87-419 �NHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUflC1I �//�� � // CANARV - UEPARTMENT I TY OF SA I NT �A U L �� �( ''y�� BLUE - MAVOR . F11C NO. " �_ • �� . Cou 'l Resolution Presented By � . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, -�he uilding Inspection and Design Division has � requested the Ci y Council to hold a public hjearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correc�ion or wrecking and removal of t e following described building, said structure having been repo ted to constitute a public Yiazard: 597 Sims Ave. Lot 22 , Block 25, of Two-Story, Wood Charles Weides Subdivisiok� Fr«me Duplex of Blocks 25 & 26 of Arlington Hills Addition ! to Saint Paul According to records in the Ramsey Count� Recorders Office, as of March 12, 1987, the fee owner is: Th�resa Hebert, 12277 155th Street N rth, Marine on St. Croix. Owners of a Vendee' s interest in a ontract for Deed on the propierty include: Roger A. and M ry Kay Clark, 2243 DeSoto Street, St. Paul, MN 55117, Richard D. Perron, Jody M. i�Jilson, �o a�dress available, Sandra J. Smit Luetl, 867 Oak Lane, Lino Lakes, MN 55014 , Debra G. Garre t, no address available. Th�re are no liens or judgements of record against the above. WHEREAS, t e Building Inspeci.ion and Design Division on behalf of the City Council did notify by m�ail �the above noted parties of in erest at their last known adidress . ThIHEREAS, a public hearing will be held !by and before the Council of th City of Saint Paul in the �ouncil Chamber of the Court Ho se of said City at 10 : 00 A.M; on Thursday, April 2, 198 to consider the advisabiliti� and necessity of ordering the correction and wrecking and pr removal of said structure on the above described property! inasmuch as said structure is re�orted to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and w lfare. COUNC[LMEN Requesteid by Department of: Yeas DfeW Nays Nicosia ln Favor Rettman L/,� Scheibel �� Sonnen __ Against BY 'v ' Tedesco Wilson Form A�pr ed by Cit ttorney Adopted by Council: D te i ( � Certified Passed by Council ecretary BY By� Approved by Mavor. Date _ Appro¢ed ayor for Submi ' n ncil BY - - — By , . _��-- ,,��.'r_�r`�J`�; WHEREAS, upon he facts presented at the said hearing consisting of pho ographs, inspection reports and the recommen- dation of the Bu' lding Inspection and Design Division, it is further determin d that the above building constitutes a hazardous building within he definition of Minnesota Statutes 463 . 15 for the following re sons : First Floor: Kitchen: l . Floor ex remely unlevel . 2 . Severe f re damage to walls, ceiling, electric wiring, windows, and plumbing system. 3 . Rear po tion of west wall severely fire-damaged. 4 . Stairway to second floor completely burned away. Bathroom: 1 . Extensi e fire and heat damage to w�lls, celing, electric wiring, and plumbing fixtures . East-side Bed oom: 1 . Floor nlevel . 2 . Fire a d water damage to: Celing, walls, and electric wirin . 3 . Windo s vandalized. West-side Be room: 1 . Heat nd water damage to walls ancl ceiling. 2 . Heat damage to electric wiring. 3 . Heat damage to window. 4 . Room full of debris. South east Bedroom: 1 . Sev re fire damage to: walls, ceiling, electric wiring, and windows . Front Livi g Room: 1 . F1 or sloped. 2 . Wa ls and ceiling smoke-damaged. Loose and missing plaster. 3 . Wi dow cracked. � ` � ~6 4,1��� ;���.��.�.�"� �. • �!�-- ,�✓-���°;;9 Second Floor: Front Room: l . No finish on the ceiling. 2 . Part of a wall is knocked down. 3 . A window ' s missing. 4 . Electric wiring exposed and improperly installed. East-side Livin Room: l. On the c ilings and walls : there ar� extensive amounts of loose plaster, and much plaster has been removed. 2 . Fire da age to roof rafters and sheathing. 3 . Floor u level . 4 . Windows amaged. 5 . Electric wiring fire-damaged. 6 . Extensi e fire damage to floor syst�m. West Bathroom• l . No fin sh on walls or ceiling. 2 . Expose and damaged electric wiring. 3 . Damage toliet. 4 . Unven ed S-trap for lavatory. 5 . Lavat ry, tub and shower are missing. 6 . One w ndow is missing, and one is vandalized and damaged. Kitchen: 1 . Seve e fire damage to floor supports . 2 . Wall and ceiling fire-damaged. 3 . Elec ric wiring pulled loose and improperly supported. 4 . Wind w missing. �,,.�c `��- �b�� , �' tY�{ .'�� ,�-.�,�"i � ,. l�'%� ,�°j-y/ i Exterior: 1 . Roof burned through on east side. 2 . West wall burned through at the rear of the house. 3 . Foundatio cracked and deteriorated at the rear of the house. 4 . Front chi ney missing mortar and deteriorated. 5 . Electric ervice disconnected. I� 6 . Roof shin les badly worn, partly missing, and in poor condition. 7 . Gas has b en discontinued. I� RESOLVED, Tha in accordance with the Minnesota Statutes Sections 463 .15 hrough 463 . 25 and based upon the foregoing findings of the ity Council, the Council of �the City of Saint Paul does hereby ake the following Order: � li I' � ���6� �� ��� �,��'�( n '�` WMITE - G7V CIERK �II PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT�.L Council �� ,�{/,� CANARY .��EPARTMENT �11C NO• `" 9 BLUE - MAVOR . � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date ORDER , 1 . The owne s of the above described bui�ding shall make the same safe a d not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welf re by having the said building razed or re- habilitated and the materials therefrom remo�ved from the premises within thirty ( 0) days from the date of the' service of this Order; 2 . Unless s ch corrective action is taket� to comply with this Order or a Answer served upon the City'lof Saint Paul and filed in the of ice of the Clerk of District, Court of Ramsey County, Minneso a within twenty (20) days from the date of the service of this Order, a Motion for summary enforcement of this Order to raze a d remove the said building w�ill be made to the Ramsey County D ' strict Court; ' 3 . In the e ent that the building is to be razed by the Cityof Saint Pa 1 pursuant to judgment of th� District Court, all personal pr perty or fixtures of any kind which may unreason- ably interfere ith the razing and removal of these buildings shall be remove within ten (10) days from the entry of judgment; and if not so r oved, the City of Saint Pau�l shall remove and dispose of such ersonal property and fixtur�s as provided by law; 4 . If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any corrective action herein, 11 necessary costs expended �py the City will be assessed against the above described real estate and collected as other taxes; an be it FURTHER RESOL ED, that a certified copy o� this resolution and incorporate Order herein be served upon! the last record owners of the ab ve described property in the manner provided by law. Yeas COUNCILME Na s Requested by Department of: Drew y Nicosia [n Favor - Rettman /l Scheibel /J�� �� / /, Sonne� __ Ag31t1st BY —��i Y����� Tedesco Wilson A�� 2 '� �g87 Form A r ved � 't Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Pp`g\=�Y Y Certified V• d y C ncil Sec ar BY �� � fb By� Appr by Mavor. Date � APR � — �� Approv b Mayor for Sub 'ssi n to Council sy — By `''.�—'' Ptl�i.IS�E ;';,r,,�: � � 19 87 . - �'�-- ���_`-/� �,�_�� �,*,., � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL •'� '- � � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : � :e� - " ' ;� �; ' BUILDING INSPECTION AND DESIGN DIVISION �... � Ciry Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ' 612-298-4212 i GEORCE LATIMER ' MAYOR j DATE: March 31, 1 87 Date of Hea�ing: April 2, 1987 Mr. President and embers of the City Counc'1 I RE: 597 Sims Ave. Honorable Council: The Building Inspe tion and Design Division is hereby submitting its report on the condition of t e structure at the location referred to above. The owners of reco d are: Roger A. and Mary K. Clark, 2243 DeSoto Street, St. Paul, MN. 55117, a d Richard D. Perron and Jody M. Wilson, 597 Sims Avenue, St. Paul, MN. 55101. The legal descript'on of the property is: Charles Weides Subdivision of Blocks 25 and 26 of Arlin ton Hills Addn. to St. Paul, Lot �2 Blk. 25. The building is a wo-story, wood frame, duplex resic�ence. The subject proper y has been boarded up by the owne� since October 15, 1986. This building beca se of age, deterioration, lack of proper maintenance, severe fire damage and th following list of deficiencies, is deemed to be hazardous. Inasmuch as the co ditions outlined above constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no ttempt to satisfactorily repair the damage, and the continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting influence on the neighbor- hood, it is the re ommendation of this Division that this matter be referred to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal through District Court proceed- ings. Sinc rel • � Jan P. Gasterland ' Building Code Officer I SRR:11 Encl: List of deficiencies I � cc: Messrs. George Latimer, Mayor John McCormic , Asst. City Atty. Fire Marshal Frank Staffenson, Housing Code File . ; �-��-�i� LIST OF DEFICIENCIES FOR 597 SIMS AVENUE I First Floor: Kitchen: ' 1. Floor extremel unlevel. 2. Severe fire da age to walls, ceiling, electric wiring, windows, and plumbing system. 3. Rear portion o west wall severely fire-damaged. 4. Stairway to se ond floor completely burned away.. Bathroom: 1. Extensive fire and heat damage to walls, ceilin�l, electric wiring, and plumbing fixtures. East-side Bedroom: 1. Floor unlevel. 2. Fire and w�ter damage to: Ceiling, walls, and electric wiring. 3. Windows vandal'zed. I West-side Bedroom: ' 1. Heat and water damage to walls and ceiling. 2. Heat damage to electric wiring. 3. Heat damage to window. , 4. Room full of d bris. � Southeast Bedroom: ' 1. Severe fire da age to: walls, ceiling, electric wiring, and windows. Front Living Room: 1. Floor sloped. 2. Walls and ceiling smoke-damaged. Loose and mis�ing plaster. 3. Window cracke . ' Front stairway to second floor has no handrail. Second Floor: I Front Room: 1. No finish on he ceiling. 2. Part of a wal is knocked down. 3. A window is m'ssing. 4. Electric wiri g exposed and improperly installed. East-side Living Ro . 1. On the ceilin s and walls: there are extensive !amounts of loose plaster, and much plas er has been removed. 2. Fire damage t roof rafters and sheathing. • 3. Floor unlevel. 4. Windows damag d. 5. Electric wiri g fire-damaged. i 6. Extensive fir damage to floor system. , . � - i'�' �7-�f/% . . . �� i . , LIST OF DEFICIENCIES F R 597 SIMS AVENUE (Continued) 2• West Bathroom: 1. No finish on wal s or ceiling. 2. Exposed and dama ed electric wiring. 3. Damaged toilet. ', 4. Unvented S-trap for lavatory. ' 5. Lavatory, tub a d shower are missing. 6. One window is m'ssing, and one is vandalized and damaged. Kitchen: 1. Severe fire dam ge to floor supports. 2. Walls and ceili g fire-damaged. 3. Electric wiring pulled loose and improperly supported. 4. Window missing. Exterior: I 1. Roof burned thr ugh on east side. 2. West wall burne through at the rear of the housel. ' 3. Foundation crac ed and deteriorated at the rear o� the house. 4. Front chimney m ssing mortar and deteriorated. 5. Electric servic disconnected. 6. Roof shingles b dly worn, partly missing, and in poor condition. 7• Gas has been di continued. I i i I