87-418 I
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City of St.Paul COtJNCTL E NO. �-��c�
By �
File No.il 18468E
Ward Inthe Matterof condemn"ng and taking easements, subject o existing structures,
1�2�7 for the purpose o constructing and maintaining a p blic sewer on, under
and across parts f Sections 30, 31 and 32, Townshi 29 North, Range 22
West, Ramsey Coun y, Minnesota, as shown on Drawing No. 216, pages 1-4,
Bin No. 13, on fi e in the Department of Finance; V luations and Assessments
Division, attache hereto and incorporated herein b reference for the
Trout Brook Outle Easement Phase B, located in Rai�road right-of-way
between I-94 and 5E.
under Administrative Order approved
The Council of the City of S int Paul having received the report of the Mayqr upon the above improvement, and
having considered said report, here resolves:
1. That the said report and t e same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof
is $�75,��� , financed by Storm Sewer Systems C�arge.
2. That a public hearing be ad on said improvement on the 2$�th day of
A ril 1987 , at 10:00 o'clock a1m., in the Council Chambers of the
City Hall and Court Hou Building in the City of Saint PauL
3. That notice of said public earing be given to the persons and in the manne� provided by the Charter, stating the
time and place of hearing,t e nature of the improvement and the total cost th�reof as estimated.
MAR ;s ; 1987
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Courjcil: Date
Yeas Drew Nays I
Nicosia Certifi a e by �ouncil Secr ary
Rettman � -
c,.hA;wo1 In Favor
Tedesco � Against
� d a��i,� Mayor
. ��c t ct,^��.�;' � 1 �9�
Q�p�E�i6..68 •.