87-345 _ _ CITY OF ST. PAU COUNCIL F E N0. �� � FINAL ORDER � ' Hy � File No. 1�� � Voting In the Matter of i all�tioa of.a Crees tsours l�t�� scrser �,t�cs.a sr.c.. Ward os da te loitit� str�ets: 6 �` � 1+�tb s Gret�bri,�ez ltra�t fro� D�llwe�oi llae� to ltarpret strset; fot� si� Detl�wo� ?l.ae� tr�e■i 6rs�rr r atrset to lMr�rfe stre�et; fot6 sides Msrprst ftrs�t fraf ar�r r Stre�t to Ee�rsati Street �sst. Tti pra�t is iw c�aj+�ctioa s�i/ s�l+�tet Mith t�t Lrcade/l�i 6a Ilrea ftrsst la�ri.� � Li tiag lroject. w r � � � under Preliminary Order �7 � appr ved �—�� �� ;�� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public heaking upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Cou cil has heard all persons, objections and recomr�endations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully consid red the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That t e Council of the City of Saint Paul does here�y order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper ity officers are hereby directed and authorized t proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOL ED, That upon the completion of said improv ment, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therei and shall report the same to the City Council in ccordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted b the Council: Date ,`� �{ 7 �98� Yeas �i�t Nays �� � Certifie sse y Council S cre ry �lttat sCheibll In Favor By i'onnen � �'edtrco Against Nilaoe� � 9 1�$jVlayor MAP r � ��� PUBIlSHEO ���A�� � 81987 uemuora: ' CITY OF SAI�TT PAUL �niceNR�ktwman _ iiii�iii . p 7ohn DrswnNi � OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINQIL � � , � (,� �7 -..3�/-5__- , Dat@: March 4, 1987 . i � C p mmltte e �e o rt p . . � _ To: Saint Paul City C�uncil Fro : Committee on Pu�blic Works Chris Nicosia, Ch�ir . The Public Works Committee at its meeting of �Iarch 4, 1987 took the following action: I Hearin D te I 1. 3/10/87 FINAL ORDER: Construction of the �IAMLINE/HEWITT AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT and the HAMLINE/HIEWITT AREA STREET PAVING I AND LIGHTING SYSTEM. � Recommended approval. 2. 3/10/87I FINAL ORDER: Construction of �he CASE/WESTMINSTER AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT and CASEjWESTMINSTER AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. i I Recommended approval. 3. 3/10/87i , FINAL ORDER: Improving BIRMI�IGHAMN STREET from York � Avenue to Case Avenue by gradingland paving, constructing � concrete curb an�' gutter, cQnstructing storm water drainage facilities and constructing a street lighting system and doing all work nec�essary to complete said project. Also slope constructio� in the above grading and paving. I Laid over in Committee to 3-18-�7. __ 4. 3/10.8t FINAL ORDER: Construction of aistorm sewer to be known as the TROUTBROOK OUTLET PHASE B in conjunction with the '� combined sewer separation projedt. Recommended approval. 5. 3/17/8I4 FINAL ORDER: Improving OCEAN SfiREET from approx. 256 feet north of and approx. 257 feet �outh of E. 7th Street with a bituminous paving, concrete �urb and gutter, concrete driveways and outwalks, a stree�t lighting system and doing all work necessary to complete said project. All part of - the SEVENTH/FRANK STREET AREA �AVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT (Supplement). Recommended approval. i 6. 3/17/�7 FINAL ORDER: Improving STROH I�RIVE from Minnehaha .Avenue to Reaney Street by bitumi�}ous paving, constructing iconcrete curb and gutter, i driveways, outwalks and installing a street lighting sxstem. All to be known as ARCADE/MINNEHAHA STREET PAV�NG AND LIGHTING PROJECT (Supplement). j Recommended approval, i �;� , �7 ".�� . . � . I , 7. 3/17/87 FINAL ORD��i:^ Installation of a Green Lantern Style Street Lighting System for the followin�g streets: Both sides of � GREh'�iB&IER from Dellwood Place ta� Margaret; both sides of IDELLWOOD PLACE from Greenbrier to Margaret, and both sides ' o£ MARGARET from Greenbrier t°f E. Seventh St. This project . is fn conjunction and/or supplement with the I ARCi�DE�MIi�N�,�IA A�REA-,51'&��T .�AV�DiG � LIGHTING PROJECT. { Reec�moraaded �approval. 8. RESOLUTION: Registered Land Su�vey Approval for Stephen I Treanor. (laid over from 2-4-87) � Recommended approval. 9. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER D-8302: Extension of completion time to contract for MISSISSIPPTj RIVER BLVD. PARKWAY RESTORATION, PHASE III. Recommended approval. 10. RESOLUTION: Authorizing an agr�ement with the Minnesota ! Department of Transportation �naking them our agent to I accept federal aid for road and �ridge construction. IRecommended approval. .. 11. , RESOLUTION: Authorizing a grant application between the City and Minnesota Department ofjPublic Safety whereby the City will receive funding in, order to engage in the research and monitoring projeclt known as Top Accident Control Targets (TACT) . �I Recommended approval. I 12. 'I RESOLUTION: Authorizing an agrelement between the City and the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the reconstruction of traffic clontrol signals at the �il intersection of T.H. 149 (SMI7�H AVENUE) and T. H. 13 (ANNAPOLIS) . II Recommended approval. 13. , RESOLUTION: Resolution approv:�ng final plat for Central � Place Addition. Recommended Resolution be withdlawn. � 14. RESOLUTION: Authorizing acce tance of a Covenant of Indemnity in lieu of the bondi�g requirement as set forth in condition 4 of C.F. 272539, I being a resolution which vacated part of Irvine's Addition in area bounded by Collins, Bedford, North and Laf$yette Road. 2 � � I � Y o n �. c i� � �ti �� l�- � � �d ' D � �(����� , . a � SAINT . AUL CITY COUNCIL , ��uuuiu � � ,�n �t n � ; '`• " � P!JBL?C HEARING NOTICE lf6� � PUBLIC IMPROVEMEIvT CONSTRUCTION , � PLEASE NOTE that the PubliclWorks Committee of the City Counoil will discuss this item and develop a recommendation t the full City Council at its Mar�h 4 meeting. Please bring any concerns you may have to t is meeting on Wednesday, March 4, ;1987 in Room 707 at 9:00 A.M. �ity Council District # 6 and 7 istrict Planning Council �4 and 5 File No. 18454C Dear Prop rty Owner: ITo decide on whether to proceeC� with the installation of a PURPOSE green lantern style lighting slystem on the. following streets: a' Both sides Dellwood Place fro� Greenbrier Street to Margaret AND Street; Margaret Street from �reenbrier Street to Seventh LOCATION Street �ast. This project is in conjunction/supplement with the Arcade/Minnehaha Area Str�et Paving and LighLing Project. I YLEASE NOT�: The original he�.ring that was held on January i 27, 1987 for the Arcade/Minnel�aha Yaving and Lighting Project i did not include the Green l,an;tern Style Lignts. This hearing u oval. HEARING Tuesday, March 17, 1987, at 10:00 A.M. Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Fl�oor. City Hall - Court House . - If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs FINANCING will be assessed (after cons�ruction) against benefitted INFORMATION properties. The estimated a5sessments for this project are as follows: � Rate/assessable foot - $5.0� Financing: same as shown o+n notice sent January 9, 1987 for , Arcade/Minnehalia project - File 4�18454 � . I e e rin after the construc- The City Council will hold �anoth r h a g tion to ratify the assessm�nts. You will receive a notice at that time advising you � f the exact amount that you will be required to pay. QUESTIONS Construction: 292-6277 Assessments: 298-4513 � Also, City staff will be �vailable to answer any last minute I questions on this projectjin Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 A.M. the same da a' the hearin . I -- ---�; -�;,. . __ __ �\'`. I r i � � -al �� N 0�� � r � "�� (0��� _ Z V�N W ;w � N �v a � 2�% : , 2„ � _ �� , . � ( � �,",qdO ; ,ov,. � ., 'F 'v � i � "':) k 16 17- 18 19 20 �I 22 23 2�4 2 5�26 9 7 29 '��-!'8 9 D �I I �12 13 14 \ f ' MaP 3 ,,, , ,„� r �o g; , - Februa�y 20, 1987, 4� � �� ° � Noti ce sent 5 � , •a:�; I � 1'��• ",/ � n° q (�1 ' '� .-A8� �`-. b the Val uati ons a d = I �' � ' "' ' = 9 "� ' % s �, rt Y �0, , O 4 ; 3,i9' �e �� �6 �� � `\ �, �'bo• �:- ,,.=,�;yy,y .. Assessment Division e o � � � M A A �`z, -� •� a;�N, Fy° Department of Fi nan e k o ` ���'� °�'"• 9 � "`� �° � �r, s . . � �y e s�� ,w`• cr.�) iaazs and Management Serv'ces, o ��� • _ "' y��,g � '�/� `',���62 } cu�'`i-•i�d,� Sai nt Paul , Mi nnes ta 55102 ST• e � " ;- � ',,y _ n'' S Q� �1 �y 1y�` �I �,p 2"� f+V��� �i e.afi a � J e�� �2 ,,'4 U .(c�l v '�r-� �,�e � \''..t� 22 (J� I � - � �� ti��qyl v` ' `\� �- � ,L\B�\./(pl �„' 2 �' J �r�.� ° ����,�; �om ' A ed � i ZO.�� ii 3 3 � p' ,�5�'•' :o� 6 �\� �BZ) } � �'" h+�r �,�LLJ (--- 6 ,;r _ z' , �o „ .� 41�. �9 STREETSTO BE IMPROVED }c= 6 hz 4 1 / \2<aJ s'� �0 s� i n� � � � � � ��<, Q/ 5 - � (� 0 ' P �� � -� ��F i -i.�'�'.••(r�� Ca`'l. �, tB,� `'� � �`,,:` \ � . �9"�' \ -' ��'�'c�`` " 9 , i"r °'� ` �.�i�". �Y I Ui. 5 1� � �.' 9 :{ ',Z i �f, �p ,a� . � �� . ,.�,�. � � � � �91•''' ` , .y\ �:�i � r . �; `��i �"5 �i 1r.�1.'i�° '° �'• pe� ^7 ' , iQ �g rr�� ,.:tr;�_`' � �,(�oa�a /� �O o'� ,.�,���^�y.� �( (90 f'�� �j i' °�9�8�T� 6�. � - -��y,�� . , �.� ! r"3.� -E L...M 1? ,ti�V�7����?U.� „� "�y� ,� . _ . ; ,� c�^ � „<, �� . > Ie� �7 - 3�--�.r- ��, , � � _ . ��t..�-�s�-;�.Qn:�r�t�:,�.r,4� , �-y: ,.�u�i i�ofa�; U u��tta�'�t,�.a�►,,�u�s�3:u`�� ..a��i sri.�:�w��,��F�:irc,,� -;,�` Y'� ',�t :t,��313�-6'='�` �, � � �� ;�� "i��; � _ .��� , �$ct �� �•�,ri�+3 �T=°'� s�:) '�t t � , �t? isz��t+�3 J4�t�;f,��$� '�:stx.t, fi,i�RL r�ri� �« �Y� !" .fi�# d,t*.1:!'•C;J •� ' * C�� , !S'�t'�tf 9�X9:'J�,�r,r63�3`: �xS�'a4.� � �`.�� ��+�.a(��I}i i . ;�.;tcs�y, . ,:� �� �` '��'� �!t?�?Yt%:i}S°� , �y:� ;'�3S LS!`i� ���9 � � � j�'�!�'�����3�'i.. 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