87-363 WHITE - C�7V CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIUL Council /� �J/J C4NARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. " �_ v ` � BLUE - MAVOR Co l R olut�on .�/' .. � - Presented By - , . Referred To Committe�e: Date Out of Committee By Date I WHEREAS, the Ci y of Saint Paul is committed to m�.intaining and improving the quality of our n ighborhoods; and WHEREAS, presen e of businesses purveying sexually explicit and obscene material often has a emoralizing and detrimental effedt on city neighborhoods and conditions; and WHEREAS, under c rrent law it is difficult to prosecute and sanction those who distribute such m terials; and j WHEREAS, a bill or an Act (S.F. 236, H.F. 402) belfore the Minnesota Legislature during th 1987 session would improve prosecution opportunities and increase sanctions ag inst those involved in the distri�bution of obscene materials; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that t e City of Saint Paul support the �assage of S.F. 236 and H.F. 422. I I COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia lI Rettman IR FBVOi Scheibel s�,. � __ Against BY Tedesco -� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 �' �98� Form App a by Cit Attor ey Certified Passe o ci S cret B By, Appro Mavor• D -F�3 � t�l Approved by M�yor for Submission to Council . _ g,� _ �-'LJ`'�= _ _ gY PUBIISNfD u�'� 1 � 198 7 - i ��--- - --- -- ------------- —_ --- . _ ------- I _____._ ���/.� .. i . �� �7��� � ' � � � � ��� ` 1/21/87 (REVISOR J XX/CO 87-0769 � �/ f z ; . � 1 � ., � Senators Waldorf, erriam, Jude , Laidig and Kna�ak introduced-- S. F. No. 236 Re erred to the Committee on J�diciary I i I I i 1 A bill for an act , �I,k'; : �� 2 relating t obscenity; prohibiting the distribution ''� 3 and exhibi ion of obscene materials an�3 performances; ; 4 prescribin penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 5 1986, sect ' on 617 . 241. � 6 � 7 BE IT ENACTED Y THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STAITE OF MINNESOTA: 8 Section 1 . Minnesota Statutes 1986 , slection 617 . 241, is 9 amended to rea : 10 617. 241 [ BSCENE MP,TERIALS AND PERFORN�ANCES; 11 DISTRIBUTION A D EXHIBITION PROHIBITED; PEI�ALTY. J 12 Subdivisi n 1 . �DEFINITIONS. � For pu�poses oF this 13 section, the f llowing terms have the meani�ngs given them: 14 (a) "Obsc ne" means that the work , tal�en as a whole, 15 appeals to the prurient interest in sex e�tthe-aeerage-peraon; 16 whteh-portraya patent�p-offenssne and depi�ts or describes in a 17 atentl offen ive manner sexual conduct aq�d which, taken as a 18 whole, does no have se*ious literary, art;istic, political , or 19 scientific val e. In order to determine that a work is obscene, 20 the trier of f ct must find: ,. 21 ( i) that the average person, applyinglcontemporary � 22 community sta dards would find that the work, taken as a whole, 23 appeals to th prurient interest in sex ef-the-adere�ge-peraen; � 24 ( ii) tha the work depicts patently offensive sexual ' 25 conduct speci ically defined by clause (b) in a patently i ; , . , I , a �- 1 •� i , . . _. . (�- ���..� � ' � 1/21/87 [REVISOR J �'�XX/CO 87-076� � 1 offensive manner; and . . 2 ( iii) .that he work, taken as �a whole, lacks serious 3 literary, artist' c, political, or scientific' value. 4 (b) "�atent y-effe�szde Sexual conduct" ' iat�tsdea means any 5 of the following e3epreted-aext�a�-eendrset: 6 ( i) An act f sexual intercourse, norma� or perverted, 7 actual or simula ed, including genital-genit�l, anal-genital, or 8 oral-genital int rcourse, whether between hu an beings or 9 between a human eing and an animal. 10 ( ii) Sadoma ochistic abuse, meaning fla ellation or torture 11 by or upon a per on who is nude or clad in u dergarments or in a 12 sexually reveali g costume or the condition f being fettered,. 13 bound, or otherw se physically restricted on '',the part of one so � 14 clothed or who i nude. 15 ( iii) Mastu bation, excretory functions, or lewd 16 exhibitions of t e genitals including any explicit, close-up 17 representation o a human genital organ. 18 ( iv) Physic 1 contact or simulated physical contact with 19 the clothed or u clothed pubic areas or butta,cks of a human male 20 or female, or th breasts of the female, whetllher alone or 21 between members f the same or opposite sex or between humans 22 and animals in a act of apparent sexual stimilation or 23 gratification. �, 24 (c) "Community" means the political subdivision from which 25 persons properly ualified to serve as jurors in a eiei� 26 criminal proceedi g are chosen. 27 d "Work" m ans "material" or " erformance. " 28 e "Materia " means a book, ma azine, sm hlet, a er, 29 writin , card, ad ertisement, circular , rint icture, 30 hoto ra h, motio icture film, videota e, s ' ri t, ima e, 31 instrument, statu , drawin , ar other article 32 f "Perform nce" means a la , motion cture, dance, or 33 other exhibition erformed before an audiencei 34 Subd. 2 . [C IME. J It is unlawful for an� a person 35 knoNing�y, knowin or with reason to know its content and �`� 36 character, to: �::. - ,,5 . 2 � I _ � � � P� �� ��� �� . ` 1/21/87 [REVISOR ] X�K/CO 87-0769 i I I ' 1 (a� exhibit, sell, print, offer to sell, give away, 2 circulate, publis , distribute or attempt to distribute any 3 obscene books-�eg z#ne;-pe�pk�et;-paper;-arit ng;-eard7 4 adeertiae�ent=-et ee��ar;-prtnts-ptetare=-phet graphT-motton 5 pietetre-fi��T-p�a =-in�age?-inatrt�me�t?-atattse*-draatrtgT-or-ether 6 artie�e-whteh-ta- baeene material; or . 7 b roduce, resent, artici ate in, or direct an obscene 8 performance. 9 Subd. 3. [P NALTY. J Ar�y A person violating anp-preesator� 10 ef-tkta-aeetten-a a��-be-ftt�ed-�p-to-$�8;@99-for-tke-firat 11 offenae-and-�p-te- �6;966-for-the-�eeone3-or-a-�abaeqrsent-offenae 12 subdivision 2 is ilt of a ross misdemeanor and ma be 13 sentenced to im ri onment for not more than on ear , or to 14 a ment of a fine f not more than $3, 000 , or oth. 15 Subd. 4. [SE OND OR SUBSEQUENT VIOLATIONS. ] Whoever 16 violates the rovi ions of subdivision 2 within five ears of a 17 revious convictio under that subdivision is uilt of a felon 18 and ma be sentenc d to im risonment for not m � re than two 19 ears, or to a me t of a fine of not more than $10,000, or both. 20 Sec. 2. (EFF CTIVE DATE. ] 21 Section 1 is ffective the da after fina enactment . 'I I I �`' � .. I � . � . �