87-338 WHITE - CITV CIERK � . PINK - FINANCE � /�OUnC,ll �`'�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File 1N0. � � BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 28. Headings. Headings in thig resolution are included fo conven e ce of reference only and are not a part hereof, and shall not limit or define the meaning of any provision h reof. ' �I I II COUNCILMEN Requested Department of: Yeas Drew Nays �� [n Favor Finance & Mana ement 5ervices Rettman � Scheibet � son�e� � __ Against BY � Tedesco �1AIilIiR. Adopted by Council: Date �1AR 17 ��7 Form Approv d by City Attorne Certified Pas e nc.�l Se r BY � By� Approv b Vlavor. Da _- �R � 7 p1 Appr M yor for Sub ission to Council sy _ sy pUBll ED irii�R 2 3 198� � SPRtNGSTED�N ORPCRATED EXhlblt A �'��33d' , Public Finance Advi rs 85 East Seventh Pla .Suite�00 , Saint Paui,Minnesot 55101•2143 oi2•223�3000 $���9�� CITY'OF� SAINT PAUL, MINI�ES TA GENERAL BLIGATIOIW C'u4PITAL IMPROVEMEN BOPDS, SERIES I 987 AWARD: THE h10RTHERN TRUST COMP NY ENTIAL'BA►CHE SECURITIES INC RPORATED BLUNT, �LLIS & LOEWI, INCORPO ATED - And Associates SALE: ' , March I6, 1987 Moody's Ratingz Ao ; S 8� P's Rating: AA+ , Interest et nterest Bidder Rates Price Cost & Rate THE NORTHERN TRUST OMPANY � 5.80�0 1988 $10,717,959.75 $3,297,886.08' PRUDENTIAL-BACHE SE URITIES ' 4.50% I 989 (5.239591%) BLUNT, ELLIS & LOEWI, 4.30% t 990 INCORPORATED 4.60°� 1991 MBank Capital Markets 4.8096 1992 The Connecticut Bank & T ust ' 5.00% 1993 Company, N.A. 5. I03o I994 George K. Baum & Compa y ' S.30% 1995 A. Webster pougherty & C ., 5:40% I996 Incorporated �i 4.50% 1997 , First of Michigan Corporat on I UMIC, Inc. Westcap Securities, Incorp rated ' Ferris & Company Incorpor ted ' Advest, Inc. -. CHASE MANHATTAN CA ITAL 3.75% 1988 $10,724,865.75 $3,301 ,067.58 AdAR1�FTc r�nap(1F�AT RI _ t� ll�� 1 9Q9 ---- - - . __ _ l� �i.i�c9�1 -�__ ` (panui�uo�) u�dwo� �.snal pu� �u�8 �aaa�S a�o�S '°� '8 S��a9��1 'M 4��'d •�u� �,(uoduao� �g I.UDI.�D.I� ���a�.tnd •�u� •oJ �g sooW •y•� •�u� ��(u�dwoJ �g �(qao� •M•� •�u� 'a�soW u��o� , pa�.o�od�o�u� �ssoa� �g �.�anasoo� •d.�o� sai�ian�as .(a�asoW , j •d•N ��u�8 auia�W pa�.�aodao�u� . , - In Association With - : KIDDER, PEABODY & COMPANY, INCORPORATED Dougherty, Dawkins, Strand & Yost, Incorporated McDonald & Company Securities, Inc. Newhard, Cook & Co., Incorporated Peterson Financia) Corporation William E. Pollock & Co., Inc. J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES INC. 4.50% 1988 $10,716,995.00 $3,38t ,529.00 SALOMON BROTHERS INCORPORATED 4.25% 1989 (5.372489'0) BEAR, STEARNS & COMPANY 4.SO�o 1990 GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. 4.709b 1991 DONALDSON, LUFKIN & JENRETTE 4.80% 1992 SECURITIES CORPORATION 5.00°16 1993 BANKERS TRUST COMPANY 5.25% I 994-I 997 CHEMICAL BANK 4.50% 1988-199Q $10,832,610.00 $3,382, 191 .00 PAINEWEBE3ER INCORPORATED 4.609'0 1991 (5.3735%) NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK USA 4.80% 1992 Shawmut Bank of Boston, N.A. 5.00% 1993 � Wachovia Bank & Trust Company, N.A. 5.20% 1994 Miller & Schroeder Financial, 5.40% 1995 Incorporated 5.60% 1996 - 5.75% 1997 MERRILL �YNCH CAPITAL MARKETS 3.759'0 1988 $10,775,586.50 $3,392,627.04 4.00� 1989 (5.3901139'0) 4.25% 1990 4.50% 1991 4.759'o I992 5.00% 1993 5.209b 1994 5.40% 1995 5.50°�'0 1996 5.70% 1997 SMITH BARNEY, HARRIS UPHAM & 3.90� 1988 $10,804,080.00 $3,400,310.62 COMPANY 4. I 0% I 989 (5.402321%) SHEARSON LEHMAN BROTHERS INC. 4.40% I990 DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS 4.65`Yo 1991 INCORPORATED 4.85% 1992 Boettcher & Company, Inc. 5.009'o I993 5.20� 1994 5.40% 1995 5.60°"0 1996 5.759'0 1997 CITICORP INVESTMENT BANK 3.90% 1988 $10,803,535.00 $3,417,831 .70 THE FIRST BOSTON CORPORATION 4.20% 1989 (5.4301°Io) BANK OF AMERICA, NT & SA 4.50�0 1990 • First Interstate Bank of California 4.70% 1991 Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company 4.90% 1992 Ehrlich-Bober & Company, Incorporated 5. 10°0 1993 Bank of Boston 5.30% 1994 Thomson McKinnon Securities, 5.40qo 1995 Incorporated 5.60% 1996 The Chicago Corporation 5.70�'0 1997 Howard, Weil, Labouisse, Friedrichs .� _ ' (dJc��33� EOFFERING SCHEDULE OF THE PU CHASER Rate Year ield 5.809'0 1988 .9096 4.50% 1989 .109b 4.30% 1990 .3596 4.60% ' 1991 Par 4.8096 1992 Par 5.0090 1993 Par 5.I0% I994 .I596 - 5.30°� 1995 Par 5.4096 I 996 .45� 4.509'0 ' I997 .6096 BBI: 6.61 Average Maturity: 5.77 Years ; j I � , I r � � � �- 06535 Finance & Mana eme Service DE A MENT _ _ Gary No�strem CO TA T 292-7016 PH N March 17 1987 DA I �( � ,► � , ASSIGN NUhBER FOR ROUTxNG OR R Cli A 1 l.ocations :for .S,i nat re : Departn�nt Dire�tor 3 Di ector of Man�gement/Mayor . 2 Finance and Management S rvices Dir c or � �,r,_ Ci y Cl.erk Budget. Director _y.^._ City At:torney AT WILL BE ACHIEYEQ BY TAK NG ACTIO,N THE ATTACHED MATERIA S? :(Purpose/ Rationale) : Thw most favorable bid on e ch of the b �d issues will be ind'cated to the City Council for their acceptance and -the Ci y Council w l award the issues t the successful bidders. OST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND ERSONNEL M CTS ANTICIPATE : � INANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY ER CHARGED OR REDIT D: (Mayor's signa- � � ; ture. not re- Total Amount of."Transact on: quired if under ' �10,000) Fundin� Source: Activity Number: . . ATTACHMENTS List and Num All Atta nts : 1. Resolution - $10,900, 00 General 0 ligation Capital Imp ovement Bonds, Series 1987 2. Resolut.ion - $10,240, 00 General 0 ligation Water Pollu ion Abatement Refunding Bonds, . Series 1 87 ' 3. Resolution - `$2,Z80,0 0 General b igafion 'Street Impro ement Special Assessment Bonds, Series 1 87 4. Resolution - $500,000 General 0 �i ation Urban Renewal onds, Series 1987 pEPARTMENT REVIEW �� CITY I#TTORNEY REYIEW �Yes No Council Reso ution Req ir d? , ' Reso ution Required? DC Yes No ,�Yes No Insurance Re uired? Insu ance Sufficient? �ifes No Yes No Insurance q ached: .:— , • � � °( EE •REXERS IDE FOR IMStRUC'�'IONS) . � . Revised 12/84 ; I