87-358 WMITE - CITV �LERK � PINK - FINAN�E G I TY OF SA I NT A LT L Counci! CANARV - DEPARTMENT j/�� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. (,� � � a , ouncil Resol tion ; �� Presente By ' '��.... --' � Referred To ��-'�'-�'t� Committee: Date �-��a � Out of Committee B Date E� IT RE,90LUID � PfmPER QTY OFFIQALS, ARE HEREBY PiTPHJRIZID A1�ID DIR�X,`I.� � E A OJNPRACT WITH Tf� SAINT PAUL RANSEY NIDICAL CE1�T�ER �Y Zi� QTY SHALL RFJCEIVE � SERVICES �' I7R. I�EITH HETmY� AL�RDING � � R1 _ TERNS OF SAID O� , A ODPY OF WHIQ3 IS TO BE R�T ON FILE AI�ID OF R�CARD IN TI� IEPP,� FI� Al�ID MAI�GII� SERVIC�S. COUNC[LMEN Requeste by Department of: Yeas Drew NaYs ' .�Ni��� � Rettman I(1 F8V0[ Scheibel , Sonnen __ Agal[lsi BY Tedesco Wilson MAR 19 1987 Form Ap ved y Cit t ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas•e by Council Sec etary BY 4 sy� Appro :Vlavor: Date �R � �% ���� Appro d �y Mayor for S bmi sion�o Council By _ _ By � u�tl�"��� ::. ,;: ': � 19 _ , PA�TMEN7` � ���a �T� _ O S s 2�, . Gnrv J. -P�ecxuannn , � - , C NTACT ( . -7711 P ONE r Jan 22, 1�7 TE �„i�/ �, Q, � ASSI N NUI�BE�, FOR R4UTIMG pR�R Cli 11 Locations for Si ature : • Department Director 4 Director of Management/Nlayor 3 Finance and ly.ana9emen Services Di ector � ' CitY �Clerk B get:Di rector ty cbu�cil City A�tarnex . . WHAT WILL BE ACHIEI�ED ��f AKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATE IALS? �(Purpose/ Rationale) : Q�uncil iieeolut#�on tio al City ai ture�s on a a�ntract een the City r� 9�i:r�t Paul, thrawgh its Divi�ion of hlic Hsalth and ,Saint Paul I�ms l�cal Oenter fo�r tt�e serv�cee `'of Dr. 1Ceith gearq in �alth Divi ion �municable Pr am. ���'� REC EI1lED ��'` � FEB 17 198� ST BENEFIT BUOGETARY D PERSONNEL MPACTS ANTICIPATED: (r�TY ATTORN Saint Paul �y'�ladiaa Center will be rei.mbursed $30.00 per ha�r far Dr. Henry•s dutie�. Zbtal a�ount of the ct �all ecceed $32,000. Ab personnel in�acts antidpnted: FFNANCING SOURCE AND BUDG T ACTIVITY N MBER CHARGED OR CRED TED: (Mayor!s•signa- ture not re- Total Amount.t�f "Transa ion: -532 800. quired if under �10,000) ��-Fundtng Source: � �tivity Number: 332 2 - $17,000. � . \ � , 332 3 - $15,000. � , ATTACHMENTS List and Num r Ali Attac nts : 1. Raeolt�inn, _ 2. O�ntract - oriqinal three aop es i 3. Letter fram Saint Pa Ramsey Hos ital regardinq se1f- r�surance. t�EPARTMENT REVIEW CIT ATTORNfY REVIEW /' _,�;Yes No Council Reso ution Requi d? � Res ution �quired? Yes �No ,r Yes No Insurance Re uired? Ins ance Sufficient? Yes No�f/� Yes No Insurance At ached�: . : . ( EE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) . Revised 12/84 � , .. _ �,�� ,��� � � �� � AN AGREEMENr ma and �tered into the day ofl , 1986, by and between the City of Saint Paul, a irunicipal wrpor�ati.on af the State of Minnesota, herei fter referred to as the "City", �cting throuc� its Division o� � . Puhlic Health, the St. Paul �nsey Medical Cen�er, acting thraugh its Dep�.rt�nent of In ernal Medical, Section o�f Infectops Diseases, hexeinafter �. ref erred to as e "Medi cal Center"; I . WITNESSETH: I W�REAS, th City requires medical staff to �avide servive to its patients in its a-�rnrnunica e di.sease �roqramg; and WHEREAS, th City is permi.tted to o�ntract fo� the perfonnanve of said _ - . . ._ service�-or'any i�on thereof; and - -_--- - — - , w�EREAS, it 's c7�eaned in the best interest of I the City to a�ntract for said service; NJW, �REE� , IT IS M[JrUALLY 19GREED by and )petween .the Gity and the I Medical Center as follows: 1. That the 'cal Center shall g�ovide the �i.ty with the �hysician services Reith Henry, M.D. i 2. That the 'cal Center shall be paid $30 �er hour far Dr. Henry's duties. � 3. That Dr. 's typical duties will incluc�e but are not li.mited to: - a) Dir AIDS related activities under the supervisi.on of Ec�rard R D�er dt b) S ' se STD clinical operations =� � � ��:� � � c) Assis the M�edi.cal Direct�or of the Divi,sion of Public Health in plan ng, organizing, ar�d conducting ot!�er car¢nunicahle di.sease oontr 1 �ograu�s I, d) Parti ipate in Quality Assurance activi�ies e) Co inservice training for staff I� f) Wbrk 'th Laboratory in evaluating accu�acy/appropriateness of scr 'ng and diagnostic lab�ratory tests g) Develo guidelines for range of clini.ca�. protalens to be seen appropriate staff h) Develo referral guidelines for those paoblems mt within guidel nes of �e I� i) Perfo medical evaluation af patients iin oozmunicable di.sease P�� _ . _. _`—__ __ _ ___-�. '� �.�. - - j) Assist'ng in the developnent and implenehtation of ar�nmicable diseas activities �, k) Work wi h other ac�ministrators in: I 1) liai n with other Frogra� r 2) dev opment of bwdge� in relatian t�o ��rent ar�d proposed clini.cal P�o9 a� ; 3) int facing with other city, county a�d state �encies 1) Provi�e consultation acxl education to individuals and groups in the cc[ca�nini y 4. That the C ty shall reimburse the Medical Cehter on a m�nthly basis �on receipt of an inwice, but in m case shall the total amount of ; reimbursan t tA the N�edical Center under th� teims of this Agreement exceed $32,000. �, 2 ; _._.. . __.w._.._�,._..___.__ _.... ____.�._._ L_ _ _ .- . . ' p� �—3��s , 5. That the City shall sulamit t,o the Msdi.caliCenter a schedule for Dr. Henry's ime in a,dvance. � . 6. That the City declares Ec�aard R. ffierhardq., in oonsultation with apporopri te staff, as the person responsil�l.e,for c�ompliarloe with the terms of this �reement. 7. That the Medical Center will defend, save �and hold harmless the City fran any and atl claims, d�marxls, actions lor causes of action arising t out of act or omission o� the part of !its aq�ts, sersra.nts or �nploy in the perforn�anoe af this agreelnertt� e�e�ting those claims, danands, ctions or causes o� acti.ons s�lelly attributat�le i�o the negl igen of the City. 8. _That at 1 times the M�edical Center agre that Dr. Aenry is an _ �.r, , . � . inclepen t oontractor as to the City and �ot an anployee of the City. 9. That noth'ng in this Aqreemer�t shall be co�strued as limitir�g the right i of inc�e d�ent operation � either the M�cal Center or the City for the affil ation of oontract with any other !instituk.ion ar agenc.y while this Agr t is in effect. i 10. Tt�at ariy reanent may be telminated b� eitzher party with or without cause upo thirty �ys' written mtice. Q�jarges which have accrued for services endered shall survive any tennina�tion o� thi.s Agreanent. 11. That any lteration, variations, modificati�ons, or waivers of provisions of this reen�ent shall be valid only when �they have been reduced fio writing, ully signed, and attached to the briginal af this Agreem�ent. , 3 i - . . . � �3�� i 12. That the teans of this Agreement shall be �fram Jnly 1, 1986 through June 30, 1987. ' . . IN Wr�NESS WI�RID , the parties have set their hanc�g the c�te first written above. ST. PAUL RAMS�'Y ICAL CEN�IIt QTY IOF SAII�TP Pl3I7L Activ�ity Qodes 33242-17,000 33243-15,000 R�t Crossley, . . Mayo� Clzief, Section Infectious Disease i ;•��.: , � ��Y� ;r� R�bert 0. Milhaus , M.D. Dir r of Finance Managenent Chairman, Degartzn t of Medicine Servi s . _�... _ _ _ _-_____. �_ —_____ -- - � ene Mars 1 Dir r, Depart�nent of Co�unity President Servi�es APP�JVED AS 'lU I�O : APPIbrJ� AS 7UU Pt�RM: -� ; . � ����c � I David M. Fortney Assis t City� AttArney Vice President - L w. I - i � �, i i . 4 �_ t�..1 a.,_ i'��+'hh'��. ! - � ��7'�Sg ,��►. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �i<ii'�i i'� OFFIC� OF THE CITY COUNCIL . • I �OI�IIlll���� ���Or �:i�anc �Iana eme�t � Person el Com.mittee. . � MARCH 12, 1987 1. Approval of minute from meeting held March 5, 1987. approved 2. Resolution amendin the salary plan and rates of compensation resolution by establishing a sal ry range in Section I D 2, Grade 21E, Technical Standard Ranges for the tit e of Library Assistant. laid over to April 2, 1987 � 3. ResoTution establi hing the title and class specifiCations €or Library Assistant in Grade 20. laid over to A ril 2, 1987 , 4. Resolution creatin the 1987 Spring Cleanup Fund. m�ved out w/o recommendation 5. Resolution authori ing contrac� with Saint Paul Ram ey.Medical Center wherebx,, the city shall rec ive the serv�ices of Dr. Keith He ry in the Health D.ivision Communicable Progr m. appx�oved . 6. Resolution-.adoptin city policy establishing standa ds-for investments. approved I � � _ CI?Y,HALL SEVENTH FLOOR - SAINT PAUL,MINNESOT'A SSIOZ �'�6 ..... ....... . ..._ . - . . . . . . .. . � . �.:.,.ra ., . .... . . { . . .. . . ....._.::-...... .>r..--0. ::..e•s..r+e.�.... . � � �-�� . � � . � Execudve Offices 6401ackson Street,St.Paul,Minnesota 55101 • 612/221-2191 I February 6, 1987 Mr. Gary J. Pechmann Management ssistant City of Sai t Paul Department f Community Services Division of Public Health I 555 Cedar S reet Saint Paul , Minnesota , 55101 RE: Medica Center Self-Insurance Prog�am Dear Mr. Pe hmann : You recentl inquired regarding the ins�rance program maintained y St . Paul-Ramsey Medical C nter. For a number of years the M dical Center has elected to maintain a program of self insura ce rather than purchase com ercial liability insurance. This program is applicable o all medical services provided by the Medical Center of a pro essional nature , including m lpractice liability. A number of years ago a malpractice lia ility fund was h M i 1 Center. The�fund is reviewed on an established by t e ed ca annual basi under the advice of Alexander and Alexander and, if it is ne essary to increase the assets in the fund based on the analysi of the risk exposure, the �und is increased. As was true prior to the change in the Medical Center' s governance, the Medical Center is subje t to the tort liability limits of M nnesota Statutes Chapter 46�. I If any furt er information is required, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, ��� � Gary M. Mil s Assistant Director of Operations GMM/lh 00371 An Equal Opportunity Em loyer WHITE - CITV CIERK � PINK - FINANGE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council B �•" • CANA{?V - DEPARTMENT File NO. �/ ���� • BLUE - MAVpR uncil Resolu ion � Presented By `� ---�- (�Referred To �'�� � �' �- CommiCtee: Date �'' 3 r ��. Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, T AT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY F SAINT PAUL DOES HEREBY ADOPT THE FOLL WING AS THE CITY'S POLICY E TABLISHING STANDARDS FOR INVESTMENT : The purpose of this Policy Statement is to establish standards governing the 'nvestment of City funds. I is the City' s policy that the maxim m available funds be invested at the highest rates obtainable at he time of investment, in ac�cordance with state statutes (incl ding Minnesota Statutes, Ch pter 118 and Sections 471 . 56 , 471 . 59 and 475 .66) , the City of Saint Paul Anti-Apartheid Resolution 86- 48 (see Appendix I) and the administrative guide- lines as outli ed in this policy. STATEMENT OF POLICY , APPLICABILITY This directive applies to all investment ma e by the City, regardless of f nd. COUIVC[LMEN Requested y Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ AgaillSt BY Tedesco ' Wilson Form Appro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified Vassed by Council Secr tary BY gy. Apprvved by :Navor: Date _ Appro Mayor for Su s Council By _ _ — By . . , I �(/=�7-;3�1 . � $ o The City will 'nvest only in the following � instruments or those others that ma subsequently be permitted by State Statute: a. United States Treasury Obligationsl b. Federa Agency Securities ; c. Repurc ase Agreements (Consisting bf U.S. Treasury Obliga ions and Federal Agency Secirities) d. Certif cates of Deposit (C.D. 's) e. Commer cial Paper f. Banker s Acceptances � g. Money arket Mutual Funds These instrume ts are defined in detail in Appendix II. F AT ' The vendor qua ifications for investments focus upon protection of taxpayer dolla s and investment income, co�sistent with statutory authorization, the City's anti-apartheid resolution and financial prudence. The City will conduct its inves ment transactions with several legal, competing, reputable invest�ent security dealers and banks, uti izing the following guidelines: 'i A. A REBM$ • 1 . Perfe tin ollateral Repo' are considered secured loa s with securities as un erlying collateral. The Ci y shall maintain the right to take delivery and ow ership of the coll teral involved in a repo upo�i demand. With deli ery there is less principal risk for the City sinc the claim against the collateral is secured in rela ion to those of other parties. For epo's with maturities of 21 �iays or less, coll teral is considered perfected without security deli ery. For repo's with maturities extending past 21 d ys, perfection occurs only by taking possession of s curities. The City will determine if delivery of s curities is required for matlurities beyond twen y-one days. 2. e e tion of Re o endors � The ity will parchase repo's from vendors who meet certain criteria: I a. eporting dealers who are mor�itored by the New ork Federal Reserve Bank. b. ationally supervised commerc�ial banks whose ombined capital and surplus equals or exceeds 25,000,000. 2. I i I , . ` . �� ��-�`�'G� c. L cal designated depository banks issuing repos • i amounts of $500,000 or less and scheduled to m ture in thirty days or less. The qualifying bank or dealer must have de ' onstrated over a significant pe iod of time, a successful, rofitable, and reliable opera ion. The qualifying bank o dealer must have an established ma agerial component and knowl{edgeable professional staff capable f ensuring the continued su�cess of the enterprise. B. $ F S T All bank and savings associations wxthin the United States are desi nated as depositories for the purpose of purchasi g Certificates of Deposit and are authorized to act as s fekeeping agents for City collateral. In order to provide an opportunity for local investments, the City will purchase short-term a' d medium-term Certific tes of Deposit from local b nks and savings associat 'ons based on the following riteria: 1. The ate should match or exceed ther investment opti ns. 2. The ertificates of Deposit shal be collateralized for 11 amounts in excess of FDI /FSLIC insurance ($10 ,000 under current law) . 3. Mort ages are not acceptable as ollateral. Certific tes of Deposit purchased fr m any bank or savings associat 'on outside of the local are� must meet the above criteria and the interest rate must exceed, by 15 basis points, ertificates of Deposit available at the same time from loc 1 banks. C. E A SPTA L O E I L Although authorized by Minnesota Law, Bankers Acceptances and comm rcial paper are more risky than instruments of the Fede al government or Federal agencies. Because of the cred't risk, the City of Saint Paul will follow these gu 'delines: BANRERS C EPTA E '� i 1 . Bank rs Acceptances shall be res ricted to the top 50 bank in the United States (as m asured annually by depo its, published by American anker Magazine) , Firs Bank Minneapolis/Saint Pau and Norwest Bank Minn apolis. , 2 . The roker, dealer, or banker sh�ll verify that the Bank rs Acceptance is eligible for purchase by the Fede al Reserve System. 3. .. . � � (.� �7_,3�3 . � ' 3. Bank rs Acceptances should not be purchased unless the yiel is greater than Onited States Treasury Obli ations or Federal Agency Issues. COMMER PAPER 1. Com ercial Paper shall be restri�ted to issues which matu e in 270 days or less and shall be rated A-1 (Moo y's) , or P-1 (Standards and Poors) , or F-1 (Fitch) . 2. Comm rcial Paper shall not be purchased unless the yiel is greater than United Sta es Treasury Obli ations or Federal Agency Issues. D. S T T S BE The City will not purchase investmen s that, at the time of inves ment, cannot be held to mat rity. This does not mean tha an investment cannot be so d prior to maturity. TRAT R B Investments sh 11 be undertaken so as to insure the preservation of capital in he overall portfolio. Safe y of principal is the foremost objec ive. Liquidity and yield a e also important considerations It is essential that mone is always available when needed. herefore, the City's invest ent goal is to maximize yield while scheduling maturity dates to coincide with expenditure ne ds. The City's inv stment portfolio shall be d�signed to attain a market-average rate of return during budge ary and economic cycles, taking into account the City's inv stment risk constraint and the cash f ow characteristics of the p rtfolio. All participants i the investment process sha�l seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. Investment officials shal avoid any transaction that might impair public confic7ence in he City's ability to govern effectively. I A. PROCEDIIRES Cash mana ement is essential to a good investment program. The Treas ry Division of the Department of Finance and Managemen Services has responsibilit to organize and establish procedures for effective ca h management, based on the follo ing guidelines: 1. Cash low projections will be pre ared at the beginning of ea h budget year. 2 . Each orning, cash balances will k�e prepared based on cash eceived the previous day, disbursement float and sizea le checks or wire transferslthat present inves ment opportunity. 3 . Each orning, the investment reco�ds will be reviewed and u dated as investments mature ',or are purchased. 4. I ,