87-396 — r �NCE COU[1C1� o CANARV — DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU:L File NO. v � ��� e�ue — r,nwroR , � ', � O/ WZ/L�/LCG Ordinance NO. �77'� / Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ` � e Out of Committee By Date An rdinance amending Chapter 40� of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code pertaining to 'ntoxicating liquor and addin�g pro- vis ' ons for temporary wine and l;iquor lic nses (on-sale) . THE COUNCIL OF HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES CDRDAIN: Section l . That Chapt r 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to add the following thereto: "409. Te porary Wine and Liquor Licenses. Su division 1 . Wine Licenses. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a bona fide non- profit ch ritable, religious , or vetenans organization may obtai on-sale license to sell wir�.e not exceeding 14 percen alcohol by volume for consumption on the licensed remises only. The fee for such license shall be $135.0 per day, and licenses shall be issued for periods n t to exceed three consecuti�e days. No or anizat ' on shall be granted more th�n two such licenses er calendar year. S bd. 2. Liquor Licenses . Notwithstanding any other pr vision of this chapter, a club or charitable, religiou , or other nonprofit organization in existence for at 1 ast three years may obtain o;n-sale license to sell int xicating liquor for consumpt'ion on the licensed premises only and in connection with ;a social event within t e city sponsored by the licensee. The license COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman s�ne'bei A gai ns t BY Sonnen Tedesco • Wilson � Form Approve y City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Da e Certified Passed by Council S cretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . _ ' , • ' � � �'� '�9-fa � � ` ' l �4���'�. may authori e on sales on premises othe� than premises the license owns or permanently occupies. The license may provid that the licensee may contract for intoxicati g liquor catering services with the holder of full year on sale intoxicating liquor license is ued by the city of Saint Paul . The fee for such 1 cense shall be $135.00 per day, and shall be issued or not more than three consecutive days. No organiz tion shall be granted more than two such licenses p r calendar year. Sub . 3. Application. Application for such temporary licenses shall be made on forms provided y the inspector and shall contain such informati n as specified by the inspector, including the following: (1 The name , address and purpose of the organi ation, together with the names and addres es of its officers. (2) The purpose for which the temporary licens is sought, together with the place, dates , and hours during which wine or intoxi- catin liquor will be sold. (3 Consent of the owner or manager of the premi es , or person or group with lawful responsi- bilit for the premises . (4 Evidence that the applicant has obtained and h s in force a bond in accordance with Section 409.0 , subd. 10, and liability insurance in acco dance with Minnesota Statutes 1986 , Section 340A.409. S bd. 4. Application of other provisions of this ch pter. No other provisions of this chapter shall a ply to licenses granted under this section, except ections 409.06 , 409 .07 , 409.08 (except clauses 11 and 12) , and 409.09 through 409 .14. 2. WHITE - C�TV CLERK • � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council / CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �/ � �7"' BLUE -MAVOR � - r . -�. . , �/� • O rdindnce Ordinance 1��. /7 7'✓�9 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ord'nance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative C de and shall be incorporated' therein and given an appropriate c apter and/or section number at the time of the reprinting or updating of said Legislative Code. Section 3. This ord nance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval ,'and publication. , 3 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew �_ [n Favor — � Rettman s�ne�bei � Against BY � sw..a iyw.� Wilson "�� � � �� � ��r� Form Appiroved City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Pa se cil Se ry BY By Appro y Mayor. Da e � Appr d y Mayor for Submiss' to �uncil B By p ISNED !U�� 6 1987 . Fin�nce and t. . � DEPARTMENT ���9� NO 3690 � ' � J ' CONTACT PHQN E � DATE Q/ � Q Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING OR ER Cli Al1 Locations for Si nat re : � Department Director Di ector of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management S rvices Director Ci y Clerk , , Budget Director ' � City Attorney + WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERI LS? (Purpose/ i Rationale) : � This ordinance am nding Chapte� 409 xill alloW the ity to � issuse Te�porary ind and/or Liquor licenaea to bon fide non- ; �rofit charita'�le religious, or �eterans organizat ona � n �`�'1��� COST/BENEFiT BUDGETARY AN PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTiCIPATED: RF�c��r�p �, � It i� antisapate that approx. 15 orginizations xi i M AR 1_ C 1987 initially apply. pfr j(;G O� TWE OIRECTOR � ' p�PA�TMENT OF FMANCE AND MAIVAGEMENI S�RNlC� ; FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDG T ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CRED TED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transa tion: quired if under $10,000) . Funding Source: N /A Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Nu ber All Attachments : ordinance a�ne g chapter 409 DEPARTMENT REVIEW C TY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council R solution Required? R solution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? I surance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTI NS) Revised 12/84 i . , �� �� � ��_.�� . � ,- ��T=o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��� ' /� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATfORNEY ; y%, ` '_'��� ' '� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY o' "c�. �6'+n�.� 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR ; May 22, 1987 Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed please find ordinance amendment to Chapter 409 dealing with temporary wine and liquor licenses . � This ordinance was amended at the Council meeting on Thursday, May 21st, to add a provision t at no organization shall be granted more than two such licen es per year. I have retyped pages 1 and 2 to the proposed rdinance reflecting this change made at the May 21st Council me ting. You s very tr , I � J M� EGA A sis+ta • City Attorney �-� ` i ::-, = _ i ,::� , JJ�,:c� � 1 _,� � c_ � \1 g _,_,;_ _ r \ � Enc l . r- • ,_;, ��, m t:, v CC : Mayor �'y �, Members f the City Council • � �� �- ° Edward P Star `�' � � 1�1 .�; Jane McP ak i ZSt � � � L.' _ %r j'• -LTiQ � / `_� �i� � �� �- • 3rd �- �� � �dop t�d --r.-�?�_,.��---- . .�-��� �� Yeas � Nays �� � � DREW - ' , - " �.� - /�!�-- :� %" �% t}�� NICOSIA y ' - /��5� ��rr� �, SCEiEIBEL � SONNEN � 1 , WILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO i _ , � � , � ' , � � ; � ; � 1. ' . � . . . , r%� �n� �� ,� . . . � � �S 1� . �� , , -- . , WHITE - CITV LERK � (T�INK - FINAN GITY OF SAINT YAU��, Council � CANARV - DEPART ENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � ��� • � O dindnce � Ordinance N 0. . � Prese ed By � Referred To �� �-� �� Committee: � Date 3�, v '� � Out of Committee By ' Date .� � A or�linance amending Chapter 109 o the�Saint Paul Legislative �ode p rtain�g to intoxicating liqtuor a d addirk� provisions for tempjorary w ne and l�iquor licenses (on-�ale) . � THE COUNCIL OF HE CITY OF�\SAINT PAUL DOES QRDAIN: � ction 1 . � � That Chap er 409 of the Sa1�nt Paul Leg�slative Code be and is hereby amen ed so as to add t`he following thereto: � "409. Te porary Wine and Liq�{or Licen�ses. \ Su division l . Wine Lic nses. l Notwithstanding any other provision of this chap er, � bona fide non- profit ch ritable, religious , or eterans organization may obtai on-sale license to sell �r�e not exceeding 14 percen alcohol by volume for co �mption on the licensed remises only. The fee for �uch license shall be $ I 3�,�� per day, and licenses shal�� be issued for periods ot to exceed three consecuti�r�� days. ;,q S bd. 2. Liquor Licenses. No�twit�istanding any other pr vision of this chapter, a clizb o charitable, religiou , or other nonprofit organiza;tion i existence for at least three years may obtain on-sajle lic se to sell intoxica ing liquor for consumption an the li�ensed premises only and in connection withla social "�vent within t e city sponsored by the lic�nsee. Th license may auth rize on sales on premises o�her than p mises the lice see owns or permanently occu�pies. The 'cense COUNCILMEN Re uest Ilb De artment of: Yeas Nays 9 Y P Drew � Nicosia [n Favor — - Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen Against � Tedesco ` Wilson i Adopted by Council: Dat Form App�oved � City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Se retary BY By � Approved by Mayor: Date Approv y Mayor for Su mi on Council By z . � . . . . . ,, r , .�_ .i'�� , . r. r� ,.. ,., . , � �. � . , , may provide that the licensee may contraict for intoxicatin liquor catering services wi'th the holder of'a full year on sale intoxicati�g liquor lice'. se issued by the city of Sa% Paul . The fee for �uch license shall be � /3 � per day, and shall b ~'i�ssued for not more than th�ree consecutive da�s. ; Subd. 3 . 'Application. Applicatibn for such tempor ry lic�ses shall be made on� forms provided by the insp�ctor and shall cont in such information as specif�ed by the inspecto�, including t e followin��F; � ( 1 ) The name, add�ess and purpos� of the organizatio , together wit'Tv, the names an�l addresses of its offi ers. � (2) The purpose for wYi�,ch the te�porary license is s ught, together witY;� the pla�e, dates , and hours during which wine or ii�toxicating liquor will be sold. `� (3 ) onsent of the owner or�`�nanager of the premises , or person or group with la �W�ul responsi- bility for t e premises. '`�b, �� (4) vidence that the applicant ��las obtained and has in f rce a bond in accordance wit� Section � 409.06 , subd. 10 , and liability insurance accordance w' th Minnesota Statutes 1986 , Sec��tion 340A.409. ,, Subd. 4. Application of other provisio of this chapter No other provisions of thi!s chap er shall apply o licenses granted under thi,s secti , except Secti ns 409.06 , 409.07 , 409.08 (except ''�, clauses 11 a d 12) , and 409. 09 through 409. 14. �'� �'< 2 . ' ' '. . � . �• ��7 - t�q� � CITY OF SAINT PAU�. "..:�.;- OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCZL ,�..... ...,.� ,. ��._.,�,,� :;` , O o t e : May 4, 1987 COMM (TTEE REPORT TO = Sa�nt PQU 1 City Councii Fj� � � : CO� j�'�'Q� pn LEGISLATION � C�i Q 1 R ; JOHN DREW • I • I . 1 . Approval of t e minutes from the meeting I�eld April 20, 1987. APPROVED. I • 2. An ordi�nanc�e. i ng Gk���' 4Q9 pf the �.�� �+ar�e pert�a n i r�g -to t��c i cat 9 ng� 1 is��--a�!=����� for C�ry...� ;�-��?F�� i i c�nses �o�-s����r, G��:i F i 1 e 8�3$6. TTEE R�EC6�M�MIE1�l35 APPRC?1l,�L. 3. Resolution su porting legislation affirming temporary classifi- cation of dat as protected non-public whiile negotiations are occurring per aining to projects of the St. Paul Port Authority. COMMITTEE REC MMENDS THAT THIS RESOLl1TION BE WITHDRAWN. 4. An ordinance mending Chapter 310. 04 of the Legislative Code pertaining to license procedures and adding Subd. 5. Appeal ; Class 1 or Cl ss II licenses. Council Fi'lle 87-474. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS AP ROVAL. 5. An ordinance repealing Chapter 287 of thelLegislative Code prohibiting ny person from distributing lanonymous pamphlets. Council File 87-475. COMMITTEE RECOMMEND�S APPROVAL. � CIIY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 .��. I