87-403 WHI7E - CI7V CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U t, Council F � CANARV - DEPAi7TMENT File NO• ✓ � �` BLUE - MAVOR Co cil R olution � ;��1-{I1�� 9 J j Presented By ` Referred To �1�'`�� L w� � s Committee: Date 3�� � �� Out of Committee By Date WFIEREAS, The C issioner of Transportation fa� the 5tate of Minnesota has prepared: pl , special provisions, �d specifications for the impravement of T Highway No. 102, rerx�mbered as 7runk Hi�way No. 149, and known as mith Avenue, within tt�e corporate;limits of the City of Saint Paul, fr the south corporate limits to Stevens Street; and seeks the �proval t f; NOW, THEN, 8E IT SOLVED, That said pi�s �d speci�l provisions of the improvement of id tnmic hic,�way within said corpor�ate limits of the city, be and hereb are �proved inciuding the elevati�ns and grades as shown �d ca�s is hereby given to any and all chan�es in grade occasioned by sai construction. BE IT FURTI#R SOLVED, That the city does hereby agree to require the parking of all v icles, if such parking is permitted Within the corporate limits of said ci y, on said tnnk highway, to be parallel with the c�b adjacent to the ighway, and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks on ail pubiic streets i tersecting said tnx�ic highway. BE IT FI�tTHER ESOLVED, That the City CleMc shall provide a certified copy of this re lution to the Minnesota Department ot Transportation District 9 Distr ct Engineer at 3485 Hadiey Averwe �Jorth, Oakdale, Mimesota 551 9. COUNCI�LMEN Requeste� by Department of: Yeas prew Nays � Nicosia ln Favor Publ i or s DJD -10-8 Rettman " � �- � � ��. sor,�e� __ Against BY ��ede�co Wilson MAR 2 � 1987 Form plproved by C' ey Adopted by Council: Da e � � Certified d by Council retary BY B}� Approv by Yfavor: Date � MAR � C 1g$1 Approv�d Mayor for Su ion to Co n 1 � -. gy _ By � PU��a�i�� . .. '. =� �987 Pubii W DEPARTMENT ��1��3 No 4406 . Daniel J.' Dunford, CONTACT 292-6750 • PHONE � � � March 10 1 8 DATE � Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORD R Cli All �.ocations for Si natu e : 1 Department Director 3 Dir ctor of Management/Mayor Finance and Management S vices Director t� Cit Clerk �udget Director ity Attorney ; WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAK NG ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIA S? (Purpose/ ! Rationale) : ; , City Council approval of Mi nesota Deparxment of Transportati n plans for improvement of I SMITH AVENUE from Annapolis to Stevens. j COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: None. F�NANCING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTIVITY NI�IBER CHARGED OR CREDI ED: (Mayor's signa- ; ture not re- ; Total Amount of Transa ion: None quired if under ; $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Num er Al1 Attac'hments : Gouncii Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW C TY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council R solution Reqwired? R solution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? : I surance Sufficient? Yes No � ,/� Yes X No Insurance Attached: �V (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTI NS) Revised 12/84 , . I . `� � - � � C�� �� `�� �' . . llembera: CITY OF SAI�TT PAUL' �an�iceNRet`�`� ulnu ' . 8lki Sonaen '� ��� ' OFFIC� OF TH� CITY' COIINCIL ' 7oha Draw (Alt) . DSte: March 18, 1987 • ' . � . C o mmltte e Re o rt - p To: Saint Paul City Council - From: Committee on Pub�ic Works Chris Nicosia, Chai�� ; _____ The Public Wor s Committee at its meeting of March� l8, 1987 took the — following action: Hearin4 Date 1. 3/24/87 ACAT(ON: Petition of City of St. Pay'1 for the vacation of ots 1 8 2, Block 3, Nelson Park. Tt1is is excess property nd no longer needed by the City (bounded by Lexington� ayard. Scheffer and Pleasant). aid over in Committee to April 1, 1987. 2. 3/24/87 ATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: For the PHALEN CREEK SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS. Recommended approval . 3. 3/24/87 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking easements necessary for the construction of the DALE/WOYT SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Recommended approval . 4. 3/24/87 FINAL ORDER: Improving KENNARD STREET from Case Ave. to LaCrosse Ave. by grading and paving; constructing concrete curb and gutter; constructing a str,'eet lighting system and constructing sto�m water draina�e facilities. Also � � constructing a sanitary sewer iniKENNARO ST. from Case Ave. to LaCrosse Ave. and in LA �ROSSE AVE. from Kennard St. to 320 feet more-or-less east of Kennard St. Also constructfng sanitary sewer service connections. And installation of a water mafn in KENNARD ST. from Case Ave. to LaCrosse Ave. Also constructing water service connections. Also slope construction in the grading and paving of KENNARD ST. from Case to LaCrosse. Recommended denial . 5. 3/2d/87 FINAL OROER: Constructing a sa�ltary sewer extension in GREENBRIER ST. from Margaret St. {�ortherly 165 feet thence easterly in the alley in 81ock 2� of Schurmie� and Evans Addltion approx. 350 feet. ;Also constructing sewe� service connections. Constructing a water main in GREENBRIER from Margaret to approx. 175 feet north of '— Margaret and in the alley approx. 350 feet east of Greenbrier. Also constructing w�ter service connections. Laid over in Committee to April �5, 1987. �.:i ._ . . � y 6. 3/24/87 FINA ORDER: Installation of e sanitary sewer in IDAHO �;� ri 7_c�a � • AVEN E from Arundel Street to Cumberla�d Street. Also C �l cons ruction of �ewer servfce connection�. r Reco ended approval . 7. 3/31/87 FIN ORDER: Condemning and taking e�sementg for the ARC DE/MINNEHANA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Rec mmended approval . 8. 3/31/87 F1N L ORDER: Condemning and taking easements for the SEV NTH/FRANK STREET SEWER SEPARATION PkOJECT. Re ended approval . 9. 3/31/87 F1 AL ORDER: Condemning and taking easements for the - CA E/WESTMINSTER SEWER SEPARAT[ON PROJECT. Re ommended approval . 10. 3/24/87 FI AL ORDER: Improving BIRMINGHAM STR�ET from York Avenue t Case Avenue by grading and pa,ving, constructing c ncrete curb and gutter, constrUcting storm water d ainage . faciltties and constructing a street lighting s stem and doing all Hork necessarX to complete said � � p o,�ect. Also slope constructton in �he above grading and p ving (laid over from March 4, 1987)� id over in Committee to April !, 1987. il . ESOLUTION: abating street maintenance assessment for roperty known as Fire Station #17 aka Lots 16 and 17. lock 4, Stone & Morton's Addition. ecommended approval . 12. ESOLUT I ON s. ' �pprov 1 ng K�e �pai�tn#��t ' ' of � Tra�sport�°i�"'�"pts�s for t�nprov�me�of 5��TH'It� from Annepolis � Stevens. ReconNnended e�provrn 1 . 13. RESOLUTION: approving Minnespta Department of Transportation plans for the recpnstruction of ' ROBERT � STREET from Annapolis to Concord. . Recommended approval . _____ Z ,