87-408 T_ _ r-� � �� �= City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE O. ��? ��� ,� FINAL ORDER IN B -'{:` � ;, �A, , Y , CONDEMNATION PR CEEDINGS File No. ����� pe��� In the Matter of � �t 7 — --_ Conde nt and tatiaa ease�ents, for the ARCAD6/lQ101��9A S$WEt SEPARATLON p1LpJEGT, bject to ea�e�ents of record and ezistios structure�, for the purpose o constrneting and mainteining a public �wer an, noder and acroaa those par s of the Southvest Quartec of Section 28, Township 29, Range 22, / Ran�ey Cou ty Miunesota described as follows: ' PERHANEtiT ASEMENTS: That part of the West t0 feet uF Lot 34 and 35, BLOCK 1, Auditor's Subdivisio No. 7, ihat lies North oi a line 63 feet South of and parrallel to the No h line of said Lo[ 34 and South of a line 43 feet South o£ aud parallel tbe North 21ne of satd Lot 34. The South 20 feet of the Hest 10 feet of Lot 25, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivisi n No. 7. That part of vacnted Mendntn Street and the Rarlington Nortl�ern Rip,ht Of Way th t lies within a 2U foo[ s[rip, cenCCrline described as follows: Bagi ning at a point that is 12.5 x'eet East of the Hest line of vacated endota Street and 10 feet North of the North line vf Bush Avenue; thence E at 25 feet, parrallel aith the North line of Bush Avenue;thence North 29 feet, more or less, parallel with [he eaxt line of vacated � Mendota venue, to the southerly line of an existing sever easemen[ and [here te nating. TEMPORAR CONSTROCTION EASEMENT: Th t part of the West 20 feet oE Lot 34 and 35, BLDCR 1, Auditor's Subdivis on No. 7, that lies North of a line 73 feet South oE and parrallel to the N rth line of said Lot 34 und South of a line �3 fee[ South of and yarallel to tLe North line of said Lot 34. North 10 feet of the 47est 20 feet oE Lot 28, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivis on Ho. 7. T e South 30 feet of the Wes[ 20 fee[ of Lot 25, Block 1, Audi[or's Subdivi ion No. 7. T e North 13 feet of [he West 10 feet of Lot 21, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivi ion No. 7. T e South 7 feet of the West 10 feet of Lot 20, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivi lon No. 7. cated Mendota street projected northerly from the North line of Buah enue to the southerly line of an esisting seaer easement and there [ermin ting. — o, condemning and taki��eoents, subject to easements of recorublic exist g structures, for the ose of constructing and �aintaining a p eewer on, under and across those parts of the Northteast Quarter of Section 32, T ship 29, Range 22, Rameey County Minnesota describ�d as follows: (All Distances, Bearings and Co-ordinates are riinnesota State Plane, South Zone. Based on City of Saint Paul 1986 Section Co!rner Co-oLevious Value . All easeoent lines eatended to their in[ersection with p cours s or described property lines,) C ndemning and [aking a 20 foot permanent and a 70 foot temporary , eonet ction easeaent, westerly line of said easements is the easterly line of esisting 40 foot permanent easement (Phalen Creek), said westerly line described as follows: Beginning at a point that is South 58 degrees 14 minutes 24 seconds East of and 919.02 feet distant from the Notth Quarter Comer of said Sect on 32, said quartez corner hss a co-ordinate value of N 716949.28, E 2239 01.47, said poini being point "A"; thence North 24 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, 325.09 feet, there begi ning a 40 foot permanent easement and a 120 foot temporary construc- tio easement, the 40 foot permanen[ easement is centered on and the 120 foo temporary construction easement is 50 feet to the left of and 70 feet to e righ[ of [he following described line; T��p�r_r9 nnd oermanent easements on the left side eatend westerly only to he easterly line oE existing permanent easemen:i Chence North 65 degrees 00 uinutes 00 seconds East, 75.00 feet, [here beg nning a 20 foo[ permanent easement and a 90 foot temporary construction eas ment, the 20 foot permaaent easement is centered on and the 90 foot tem orary construction easewent ie 30 feet to the left of and 60 feet to the right of the folloving described line; thence North 25 degrees 00 minutes 00 aeconde East� 50.00 feet to the te nation uf the 90 foot temporary constructton easement; ; thence con[inuing on last deacribed bearing a distance of 110 feet mo e or less ,[o a point on the South Iine of Minnehaha Avenue and [here te nating the 20 foo[ permanent easemenc, said point is South 89 degrees 27 m:nutes 5 seconde East of the North Quarter Corner of said Section 32. Along with condesning and taking a 40 foot pecmanent easement and 80 % fo t temporary construction easement centered on a line described as fo lows: Beginning at pceviously descrlbed point "A"; thence North SO 3egrees 47 minutes 51 seconds East, 160 feet, and o eLlastrmd�scribed�eline oto ttte teecmina[ion nof ttheCe80 nfootintemporary c netruction easement. 1 87, OH ON�t-'OMYLETIO OFOT��KWECT��iH��VER�COMESEFIRST�DECEI�ER 32, .;,,,__ _. _� .. .,., . . _____,. , ,:,,,, ,, , . ,.. _ . ___ _ ��' �� � _ • .. � 1�����-a •.'kJl�' , �•��� ��^ � .. � : � � pp � ,�'R: �$��' e�� ��MI . I i:, ;���� C � � a �'�,� �� ���,y � ��p i :4� ' �.�. .�. � � :�', �:��� `� ...,� �r' ,� � ; :.�. ���, `�:�� � �� A �� �,�� �� , .a�.�� � �' � ��. � a ` � �= �►,pi.�` � � ,fp. �i rj ���-� �','��'.�i-'���7.e�'-�� �..�i� � r�.F�... � . . f ' ��;G O, p '� p � I�< ,�� �,�, t� � � � � �+ �, ,�. . � �+ ' Y3' �� ��� .� .'� ';!`�`� .5�.�7 ,.��.� :u; ���.a .r� '� .�•, . . ,; ;' �t �. i ��.��, ' _' <� 'O r. 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This is excess property nd no longer needed by the City (b�unded by Lexi�gton. ayard. Scheffer and Pleasant). afd over in Cortmittee to Aprii 1, 19i87. 2. 3/24/87 ATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: For the PHALEN CREEK ANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS. ecommended approval . 3. 3/24/87 INAL ORDER: Condemning and taking easements necessary or the construction of the DALE/HaYT SEWER SEPARATION ROJECT. ecommended approval . 4. 3/24/87 INAL ORDER: Improving KENNARD STREET from Case Ave. to aCrosse Ave. by grading and paving; constructing concrete urb and gutter; constructing a street lighting system and onstructing storm water drainage facilities. Also � � onstructing a sanftary sewer 1n KENNARD ST. from Case ve. to LaCrosse Ave. and in LA CROSSE AVE. from Kennard t. to 320 feet more-or-less east of Kennard St. Also onstructing sanStary sewer service connections. ° And nstallation of a water main in KENNaRD ST. from Case Ave. ' o LaCrosse Ave. Also construGting Water service onnections. Also slope constructi'on in the grading and aving of KENNARD ST. from Case to LaCrosse. ecortmended denial . 5. 3/24/87 INAL ORDER: Constructing a sanitary sewer extension in REENBRIER ST. from Margaret St. nor�herly 165 feet thence asterly in the alley in Block 2 of ISchurmier and Evans ddition approx. 350 feet. Also constructing seNer ervice connections. Constructin� a water main in REENBRiER from Margaret to approx. 175 feet north of '-- argaret and in the alley approx. 350 feet east of reenbrier. Also constructing Hater service connections. aid over in Committee to April 15, t!987. '��., •_ _ _ � - � • 6. 3/24/87 FINAL OROER: Installation of a sanitary sewer in IDAHO A ENUE from Arunde 1 Street to Cumber 1 and Street. A 1 so �,('= ��7- �`�f.��/ c nstruction of sewer servfce connections. r � R cortmended approval . 7. 3/31/87 F NAL ORDER: "Condemning and takin� easements for the A ADE/MINNEHANA► SEWER SEPARATION PRO��ECT. R omnended app�oval. 8. 3/31/87 Fi AL ORDER: Condemning and taking easements for the SE ENTH/FRANK STREET SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Re ommended approval . 9. 3/31/87 FI AL ORDER: Condemning and taking easements for the CA E/WESTMiNSTER SEWER SEPARATION PROJ�CT. Re ommended approval . 10. 3/24/87 F1 AL ORDER: improving BIRMINGHAM STRE'ET from York Avenue to Case Avenue by grading and pevfng, constructing co rete curb and gutter, construc�ting storm water dr inage . facilities and constructing a street lighting sys em and doing all work necessary to complete said � pro'ect. Also slope constructlon in th� above grading and pav ng (laid over from March 4� 1987). Lai over in Committee to Apr11 1, 1987. 11. RES LUTION: abating street maintenance assessment for pro erty known as Fire Station #17 aka Lots 16 and 17. Blo k 4, Stone & Morton's Addition. Rec mmended approval . 12. RES UTION: approving Minnesota Department of Tra portatton plans for improvement of SM1TH AVENUE from Anna olis to Stevens. Reco ended approval . 13. RESO UTION: approving Minnesota Department of Tran portation plans for the reconstruction of ` ROBERT STRE T from Annapolis to Concord. . Reco ended approval . ' �-- 2 .