Manager of Facility perations and Manager of Facility Planning in he Unclassified Service. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That the Civ' 1 Service Rules be amended by adding to Section 34, Unclassified Positions, immedi tely following 34.N, the following: 34.0 T e following positions are hereby placed in the Unclassified S rvice of the City of Saint Paul: M nager of Facility Maintenance M nager of Facility Operations M nager of Facility Planning 34.P M'nimum qualifications for such Unclassified positions shall be: 1 . M nager of Facility Maintenance. Graduation from college with a d gree in engineering or architecture, registration. as a p ofessional engineer or professional architect in the State of innesota, and five years of experience in the management, planning, dministration, or direction of building construction, maintenance, nd repair of institutional buildings. 2, anager of Facility Operations. College degree in engineering, egistration as a professional engineer in the State of Minnesota, nd five years' experience in the area of facility operation or onstruction or design including three years of major supervision es onsibilit . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew N��os�e In Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson i Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Da e Certified Passed by Council S cretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - UTV CLERK 1 PINK - �N�NCE COl1RC11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT YAUL � B4U E, . �MAV OR File N O. �� � � Ordindnce Ordinance N O. ����d Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date —2 — 3. Manag r of Facility Planning. Graduation from college with a degre in architecture; and four years of experience as a desig er; must be registered as a professional Architect in the State of Minnesota. Secti.on 2. This ordi.nanc shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after passage, approval, and publi.cation..once i.n the Legal Ledger. Adopted by the Civi.l Service Commi.ssi.on on 5-21-87 . ��/(/, Margaret 5 dler, Cha .r i.vi er i.ce ommi s �on COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays � Re uested b Department of: -�- P�R ONNE OFFICE N�cos�e In Favor Rettman Scheibel '� Sonnen A ga1RSt Tedesco Wilson MAY - 5 �g87 Form Approved by Attorney Adopted by Council: Da e Certified Pas e b i S cr r BY gy a Appro by Mayor: D � AY 2 n 1987 Appro y Mayor for Sub ' io to Cou il s BY �g�p MAY � 0 1987 i �y� ' ` � � �� ���� l�?° _ 0�64 PerscSnnel Offi�e ' � PART"MENT' l��d. � C�NTACT 4221 ONE 3-19-87 Tf .��'y� . � 1 S NUNBER FDR R4 ING ORDER Cli 11 Locations for Si ature : Department Direc r � 3 Qirector of Management/Mayor Finance and Mana n Services Di�rector � 4 City Clerk � Budg@t D�1"2CtOr i 5 Civi1 Service Commission � 2 City Attorney _ ; j � � '� � � � . i AT WILL BE ACHIEYE 9Y AKING AGTI ON THE ATTAGHED MAT RIALS? (Purpos.e/ . � Rationale) : ; j This Ordinance amen th Civil Servi�e Rules by establish'ng the classifications of Manager ; of Facility Main�ten ce, Manager of F cility Operations, d Manager of Facility Planning, � in the Unclassified ervi ce and setti�ig the minimum qualifications of each position. � � i � � REC�I�I�D � ' OST BENEFIT BUQGE Y D PERSQNNfL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED; � MAR 2 01987 � None. These titles re or the Scho 1 District. `�� i ; � CITY q�TT��lVEY � . ; �� � ; � , j I FINANCING SOURCE AN BU ET ACTIVITY I�BER CHARGED OR CRE ITED: (Mayor�s signa- ; ture not re- . Total Amount of' an ction: i quired if under i _ " �10,000) Fu�ding Source: " Activity Number: j • � � � � � � �CEIY,'�',,,� I ATTACHMENTS List N ber All Att �chments : 1 . ordinance ' �� �AR � I 2. Copy. for City erk { _ •� e� �987 � i � MAYp�S OFF , �CE . i � , . ! qEPAR MENT REVIEW C TY ATTQRNEX REVIEW � es No Coun 1 solution Req ired? ' R solution Required? Yes No � �Yes � Insu nce Required? I surance Sufffcient? Yes No Yes No In�u nce Attached: ' I (SEE •REyERS�E SIDE FtiR IPtSTRUCTI S) . � � j Revised 12/84 j � � , ; i � -���°���^��uo CITY OF SAINT PAUL =°:�'t' °•;-,, `�' ='= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;� �; ;,, �nm ;; ;:� �� ,.Q� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK '�,, = a����im���c��"�� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ��� 611-298-4231 CEORGE LATIMER MAYOR � � May 5, 1987 6 ��� . �' �� � � Civil Service Comanission Room 265, Cit Hall Dear Commissi n Members: Ordinance I herewith s 't for your consideration the attached r��ri�xtiorr(s) amending the ivil Service Rules adopted at today's City Council meeting: C.F. 87 3 Very truly yo rs, G%�',�'�,t,�; �;�. ,�.� Albert B. O1 n � City Clerk ABO:th . , , � . - . .. . �,`-����� � � 17��d CLASS SERIES STUDY CLASS TI E_ Manaaer of Facilitv Plannin ; Mana er of Facilit Maintenance; Manager of Facility Operations INCUMB These are new positions. AUDiT R ESTID BY �ene SigVertsen DATE Nov. 1986 IF REQUE TED BY II�LOYEE, DID HEAD OF DEPARTMENT APPROVE REQUEST? NA AUDITED Y Fred S. Hdider : DATE MarCh 2, 1987 PERSONS ONTACTED Jene Sigvertsen, Jan Magnuson cot�rlTS The School District is requesting that these positions be pl ced in unclassified service. ttEC ATION It is recommended that an Ordinance amending the Civil S rvice Rules be drafted to establtsh the sub�ect positlons in uncl ssified service and placing them in Grade 24 of the Pr�ofess onal Administrative . TE 3-3-87 " � APP�OVAL OF DIRECTOR OF PERSONN DATE U ' . . . . . . � �z_�� • � . � � � � r 7�-So Cla.ss Series Report Positions: ger of Facility Planning ger of Facility Mainbenanoe age r of F'a.ci li ty Ope ratians Audi tor: F d S. Aaide r BACRC�CAND In July, 1986 the School Board approv+ed a reorganization of the Divisi� of School P1 t Planning a.nd Ma.intenanoe. In Nowember, 1986, the St. Paul Public School F�rsonnel Offioe aslfled us to develop class specifications for Manager o Fadlity Mainbena.noe, Manager of Facility Operations, and Ma.nager of Fa ility Planning. Cb January 9, 1987, Jene Sigv�ertsen, notified this offioe of his intsnt to abolish the title of Building Maintenanoe rdinator after the incumbent, Richard Ida.nning, retires June 30, 1987. Mr Sigve rtsen noted that the "reoent reorganization study and plan for the pa.rtment significantly cha.nges the respansibilities of th�e position" and of their desire to appoint s �lanager of Facility Naintena.noe in unclassifi d serviae. Ch Januarq 23, 1987, Mr. Sigvertsen ask+ed us for review a.nd side ration for eaemption of three positia�ns f rom classified �ervioe (Mana r of Facility Operatians, Manager of Facility Planning and Manage r of Fa li ty blainbenanoe). DESCRIPTICNS I. Mana of Facili rations Tbe position performs oomplea manageMal and administrativ�e work planning, directing an supervising the operation of building facilities program including ee rlty operations, energy m�.na.gement a.nd landscape planning and m�in�e oe. This positi� exercises direct supervisia�n over the Supe rvi sor o G�stodial Se rvi oes, the E'ne rgy Conse zvation Eaginee r, and La.ndsca.pe Te hnician. This position directly and indirectly superviaes mone than 25 employees. As a member f a School District 6�anagement �eam this positi� plans and directs the rall custodial operations; implements a.nd oversees district e�rgy me�na ment and aonse rvation programs pursuant to F�ede ral E�e rgy Management licies and Prooedures; designs, reviews and approves mechanica.l struction projects and modifications of engineering work; develops sho and long range planning documents and implements projects for the Ope tions Division; ov�ersees the annual divisia�al budgets; and enforoes es blished operating policies a.nd prooedures and recoo�moends changes in licies and proaedures when warranted. II. Mana of Facili Plannin Tl�e position perfonns highly respcusible administrative and professi.onal architieCtura work in the design, utiliza.tion, and inspection of buildings; d directs the activities of architectural pla.nning. As a member of t School District Management 7Jeam this position plans, delegates, rdinates and reviews the work of subordinate architects, � � � � , , �� � � �. � � �,���-��a � � i ��� engineers, de igners, and planners in the p�paration of designs, deta.iled . plans, specif cation and cost estimates of buildings, and minor and m�jor ca.pital impro ments. This policq position analyzes propoeed development sites and des gn alternatives; advises the School Board on m�tters of r+emodeling ea sting building and canstructing new buildings. Under direction of he School Board and F�oecutive Director of School Plant Planning and inbenanoe the incumbent will prep�re final plans, details and specifica ians; conducts oonstructian inspectians to ensure oode complianc�e; d provide constructian me.nagement. The position lso administiers constnicti� cantracts for design work pe rformed by sultants and caztractors and manages spaoe planning and building util zatiaas, inte rior planning and iastallations a.nd minor renovatio�ns. III. Ma.na of Facili blain�enanoe The position rforms highly responsible administrative and supervisory work directi all mainbenanoe and repair of School District facilities. This positi bas responsibility to manage a.nd rec,omQend personnel action and to estab ish and assign workload baeed upa� School Board priorities and to monit r and control the n�intenanoe division zesouroes. This position exe ises direct supe rvision ove r craft foreman of Painting, Cgrpentry, S tmetal, Electrical, Pipefitting, Plumbing, and Glazing. As a member f the School District Mana�er T�eam this positi� oversees da.ily me�inte ae which includes the interior and exterior of the building, p ventive m�intienanoe and repair of all School District Prope rties. The incumbent dev�elops prog�ms and monitors an annual divisionsl get. The position also authorizes the requesting of parts, supplies, me. Mals, tools and equipment neoessazy to carrq out the depa rtment's building maintenanoe program. The position also prepares reports of visional activities and directs the p�paratian of all vperatians d employee records of fifty plus staff inembers reporting through this division. CaIPARISCriS WITA SPECIFICATICNS Camp�.risons re m�.de of the described positions �vith specificatians of Building Mai benanoe Coonlinator, (�stodian Engineer V, l�aintenanoe and Cgpitol Imp ment Planner, Principal Designer, Pro�e rty Nana$e r, Supervi�or o Building Uesign and Pla.n Review and Supervisor of Custodial 9er�r3.oes. I was nevealed that the praposed positions aYe substa.ntislly diffe rent f any other class and that different minimum qualificatians are iequired. Specifications for lsanager of Facility Planning, Nanager of Facility Ma.i tenanoe and l�anager of Facility Operations �ere dev�eloped and are provided in the appendix. ftDQUEST FQt EXDKPTICN FRCM CLASSIFIID SERVIGE The St. Pau School District desires to hawe tt�e�e positions established in the Dncl ssified Serviae. The reasons for requesting e�emption from � � . � , �. � � �. � � ������ � � � � � , 7��v • classified se c�e include: 1. These pol cy me.king positions are me.nagement level positions with braad res sibility that requires the management skills to perform speciali d servioes at the highest a.nd most camplea levels, leadershi in the develapment and implementa.tion of divisional progre�.ms, as �ell as masterq of architecture and/or engi�eering. These pos tions direct and manage large budgets and staff neoessa.rq to operate a d nnintain all public school real estate. 2. These pos tions report to the Superintendent of Schools, Associate Superinbe dent Administrative Servioes, Boa.rd of Education and their c�ittee , thraugh the F�ecutive Director of School Pla.nt Planning and Main nanoe. They are espected to develop and ca.rry out policy for the 1 Board and Superintendent of Schools. 3. Jerye Si rtsen states that these �w positions me�y need "modifica ions in specific job duties and scopes of responsibility to most app priabely satisfy the mana.gement needs of the ciepartment. F�riodic d�ustments wauld most appropriately and efficiently be handled raugh contractual change ra.ther the�n through the lengthier, more ea prooess of seeking modification of a job description." 4. The sub ct positions are similar in nature to other positions, both within t City a.nd School District, assigned to uncla.ssified se rviae. Posi ti ans such as: Prope rty Ibanage r, Deputy Di rector of Aausing, Director of Food Servioe, E�necutiv�e Assistant to the Superin ndent, and a variety of other School District positions. 5. It is t desire of the Superintendent of Schools, and Associate Superin ndent of Administrative Servioes that these positians be plaoed i the Uncla.ssified 9ervioe of the City of St. Paul. SUIY�IARY The descMbe positions are similar to other unclassified positians in that they a instnimental in setting policy for their Agency or Depa.rtment. These positions, through the Emecutive DiYector of Plant Planning and Maintenanoe, will carry aut the ge�ral directiv�es of the School Board and Superintendent of Schools. RECU�MENDATI CN It is � nded that an Ordinanoe amending the Civil Service Rules be drafted to e tablish the classifica.tians of �danager of Facility Maintanenaoe, Ma.nager of Facility Operations, and �anager of Facility Planning in be Unclassified Servioe and set minimum qua.lifications for said positi s; and that an Administrative Resolution amending the Salaxy Plan and Ra. s of Caapensation be drafted to plaae the sub�ect positions in Grade 24 of the Professia�a.l Administrativ�e Graup. . . � W � . � . �� � � �� � � . � - � � �� �� . � � � � y � � � �� � � _ � � � � � b � 4 � � � � � � � " ~ � � � � - - . . > ► � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � ; � � � � � � � � . � W � ' �4 � � � < W � 1 i � � a � � � : N � � � � � � _ � V � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � Q � � W� �� - � ` � � � � g �� � � � �� � � �� � � � � �� �- . � � � � � � � � � � �", � �� . � ,� � � � _� . � � � �,,� � . � � � � � � � � o� � �����- � � . � , • ' � . • . . (,� �� • ' � ' � /7 MANAGER OF FACILITY PLANNING DESCRIPTION OF ORK General State ent of Duties: Performs highly responsible supervisory and pro essional rchitectural work in the investigation� design� utilization, and inspectio of buildings; directs the activities of the school planning ' division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision R ceived: Works under general supervision of the Executive Director o P ant P anning and Maintenance. Su ervision ercised: Exercises general supervision over professional and technical emp oyees. TYPICAL DUTIES ERFORMED Plans� delega es, supervises� coordinates and reviews the work of subordinate architects. e ineers� designers, planners, and draftsmen in the preparation of designs� tailed plans, specifications and cost estimates of buildings, minor and ma� r capital improvements, preventive maintenance and related programs. Provides assi tance and advice regarding buildings and their setting; analyzes � proposed deve opment sites; prepares architectural and design alternatives. � . Participates n preliminary planning and discussion of new buildings and remodeling of existing units. Prepares fina plans� details, and specifications; conducts construction ,, inspections; d provides construction management. • Prepares stan rd specifications. Ensures code ompliance requirements are met. Check plans f r safety and conformance to building codes. Administers c nstruction contracts for design work performed internally or by outside consu tants; reviews plans for private architects and engineers and recommends ch nges; directs activities of consultants and/or contractors. Manages space planning and building utilizations� interior planning and installations, minor renovations and the maintenance of accurate facility plans and drawings. Directs the p eparation of studies and reports outlining short and long range facilities pl ns. Plans, imple nts and directs the preventive maintenance program. Develops pro ams and monitors the annual divisional budgets. � " � � . . �� � � �� � � �,,�= �7-`��/.� - . � . � � 7,�/S� KNOWLEDGE, SKI AND ABILITIES Considerable k owledge of architectural design, site planning� and construction practices. Considerable k owledge of applicable building codes such as State Life Safety Code, State Bu lding Code, Uniform Building Code and Health Code. Ability to pla , supervise and evaluate the work of others. , Ability to pre are and assemble complete and accurate plans� designs, drawings, pers ectives and models. Ability to dea tactfully and effectively with developers, architects, contractors, b ilding industry representatives and the public. Ability to fol ow and to issue complex written and oral instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFI TIONS Graduation fro college with a degree in architecture; and four years of experience as designer; must be registered as a professional Architect in the State of Minne ota. � � � � . . . � � � � . �- �y-�y� � � MANAGER OF FACILITY OPERATIONS • /7�d DESCRIPTION 0 WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs complex managerial work planning, directi�g and supervising the daily operation of fa- cilities rogram including housekeeping, security operations, energy. ma agement, and grounds maintenance; and performs related duties as required. . Su ervisi n Received: Works under the direct supervision of the Executive Director of Plant Planning and Maintenance. Su ervisi n Exercised: Exercises direct supervision over the Super- visor of ustodial Services, the Energy Conservation Engineer and the Landscape Technician. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED Manages, lans and programs the overall custodial operations a�d housekeep ng program for all facilities. Plans, di ects, implements and supervises district energy management and conse vation program including an automated energy management and central s curity system, federal and local funded energy projects, and energy ma agement policies and procedures. Designs, eviews, a�d/or approves plans, drawings, specifications, and cost stimates for mechanical construction projects, modifications and engin ering work. Directs, rograms and manages the district grounds maintenance and .. landscapi g program. Develops nd implements short and long range planning documents for the Opera ions Division. � Oversees �d manages the preparation, submission and monitoring of the annual di isional budgets. , Researches methods, procedures and techniques for facility operation and maint nance improvements a�d develops plans for their implementation. Plans, del gates, supervises and reviews the work of operation, cus- todial , se urity, energy and grounds employees. Directs th preparation of divisional reports and maintenance of records. Recortme�ds policies and procedures changes and enforces established policies a d procedures. T _ Performs e gineering research, analysis and recommendations development. Performs r lated duties as assigned. � " - � . . "� � �� � � lF ��-��� � � � � iyy� ' KNOWLEDGE, SKI LS AND ABILITIES Considera le knowledge of management principles and supervision techniques. Considerab e knowledge of the principles and theories of m�chanical engineerin and the methods, techniques,equipment a�d materials as- sociated w'th mechanical systems and equipment. Knowledge f general housekeeping and grounds maintenance procedures, materials, equipment and methods. Abiiity to plan and administer budgets. Ability to construct and modify long range work plans. Ability to establish and maintain effective communications with administra ors, supervisors and subordinates. Ability to coordinate, delegate and supervise the work of others. Considerab e ability to prepare and present written and oral reports and recomm �dations. MINIMUM QUALIFI ATIONS College de ree in engineering, registration as a professional engineer in the Sta e of Minnesota, and five years' experience in the area of facility o eration or construction or design including three years of major supe vision responsibility. -. . - ., . . . ����y� � � � � � ��� MANAGER OF FACILITY MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTION 0 WORK • General S atement of Duties: Pe rforms responsible supervisory work directing employees engaged in the maintenance and repair of School District facilities; and performs related duties as required. Su ervisi n Received: Works u�der the ge�eral direction of the Exe- cutive Di ector of School Plant Planning and Maintenance. Su ervisi n Exercised: Exercises within the unit general supervision of techni al , skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled building trades employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The liste examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Direct the scheduling and assigning of repairs and routine main- tenanc of all School District facilities. Develo s, programs, a�d monitors an annual divisional budget. Superv ses and evaluates divisional staff. Determ nes the �eed for and authorizes the requisitioning of parts, suppli s, materials, tools and equipment necessary to carry out the depar ent's building maintenance program. Determ nes the need for personnel by hiring and/or laying off per- sonnel as necessary. Direct the estimating of costs of maintenance and repairs. Oirect and is responsible for all operating and employee records of the division. Prepar s reports of divisional activities as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKI LS AND ABILITIES - Knowledge of the management process and the methods and techniques of supervisi g personnel . Knowledge of building maintenance and repair methods and techniques. ' Knowledge f institutional building construction methods and techniques related t the areas of general , mechanical and electrical construction. Knowledge f federal , state and local laws impacting upon the maintenance and repai of buildin9s. , ' • , , .. , . /�,r.��5� (�� � • � f Knowledge of safe and proper work practices in building mainte�a�ce • and repai operations. Abiiity to establish and maintain effective commu�ications with administra ors, supervisors and subordinates. - - Ability to interpret construction drawings and specifications for institutio al buildings. . � Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIF CATIONS Graduation from college with a degree in engineering or architecture; and five y ars of experience in the management of building construction or buildin maintenance, and repair of institutional buildings. Must be re istered as a professional Engineer or professional Architect in the Sta of Minnesota. ^ . � � � � �` � � z z a�,a � z H ►-1 p(, C'"(\ o �ja °° z o4 00 p �n �° d � °o V � 0 � � Z � � W N Cz7 t!� u1 O �r1 � O �7 1 W O � W D I O E~+ 1 v] I� I I d �' � t� awo a �a �n o0 o i � aN ~ � � E°-� a °p E'-'-+ c °o H w () Q w w w � � � A t!� A t? O �f!? V} C9 � z � �~ � z HOO °o ;° �'' °o � �n o w ~ � av�i � � o .a �n o ao a � �n � aa '�^ � i av, o i i = w i � wr, o i � ° °o i � ao v � .`�'o a °o � `"� o � � � H t!� � E O F-1 u1 00 'J M fr1 d � E�i `� a v�r a vr vr �+ P4 H Q A c�i� W W �r Uz � �O H O 6z z 00 ►.a O U �'1 W O �O � OE ON U W � .WM' � Z � � '�. tn u1 Q,' U w H w H � �-I W C7 � PG � f�r �z � W � � � Il C7 C d w N O W 1 c� I f�+ 1 Z c �" P+ �o H Z O u� W c H � N az �+ �zu, u, M a �r, � � °v W °r°, o � � ra+ c W � � v�i ~ v�i p�G vMr � V ` � H A � � � H H �1 � � W U � V � H a W U � U U H N d � � - (��%7-��.� ,�;, � � CITY OF SAI�7T PgUL � . r����� i7��. ;.,.;;!i��;'�,rj OB'I1'ICF OF TH� CITY COUYCIL — . •-� • ` �' '�� .=�.- e. ,:,� ... `..- , — �omrnittee Report � � � . - �. ::`��= � �:� ce l�ana eme�t & Personnel Committee. APRIL 16,.. 1987 1. Continuation of di cussion of the shift of seasonal swimming, O�cford Pool, and Municipal Stadium rom the Special Fund budget to the General Furtd budget. discussed 2. Presentation of t Comprehensive Einancing Plan for Capital Improvements i.n the Division of Parks nd Recreation. discussed 3. Approval of minut s from meeting held Agril 2, 1987. approved 4. Resolution establ shing the titles and specifications for the new titles of City Planning Aide in rade 22, Technical Group and City Planaing Technician in Grade 29, Technical Gro p. approved 5. Resolution• establ shing the rate of pay for the title of City Planning Aide in _ ' � Grade 22, Section I D 2 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution, and for the title of City Planning Technician in Grade 29, Section I D 2, Technical Standar Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoluti.on, and that all incu bents of Planning Aide I class be moved into new �class of City _ . .. _____.r_- - -- - - _.._�_ �_ _ Planning Aide. a roved 6. Ordinance amendin Section 34 of the Civil Service Rules by establishing the classifications o Manager of Facility Ma.intenance, Manager of Facility Operations, and Manager of Fa ility Planning in the Unclassified Service (duplicate ordiaance submitted) . with rawn er Councilmember Scheibel 7. Resolution amendi g the rate of pay for the titles of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Man er of Facility Qperations, and Ma.nager of Facility Planaing in Grade 24, Sect on V, Subsection D of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution (dupl' ate resolution submitted) . withdrawn per Councilmember Scheibel 8. {�d�.nance �mlendi g the Civil .Service-Rules by establishing the classffications of . Manager of F�cil tq Maintenance, Manager of Facility Operations �d:Manager of ' Facility Fla nin in the Unclassified Service. � approved 9. Resolution amend ng the Salary Plan and Rates. of Compensation Resolution in establishing the rate of pay for classifications of Manager of Facility Maintenance, Manager of Facil ty Operations and Manager of Facility Planning in Grade 24, Section V, Uncla sified positions. approved 10. Resolution estab ishing the position of Human Rights Program Analyst in the • Classified Servi .e at Grade 47 of the Technical Bargaining Unit, Section I D 2 of the Salary P1 n and Rates of Compensation, and abolishing the titles of , Human Rights Ana yst - Researcher and Affirmative Action Off icer, and appointing John Huyen to po ition of Human Rights Program Analyst (laid over from ApriI. 2) . apvroved as ame ded CITy H?,I.I, SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,biINNESOTA 5510Z a mQ°�ae ... _,._. _ . _ ---__.._ . __ _/ . . . _ ....... . _---- .._ ..,.__..-.._T--...,...,._,.-._.-�.,-:...,.�+w..._. , ..1LG x.crvnl . . . •�E, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - ; _.i 16, 1987 ' ;e 2 lZ. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $21,646 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Police Department - Patrol Division (laid over from April 2) . aooroved 12. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by adding $57,200 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Public Works Engineering Fund (upgrade of pyramid computer). laid over to 4/23 13. Resolution releasing monies from CIB Special Contingency Fund for the Cleveland/ Highland traffic signal. approved 14. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by transferring $26,873 from Contingent Reserve to Co�unitq Services Department - Parks and Recreation Division - Shade Tree Disease Control. approved 15. Resolution amending the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $378,000 from Short Line Sanitary trunk to Hawthorne/Ruth Storm Sewer; and $293,703.71 from Saint Anthony Hill/Elfelt/Lafond; and $89,069 from McAfee/ Arlington Relief Sewer to Phalen Creek Sanitary Interceptor (�482,772.71) . approved 16. Resolution authorizing amending No. 3 to the lease agreement between the city of Saint Paul and Mi.11street Investment for additional space located in the Hill Street Municipal Warehouse Complex. approved 17.. . Re_solution auzhorizing execution of a _2-y_ear lease agreement between the city '} - _ ___-- - •- of Saint Paul and the state of Minnesota for land owned by the state and located � on the west side of I-35 between Granite and Cayuga for playground purposes. approved • 18. Resolution authorizing execution of grant agreement and contract between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the city of Saint Paul for � the CDBG Year RIII Program. approved 19. Resolution authorizing an agreement between the city of Saint Paul and Jebco Properties Inc. on behalf of Citywide Information Services for rental of space in the Commerce Building (laid over from Ma.rc12 19). approved 20. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Robims Zelle Larson and Raplan Law Firm whereby said firm will furnish attorneys to work in the Criminal Division of the City Attorney's Office without cost to the eity. approved • � � . ��'_� . . I . . , I � ZSt '`'' ` �- ' � =2nd ��.�'�(�'� � --%" i 3rd ' r- ,f" Adopted �`` ;_�`r�% eas Nays � � � DREW � � � �., ����,., - - � NiCOSIA � �->� ��%� � � � � � /f�-�z; �rrr� . , . . ' � SCHEIBEL 4 � � S ON:�TEN � � I # �dILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO ( � . � ; . � i