87-353 WHITE - CITV CLERK � /� PINK - FINANCE TF',�I I COUIICIl 'i� 2� BLUERV - MAPORTMENT GITY OF SAINT 1 L?UL FIIC NO• V ��� � Council Resolut�on ,� � � 9 Presente By Referred To ��� �� Committ�e: Date a ab �`1 Out of Committee By Date A administrative Resolution establishing the r te of pay for the title of Recru'tment and S lection Coordinator in the Salar Plan and ates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, tha the title of Recruitment and Sel�ction Coordinator be paid at the rate set fo th in Grade 34, Section I D 1 , Cl�rical Group, of the Salary Plan and Ratesof C mpensation Resolution. ; FURTHER RESOL ED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay p riod after the passage, approval �nd publication of this resolution. i i i COUNC[LMEN Request d by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays �' _�_ L� EL � [n Favor Rettmaa�� . Scheibel � Sonnen �__ Against Tedesco Wilson y, .- �•� ,s� ? Form prove by rn Adopted by Council: D te � ' � Certified Ya s ouncil . B � By. A ro Ma or for S sio t �ouncil Aypprov 1�lavor. Dat MAR ► 9 1987 pp y Y —�� BY - — BY PUBlISHED i�,�;n�; 2 8 1987 F� �N� 0812 PersQnnel 'Office • ' PI4R1`MENT: •- _ �ilt�r.x�c3�xk� J C NTACT . , , � P ONE � 2-9-87 D TE �� e Q � ASS GN I�UNIBER F4R RQUTING ORDER Cli 11 Locations for Si ature : , De artment Director � p 3 Director of Management/Mayor ; Finance and Nl�nagemen Services Di ector. � City Clerk i Budge;t, Director � ,� City Attorney - WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY AlCING AGTIQN ON THE ATTACHED MATE IALS? {Purpose/ ! Recruitment & Selection oordinator T'tle. Rationale) : Establishing this title w 11 contribut to the smooth and t'mely administration of the t recruitment and se.lection process. A1 o establishment of t is title should result in better i services to the departmen s. Managers will be better infor ed as to the progress being made in the establishment of s lecti.an inst uments and subsequen eligibility lists. I ; �� �� i � •�'''��ECEfVE'p . COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY D PERSONNEL MPACTS ANTICIPATED: FEB 1 !� 9 1�i,=, This is a one incumbent c assificatio . The entry level s lary is $25,�22.38. �Th� five year step is $32,081 . 14. ►✓��YOR`� Q��� . : ��CEtVED . FEB 91987 CITY AT`TORN Y FINANCING SOURCE AND BUD T ACTIVITY UhBER CHARGED OR CRE ITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Tota1 Amourlt-.of 'Transa tion: quired if under � $10,000) Fuading, Scwrce: : Activity Number: • ATTACHMENTS List and Nu er All Atta hments : � ; 1 . Resolution � � 2. Copy for City Clerk C' � f � � � � � � � � i i DEP RTMENT REVIEW CI Y ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Re lution Requ red? ' Re o�uti.on Requir�ed? Yes No Yes �o Insurance quired? In urance Sufficient? Yes No� Yes �No Insurance tached: � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTION ) � � Revised 12�,84 � E . . � � �?� ��� �� " . CITY OF SAINT P�UL :u:��'��, s • . ::ui i�.nl ' OF'FICE OF TH� CITY COIIiNCIL ; ..._ . • . , � Commlttee Repar F:in. e Ma.n.a ement & Person el Comrnittee. . . MARCH 5, 1987 1. Approval of minu es from meeting held February 26,1 1987. approved 2. Resolution autho izing proper city officials to e�ecute an amendment to the Consolidated Coo eration Agreement between the cit�y and the Public Housing Agency for the p rpose of reducing the PILOT paym nt to benefit the low-income housing program n Saint Paul (laid over from Feb uary 26, 1987) . passed out w/o rec. 3. Resolution amend ng Section 16.D of the Civil Ser ice Rules pertaining to alternates for C mmission hearing and/or meeting laid over from February 19, 1987). ee or . in substitution of this res.--or . passed out w/o rec. 4. Resolution amend ng the Civil Service Rules conce ning procedures for appealing discharge or red ction or suspension. • a roved • 5. Resolution amend ng the Civil Service Rule� conce ning procedures for appealing discharges, redu tions or suspensions through the official. grievance procedure _.document.-�.}aid ver to 3/19- - - ------ � _- - Y an u o 7. Resolution amend ng the 1986 Long Range Capital I�hprovement Budget and trans- ferring $80,000 rom major sewer repair Co Forste� Street sanitary sewer. a roved I 8. Resolution amen ng CDBG Year XII Program and add�.ng $75,000 to Dayton's Bluff NHS to assist lo /moderate income homeowners. � approved 9. Resolution adopting the I986 Joint Debt Advisory �ommittee Report. approved 10. Resolution desi ating Springsted Inc. as the fin�ncial advisor for the city of Saint Paul, 987-1988. approved 11. Letter of the S ate Department of Revenue transmi�ting Application No. 329023 of Eric B. Holl nd for reduction of assessed valu�tion of certain real estate in the city of aint Paul. discussed 12. Letter of the S ate Department of Revenue transmi�tting Application No. 329036 of Mark W. Reii ng for reduction of assessed valu�ation of certain real estate in the city of aint Paul. discussed CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 'r�'s° � _ .,._..r��_. v,�_., ,.._,....,r . __�.,_... .,--.-... . ----- - -