87-321 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COVnCII p^ CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. O ��"11 BLUE - MAVOR C un il Resolution -�-�— Present d By ` ( l� � Referred To �� C Committee: Date °��°�' '�'d ' Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that u on the recottunendation of the Mayar, with the advice of the Capital Impr vement Budget Committee, and the Council Committee on Finance, Mana ement and Personnel, the Couneil of the City of Saint Paul does hereb approve the following amendments to the Community Development Bloc Grant Year XII Program: Current Increase Revised Pro�ect Title Budget (Deerease) Budget Dayton's Bluff HS $242,533.61 $75,000.00 $317,533•b1 ' P6-100-39212-05 7-61099 Unpsecified Con ingecy $339.223•00 ($75,000.00) $264,223.00 P6-100-39218 -61999 �- 45 y -------------- ------���_ -------------- �,,.� �,. _ Totals $581,756.61 $0.00 $581,756.6�� �,�'-°r ,.� � - y�<�' .�+ �,, ,Jr,� ,u,' ,�y> Approved: Apprdved: �`' ::%°' % � .�.;� f��i. C,.,. ♦ `%' .��J 1 fiy ��^:, , �, _ ____ �- _____ _ _ `y _ _ 1� /. Director Depar ment of Finan�� Budget Direc�tor�;= and Management ervices «'�'T� �`�' re �,, b= �ti� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas DfeW Nays � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman � � Scheibel ���C�'yt �� Sonnen _ AgBi[lst BY 14w1asee. � Wilson �� � ` ��� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve City to � Certified Pa. • ouncil Sec ry BY sy� A by Mavor: Date _ MAR � 3 1'.707 Appr d y Mayor for Subm 'o to Counc� BY — — PU ISNEO �v��R 2 1 19$7 - • , ���'3-�� o _ PARTMENT .` N. _ O�9 �I � QNTACT . . . , �` H�N E ATE ' Q,�`�i� /, e � SIGid NUMBER FOR ROUTIN ORDER Cli All Locatians pr S nature : � Depa�ment` Director` Director of Management/Mayor � �Fanance and Manageme t Services D rector � _ City �lerk � �'Budget: Di recto r C�3 . � . :. � City Attorney �q,�� { � . NA7 WILL BE ACHIEYED BY AKING ACT� O ,O�V THE ATTACHEt� [�FAT RIALS? (R�rpose/ - , Rationale) : � ��`f�1i5 (.vi�F S �kk5 t��P�� D �4 N f(o� O��fAND �F'o(Z GDBG �'c�cuD�D s��u6 �AL���r aN �wuos vV� 'tl� PA�"' SI X ONTNS, � RDUAL oF Tlf� 'r-r�c�D C.i?. W�VL pWou��E � �ROar�o � '7s,000 � E �R�ANizarror(� �B�r�b �f1��1Nt 'T'd KT A�DDITiONAL lO-I L.oW�pp�� t�oME ,}�ol�tSc�wiu S, . ST BEHEFIT BUDGETARY D PER$ONN L MPACTS ANTICIP�lTfO: � ����V E D _ C�Bt'o R Cc�uri�u6�ucY c�NO s D E C 2 91986 � � ���e� � -r-�,�E . �ITY �TTORNEY � FEB ' 6 �q�� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDG T ACTIVITY 1� ER CHA�B��' � �#�'b TED: (Mayor's signa- Total AmounL of "Transa tion�`75 ture not re- �z qu i red i f unde�^ s10,000) Funding Source,; �D `(e�2 . �. RF�E�-p Activity Number: P(o� oO - ?�q I - pSy�7 - �(o� -�••. TTACHMENTS Li st and Num r Al l Att c nts : FE B 0 5 19�7 �f .�c:., OF r�F orRE�TpR . �_p'�?TMc NT nF �q�.,;:E �,. �P.oP�aS�D. Coc.��.�c� ��o��T�oc� ArvO MA,.h�MElv r SERyIC�.. o�� �-C,.�IJ�l IIXo �G2cAES o� �'f'T'�?IV s ��FF �J r�5 QEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY R�VIE41 Yes No C�ouncil Reso ution Req ir d? '' Reso ut�on Required? Yes No �Yes o Insurance Re uired? Insu ance SufficientY %�es No Yes o Insurance At ached: ( EE •REVERSE S DE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) . ; • �evised 12/84 . . . Y . , � �7-3�/ � � .� � -�� � Dayton's Bluff ��8 1� Neighborhood Housing Services, inc. n� � :, 806 East 7th St. St. Paul, MN 55106 (612) 774-6995 November 26, g86 REC�IV ED NpV 2819�� Bob Hamner ��r,T Grants Md11dgE C�MRIUN�TY OEVELOP�•�- PED o�v�s��r� 25 W. Fourth treet Saint Paul , M . 55102 Dear Mr. Hamm r: At a Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services (DBNHS) Board of Directors mee ing held on 11/24/86, at the recommendation of the DBNHS Loan Committe , a resoiution was approved to request an additional seventy five ousand dollars ($75,000.00) for the Rehabilitation toan Fund. DBNHS has �2 2,533.61 in its current contract, $202,533.61 for Construction R habilitation and $40,000 for Administration. As af 11/17/86 the D NHS Loan Cornrnittee had approved 21 loans totaling $219,957 for C nstruction Rehabilitation. This figure is greater than the amount ava lable, but two loans are doubtfut as to their being � closed or fina ized and we will have Program Income (repayments on outstanding lo ns) to cover them if they are closed. An estimate f the total Construction Rehabilitation funds needed for the loans in p ocess that staff is working on now, which have not yet been presented to the DBNHS Loan Corr�nittee, amounts to $130,000. A count today re ealed twenty three additional loan application files which staff ha not yet begun to process. We have purposely curtailed our marketing rogram months ago so we would not fall to far behind and discourage applicants with lengthy delays. A lot of pro ress has been made this year in Dayton's Bluff. A Saint Paul Companies unded Crime Watch Program helped us to organize block clubs throughou the Lower Bluff and Swede Hollow areas. Fifty percent of the househol s were represented at one or more of the fourty one block meetings hat were held. Positive external indications of the Neighborhood tu ning around are the appearance of main line realty company signs 1 'sting houses for sale and the election of a local resident to Sta e office. The DBNHS Pro ram is going well and it is important to maintain the momentum and me t the demand for services. It is the ir,tention of DBP�HS to package and ffer for sale some of the current portfolio of loans to Neighborhood Ho sing Services of America (NHSA) which acts as a secondary market for NHS rograms across the country. -- . �.� . . �.�' �7-:3�1 � • � fiehah�Loar� F� nds request 11!26/°.6 ��n��P l With the c ntinued support and funding of The City of Saint Paul and access to th NHSA secondary market we believe we will have sufficient funds to car y the Program through to the end of our current contract period. Sincerely, ��� � Ronald Bloch Executive Di ector . ' ' .�_ �7- .�-�/ . _ �„i CITY OF SgZNT PgUL :iii'ii�i�l ' OH'FICE OF THF CITY COUNCIL ' :, Committee Repor� �i�an � Mana ement & P�rson el Committee. . MARCH 5, 1987 1. Approval of minu es from meeting held February 26, 1987. approved 2. Resolution autho izing proper city�officials to execute an amendment to the Consolidated Coo eration Agreement between the ciCy and the Public Housing Agency for the p rpose of reducing the PILOT payment to benefit the low-income housing program n Saint Paul (laid over from February 26, 1987). passed out w/o rec. 3. Resolution amend ng Section 16.D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to alternates for C mmission hearing and/or meeting (laid over from February 19, 1987) . ee ord. in substitution of this res.--ord. passed out w/o rec. 4. Resolutioz� amend ng the Civil Service Rules concerning procedu.res for appeal.ing discharge or red ction or suspension. approved � 5. Resolution amend ng the Civil Service Rule$ concerning procedures for appealing discharges, redu tions or suspensions through the official. grievance procedure _.document.=---�.aid ver to 3/19 _--._� �___ _ . . 6. Resolution estab ishing the rate of pay in Grade 3�4, Section I D 1, Clerical Group of the Sal ry Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution for the title of Recruitment a d Selection Coordinator. appro±ved 7. Resolution amend g the 1986 Long Range Capital Improvement Budget and trans- ferring $80,000 om major sewer repair to Forster Street sanitary sewer. a r ved 9. Resolution adopti g the 1986 Joint Debt Advisory Committee Report. approved 10. Resolution design ting Springsted Inc. as the financial advisor for the city of Saint Paul, 19 7-1988. approved 11. Letter of the Sta e Department of Revenue transmitting Application No. 329023 af Eric B. Hollan for reduction of assessed valua�ion of certain real estate in the city of Sa nt Paul. discussed 12. Letter of the Sta e Department of Revenue transmitCing Application No. 329036 of Mark W. Reilin for reduction of assessed valuation of certain real estate in the city of Sa nt Paul. discussed CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT FAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �.es