99-402aR�GINAt. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the a appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on a the BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL. 4 s REAPPOINTMENTS 6 Douglas Gale � Randy Geller a 9 lo ii Henry Kristal William H. Mason, III Abigail McKenzie � APPOINTMENTS Robert Awsumb Clarice Gombold Steven Lehr Justine Mishek iz is Each of the above members shall serve a three-year term which will expire on April 1, 2Q02. 14 15 16 17 a 1g Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney $y: d� • S-ZE--g�l By: �� � . � Appr By: A '(�t�2rd� �� —' V � 4 y ��' 1�y ti`T`ncil File # t 1� OT V ����� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy: C_� 1���" Adopted by Council: Date _��� V ,�` Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 99-�Io� Mayor Coleman's Office 5-4-99 GREEN SHEET i ••i , . � _ • • , Alberto Quintela 266-8529 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 r•,r.:� �—a:�,r� o�,.,� ❑�.�_ ❑.,�,��.� ❑.�.�,,,�� o�,��,�.� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of appointments of Robert Awsumb, Clarice Gombold, Steven Lehr, Sustine Mishek and reappointments of Douglas Gale, Randy Geller, Henry Kristal, William Mason, III, Abigail McKenzie and Betsy Van Hecke to serve on the Business Review Council. PLANNING CAMMISSION C{B COMM{TTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION IF Flas t�is pe�soMfirtn ever worked undx a contract tor this �partmerA? VES NO Flasthis ye�soNfi�m ever hcen a city empbyce7 YES NO Dces th� pe�so�nn poesESS a sidll na nortnallyposses,sed by any cvrteM ciry employee? YES NO is ihis pe�soNfirm a Wrp�ed ventla? VES NO l/KJ{d`s C7G,�e v�n�.+�: 3 ��.'� IiLIiJ SOURCE COST/REVENUE 6UOGEfFA �GRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO wFOaMnnon �exrweq q9-4os- CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hall Norm Coleman, Mayor ZS West %Aogg Bnulevard Sain! P¢ul, Minrsesola 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Tay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Harris Telephone: (6Z2) 266-8510 FacsimIIe: (612) 2668513 Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter (e'�t�;°°�t� •'.:�:�•��u'•.": 3�,=,rR:;i FROM: Alberto Quintela, Jr. �.� ��° � �° �d�� DATE: RE: May 4, 1999 BU5INESS REVIEW COUNCIL Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Business Review Council. Douglas Gale Randy Gelier Henry Kristal William H. Mason, III Abigail McKenzie Betsy Van Hecke APPOINTMENTS Robert Awsumb Clarice Gombold Steven Lehr Justine Mishek Each shal] seroe a three-year term which will expire on April 1, 2002. Attached is a copy ofthe resolution, copies ofthe new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. AQ:drm Attachments c: Bob Kessler, License, Inspection and Environmental Protection Dave Lobejko, License, Inspection and Environmental Protection � . �� c �� �%k����� Name: � Home Address: SYreet Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred blailing Address: What is your occugation? Piace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: �Vhat 1 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 City s��� t'J I/ �<�'h'��i� � � I'n;�/" � ��City Council Ward: ��C��U � isd-� (�:LK�,k���lc i o�...�'S�2 tf S~ S.�-F�� S%- . 1 �:.., ��, . � % _ , , s3?c;- �. � �- �soc2.�'S, � training or experience do i � possess for the committee(s) for which you seek 99- H��' S� <�� Zip "� The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resuit, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 8-�-97 PERSONAL REFEREN('F'� Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: (� � Address: Phone: �— Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: _/ Q Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making appiication? If so, when, .,,.a .�,e ,.._..___.._...----" In an aftempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the tine appticable fo you. This information is strictly voluntary. �hite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �/ Male Female bate of Birth: � l r��' —� Disabted: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: � How did you hear a6out this opening? n w rk .� �O - � �v. � R.A.AWSUMB & ASSOCIATES, PLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW ]525 LANDMARK TOWERS 345 SA[NT PEI'ER STREEf ST. PAUL,'vIN 55102 PHONE: (651J225-9255 TOLL FREE: 1-888-225-g566 FAX: (65l)848-OOlt E-MAIL: raawsumb@mediate.com Apri17, 1999 The Honorable Mayor \TOrm Coleman City of Saint Paul 390 Ciry Hall 1� West Kello�� Boulevard Saint Paul, NN 55102 Re: Committee Application Dear Mayor Coleman: °I9-4oa- ��� � Enclosed please find my Application for Ylembership on the Saint Paul Business Review Council (BRC), aiong with my current curriculum vitae. I am the fourth �eneration of the Awsumb family to live and work in St. Paul since the turn of the century. My great-grandfather and grandfather operated a tailoring business on Robert Street for many years. My father began his television career (Lunch with Casey) at the studios of WMN-TV in the Hamm Building. I have continued their entrepreneuring spirit as a business owner providin� legal and mediation services to this community. I have a young son attending Saint Paul public schools and am actively involved in his education. I shaze �vith my family a deep sense of loyalty to and pride in Saint Paul and hope to pass that along to my children. I would like to further contribute to the continued renaissance of Saint Paul and help build a community that my son can take pride in and one in which he will choose to live, �vark and raise his family. Serving on the BRC would allow me to apply my experence as a busiaess ovraer, pa:ent, e3ucztor, ztte�s:ey and p:ofessiona: a�,e3:atcr toward that goal. I would very much welcome the opportunity to serve the City and would appreciate your appointment. Thank you very much for your consideration. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, R. A. AWSLT'ViB & A IATES, PLC ;� � � �_� Robert A. Awsumb � RAA/ss Enclosure �Alberto Quintela, Jr. R.A.AWSUMB & ASSOCIATES, PLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW Education Law School: Colle�e: Licensed Attomey: Admitted to Practice: 1525 CAYDMARK TOWERS 345 SAIN7' pE['ER STREEI' ST. PAUL, MN 5a102 PHONE: (65I)225-9255 TOLL FREE: 1-888-225-9566 FAX: (651)84&0011 �4WIL. mati'sumbCa�mediate.com CURRICtiLUNI VITAE OF ROBERT a. AWSUVIB q9 -�to �- Wiiliam lIitcheil Coliege of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, J.D., Masna Cum Laude, 1986 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, B.A. 1982 Minnesota License Received 1986 Minnesota Supreme Court, October 3, 1986 U.S. District Court for District of Minnesota, October, 1986 Approved Mediator: Minnesota Supreme Court Approved Roster of Mediators and Arbitrators, Appointed, July, 1994-Present. Professional Exoerience 1998 - Present 1993 - Present 1998- Present R A. Awsumb & Associates, PLC 1525 Landmark Towers 345 Saint Peter Street St. Paul, �N 55102 Founder and Chief Mana�er �ed13?!OIl 2T1C1 3L�J1?T2?"lOII SP?'V1Ce5, GOTT1IPeTC1&1 3IIC� rlVi Iit1v2TIQri� insurance claims and coverage liti�ation. William Nlitchell College of Law 875 Summit Avenue St. Paul, l�SN 55105 Adjunct Professor: No-Fault Automobile Insurance (1993-Present) ADR-Nlediation Trainin� for Lawyers (1994). Minnesota Brewing Company 882 West Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Member, Board of Directors Curriculum Vitae of Robert A. Awsumb 1991 - 1998 Rambow & Awsumb, P.A. 7901 Xecaces Avenue South c1q �N 0?- 1986 - 1991 Bloomin�ton, i�IN 55431 President and Founding Partner vlediation and civil liti�ation practice including insurance, personal injury and wTOn�ful death, product liability, mediation and arbitration. Rider, Bennett, Egan & Arundel 2000 Lincoln Centre 333 South Seventh Street �finneapolis, NIN 5�402 Associate Attorney Practice consisted of insurance defense prodec?s liabiL±y, com.me:cial and personal injury liti�ation. Professional VIemberships and Activities AV and Preeminent Ratings, Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory Approved ADR Neutral: Minnesota Altemative Dispute Resolution Board (since formation) Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR) Member, Panel of Mediators, Attorney Discipline Mediation, Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility American Arbitration Association Member, Panel of Arbitrators American Bar Association (Section of Dispute Resolution; Tort and Tnsurance Practice Section) Hennepin County Bar Association Ramsey County Bar Association Minnesota State Bar Association (Member, Litigation Section) Defense Research Institute and Trial Lawyers Association (1986-1992) Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association (1986-1992) (Co-Chair, Editorial Committee, 1988-1991; Member, Law Imorovement Committee, 1988-1991) The Association of Trial Lawyers of America Minnesota Trial Lawyers Association HCBA Volunteer Lawyers Network (Member, Board of Directors 1989-1993; volunteer attomey 1986-Present) Pubiications Author: "Recovery of Economic Loss Under Section 402A," Joumal of Products Liabilitv, Vol. 9, pp. 1-18, 1986. Author: "A.Never Ending Duty? An Analysis of Le�al Preconception Tort Claims," Minnesota Defense, Winter, 1989. Curriculum Vitae of Robert A. Awsumb Pa e 3 Co-author: "Products Liability Law Reform - Punitive Dama�es, Nfinnesota and �� I � O � Attemative Comparative Fault Systems and the Kasten-Federal Products Liability Le�islative Proposal," Minnesota Continuing Le�al Education, MILE, October 31, 1986 Co-author: "Punitive Dama�es Law - Practical Guidelines for Understandin� and Defending A�ainst Punitive Dama�es Claims," MCLE, October 10, 1986 Co-author: "Releases and Settlement A�reements - What is the Proper Release to Use and its Effect?", VICLE, 1986 Seminars and Lectures Faculty, Mediation Ski11s for Business & Professional People, Center for Conflict ManagemenUAmericord, Centers for Law & Leadership, William Mitchell Colle�e Of Law, St. Paui, �I'iV, March 3-6, 1999 Faculty, Mediation Skills for Business & Professional People, Center for Conflict Mana�emenUAmericord, Centers for Law & Leadership, William Mitchell College Of Law, St. Pau1,1VIV, December 2-5, 1998 Faculty, No-Fault-Persuadin� the Arbitrator, Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, Minneapolis, MN, July 22,1998 Faculty, Certified Civil Mediation Skills Trainin�, Minnesota State Baz Association, Continuing Legal Education, Duluth, MN, September 26, 27, 29 & 3Q 1997 Faculty, Certified Civil Mediation Skills Training, Minnesota State Bar Association, Continuin� Lega1 Education, Minneapolis, NN, October 17, 18, 20 & 21, 1997 Faculty, The Complete Insurance Law Course: No-Fault, UM and Uli�1 Law, MTLA, February 21, 1997 Faculty, Aandlin� the Automobile Accident Case, MTLA, December 13, 1996 Faculty, Handlin� the Automobile Accident Case, MTLA, December 8, 1995 Faculty, No Vonsense No-Fault, William Mitchell College ofLaw, Mazch 1, 1995 Faculty, Premises Liability: Preparation and Trial of a Difficult Case in Minnesota, National Business Institute, Inc., Au�ust 17, 1994 Faculty, Minnesota Insurance Law Conference, Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, October 8 and 9, 1992 Faculty, Uninsured/LTnderinsured Motorist Covera�e & Collateral Source Issues, Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, Apri129, 1992 Curriculum Vitae of Robert A. Awsumb PaQe 4 °19 -yo�— Faculry, Premises Liability, Minnesota Trial Lawyers Association, Mazch 20, 1992 Faculty, Soft Tissue Injury, Minnesota Institute of Le�al Education, February 28, 1992 Faculty, Le�al Services Trial Skilis Trainin�, iVlinnesota Legal Services Coalition, November 19-22, 1991 Faculty, Vlinnesota Insurance Law Conference, Minnesota Institute of Le�al Education, October, 1991 Faculty, NIDLA Sixteenth Annual Trial Techniques Seminar, Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association, Au�ust 15-17, 1991 Faculty, Uninsured/LTnderinsured Motorist Covera�e, Minnesota Institute of Le�al Education, July 9, 1991 Communitv Activities Member-at-Large, Indianhead Council, Boy Scouts of America, St. Paul, NN Coach, Ti�er Cubs, Cub Scout Troop �268, St. Paul, M�I On�oin� pro bono le�al activities and fund raising for charities. Director, Child Haven, Inc. Boazd of Directors, St. Paul, MN Providing after school daycare. Chair, Randolph Heights Elementary School Provisional Site Council, St. Paul, iVIN (1997-98). Board Member, Supreme Court of Minnesota Board of Le�al Certification (1999 - present). � �� � Name: Clarice J. Gombold OFFICE OF'THE MAYOR 340 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 e�qyoua- RF�F+I,�r� MAR 1 8 1999 MAYOR'S OFfiCE HomeAddress: z37 Ann Street Saint Paul MN 55102 Street City Zip Telephone Number- �m 1 651.224.6193 oT � N/A ��� 651.227.828 Planning District Council: � City Council Ward� H. D. 656 Preferred Mailing Address: �,T': a: is yaut ���::r�r;r�� Place of Employment: Committee(s) Apptied For: 237 Ann Street Retired Saint Paul MN 55102 Gombold Electric, Inc. Business Review Cauncil What s}:ills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? -I owned and operated a small business for 18 years (until my retirement). -I have worked and lived in the city of Saint Paul for more than 40 years. -I am familiar with budgets, union contracts and construction problems. -I have served as a board member for the Minnesota American Indian Chamber of Commerce. -I have been a memb of many organizations during my years in busi�ess. To name a few; NECA, MEA, and various other Chambers�.of�Ebm�neree. "The information included in fhis appiication is considered private daYa according to the Minnesota Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the generai public. (OVER) Rev. 5-�-97 Name: Address: PERSONAL F. .RFNrFS Debbie White Mdewakanton Dakota Community Wesch Minnesota Phone: L�[amel N/A (}�prj�} 1-800-222-7077 Name: 7odd Young 1506 Pioneer Buildi Saint Paul Minnesota Address: Phone: (Homel ar 651.291.8711 Name: Address: Rolland Hokanson Bloomington Minnesota Phone: jFiomel o 612.893.1505 Tieasons for your interesY in this particular committee: I am a retired smal l business owner and now that I have the time I wish to serve the community that has been a benefit to me. Have you had previous contacY with the committee for which you are making application? If so, w�hen, and the circumstances? No In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects Yhe makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � `Vhite {Caacasian) � Black (African American) X American Indian or Ataskan Est:imo Male Disabled: Yes X Female No �_ $ispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: If speciat accommodations are needed, ptease speeify: N/A How did you hear about this opening? Through the mai 1. ��� � .� ��,, �-� y Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Fax: 266-8513 qq.�lo�- Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Name Steven R. Lehr Home address 638 Summit Avenue Saint Pau1 55105 s[ree[ ci[y z�p Telephones 291-0014 215-6712 612-581-6987 home work fax <e❑ paver E-mailaddress slehr@cbrichardellis.com Planning District Council 16 City Council Ward Z Preferred mailing address 444 Cedar Street, S ui t e 80 Saint Paul 55101 5[reet Occupation Commercial Rea1 Estate Broker/ Attorney Place of employment CB Richard E11is, Inc. ci[Y z�p E mploymentaddress 444 Cedar Street, Suite 800, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Committee(s) applied for Heritage Preservation Commission and/ or Business Review Council What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have been a licensed attorney for nine years and am currently a commercial real estate broker/ consultant wit CB Riciar is in its Saint Paul office. I currently am a director on the District 16 Planning Commission (Summit Hill Association . s an a orney my practice focused primarily on real estate law, including land- use law. Further, I ave een a resi en o ain au o ast 12 years. As an investor I have renovated three properties on Summit Avenue. As a resu o my occupa ion an i . the community and my experiences with the District 16 Planning ommission ave ecome ami iar wi m involved in historic preservation. In particular, these experiences ave increase my un ers an in historic preservation and modern, urban development. My exper- ience a a a use committee have provided me with a substantive knowledge o i Business Review Council. The information included in this applicatio❑ is considered privaCe data, according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released [o the general public. 5 5 page 1 of 2 99-4 PersonalReferences Name David Piggot, Executive Director Metro East Development Partners ip Address332 Minnesota Street, Suite 205-N, Saint Paul 55101 Telephones 265 Name Larry Dowell, President Saint Pau rea am er o ommerce Address 332 Minnesota Street, Suite 205-N, Saint Paul 55101 Telephones_ 223 Name Tanva Bell, Managing Director CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Address g00 Pi�er Jaffray Plaza, 444 Cedar Street, Saint Paul 55101 Telephones 612-924 Reasons For your interest in this particular committee I have always been interested in historic properties and architecture. My pro essiona experience has provided me with a sense of the costs associated with preservation. I think I would have liked to be a curator o an is oric proper y. As a member of the Saint Paul community as a resident and businessman I am intereste in furt ering t e a ance e ween preserva i Have you have previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) ❑ Hispanic ❑Black (African-American) ❑ Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female ❑ Date of birth 3/26/65 Disabled: � Yes No Q If special accommodations are needed, please speci How did you hear aboutthis ope�ing B ob Awsumb page 2 of 2 STEVEN R. LEHR, Esq. a 9• ��� Associate CB Richard Ellis, Inc. 800 Piper Jaffray Tower 444 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (651)215-6712 REn[. EsrniE BRO�x's LrCExsE September 1996 ADMISSION TO BAR Minnesota State Supreme Court, October 1990 United States Dishict Court, Fourth District, November 1991 EDUCATION Juris Doctorate William Mitchell College of Law, Si. Paul, 1990 -Civil Litigarion Clusic, Fa111984 -A.B.A. Negotiation Comperition 1987-1990 Bachelor of Science, International Management, St. John's University, 1987 EMPLOYMEN7 CB Richazd Ellis, Inc., 3/98 to present Pzivate Pracrice of Law, 12(90 to 2(98 -Litigarion and Commercial Real Estate Transacrions -Extended International Tiavel 12f95 to 4(96 James Reichert, Attomey at Law, Aooley & Reichert, P.C., 8J89 to 1/91 -Law Clerk: Litigarion and Real Estate Support Frank Farrell, Attomey at Law, Farrell & Schwartz, Summer 1989 -Law Clerk: Bankruptcy and Commercial Litigarion Support Thomas P. Malone, Attorney at Law, Bama, Guzy, Stephen 9188 to 5/89 -Law Cleck: Commercial Litigation Support Kinney & Lange, P.A., January Term 1987 -Intellectual Property Law Internship PROFFSSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Saint Paul Area Associarion of Realtors, Organization of Commercial Realtors, Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, Metro East Development Partnership, Minnesota State Bar Associarion, American Bar Association, District 16 Planning Commission, (Duector) CB � Richard Ellis Navigating n New Worlds" REAL ESTATE LEGAL EXPERIENCE q9 -'�o� TRANSACTIONAL -Conducted due diligence, negotiated and drafred purchase agreements for buyers and sellers -Represented tenanu in site location and lease negoriation. -Represented landlord in leasing and documentation for office leuing -Represented Owner in pazking zamp financing. -Represented landowners and developers in obtaining lot split, variance and easement. -Represented lender in giving tide opinions. -Represented buyer in detem�inin� reservarion of ownership of sand and gravel righu. -Counseled buyers and sellers regarding tax deferred exchanges under Section 1031 of I.R. Code. -Represented buyers and sellers in fmancin� issues usin� contracts for deeds, wrap around con�acts, assi�nmenu, purchase money mortgages and convenrional mortgages. -Negotiated and drafted securiry agreements. -Advised pLOmoters on issues relating to entiry selection. -Drafted and filed documentarion necessary to form coiporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and limited liability parhierships. -Negoriated and draRed shazeholder ageements, partnership agreements, operating agreements and buy- sell agreements. -Advised partners on fiduciary duties and in winding-up of parmership -Counseled buyers regarding ADA liability and compliance. L[T[GATION -Represented landlords in acrions for eviction, -Represented landlord in lawsuit on mechanlc's liens, -Represented landlord in action for writ of attaclunent -Represented landlord/ creditor in Chapter I1 proceedings -Represented debtor in Chapter 11 reorganization -Represented landloxd in obtaining temporary restraining order and tenant issues. -Represented buyers on issues regarding breach of representations and wananties -Represented landlords in vaziety of tenant issues. -Represented Buyer in action for Broker liability -DraBed condominium documents for developer. -Repiesented landowners in actions foi trespass, nuisance, boundary disputes, bieach of warranTy and failure to inspect. -Represented outdoor advertiser in land use issues and in mandamus action to compel issuance of conditional use permits/ land use issues. -Counseled owner regazding clean-up of fuel oil release under Minn. Stat. Section 117 et. seq. -Negotiated settlement through mediation for loss in fair market value under trespass and nuisance claims brought against oil companies for an oil release. -Counseled buyers regazding environmental issues involving asbestos, potenrial releases, active release sites, clean-up undec CERCLA, MERLA, VIC piogram, Petrofund reunbuLSement, risk based management approach and indemnification versus purchase price reduction sfrategy. -Represented plaintiffs for claims under the ADA. BUSMESS EXPERIENCE -Started Manufacturing Firm in 1983. Obtained U.S. Patent #4,456,999 in 1985. Licensed Patentin 1987. -Investment Real Estate Developmend Rehab and Property Vlanagement 3/90 to present. CB � Richard Ellis Navigating a New World s" U(-Apr-99 14:33 From-LOCKRIOGE 612-339-0981 T-214 P.O7/OB F-646 O�.o7 �0:2� t99�> FaOM: fi12 2fiG 8513 T0: 0000 PAGE: 2 APR-07-1955 10��36 ST PR�L I'IpYOR'S OFFIGE 612 266 5513 P_22�8:� �� � r, � / QPFIC� QF'CHL MAYOR — 1 1 �"e� 390 CTfY $+1I-I- � � SAINT PAUI� MINNESOTA 331 Q2 Fhoa� {651} 266-8525 FAX: (65I) 266-SSi3 1\arae: Justine 8. Mislsek HomeAdQres4: 47 St_ Aibaas St. N_, St. Paul, 2�1 55104 Strcet Ciry Z�p Telephone Number(s): (Tndude A�ea Codes) Planning DiscHct CounciL � (651) 225-8693 �� (622) 339-690U Ciry Cauacit Ward: preferred MailinY �ddress: 47 �F- Atbans Sx. �- � St. Paul, Mti 55104 What is your uceupatloa? Place of Employmen[: Committee(s) Appliul For: Gavernment Belat3ons LockridPe Grindal Naueu � Holsteiu B.L.i..P. 8usiness Seview Couucil Wha[ skilk, training ar ezpe�ience do yop posseas for ihe commitces(s) for which you seek apgoiatmcnt? Rrf�ro ;rsx rj�&l0Y �T1 �arP IR4�• T XFrj�ed ax a fima]} bus�ss o�} G�nd 6qenue f.or i?ea7r19 sis vear& cai�}ed Pa��+orks. Ourinu mY emp}.opm�a.F at this unique �ift shop, I,gained a persPective wh3ch allawed me to uaderstand the perspective af a small basiness ptoviding unique g3fts and seivices to sboppezs and resldents of Gtand Avenue. In addition,to this, I am a 13felong resident of St. Pau�, nearly 13.ving vithia f ive block: oP Grand svenue. I have ir9.tnesaed the development of Grand, Highlaud and other a reas and appteciate the benefits these retail areas briug. I also kaw of the stxuggles fall and vould like to britig my background as a resident and past employee oP Gta 8venue_ The infonnstion included in this applica�ioa is considered private daw aceording to the Mi�nesoia Governmep� Dais Praotices Ae[. As a resuly this information is not rcleyscd ta tGe genetdi puWie. (OVFRj Rcv. 3-2�99 OT-Apr99 14:33 From-LOCKRIDGE 612-�39-0981 T-214 P 08/08 F-646 pq'07 t0:2i ts98, FROM: 6t2 2fifi 85t3 T0: 04�a PAGE: 3 rtPR-07-1599 10�0fi ST PAU�.�'WYOR'S OFFICE 6i2 266 6513 P.03iO3 G� °( -� Nyup�: (:o��ssioner Slie Ha3pp Addr�s: Court House, 15 H. 8ellogg Blad., St. Paul, MN 55102 Fbone: {$omel ryy (b51) 266-8364 Hy�r. �r9 Pat 2lcBasY. Past Q�mer of Papecvorks Address: Portland Ave. St. Yaul, MN 55104 phoae: j$pm�) (651) 222-3981 �r�� Name: Ad4resa: Phont: (prep�a ( +o�� Reasom for your intarest in t6is pattiwiar commitsea �_� s�ated before, Y live and have vorked aear the Gran3 Avenue busine$ses and £eel I have experience vorki.ng and understand3ng the business/amatl owaer perspective as ve]1, as the needs co�un3t3es face who are ne$rby bns3ness district Have you 6ad previous cuntaet vrish the comm;ttee tor which you Are mak[ag applicatioa° IP so, when, xad The circumstapces? 7o en actempt to ensure that eammiuee reprwtatation n1f eccs the makeap of our commanity, please s6eck the iiae appUcabTe to you. This int'ormstiou is skie�iy volunwry. �_ WIf�i6 �CAIiCAS�SA� B1dCk (AtYican Amet{csA) Ame�iean Iadian or Alaskao Fsicimo Hispanie Atiaa orPacifo Islsnder Mnie g Female D�sudted: Yes _ No g If specisl accomrnodxtians are ae.eded, please apecify: I?aie of Birth: Row did you hesr a6out [his openin$' oYfice of che Ttayor TOTA� P,03 �q-4o�- OS-04-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMM2TTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS 003596 Awsumb, Robert A. R.A. Awsumb & Associates, PLC 1525 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - (651) 225-9255 Mediator/Attorney WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING 013) 3 15 4-7-99 BRc Senator Cal Larson MN State Senate (w) (651) 296-5655 Jack Lee, CEO Minnesota Brewing Company w) (651) 228-9173 Lisa Nasseff Office o£ the Mayor w) (651) 266-8527 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 1 8 -------- --- --- --- 04/07/99 W M 02/20/98 W F Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 qq-�ta� OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMI2TEE APPLICANSS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 01�01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: 2-20-95 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, 003058 Brooks, James E. 1833 Fairmount Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 698-3083 Editoz' Ste. 312 4 09/18/95 W M Terrance Patrick O'Brien OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS W) 297-5930 Michael McLaughlin 275 SUmmit St. Paul, MN Dan Flannagan H) 699-4414 003573 Clark, Kelly H. 539 St. Clair St. Paul, MN 55102 Aome - (651) 290-2736 Consultant 99 -y os- PAGE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- �-- --- 2 9 3-18-99 Community Health Services & Business {Review Council: Rick Stephens 1340 Toledo Ave. N. St. Louis Park, MN h) (612) 588-3631 w) (612) 931-9147 Rick Francis 1809 S. Plymouth Rd., Ste. 200 Minnetonka, MN 55305 w) (612) 593-1814 Dr. David Swarthout Citadell Bldg.--E. Lake Street h) (612) 931-1837 w) 526-5038 (pager) 003212 Dario, Mel 6 2 2084 Lacrosse Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 738-8751 U of M Russ Miller 267 White Bear Avenue h) 774-6394 w) 738-2688 Frank Orsello 4916 Helmo Ave. N. Oakdale, MN h) 770-2804 w) 738-2797 03/18/99 NA M 07j26/96 W M �q "�O �- OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Roger Forrester 5217 80th Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN h) 422-1388 w) 624-7006 003522 Donnelly, Stan D. 5 Heather Place St. Pau1, MN 55102 Home - (651) 221-9800 President/Manufacturing Co. PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2 16 12/21/98 W M 12-21-98 HPC, Business Review Council, BZA, P{lanning Commission Darwin Reedy 5 Peninsula Drive Dellwood, MN 55110 (h) (651) 429-6433 0 002698 Gombold, Clarice 237 Ann Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - (651) 224-6193 Retired Electrical Contractor 2 9 R. Aop Peggy Green Dave Thune ------------------------------------ 3-17-99 Affirmative Action Advisory: Debbie White Mdewakanton Dakota Community Welch, MN w) 1-800-222-7077 Todd P. Young 1506 Pioneer Building St. Paul, MN w) (651) 291-8711 03/18/99 NA F {------- Rolland Hokanson Bloomington, MN w) (612) 893-1505 OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT qq -4.0� PAGE 5 COMti2TTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 003040 Harp, Reynald 08/23/95 B M E-1401 First National Bank St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 225-8104 Attorney Clayton Robinson Warren Spannus 003152 Kvasnik, Renee R. Kvasnik Photography and Frames Work - 698-0456 Co-Owner Photography Store C 3-11-96 BRC--no references provided 003582 Lang, Tony 1567 Griggs Street N. St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 488-7630 Job Coordinator 5 10 3-31-99 STAR; BRC & Parks and Rec: Michael Vento 1710 Jefferson Avenue St. Paul (651) 690-2619 w) (651) 603-6477 Tim Keran 9655 53rd St. N. Lake Elmo, MN 55042 h) (651) 773-9876 w) (651) 603-6463 Dave Fagerly 2569 Aladdin St. Roseville, MN 55113 h) (651) 481-0209 (w) (651) 635-5389 003601 Lehr, Steven R. 2 16 CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Suite 800 444 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - (651) 215-6712 03/11/96 U F 03/31/99 W 04/14/99 W M 99 -y o�-- OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER Q1/�1(94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------" -------- -------- --- --- --- Real Estate Broker/Attorney 4-14-99 HPC and BRC David Piggot Ex. Director Metro East Development Partnership Suite 205-N 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 265-2760 Larry Dowell, President St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Suite 205-N 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 223-5000 Tanya Be11 Managing Director CB RichaYd E11is, Znc. S00 Piper Jaffray Plaza 444 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 924-4604 003472 Malone, Mark T. 420 Cleveland Avenue South St Paul, MN 55105 Home - (651) 699-2619 Certified Public Accountant Thomas Malone 1350 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 (651) 646-6801 James T. Haney 1773 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 (651) 690-3526 3 08/25f98 U M Matthew L. Jammr, Jr. 620 Simpson Street St. Paul, MN 55104 99-yo� OS-04-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 7 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITSEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ (651) 642-1950 003595 Mishek, Justine H. 47 St. Albans Street N. St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 225-8693 Government Relations 1 8 4-'7-99 Community Health Services Commissioner Susan Haigh 220 Courthouse St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-8364 Dr. Tim Rumsey United Family Health Center 545 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN w) (651) 293-9199 Connie Walsh Outreach Worker 545 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN w) (651) 293-9199 4-7-99 BRC: Commissioner Sue Haigh (same as above) Mary Pat McKasy Past Owner of Paperworks 964 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) (651) 222-3951 003137 O'Neill, Jr., Patrick H. Patrick A. O'23eill, Jr. Law 1500 Capitol Centre 386 N. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Work - 222-5000 FAX 2221313 Attorney 04/07/99 W F 02/20/96 W M Joseph T. O'Neill 1250 World Trade Center w) 298-8300 qg-No�- OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003077 Ogiamien, Jonah I. Jonah I. Ogiamien, Inc. 508 N. Snelling St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 642-1413 FAX 6421315 Business Consultant Jonathan B. Oyinlove TCCR Ste. 107 220 S. Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55107 h) 739-3239 w) 224-3788 Tom M. Moriarty 1146 Rice, 55117 h) 882-2080 w) 488-0562 Nghi Huynh Asian American Press 417 University Avenue, 55103 h) 649-0148 w) 224-6570 003151 Rasmussen, Diane K. Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55118 Home - 450-2322 Membership Coordinator YMCA Brigid Nault Midway YMCA, 55104 h) 426-2712 w) 646-4557 Tammy Abrahamson h) 447-6356 w) 646-4557 Crystelle Underdahl 410 E. Butler West St. Paul, MN 55118 h) 457-7352 w) 738-1600 PAGE 8 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 1 7 003312 Udoibok, Kenneth U. 3 15 1606 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - (651) 698-2432 10/12/95 B M 03/11/96 W F 04/19/99 B M a9 -40�- OS-04-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Attorney Hoa Young Mayor's Office 390 City Hall w) 266-8516 Fred Owusu City C1erk--St. Paul 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 8-26-98 Police Civilian Review Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall 266-8510 Fred Owusu city Clerk 170 City Hall 266-8989 4-19-99 BRC; Port Authority & RiverCentre Aut{hority Fred Owusu 1237 Juliet Avenue, 55105 h) 699-6562 w) 266-8688 Robert Butterbrodt 2146 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 690-2789 w) 292-1000 Greg Copeland 1779 Wellesley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 698-7849 w( 227-8266 003127 Von Yeast, Fritz 1858 Palace Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-9337 V.P. Sales & Marketing 3 14 O1/12/96 W M Scott Benson President Strategic Communications 2675 Hennepin Ave. S. 99-40�- OS-04-99 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/01�94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Mpls., MN 55405 w} 525-4559 Kevin Atkinson President Digital MediaCOm 8934 Gould Road Eden Prairie, MN 55113 w) 581-1601 Leo Kim President Leo Kim Photography 800 Washington Ave. Mpls., 55401 w) 338-3545 003600 Zdrazil, Andre J. 7 4 04/13/99 W M 1208 McClean Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - (651) 776-0290 Lawyer 4-13-99 Port Authority; RiverCentre Atuhority{; Parks-Rec Commission, CIB & BRC: Judie Fotsch 2133 Selby Avenue, 55104 h) (651) 646-6216 Fred E. Meyer, Jr. 475 Iglehart Avenue, 55103 h) (651) 227-1855 Ken Schaefer 2151 Berkely Avenue, 55105 h) (651) 698-6045 c�q _ �+o�- From: Nancy Anderson To: ADMIN.MAYOR(morrow) Date: 5/10/99 11:13am Subject: Modify C.F. 991}02 -Reply Yes, 1 will make the change at Council. Thanks. »> Darlyne Morrow 05/10/99 09:42am »> We have been informed that Betsy Van Hecke, a Business Review Council member, does not wish to be appointed. Her name appears on Item #9, C.F. 99-402, the May 11 Council Agenda, Can you note at Council that this name should not be included as a reappointment to BRC? Thanks in advance. CC: Admin.Mayor(morrow, quintela), CCouncil.COUNCIL(ma... aR�GINAt. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the a appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on a the BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL. 4 s REAPPOINTMENTS 6 Douglas Gale � Randy Geller a 9 lo ii Henry Kristal William H. Mason, III Abigail McKenzie � APPOINTMENTS Robert Awsumb Clarice Gombold Steven Lehr Justine Mishek iz is Each of the above members shall serve a three-year term which will expire on April 1, 2Q02. 14 15 16 17 a 1g Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney $y: d� • S-ZE--g�l By: �� � . � Appr By: A '(�t�2rd� �� —' V � 4 y ��' 1�y ti`T`ncil File # t 1� OT V ����� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy: C_� 1���" Adopted by Council: Date _��� V ,�` Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 99-�Io� Mayor Coleman's Office 5-4-99 GREEN SHEET i ••i , . � _ • • , Alberto Quintela 266-8529 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 r•,r.:� �—a:�,r� o�,.,� ❑�.�_ ❑.,�,��.� ❑.�.�,,,�� o�,��,�.� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of appointments of Robert Awsumb, Clarice Gombold, Steven Lehr, Sustine Mishek and reappointments of Douglas Gale, Randy Geller, Henry Kristal, William Mason, III, Abigail McKenzie and Betsy Van Hecke to serve on the Business Review Council. PLANNING CAMMISSION C{B COMM{TTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION IF Flas t�is pe�soMfirtn ever worked undx a contract tor this �partmerA? VES NO Flasthis ye�soNfi�m ever hcen a city empbyce7 YES NO Dces th� pe�so�nn poesESS a sidll na nortnallyposses,sed by any cvrteM ciry employee? YES NO is ihis pe�soNfirm a Wrp�ed ventla? VES NO l/KJ{d`s C7G,�e v�n�.+�: 3 ��.'� IiLIiJ SOURCE COST/REVENUE 6UOGEfFA �GRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO wFOaMnnon �exrweq q9-4os- CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hall Norm Coleman, Mayor ZS West %Aogg Bnulevard Sain! P¢ul, Minrsesola 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Tay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Harris Telephone: (6Z2) 266-8510 FacsimIIe: (612) 2668513 Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter (e'�t�;°°�t� •'.:�:�•��u'•.": 3�,=,rR:;i FROM: Alberto Quintela, Jr. �.� ��° � �° �d�� DATE: RE: May 4, 1999 BU5INESS REVIEW COUNCIL Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Business Review Council. Douglas Gale Randy Gelier Henry Kristal William H. Mason, III Abigail McKenzie Betsy Van Hecke APPOINTMENTS Robert Awsumb Clarice Gombold Steven Lehr Justine Mishek Each shal] seroe a three-year term which will expire on April 1, 2002. Attached is a copy ofthe resolution, copies ofthe new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. AQ:drm Attachments c: Bob Kessler, License, Inspection and Environmental Protection Dave Lobejko, License, Inspection and Environmental Protection � . �� c �� �%k����� Name: � Home Address: SYreet Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred blailing Address: What is your occugation? Piace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: �Vhat 1 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 City s��� t'J I/ �<�'h'��i� � � I'n;�/" � ��City Council Ward: ��C��U � isd-� (�:LK�,k���lc i o�...�'S�2 tf S~ S.�-F�� S%- . 1 �:.., ��, . � % _ , , s3?c;- �. � �- �soc2.�'S, � training or experience do i � possess for the committee(s) for which you seek 99- H��' S� <�� Zip "� The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resuit, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 8-�-97 PERSONAL REFEREN('F'� Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: (� � Address: Phone: �— Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: _/ Q Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making appiication? If so, when, .,,.a .�,e ,.._..___.._...----" In an aftempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the tine appticable fo you. This information is strictly voluntary. �hite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �/ Male Female bate of Birth: � l r��' —� Disabted: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: � How did you hear a6out this opening? n w rk .� �O - � �v. � R.A.AWSUMB & ASSOCIATES, PLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW ]525 LANDMARK TOWERS 345 SA[NT PEI'ER STREEf ST. PAUL,'vIN 55102 PHONE: (651J225-9255 TOLL FREE: 1-888-225-g566 FAX: (65l)848-OOlt E-MAIL: raawsumb@mediate.com Apri17, 1999 The Honorable Mayor \TOrm Coleman City of Saint Paul 390 Ciry Hall 1� West Kello�� Boulevard Saint Paul, NN 55102 Re: Committee Application Dear Mayor Coleman: °I9-4oa- ��� � Enclosed please find my Application for Ylembership on the Saint Paul Business Review Council (BRC), aiong with my current curriculum vitae. I am the fourth �eneration of the Awsumb family to live and work in St. Paul since the turn of the century. My great-grandfather and grandfather operated a tailoring business on Robert Street for many years. My father began his television career (Lunch with Casey) at the studios of WMN-TV in the Hamm Building. I have continued their entrepreneuring spirit as a business owner providin� legal and mediation services to this community. I have a young son attending Saint Paul public schools and am actively involved in his education. I shaze �vith my family a deep sense of loyalty to and pride in Saint Paul and hope to pass that along to my children. I would like to further contribute to the continued renaissance of Saint Paul and help build a community that my son can take pride in and one in which he will choose to live, �vark and raise his family. Serving on the BRC would allow me to apply my experence as a busiaess ovraer, pa:ent, e3ucztor, ztte�s:ey and p:ofessiona: a�,e3:atcr toward that goal. I would very much welcome the opportunity to serve the City and would appreciate your appointment. Thank you very much for your consideration. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, R. A. AWSLT'ViB & A IATES, PLC ;� � � �_� Robert A. Awsumb � RAA/ss Enclosure �Alberto Quintela, Jr. R.A.AWSUMB & ASSOCIATES, PLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW Education Law School: Colle�e: Licensed Attomey: Admitted to Practice: 1525 CAYDMARK TOWERS 345 SAIN7' pE['ER STREEI' ST. PAUL, MN 5a102 PHONE: (65I)225-9255 TOLL FREE: 1-888-225-9566 FAX: (651)84&0011 �4WIL. mati'sumbCa�mediate.com CURRICtiLUNI VITAE OF ROBERT a. AWSUVIB q9 -�to �- Wiiliam lIitcheil Coliege of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, J.D., Masna Cum Laude, 1986 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, B.A. 1982 Minnesota License Received 1986 Minnesota Supreme Court, October 3, 1986 U.S. District Court for District of Minnesota, October, 1986 Approved Mediator: Minnesota Supreme Court Approved Roster of Mediators and Arbitrators, Appointed, July, 1994-Present. Professional Exoerience 1998 - Present 1993 - Present 1998- Present R A. Awsumb & Associates, PLC 1525 Landmark Towers 345 Saint Peter Street St. Paul, �N 55102 Founder and Chief Mana�er �ed13?!OIl 2T1C1 3L�J1?T2?"lOII SP?'V1Ce5, GOTT1IPeTC1&1 3IIC� rlVi Iit1v2TIQri� insurance claims and coverage liti�ation. William Nlitchell College of Law 875 Summit Avenue St. Paul, l�SN 55105 Adjunct Professor: No-Fault Automobile Insurance (1993-Present) ADR-Nlediation Trainin� for Lawyers (1994). Minnesota Brewing Company 882 West Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Member, Board of Directors Curriculum Vitae of Robert A. Awsumb 1991 - 1998 Rambow & Awsumb, P.A. 7901 Xecaces Avenue South c1q �N 0?- 1986 - 1991 Bloomin�ton, i�IN 55431 President and Founding Partner vlediation and civil liti�ation practice including insurance, personal injury and wTOn�ful death, product liability, mediation and arbitration. Rider, Bennett, Egan & Arundel 2000 Lincoln Centre 333 South Seventh Street �finneapolis, NIN 5�402 Associate Attorney Practice consisted of insurance defense prodec?s liabiL±y, com.me:cial and personal injury liti�ation. Professional VIemberships and Activities AV and Preeminent Ratings, Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory Approved ADR Neutral: Minnesota Altemative Dispute Resolution Board (since formation) Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR) Member, Panel of Mediators, Attorney Discipline Mediation, Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility American Arbitration Association Member, Panel of Arbitrators American Bar Association (Section of Dispute Resolution; Tort and Tnsurance Practice Section) Hennepin County Bar Association Ramsey County Bar Association Minnesota State Bar Association (Member, Litigation Section) Defense Research Institute and Trial Lawyers Association (1986-1992) Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association (1986-1992) (Co-Chair, Editorial Committee, 1988-1991; Member, Law Imorovement Committee, 1988-1991) The Association of Trial Lawyers of America Minnesota Trial Lawyers Association HCBA Volunteer Lawyers Network (Member, Board of Directors 1989-1993; volunteer attomey 1986-Present) Pubiications Author: "Recovery of Economic Loss Under Section 402A," Joumal of Products Liabilitv, Vol. 9, pp. 1-18, 1986. Author: "A.Never Ending Duty? An Analysis of Le�al Preconception Tort Claims," Minnesota Defense, Winter, 1989. Curriculum Vitae of Robert A. Awsumb Pa e 3 Co-author: "Products Liability Law Reform - Punitive Dama�es, Nfinnesota and �� I � O � Attemative Comparative Fault Systems and the Kasten-Federal Products Liability Le�islative Proposal," Minnesota Continuing Le�al Education, MILE, October 31, 1986 Co-author: "Punitive Dama�es Law - Practical Guidelines for Understandin� and Defending A�ainst Punitive Dama�es Claims," MCLE, October 10, 1986 Co-author: "Releases and Settlement A�reements - What is the Proper Release to Use and its Effect?", VICLE, 1986 Seminars and Lectures Faculty, Mediation Ski11s for Business & Professional People, Center for Conflict ManagemenUAmericord, Centers for Law & Leadership, William Mitchell Colle�e Of Law, St. Paui, �I'iV, March 3-6, 1999 Faculty, Mediation Skills for Business & Professional People, Center for Conflict Mana�emenUAmericord, Centers for Law & Leadership, William Mitchell College Of Law, St. Pau1,1VIV, December 2-5, 1998 Faculty, No-Fault-Persuadin� the Arbitrator, Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, Minneapolis, MN, July 22,1998 Faculty, Certified Civil Mediation Skills Trainin�, Minnesota State Baz Association, Continuing Legal Education, Duluth, MN, September 26, 27, 29 & 3Q 1997 Faculty, Certified Civil Mediation Skills Training, Minnesota State Bar Association, Continuin� Lega1 Education, Minneapolis, NN, October 17, 18, 20 & 21, 1997 Faculty, The Complete Insurance Law Course: No-Fault, UM and Uli�1 Law, MTLA, February 21, 1997 Faculty, Aandlin� the Automobile Accident Case, MTLA, December 13, 1996 Faculty, Handlin� the Automobile Accident Case, MTLA, December 8, 1995 Faculty, No Vonsense No-Fault, William Mitchell College ofLaw, Mazch 1, 1995 Faculty, Premises Liability: Preparation and Trial of a Difficult Case in Minnesota, National Business Institute, Inc., Au�ust 17, 1994 Faculty, Minnesota Insurance Law Conference, Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, October 8 and 9, 1992 Faculty, Uninsured/LTnderinsured Motorist Covera�e & Collateral Source Issues, Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, Apri129, 1992 Curriculum Vitae of Robert A. Awsumb PaQe 4 °19 -yo�— Faculry, Premises Liability, Minnesota Trial Lawyers Association, Mazch 20, 1992 Faculty, Soft Tissue Injury, Minnesota Institute of Le�al Education, February 28, 1992 Faculty, Le�al Services Trial Skilis Trainin�, iVlinnesota Legal Services Coalition, November 19-22, 1991 Faculty, Vlinnesota Insurance Law Conference, Minnesota Institute of Le�al Education, October, 1991 Faculty, NIDLA Sixteenth Annual Trial Techniques Seminar, Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association, Au�ust 15-17, 1991 Faculty, Uninsured/LTnderinsured Motorist Covera�e, Minnesota Institute of Le�al Education, July 9, 1991 Communitv Activities Member-at-Large, Indianhead Council, Boy Scouts of America, St. Paul, NN Coach, Ti�er Cubs, Cub Scout Troop �268, St. Paul, M�I On�oin� pro bono le�al activities and fund raising for charities. Director, Child Haven, Inc. Boazd of Directors, St. Paul, MN Providing after school daycare. Chair, Randolph Heights Elementary School Provisional Site Council, St. Paul, iVIN (1997-98). Board Member, Supreme Court of Minnesota Board of Le�al Certification (1999 - present). � �� � Name: Clarice J. Gombold OFFICE OF'THE MAYOR 340 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 e�qyoua- RF�F+I,�r� MAR 1 8 1999 MAYOR'S OFfiCE HomeAddress: z37 Ann Street Saint Paul MN 55102 Street City Zip Telephone Number- �m 1 651.224.6193 oT � N/A ��� 651.227.828 Planning District Council: � City Council Ward� H. D. 656 Preferred Mailing Address: �,T': a: is yaut ���::r�r;r�� Place of Employment: Committee(s) Apptied For: 237 Ann Street Retired Saint Paul MN 55102 Gombold Electric, Inc. Business Review Cauncil What s}:ills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? -I owned and operated a small business for 18 years (until my retirement). -I have worked and lived in the city of Saint Paul for more than 40 years. -I am familiar with budgets, union contracts and construction problems. -I have served as a board member for the Minnesota American Indian Chamber of Commerce. -I have been a memb of many organizations during my years in busi�ess. To name a few; NECA, MEA, and various other Chambers�.of�Ebm�neree. "The information included in fhis appiication is considered private daYa according to the Minnesota Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the generai public. (OVER) Rev. 5-�-97 Name: Address: PERSONAL F. .RFNrFS Debbie White Mdewakanton Dakota Community Wesch Minnesota Phone: L�[amel N/A (}�prj�} 1-800-222-7077 Name: 7odd Young 1506 Pioneer Buildi Saint Paul Minnesota Address: Phone: (Homel ar 651.291.8711 Name: Address: Rolland Hokanson Bloomington Minnesota Phone: jFiomel o 612.893.1505 Tieasons for your interesY in this particular committee: I am a retired smal l business owner and now that I have the time I wish to serve the community that has been a benefit to me. Have you had previous contacY with the committee for which you are making application? If so, w�hen, and the circumstances? No In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects Yhe makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � `Vhite {Caacasian) � Black (African American) X American Indian or Ataskan Est:imo Male Disabled: Yes X Female No �_ $ispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: If speciat accommodations are needed, ptease speeify: N/A How did you hear about this opening? Through the mai 1. ��� � .� ��,, �-� y Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Fax: 266-8513 qq.�lo�- Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Name Steven R. Lehr Home address 638 Summit Avenue Saint Pau1 55105 s[ree[ ci[y z�p Telephones 291-0014 215-6712 612-581-6987 home work fax <e❑ paver E-mailaddress slehr@cbrichardellis.com Planning District Council 16 City Council Ward Z Preferred mailing address 444 Cedar Street, S ui t e 80 Saint Paul 55101 5[reet Occupation Commercial Rea1 Estate Broker/ Attorney Place of employment CB Richard E11is, Inc. ci[Y z�p E mploymentaddress 444 Cedar Street, Suite 800, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Committee(s) applied for Heritage Preservation Commission and/ or Business Review Council What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have been a licensed attorney for nine years and am currently a commercial real estate broker/ consultant wit CB Riciar is in its Saint Paul office. I currently am a director on the District 16 Planning Commission (Summit Hill Association . s an a orney my practice focused primarily on real estate law, including land- use law. Further, I ave een a resi en o ain au o ast 12 years. As an investor I have renovated three properties on Summit Avenue. As a resu o my occupa ion an i . the community and my experiences with the District 16 Planning ommission ave ecome ami iar wi m involved in historic preservation. In particular, these experiences ave increase my un ers an in historic preservation and modern, urban development. My exper- ience a a a use committee have provided me with a substantive knowledge o i Business Review Council. The information included in this applicatio❑ is considered privaCe data, according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released [o the general public. 5 5 page 1 of 2 99-4 PersonalReferences Name David Piggot, Executive Director Metro East Development Partners ip Address332 Minnesota Street, Suite 205-N, Saint Paul 55101 Telephones 265 Name Larry Dowell, President Saint Pau rea am er o ommerce Address 332 Minnesota Street, Suite 205-N, Saint Paul 55101 Telephones_ 223 Name Tanva Bell, Managing Director CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Address g00 Pi�er Jaffray Plaza, 444 Cedar Street, Saint Paul 55101 Telephones 612-924 Reasons For your interest in this particular committee I have always been interested in historic properties and architecture. My pro essiona experience has provided me with a sense of the costs associated with preservation. I think I would have liked to be a curator o an is oric proper y. As a member of the Saint Paul community as a resident and businessman I am intereste in furt ering t e a ance e ween preserva i Have you have previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) ❑ Hispanic ❑Black (African-American) ❑ Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female ❑ Date of birth 3/26/65 Disabled: � Yes No Q If special accommodations are needed, please speci How did you hear aboutthis ope�ing B ob Awsumb page 2 of 2 STEVEN R. LEHR, Esq. a 9• ��� Associate CB Richard Ellis, Inc. 800 Piper Jaffray Tower 444 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (651)215-6712 REn[. EsrniE BRO�x's LrCExsE September 1996 ADMISSION TO BAR Minnesota State Supreme Court, October 1990 United States Dishict Court, Fourth District, November 1991 EDUCATION Juris Doctorate William Mitchell College of Law, Si. Paul, 1990 -Civil Litigarion Clusic, Fa111984 -A.B.A. Negotiation Comperition 1987-1990 Bachelor of Science, International Management, St. John's University, 1987 EMPLOYMEN7 CB Richazd Ellis, Inc., 3/98 to present Pzivate Pracrice of Law, 12(90 to 2(98 -Litigarion and Commercial Real Estate Transacrions -Extended International Tiavel 12f95 to 4(96 James Reichert, Attomey at Law, Aooley & Reichert, P.C., 8J89 to 1/91 -Law Clerk: Litigarion and Real Estate Support Frank Farrell, Attomey at Law, Farrell & Schwartz, Summer 1989 -Law Clerk: Bankruptcy and Commercial Litigarion Support Thomas P. Malone, Attorney at Law, Bama, Guzy, Stephen 9188 to 5/89 -Law Cleck: Commercial Litigation Support Kinney & Lange, P.A., January Term 1987 -Intellectual Property Law Internship PROFFSSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Saint Paul Area Associarion of Realtors, Organization of Commercial Realtors, Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, Metro East Development Partnership, Minnesota State Bar Associarion, American Bar Association, District 16 Planning Commission, (Duector) CB � Richard Ellis Navigating n New Worlds" REAL ESTATE LEGAL EXPERIENCE q9 -'�o� TRANSACTIONAL -Conducted due diligence, negotiated and drafred purchase agreements for buyers and sellers -Represented tenanu in site location and lease negoriation. -Represented landlord in leasing and documentation for office leuing -Represented Owner in pazking zamp financing. -Represented landowners and developers in obtaining lot split, variance and easement. -Represented lender in giving tide opinions. -Represented buyer in detem�inin� reservarion of ownership of sand and gravel righu. -Counseled buyers and sellers regarding tax deferred exchanges under Section 1031 of I.R. Code. -Represented buyers and sellers in fmancin� issues usin� contracts for deeds, wrap around con�acts, assi�nmenu, purchase money mortgages and convenrional mortgages. -Negotiated and drafted securiry agreements. -Advised pLOmoters on issues relating to entiry selection. -Drafted and filed documentarion necessary to form coiporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and limited liability parhierships. -Negoriated and draRed shazeholder ageements, partnership agreements, operating agreements and buy- sell agreements. -Advised partners on fiduciary duties and in winding-up of parmership -Counseled buyers regarding ADA liability and compliance. L[T[GATION -Represented landlords in acrions for eviction, -Represented landlord in lawsuit on mechanlc's liens, -Represented landlord in action for writ of attaclunent -Represented landlord/ creditor in Chapter I1 proceedings -Represented debtor in Chapter 11 reorganization -Represented landloxd in obtaining temporary restraining order and tenant issues. -Represented buyers on issues regarding breach of representations and wananties -Represented landlords in vaziety of tenant issues. -Represented Buyer in action for Broker liability -DraBed condominium documents for developer. -Repiesented landowners in actions foi trespass, nuisance, boundary disputes, bieach of warranTy and failure to inspect. -Represented outdoor advertiser in land use issues and in mandamus action to compel issuance of conditional use permits/ land use issues. -Counseled owner regazding clean-up of fuel oil release under Minn. Stat. Section 117 et. seq. -Negotiated settlement through mediation for loss in fair market value under trespass and nuisance claims brought against oil companies for an oil release. -Counseled buyers regazding environmental issues involving asbestos, potenrial releases, active release sites, clean-up undec CERCLA, MERLA, VIC piogram, Petrofund reunbuLSement, risk based management approach and indemnification versus purchase price reduction sfrategy. -Represented plaintiffs for claims under the ADA. BUSMESS EXPERIENCE -Started Manufacturing Firm in 1983. Obtained U.S. Patent #4,456,999 in 1985. Licensed Patentin 1987. -Investment Real Estate Developmend Rehab and Property Vlanagement 3/90 to present. CB � Richard Ellis Navigating a New World s" U(-Apr-99 14:33 From-LOCKRIOGE 612-339-0981 T-214 P.O7/OB F-646 O�.o7 �0:2� t99�> FaOM: fi12 2fiG 8513 T0: 0000 PAGE: 2 APR-07-1955 10��36 ST PR�L I'IpYOR'S OFFIGE 612 266 5513 P_22�8:� �� � r, � / QPFIC� QF'CHL MAYOR — 1 1 �"e� 390 CTfY $+1I-I- � � SAINT PAUI� MINNESOTA 331 Q2 Fhoa� {651} 266-8525 FAX: (65I) 266-SSi3 1\arae: Justine 8. Mislsek HomeAdQres4: 47 St_ Aibaas St. N_, St. Paul, 2�1 55104 Strcet Ciry Z�p Telephone Number(s): (Tndude A�ea Codes) Planning DiscHct CounciL � (651) 225-8693 �� (622) 339-690U Ciry Cauacit Ward: preferred MailinY �ddress: 47 �F- Atbans Sx. �- � St. Paul, Mti 55104 What is your uceupatloa? Place of Employmen[: Committee(s) Appliul For: Gavernment Belat3ons LockridPe Grindal Naueu � Holsteiu B.L.i..P. 8usiness Seview Couucil Wha[ skilk, training ar ezpe�ience do yop posseas for ihe commitces(s) for which you seek apgoiatmcnt? Rrf�ro ;rsx rj�&l0Y �T1 �arP IR4�• T XFrj�ed ax a fima]} bus�ss o�} G�nd 6qenue f.or i?ea7r19 sis vear& cai�}ed Pa��+orks. Ourinu mY emp}.opm�a.F at this unique �ift shop, I,gained a persPective wh3ch allawed me to uaderstand the perspective af a small basiness ptoviding unique g3fts and seivices to sboppezs and resldents of Gtand Avenue. In addition,to this, I am a 13felong resident of St. Pau�, nearly 13.ving vithia f ive block: oP Grand svenue. I have ir9.tnesaed the development of Grand, Highlaud and other a reas and appteciate the benefits these retail areas briug. I also kaw of the stxuggles fall and vould like to britig my background as a resident and past employee oP Gta 8venue_ The infonnstion included in this applica�ioa is considered private daw aceording to the Mi�nesoia Governmep� Dais Praotices Ae[. As a resuly this information is not rcleyscd ta tGe genetdi puWie. (OVFRj Rcv. 3-2�99 OT-Apr99 14:33 From-LOCKRIDGE 612-�39-0981 T-214 P 08/08 F-646 pq'07 t0:2i ts98, FROM: 6t2 2fifi 85t3 T0: 04�a PAGE: 3 rtPR-07-1599 10�0fi ST PAU�.�'WYOR'S OFFICE 6i2 266 6513 P.03iO3 G� °( -� Nyup�: (:o��ssioner Slie Ha3pp Addr�s: Court House, 15 H. 8ellogg Blad., St. Paul, MN 55102 Fbone: {$omel ryy (b51) 266-8364 Hy�r. �r9 Pat 2lcBasY. Past Q�mer of Papecvorks Address: Portland Ave. St. Yaul, MN 55104 phoae: j$pm�) (651) 222-3981 �r�� Name: Ad4resa: Phont: (prep�a ( +o�� Reasom for your intarest in t6is pattiwiar commitsea �_� s�ated before, Y live and have vorked aear the Gran3 Avenue busine$ses and £eel I have experience vorki.ng and understand3ng the business/amatl owaer perspective as ve]1, as the needs co�un3t3es face who are ne$rby bns3ness district Have you 6ad previous cuntaet vrish the comm;ttee tor which you Are mak[ag applicatioa° IP so, when, xad The circumstapces? 7o en actempt to ensure that eammiuee reprwtatation n1f eccs the makeap of our commanity, please s6eck the iiae appUcabTe to you. This int'ormstiou is skie�iy volunwry. �_ WIf�i6 �CAIiCAS�SA� B1dCk (AtYican Amet{csA) Ame�iean Iadian or Alaskao Fsicimo Hispanie Atiaa orPacifo Islsnder Mnie g Female D�sudted: Yes _ No g If specisl accomrnodxtians are ae.eded, please apecify: I?aie of Birth: Row did you hesr a6out [his openin$' oYfice of che Ttayor TOTA� P,03 �q-4o�- OS-04-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMM2TTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS 003596 Awsumb, Robert A. R.A. Awsumb & Associates, PLC 1525 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - (651) 225-9255 Mediator/Attorney WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING 013) 3 15 4-7-99 BRc Senator Cal Larson MN State Senate (w) (651) 296-5655 Jack Lee, CEO Minnesota Brewing Company w) (651) 228-9173 Lisa Nasseff Office o£ the Mayor w) (651) 266-8527 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 1 8 -------- --- --- --- 04/07/99 W M 02/20/98 W F Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 qq-�ta� OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMI2TEE APPLICANSS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 01�01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: 2-20-95 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, 003058 Brooks, James E. 1833 Fairmount Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 698-3083 Editoz' Ste. 312 4 09/18/95 W M Terrance Patrick O'Brien OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS W) 297-5930 Michael McLaughlin 275 SUmmit St. Paul, MN Dan Flannagan H) 699-4414 003573 Clark, Kelly H. 539 St. Clair St. Paul, MN 55102 Aome - (651) 290-2736 Consultant 99 -y os- PAGE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- �-- --- 2 9 3-18-99 Community Health Services & Business {Review Council: Rick Stephens 1340 Toledo Ave. N. St. Louis Park, MN h) (612) 588-3631 w) (612) 931-9147 Rick Francis 1809 S. Plymouth Rd., Ste. 200 Minnetonka, MN 55305 w) (612) 593-1814 Dr. David Swarthout Citadell Bldg.--E. Lake Street h) (612) 931-1837 w) 526-5038 (pager) 003212 Dario, Mel 6 2 2084 Lacrosse Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 738-8751 U of M Russ Miller 267 White Bear Avenue h) 774-6394 w) 738-2688 Frank Orsello 4916 Helmo Ave. N. Oakdale, MN h) 770-2804 w) 738-2797 03/18/99 NA M 07j26/96 W M �q "�O �- OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Roger Forrester 5217 80th Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN h) 422-1388 w) 624-7006 003522 Donnelly, Stan D. 5 Heather Place St. Pau1, MN 55102 Home - (651) 221-9800 President/Manufacturing Co. PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2 16 12/21/98 W M 12-21-98 HPC, Business Review Council, BZA, P{lanning Commission Darwin Reedy 5 Peninsula Drive Dellwood, MN 55110 (h) (651) 429-6433 0 002698 Gombold, Clarice 237 Ann Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - (651) 224-6193 Retired Electrical Contractor 2 9 R. Aop Peggy Green Dave Thune ------------------------------------ 3-17-99 Affirmative Action Advisory: Debbie White Mdewakanton Dakota Community Welch, MN w) 1-800-222-7077 Todd P. Young 1506 Pioneer Building St. Paul, MN w) (651) 291-8711 03/18/99 NA F {------- Rolland Hokanson Bloomington, MN w) (612) 893-1505 OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT qq -4.0� PAGE 5 COMti2TTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 003040 Harp, Reynald 08/23/95 B M E-1401 First National Bank St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 225-8104 Attorney Clayton Robinson Warren Spannus 003152 Kvasnik, Renee R. Kvasnik Photography and Frames Work - 698-0456 Co-Owner Photography Store C 3-11-96 BRC--no references provided 003582 Lang, Tony 1567 Griggs Street N. St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 488-7630 Job Coordinator 5 10 3-31-99 STAR; BRC & Parks and Rec: Michael Vento 1710 Jefferson Avenue St. Paul (651) 690-2619 w) (651) 603-6477 Tim Keran 9655 53rd St. N. Lake Elmo, MN 55042 h) (651) 773-9876 w) (651) 603-6463 Dave Fagerly 2569 Aladdin St. Roseville, MN 55113 h) (651) 481-0209 (w) (651) 635-5389 003601 Lehr, Steven R. 2 16 CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Suite 800 444 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - (651) 215-6712 03/11/96 U F 03/31/99 W 04/14/99 W M 99 -y o�-- OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER Q1/�1(94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------" -------- -------- --- --- --- Real Estate Broker/Attorney 4-14-99 HPC and BRC David Piggot Ex. Director Metro East Development Partnership Suite 205-N 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 265-2760 Larry Dowell, President St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Suite 205-N 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 223-5000 Tanya Be11 Managing Director CB RichaYd E11is, Znc. S00 Piper Jaffray Plaza 444 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 924-4604 003472 Malone, Mark T. 420 Cleveland Avenue South St Paul, MN 55105 Home - (651) 699-2619 Certified Public Accountant Thomas Malone 1350 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 (651) 646-6801 James T. Haney 1773 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 (651) 690-3526 3 08/25f98 U M Matthew L. Jammr, Jr. 620 Simpson Street St. Paul, MN 55104 99-yo� OS-04-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 7 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITSEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ (651) 642-1950 003595 Mishek, Justine H. 47 St. Albans Street N. St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 225-8693 Government Relations 1 8 4-'7-99 Community Health Services Commissioner Susan Haigh 220 Courthouse St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-8364 Dr. Tim Rumsey United Family Health Center 545 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN w) (651) 293-9199 Connie Walsh Outreach Worker 545 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN w) (651) 293-9199 4-7-99 BRC: Commissioner Sue Haigh (same as above) Mary Pat McKasy Past Owner of Paperworks 964 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) (651) 222-3951 003137 O'Neill, Jr., Patrick H. Patrick A. O'23eill, Jr. Law 1500 Capitol Centre 386 N. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Work - 222-5000 FAX 2221313 Attorney 04/07/99 W F 02/20/96 W M Joseph T. O'Neill 1250 World Trade Center w) 298-8300 qg-No�- OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003077 Ogiamien, Jonah I. Jonah I. Ogiamien, Inc. 508 N. Snelling St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 642-1413 FAX 6421315 Business Consultant Jonathan B. Oyinlove TCCR Ste. 107 220 S. Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55107 h) 739-3239 w) 224-3788 Tom M. Moriarty 1146 Rice, 55117 h) 882-2080 w) 488-0562 Nghi Huynh Asian American Press 417 University Avenue, 55103 h) 649-0148 w) 224-6570 003151 Rasmussen, Diane K. Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55118 Home - 450-2322 Membership Coordinator YMCA Brigid Nault Midway YMCA, 55104 h) 426-2712 w) 646-4557 Tammy Abrahamson h) 447-6356 w) 646-4557 Crystelle Underdahl 410 E. Butler West St. Paul, MN 55118 h) 457-7352 w) 738-1600 PAGE 8 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 1 7 003312 Udoibok, Kenneth U. 3 15 1606 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - (651) 698-2432 10/12/95 B M 03/11/96 W F 04/19/99 B M a9 -40�- OS-04-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Attorney Hoa Young Mayor's Office 390 City Hall w) 266-8516 Fred Owusu City C1erk--St. Paul 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 8-26-98 Police Civilian Review Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall 266-8510 Fred Owusu city Clerk 170 City Hall 266-8989 4-19-99 BRC; Port Authority & RiverCentre Aut{hority Fred Owusu 1237 Juliet Avenue, 55105 h) 699-6562 w) 266-8688 Robert Butterbrodt 2146 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 690-2789 w) 292-1000 Greg Copeland 1779 Wellesley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 698-7849 w( 227-8266 003127 Von Yeast, Fritz 1858 Palace Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-9337 V.P. Sales & Marketing 3 14 O1/12/96 W M Scott Benson President Strategic Communications 2675 Hennepin Ave. S. 99-40�- OS-04-99 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/01�94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Mpls., MN 55405 w} 525-4559 Kevin Atkinson President Digital MediaCOm 8934 Gould Road Eden Prairie, MN 55113 w) 581-1601 Leo Kim President Leo Kim Photography 800 Washington Ave. Mpls., 55401 w) 338-3545 003600 Zdrazil, Andre J. 7 4 04/13/99 W M 1208 McClean Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - (651) 776-0290 Lawyer 4-13-99 Port Authority; RiverCentre Atuhority{; Parks-Rec Commission, CIB & BRC: Judie Fotsch 2133 Selby Avenue, 55104 h) (651) 646-6216 Fred E. Meyer, Jr. 475 Iglehart Avenue, 55103 h) (651) 227-1855 Ken Schaefer 2151 Berkely Avenue, 55105 h) (651) 698-6045 c�q _ �+o�- From: Nancy Anderson To: ADMIN.MAYOR(morrow) Date: 5/10/99 11:13am Subject: Modify C.F. 991}02 -Reply Yes, 1 will make the change at Council. Thanks. »> Darlyne Morrow 05/10/99 09:42am »> We have been informed that Betsy Van Hecke, a Business Review Council member, does not wish to be appointed. Her name appears on Item #9, C.F. 99-402, the May 11 Council Agenda, Can you note at Council that this name should not be included as a reappointment to BRC? Thanks in advance. CC: Admin.Mayor(morrow, quintela), CCouncil.COUNCIL(ma... aR�GINAt. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the a appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on a the BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL. 4 s REAPPOINTMENTS 6 Douglas Gale � Randy Geller a 9 lo ii Henry Kristal William H. Mason, III Abigail McKenzie � APPOINTMENTS Robert Awsumb Clarice Gombold Steven Lehr Justine Mishek iz is Each of the above members shall serve a three-year term which will expire on April 1, 2Q02. 14 15 16 17 a 1g Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney $y: d� • S-ZE--g�l By: �� � . � Appr By: A '(�t�2rd� �� —' V � 4 y ��' 1�y ti`T`ncil File # t 1� OT V ����� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy: C_� 1���" Adopted by Council: Date _��� V ,�` Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 99-�Io� Mayor Coleman's Office 5-4-99 GREEN SHEET i ••i , . � _ • • , Alberto Quintela 266-8529 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 r•,r.:� �—a:�,r� o�,.,� ❑�.�_ ❑.,�,��.� ❑.�.�,,,�� o�,��,�.� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of appointments of Robert Awsumb, Clarice Gombold, Steven Lehr, Sustine Mishek and reappointments of Douglas Gale, Randy Geller, Henry Kristal, William Mason, III, Abigail McKenzie and Betsy Van Hecke to serve on the Business Review Council. PLANNING CAMMISSION C{B COMM{TTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION IF Flas t�is pe�soMfirtn ever worked undx a contract tor this �partmerA? VES NO Flasthis ye�soNfi�m ever hcen a city empbyce7 YES NO Dces th� pe�so�nn poesESS a sidll na nortnallyposses,sed by any cvrteM ciry employee? YES NO is ihis pe�soNfirm a Wrp�ed ventla? VES NO l/KJ{d`s C7G,�e v�n�.+�: 3 ��.'� IiLIiJ SOURCE COST/REVENUE 6UOGEfFA �GRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO wFOaMnnon �exrweq q9-4os- CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hall Norm Coleman, Mayor ZS West %Aogg Bnulevard Sain! P¢ul, Minrsesola 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Tay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Harris Telephone: (6Z2) 266-8510 FacsimIIe: (612) 2668513 Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter (e'�t�;°°�t� •'.:�:�•��u'•.": 3�,=,rR:;i FROM: Alberto Quintela, Jr. �.� ��° � �° �d�� DATE: RE: May 4, 1999 BU5INESS REVIEW COUNCIL Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Business Review Council. Douglas Gale Randy Gelier Henry Kristal William H. Mason, III Abigail McKenzie Betsy Van Hecke APPOINTMENTS Robert Awsumb Clarice Gombold Steven Lehr Justine Mishek Each shal] seroe a three-year term which will expire on April 1, 2002. Attached is a copy ofthe resolution, copies ofthe new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. AQ:drm Attachments c: Bob Kessler, License, Inspection and Environmental Protection Dave Lobejko, License, Inspection and Environmental Protection � . �� c �� �%k����� Name: � Home Address: SYreet Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred blailing Address: What is your occugation? Piace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: �Vhat 1 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 City s��� t'J I/ �<�'h'��i� � � I'n;�/" � ��City Council Ward: ��C��U � isd-� (�:LK�,k���lc i o�...�'S�2 tf S~ S.�-F�� S%- . 1 �:.., ��, . � % _ , , s3?c;- �. � �- �soc2.�'S, � training or experience do i � possess for the committee(s) for which you seek 99- H��' S� <�� Zip "� The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resuit, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 8-�-97 PERSONAL REFEREN('F'� Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: (� � Address: Phone: �— Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: _/ Q Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making appiication? If so, when, .,,.a .�,e ,.._..___.._...----" In an aftempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the tine appticable fo you. This information is strictly voluntary. �hite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �/ Male Female bate of Birth: � l r��' —� Disabted: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: � How did you hear a6out this opening? n w rk .� �O - � �v. � R.A.AWSUMB & ASSOCIATES, PLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW ]525 LANDMARK TOWERS 345 SA[NT PEI'ER STREEf ST. PAUL,'vIN 55102 PHONE: (651J225-9255 TOLL FREE: 1-888-225-g566 FAX: (65l)848-OOlt E-MAIL: raawsumb@mediate.com Apri17, 1999 The Honorable Mayor \TOrm Coleman City of Saint Paul 390 Ciry Hall 1� West Kello�� Boulevard Saint Paul, NN 55102 Re: Committee Application Dear Mayor Coleman: °I9-4oa- ��� � Enclosed please find my Application for Ylembership on the Saint Paul Business Review Council (BRC), aiong with my current curriculum vitae. I am the fourth �eneration of the Awsumb family to live and work in St. Paul since the turn of the century. My great-grandfather and grandfather operated a tailoring business on Robert Street for many years. My father began his television career (Lunch with Casey) at the studios of WMN-TV in the Hamm Building. I have continued their entrepreneuring spirit as a business owner providin� legal and mediation services to this community. I have a young son attending Saint Paul public schools and am actively involved in his education. I shaze �vith my family a deep sense of loyalty to and pride in Saint Paul and hope to pass that along to my children. I would like to further contribute to the continued renaissance of Saint Paul and help build a community that my son can take pride in and one in which he will choose to live, �vark and raise his family. Serving on the BRC would allow me to apply my experence as a busiaess ovraer, pa:ent, e3ucztor, ztte�s:ey and p:ofessiona: a�,e3:atcr toward that goal. I would very much welcome the opportunity to serve the City and would appreciate your appointment. Thank you very much for your consideration. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, R. A. AWSLT'ViB & A IATES, PLC ;� � � �_� Robert A. Awsumb � RAA/ss Enclosure �Alberto Quintela, Jr. R.A.AWSUMB & ASSOCIATES, PLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW Education Law School: Colle�e: Licensed Attomey: Admitted to Practice: 1525 CAYDMARK TOWERS 345 SAIN7' pE['ER STREEI' ST. PAUL, MN 5a102 PHONE: (65I)225-9255 TOLL FREE: 1-888-225-9566 FAX: (651)84&0011 �4WIL. mati'sumbCa�mediate.com CURRICtiLUNI VITAE OF ROBERT a. AWSUVIB q9 -�to �- Wiiliam lIitcheil Coliege of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, J.D., Masna Cum Laude, 1986 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, B.A. 1982 Minnesota License Received 1986 Minnesota Supreme Court, October 3, 1986 U.S. District Court for District of Minnesota, October, 1986 Approved Mediator: Minnesota Supreme Court Approved Roster of Mediators and Arbitrators, Appointed, July, 1994-Present. Professional Exoerience 1998 - Present 1993 - Present 1998- Present R A. Awsumb & Associates, PLC 1525 Landmark Towers 345 Saint Peter Street St. Paul, �N 55102 Founder and Chief Mana�er �ed13?!OIl 2T1C1 3L�J1?T2?"lOII SP?'V1Ce5, GOTT1IPeTC1&1 3IIC� rlVi Iit1v2TIQri� insurance claims and coverage liti�ation. William Nlitchell College of Law 875 Summit Avenue St. Paul, l�SN 55105 Adjunct Professor: No-Fault Automobile Insurance (1993-Present) ADR-Nlediation Trainin� for Lawyers (1994). Minnesota Brewing Company 882 West Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Member, Board of Directors Curriculum Vitae of Robert A. Awsumb 1991 - 1998 Rambow & Awsumb, P.A. 7901 Xecaces Avenue South c1q �N 0?- 1986 - 1991 Bloomin�ton, i�IN 55431 President and Founding Partner vlediation and civil liti�ation practice including insurance, personal injury and wTOn�ful death, product liability, mediation and arbitration. Rider, Bennett, Egan & Arundel 2000 Lincoln Centre 333 South Seventh Street �finneapolis, NIN 5�402 Associate Attorney Practice consisted of insurance defense prodec?s liabiL±y, com.me:cial and personal injury liti�ation. Professional VIemberships and Activities AV and Preeminent Ratings, Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory Approved ADR Neutral: Minnesota Altemative Dispute Resolution Board (since formation) Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR) Member, Panel of Mediators, Attorney Discipline Mediation, Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility American Arbitration Association Member, Panel of Arbitrators American Bar Association (Section of Dispute Resolution; Tort and Tnsurance Practice Section) Hennepin County Bar Association Ramsey County Bar Association Minnesota State Bar Association (Member, Litigation Section) Defense Research Institute and Trial Lawyers Association (1986-1992) Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association (1986-1992) (Co-Chair, Editorial Committee, 1988-1991; Member, Law Imorovement Committee, 1988-1991) The Association of Trial Lawyers of America Minnesota Trial Lawyers Association HCBA Volunteer Lawyers Network (Member, Board of Directors 1989-1993; volunteer attomey 1986-Present) Pubiications Author: "Recovery of Economic Loss Under Section 402A," Joumal of Products Liabilitv, Vol. 9, pp. 1-18, 1986. Author: "A.Never Ending Duty? An Analysis of Le�al Preconception Tort Claims," Minnesota Defense, Winter, 1989. Curriculum Vitae of Robert A. Awsumb Pa e 3 Co-author: "Products Liability Law Reform - Punitive Dama�es, Nfinnesota and �� I � O � Attemative Comparative Fault Systems and the Kasten-Federal Products Liability Le�islative Proposal," Minnesota Continuing Le�al Education, MILE, October 31, 1986 Co-author: "Punitive Dama�es Law - Practical Guidelines for Understandin� and Defending A�ainst Punitive Dama�es Claims," MCLE, October 10, 1986 Co-author: "Releases and Settlement A�reements - What is the Proper Release to Use and its Effect?", VICLE, 1986 Seminars and Lectures Faculty, Mediation Ski11s for Business & Professional People, Center for Conflict ManagemenUAmericord, Centers for Law & Leadership, William Mitchell Colle�e Of Law, St. Paui, �I'iV, March 3-6, 1999 Faculty, Mediation Skills for Business & Professional People, Center for Conflict Mana�emenUAmericord, Centers for Law & Leadership, William Mitchell College Of Law, St. Pau1,1VIV, December 2-5, 1998 Faculty, No-Fault-Persuadin� the Arbitrator, Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, Minneapolis, MN, July 22,1998 Faculty, Certified Civil Mediation Skills Trainin�, Minnesota State Baz Association, Continuing Legal Education, Duluth, MN, September 26, 27, 29 & 3Q 1997 Faculty, Certified Civil Mediation Skills Training, Minnesota State Bar Association, Continuin� Lega1 Education, Minneapolis, NN, October 17, 18, 20 & 21, 1997 Faculty, The Complete Insurance Law Course: No-Fault, UM and Uli�1 Law, MTLA, February 21, 1997 Faculty, Aandlin� the Automobile Accident Case, MTLA, December 13, 1996 Faculty, Handlin� the Automobile Accident Case, MTLA, December 8, 1995 Faculty, No Vonsense No-Fault, William Mitchell College ofLaw, Mazch 1, 1995 Faculty, Premises Liability: Preparation and Trial of a Difficult Case in Minnesota, National Business Institute, Inc., Au�ust 17, 1994 Faculty, Minnesota Insurance Law Conference, Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, October 8 and 9, 1992 Faculty, Uninsured/LTnderinsured Motorist Covera�e & Collateral Source Issues, Minnesota Institute of Legal Education, Apri129, 1992 Curriculum Vitae of Robert A. Awsumb PaQe 4 °19 -yo�— Faculry, Premises Liability, Minnesota Trial Lawyers Association, Mazch 20, 1992 Faculty, Soft Tissue Injury, Minnesota Institute of Le�al Education, February 28, 1992 Faculty, Le�al Services Trial Skilis Trainin�, iVlinnesota Legal Services Coalition, November 19-22, 1991 Faculty, Vlinnesota Insurance Law Conference, Minnesota Institute of Le�al Education, October, 1991 Faculty, NIDLA Sixteenth Annual Trial Techniques Seminar, Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association, Au�ust 15-17, 1991 Faculty, Uninsured/LTnderinsured Motorist Covera�e, Minnesota Institute of Le�al Education, July 9, 1991 Communitv Activities Member-at-Large, Indianhead Council, Boy Scouts of America, St. Paul, NN Coach, Ti�er Cubs, Cub Scout Troop �268, St. Paul, M�I On�oin� pro bono le�al activities and fund raising for charities. Director, Child Haven, Inc. Boazd of Directors, St. Paul, MN Providing after school daycare. Chair, Randolph Heights Elementary School Provisional Site Council, St. Paul, iVIN (1997-98). Board Member, Supreme Court of Minnesota Board of Le�al Certification (1999 - present). � �� � Name: Clarice J. Gombold OFFICE OF'THE MAYOR 340 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 e�qyoua- RF�F+I,�r� MAR 1 8 1999 MAYOR'S OFfiCE HomeAddress: z37 Ann Street Saint Paul MN 55102 Street City Zip Telephone Number- �m 1 651.224.6193 oT � N/A ��� 651.227.828 Planning District Council: � City Council Ward� H. D. 656 Preferred Mailing Address: �,T': a: is yaut ���::r�r;r�� Place of Employment: Committee(s) Apptied For: 237 Ann Street Retired Saint Paul MN 55102 Gombold Electric, Inc. Business Review Cauncil What s}:ills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? -I owned and operated a small business for 18 years (until my retirement). -I have worked and lived in the city of Saint Paul for more than 40 years. -I am familiar with budgets, union contracts and construction problems. -I have served as a board member for the Minnesota American Indian Chamber of Commerce. -I have been a memb of many organizations during my years in busi�ess. To name a few; NECA, MEA, and various other Chambers�.of�Ebm�neree. "The information included in fhis appiication is considered private daYa according to the Minnesota Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the generai public. (OVER) Rev. 5-�-97 Name: Address: PERSONAL F. .RFNrFS Debbie White Mdewakanton Dakota Community Wesch Minnesota Phone: L�[amel N/A (}�prj�} 1-800-222-7077 Name: 7odd Young 1506 Pioneer Buildi Saint Paul Minnesota Address: Phone: (Homel ar 651.291.8711 Name: Address: Rolland Hokanson Bloomington Minnesota Phone: jFiomel o 612.893.1505 Tieasons for your interesY in this particular committee: I am a retired smal l business owner and now that I have the time I wish to serve the community that has been a benefit to me. Have you had previous contacY with the committee for which you are making application? If so, w�hen, and the circumstances? No In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects Yhe makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � `Vhite {Caacasian) � Black (African American) X American Indian or Ataskan Est:imo Male Disabled: Yes X Female No �_ $ispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: If speciat accommodations are needed, ptease speeify: N/A How did you hear about this opening? Through the mai 1. ��� � .� ��,, �-� y Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Fax: 266-8513 qq.�lo�- Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Name Steven R. Lehr Home address 638 Summit Avenue Saint Pau1 55105 s[ree[ ci[y z�p Telephones 291-0014 215-6712 612-581-6987 home work fax <e❑ paver E-mailaddress slehr@cbrichardellis.com Planning District Council 16 City Council Ward Z Preferred mailing address 444 Cedar Street, S ui t e 80 Saint Paul 55101 5[reet Occupation Commercial Rea1 Estate Broker/ Attorney Place of employment CB Richard E11is, Inc. ci[Y z�p E mploymentaddress 444 Cedar Street, Suite 800, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Committee(s) applied for Heritage Preservation Commission and/ or Business Review Council What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I have been a licensed attorney for nine years and am currently a commercial real estate broker/ consultant wit CB Riciar is in its Saint Paul office. I currently am a director on the District 16 Planning Commission (Summit Hill Association . s an a orney my practice focused primarily on real estate law, including land- use law. Further, I ave een a resi en o ain au o ast 12 years. As an investor I have renovated three properties on Summit Avenue. As a resu o my occupa ion an i . the community and my experiences with the District 16 Planning ommission ave ecome ami iar wi m involved in historic preservation. In particular, these experiences ave increase my un ers an in historic preservation and modern, urban development. My exper- ience a a a use committee have provided me with a substantive knowledge o i Business Review Council. The information included in this applicatio❑ is considered privaCe data, according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released [o the general public. 5 5 page 1 of 2 99-4 PersonalReferences Name David Piggot, Executive Director Metro East Development Partners ip Address332 Minnesota Street, Suite 205-N, Saint Paul 55101 Telephones 265 Name Larry Dowell, President Saint Pau rea am er o ommerce Address 332 Minnesota Street, Suite 205-N, Saint Paul 55101 Telephones_ 223 Name Tanva Bell, Managing Director CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Address g00 Pi�er Jaffray Plaza, 444 Cedar Street, Saint Paul 55101 Telephones 612-924 Reasons For your interest in this particular committee I have always been interested in historic properties and architecture. My pro essiona experience has provided me with a sense of the costs associated with preservation. I think I would have liked to be a curator o an is oric proper y. As a member of the Saint Paul community as a resident and businessman I am intereste in furt ering t e a ance e ween preserva i Have you have previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) ❑ Hispanic ❑Black (African-American) ❑ Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female ❑ Date of birth 3/26/65 Disabled: � Yes No Q If special accommodations are needed, please speci How did you hear aboutthis ope�ing B ob Awsumb page 2 of 2 STEVEN R. LEHR, Esq. a 9• ��� Associate CB Richard Ellis, Inc. 800 Piper Jaffray Tower 444 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (651)215-6712 REn[. EsrniE BRO�x's LrCExsE September 1996 ADMISSION TO BAR Minnesota State Supreme Court, October 1990 United States Dishict Court, Fourth District, November 1991 EDUCATION Juris Doctorate William Mitchell College of Law, Si. Paul, 1990 -Civil Litigarion Clusic, Fa111984 -A.B.A. Negotiation Comperition 1987-1990 Bachelor of Science, International Management, St. John's University, 1987 EMPLOYMEN7 CB Richazd Ellis, Inc., 3/98 to present Pzivate Pracrice of Law, 12(90 to 2(98 -Litigarion and Commercial Real Estate Transacrions -Extended International Tiavel 12f95 to 4(96 James Reichert, Attomey at Law, Aooley & Reichert, P.C., 8J89 to 1/91 -Law Clerk: Litigarion and Real Estate Support Frank Farrell, Attomey at Law, Farrell & Schwartz, Summer 1989 -Law Clerk: Bankruptcy and Commercial Litigarion Support Thomas P. Malone, Attorney at Law, Bama, Guzy, Stephen 9188 to 5/89 -Law Cleck: Commercial Litigation Support Kinney & Lange, P.A., January Term 1987 -Intellectual Property Law Internship PROFFSSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Saint Paul Area Associarion of Realtors, Organization of Commercial Realtors, Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, Metro East Development Partnership, Minnesota State Bar Associarion, American Bar Association, District 16 Planning Commission, (Duector) CB � Richard Ellis Navigating n New Worlds" REAL ESTATE LEGAL EXPERIENCE q9 -'�o� TRANSACTIONAL -Conducted due diligence, negotiated and drafred purchase agreements for buyers and sellers -Represented tenanu in site location and lease negoriation. -Represented landlord in leasing and documentation for office leuing -Represented Owner in pazking zamp financing. -Represented landowners and developers in obtaining lot split, variance and easement. -Represented lender in giving tide opinions. -Represented buyer in detem�inin� reservarion of ownership of sand and gravel righu. -Counseled buyers and sellers regarding tax deferred exchanges under Section 1031 of I.R. Code. -Represented buyers and sellers in fmancin� issues usin� contracts for deeds, wrap around con�acts, assi�nmenu, purchase money mortgages and convenrional mortgages. -Negotiated and drafted securiry agreements. -Advised pLOmoters on issues relating to entiry selection. -Drafted and filed documentarion necessary to form coiporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and limited liability parhierships. -Negoriated and draRed shazeholder ageements, partnership agreements, operating agreements and buy- sell agreements. -Advised partners on fiduciary duties and in winding-up of parmership -Counseled buyers regarding ADA liability and compliance. L[T[GATION -Represented landlords in acrions for eviction, -Represented landlord in lawsuit on mechanlc's liens, -Represented landlord in action for writ of attaclunent -Represented landlord/ creditor in Chapter I1 proceedings -Represented debtor in Chapter 11 reorganization -Represented landloxd in obtaining temporary restraining order and tenant issues. -Represented buyers on issues regarding breach of representations and wananties -Represented landlords in vaziety of tenant issues. -Represented Buyer in action for Broker liability -DraBed condominium documents for developer. -Repiesented landowners in actions foi trespass, nuisance, boundary disputes, bieach of warranTy and failure to inspect. -Represented outdoor advertiser in land use issues and in mandamus action to compel issuance of conditional use permits/ land use issues. -Counseled owner regazding clean-up of fuel oil release under Minn. Stat. Section 117 et. seq. -Negotiated settlement through mediation for loss in fair market value under trespass and nuisance claims brought against oil companies for an oil release. -Counseled buyers regazding environmental issues involving asbestos, potenrial releases, active release sites, clean-up undec CERCLA, MERLA, VIC piogram, Petrofund reunbuLSement, risk based management approach and indemnification versus purchase price reduction sfrategy. -Represented plaintiffs for claims under the ADA. BUSMESS EXPERIENCE -Started Manufacturing Firm in 1983. Obtained U.S. Patent #4,456,999 in 1985. Licensed Patentin 1987. -Investment Real Estate Developmend Rehab and Property Vlanagement 3/90 to present. CB � Richard Ellis Navigating a New World s" U(-Apr-99 14:33 From-LOCKRIOGE 612-339-0981 T-214 P.O7/OB F-646 O�.o7 �0:2� t99�> FaOM: fi12 2fiG 8513 T0: 0000 PAGE: 2 APR-07-1955 10��36 ST PR�L I'IpYOR'S OFFIGE 612 266 5513 P_22�8:� �� � r, � / QPFIC� QF'CHL MAYOR — 1 1 �"e� 390 CTfY $+1I-I- � � SAINT PAUI� MINNESOTA 331 Q2 Fhoa� {651} 266-8525 FAX: (65I) 266-SSi3 1\arae: Justine 8. Mislsek HomeAdQres4: 47 St_ Aibaas St. N_, St. Paul, 2�1 55104 Strcet Ciry Z�p Telephone Number(s): (Tndude A�ea Codes) Planning DiscHct CounciL � (651) 225-8693 �� (622) 339-690U Ciry Cauacit Ward: preferred MailinY �ddress: 47 �F- Atbans Sx. �- � St. Paul, Mti 55104 What is your uceupatloa? Place of Employmen[: Committee(s) Appliul For: Gavernment Belat3ons LockridPe Grindal Naueu � Holsteiu B.L.i..P. 8usiness Seview Couucil Wha[ skilk, training ar ezpe�ience do yop posseas for ihe commitces(s) for which you seek apgoiatmcnt? Rrf�ro ;rsx rj�&l0Y �T1 �arP IR4�• T XFrj�ed ax a fima]} bus�ss o�} G�nd 6qenue f.or i?ea7r19 sis vear& cai�}ed Pa��+orks. Ourinu mY emp}.opm�a.F at this unique �ift shop, I,gained a persPective wh3ch allawed me to uaderstand the perspective af a small basiness ptoviding unique g3fts and seivices to sboppezs and resldents of Gtand Avenue. In addition,to this, I am a 13felong resident of St. Pau�, nearly 13.ving vithia f ive block: oP Grand svenue. I have ir9.tnesaed the development of Grand, Highlaud and other a reas and appteciate the benefits these retail areas briug. I also kaw of the stxuggles fall and vould like to britig my background as a resident and past employee oP Gta 8venue_ The infonnstion included in this applica�ioa is considered private daw aceording to the Mi�nesoia Governmep� Dais Praotices Ae[. As a resuly this information is not rcleyscd ta tGe genetdi puWie. (OVFRj Rcv. 3-2�99 OT-Apr99 14:33 From-LOCKRIDGE 612-�39-0981 T-214 P 08/08 F-646 pq'07 t0:2i ts98, FROM: 6t2 2fifi 85t3 T0: 04�a PAGE: 3 rtPR-07-1599 10�0fi ST PAU�.�'WYOR'S OFFICE 6i2 266 6513 P.03iO3 G� °( -� Nyup�: (:o��ssioner Slie Ha3pp Addr�s: Court House, 15 H. 8ellogg Blad., St. Paul, MN 55102 Fbone: {$omel ryy (b51) 266-8364 Hy�r. �r9 Pat 2lcBasY. Past Q�mer of Papecvorks Address: Portland Ave. St. Yaul, MN 55104 phoae: j$pm�) (651) 222-3981 �r�� Name: Ad4resa: Phont: (prep�a ( +o�� Reasom for your intarest in t6is pattiwiar commitsea �_� s�ated before, Y live and have vorked aear the Gran3 Avenue busine$ses and £eel I have experience vorki.ng and understand3ng the business/amatl owaer perspective as ve]1, as the needs co�un3t3es face who are ne$rby bns3ness district Have you 6ad previous cuntaet vrish the comm;ttee tor which you Are mak[ag applicatioa° IP so, when, xad The circumstapces? 7o en actempt to ensure that eammiuee reprwtatation n1f eccs the makeap of our commanity, please s6eck the iiae appUcabTe to you. This int'ormstiou is skie�iy volunwry. �_ WIf�i6 �CAIiCAS�SA� B1dCk (AtYican Amet{csA) Ame�iean Iadian or Alaskao Fsicimo Hispanie Atiaa orPacifo Islsnder Mnie g Female D�sudted: Yes _ No g If specisl accomrnodxtians are ae.eded, please apecify: I?aie of Birth: Row did you hesr a6out [his openin$' oYfice of che Ttayor TOTA� P,03 �q-4o�- OS-04-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMM2TTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS 003596 Awsumb, Robert A. R.A. Awsumb & Associates, PLC 1525 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - (651) 225-9255 Mediator/Attorney WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING 013) 3 15 4-7-99 BRc Senator Cal Larson MN State Senate (w) (651) 296-5655 Jack Lee, CEO Minnesota Brewing Company w) (651) 228-9173 Lisa Nasseff Office o£ the Mayor w) (651) 266-8527 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 1 8 -------- --- --- --- 04/07/99 W M 02/20/98 W F Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 qq-�ta� OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMI2TEE APPLICANSS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 01�01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: 2-20-95 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, 003058 Brooks, James E. 1833 Fairmount Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 Home - 698-3083 Editoz' Ste. 312 4 09/18/95 W M Terrance Patrick O'Brien OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS W) 297-5930 Michael McLaughlin 275 SUmmit St. Paul, MN Dan Flannagan H) 699-4414 003573 Clark, Kelly H. 539 St. Clair St. Paul, MN 55102 Aome - (651) 290-2736 Consultant 99 -y os- PAGE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- �-- --- 2 9 3-18-99 Community Health Services & Business {Review Council: Rick Stephens 1340 Toledo Ave. N. St. Louis Park, MN h) (612) 588-3631 w) (612) 931-9147 Rick Francis 1809 S. Plymouth Rd., Ste. 200 Minnetonka, MN 55305 w) (612) 593-1814 Dr. David Swarthout Citadell Bldg.--E. Lake Street h) (612) 931-1837 w) 526-5038 (pager) 003212 Dario, Mel 6 2 2084 Lacrosse Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 738-8751 U of M Russ Miller 267 White Bear Avenue h) 774-6394 w) 738-2688 Frank Orsello 4916 Helmo Ave. N. Oakdale, MN h) 770-2804 w) 738-2797 03/18/99 NA M 07j26/96 W M �q "�O �- OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Roger Forrester 5217 80th Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN h) 422-1388 w) 624-7006 003522 Donnelly, Stan D. 5 Heather Place St. Pau1, MN 55102 Home - (651) 221-9800 President/Manufacturing Co. PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 2 16 12/21/98 W M 12-21-98 HPC, Business Review Council, BZA, P{lanning Commission Darwin Reedy 5 Peninsula Drive Dellwood, MN 55110 (h) (651) 429-6433 0 002698 Gombold, Clarice 237 Ann Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - (651) 224-6193 Retired Electrical Contractor 2 9 R. Aop Peggy Green Dave Thune ------------------------------------ 3-17-99 Affirmative Action Advisory: Debbie White Mdewakanton Dakota Community Welch, MN w) 1-800-222-7077 Todd P. Young 1506 Pioneer Building St. Paul, MN w) (651) 291-8711 03/18/99 NA F {------- Rolland Hokanson Bloomington, MN w) (612) 893-1505 OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT qq -4.0� PAGE 5 COMti2TTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 003040 Harp, Reynald 08/23/95 B M E-1401 First National Bank St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 225-8104 Attorney Clayton Robinson Warren Spannus 003152 Kvasnik, Renee R. Kvasnik Photography and Frames Work - 698-0456 Co-Owner Photography Store C 3-11-96 BRC--no references provided 003582 Lang, Tony 1567 Griggs Street N. St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 488-7630 Job Coordinator 5 10 3-31-99 STAR; BRC & Parks and Rec: Michael Vento 1710 Jefferson Avenue St. Paul (651) 690-2619 w) (651) 603-6477 Tim Keran 9655 53rd St. N. Lake Elmo, MN 55042 h) (651) 773-9876 w) (651) 603-6463 Dave Fagerly 2569 Aladdin St. Roseville, MN 55113 h) (651) 481-0209 (w) (651) 635-5389 003601 Lehr, Steven R. 2 16 CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Suite 800 444 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - (651) 215-6712 03/11/96 U F 03/31/99 W 04/14/99 W M 99 -y o�-- OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER Q1/�1(94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------" -------- -------- --- --- --- Real Estate Broker/Attorney 4-14-99 HPC and BRC David Piggot Ex. Director Metro East Development Partnership Suite 205-N 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 265-2760 Larry Dowell, President St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Suite 205-N 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 223-5000 Tanya Be11 Managing Director CB RichaYd E11is, Znc. S00 Piper Jaffray Plaza 444 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 924-4604 003472 Malone, Mark T. 420 Cleveland Avenue South St Paul, MN 55105 Home - (651) 699-2619 Certified Public Accountant Thomas Malone 1350 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 (651) 646-6801 James T. Haney 1773 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 (651) 690-3526 3 08/25f98 U M Matthew L. Jammr, Jr. 620 Simpson Street St. Paul, MN 55104 99-yo� OS-04-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 7 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITSEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ (651) 642-1950 003595 Mishek, Justine H. 47 St. Albans Street N. St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 225-8693 Government Relations 1 8 4-'7-99 Community Health Services Commissioner Susan Haigh 220 Courthouse St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-8364 Dr. Tim Rumsey United Family Health Center 545 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN w) (651) 293-9199 Connie Walsh Outreach Worker 545 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN w) (651) 293-9199 4-7-99 BRC: Commissioner Sue Haigh (same as above) Mary Pat McKasy Past Owner of Paperworks 964 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) (651) 222-3951 003137 O'Neill, Jr., Patrick H. Patrick A. O'23eill, Jr. Law 1500 Capitol Centre 386 N. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Work - 222-5000 FAX 2221313 Attorney 04/07/99 W F 02/20/96 W M Joseph T. O'Neill 1250 World Trade Center w) 298-8300 qg-No�- OS-04-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003077 Ogiamien, Jonah I. Jonah I. Ogiamien, Inc. 508 N. Snelling St. Paul, MN 55104 Work - 642-1413 FAX 6421315 Business Consultant Jonathan B. Oyinlove TCCR Ste. 107 220 S. Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55107 h) 739-3239 w) 224-3788 Tom M. Moriarty 1146 Rice, 55117 h) 882-2080 w) 488-0562 Nghi Huynh Asian American Press 417 University Avenue, 55103 h) 649-0148 w) 224-6570 003151 Rasmussen, Diane K. Apt. 1 185 E. Thompson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55118 Home - 450-2322 Membership Coordinator YMCA Brigid Nault Midway YMCA, 55104 h) 426-2712 w) 646-4557 Tammy Abrahamson h) 447-6356 w) 646-4557 Crystelle Underdahl 410 E. Butler West St. Paul, MN 55118 h) 457-7352 w) 738-1600 PAGE 8 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 1 7 003312 Udoibok, Kenneth U. 3 15 1606 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - (651) 698-2432 10/12/95 B M 03/11/96 W F 04/19/99 B M a9 -40�- OS-04-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Attorney Hoa Young Mayor's Office 390 City Hall w) 266-8516 Fred Owusu City C1erk--St. Paul 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 8-26-98 Police Civilian Review Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall 266-8510 Fred Owusu city Clerk 170 City Hall 266-8989 4-19-99 BRC; Port Authority & RiverCentre Aut{hority Fred Owusu 1237 Juliet Avenue, 55105 h) 699-6562 w) 266-8688 Robert Butterbrodt 2146 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 690-2789 w) 292-1000 Greg Copeland 1779 Wellesley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 698-7849 w( 227-8266 003127 Von Yeast, Fritz 1858 Palace Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-9337 V.P. Sales & Marketing 3 14 O1/12/96 W M Scott Benson President Strategic Communications 2675 Hennepin Ave. S. 99-40�- OS-04-99 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : BRC Business Review Council FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/01�94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Mpls., MN 55405 w} 525-4559 Kevin Atkinson President Digital MediaCOm 8934 Gould Road Eden Prairie, MN 55113 w) 581-1601 Leo Kim President Leo Kim Photography 800 Washington Ave. Mpls., 55401 w) 338-3545 003600 Zdrazil, Andre J. 7 4 04/13/99 W M 1208 McClean Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - (651) 776-0290 Lawyer 4-13-99 Port Authority; RiverCentre Atuhority{; Parks-Rec Commission, CIB & BRC: Judie Fotsch 2133 Selby Avenue, 55104 h) (651) 646-6216 Fred E. Meyer, Jr. 475 Iglehart Avenue, 55103 h) (651) 227-1855 Ken Schaefer 2151 Berkely Avenue, 55105 h) (651) 698-6045 c�q _ �+o�- From: Nancy Anderson To: ADMIN.MAYOR(morrow) Date: 5/10/99 11:13am Subject: Modify C.F. 991}02 -Reply Yes, 1 will make the change at Council. Thanks. »> Darlyne Morrow 05/10/99 09:42am »> We have been informed that Betsy Van Hecke, a Business Review Council member, does not wish to be appointed. Her name appears on Item #9, C.F. 99-402, the May 11 Council Agenda, Can you note at Council that this name should not be included as a reappointment to BRC? Thanks in advance. CC: Admin.Mayor(morrow, quintela), CCouncil.COUNCIL(ma...