87-421 WHITE - C�TV CLERK '� PINK -'�INANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council [/��. ,/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. v �_ / �/ BLUE - MAVOR _ x Return copy to: CQUnC ' Resol �ion Valuations - Room 218 (DN) (BaldwinLk) 7 ' � -- Presented By ` , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By I Date WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul by Resolution 87-29 on January 8, 1987 declare certain property surplus an�d requested its Department of Finance & Ma agement Services sell this excess property for the fair market value as determined by the City's valuation engineer, through Bid Proposal and all proceeds from the sale less Administrative costs be deposited to the Water Utility funds, �and WHEREAS, the Department of Finance� and Management Services has thereby adv rtised for sale a portion of said property known as Baldwin Cana right-of-way described as follows: � PARCBL 1 � A piece of land situated inlLot Two (2) of Section T irty-one (31) Township Thirty-one (31) Range Twenty- t o (22) according to the ULS. Survey descr ibed as f llows vis: Commencing at � stake West of the South E st corner of said Lot Two (�) Three Hundred and Five ( 05) feet distant, thence W�st on the south Line of L t Two (2) Seven Hundred an�l Thirty (730) feet to a p int; thence North Four Hund�red and Sixty (460) feet t a point on the Meander L$ne of said Lot Two (2) ; t ence following said Meander Line of said Lot Two (2) t a stake on point on said line; thence South Nine H ndred (900) feet to th� place of beginning ; c ntaining approximately Ten (10) acres of land. H reby meaning to convey the Shore of the Lake and the w ter thereof Sub Servient to the land described . PABCSL 2 A strip of land One Hundred (100) feet wide, over and a ross the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, COUNC[LMEN Requeste�! by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia ln Favor m Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ AgBinst BY � Dire Tedesco �1^ Wilson � �(v� Adopted by Council: Dat Form Ap�iroved b City Attorney �� Certified Passed by Council Se retary BY � C v` 5 sy� Approved by :Navor. Date _ Appr ed by Mayor for Sub ion Co�lrcil BY - — ` � . ���„r° ,�' j- �!_ t t e Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the S uthwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of S ction Thirty-One (31) township Thirty-One (31) Range T enty-Two ( 22 ) , according to the U.S . Survey , d scribed as follows : A strip of land One Hundred ( 00) feet wide, being Fifty (50) feet on each side of t e center line of the right-of-way of the Saint Paul W ter Works according to map Number 1 of their new e tension, recorded in the Office of the Register of D eds of Anoka County in Book "B" of Plats on Page 8 , d cument Number 5879 containing approximately Seven a d one-tenth (7-1/10) acres of land according to said p at , and WHEREAS legitimate bids have been received for both Parcel 1 and Parcel 2; an WHEREA , the Department of Finance & Management Services recommends ward of the bid for Parcel 1 to D. Patrick McCullough of 905 Parkway Drive , Saint Paul , for his bid of $23 , 500.00 , which exceeds the stimated market value of $19,990.00; and for Parcel 2 to Peter Rosent al of 288 Rohavic Lane, Lino Lakes, and adjacent property owners for heir bid of $14,000.00 which exceeds the estimated market value of $13,900.00; and WHEREA , the Board's staff has reviewed the bids received and does concur n March 18, 1987 with the above recommendation by passage of Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 3755; now, therefore, be it RESOLVE , that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs with said recommendation of the Board of Water Commissioners and award P rcel 1 to to D. Patrick McCullough and Parcel 2 to Peter Rosenthal su ject to the proposals submitted by the respective parties in response to RFP No. 5944-5J of the Division of Purchasing of the Department of Finance & Management Services; and � '� �� s� ���- 2 WHITE -�ITV CLERK � PItTK � - FINANCE COUIICIl J CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. ��_��" BLUE +� MAVOR . Return copy to: Council esolu�ti /� Valuations - Room 218 (DN) (BaldwinLk) � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By I Date FURTHE RESOLVED, that the prope� City Officials, are hereby authorized nd directed to execute a Quit Claim Deed to D. Patrick McCullough f r Parcel No. 1 and Peter Ro�enthal for Parcel No. 2. FURTHE RESOLVED that the Board of Water Commissioners and the Council of he City of Saint Paul wish �to express their appreciation to the City f Lino Lakes and specifically its City Administrator for his assistan e and cooperation in the d�sposal of the lands herein mentioned. , i i I I i i I II i COUNC[LMEN R uested b De rtment of: Yeas Nays � Y � Drew Nicosia Finan nce & Mana m Rettman I[1 FavO[ � Scheibel � Sonnen __ Ageipst BY D'Y ,' Tedesco � Wilson Adopted by Councit: Da e AP� � - ��� Form Appro by or ey � � Certified a s y o nc� r BY � ss� Appro y Mavor: Date PJ� U — 1�87 App v d by Mayor for Submi on CounciI` By _ B Pllg!lSNED �P R 111987 ' � & � eme t Servi ces I PARTMENT C��a, �� _ 0�82 ��� Np�ann _ '�C NTACT , 8-5317 P ONE - �C�� March 20 1987 � TE , e'e ASSIGN NUhBER FOR RQUTING ORDER C1i � ll Locations for Si ature : � Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor 2 Finance and Managemen Services Di�ector � 4 City Glerk Budge� .Director va�uat�ons _1 City attorney ; � HAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY AKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATE IALS? (Purpose/ � Rationale) : , Two parcels 'of Water Ut ity propert in Lino Lakes will e sold to the bidders who have � submitted the best prop al for tne �uture welfare of the City (Parcel 1 - D. Pat�ick � McCullough) (Parcel 2 - eter Rosent 'al and ad�acent prop rty owners). - 1 � � i � � � � � � � � � .� ���� . � COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY D PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPRTED: The Water Utility will ceive $23,5 0 for Parcel 1 and $ 4,000 for Parcel 2�. + ; . , �INANCING SOURCE AND BUD T ACTIVITY UI�ER CHARGED OR CRE ITED: (Mayar's signa- S37 500 ture not re- � Total Amoant of 'Transa tion: d quired if under $10,00Q) funding Source: � ; , Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTS List and Nu er All Atta hments : 1. Council Resolution f r signature � 2. Copy of Board of Wat r Comissione s Resolution declari g the parcels surplus. 3. Copy bf Council Reso ution concur ing with the Board's Resolutio�n �• �._=�� �ommissioa rs Resolution recomm nding' a�rard of the hid. � � . �' " `�� � I�EPARTMENT REVIEW � CI Y''ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Re lution _Requ �red? � Re olution Required? Yes No i Yes X No Insurance quired? ' In urance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance tached: 1 � , (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTION ) Revised 12/84 I ~ ;" .- CITY OF ST. PAUI � �—<�� J _',�,,.�=� . _. I /� /�� ��'j�, OF : OF THE BOARD OF WA7ER COMM� )NERS 1 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No��S�� , ;:::;.� P'R'�$ENTED gY COMMISSIONER �8W DATF M$y 1K, �-9g�i _ WHtRtAS, The i,it of Lino Lakes and the Board of Water Commissioners did enter into an agreement on epte►nber 25, 196y perrnit�ing Lino Lakes to enier upon the �oard's property in Sect ori 31, Township 31 P�orth, Range 22 West� Anoka County, P•4innesota, locaLed nor�h of L'ounLy Raad "J" and west af S�ate Trunk Highway 4y (Hodgson Road) , for zhe purpose f carrying out a park and recreation program for the public; and WiicREAS, Tiie Ci� of Lino Lakes has not carried out any park and recreation program on the a5ove pro erty; and ��N�RtAS, Under t ri�s of �he agreenen� either party may terr��inate the agreement a� a►�y ;:iine for any i�eason whatsoever upon the giving to �he other party a one year vrritten notiice i ereot; and ��H�:f:�AS, The Ge� ral 1�lanager, Thomas U, �iogren, does recommend cancellation of that ayreement; now, herefore, be it RtS��ti���, That i:� e Board of Water Coi�u�issioners hereby concurs witn the 1"eCOiiifl@Il(�dL'i0l1 or tl►e uenera�� ��I nager, does hereby deterrnine that said agreenent daied SeptemF�er �t;, lyby be ien�� nai.ed and direc�s the General ��lanager to give vrri�t.en notice of �er��nii�aLion to t e City of Lino l.akes in accordance with the terns of said agreement. Water Commissi ners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Drew Nays r�,y i5 i 9 85 ria.sana — Vice President Bac h � In fsvor 4 O pos�d. � —_ ��'�"r� ' BECY. . � ��� '�='l c� � WHITE -- CITY CLERK //�� � � � . . ... . .. '. ' y.. - - � - . ; .... � �}I►.NAR�4qTMENT� ' / � . . . . . .'�� . COUflCll� Q ; �� BLUE . MAYOR�� _- I TY- OF .�A I NT �AU�j.r� File . .NO. 4� � ! a ,� � ( 3 Ret�ra copg to: _'�- ; ����� c� 2I8, Counci Reso tion � ��� �7 y�� . . � . � , � � � c��� �, � ��r r��� resente y , � Referred To Committee: �at�e , � - z� � �..... �� y : , . a ,.:� , _ Out of Committee By ` �. F�S.;�tc�`+�`€�a��s�:;:u�� � -;;, `�``� '� � WHB&SA5 the Citp of Saint �anl; an bebal� of the, itater F; Otility did p rahaet in 19a9 certait► pro��rtp known a�t the "saidNin ;'� C�nal Siqht-of-Nay" to be nsed for a canal to transport Nat�r fro� ,� Bald�in Lak� i l�noka County to Chasles La�Ce in Rassep Coanty: and : � �THSRSAB, th� City staff �9oes concur aith the BaacB of 'itater ; Com�aissioner that the Baldrin Canal Right-of�Ray �escribed as :� folloMS: �' . :� _ _ �, � .� � s�csL 1 , ; Q � - A ieca o� lattd sit�ate8 sr, �pt �MO taj of S�ction � �� T�i ty-on� (31) TOMASh�j�1 Thirty�one (31? 8aaq• TMenty-. } ta (2Z) �cccrdinq to the II.�'. Surv�y de�Cr ibed . as - . ,� foiiow� viss Coaaenaing it a �take liest of th� �Soutti . ::� Sas corner of sald Lot TMO (2)' Three Hundred and aive . � (305) feet distant, theace �feat on the aoatb Line og � Ld Tao (2) Beven aundred and '�Tbirty (730)` f°eet to a � . : poi ti thence D�ortb Foar Hn�dr�ed aa8 Sisty�. (460) ��et ��; to ° a point on tha bea�nder L3pe o� aaid Lot; TMO -(Z) _ ' ;; . the ae folloMinq said lteae8er �ine of 4aid Lati TMO (2) ,� to a stdke on point on ea►id 1 nef tbenoe Sonth �tine . �; Hu dzed (900) Eeet to the !p]:aae oP beg3nning : -' � ao taining approxisatclp Ter� (10) mcreg� of lancl. ' He ebp �asaning to convey the Shore of the Lake �a8 the �rat r thereof 'Sub Servient to the land deecribed. }.. . . .. - . , r . ' ' . . . . . . � . w . P]1BC8L 2 , . .a e rip o£, land Orte Hundred (1q0} feet �eide, over and .' .: ; . . . �. :.. - - : _ : _.. . ;; -r aci ss t�ie"`Northea�t'Quar`ter` of' tbe SoothMes`t_..Quax�er,- � j � . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested �by Department of: Drew Nicosia j� Rettman `�'�a VOC Scheibel • . Sonnen __ AgBillst BY � Tedesco � � , � � �;��� {' Wilson ' ! j' �"?; Form Approved b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date j Certified Passed by Council Secr tary BY I C � " ' ' ,By' � _ ; . '' APProVe y May : r�! ion to Counc' • ,� Approved by Mavor. Date •`���m���/`�-t � B ` Y � - — . . . . . . .. ��, � .� .� . . : .. .. . . F .. . �. . . : . '.� � � � . .. �� ' I� �. .: ' .' � .�.,- , . . � � I . �� . . . . . . LERK . .. . . . . � . ._ ... . - . . . . .. _ ,� ' • � TMENT , CITY OF SAINT PAU�. Council ' : R ,. File N O. � 7 � � �`� Z�8, � Council Resolutio�� .- �� � ,-�,-�, B�> �'' ` � � . , � Referred To Committee: Date. Out of Committee By Date �' .. _. th �iorth+rest Quar�er of the Sontheast Quarter and the So tbaest Qaarter of the Southeast Quarter of Sectiott � Tb rty-0ne �31) soNnship Tbirtp-One (37.� Range Tweaty- '; Tw f22) • aacor8ing to tbe D.B. Survep, d�sarfbed as '�,; fo larrs: A strip ot lancl One �undred (100) feet vride, be nq Fffty (50) feet on each sfde af the center line of the right-of-Map of the Saint Paul Mater Norka aa ording to aap ltumber 1 of thetr new extension, ::; re orded iA tbe Office of the xegisC��r of Deeds of . A� ka County in Book "B• of PlaC� an Fage 8, Document Na ber 5879 coataining approa'Ii�at+�ly Seven and oae- � t� th (7 1/10) aares of laad adcaordiAg to said glat � -� � is no lonqer equirad for the �fater Otflfty spete�s, or by 'any s�►tber City Departae t= and ha�s deter�ained said property to be su�plus, noa therefore, be it . xBSOLD$D that tbe Cfty of Saint P�aui does declare tbe above desctibsd parc Z to be surpins and 8o�s reqa�st tha�t itB Depart�ent of � Fiaanae � M�n gement Servicss sell this exaeea property for tl�e fafr raarket value, as determfned by the City's Valnation Bngineer, throngh �� Bid Proposals and all proaeeds froa� the sale lees Administrative costs be depoffiite8 t the �at�r IItilitp fnnd� a�- � IT FUR R RES VBD, th the opjear ty v icia ar her by autho ed a 8 direct d to e cute Qui Cla D d t t individu , f rm corpo tion s aitt t�e ropo 1 M ch st reflects t f ture ell. bei of the com�eua y. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays , Nicosia � F2.tfsnce �6�gngg�t $���C� .. Rettman Irl Favo[ , Scheibel � Sonnen __ AgelllSl BY Tedesco -� ' Wilson � �, '�•� '���N '°° � ���� Form Approve y City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•:s d- Council r BY C g� � By ' s; Approved by Ylavor. Date _ �AI� � 8 i��1 Approved y May Submi ion to Council a gY _ _ - �'--�-..� ���.Q!\r�. .t _ ,... ; , . I ' . ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL �� ��!�����-� � �� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF W/�TER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No._ ���� PRESENTED @Y I DATE COMMISSIONtR - WNEkEAS, The Bo rd of Water Co�r�nissioners, by way of Resolution No. 3629 on Dece�nber 18, 19,_5, c;eclared as surpius certain �roper�y known as the "ga�ldwin Canal Righc-of-w y" and requasted that �he Depart;nent of Finance and hianagement Services dispose of said proper�:y on J°ilAlf of the� 8oard; and WHERE�15, The D f�art.;�en� of rinance and Managernent Services has thereby advertised for s le a parc�on �f sai� proNSriy described as f�llows: A �en acre arcel in Lot 2 on Qaldwin Lake, i �n Section 31 , Township 31 �iorth, R n�e 22 West in Anoka County; and a 100 foot strip of land extending s utheriy from said ten acre parcel � �o County koad "J" over and ac oss �he Y.es1: 1/2 of the Southeastll/4 of said Section 31 , and legiticna':e 5 ds hav� been received for t�o�:h ,:he 1C acrF parcel and thL 100 foot si:ria of ia d; and ' butlEfZE�S, The Dep rL;7�ni: of t=inance and f�anaye���ent Servic�s recor,��,en�� a�r��.ra of i:he bid for :.hp �en acre ��arcei �o D. Patri ck ��c�u I 1 ouah of 9Q5 Parkway Uri ve, Sain� Paul , for �is t��id of $23,500.00, which exceeds tn� estima�e�� rnarke, v�3iue of $19,990.OG; a d for the 100 foo� s�i^i,� ta Peter Ros�n�hal of ?8� �o4�avic Lane, L�no La'r.es, and a��ijacen. property owners for �i�eir bid o� $14,i?OO,��U adhi�;►1 exce�ds i:he esti;ia�.ed .narke� value of $13,900.00; a�u WHE�tEAS, The Doa d's staff has rev�iewed �he bids received and �oes concur wi �;�, ihe above reco��unr.nda�.�ion; r,aw, ch2refore� be i +� RESULVGD, �fhar, � r�e �3oard al �o concurs with said' r��co�n,iit?11CId�iOft and ;,na;, ��ie Counc�il of �he Ci':y of S��int ?aul b� rec,ue�t.�d �:o Lo:�cur ;�r:t� s�:;« reco�i�,�,���da�io� and ..�ier-��'�,/ ci'fac.: ��c� saie �f �h� prop2riy co �he abcvc� referenced bidders. I i Water Commissi ners ' Adopted by the Board of Water Commigsioners Yeas Nays ' .— — 19_�. In favor 0 posed —. — BECY. 'i % . �t, , � �,.•... . � ,,. , . � � � �� y-�----- _�--- %J.��;--:1 --:_- �._. . ; �� —� ,.; �) . �j. � �'P . ' ; d �_'. --�-I i i, --- ..-�/�;���"`7�� 'i �! � —__.. �-,•_.. .__ .. -----�- -- ----- `R : �N .� . \./ "� ;----�--: � �'--�;::U,_... ..,..,_., . �. . ��l "�' t /�1_ - =:,..+ ...- - --� �z ,, �P,�-.. / —7--—�;�� � ,�� �s ra' <o _ z ' . \ _; ./----:Y:�--- � , '° ..,�.., �' �` "t �. ��C' .(,.� i � ��3v '� y� r `� I LIL1.\�iL.��..�{j..,.'`�__�`` • . . . . . , I . ... .. . :.. . . ... . J . i, I9 . �,� `v '� � �'tl S3 r�� •tZ .. .. ..� � � �./} c S r ���r � j t fM SZ r�J �•�� �'� ��;I '�,�, �.. ' +�; , ------r�-�� --- a --.G ° .I� ,� _ -- � .,�� / . . . ILf U) 't 3 !nl j/ • fu� .;� �t � I�;�� \ ` -- �'r�� . 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