87-279 �.�
C ty of St.Paul COUNCIL F E NO.� ` �7
Voting Assessment No. 3231
Ward In the matter of the sessment of benefits, cost and expenses for File No. S 11245 Assessment �1� 3236
sidewalk rec nstruction at the following File No. S 11324 Assessment �1� 3225
locations• File No. S 11331 Assessment �F 3276
� � File No. S 11333 Assessment 4� 3277
File No. S 11334 Assessment ��' 3278
File No. S 11335 Assessment #� 3279
File No. S 11336 Aasessment # 3280
�- �'ile No. S 11339 Assessment #� 3282
3 S 11240 Both sides I asca Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Return Court
3 S 11245 Both sides P neYiurst Avenue fr_om Cleveland Ave, to Kenneth Street (with
integral cur )
Preliminary rder No. 85-381 approved Mar. 14, 1985
Final Order o. 85-569 approved Apr. 25, 1985
2 S 11324 South side W Seventh Street (Fort R�ad) from Dousman Street to Goodrich
Avenue (with integral curb)
Preliminary rder No. 85-755 approved June 4, 1985
Final Order o, 85-940 approved July 16, 1985
5 S 11331 East side N. Avon Street at 1396 and 1404 N. Avon Street only
2 S 11333 Both sides E Curtice Street from Oakdale Avenue to Riverview Street
2 S 11334 South side D los Street at 138 and 142 Delos Street and 408 Clinton Avenue
and east sid Bancroft Avenue at 293 Winifred St, and at 292 Robie Street
2 S 11335 East side Ma omin Avenue from W. Curtice Street to W. Sidney Street
2 S 11336 North side R bie Street from Stryker Avenue to Hall Avenue
2 S 11339 Walks in Con ord Terrace Area at 214, 216, 232, 249, 253, 265, 273 Winifred
Street; at 2 3 Winifred Street on the Anita Street side; 234 and 236 Robie
Street and 5 7 Anita Street on the Robie Street side
Preliminary rder No. 85-92�� approved July 9, 1985
Final Order o. 85-985 approved July 30, 1985
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Yeas Drew Nays ��{���
Nicosia A Certified a s Council Secretary
Rettman �
Scheibel �� In Favor B
Sonnen b
m_�„ Against
Wilson M�1�' � ` ��$� Mayor
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