87-413 WHITE - CITV CLERK �t� �� .�' ��/J/� �f0 PINK - FINANCE C I T�OF SA I NT PA U L Council ' /' CANAFV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��- , " � BLUE - MAVOR ` yf�I � ,;/"��F� rdindnce ordinance N 0. - �b. Presente By `' � , _�,,- �� Referr o' �-C � Committee: Date � '� Out of Committee B Date ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the S int Paul Legislative Code pertaining to I toxicating Liquor. THE COUNCIL F THE CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That se tion 409.22 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby am nded to read as follows : 409.2 . Charitable gambling regulations. The sale of pull-ta s and tipboards in on-sale licensed premises shall b conducted only by qualified and state licensed charita le organizations. In addition to satisfying the qualifi ations set forth in Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 349, th following regulations and qualifications must be complied with by all such charitable organizations : a�-A4 s�-�e-a-�e�-��e�}�-el�a�}�a��e-�ae����ee� e�gan�sa��eri-w�iese-p���a��-€�r3e�}e�-}s-��e-st�ppe�� e€-a� �e��e-ae�}����es,--}�e�t�d��g-��e-�e��e6a}�g ae���' ��es:-Reqt�a�}es,--baseba��,--basl�e�ba��,- be��� ,--€ee��a��,--g�x�r�as�}es ,--Qe��,--�ieel�e�� s1�}}� ,--seeee�;-se��ba�� ,-=speed-a�d-��Q��e s�a�� �,--�er3r3}s ,--�e��e�ba��-ar3�-w�es���rig:--��ie- Set��e ' �-r�a�;-a�-}�s-d}se�e�}e�,--��e�ta�e-�e�-p�e�}� e�ia�} a��e-*�e�r�r3�ee�-e�gar3}sa�}er3s-w�iese-p���a�� �t�r�e� e�-�s-��ie-st��pe��-e�-�e��l�-ae���}��es-e��e� ��ia�- �k�e��es-a€�e�-a�-��}��a�-s��-�►e���i-ge�}e�,- p�e�} e�-st�el�-e�ga���a�}e�s-r�ee�-a��-e�l�e�-�eqt�}�e- x�e��s e�-�l�e-e�a���a��e-gax�b�}�g-e���r�ar�eeT b�-A4t� �-�e-a-�eea�-e�ia�}��-se�*���g-�eti��i,--a-a�a�e���� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson j Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secre ary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve y Mayor for Submission to Councii By By , ' ' • � . .�, ,�_ t��� :l e�-va�i' �l�-a�e-��e�-E�.--Pat��-a�df e�-spe��s-a-a�a�e�}�� e€-�� -�e�e�ties-e�-��.--Fa��-�et��l�.- a) e� Must have been in existence for three years. �.�-A4 �-�e�-�e-st�ppe��ed-��-a-se�iee�-a�l��e�}e ��eg ax�;-e}��ie�-pt�b��e-e�-p�}�a�e.- b) e� M st file with license inspector annually a list cont ining the names and addresses of all current memb rs . ��-A4 s�-t�se-gax�b�}�Q-��eeeeds-e���-�e�-�et��13 a��i� �}e-ae�}�r��}es.---�€-�13e-e�ga���a�}e�- ge�e a�es-€t��ds-�e�-e��ie�-t�ses ,--}�-x�tis�-l�eeg se�a a�e-a��-aeet��a�e-aeeeta��}�g-�eee�ds-e�-a�� gaaab ��g-�eee}p�s-a�d-d}s�t��se�►e��s.- c) g� M st file financial reports weekly with the lice se inspector. d) �i� M y not have a gambling license in more than two lass A establishments and no more than one clas B or class C establishment in the City of St. aul . e) �� ust exhibit and sell pull-tabs and tipboards in method as required by the license inspector. ��- a�-�e-�eqt���ed-�e-�er�er�s��a�e-�e-��ie-5��� Set� �}�-�13a�--�13e-x�a�e�}��-e€-�13e}�-�e�a�-��eex�e }s- }�er3-�e-�et��13-a��i�e��e-a��}�r}��es.- f) �-} orkers or managers may not divulge the number of r the dollar amount of the winners at any tim . g) �� hall not co-mingle game cards. h) m) hall pay employees a minimum wage or $3. 35 per hou (federal minimum wage) and no more than $5.00 per hour. i ) �� hall comply with all the provisions of Minn. Sta . Ch. 349. 2. , . ., . , � �� ���� j ) e� Ga ling manager' s compensation shall not excee $50. 00 per week. k) p� Sh 11 register with the State Gambling Board all e uipment and supplies used in a licensed on-sa e liquor establishment. 1 ) g� Sh 11 post in a conspicuous place rules and regul tions concerning charitable gambling as requi ed by the license inspector. m) �� Sh 11 pay to the City-wide organization desi- nated by the City Council 20% of the net profits from elling of pull-tabs or tipboards to be dis- tribu ed to other youth athletic organizations to be e ended for such lawful purposes as specified in Mi n. Stat. Ch. 349. n) s� T e charitable organization shall not use a pull tab or tipboard which does not return to the play rs a minimum percentage of 75%, nor a maximum perc ntage of 80%, which percentage shall include free plays awarded. o) �� T e charitable organization will be responsible for he booth and other equipment used in the oper tion as a deductible expense of the charity. Section 2. That se tion 409.21 , clause 1 , which reads as follows , be and is hereb repealed, and clauses 2 through 7 be renumbered 1 through 6 • �� 6� �-e�ia�}�a��e-�e�-p�e€}�-e�ga�}�a��erzs-w�iese p� '�a��-�t�rie�}e�-}s-�l�e-sti��e��-e�-a��i�e�}e ae }���}es-a�d-se����g-a-x�a�e�}��-e�-�l�e-�et���i �� r�-��ie-6}��-e�-sa���-Fa��-e�-eer����bt��es-a 3 . M�MITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT � A U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR ? � File N 0. O/ fZZ/L�/`CG Ordinance NO. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date x�a�e� �3s-e�-��s-�e�e��es-e�-Sa���-gat��-}e��l� x�a�-b -a��ewe�-�e-se��-p���-�abs-a�d-����ea�ds e�-�l� -p�ex�}ses.- - Section 3. This ord'nance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 4. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia lR Favor — Rettman Scheibel A g8111 S i BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Appr by City At rney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Passed by Council Se retary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council By By