87-369 �� ��
CITY OF ST. PA � � COUNCIL FI No. �'7- �3�9
By �
File No. 18442—C
Voting In the Matter of improving HOYT AVENUE between Western and Virginia by
Ward const ucting concrete curb and gutters, bituminous paving and
5 const ucting concrete driveways and outiwalks if required.
Also, constructing a street lighting s stem and doing all work
neces ary to complete said improvement.
(All o be done along with the Dale/Ho t Area sewer and street
pavi project)
The Council of th City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and
having considered said re ort,hereby resolves:
l. That the said r port and the same is hereby approved with no al ernatives, and that the estimated cost thereof
is$ , financed by 1987 Public Improvlement Aid.
aid im rovement on the I da of at
2. That a pubhc h armg be had on s p y Q�r� � ,
10:00 o'clock m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and ourt House Building in the City of Saint Paul.
3. That notice of aid public hearing be given to the persons and in he manner provided by the Charter,stating the
time and place f hearing,the nature of the improvement and the otal cost thereof as estimated.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted y the Council: Date
MAR Z 4 1987
Yeas Drew Nays ;
Nicosia � Certified sed Council S etar
Scheibel In Favor By
Tedesco � Against . -
Wilson �,�,�� � � .�g87 Mayor
PUBIISHED i��r;Y I � 1987