87-347 WMITE — C�7V GLERK P14K — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT P1�UL Council p� � 3� ,�;� CANARV — DEPARTMENT BZUE �aMAYOR File NO•- - � , Return copy to: • ' . Valuations - Room 2�8 . oun l Resol t�on /�'l---�, (PublicHsg.) (RM) , � �, , / � Presented By ��� ' Referred To � � � Committiee: Date � '��d ��� Out of Committee By Date WHERBAS, he City of Saint Paul and �he Public Housing Agency entered into a onsolidated Cooperation Ag�eement dated November 1, 1984; dealing with various aspects of City-P�A relations; and, WHER$AS, t e PHA finds it increasingly �iifficult to fund its low- income housing program from shelter rent�s and available federal subsidy; and I WHERSAS, s ate law (Minn. Stat 462.571 (1984) requires a PILOT payment of only 58 of shelter rents; and WHEREAS, t e parties hereto desire to reduce the PILOT payment to benefit the low income hou�ing program in Saint Paul. THEREFORE E IT RESOLVFsD, that the p�roper City Officials are hereby author ' zed to execute Amendmentt No. 1 to Consolidated Cooperation Agreement dated November 1, 1984; that Section E. , of this agreement hall be and hereby is amendeid as follows: � E_.4�--T -iamual-�a-gmQa.�-coxz-sa.gt�3.�sg-o�--i�LO��lus--tb� S°��ca ax�}asr-.aha.l.�-oq.ua,�-�.4�-0�- ha-co.l,.7..act�-She.Lt�x_ $�xi..t�__ Q_,p�LA�.�a�.ti�o.r�a.�.t.h.e_.a.an -Pa�m�.a.t_sh�.l.L.�.o� ba-l-asa a.c��-�-o-��ha-S�oa.t4r-�.s.A�.- �ha-Swr.s�ca.C.b�a.r.�es p�..c_t3A.a f_�h�e�n.n.u.a.l..ga�r�en.��.hal.L c�b.�_m.cr,�_than.s.�_ef �#e-�ke-� �-�e-�}�-. E.4. The PILOT Portion of the annua paYment shall be 5$ of the S elter Rent. The Service C ar�e portion of the annual p �ment shall not be more t an 58 of the Shelter ------ ----- --- -- ---- — -- -- -- --- ------- Rent. COUNCILMEIV Requested y Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays N�cos�e Finan Mana ement S rvice Rettman In Favo[ �� Scheibel Sonnen __ Ag810St BY �t��. �-�. Tea.s� wi�son Form Appro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secr ary gY C � By� Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved Mayor for ion to Council i _ BY - - — I - - WMITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT P.4�UL Council (�� 3 �/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• � � T �LU�E �. MAVOR Return copy to: Council Resolut �/� Valuations - Room 218 � (PublicHsg.) (RM) Presented By Referred To Committ�e: Date Out of Committee By Date �:rr.---�P� ��-�€-�-���e-r-�e�-t,as-��e��a-�we�-bg-#.�h�a-���1r o�--c-r-� s-�-M.-�-�-�f-.aa'ch-gQ.a..�_.ia�x_e.sp.act_.f.a_.a11_�.u�h 3a�clapm -�.hall-Jse-�or__th�-Pr.er�.i.n.c}-r.�l�ar7a�_�r.e.at_iIL accor�d-e�rrc -wrr�i�--8�e��e-�ba-t-trbe: E.5 The 5� of the Shelter Rent as d termined by the PHA --- — -- Y------- ---- — — -------- — on or be ore Ma 1 of each �ear in respect to all such Developm nts shall be for the rece in calendar year in accordance with State Statute. BE IT FURTHBR R SOLVED, that in all other r�spects, Consolidated Cooperation Agr ement shall remain in full f rce and effect. (PublicHsg . ) I COUNCILMEN Yeas pr�� �a s � Requested by Department of: N;�,s;a— �,�d� Fi a c & M m \Rettma�r— �a _ � [n Favor v � �9Cheibel Scheibel sor,�e� ,�� Against BY Director \ �4 Sonnen ✓ �� I' ' �INilson TedesCo w���O� 1"1liR � � �987 Form App_ ve b City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � 1 6 �� Certified Yas b ouncil e BY n� By, t�ppro y Mavor: D _ MAR � � �9�� Appro y Mayor for Submis ' t ouncil By�- - — B P BIISHED : �:"�.:� `; 3 1987 - , ' 1►inetnce ¢� Mgmt.. Services • ` "�. ����y��830 D�P 1t7MEfV� - Dick McCana • ` C�N ACT 298-5317 PHO E Januazy 6, 1987 Q,AT �� �Qi � . . � ASSIGN NU1�ER ,FOR ROUTIN 0 DER Cli �A1 Locations for Si na ure ,:. � Department Director 2 D rector o'f Management/Mayor � Finance and Nlanagement ervices Dire tor � c� C ty Clerk Budget Director . 5 C uncilman Nicosia - City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV�D BY TA ING ACTIO THE ATTACHED MATERI LS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : City Co�icil to adopt res lution au1�h izing the, proper af icials to �xecute aa am�ndment to the Coneolid ted Coope#a ion Agreement betwe the City and the Public Housing Agency :fo the purpo�e f reducing the PII, paqment �ti�`benefit. the loW-income housi,ag p gram in S�i t Paul. ,�� �1 ,y Y COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AN PERSONNEL I PACTS ANTICIPATED: p�r+c�'.��� #- ._.. PHA will continue to pay service cl�a es. ���E , . JAN 0 G 1987 , ,!Q�l �l �!� � OFFrCE OF TME:OIRE�CTOR � DEPARTME{VT OF FfNANCE MAYO�R'S BF� � AND MANAGEMENT SEFt1ftCES � �INANGING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTIVITY NU ER f�IARGED OR CREDI ED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- total Amou�t� of "T.ransac ion: quired if under � $10,000) Fun,diFtg Source.: Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTS List and Numb r All Attac ents : 1. Sesolutioa . 2. Copy of amendment 3. ' Copy of Agretment � . _ DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY A7TORN�Y REYIEM x_Yes Mo Council Reso ution Requir d? ' Reso ution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Re uired? Insu ance SufficfientY Yes No Yes X No Insurance At ached: ( EE •REVERS� SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � . � � . � � � �-���. . ' �,,. � CITY OF S�.INT PA�TL _ 3iiii�i�j;iiI =' OP`FICE OF THE CITY C�IIN IL � Cammitte� ��port F:i�an�e Mana emeIlt & Personne Committee. � . MARCH 5, 1987 . 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held February 26, 1�87. approved 2. ; _, . _ _ _ _ '�, � 3. Resolution amendin Section 16.D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to alternates for Co ission hearing and/or meeting (la�.d over from February 19, 1987) . ee ord. in substitution of this res.--ord. �assed out w/o rec. 4. Resolution amendin the Civil Service Rules concerni�g procedures for appeal.ing discharge or reduc ion or suspension. • approved • 5. Resolution amendin the Civil Service Rul�� concernit�g procedures for appealing discharges, reduct'ons or suspensions through the of�Eicial.grievance procedure ,..document.-laid ov r to 3/19-- - � - - ------- �--- _ ---__ _ _� _ 6. Resolution establi hing the rate of pay in Grade 34,� Section I D 1, Clerical Group of the Salar Plan and Ra.tes of Compensation Rlesolution for the title of Recruitment and Selection Coordinator. approve�l 7. Resolution amendin the 1986 Long Range Capital Improvement Budget and trans- - ferring $80,000 fr m ma3or sewer repair to Forster S�treet sanitary sewer. anproved j 8. Resolution amendin CDBG Year XII Program and adding;l $75,000 to Dayton's Bluff NHS to assist low/ oderate income homeowners. approved 9. Resolution adoptin the 1986 Joint Debt Advisory Comtnittee Report. approved 10. Resolution designa �ng Springsted Inc. as the financ�ial advisor for the city of Saint Paul, 198 -1988, approved 11. Letter of the Stat Department of Revenue transmitti�ig Application No. 329023 of Eric B. Holland for reduction of assessed valuatipn of certain real estate in the city of Sai t Paul. discussed ' i 12. Letter of the Stat Department of Revenue transmitti�ng Application No. 329036 of Mark W. Reiling for reduction of assessed valuati�on of certain real estate. in the city of Sai t Paul. __ discussed CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR ! SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �.re __ __., ,,. ..,., ..,_._a,�.��,...4:�. ................�.�...,.,;,....._,-..,�a.....�.....�,._,-,,.,..s,_. ..;:,._,.,,�,_,.,+:...� ,,w....___._.....�;,-. .� ._. ,--�....�... ,..„�.M...,,�,... � � i �7 2 ���` c ; . . . ��/- d�� '"�`` y,� ``° a �- -'a.S ��' -" .. � . ^'rTV ,P'�(' �:tt _ . . � . . - _ y,b� ... I �...,.�'�������i� �„ .- . . . �. � ' 4' Board Approved _ _ � Contract No. 84-47 '� HUD Approved . � AfiENDMENT N0. 1 TO CANSOLiDA�fED COOPERATION AGREEMENT I This Amendment No. 1 entered into this day� of • 1986, by and betwe n the PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF Tk�E CITY OF SAINT PAUL (herein called th "PHA") and the CZTY OF SAINT. PAU�., MINNESOTA (herein called the "City") ; WITN�SSETH: . WHEREAS, the HA and the City entered into the �Consolidated Cooperation Agreement dated N vember 1, 1984; and WHEREAS, the HA finds it increasingly difficullt to fund its low-income ho�sing program f om shelter rents and available federal subsidy; and WHEREAS, stat law (Minn. Stat.462.575 [1984j) Irequires a PILOT payment of only SY. of shelte rents; and I WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to reduce t�e PILOT payment to benefit the low-income h using program in Saint Paul. I NOW THEREFOR , in consideration of their mutua� promises, the pazties hereto hereby ag�ee as follows: j � I. �Except as am nded herein, the Consolidated Coqlperation Agreement dated November 1, 1984, remains in full force and effe�ct�. - • . II. Section E.4. , of the Consolida ted CooperationllAgreement of the City of Saint Paul shal be and hereby is amended to readlas follows: E.4. he PILOT portion of the annual pa�yment shall be 5% of the Shelte Rent. The Service Charge portio�n of the annual payment shall not be more than S% of the Shelter Rent.� _ �- i _. , .._.. � _' ,. , _ � , ' �,. . , i �� �'-t� ' ' Amendment No. 1 ' � ' Contract No. 84-47 - � III. Section E.S. of the Consolida ted Cooperation Agre�ement da ted November 1, 1984, shall be and ereby is amended to read as follqws: �.5. The S% of the Shelter Rent as determirled by the PHA on or before May 1 of ach year in respect to all such D�velopments shall be for - the prece ing calendar year in accordance w�th State Statute. IN WITNESS WHE EOF, the City and the PHA have re5pectively signed and sealed this Amendrt� nt No. 1 as of the day and year f�rst above written. • A�PROVED AS TO FO . CITYi OF SAINT PAUL By � Assistant City Att rney I s Mayor By � ItCs City Clerk BY I I s Director, Department of ���.7� F�.nance and Management Services�� � PUB�.IC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE � CITjY OF SAINT P UL By r so By ts� ecetay Aslsista t � � � _ - I � � � - • -2- I . . . . � . U`-�`I`o35�7 ' . _ ,-:- : 1` -;" .rt Amendmen t.No. I . r � . -. f =.Contract No. 84-47 ' _ �. ,. . � _ .. : . . _ . . . _ ..... , ,. _ _ . . . . _ STATE-OF MINNESOTA ) � � _ __.. _ _ , I __. .. ._. __ . _. . _.:. .. �� --_ __� . .__._ ) SS. . , : ,::. �: _. _ _ . . � .. _ ___ __. - , -.._ - COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) .�- -_,_ . _.,� . _ . ': . . _ . __ _ .,. : The Eo�egoing �i strument was acknowledged before �me this day of , 1986, by GEOF�GE LATIMER, Mayor of the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the St�ate of Minnesota, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. __ ' . _ _ _ _ . _ . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. i COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) j . � . _ The foregoing nstrument was acknowledged beforejme this °� � �� day of , 1986, by ALBIERT B. OLSON , City Clerk of the CITY OF SAI T PAUL, a municipal corporation o�f the State of Minnesota, on behalf of the C ty of Saint Paul. i _ _ � � STATE OF MINNESOTA } ) SS. I . . _ . . _ COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � _ _ _ _.__. .._ .- ._ .. ...._ _ The foragoing iastrument was acknowledged befor� me this -- --� - --- .:- _ day of - , 1986, by E�JGENE A. _SCHILLER, Director __ _. __ of the Department of Finance and Management Service� of the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, "� a municipal corpo ation of the State of Minnesota, �n behalf of the �ity;of Saint Paul. � _ . ..._ ::� . _ ,, . _ _ . . x: _ _ _ .. .. _ � , �,: ,_ STATE OF KINNESOT ) - ) SS. . � � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) r - .j ,.. - - On this 10 h day of December , 1986, 'before me, a � notary public wit in and for said County, appeared John J. Galles - � #� �- and Roy Garza , to me personally know, who being each �,. by me duly sworn id say that they are respectively� the Chairperson and Assistant �:• Secretary of the UBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY �OF SAINT PAUL, the ��� -�= �- �- - _�- .e. i +Kc_ • corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and �that the instrument was rt �-� �; , signed on behalf f said corporation by authority qf its Board of -Commissioners 3 •� and said John J. Galles and Rn� (' r�a ` "` � � � acknowledged said instrum�nt to be the free act and -�-� � � deed o f sa id co rp ra tion i �- '� ��"' � � - - . �» x�,��.�;: N . � � � s:, '"'� a--�'�r� .a. • � ,� � � �- _ �� � t--}��y `...��i � � :� ; � , . ��� __ MARY C.6ARVEY �° �" I ` NO'fARY PUBI.IC-NYlN�ESQFA� ��"" � -;RAMSEY COIN�(IY :. •� MY(�MMI.EXPIR6S.NJWE S.1�Yt,� ','� �, .;� ��: ���"��::�_ ..,;�. �. - ,il I � « -3- � -�.�� .�. ;' . , s� �•� :�� .�• ; _, i .. . -- �. -. _ . ,�. _ . _... .r_.. `:�.�.�.:� _.... ard Approval Sep: '�sr 20� 1984 � � ,. ;�� �� � 3 `� 7 HUD Apgroval Au ..� 29 1984 � � Contract No. 84-47 � � � CONSOLIDATED COOPERATION AIGREEMENT sf � • This Agree ent entered into thia �_ day !of ��Vern� , 198�, . ,. by and between the BLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY QF SAINT PAUL (herein called Che "PHA") an the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESO�A (herein called the "City"); ' � WITNESSETH: j WHE1tEAS, t e Fiousing and Redevelopment Auth�rity of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota (her in called "HRA") and the City ha�re previously entered into � � the following: j • A) Cooper tion Agreement dated January 26,i1950, for 2,000 Dwelling Units (D.U.) wfth amendments thereto da'�ed: October 28, 196U for 0 D.U., August 3, 1962 for 250 D.U.. an�d October 29, 1965 for 800 D.U. espectively; � � B) Coope ation Agreement dated June 19, 19I67 for 1500 D.U.; and C) Coope ation Agreement dated March 14, 1�972 for 1200 D.U.; and WH�:1tEAS, he Public Housing Agency of the dity of Saint Paul was , created by Chapter 28 of the Laws of Minnesota, 1977�; and � WHLREAS. ursuant to Chapter 228 the PHA s�#cceeded to all the rights, duties, titles and bligations of the HRA relating td the provision for and � administration of t e public housing program for theiCity; and WHEREAS, he previously executed Cooperatic�n Agreements and Amendments are not uniform in heir application to dwelling unita owned and administered by the PHA; and WHEREAS, t is the intent of the parties h�reto, that the previously • executed Cooperatio Agreements and Amendments be de�lared null and void and be . replaced by this Ag eement which expresses the entirg understanding between the parties with respe t to the sub�ect matter contained� herein; and Page 1 of 10 i . i � . ; : � '�. . ,�„i Contract No. 84-47 f� • C��7 ��� / / WHEREAS, th parties hereto wish to promote ulniform application of this Agreement to all qualified dwelling unite; • � . ' NOW, THEREF RE, in consideration of the mutuall covenante hereinafter . set forth, the partie do hereby agree as follows: i � A. Wheneve used in this Agreement: � 1. The term "Development" shall mean an� existing low-rent . hou ing or low-rent l�ousing he'reafte�k developed or acquired by the PHA with financial assistance frbm the United States of Ame ica, acting through the Secretarl�► of Housing and Urban De- . vel pment (herein called the "Government") . . 2. The term "Taxing Body" shall mean th� State or any political . sub ivision or taxing unit thereof i� which a Development is sit ated and which would have author�Lty to assess or levy real or personal property taxes or to cer�ify such taxes to a ta ing body or public officer to be Ilevied for its use and be efit with respect to a Developmenit if it were not exempt � fr m taxation. 3. Th term "Shelter Rent" shall mean ahe total of all charges to . al residents of a Development for c�welling rents and no -dwelling rents (excluding all o�her income of such De elopment), less the costs to theIPHA of all dwelling and no -dwelling utilities and special services such as heat, . . wa er, electricity, gas, sewage diaposal or garbage removal. $. The te s of this Agreement shall applylto any developmenta up to 5,750 welling units of low-rent housin$ located within the corpor te limits of the City. Includedjwithin that amount are those welling units presently owned an�i administered by the PHA Page 2 of 10 I _ .____.._._.._. . . . . -�------------- . i .��.�,�.�u . �-- . • � � ' � Contract No. 84-47 • i'�..,, ; . � ���-�`�r as wel as those qualifying units th�t �re owned and administered �� by the PHA in the future. .j C. The P has secured contracts or will a� the need arises secure � � contra ts with the Government for loansiand annual contributions coveri g one or more Developments compr�Lsing a total of 5,750 I units f low-rent housing; and � D. The P shall endeavor to develop or ac uire any new housing and admin ster all such Developments, each bf which is located within the c rporate limits of the City. The obligations in this Agree- ment f the City and the PHA shall appl�► to each such Develop- ment. i - i , E. 1. U der the statutes of the State of �linnesota, all Developments a e exempt from all real and personlal property taxes and s ecial assessments levied or imposled by, any Taxing Body with r spect to any Development. This �'xemption does not include c arges for special services as pr vided in Minn. Stat. 4 9.101, such as Town Square maint nance charges and etreet m intenance charges. This exempti n from taxes and e ecial asseasments shall continue so long as either: (a) S cli Development is owned by a pub ic body or governmental a ency and is used for low-rent ho�}sing purposes, or (b) Any c ntract between the PtiA and the G�vernment for loans or • a nual contributions, or both, in �onnection with such D velopment remains in force and e�fect, or (c) Any bonds i sued in. connection with auch Dev�lopment or any monies due t the Government in connection wit�h such Development remains u paid, whichever period is the lo�►gest. Page 3 of 10�i � . � �' , I Contract No. 84-47 ' . � i..✓ �� - � `�� � . . 2. T e City agrees that it will not l�vy or impose any real or p rsonal property taxes or specialiassessnents upon such � evelopment or upon the PHA with r�espect thereto. Dur�ng • uch period, the PHA shall make an�ival paymenta whieh shall nclude: � Payments in Lieu of Taxes, he�einafter referred to as "PILOT", and � I Service Charges by the City o� Saint Paul, which includes Town Square maintenance charg�s, street maintenance and any other service charges as �rovided in Minnesota Statute i . 429.101 (1982) . � . hese annual payments are for �thejpublic services and facilities furniehed from time to� time without other cost or charge for or with respect to suc� Development. . 3. Each such annual Payment in Lieujof Taxes (PILOT) shall be made at the time when real proper�ty taxes oa such Development would be paid if it were sub�ectlto taxation. The City shall submit a bill.,for Service Charge� prior to the end of each calendar year for that year's Se�vice Charges, which will be due and payable by the PHA on orlbefore the next June 30th. 4. The annual payment, consisting o� PILOT plus the Service Charges, shall equal lOX of the kollected Shelter Rent. The , PILOT portion of the annual paym�nt shall not be less than 5X of the Shelter Rent. The Servicie Charges portion of the annual payment shall not be more� than SX of the Shelter Rent. 5. The lOX of the Shelter Rent as d�etermined by the PHA on or before May 1 of each year in realpect to all such Developments Page 4 oE 10 . 1, , ' ' • , .ontract N�. �54-47 � - . : . � `--` (,��~/���7 � . � . � sh 11 be for the preceding calendar !year in accordance with � � � . . . . . St te Stxtute. • , . 6. No YILOT for ai�y year sliall be made: �to thc City in excc�:3s of � . th amount of tl�e real property tax s wh.[cl� would �I�ave 1�r;en • na d to the City for such y�ar if r � Development w•ere not I - 4x mpt from taxation. j � 7. Up n fatlure of the !'[IA to make uny �PI1,0'f or Scr,vic:e Cliar�;c . , 4�a ment, no 'lien a�ainst any Develo�p�nent or asscts nf the YUA � t . ish 11 attach, nor shall any in[er�s� or penr.steies %�cr.ruc or. . � nt nch on accou�it thereof. i �I • , I F. Uuring th� ��eriod commencing with the d�te oE tlie ncquiHitlon oE . • i , any pa t of the sitc nr sites of nny Ue�+eloproei�C �nd contlni�inl; so' lon�; a etthcr: a) Such Devcloprnent is �wn�d by u ��ublic bo�ly ur : � . j ' . �overn ental a�ecicy and is used for low+ren� housii�,^, purpo3es. or b) Any contract betwcc:n the PHA and the GovernmenC tor lonn;s or � annual contribution� or both, in conneckion wLth such Uevetu��ra.ent ' � , � remain tn force and effect� or c) Any bunds Is�,ued in conncctton with s ch Development or any monie� duc:lto the Covern:nent in ' ': � , � conaec ion wlth cuch Development rem�iniunp��id, whichQVer period �� � ., ; is the lonLest. the City without cost �k ctiar�e to the 1'HA or thcs � . reside ts of sucli Development (other th�n L•he PtLO'C and Sc:rvic�: . Charge paymetit) shall insofar as it is! lawfully .ib1e t� do ,��: � ' • t . 1. Fu irish or cause to be furnished toi the I'IIA rnd the residc:nta of such Developraent public services� and fs�c.11ities of th�: same j � � � t. ch racter and to the same extent asjare furnished Cr�m time to ; �� , ,; ti e Without cost or charg� to othcly dwettin�s and inliabit:►nts ' � �t . � •! oE thc City; and i � j ; � � < Page S of 10 i , ; . i : � , . I _______.__ _ . r...� I • • • • • I� � . �ontract No. 84-47 • � (,��=' �7���`�. , 2. Vacat such streete, roads and alleys �ithin the area of auch Devel pment as may be necessary for th� improvement thereof, . and nvey without charge to the PHA s�ch interest as the CiCy ' may ve in such vacated areas and wit�out cost or expense to the or to the City, order the remoial of all public or priv te utility lines and equipment frpm such vacated areas as is d emed necessary; and • 3. Gran such deviations from the buildi�8 code of the City as I � are easonable and necessary to promo�e economy and efficiency , � in t e improvement and administration lof such Development, and ' at t e same� time safeguard health and safety; and 4. �iake such changes in any zoning of th site and surrounding terr tory of such Development as are easonable and necessary for he development and protection of such Development and the surr unding territory; and 5. Acce t grants of easements necessary or the improvement of such Development; and 6. Coop rate with the PHA by such other �awful action or ways as the ity and the PHA may find necessa�y in connection with Che impr vement and administration of sucth Development; and 7. Prov de such services as are normallylprovided to other , inha itants or dwellings in the City �or which the PHA will pay he City a Service Charge as atip�lated elsewhere in this Agre ment; •and j 8. Within a reasonable time after receip�t of a written request fro the PHA, the City will accept th� dedication of all Page 6 of 10 I . . • _._..-----, .... ' � _ � � � . . . �'7-3�7 I��ontract No. 84-47 . .._ i terior streets, roads, alleys, a�d adjacent sidewalks within t e area of such Development, toget�her with all storm and � s nitary sewer mains in such dedicalted areas, after the PHA., a its own expense, has completed �he grading� improvement, ' � p ving, and installation thereof is} accordance with s ecifications acceptable to the Ci�ty; and 9. N thin a reasonable time after rec�ipt of a written request f om the PHA, the City will acceptlnecessary dedications of 1 nd for, and will grade, improve, lpave, and provide sideWalks f r, all streets bounding auch Development or necessary to . p ovide adequate access thereto (im consideration whereof the . , PiA shall pay to the City the amou�nt that would Ue assessed a sinst the Development site for sy�ch work if the site were p ivately owned); and 10. W thin a reasonable time after rec ipt of a r�ritten request f om the PHA, the City will provid , or cause to be provided, w ter mains, and storm and sanitar sewer mains, leading to s ch Development and serving the b unding streets thereof (in c nsideration whereof the PHA shal pay to the City the amount s would be assessed against the D velopment for such work if such site were privately owned). I G. Zf b reason of the City's failure or Irefusal to furnish or cause � . to b furnished any public services or facilities which it has agre d hereunder to furnish or to caus,e to be furnished to the PI�A or t the residents of any Developmentl, the PHA incurs any expense to o tain such services or facilities,j then the PHA may deduct the Page 7 of 10� ._ . . _....._ i .�-- '�ntract No. 84-47 `�� `3 ��7 _ ,� amount f such expease from any PILOT du� or to become due to the City in . respect to any Development or any other .�ow-rent houaing develop- ments o ned or operated by the PHA. I H. No memb r of the governing body of the C�ty or any other public . officia of the City who exercises any r�sponsibilities or functio s wi[h respecE to any Development during his or her tenure or for ne year thereafter ehall have an�+ interest, direct or indirect, in any Development or any prop�rty included or planned to be i cluded in any Development, or any contracts in connection with su h Development or property. If at�y such governing body ; member or such other public official of �the City involuntarily acquir s or had acquired prior to the belinning of his or heY � tenure any such interest, he or she ahal imraediately disclose such i terest to the PHA. I. So lon as any contract between the PtIA nd the Government for loans including preliminary loans) or a�nnual contributions, or both, n connection with any Development� re�ains in force and effect or so long as any bonds issued i�la connection with any Develo ment or any monies due to the Gov�ernment in connection with any De elopment remain unpaid, this Agr�ement shall not be abroga ed, changed, or modified without �the consent of the ' Govern ent. �The privileges and obligat�ons of the City hereunder � ' shall emain in full force and effect wi�th respect to each y Develo ment so long as the beneficial t�tle to such Development is held b the PHA or by any other public t�ody or goveznmental A agenc , including the Government, autho�ized by law to engage in ' Page 8 of 10 � � i • � . i � . . . . , . . �'••.:.wca::�Ot�•.....,_�..::.�u.,::.:i.�. .._... ....,.:,..... � . _..�._ . .. ........ ...... .... ._ . . . . . . . ..._.. .�.. . .:i � / ,,. - , I >, Contract No. 84-47 !' � �__„ '�„�,./ . � ' i �G�T ���? the evelopment or administration of 11ow-rent housing Develop- men s. If at any time the beneficialltitle to, or possession of, any evelopment is held by such otherl {�ublic body or govexnmental � age cy, includinb the Government, thelprovisions hereof ehall inu e to the benefit of and may be en�forced by� such other public bod or governmental agency, includin�g the Government. IN WIT SS WHEREOF, the City and the PHAjhave respectively signed and sealed this Agree ent as of the day and year first ,above written. i . ; � CITYI OF SAINT PAUL � . By Its Ma . APF"ROVED AS TO FO By � - Its Ci y Clerk --� Assistant City At orney By Its Di ector, Department of Finance and Ma agement ServicesO�` PUB IC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL By I Ch irpe . � -�� c�re tary ' , , ' Page 9 of 10 i . � .:�.' t��_y.� ''t 1F1.��'"�� �� . s.' �•�.� � ' �.?;•." ..... .. ._. . ........t:d�....:rs}� .......:.:tsr.>..i,.. ._.._.......__......_... . ....... .. .... . w ..,. . �.�L�...Y:_5�...�..�ti... .. ...�.i,..ul.�: 1: r��.....1 '"��-... '. . •� ��.. . . . . ... I .. _. .. _. � . R,.�.� - •- -_.Y-:�.-.-=.-:,w,�,�, • ,.. I '�, ,ntract �� 3y/ _. . � No. 84-47 . . i STATE OF MINNESOTA ) I ) SS. . , . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foreg in� instrument was acknowledged efore me this ���dgy of lL.�12'Z , 198�'�' , by CITX OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corp.oration of th Skate of MinoesotaaYon behalf of the City of Sain Paul. n6Y� nS�yl � f"~""� SHANNON M. JOHNSON STATE OF MINNESOTA ��� � NOTARYPUB�IC_ MtNNESOTA �S• '���.M �RAMSEY COUN7y COUNTY- OF IZAMSEY Y om m►�sion Explros June T.Tpgt ' The foreg ng instrument was acknowled ed before me this of �day for th CITY OF SAI T PAUL, a municipal corporation f�e Stat of Minnesotak on behalf of the Ci y,.4E,�,�a�at Paul. � :::.;�;;•.., ,,,,,,,,� q,•, i i.�. • �'�:,.�L.::L�. � :t�!►l!!� NO I A:IY PULLIC—,^,91NNCSOTq ��;.M �A'sSCY COIiNTY � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) y Comm��sion Hxpiroa OCt.15, lggp , ) . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ' � The forego ng instrument was ackno��ed ore me this ��� day °f , 198�/, by ,Gp� • the Department of Fi ance and Management Services for the CITY QF SAINTePAUL,�a municipal corporatio of the State of Minnesota, on b half of the City of Saint Paul. �^^n,w.nr�r •''���� DAP.;A. =;'.;:�,� 2.�1 J.ZUSQNM�'„ �yA�,!.�` ?1�OT�P.Y FC"SIiC—ti�ry��TA • - �a.�• a�et,tsF a ? MY CQti'IFd. Y COtJNiy STAT� OF MINNESOTA }� ��Ra�ar a, 1990 ;' ) SS. � ':� COUNTS,' OF RAMSEY ) • On this 20 h day of Se tember ,. 198 4 I� notary public within and for sa d ,,,_, before me, a and � County, appeared • a , to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, did s that they are respectively the hairperson and Secretary of the PUBL�C HOUSIN� AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL the corporation named in the foregoing instr nt, and that the instrument was igned on beh►alE of said corporation b suthor ty of its Board of Commissioners and said �«� John J. Gal�es . instrument to be the reedact nd deedZOf said corpora1��onnowledged said a tv; I r ,� �, � Gf-r�-t�-Ct r� . s�. �� ��+ , � � MARY C GARVEY "4 ;''�' NOTARY IUdIlC—AYNNfSp�A � " - Page IO of 10 r�MS�r CouM1c � �/r oMMU��AN cs���n �u»6,19tS �' .. - � � x '�� '�. .. . . ..._....----__.._. . _ ''�j;N;F. . , .';p,X /' � I` . 'A '� �'�-3 ., w; �, i���� � � , I � �� � �--� � �� � -� �I� � �� February 27 , 1987 - :� :___..�� :���. � . ,. ,�... ,_ : . _ COMPARISON OF 5� VS. 10� FORMUT,A�FOR"'COMP'tJTING PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES (P.�I.L.O.T. ) (Uses 986 Payments with City's 1987 TaxlLevy Share of 29.4�) Actual Shelter ents Received in 1986 (Net) $4,147,307.45 Actual Service arges Incurred in 1986 + Adjustm�nts $ 47,540.00 Cost to PHA Und r Old Contractual Formula: 10� PILOT = i $ 414,730.75 Service Cha ges = i (Included in 10�) Total Cos = $ 414,730.75 Cost to PHA Und r Pro osed Constructual Formula: I 5� PILOT = ' $ 207,365.37 Plus Servic Charges* = I $ 47,540.00 Total Cos = $ 254,905.37 Cit Income - 0 d Formula: 29.4� of 10 PILOT minus Service Charges = .294 ($414, 30 - $47,540) = i $ 107,954 S rvice Charges = , $ 47 ,540 Total Cit Revenue I $ 155,493 Cit Income - Pro osed Formula 29 .4� of S PILOT =�1 $ 60,965 ( .294 X 20 . 365) I Plus Servi e Charges = $ 47 ,540 Total Ci y Revenue I $ 108,5U5 Revenue Lo s to City $ 46,988 Revenue Lo s to Other Taxing Units S 112,837 Cost Savin s to PHA I $ 159,825 xService Charg s Not to Exceed 5� PILOT payment.i I 1 r i➢.,l �t. �� ,�����+� ;� �� � c Z� ]!: ! ; . ��w .._�����• �e - . . . �. 1� � i�5 bi,�f tica,�a 1 �T� ����`,�� ... � `, ; -�#4 �}.��k �R!''��i '�S ��G�� A�� � �,;s ir e t j � r^+'r'-tt'�r�: � y � ��� ' �� �,i.�sz,. � � �' B�i"^ 6� �+C� N ��9 A�'. m �g e.. �.,U<,L �ys a?✓."T.fr 1 � ' t�.A��y �.s, ,, �� a yl�,�,�"�Y�S `-� c„�"'��� ,�,� �''- � � -��'�� ��� P�Y. +�r e +P�� , �_�' 4.• -�' �. � ,� .�; � .� ��a�i �I�;�:�Vw�..::r' '��+r�.`ai..:H— v � ,'��1' 4'�iefM's B� '. s... °c'p. `�'�Li'1 I � J ��;`+' � -i R s�ri� S �s ,.� �t�.�;r���tir: °t,s. � �. � , •y� - i . 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