87-364 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �j / C4NARV - DEPARTMENT . , F�le NO• `� � _� r� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolut 'on . � � Presente By � ! I Referred To V �'� `�- d �' C-�Y Committ�ee: Date � "'� 9 � � � Out of Committee By Date R�SOLVED, hat the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and pprove of the appointment, my the Mayor, of James Bryan to erve as a member of the Saint Paul Affirmative Action Advisory Committee, replacing Dr. Gemrge Berry and representing th Civil Service Commission. Tnis term to expire October 8, 1988. j i I I I I I I I �i I COUNC[LMEN Requestedl'by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays r Nicosia �� In Favor Rettman Scheibel �,,,�,,, � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson MHf� 2 �`t i�87 Form ppr d by it orn Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas e b uncil ec e y BY By Approved y , vor: at _ � +� 1 � � APP ed �y Mayor for Submis t il BY — — PU4lISNFD r,P n 1 g 1987 I ' .� ����� .�, Ma or Latimer 's Of ice D PARTMENT •�'�� _ �943' . � . 4 Vra �Lee Patterson �_ C NTACT P ON E I r ar 9 1987 D TE : - ,r� �, e � , ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING OROER Cli 11 Locations for.Si ature : Department Director � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Managemen Services Di ector � � City Clerk Budget Director 2 Eity Council President � City Attorney 4JHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY AKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATE IALS? (Purpase/ , Rationale) : Appointing James B yan to th Affirmative_ Acti n Advisory Committee, replacing Dr. Geor e Berry. This term to :exgi e on October 18, 1988. James Bryan to re esent the Civl Service Comm' ssion. i OST BENEFIT BUDGETARY D PERSONNEL MPACTS ANTICIPATED: ` � � 4 � � FINANCING SOURCE ANO BUDG T ACTIVITY N I�ER CHARGED OR CRED TED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of "Transa tion: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: . j ATTACHMENTS List and Num er All Attac ments : � � ( _ � , I . � I DEPARTMENT REVIEW CI Y ATTORNEY RfVIEW Yes No Council Res lution Required? � Re lution I�quired? Yes No Yes No Insurance quired? In rance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No tnsurance tached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTION ) Revised 12/84 I ; �� ��7-��f �� ' . ITY OP` SAINT P�.IIL; o�c� o� � cz� coIIrrczz `...... . r�uu•u�. �+�•^,•,;� 0 a t e'; March 13, 1987 .� CO M �TTEE RE PORT TO = Satnt PQU I City Council ; FR 0 M � �.Ot'Y1 ittee Oh RULES AND POLICY, Ma�ch 13, 1987 . C H Q I R Acting Chair--John Drew � The Rules and Polic Committee recommended to the Cit ' Counci 1 of the y �� �*� following items: � ResmYt�ion app oving the appointment by the Mayo � of James Bryan to serve as a member of the St. Paul Affirmative Action A�visory Committee, term to expire Octo er 18, 1988. , Resolution app oving the appointment by the Mayo� of James A. Blaha to • serve as �a mem er of the Food and Nutrition Commission. Resolution app oving the appointment by the Mayos of Mertyce R. Mayne to serve as a ember of the St. Paul Riverfron,'t Commission. The following Resol tion was referred back to the Cib�y Council with no recommendation: Resolution ap ointing Thomas Rowe, Attorney at L�aw, as special counsel. to represent inda K. Dahlen for the purpose of ;defending the complaint by Johannes H yen. The following Ordi ance was sent to the City Council �with a recommendation for approval with an a endment (see attached copy of Ordinance with change indicated}. An ordinance mending Section 2.07 of the Admin�.strative Code pertaining to review of ecessary procedures for proposed ordinances and resolutions. lc ; � . , ; . C���, SEVENTH FLOOR � S?►II`i'P PAUL.MINNESOTA 55102 .��.