87-416 wHITE - CITV CLERK � . PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAiJ�L F le ci1N0. �� CANARV� DEPARTMENT � � `G'�li�E -_�AAVOR PED - Communi ty Devel opmen �� n •` utZ�n Presented By �°� Referred To Committee# Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION IDENTIFYING THE WEEK OF APRIL 11 �APRIL 18, 1987 AS NATIONAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �WEEK I B ek r nt WHEREAS the Federal Community Developaren lo G a Program has o erated since 1974 to provide loca governments with flexible reso rces to meet the needs of low and; moderate ineome persons, and id in the prevention and eliminat�ion of slums and blight; and � WHEREA , the CDBG Program has provided tY�e City of Saint Paul with ov r 143 million which has been utili�zed for basic neighborhood revitalization; and � WHEREA , the CDBG Program provides fundi�hg for the City's Single Famil and Rental Rehabilitation Housin� Programs, the Commercial R habilitation Loan Program, the Ne ghborhood Partnership rogram, the Citizen Participation� Process, and many other valuab e and needed programs that provi e residents with decent and ffordable housing and a suitable iving environment; and WHERE S, the nature of the CDBG Program' with its diversity of prograar esign and administration and its �acility for being last resort funding, has often caused the Con�ress and the Nation to overlook the critical value of the program; and the significant number of o ganizations and projects that rely on its funding support; an � WHER S, the City of Saint Paul intend� to join with other municipali ies nationwide and the U.S. Congr�ss to reaffirm the significan e and importance of the CDBG Prog am and its efforts to assist low and moderate income persons; NOW, �THEREFORE BE IT COUNCILMEN Requeste� by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia Planni�g and Econeanic Develo�nent Rettman �n Favo[ Scheibel �� Sonnen __ AgalllSt BY Tedesco I Wilson Form Ap�roved by City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Da Certified Passed by Council S cretary BY y B}� Approved by ;Navor: Date _ Approv I b Mayor for Submis t Cou '1 BY - - — BY i WMITE - C�TV CLEFiK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA I, Council ' C'�NAR�- 6�EPARTMENT it `BLUE -•'�{viAVOR `-'I File NO. � /� PED - Community Development Council Resoluti�n Presented By Referred To Committeea Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 of 2 � RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of Ihe Mayor, the � Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby prbclaim the week of April 11 - Apr 1 18, 1987 as National Co�unity bevelopment fleek; and be it FURTHER ESOLVED, that the Council does heireby encourage the Minnesota Dele ation to the U.S. Congress to actjively support the goals and ob� tives of the CDBG Program, and tY�e re-authorization of the CDBG P ogram during the 100th session ofiCongress. � i COUNCILMEN � Requested Iby Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays pl��� � ��c Development �"""" (n Favor R�ttman � �� �b� � � • Sonnen __ AgBinst ' Tedesco �� Adopted by Council: Date MAR 3 � �9B�t Form Appr,�ved b 'ty Attorne i Certified as e ouncil Se BY sy� A by Mavor. a _� A�� � — ���� Appro e ! Mayor for Sub si o Council _ _ B P����s�€� t,s �; i 1 �987 � . - i - A TMENT (.:� ���� N� _ 0'7996 � CONT CT PHON . _ dATE � �, �� AS IGN NUM�ER FOR ROUTING OR ER Cl� All Locations for Si nat re : �partment Director` ' �,;�i ector of Management/Mayor � Fi nance and Managemei�t S rvi ces Di rec or � � i. y Cl erk Budget Qirector . � City Attorney . WHA7 WILL B� ACHIEVED BY TAK NG AC�TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIA �? (Purpose/ , Rationale) : �f'�1� P�"rAc.1�D -�so�.� N w r�� Dr�w oN f Sc�PPaRT' '�R 'r� Z.��i' f3Y �PRoc�a.,M�N� �+� w�EK oi� �PRtL.�1 � �i 1�S�? /kS 1'�Ifa'�'ioTlAl� OfrtK1AMITY �e.orlrt�NT' K.'�'iEtS 1�GT�oN wlLt. . � �'`�11NGIp�. �tT SIMII.IAR IriNI.Z7oN 6`� TH �i1.5. Co1��4R{'S , : �;I�p 1$ �. �6t�'PP�Tw '�'� 4�F 1r {. LS+��iGt� OP� GlTI � /.�•S. C�o1�'�,�::� �,1l�.'Co�t2B,� NM'1aNAV Hn�x C�1� MAVI' Aesio�A'noM MKWCt Ma�rr�5 �tN�+c��lM.�vt-D�. COST BEN�FIT �UDGETARY 'AND ERSONNEL IM CTS ANTICIPAT.ED: �� �II�ANCING SOURCE AND BUIGET CTIVITY N ER CHARGED OR CREDIT D: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Tota 1 Mnount .o#"Tr�n`�act n: qu i red i f under.� � �10,000j Funding Squrc�: ; �J/� , �Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTS List a� N�mbe A11 Attach nts : � RESo�.�,t crl - , ,�, 1'��fi� ��rra� �,.,G-cTER. _ . . [yEPARTME�iT REVIEW CITY TTQRNEY REYIEW Yes No Council �esol tion Require ? ' Resol tion Re�uired? �Yes Plo � Yes No Insurance�, Req ired? insur nce Sufficient? ,�es No Yes No Insuranc� Att ched: � I (S E •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS� _ Revised 12/84 � ' � f���7-y/�� p1TT,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4 o`� '; OFFICE OF THE MAYOR , iiii�i 1�u i a +o �c I 347 CITY HALL +�s• SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR March 18, 1987 Council Presid nt Victor J. Tedesco and ' Members of t e City Council Dear President Tedesco and Council Members: SUBJECT: NATI NAL COl�IUNITY DEVELOPNENT I�IEEK The 100th Cong ess of the United States has begun the budget process for Fi cal Year 1988• The administration's proposed budget has, on e again, recommended the reductioh, and/or elimination of the few remaining urban programs �rhich benefit cities. The 1 rgest of these programs, and the ne which has the most significa t impact on the low and moderate ineome residents of Saint Paul, is the Community Development Bloc Grant Program. In cooperation with the National League of Cities, the U.S. Conference of ayors, and the National Community Development Association, m nicipalities across the country are being asked to show their sup ort for the CDBG Program. During the last twelve years, Saint P ul has utilized over 143 million through the CDBG Program to fin nce housin� and commercial rehabi�litation, multi— service center , recreation facilities, streets 'and publie improvements, nd the basie funding for our Citizen Participation process. Attached for y ur review and consideration please find a proposed resolution whi h designates the week of April 11 — April 17, 1987 as National unity Development Week. Our designation will join with coincidin recognition by the U.S. Congress, and cities across the cou try in showing our support for th�e CDBG Program. Also attached or your review are several docume�nts which exemplify Sain Paul's use of CDBG funds. I I ask for your support and passage of this reso ution, and the transmittal o our concerns to the Minnesota De egation of the U.S. Congress. Sincerely, . e g La e GL:BH attachments �V46