87-424 N�HITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �a . / . CANAf7V - DEPARTMENT C� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� � Council Resolution ��� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, rticle III , Section 5c of the City of St. Paul ' s franchise ordi ance (Ordinance No. 17071) with Continental Cable- vision of St. Paul , Inc. requires that ' Continental coordinate with the City the planning and implementation of all pilot demon- stration proj cts for the cable system' s institutional network; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes th appropriate City officials to execute on behalf of the City the attached Memorandum of Understanding with Continental . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nieosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen � __ Against BY Tedesco w�i�� A�'� 2 ' ��$7 Form A'pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: D te Certified P s•e b C uncil e ar By ��� �' I�Z2�^�L .3—.Z..3��� By� !, p7� Approv by Mavor. Da H�''" " ��UJ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B - — BY PU$ItSNED ��.��►� 111987 F • / ' ' ••., jG�� � '� - L���`i ` ' � "`• �. � • ` , • • SO! CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUfvI �,���t.wl ;��:.`'_' March 24, 1987 �•.�; _� ;? � �,;)!i� COUt1CIL fvlu:i�cfi rii1C1 SOi:';�':i"J . M E M O R A N D M TO: Councilm mber Kiki Sonnen, Chair Energy, tilities & Environment Committee ! Councilm mber Janice Rettman Councilm mber James Scheibel Councilm mber William Wilson FROM: Jane A. cPeak v�„_„A Deputy C ty Attorney � (����' RE: Institut' onal Network Pilot Demonstration Projects Attached please find copies of: l . A propose Memorandum of Understanding to be executed by , the City a d Continental Cablevision; and 2. A Resoluti n authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute su h an agreement. Both Linda Ca p and I will be at tomorr�ow' s meeting to answer any questions ou may have. JAM: jr , Enc. cc: Linda Ca p � � " � ��-�/dy MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memo andum of Understanding is executed this day of , 1987 , by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL (hereafter, " ity" ) and CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION OF SAINT PAUL, INC. (hereafte "Continental" ) . Article II , Sections 5b and Sc (Ordinance Number 17071) of the City' s franchise ordinance with Continental provide that: "Company shall further establish and administer an Institut ' onal Network Development Fund to facilitate municipa anci non-profit uses of the system through pilot de onstration projects as described in Section IX-E of ompany' s application. Pilot projects shall include ut not be limited to the areas of energy � manageme t , remote meter reading, data transmission and in-s rvice training. Should future circumstances • render i practical or unnecessary a proposed pilot demonstr tion project, the City, in consultation with the Company, shall designate an alternative project rovided that such project remains withir� the fin cial parameters of the Institutional Network Develop ent Fund. C�mpany shall provide support to the Institutional Network Development Fund in the following amounts : $125 , 00 in Year 2; $125,000 in Year 3 ; $125 , 000 in Year 4 ; and $125,000 in Year 5 . These funds shall b used to provide all facilities, equipment, ��annin and technical assistance in connection with im lementation of the pilot demonstration project . Company shall coordinate with the City in plan ing and implementing ali pilot demonstration . project and no funds shall be expended to implement any suc projec t without the City' s prior written approv 1 . If Company expends funds in Year 1 for planni g ptzrposes in connection with any pilot demcns ration project, such expenditure shall be credit d against Company' s obligation for financial suppor in Years 2 through 5. " • , . ��- �7 y��l In order �o enable the City to effectively administer these pilot demonst ation projects and to afford Continental an oppor- tunity to ass ss the commercial practicability of these projects, the City and ontinental agree that: 1 . Inc uding funds previously expended and mutually veri- fied by the City and Continental , $250,000.00 of Continental ' s total commit nt of $500, 000.00 shall be made available as needed to the City f r implementation of demonstration projects. 2. The demonstration projects to be implemented are: Cen ral Library Network Ded cated City Link Pri e Computer Project (link to City Hall ) Pub ic Works Link to Dale Street Lib ary Automation Fir Training Project � r PuLlic Safety Building Network � Pu lic Safety Annex Network Ci y Hall Courthouse Building Network . �� y Hall Annex Building Network . Pu lic Health Building Network • 3. Th City' s procurement proces$ shall be used to purchase all interfa e and user equipment for the demonstration projects; 2. . � � - � , . G,�---�y_ y�� 4. The City shall own and maintain all interface and user equipment pu chased with funds from the Institutional Network Development F nd; 5. Cont nental shall own and maintain all wiring; 6. In December of 1988 , after all projects have become operational , the City and Continental shall commence an inde- pendent revi w and evaluation of such projects to be conducted by an evalua or agreed upon by the City and Continental and in accordance w' th standards previously determined by mutual agree- ment of the City and Continental . From the initial $250,000.00 � referred to 'n Paragraph 1 , the City and Continental shall agree upon an amou t to be reserved for this purpose . This Me orandum shall not be construed to alter in any way the City' s osition that monies allocated to the Institutional Network Deve opment Fund are specifically exempted from inclusion. in the �franc ise fee payment required by Ordinance No. 17071 . Contine tal reserves the right to seek a credit against franchise f es in the future for moni.es expended from the Insti- tutional Net ork Development Fund. This emorandum is executed pursuant to the requirement of franchis ordinance Article III , Section 5c that Continental coordinate ith the City the planning and implementation of all pilot demon tration projects and shall not be construed to effect a material hange in Article III , Sections 5b or 5c of Ordinance Number 1707 . 3 . . . . . C�=�y-�Iay . ' r , CONTINENTAL CA LEVISION OF SAINT PAUL, INC. CITY OF SAINT PAUL By By Mayor BY BY Director of Finance and Management Services By Cable Officer Approved as t Form: Deputy City ttorney " r 4. � ' " CITY OF 1SAINT PAU'L . �,�" �7--�/�'� -• �,�r OFFICf� OF TH� CITY COIINCIL � ...........� �'.�,�.,. D a i`e : �gCH 26, 1987 _ C4MMITT � E � RE PORT TQ = Sa�nt Pau i City Council � F R O M = Ci O m ir t e e o h ENERGY, UTILITIES & ENVIRONMENT MARCA 25, 1987 C H A I COUNCILMEMBER KIKI SONNEN 1. Approval of minutes rom meeting held February 25, 1987. Approved 2. Letters of the South est Area District Council and Earth Protector, Inc. � encouraging the City Council to investigate the Ford Plant Waiver and the implications of its ossible extension. Approved plan for handling air quality-- health related com 1 ints and referred resolution to full Council. . 3. Report on City Counc l�s Environmental Task Force recpmmendations for a wildlife and natural resource preservation policy. Discussed - y�, � ;ti� _ CITY HALL SEVBNTN FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS102 •�a