99-390R�.urn copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall QR �G� { �Ai� ESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By � Referred To Comnrittee: Date 1 WHEREAS, on December 26, 1963, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Council File Number 215995, approved 2 the peution of Alexander M. Barac and The Schneider Company to vacate and discontinue as gublic property the 3 following property described as follows : 4 5 McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Secfion 6 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the northline of Brenner Addiuon No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and, 7 8 WHEREAS, a representauve of the property owner have requested the release of these easements, 9 10 WHEREAS, easements where retained that are no longer needed by the property owner except for Northern States 11 Power Company- Gas Distribution; and, 12 13 WHEREAS, That, with the accompanying Ufility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntazily on 14 behalf of U.S. West Communications, Incorporated, Northern States Power Company-Electric, District Energy St. Paul, 15 Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated, MediaOne, The Water UUlity, and The Aepartment of Public Works, made a 16 part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of 17 these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above. 18 19 THEREFORE BE IT I2ESOLVED, that Council of the City of St. Paul hereby releases all easements in the vacated 20 property described above. 21 22 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and condiUOns set forth in Council File Number 215995 2 3 Shall remain in force and effect. Adopted by Council: Aate � Adoptio Certified by Council Secr By: Appro d y May r: ate By: r Requested by Departrnent of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services By: \,��L./.�'�/`��Gvz��� Director Form Appr ed by City Attorney B ������. y z�- 9 � l by May�r�'or Submission to Council � ,� � Council File # Rq-3q0 Green Sheet # �3�'t l't � r- a - � 9g -��►o T.M.S.I��+ ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3/31/1999 Green Sheet Number: 63719 OIlt3Ct PBiSOII dIId P}LOIIO NUIDUBT- 'L EPARTMENf DIAECTO�{,� / 4 CITY COIINCIL .` Peter White 266-8850 ]. ITY HTTORNEY 5 ITY CLERK ostbeonComa7Agendaby: 4/23/�.999 IIaEl` DIRECPOR PFICE OF FINHNCIHL SVCS. e be on couneil ayeaaa sg.: 4/27/1999 3 YOR (OR ESSIST OR`AL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAmi3RE) CTION REQIIESTED: PR 1999 To amend Council PYIe Number 215945, dated December 26,1963 to vacated and discontinued public roperty located at McAfee and Maryland. This would amend the resolution so as no�►�@��sements re uested b the resent re resentitive of the ro e owner. o�DETIONS: 9PPROVE (A) OR RESECT �R) gagONAL SBRVICE CONTRACTS M[75T ANS[QSli T� FOLLO➢IING: Has the personjfirm evar workad under a Contiact for t]�is epaLtmCata YSS NO rxaertasnc coeassssxov A srxrr Aas this person/firm ever beea a City employee? YSS NO CML SERVSCE C019�]IS5ION Does this personjfirm possass a skill aot normally possessed by Y Y85 NO curYeat City eug�loyea3 CI8 COI@IITTEE Explaia all YSS aaswexs on a se arate shaet and attach. PORTS WE[ICH COONCIL 087ECTNBT COVNCIL WARD(S) 6 DISTRICT PLANNING COIINCIL 7 13STIATING PROBLffi, ISSUB, OPPORTUNITY (Who� What� When� L4hera, Why?): o remove easements that were requested to be removed by representatives of the property owners. AGSS IF APPROVBD: emove unnecess easements . ISADVANPAGES IF APPROVSD: y t � one. ISADVANPAGBS IF NOT APPROVED: nnecessary easements will be retained. OTdL AMODNT OP TRANSACTIODi: COST/RSVENUL HQDGETED (CIRCLS ON6) YES NO ING SOiTACB: ACTIV'ITY NOAffiSR: INF�lICIAL INFORMZ�TION: (SXPLASN) �q . 39fl COVER S�IEET McAfeel?vlaryland RELEASE OF EASEMENTS FILE # 99-C-4 CERTIFICATE5 Utility or Deparbment US West Communications NSP Electric Division NSP Gas I?istribution MCI Metro District Energy and Cooling Continental Cablevision Public Works Water Uulity Certificate Sent March 24, 1999 March 24, 1999 March 24,1994 March 24,1999 March 2�4, 1999 March 24,1999 Match 24,1999 March 24,1999 Certi�cate Received �[t��'-� �/ ��� �� a�� � � � � � `i 3 -�q 3} 3, � �� 3�. 3���� �� ����� RESOLUTION Routed Agenda Date/Approval County Filed/Received (99-C-4) �� ;' � I � C � �"�'S �7. I f , \ \ �Q/i, � ��; � � > � `' , ' I � � .-�� \ � � I� �--J � �� 3 p� 2 � � fo� � 1 i� 1 S� c 5� �S I � � '2 � 9 � \l0 `'� i O ' l 2 6 � d C� ���� � ( 1 � . i�o°a � .��, � � � � ! � UEfiFEOylIdyER �f � � � � � OFALL EASE),!''cNT3 ' �ss & ( � � I Z � � o� a , � i , � t; „ I I r�, i �`? Iu1 OUILOI g � � � m l c � r } - � ' � (2 � I i i ,�� _ ° { � � ; �� � � , � � ; . �� � J I� � � ` . _ . ! ' ' � t '� � � ' . � � � � � n � � � — � �---------- ° .I�` ___ � � � U?ILITY ESM7, — — — — ��i� V ' � ` w � ., . � � 5 813-100` y :� "� I_ _ �.. r • '. . . � }— � 1 :�. 16 �; s c.i. . �� C� . �------.__ _ � � _" _' —� � ���o O I { i �. � � z I 2 ��f� y z ., I. O � F �. � ZJ � �� Q' a�' -� Z � � ' ¢w� � � f—' i� 3 0 p i �<Q=' . w N Z 1 z � . \ � 14 ���� rE� 3 � � 7 � ETN J �� '.. �\ � ( i . PY 7: � " �.v I } �Ll� � 9- � �- `� � \,�� 13 ; f " <a� 4 7 IJ Q =' �J L1� �• z's.,z � � � � a� ,� .. I 5 � U\ � ' ^ � � �? v ..� 2 � S r i zi . r �\ J � ' u /3S' � ' � � . , io• � ° 11 I � � VY't1iY < r < � a ' .� '� ,Q , L�\l,� /o. � . � \ ���F:� � 4 p N �P � t � � 9 9 8 7 � w I '� '76 �j �� • o `o -° ?p 9 • 8 7 C � �i � Q'H : � ° n ',0 50 ir '� u a r] ovE4�1 . �•�S o . _ /6 ✓ ,�v-. L o 6 D r 2a r . � 2465^_��•����... � �.����--.�_.-_ � �' ' � __ .-._— ��-��..���..�.�...�.� ❑]�._-._, t 0 � , .� �—s�. �fS.� `.�� =4 ��o,�a j I ! ' ; � i i i �I r I � � � � ' ! ' � YL � i � ; , � � , � f ; �t�6 � ! i I ! ! � 9q -39° OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1963 1195 �. ier L. Fi- ,y mt d- ed �er L. a a nd of ?0, to -•r_ :as es ng itY on iid ks s be A. is: irs :°a on zw �er �te >er Council Fi1e No. 215a59 — Hy Milton Rosen— Resolved, That upon the petition of Alexander ➢i. Ba:ac and The Schneidei Company the section of publlc streei here�nafter described, be and the same is cacated and tiscontmued as pub3ic street, viz: ilqcAtee Street froin East \4aryland .9ce�ue to the estending north ]ine of Brenner Addrtion No. 2, being the north ]ine of Lot 1. Block 3, antl Lo[ 16, Block 2 of said addition estende0; sub�ect expiesslp to the iollowivg con- <inim�s and reser��ations: 1. A71 the contlitions, reservations and pmv�smns contained in ChapteY �28 nf the Samt Paui Legisiative Cnde, enacted December 18, 1957, as amentled. 2 That the peLtioners, without cost to the City of Saint Paul. shall con- cev, or cause to be conceyed. unto said C�ty, by deecl oi com�eyance, approved Uy the Corpora[ion Coun- sel, tor puhlic alley purposes, a per- petua] pubLC easement ior pubLc aliey tw�nnround pivposes, mvermg lanci �butting said section oE puUlic street Uereby proc�ded to Uc vacnted, on the nm'ti� e�nUracing a Ctmulnr �rea �cith a nvnimum radius of 50 £eet 3. The bond proe'idetl {or in saitl ordinance, to be 61ed Uy said peU- t�oners, is hereby ficed �t the sum o[ S3,000. d Said pet�tioners shall pay to the City of Saint Paul the sunt of 54.000, toge[her u�ith the rosts o£ this vaca- Lon proceecimg Adopted bc the Council Nocember 20. 1963 APP�'a�ed \ocemUer 20. 1963. (NO�'e�r.ber 23, 1963) Council File No. 215561 — By Ja�nes J. Dalglish—Bernard 2. Hollan�l— _lI�lton Rosen— Resolced. Th�t the actian vf the Board o£ Water Commissioners in ap- procing and authorizmg ihe executimi on Uehalf of said Board of a proposed form of agreemeni with the City o£ Frid7ey, a copy o£ sa�d agreement being marked Eshib�t ' A", attached hereto and incorporated herein bq reference, �rhah proposed agreeme�:t provides Eon granting perYmssion to ihe City of Fridley to locate certain o£ its public �vater mains or otiier pub]ic �corks upon easements and other p:ouerties of said Hoard as set 3orth in the Resolution adopted by said Bosrd on the 13tR day af Novembeq 1�63. hereby �s m all things ratifled, agwoved and adopted, and the proper Gty o7iicers are hereby authorized and directecl to esecute on Uehalf of said Board and the City oE Saint Paul said proPosed agreement. Ad�pted bc the Council November 20, 1963 �lpproced Soeember 20, 1963. I (\ocember 23, 1963) , Counc�l F�Ie tio 215562 — 215563 — 215a6} — 23a363 — Resolved, That checks be drawn on the C�ty Treasurv, to the aggregate 2mount o£ $297,59U90, covering checks � numbered 90467 to 406"a6 inclusive. as per checks on file in tPe otSlce of the C�Ty Comptroller. Adop[ed by the Councii November 2D, 1963. Approved NovemUer 20, 1963. (NOVe�nber 23, 1963) Coimcil Fi7e No. 215567 — By Milton Rosen— LVhereas. C]aude E. Duke, and Thomas F, Carroll, employes of the DeparGnent o£ PubLC Works of the City of Smnt Pau7, were injured in a third party accident on July 31, 1963, �vhile engaged m the performance of the�r dut�es for said Depar[ment of PuUlic Works: and Whereas. On beha7i o£ said C]autle E. Dulce, the Qty has incurred med�cal eapenses in Ute amoiuit of $-1�00 and has P�kt workmen's compensaLOn Uenefits to said emP�aSe in the amount of $18.00 for loss of time froin work; and on Uehaif of said Thomas F. Carroll the City has incurred medical expenses in ti�e amuunt o£ $3000; a�d Whereas. A settlement hns been through their counsel, Bernard N. Litmmi, and the third party mvolved in said accident nnd induded m said settlement the Crty will recerve full reimUtrcse�nent Sor jts medical ex- penses and compensabun P��� on be- h�1f o£ its emP�oyes. ]ess 25 pet cent attorney Sees to saitl Bernard N Lriman, now. therefore, be it Rerolved, That the proper City offi- cers are hereUy authonzed to accept and entlorse Arafts £rom the insurer of said third party 7m�olved m said accident, to deposit the same to the Worl:men's CompensaGOn Accowit and to Pay out of said settlement a sum equal to 2'a per cent of the same to sa�d Bernard N. Lilttian, as and £or altorney � tees for the recovery o£ the City's subrogation elaim: and the proper City ofEmers are hereby author- �zetl to esecute any necessary re- leases in connection wfth said settle- ment. Adopfed by the Counc�l Noce�nber 21, 1963. Approved NovemUer 21, 1�63 (November 23, 1963) Council File No. 215'a68—By Bernard T. Holland— � Resolced, 2hat the Council af the City of Saint Paul hereby awards to the Legal Ledger, Inc-, the contract Eor printittg antl publishing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, during the year 196d, a11 ordinances and resolu- [ions or abstracts thereo£, and other proceedings and matters required un- der the Charter or by resolution or ordinance of the City Coimcil to be published in a daily newspaper printed in Englsh, including resolutions oE [he Board o£ Education, or abstraMs tor the 1964, �e of $I.50 per 3olio ion, $.40 per £olio £or subsequent insertion �r, and S 50 per folio matter; also to print Form 100 copies o£ of the Council {or to Ue prepared by 1302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Council File No. 215988 — By Bernard to be vacated. on the xwcth embracing T. Holland, by tequest— a circuIar area with a minimum radius Resolved, By the Council oF the City of 50 feet; o£ Saint Paul, that Cnapter 851, i,a�vs 3. The bond provided £or in said of Minnesota £or 1963. approved the Chapter 228, to be hled by said pet�- 23rd day of bfay, 1963, entitled: tioners, is hereby fi<ed at th TO fied cop3' of w h i c h is filed �h, sha11 be and said Act hereby I1 thinas approved; ved Further, That the City as the chief clerical officer o£ ty oF Saint Paul. shall file with �retarv of State. as of Decemfier . 000.00; " e sum Said petitioners shall pay to the o£ Saint Paul the sum of $i,ppp,pp '.her with the costs of this vacatioc eeding; be it rther Resolved, q'ha[ this resolu- shall be deemed to supersede the ' resolution of the Council of the of Saint Paul, on the same su6- designated CouneLL File No. 2t55'ap, oced November 20. 1963. opted bS the Council December 763. proved December 26, 1963. (December 28, 1963) ----�-' �-°�-��-- Cauncil File No. 215996— by the Attorney General stating the peterson— BY Robert F. essential facts necessary to said ap- proval oE said Act hereunder and in- Resolved, That the Council heveby cluding a copy o£ this resolution of concurs in the recommendation of the approval of said Act. Purchasing Committee therefor and Adopted 6y the Council December herebl' awartls contract for furnishing. 28, 1963. deLVering, instalLng and ]easing of Approved December 26, 19fi3. bIECHANIZED FILING EQUIPERENT (December 28, 1963) to the City of St. Paul. Deoartme.,r �� Council File No. 215994 — By Mi7ton 3'ears—to DIEBOLD, IPICORPOE Rosen— in accordance with City specifi� Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent and the Formal Bid No. 9557 � be and he is hereby authorized with Diebold. Incorporatetl £or the the epnsent of the ComptrolLeq to Price of 51214.35 per month. ma purchase £rom PAUL'S CYCLE SERV- toWl of �$29,144.4D £or twenf ICE, INC. three Estnte Model Cu=_hman months, either party having the Tractois at a total cost Of $3300.00 to cancel Upon 30-tlays �vr�tten without advertisement or competitrv�e ��ter fir;t six months of agre b�ds pursuant to Section 290 of the has ercpired, with option to pu Charter of the C�ty of St. Pxul as thu �t unit bid prices therefor, su� is a patented i[em. bemg the lowest and said L a Adopted by the Council Dec¢mber �ounset be antl hereby is authorized 26, 1963. to draw uP the proper Eorm of contract Approvetl December ?6, 1963. therefor and the proper C�ty officiats (Decem6eo 28, 19G3) are hereby dmected to execute said . cantract on behalf o£ the C�ty of St. Paul. Council Fii¢ No. 2159'J5—By Robert F. Formal Bid No. 9557. F. Peterson— Adopted by the Council December Resolved. That upoa the petition af 26. 1963. Alexander M. Barac and The Schneidei ApAro��ed December 26, S�J63. Company. the sectwn of pubiic stred (Decembex 28, 1963) hereinafter described, be and the smne is vacated and d�swntinued as a public =treet, viz: Council File No. 215997 — By M�lton McAfee Street £rom East NIary7and Rosen— Avenue t0 the estendmg north line gesolced, That t0e Council hereby of Brenner Addition No. 2, being concurs in tlie recommendation of the the north line of Lot I, Bbck 3, ancl Contmct Comm�ttee and iejeMS all Lot 16. Block 2, of said addition Uids ceceived for fucnishing and deliv- estended; enng to the Department of Public subject esyressiy to the follo�ving cun- 4VaNcs. Bureau of Mumcipal Equipment. ditions and resetvations: 891 Noeth Dale Street. Sai�t Paui, Min- l. A71 the cond�t(ons, reservations nesota, Two HytlrauLCatly-oFerated and provisions contained in Chapter Aeria! Ladders with Uti]ity Bodies for 228 oF the Safnt Pavt Leg�slati��e Codc, the reason th�t nm�e o£ the bidders enacted December 18, 195Z as amended; submi[ted structural ana7ysis and cal- 2. That the peti[ioners. withouf cost culatiw�s in suRicient detaii to analyze to the City oF Saint Paul, shall convey the ladder assembly. It is recommended or cause to be conveyetl unto snid that this equipment be re-advertised City. by deed oF com�eyance, approved and bids requested again. by the Corporation Coimsel, for public Fonnal Bid No. �J531. alley purposes, a perFetual pubtic Adopted by fhe Council December easement fot public alley turnaraund 2G, 1963. purposes. covering land abutt�ng said Approve�i December 26. 1963. section of puUlu street hereby provided � (December 28, 1963) g4-3qc Council F Vaypuli of�{he �Cit se��bY ar. ance e a cover xter a8e f. ontY aama: 30 a short- 19fi4aa�d s, liab��ity as and d=ath $300,000.00 �i erty damag� Resolved I insurance s} of the City � vide exc�s �ehicles, dr m lea� norr. Adopf d 26, 1963. ApProvea i (De PRELI) Councit File Rosen— Wl�ereas, q mak¢�g of the viz" Reconstruct sides of Chestr soutbeast to t} biinn. & Ome w�th an integra tloing al! other sary and incidc im provement. h the Council of ; thereFOre, Ge it Reso7vect, That P��bLc 4VorBS be �nd <lirected: �' To invesLg �>�' tlesirzibilrtl' a: �mprovement. �� � T� �nvestiga esnmatetl �� ntent, anA the tai �i. To furnish a �'f said improven' 4 � To state whe P�'ovement is aske of t}�ree o� more 5. To �'ePOrt ❑. K�i��g maiters to i Finance. Adopted by the C 1963. APProced Decem (Decembe Council File No. Rosen_ Whereas. A vvntte maki�g nf the follo viz.: Heconstruct the north sitle of 7th 5 to Wacouta St. anc tegral curb-sitle�valk othec work which is ��denta7 to comptete . Depart�nent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Divisian 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 Regina Trujillo US West Com�iuications 700 West Mineral Littleton, CO 80120 ��. Dear Ms Trujillo: � -'1qo �'FeErvE� ��� � � ��9g � �fi��F Df(//Sipry �?aca�i�n �Yt� # 99 C� The property owner of Lots 1 thru 15 Block 2 Brenner Addition No. 2 has requested a waiver of ali easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to elnninate a11 easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3l30/1999. Sincerely, Glene� �T � "„� Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-G4) J CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE q,9 - �'ta THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaLf of the indicated departrnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realry described below: McAfee St*eet lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Mannesota except as here noted: us wes� co�,��uons �ts � C� � ^OLOR.=yO ARAPAHOE b � e of _ �J� �\ �� under the laws of the S , a``o ��pP 5Uq��'� `9 '� T % i � �Y ��*$ Notary Pu "c, .� oe County, Colora o. 7c �f�� _ (�( (,..� � � � V�/ � � ' - My commission expires � li� • i .� : puauc : o , � ���r�� > Signature "* Please �'�,�„� original copy to '140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** My commtsston �Expires 1+ � ' ; : , , , ; , , , , r ! �` ; ; i ! ! � � ' i � 9� -'�9.`° � � 9g� � � � ; � ; . ; � zz � i I � f 1 ! ' � � I � l '' �� a r. t� �,�� d ��zZ-3 � - n , iS ��� S f� �7 �S -� � s9.Z � � o�� . r� -+� z— a .o.�--. • ��.._. — _ — — _..� e_ccl _�..���.�����_.._---�_��' � __����_��� I'D3no L� I� _... ,. 9/ , '� �OZ � � a � s . � Y1 { ��c. �Jp[, \ � . 'o y �_ v 2 ` 0 0 0 � �� �>S Jb P: "�� ` Os u � ° i� L-� g o 6 ^ � . L S \ 6 � tt Il �» �,v��Q .,i � � ` � Q � �i n I � i� � N , LNi%✓ a p 1 \ .� i �` 4. ! -^=. 1 �;�,�'�' ''�-r;!,n o � � { � � ° � i ra ° ° � i I , ,, +. ,_ � � ,se� � � �� � e �; s � Z t A �. 5 I rn , I b \n \\\\ n "" + .� \`' \ ` 21'9)Z. l � 1 �� b I n` � � <_ � � �r � � �{ �' �� � -�r ;� I �\ \^` � � I rn""' I i 1 "�� \�. � � I -6 in • ,Z SAd � � £ o�m �I, � "\�\ A --� � N13 � ZA { } v'l - A � � u � � N �l � �a�n'�c ; � \ °' � z � co • p�m � ' � AI o ' � . c z `� � ,9 • W4 SZ � z 1 � .�,� � ZN �ll,, � Z i o �,L� 6� j �' I 7�. . I �J ' � ' - t— l 9 x' �;,. T _� = I , � .� —,�� 9 . � � r� � � .-�.� . . ,... i � � I C I. .. . � Z i �'1 �oot-eias •�wsa x!rnsn � � � IILI I� � _ _ _ � _ � _ � _ _ _ � � � � _ _ _ _ � � � _ _ . � � } � I � { ��� � ( � �I v 1 y � ' � � � �_� ' - . ' � � f 1 i i , i i i >� � t � � . i { ° Fi �� � � � r � � I f � , - � � � I � � � � G� Zt ' y� N I � O g _��1 ��� i� � I � � � I f j �o �� �o � ! I � °z &�ttr3+'c�s�� 7tv �0 � � 1 1 � 1� B ssi � �i3AfYMQ3l.3 , ( � � l � � ��' o � � t� so�, `<<z, : � � I i z s � : •' �' I _ i � � ,5 1 , s, ✓� � z.i,Jj d �, , i �` � � °� .. � ��6 \� �'k -�sz�, ti�.%.ob; �o. �, � � %� � 2 Qq-�w� Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Divislon 140 City Hald Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAU� Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26 1999 Mazk Nelson N.S.P. - Gas Disuibuuon 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, Mn 55117 Phone: (651) 266-8850 Fax: (651) 266-8855 R E�EIVE D R � P � r993 o�visro _ . _ . _ _ _ _.. Suh,�ec�, ;, : �a�aiian ��� has be�ii glatte�. and.�ias.a new �r�perty �scriptia�: Deaz Mr Nelson: The Certificates of Non-Use have to be reissued, because the azea has been platted. This makes the oid legal description incorrect which was on the other certificates. Piease sign and notarize the new certificates. Sorry about the that. The representatives of this property did not know these easements were on the property. They found out about them from a tiUe company. "I`hey were setting up closings on the property. Needless to say the representauves wouid appreciate it if you could return the certificates as soon as possible. Thank you for trouble. If you have any question do not hesiate to call me at (651) 266-8862. Sincerely, �� p� Glenn Picha Real Estate Division (6-99 platted) R ` � i CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE °lg -�°w THE HONORt�BLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL Vacauon File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the reaity described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. exceptas here noted: p `+ �na� �. 2� T �aS�'iG N'�a.�. �+.. .'{'�ls ot.'P�_ /-�s �a^� °�5 �J J 't�'C, cM-m.l.� L s �'��� �"` P�a.<..e � f.�/� �..�n, ✓d.c.�.�� ..�� 9 Y�5-f a � �� , n Y�tc:.r��ieS , `j ec� A.F e�� � a t�twZ..,� S ^}-6 � c��a 2 �5 - N.S.P. - Gu Distributian IYS � s �� Pr�ti°�e � • MINNESOTA � � xaMS� ) by oF ..-�`-' Signature "' � The foregoi instcument was acla�owledged before me this J day of �a dG T`�'�i/� � LQi'��" Ihe G= �1Y !�¢.8 f N � p a C4G! C �f' 1 7/� under the lavrs of the State oF iVUnnesota. Mj' COIll21115Si0Il CXZIITPS l 0 Qo � ._ z� z � �� t � U m mz �w n. : ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Halt, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** .', . ,-.-y Departntent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-885a Saint Paul, MN 55102 Faz: (65I ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL I3orm Coleman, Mayor March 26,1999 q°l - �°lo � Mark Nelson N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 R€�_; ' - �'�eaficin Fii� # 99 �-4 Aear Mr. Nelson: The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2, Brenner Addition No. 2. has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet anorth of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3t30/1999. Sincerely, Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) ` a q -�,� �L9 = ��I z i d --� �o � _ L���na �b � ,1l ,9 - N s wav�� � -� � � W � W W V � 41 � � � � 521313W £ • S2l313W Z� - - - - - u - - � 1 -� ' N W � _ _ �' _ _ _ `� � « �� « � �9 L k�j/� „ \�. y� � , � �. / T ., � �•�� ! '• l�v!r � � 1 ti 1' ��/ '� ti V 1 � ,��' ,`' o �, rn FZ� � � ` ZL ° �'�.. � � � J � ,, , ° � , � -_, �~ � , � � � `, � •�, r �� ��� . � a ��-� �S �� �SZ� i�_ ! : � ,, OSZ ��G �� : ,_• , - '�l I�� ..:� � �-�8 � ' 3d �.� , a �9 I ' f E e _�S � � £9t�tr/�Q _� �, � ,z � � b � -- � � - s - r - r - r3r - r�r -- �w�i I�Iw1 IWI � I � I I� I A I I� 1 � _ 1.. 1 ��4 1_ 1�J_ __ W • 1 r� ; S Z l' � � L� Z l•', C3� N�� � _� � tr '� � I N , I IE— ,�j� � � ;� (�,� � I � � � � � � � -� �r • �-- 1 't�� Z l• 1� 7 !— i � u (. �,l1 s..__� i _ _ ; —' � �- - --�-o-, 1 � I----� �-��1 i � -- -�x ' i � � �_� � _ � -- � � �--, � , �__ i , _ F---i � � �--i ' ' H�___� �'7 � � � �i��d „ Z � w �_ �_J—�_ w �y�F� � � 'i ' _J N� 1 n . . . . � J W , T �—��� -� - -v � _ i -- i -- � ---� l�z��e u ssz;� ; 3 2i 1_l NL�2f_ .� __ �- T-' 1 1 � �,� - � �,�—Q - f . � w� N � � � � �G � ---� w ; O i U'I i I � �nd a�ve�� — � Y � 16 V 1 � I a I � � I � I � I � � � � I � I � I O ` � ` � y s� a °� �� � s�` ,��,� � S� � �°¢ �o`�' Q M � �� C � �! � n�. � � �� � 4 � � � �o � � ��� �� � ��� c,� 0 � Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-8850 �aint Paacl, MN 55102 Fax.• (651) 266-8&55 � �, CfTY OF SAiNT PAUL d�q�'3 ��f Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 Lori Pagel Northem States Power Lo. 414 Nicollet Mall - 7th Fl. Mittneapolis, MN 55401 �•, _ Dear Ms Pagel: 'L?a�a�i�n �7ile # 9����4 The property owner of Lots i thru 16. Block 2. Brenner Addition No. 2. has :equested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet nortti of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Faul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3l30/1999. Sincerely, � "-" .,�,,.. _ �� Glenn Picha Rea1 Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE ag-aao RECEIVED THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS oF � cornvcII, oF � QP� fl� i95g In the Matter of CI'fY OF SAINT PAUL REAt ESTA7E DIViSIpn! Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: 1�1 a ��,, Northern States Power Co, ItS Re E Representative rr�ti ) ��l,s� _ `���, ��fiLr� > Signature HENNEPIN � 11te foregoiag instsument was aclmowledged befoce me this 15 t 3� pg April 199y, by Vera-Mae Kasprowicz � real estate representative of N orthern State Power Company a Minnesota Corporation under the laws of the State of �finnesota. �nr � �. . MARGARET M. MAAHS l NOTARYWJBUC-AqHdESOTA ' �� iAy Carunts�+On EXpiesJan.31. 2J00 a '` * Piease return this originai copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** iclry� � �23; - �� { >\��' ^. � � ; � , ' ; j , 0 `3 �� r ` S 6 ° �� � ` : 2 � � � I �� / i 5 2 i -, . � , , <,., 3 ���`. � l 1Q 34° � � � i �2 � � �? , � 1� / � � � 4 ��� � ^c ������ � !35 & .j ' � iYl�ili7.lir y(' ��•S Za i i i t; �� ,3 �� l l ' � ` � y y i r' � ��� OU i �0"i E !2 � i � ' cv 1 w I � � � r 1 ' 'o S � ' c i � � J 1 j i �; . » ° 1 � . �� 1 � � � � �< s � � t � ( ! ' ; . ... i � � � j . � � + -� ------------------------ �I � I '- �7t� ' I � 1 S UiILIiY ESMi. 58�3-100' I z ` - , i � i \ � ,r . f W i , s c.�._ . �( ' i = �. � �� i �2— ,� ��,o f � � I ' ' ' "'� i � � . � � �L1 y� q Q 2 . 1 z , c 35 �� °' Q �' Z ° U � ,� . . � ` w . ..�� � m � N � � I � r c < V � m � . J Q i a 3 v� .24 { �� r N ETN ` � �� �►�\, � ll� �<° 3 �� Pvr. z, . � s- � z �� � "� �}Y aQ� ' ��1 � � � °_' .�, \ � � 13 � { � _� LL ¢ s U \ a � � z,s.,z �� � " ( m �\ � � � ^ f I 5 '� � .2 2 1 -S � 1 � `� � l ,�s. i z, ., '\ ; � �� o rz � � � 0 r � 10' V �,> :� !o • � y � }���i c '�S�NI�]y \ 1.�� l.T J:,cNLA, N 4E � . tt � - ° h q ` } i � br at I� � 9 A 8 7 - - 10 " 9• 8 - � o� p 60 3r�dp¢ Sct �� � o o ° � o � >acz 76 � �^y iO • `= � V N +� ��s oe c,> � zo i - �� 'ovECf � _ ��__..�_. /6 _ ` v ��� .�_�� �___.^__._.._..�_ u � _. _..� + r »�-�' � _�• a xA .....o�.c� � 2„5 �� s, 4. � s. �. � s �ZZ-zg-zZi��l A RY L A i 1 D r� ,.� zz" � i I i t I � i ' ; ° 6 � � i � � � � � � . i " � i , i i i 1 —`- --__ . � i ' i `. � - -- —� � � j � 1 �� � '� MC! f�/ORLD�'011/� April 8, I949 Mr, Glenn Picha Real Estate Techaician City of St Paul Dept. of Technalogy & Mgmt. Services Reai Estate Division 140 City Hall S� Paul, MN 55102 a 9 -�9 NaSional SuppoR f 7nveAi�tions Thpt 2855 Loc 642 uso ��;ae ai�a Ricl�ardwq T'X 95482 RECEIVED APR 9 2 1999 REAL ESTATE DiViSION REF: Easement Waiver, McAfee St. from E. Maryland Ave, to Brenner Addytion #2, TMS Dept. File #99-C-4 MCI REF: 1320-1999 Dear Mr. Yicha: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been determined that MCIWoridCom does not have facilities within your pro,}ect azea. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the iocal One Ca11 System at least 48 hours prior to anp construcrion. You should address conespondence concerning any future projects to the attention of Nationat Supportllnvestigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with this project, glease do not hesitate to call John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, � �� Brenda Stamper Narionai Support / Investigations � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 David Urke District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. ?5 Wes± Kello�g Bo�?levard Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��. Dear Mr. Urke: Department of Techno{ogy and Management Services Real Estate Division 140CityH¢ll Phone: (651)266-&&50 Satnt Pacsd, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 a9 -'sq° � . . - � . - - � ���'�IDII �� � �l �-� The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Biock 2, Brenner Addiuon No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Rea1 Estate I7ivision, as addressed above, by 3130/1999. Sincerely, � `-� i.c� Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) ' CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE . q 9 -�q�o THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL, OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of ffie indicated depamnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying beiween a line 43 feet north of, and pazallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Ranae 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. FtEGEVVE �1AR 3 � `� # RECEIVED RECEIV�� MAfl�. � � y �'A� : - REA�:yfd,T� �1� g�1;ESTPTEDivt�t0� R�A`�ES?x,�:;,,.,�,,,,, D�strict Eneiev and Cooline St Paut, Inc, MINNESOTA RAMSEY � > ) It5 � y^2 S � �.�t �`�'. Signaeure The foregoing ins[nunent was aclmow]edged before me this CJQ �" day of /, 1, �-�✓''Cih.., , 799$, by �%d.¢.YS �� 1I� 4GLa.�Cstw^ ,the � 1 2S . cb-.._A of •.0 1 Ceo��� S`�. undzr the ]aws of rhe State of Minnesota. J cl.n,MnnMMJ�nnnMnMMMAM1N`/N�`�`� i � � TRUDY L. SHERWOOD 4���_� NQTAn'Y PI�BLIC-MINNESOTA ���j+� wASNS�croNCOUnn My Comm. Expites 1an. 31, 2000 � V V W W W�VV W V1NN�N�IMIWV'�'W R �u � 5-�-,-waod Notazy Public, Ramsey Co "nnesota. My commission expiies � LL{� . 3� o( Q p O / "* Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** �� i ._' U � � � � I � z � � I = ( � 1 � 4 � O � � � z � m �723;_ °\ `}°''' �� ' j � o� ` r;=r, � f '> i / ^ �p� , —3 2 2 � , � / p � y s 6 0 ' -" % S ` �°�? �'� t q9 �'� � � �> �� �QO� «- � � i � ttESTEbY!ldYEB ' ,3s a -� � � OFALl.EAS�f18 zo � ; �� >> �� � � � { � 1 �, �� r � i OUILO� B t2 ° 'r` ' � � 1 �JI ` , � I i � 1� � � 1 . � � � �� :� � ' ' 1, � � � i ` ° . � i � ! �----------------------=--- j� - �„� � � UTIl1TY ESMT. 5813-140' - i � � \ � � � 6 e.r. • � � � 1 � � I —� � �.� t,�a _ , - �� � � . , F I �{ z '' t� • N W `t z5 �, °' � 2 � 0.�� 2 '' U-_� � � � 4 �,, �. 0 i. w m ', '� p, � 7� U� 4 m ,, �( � N �� 3 � � �� � II� WZ � 3 7 1 �C, ETN � FQ O � pvr. � � 9 ' zi . � s 1 Y -�Y=� � � � � � , ls i l =y� � � U `� �� I i� °�cc zig.�z � " { .� �� � ( � i s r, v � 2 � �- r � ti , � \ � � i35' � zi .� � t� 'a - 11 � � a n � n � 10' Ur� J:�{ lo • e `h 1 I � iliY E�3C.�-N �°• Lm `�l"MLNT c�i 4 1 0 � F q � � >r Dtf<:/ Q t�� �� a 8 '7 _ �O � 9 •� 8 - 7 of � 60 o � �.�y� S<c �, � � o o " '� o P�s 76 , � < � - � > >s ae 6o r zo ,.- i6,. � ' tn ^._._ �1 �o�ERf ° ____----- ------______ _ � •^^—+__—•—J— �� - 15 V�vol4 1 2„ ' � .� 5 �. �{ s . �v. y se .zz-zq-zz�`�1 A R Y A i�f D r � , b zz' � � i ! i 1 I 1 1 ! ; �66 ; I i � � . ( i � � j _ i ` - � ' ; ! i 1 � I f � -� --'— � � —�- ---- ' � � ' �� - � s � Departn�ent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651 } 266-8850 SaintPaul, MN 55702 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY (JF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 31, 1999 Linda Dickhut Department of Public Works 800 Ciry Ha11 Annex Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��i _ _ Dear Ms Dickhut: 99 - 3�fl ����i€�in �1� # 9J: ��4 The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2. Brenner Addidon No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parailel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Srenner Addition No. 2, Saint Pau1, Minnesota. The purpose of ihis request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3t3�/1999. Sincerely, � f� �—" "`� Gienn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) , -�, CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE 99�aqo THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacarion File # 99-G4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated depar[ment or company, that it does not iniend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet ttorth of, and parallei with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paui, Minnesota. except as here noted: Department oF PubLc Works Its �jR�C-r-z>� Mm��soTn ) �,�,�¢� > Siguature RAMSEY � The foregoing insvument wu acknowledged before me this c.���(2 day of // 113"/��� . 199f�, bY % �ma_S <Z: ��G U�l .�e .7�i,P�� r of ��� O� �l/3L /Cr+ �O � S , a �l//(/%L j�/'�G �D�,�D�i�/�d� under the laws of the Siate of Mtnaesota xMAh.VN..v�hhNVw"�t...... � CYNTFiiA ANSE b'+'GG;, ' t�TARYPUBUC-M!NNESOTh RAMSEYCQUN7Y 1Ar47mm�tkn ExdresJan 31, 2600 � ti s �t.YY�3t�T�.t,� QM'1�`�— 7itr� No Public, Ramcey County, Minnesota. My commission ezpiies �.lilY� . � c�l!'2S� (�— ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 551U2 ** �� t °, f ! � U o��- � � � � 0 � z � � m For Ditc i� n t 3.-.d s�t hact 76 vi y � � �A-� .�, i 7 � i _ � \Cj 'G � �� Q � ! � �o r _�,.,, � > - _ �c � � �o �._r� � . � p� 2 � �S � i i �' S 6 �tl ti i � / � 1to o ` ��1• �� � 'l !4 1 ! � ItESFEDYG�YER ' �ss a I � � 4FA11EASEIAFXfB zo� I � �� �� �� ` � 1 ( � . I � � OUTLO}" 8 t2 ° � ; �,., , - - � .� � �JI � r f ` � = I �d c J I � � e y� � i � � .. - — � ( i - f � � � _� ' - L > > - - - - - - - - - - m � _ ^ - - UTlL17Y ESMT, - - - - i ��� ^ ' � � _ sai3-ioo� ' � , � � . � tl -�` � � � 6 C.l. • � � '�. 1 b � � � _` _.� ���o 2 � � jj�`NZ � � �, � � .�s � ¢ Z , v. �. . W �� ��. .s � f ��44°' � W 3 � p � � I� Wz � � } �d° 1 z� . w � ti � w�W � v j` r QQ� � �1 � �� 1 � 1 � f��? 4 s �� �L � Z,s.,� � . � s ; � � .z 2 I s ; z, ., � , � ,3s. � 1 � � � 'o V"i U i Y cAS�,�� 4 %� 9 �' 8 7 /6 � �J�, �., c� $, Lc7, � � � � I i , , i � i ; , : � rz 10 �i 9 ' _ ^ �S Ln �1��ARYLAiJt L a 8 - 7 � o p 60 �r � l r � � N ETN PVT. 9- ��.. ��..r��t}.��-.-.o - r :.o ✓.�.c.,e � ,� LZ' _ ! � 6 i - � � � �i `7 � ,, 7� Aepartment of Tecrinology and Management Services Real Estate Divisdon 140 City HaZI Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (6SI ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 Scatt Ruppert MediaOne 1100 North Concord Street South Saint Paul, MN 55075 �• Deu Mr. Ruppert: q9 -'�° �acati�n �'il+� #� 9'� �.� The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2. Brenner Addition No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Tawnship 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line af Brenner Addidon No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3/3011994. Sincerely, Gl" �`"`�"^'� �,�c�� Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-G4) t, CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE qq-�go THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT FAUL In the Mauer of Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallei with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: me �� q Oh� p6ES , nb\ b� c,� J� `�o �r; �S �� ��e MediaOne �o o� �� � ` v� �.� Its MINNESOTA Dakotah > Sign ure Th mstmm was xlmowledged befoie me this �� day of ��{ a�� . 1998-� by � ` /�Lc� f1 (� 6 � Z �! � Z- the L (JD r�i�-t !l � � ,.r � ✓�c/ � Q %t�� , unde� the laws of ihe State of Minnasota. �� �'�'��-, � F" '-'vF�'��// V :.. �;'. JEANNE A NIELSEN , N y rublic, Dat:otatreouary, M;nnesota. ; NOTARYPU8t1C-MINNESpTA � /� � � 3l � d � � �N�OTA COUNiY My commission e�ires (�}G'� �Y�Oncr�nC�irp3.,�7.31.1�00 �� '� * Piease return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 "" � I : I( '�. ���ti ( 72s-- �r<�_ f ° ��°' _ �� p � : � I� , °i i I / � J�' p � rr� �p � ' 6 � �p �_{� � �'" I I f 3 2 � h L� ' i� i 5 � 5 2 > -s � � � � � / � o � oa ` Q � /4 �� � �� �� I ' ' � ���R � 135 & ' � � � � ���� I . Za� i ' � 1 '°5 '� V� � , I � ` � � � � N i�' ou i �o � ,2 ° 1 ;� � � � � I c�a � r f � . . . ° i � ,� ;�� - ti � � i a ` �� ° ` � �l � � � i ,< i � � i f I � � ; .- . I r� 4 � � ° .� � � � -' �--------------------------° �! I ���� � t � I U7�LITY E57-tT. 5813-100 � z � i � /. \ � I ,, � � I = � � 16 � ��6 c.r;.� mo t f � I Z,. - � � l � � F J 1 � �� W w U1 7 I O � � C � T_II Q �� 2 J �' N . J �� � E � �' o us ,n m l rt �. P � V �K m ' � N � z S .c J I .. �. �Q � . . � � iQ 3 ��\ � .24 � II� F"�'� 3 � � PV9 'n 0.1 �.'� � � \.J z i . i.L�_1 I� � W � � � v .v � r J�J � � I � I � � ��� � 13 � 1 i � a¢� ¢ �' � � � �Q I � �. z's.,z � � " � � � � l s � � 1 5 � � 12 � � � { /35' � 1 j � z� •* ' � � '� 'o SS � � n 0 I 1p' U"il.l� c'\3.°., \�� l.T�}:� Ia. �A , cN� N �� 1 �. `�i� N n { i I � � q � � - i �� D �}Far Dtfci� at I �'1 9 �` $ .v -] _ �90 - � 9 '� 8 - - I of p 6° a„d P s« , � � ` O o n IT Y c� � a � u o hacL 76 ' �,a ` . ��S Lo bo \ � y0 ` /.` � ^ �._������. �, __�����.�� IS]:a �_. r 2 "pvEC � �"- �_ ^ �•__^•- �'�� ' 1G ✓.vOLK 2165^_ 2Y ��ARYLAi�D t I � m 5 �, oF S.W. % See„ZZ � l i i i � I i I i ' � ! ! ZZ ��66 � I i . � . � i 1 � � . i Lf � l ' , � ! ' � ' � ` � � � t I � I � � ! � � � ` __ -----I � --i --- � � I , � Departinent of Technology and Management Services Real &state Division 140 City Hald Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fcix: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1944 Bernie Bullert Water Utiliry 8 East 4th Street, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN 55102 It�. Dear Mr. Bullert: a�-�90 Va�ati�tn ��e # 9� C-4 The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2, Brenner Addition No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and paral3el with, the south line of the southwest quarter of 5ection 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3/30/1999. Sincerely, ��� Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) �, f. CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE - qq -'39'c� 'I'HE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII, OF THE In the Matter of CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 44-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallei with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: RECEiVE� �PR 1 s 1999 ��t�1! ES?P,7E pIVfSION Water Utihtv Bernie R. Bullert Its General Manager MINNESOTA RAMSEY � > ) �.�.0 � �u.�� Signature The fore oin instiument wu aclmowled ed befoie me this 14 th 1999 g g g dayof L�prl]_ , k99$ b Bernie R. Bullert �y, General Manager of the Saint Paul Water Utility , municipal corporation of the City of Saint Pau1 under the laws of the State of Minnesota. nnnMN`• x � SHIRLEY A- JONES � � NOTARY P�BLIC�MINNESOTA < : RANiSflY COU�T > `t�� MYCOmm.Ex?iresJan.31.2000 ; � WVbVV�VVVW A � �� My ** Please return this original copy to 140 City O �l St. Paul, MN 551 U2 ** I I � i Ii '�. �`���, i �2s'- �� � ���°' _ �� �0 \ ; I � _; � . .� c_,�''_'-.' �—r� , I t , ; � /, ` p 2 � s` ,5. 6 e �!.%� � �--�T 1 � . �? � O , , _ g � . � i i� i2 �� Q � `° '� q � Ct !4 � � � � � ItESFEO MIA�YER ? iss a. •' I I � UF Atl EASE�tEXiB zo i ' ' � °5 �'� v� 1 I I � ' j � � � � N� OU I L07 6 iz ° I �! 1 w � k-' � I � � r I ' ' .. .c� 1 � � c ' t I I t f � �� i . 1} � j f ' �� � � � i � i< � i , , l I , ; ; � - . � .0 �` I � � � � � � � --� �--------------------------- �L I �,�� � � � I � U7lLITY ESMT. ggj3-100" 4 z � ; �+. � � i \ � r� � - � �. , . �� I = ' 1 :� 1 � i j i s c.i.^.� „�0 4 i � � � � '� l I � i � � � Q yw Q . � z ; Z � 15 �if��-' QW� Z � v�: � �w i. _ i' �u�d . . �'o . m � � .� � ' o- � 2�.V�0+ ,. � N O Iv 3 b� � �4 I I wZ" 3 �� �/ ETN � �" n! \ I �I� �CO � PVT. � � ��\ , 9 - I I z ��i Z �'\�\��' I l ~ ¢¢w ' `� l --� � °' 4 `�' \`� � � 13 � I � a � '� ` I U � � Q� 1 i� f I � I. Z,B.,Z � •� m �T\ � � ' � � l ` 5 � J 12 I S , 4 �\ , I ,3s� � �, ., � � � ! '� � 'o SI � � , � +' n 10' Ur� u:'� fo�� y I � G � cAS�."I�t� \p UP `�"`ryGk N i � �� � � p Ip q �� � ' �For Da2�<i� a f� � g ` 8 7 ., �� ��' 9 ' 8 - 7 o p 60 ar,a Q s« O o n i r �, Y c�� . a o u o h¢cL 76 � " ` "= � N `,� �S Le bo S' Zp 4' � 11]La � (� �R �ovER .___�---_..^6 _. c ' ---^---^..-....-- _ _ �1"_---'"_—'_"' - 2163 2�{ \ = z4 ✓.vo/c i � �{s.w.ise�u-z9-zzl`�tARY � ,; i � � � � ; � i ' i � ; Z ` �;6 ( � � � � ; ; � : ( � � � � : ; , `' � � ! j . i � � i � —� — ---� ' —�- ---- ' ' � � �� — R�.urn copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall QR �G� { �Ai� ESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By � Referred To Comnrittee: Date 1 WHEREAS, on December 26, 1963, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Council File Number 215995, approved 2 the peution of Alexander M. Barac and The Schneider Company to vacate and discontinue as gublic property the 3 following property described as follows : 4 5 McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Secfion 6 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the northline of Brenner Addiuon No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and, 7 8 WHEREAS, a representauve of the property owner have requested the release of these easements, 9 10 WHEREAS, easements where retained that are no longer needed by the property owner except for Northern States 11 Power Company- Gas Distribution; and, 12 13 WHEREAS, That, with the accompanying Ufility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntazily on 14 behalf of U.S. West Communications, Incorporated, Northern States Power Company-Electric, District Energy St. Paul, 15 Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated, MediaOne, The Water UUlity, and The Aepartment of Public Works, made a 16 part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of 17 these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above. 18 19 THEREFORE BE IT I2ESOLVED, that Council of the City of St. Paul hereby releases all easements in the vacated 20 property described above. 21 22 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and condiUOns set forth in Council File Number 215995 2 3 Shall remain in force and effect. Adopted by Council: Aate � Adoptio Certified by Council Secr By: Appro d y May r: ate By: r Requested by Departrnent of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services By: \,��L./.�'�/`��Gvz��� Director Form Appr ed by City Attorney B ������. y z�- 9 � l by May�r�'or Submission to Council � ,� � Council File # Rq-3q0 Green Sheet # �3�'t l't � r- a - � 9g -��►o T.M.S.I��+ ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3/31/1999 Green Sheet Number: 63719 OIlt3Ct PBiSOII dIId P}LOIIO NUIDUBT- 'L EPARTMENf DIAECTO�{,� / 4 CITY COIINCIL .` Peter White 266-8850 ]. ITY HTTORNEY 5 ITY CLERK ostbeonComa7Agendaby: 4/23/�.999 IIaEl` DIRECPOR PFICE OF FINHNCIHL SVCS. e be on couneil ayeaaa sg.: 4/27/1999 3 YOR (OR ESSIST OR`AL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAmi3RE) CTION REQIIESTED: PR 1999 To amend Council PYIe Number 215945, dated December 26,1963 to vacated and discontinued public roperty located at McAfee and Maryland. This would amend the resolution so as no�►�@��sements re uested b the resent re resentitive of the ro e owner. o�DETIONS: 9PPROVE (A) OR RESECT �R) gagONAL SBRVICE CONTRACTS M[75T ANS[QSli T� FOLLO➢IING: Has the personjfirm evar workad under a Contiact for t]�is epaLtmCata YSS NO rxaertasnc coeassssxov A srxrr Aas this person/firm ever beea a City employee? YSS NO CML SERVSCE C019�]IS5ION Does this personjfirm possass a skill aot normally possessed by Y Y85 NO curYeat City eug�loyea3 CI8 COI@IITTEE Explaia all YSS aaswexs on a se arate shaet and attach. PORTS WE[ICH COONCIL 087ECTNBT COVNCIL WARD(S) 6 DISTRICT PLANNING COIINCIL 7 13STIATING PROBLffi, ISSUB, OPPORTUNITY (Who� What� When� L4hera, Why?): o remove easements that were requested to be removed by representatives of the property owners. AGSS IF APPROVBD: emove unnecess easements . ISADVANPAGES IF APPROVSD: y t � one. ISADVANPAGBS IF NOT APPROVED: nnecessary easements will be retained. OTdL AMODNT OP TRANSACTIODi: COST/RSVENUL HQDGETED (CIRCLS ON6) YES NO ING SOiTACB: ACTIV'ITY NOAffiSR: INF�lICIAL INFORMZ�TION: (SXPLASN) �q . 39fl COVER S�IEET McAfeel?vlaryland RELEASE OF EASEMENTS FILE # 99-C-4 CERTIFICATE5 Utility or Deparbment US West Communications NSP Electric Division NSP Gas I?istribution MCI Metro District Energy and Cooling Continental Cablevision Public Works Water Uulity Certificate Sent March 24, 1999 March 24, 1999 March 24,1994 March 24,1999 March 2�4, 1999 March 24,1999 Match 24,1999 March 24,1999 Certi�cate Received �[t��'-� �/ ��� �� a�� � � � � � `i 3 -�q 3} 3, � �� 3�. 3���� �� ����� RESOLUTION Routed Agenda Date/Approval County Filed/Received (99-C-4) �� ;' � I � C � �"�'S �7. I f , \ \ �Q/i, � ��; � � > � `' , ' I � � .-�� \ � � I� �--J � �� 3 p� 2 � � fo� � 1 i� 1 S� c 5� �S I � � '2 � 9 � \l0 `'� i O ' l 2 6 � d C� ���� � ( 1 � . i�o°a � .��, � � � � ! � UEfiFEOylIdyER �f � � � � � OFALL EASE),!''cNT3 ' �ss & ( � � I Z � � o� a , � i , � t; „ I I r�, i �`? Iu1 OUILOI g � � � m l c � r } - � ' � (2 � I i i ,�� _ ° { � � ; �� � � , � � ; . �� � J I� � � ` . _ . ! ' ' � t '� � � ' . � � � � � n � � � — � �---------- ° .I�` ___ � � � U?ILITY ESM7, — — — — ��i� V ' � ` w � ., . � � 5 813-100` y :� "� I_ _ �.. r • '. . . � }— � 1 :�. 16 �; s c.i. . �� C� . �------.__ _ � � _" _' —� � ���o O I { i �. � � z I 2 ��f� y z ., I. O � F �. � ZJ � �� Q' a�' -� Z � � ' ¢w� � � f—' i� 3 0 p i �<Q=' . w N Z 1 z � . \ � 14 ���� rE� 3 � � 7 � ETN J �� '.. �\ � ( i . PY 7: � " �.v I } �Ll� � 9- � �- `� � \,�� 13 ; f " <a� 4 7 IJ Q =' �J L1� �• z's.,z � � � � a� ,� .. I 5 � U\ � ' ^ � � �? v ..� 2 � S r i zi . r �\ J � ' u /3S' � ' � � . , io• � ° 11 I � � VY't1iY < r < � a ' .� '� ,Q , L�\l,� /o. � . � \ ���F:� � 4 p N �P � t � � 9 9 8 7 � w I '� '76 �j �� • o `o -° ?p 9 • 8 7 C � �i � Q'H : � ° n ',0 50 ir '� u a r] ovE4�1 . �•�S o . _ /6 ✓ ,�v-. L o 6 D r 2a r . � 2465^_��•����... � �.����--.�_.-_ � �' ' � __ .-._— ��-��..���..�.�...�.� ❑]�._-._, t 0 � , .� �—s�. �fS.� `.�� =4 ��o,�a j I ! ' ; � i i i �I r I � � � � ' ! ' � YL � i � ; , � � , � f ; �t�6 � ! i I ! ! � 9q -39° OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1963 1195 �. ier L. Fi- ,y mt d- ed �er L. a a nd of ?0, to -•r_ :as es ng itY on iid ks s be A. is: irs :°a on zw �er �te >er Council Fi1e No. 215a59 — Hy Milton Rosen— Resolved, That upon the petition of Alexander ➢i. Ba:ac and The Schneidei Company the section of publlc streei here�nafter described, be and the same is cacated and tiscontmued as pub3ic street, viz: ilqcAtee Street froin East \4aryland .9ce�ue to the estending north ]ine of Brenner Addrtion No. 2, being the north ]ine of Lot 1. Block 3, antl Lo[ 16, Block 2 of said addition estende0; sub�ect expiesslp to the iollowivg con- <inim�s and reser��ations: 1. A71 the contlitions, reservations and pmv�smns contained in ChapteY �28 nf the Samt Paui Legisiative Cnde, enacted December 18, 1957, as amentled. 2 That the peLtioners, without cost to the City of Saint Paul. shall con- cev, or cause to be conceyed. unto said C�ty, by deecl oi com�eyance, approved Uy the Corpora[ion Coun- sel, tor puhlic alley purposes, a per- petua] pubLC easement ior pubLc aliey tw�nnround pivposes, mvermg lanci �butting said section oE puUlic street Uereby proc�ded to Uc vacnted, on the nm'ti� e�nUracing a Ctmulnr �rea �cith a nvnimum radius of 50 £eet 3. The bond proe'idetl {or in saitl ordinance, to be 61ed Uy said peU- t�oners, is hereby ficed �t the sum o[ S3,000. d Said pet�tioners shall pay to the City of Saint Paul the sunt of 54.000, toge[her u�ith the rosts o£ this vaca- Lon proceecimg Adopted bc the Council Nocember 20. 1963 APP�'a�ed \ocemUer 20. 1963. (NO�'e�r.ber 23, 1963) Council File No. 215561 — By Ja�nes J. Dalglish—Bernard 2. Hollan�l— _lI�lton Rosen— Resolced. Th�t the actian vf the Board o£ Water Commissioners in ap- procing and authorizmg ihe executimi on Uehalf of said Board of a proposed form of agreemeni with the City o£ Frid7ey, a copy o£ sa�d agreement being marked Eshib�t ' A", attached hereto and incorporated herein bq reference, �rhah proposed agreeme�:t provides Eon granting perYmssion to ihe City of Fridley to locate certain o£ its public �vater mains or otiier pub]ic �corks upon easements and other p:ouerties of said Hoard as set 3orth in the Resolution adopted by said Bosrd on the 13tR day af Novembeq 1�63. hereby �s m all things ratifled, agwoved and adopted, and the proper Gty o7iicers are hereby authorized and directecl to esecute on Uehalf of said Board and the City oE Saint Paul said proPosed agreement. Ad�pted bc the Council November 20, 1963 �lpproced Soeember 20, 1963. I (\ocember 23, 1963) , Counc�l F�Ie tio 215562 — 215563 — 215a6} — 23a363 — Resolved, That checks be drawn on the C�ty Treasurv, to the aggregate 2mount o£ $297,59U90, covering checks � numbered 90467 to 406"a6 inclusive. as per checks on file in tPe otSlce of the C�Ty Comptroller. Adop[ed by the Councii November 2D, 1963. Approved NovemUer 20, 1963. (NOVe�nber 23, 1963) Coimcil Fi7e No. 215567 — By Milton Rosen— LVhereas. C]aude E. Duke, and Thomas F, Carroll, employes of the DeparGnent o£ PubLC Works of the City of Smnt Pau7, were injured in a third party accident on July 31, 1963, �vhile engaged m the performance of the�r dut�es for said Depar[ment of PuUlic Works: and Whereas. On beha7i o£ said C]autle E. Dulce, the Qty has incurred med�cal eapenses in Ute amoiuit of $-1�00 and has P�kt workmen's compensaLOn Uenefits to said emP�aSe in the amount of $18.00 for loss of time froin work; and on Uehaif of said Thomas F. Carroll the City has incurred medical expenses in ti�e amuunt o£ $3000; a�d Whereas. A settlement hns been through their counsel, Bernard N. Litmmi, and the third party mvolved in said accident nnd induded m said settlement the Crty will recerve full reimUtrcse�nent Sor jts medical ex- penses and compensabun P��� on be- h�1f o£ its emP�oyes. ]ess 25 pet cent attorney Sees to saitl Bernard N Lriman, now. therefore, be it Rerolved, That the proper City offi- cers are hereUy authonzed to accept and entlorse Arafts £rom the insurer of said third party 7m�olved m said accident, to deposit the same to the Worl:men's CompensaGOn Accowit and to Pay out of said settlement a sum equal to 2'a per cent of the same to sa�d Bernard N. Lilttian, as and £or altorney � tees for the recovery o£ the City's subrogation elaim: and the proper City ofEmers are hereby author- �zetl to esecute any necessary re- leases in connection wfth said settle- ment. Adopfed by the Counc�l Noce�nber 21, 1963. Approved NovemUer 21, 1�63 (November 23, 1963) Council File No. 215'a68—By Bernard T. Holland— � Resolced, 2hat the Council af the City of Saint Paul hereby awards to the Legal Ledger, Inc-, the contract Eor printittg antl publishing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, during the year 196d, a11 ordinances and resolu- [ions or abstracts thereo£, and other proceedings and matters required un- der the Charter or by resolution or ordinance of the City Coimcil to be published in a daily newspaper printed in Englsh, including resolutions oE [he Board o£ Education, or abstraMs tor the 1964, �e of $I.50 per 3olio ion, $.40 per £olio £or subsequent insertion �r, and S 50 per folio matter; also to print Form 100 copies o£ of the Council {or to Ue prepared by 1302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Council File No. 215988 — By Bernard to be vacated. on the xwcth embracing T. Holland, by tequest— a circuIar area with a minimum radius Resolved, By the Council oF the City of 50 feet; o£ Saint Paul, that Cnapter 851, i,a�vs 3. The bond provided £or in said of Minnesota £or 1963. approved the Chapter 228, to be hled by said pet�- 23rd day of bfay, 1963, entitled: tioners, is hereby fi<ed at th TO fied cop3' of w h i c h is filed �h, sha11 be and said Act hereby I1 thinas approved; ved Further, That the City as the chief clerical officer o£ ty oF Saint Paul. shall file with �retarv of State. as of Decemfier . 000.00; " e sum Said petitioners shall pay to the o£ Saint Paul the sum of $i,ppp,pp '.her with the costs of this vacatioc eeding; be it rther Resolved, q'ha[ this resolu- shall be deemed to supersede the ' resolution of the Council of the of Saint Paul, on the same su6- designated CouneLL File No. 2t55'ap, oced November 20. 1963. opted bS the Council December 763. proved December 26, 1963. (December 28, 1963) ----�-' �-°�-��-- Cauncil File No. 215996— by the Attorney General stating the peterson— BY Robert F. essential facts necessary to said ap- proval oE said Act hereunder and in- Resolved, That the Council heveby cluding a copy o£ this resolution of concurs in the recommendation of the approval of said Act. Purchasing Committee therefor and Adopted 6y the Council December herebl' awartls contract for furnishing. 28, 1963. deLVering, instalLng and ]easing of Approved December 26, 19fi3. bIECHANIZED FILING EQUIPERENT (December 28, 1963) to the City of St. Paul. Deoartme.,r �� Council File No. 215994 — By Mi7ton 3'ears—to DIEBOLD, IPICORPOE Rosen— in accordance with City specifi� Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent and the Formal Bid No. 9557 � be and he is hereby authorized with Diebold. Incorporatetl £or the the epnsent of the ComptrolLeq to Price of 51214.35 per month. ma purchase £rom PAUL'S CYCLE SERV- toWl of �$29,144.4D £or twenf ICE, INC. three Estnte Model Cu=_hman months, either party having the Tractois at a total cost Of $3300.00 to cancel Upon 30-tlays �vr�tten without advertisement or competitrv�e ��ter fir;t six months of agre b�ds pursuant to Section 290 of the has ercpired, with option to pu Charter of the C�ty of St. Pxul as thu �t unit bid prices therefor, su� is a patented i[em. bemg the lowest and said L a Adopted by the Council Dec¢mber �ounset be antl hereby is authorized 26, 1963. to draw uP the proper Eorm of contract Approvetl December ?6, 1963. therefor and the proper C�ty officiats (Decem6eo 28, 19G3) are hereby dmected to execute said . cantract on behalf o£ the C�ty of St. Paul. Council Fii¢ No. 2159'J5—By Robert F. Formal Bid No. 9557. F. Peterson— Adopted by the Council December Resolved. That upoa the petition af 26. 1963. Alexander M. Barac and The Schneidei ApAro��ed December 26, S�J63. Company. the sectwn of pubiic stred (Decembex 28, 1963) hereinafter described, be and the smne is vacated and d�swntinued as a public =treet, viz: Council File No. 215997 — By M�lton McAfee Street £rom East NIary7and Rosen— Avenue t0 the estendmg north line gesolced, That t0e Council hereby of Brenner Addition No. 2, being concurs in tlie recommendation of the the north line of Lot I, Bbck 3, ancl Contmct Comm�ttee and iejeMS all Lot 16. Block 2, of said addition Uids ceceived for fucnishing and deliv- estended; enng to the Department of Public subject esyressiy to the follo�ving cun- 4VaNcs. Bureau of Mumcipal Equipment. ditions and resetvations: 891 Noeth Dale Street. Sai�t Paui, Min- l. A71 the cond�t(ons, reservations nesota, Two HytlrauLCatly-oFerated and provisions contained in Chapter Aeria! Ladders with Uti]ity Bodies for 228 oF the Safnt Pavt Leg�slati��e Codc, the reason th�t nm�e o£ the bidders enacted December 18, 195Z as amended; submi[ted structural ana7ysis and cal- 2. That the peti[ioners. withouf cost culatiw�s in suRicient detaii to analyze to the City oF Saint Paul, shall convey the ladder assembly. It is recommended or cause to be conveyetl unto snid that this equipment be re-advertised City. by deed oF com�eyance, approved and bids requested again. by the Corporation Coimsel, for public Fonnal Bid No. �J531. alley purposes, a perFetual pubtic Adopted by fhe Council December easement fot public alley turnaraund 2G, 1963. purposes. covering land abutt�ng said Approve�i December 26. 1963. section of puUlu street hereby provided � (December 28, 1963) g4-3qc Council F Vaypuli of�{he �Cit se��bY ar. ance e a cover xter a8e f. ontY aama: 30 a short- 19fi4aa�d s, liab��ity as and d=ath $300,000.00 �i erty damag� Resolved I insurance s} of the City � vide exc�s �ehicles, dr m lea� norr. Adopf d 26, 1963. ApProvea i (De PRELI) Councit File Rosen— Wl�ereas, q mak¢�g of the viz" Reconstruct sides of Chestr soutbeast to t} biinn. & Ome w�th an integra tloing al! other sary and incidc im provement. h the Council of ; thereFOre, Ge it Reso7vect, That P��bLc 4VorBS be �nd <lirected: �' To invesLg �>�' tlesirzibilrtl' a: �mprovement. �� � T� �nvestiga esnmatetl �� ntent, anA the tai �i. To furnish a �'f said improven' 4 � To state whe P�'ovement is aske of t}�ree o� more 5. To �'ePOrt ❑. K�i��g maiters to i Finance. Adopted by the C 1963. APProced Decem (Decembe Council File No. Rosen_ Whereas. A vvntte maki�g nf the follo viz.: Heconstruct the north sitle of 7th 5 to Wacouta St. anc tegral curb-sitle�valk othec work which is ��denta7 to comptete . Depart�nent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Divisian 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 Regina Trujillo US West Com�iuications 700 West Mineral Littleton, CO 80120 ��. Dear Ms Trujillo: � -'1qo �'FeErvE� ��� � � ��9g � �fi��F Df(//Sipry �?aca�i�n �Yt� # 99 C� The property owner of Lots 1 thru 15 Block 2 Brenner Addition No. 2 has requested a waiver of ali easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to elnninate a11 easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3l30/1999. Sincerely, Glene� �T � "„� Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-G4) J CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE q,9 - �'ta THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaLf of the indicated departrnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realry described below: McAfee St*eet lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Mannesota except as here noted: us wes� co�,��uons �ts � C� � ^OLOR.=yO ARAPAHOE b � e of _ �J� �\ �� under the laws of the S , a``o ��pP 5Uq��'� `9 '� T % i � �Y ��*$ Notary Pu "c, .� oe County, Colora o. 7c �f�� _ (�( (,..� � � � V�/ � � ' - My commission expires � li� • i .� : puauc : o , � ���r�� > Signature "* Please �'�,�„� original copy to '140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** My commtsston �Expires 1+ � ' ; : , , , ; , , , , r ! �` ; ; i ! ! � � ' i � 9� -'�9.`° � � 9g� � � � ; � ; . ; � zz � i I � f 1 ! ' � � I � l '' �� a r. t� �,�� d ��zZ-3 � - n , iS ��� S f� �7 �S -� � s9.Z � � o�� . r� -+� z— a .o.�--. • ��.._. — _ — — _..� e_ccl _�..���.�����_.._---�_��' � __����_��� I'D3no L� I� _... ,. 9/ , '� �OZ � � a � s . � Y1 { ��c. �Jp[, \ � . 'o y �_ v 2 ` 0 0 0 � �� �>S Jb P: "�� ` Os u � ° i� L-� g o 6 ^ � . L S \ 6 � tt Il �» �,v��Q .,i � � ` � Q � �i n I � i� � N , LNi%✓ a p 1 \ .� i �` 4. ! -^=. 1 �;�,�'�' ''�-r;!,n o � � { � � ° � i ra ° ° � i I , ,, +. ,_ � � ,se� � � �� � e �; s � Z t A �. 5 I rn , I b \n \\\\ n "" + .� \`' \ ` 21'9)Z. l � 1 �� b I n` � � <_ � � �r � � �{ �' �� � -�r ;� I �\ \^` � � I rn""' I i 1 "�� \�. � � I -6 in • ,Z SAd � � £ o�m �I, � "\�\ A --� � N13 � ZA { } v'l - A � � u � � N �l � �a�n'�c ; � \ °' � z � co • p�m � ' � AI o ' � . c z `� � ,9 • W4 SZ � z 1 � .�,� � ZN �ll,, � Z i o �,L� 6� j �' I 7�. . I �J ' � ' - t— l 9 x' �;,. T _� = I , � .� —,�� 9 . � � r� � � .-�.� . . ,... i � � I C I. .. . � Z i �'1 �oot-eias •�wsa x!rnsn � � � IILI I� � _ _ _ � _ � _ � _ _ _ � � � � _ _ _ _ � � � _ _ . � � } � I � { ��� � ( � �I v 1 y � ' � � � �_� ' - . ' � � f 1 i i , i i i >� � t � � . i { ° Fi �� � � � r � � I f � , - � � � I � � � � G� Zt ' y� N I � O g _��1 ��� i� � I � � � I f j �o �� �o � ! I � °z &�ttr3+'c�s�� 7tv �0 � � 1 1 � 1� B ssi � �i3AfYMQ3l.3 , ( � � l � � ��' o � � t� so�, `<<z, : � � I i z s � : •' �' I _ i � � ,5 1 , s, ✓� � z.i,Jj d �, , i �` � � °� .. � ��6 \� �'k -�sz�, ti�.%.ob; �o. �, � � %� � 2 Qq-�w� Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Divislon 140 City Hald Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAU� Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26 1999 Mazk Nelson N.S.P. - Gas Disuibuuon 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, Mn 55117 Phone: (651) 266-8850 Fax: (651) 266-8855 R E�EIVE D R � P � r993 o�visro _ . _ . _ _ _ _.. Suh,�ec�, ;, : �a�aiian ��� has be�ii glatte�. and.�ias.a new �r�perty �scriptia�: Deaz Mr Nelson: The Certificates of Non-Use have to be reissued, because the azea has been platted. This makes the oid legal description incorrect which was on the other certificates. Piease sign and notarize the new certificates. Sorry about the that. The representatives of this property did not know these easements were on the property. They found out about them from a tiUe company. "I`hey were setting up closings on the property. Needless to say the representauves wouid appreciate it if you could return the certificates as soon as possible. Thank you for trouble. If you have any question do not hesiate to call me at (651) 266-8862. Sincerely, �� p� Glenn Picha Real Estate Division (6-99 platted) R ` � i CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE °lg -�°w THE HONORt�BLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL Vacauon File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the reaity described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. exceptas here noted: p `+ �na� �. 2� T �aS�'iG N'�a.�. �+.. .'{'�ls ot.'P�_ /-�s �a^� °�5 �J J 't�'C, cM-m.l.� L s �'��� �"` P�a.<..e � f.�/� �..�n, ✓d.c.�.�� ..�� 9 Y�5-f a � �� , n Y�tc:.r��ieS , `j ec� A.F e�� � a t�twZ..,� S ^}-6 � c��a 2 �5 - N.S.P. - Gu Distributian IYS � s �� Pr�ti°�e � • MINNESOTA � � xaMS� ) by oF ..-�`-' Signature "' � The foregoi instcument was acla�owledged before me this J day of �a dG T`�'�i/� � LQi'��" Ihe G= �1Y !�¢.8 f N � p a C4G! C �f' 1 7/� under the lavrs of the State oF iVUnnesota. Mj' COIll21115Si0Il CXZIITPS l 0 Qo � ._ z� z � �� t � U m mz �w n. : ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Halt, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** .', . ,-.-y Departntent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-885a Saint Paul, MN 55102 Faz: (65I ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL I3orm Coleman, Mayor March 26,1999 q°l - �°lo � Mark Nelson N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 R€�_; ' - �'�eaficin Fii� # 99 �-4 Aear Mr. Nelson: The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2, Brenner Addition No. 2. has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet anorth of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3t30/1999. Sincerely, Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) ` a q -�,� �L9 = ��I z i d --� �o � _ L���na �b � ,1l ,9 - N s wav�� � -� � � W � W W V � 41 � � � � 521313W £ • S2l313W Z� - - - - - u - - � 1 -� ' N W � _ _ �' _ _ _ `� � « �� « � �9 L k�j/� „ \�. y� � , � �. / T ., � �•�� ! '• l�v!r � � 1 ti 1' ��/ '� ti V 1 � ,��' ,`' o �, rn FZ� � � ` ZL ° �'�.. � � � J � ,, , ° � , � -_, �~ � , � � � `, � •�, r �� ��� . � a ��-� �S �� �SZ� i�_ ! : � ,, OSZ ��G �� : ,_• , - '�l I�� ..:� � �-�8 � ' 3d �.� , a �9 I ' f E e _�S � � £9t�tr/�Q _� �, � ,z � � b � -- � � - s - r - r - r3r - r�r -- �w�i I�Iw1 IWI � I � I I� I A I I� 1 � _ 1.. 1 ��4 1_ 1�J_ __ W • 1 r� ; S Z l' � � L� Z l•', C3� N�� � _� � tr '� � I N , I IE— ,�j� � � ;� (�,� � I � � � � � � � -� �r • �-- 1 't�� Z l• 1� 7 !— i � u (. �,l1 s..__� i _ _ ; —' � �- - --�-o-, 1 � I----� �-��1 i � -- -�x ' i � � �_� � _ � -- � � �--, � , �__ i , _ F---i � � �--i ' ' H�___� �'7 � � � �i��d „ Z � w �_ �_J—�_ w �y�F� � � 'i ' _J N� 1 n . . . . � J W , T �—��� -� - -v � _ i -- i -- � ---� l�z��e u ssz;� ; 3 2i 1_l NL�2f_ .� __ �- T-' 1 1 � �,� - � �,�—Q - f . � w� N � � � � �G � ---� w ; O i U'I i I � �nd a�ve�� — � Y � 16 V 1 � I a I � � I � I � I � � � � I � I � I O ` � ` � y s� a °� �� � s�` ,��,� � S� � �°¢ �o`�' Q M � �� C � �! � n�. � � �� � 4 � � � �o � � ��� �� � ��� c,� 0 � Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-8850 �aint Paacl, MN 55102 Fax.• (651) 266-8&55 � �, CfTY OF SAiNT PAUL d�q�'3 ��f Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 Lori Pagel Northem States Power Lo. 414 Nicollet Mall - 7th Fl. Mittneapolis, MN 55401 �•, _ Dear Ms Pagel: 'L?a�a�i�n �7ile # 9����4 The property owner of Lots i thru 16. Block 2. Brenner Addition No. 2. has :equested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet nortti of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Faul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3l30/1999. Sincerely, � "-" .,�,,.. _ �� Glenn Picha Rea1 Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE ag-aao RECEIVED THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS oF � cornvcII, oF � QP� fl� i95g In the Matter of CI'fY OF SAINT PAUL REAt ESTA7E DIViSIpn! Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: 1�1 a ��,, Northern States Power Co, ItS Re E Representative rr�ti ) ��l,s� _ `���, ��fiLr� > Signature HENNEPIN � 11te foregoiag instsument was aclmowledged befoce me this 15 t 3� pg April 199y, by Vera-Mae Kasprowicz � real estate representative of N orthern State Power Company a Minnesota Corporation under the laws of the State of �finnesota. �nr � �. . MARGARET M. MAAHS l NOTARYWJBUC-AqHdESOTA ' �� iAy Carunts�+On EXpiesJan.31. 2J00 a '` * Piease return this originai copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** iclry� � �23; - �� { >\��' ^. � � ; � , ' ; j , 0 `3 �� r ` S 6 ° �� � ` : 2 � � � I �� / i 5 2 i -, . � , , <,., 3 ���`. � l 1Q 34° � � � i �2 � � �? , � 1� / � � � 4 ��� � ^c ������ � !35 & .j ' � iYl�ili7.lir y(' ��•S Za i i i t; �� ,3 �� l l ' � ` � y y i r' � ��� OU i �0"i E !2 � i � ' cv 1 w I � � � r 1 ' 'o S � ' c i � � J 1 j i �; . » ° 1 � . �� 1 � � � � �< s � � t � ( ! ' ; . ... i � � � j . � � + -� ------------------------ �I � I '- �7t� ' I � 1 S UiILIiY ESMi. 58�3-100' I z ` - , i � i \ � ,r . f W i , s c.�._ . �( ' i = �. � �� i �2— ,� ��,o f � � I ' ' ' "'� i � � . � � �L1 y� q Q 2 . 1 z , c 35 �� °' Q �' Z ° U � ,� . . � ` w . ..�� � m � N � � I � r c < V � m � . J Q i a 3 v� .24 { �� r N ETN ` � �� �►�\, � ll� �<° 3 �� Pvr. z, . � s- � z �� � "� �}Y aQ� ' ��1 � � � °_' .�, \ � � 13 � { � _� LL ¢ s U \ a � � z,s.,z �� � " ( m �\ � � � ^ f I 5 '� � .2 2 1 -S � 1 � `� � l ,�s. i z, ., '\ ; � �� o rz � � � 0 r � 10' V �,> :� !o • � y � }���i c '�S�NI�]y \ 1.�� l.T J:,cNLA, N 4E � . tt � - ° h q ` } i � br at I� � 9 A 8 7 - - 10 " 9• 8 - � o� p 60 3r�dp¢ Sct �� � o o ° � o � >acz 76 � �^y iO • `= � V N +� ��s oe c,> � zo i - �� 'ovECf � _ ��__..�_. /6 _ ` v ��� .�_�� �___.^__._.._..�_ u � _. _..� + r »�-�' � _�• a xA .....o�.c� � 2„5 �� s, 4. � s. �. � s �ZZ-zg-zZi��l A RY L A i 1 D r� ,.� zz" � i I i t I � i ' ; ° 6 � � i � � � � � � . i " � i , i i i 1 —`- --__ . � i ' i `. � - -- —� � � j � 1 �� � '� MC! f�/ORLD�'011/� April 8, I949 Mr, Glenn Picha Real Estate Techaician City of St Paul Dept. of Technalogy & Mgmt. Services Reai Estate Division 140 City Hall S� Paul, MN 55102 a 9 -�9 NaSional SuppoR f 7nveAi�tions Thpt 2855 Loc 642 uso ��;ae ai�a Ricl�ardwq T'X 95482 RECEIVED APR 9 2 1999 REAL ESTATE DiViSION REF: Easement Waiver, McAfee St. from E. Maryland Ave, to Brenner Addytion #2, TMS Dept. File #99-C-4 MCI REF: 1320-1999 Dear Mr. Yicha: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been determined that MCIWoridCom does not have facilities within your pro,}ect azea. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the iocal One Ca11 System at least 48 hours prior to anp construcrion. You should address conespondence concerning any future projects to the attention of Nationat Supportllnvestigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with this project, glease do not hesitate to call John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, � �� Brenda Stamper Narionai Support / Investigations � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 David Urke District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. ?5 Wes± Kello�g Bo�?levard Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��. Dear Mr. Urke: Department of Techno{ogy and Management Services Real Estate Division 140CityH¢ll Phone: (651)266-&&50 Satnt Pacsd, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 a9 -'sq° � . . - � . - - � ���'�IDII �� � �l �-� The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Biock 2, Brenner Addiuon No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Rea1 Estate I7ivision, as addressed above, by 3130/1999. Sincerely, � `-� i.c� Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) ' CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE . q 9 -�q�o THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL, OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of ffie indicated depamnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying beiween a line 43 feet north of, and pazallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Ranae 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. FtEGEVVE �1AR 3 � `� # RECEIVED RECEIV�� MAfl�. � � y �'A� : - REA�:yfd,T� �1� g�1;ESTPTEDivt�t0� R�A`�ES?x,�:;,,.,�,,,,, D�strict Eneiev and Cooline St Paut, Inc, MINNESOTA RAMSEY � > ) It5 � y^2 S � �.�t �`�'. Signaeure The foregoing ins[nunent was aclmow]edged before me this CJQ �" day of /, 1, �-�✓''Cih.., , 799$, by �%d.¢.YS �� 1I� 4GLa.�Cstw^ ,the � 1 2S . cb-.._A of •.0 1 Ceo��� S`�. undzr the ]aws of rhe State of Minnesota. J cl.n,MnnMMJ�nnnMnMMMAM1N`/N�`�`� i � � TRUDY L. SHERWOOD 4���_� NQTAn'Y PI�BLIC-MINNESOTA ���j+� wASNS�croNCOUnn My Comm. Expites 1an. 31, 2000 � V V W W W�VV W V1NN�N�IMIWV'�'W R �u � 5-�-,-waod Notazy Public, Ramsey Co "nnesota. My commission expiies � LL{� . 3� o( Q p O / "* Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** �� i ._' U � � � � I � z � � I = ( � 1 � 4 � O � � � z � m �723;_ °\ `}°''' �� ' j � o� ` r;=r, � f '> i / ^ �p� , —3 2 2 � , � / p � y s 6 0 ' -" % S ` �°�? �'� t q9 �'� � � �> �� �QO� «- � � i � ttESTEbY!ldYEB ' ,3s a -� � � OFALl.EAS�f18 zo � ; �� >> �� � � � { � 1 �, �� r � i OUILO� B t2 ° 'r` ' � � 1 �JI ` , � I i � 1� � � 1 . � � � �� :� � ' ' 1, � � � i ` ° . � i � ! �----------------------=--- j� - �„� � � UTIl1TY ESMT. 5813-140' - i � � \ � � � 6 e.r. • � � � 1 � � I —� � �.� t,�a _ , - �� � � . , F I �{ z '' t� • N W `t z5 �, °' � 2 � 0.�� 2 '' U-_� � � � 4 �,, �. 0 i. w m ', '� p, � 7� U� 4 m ,, �( � N �� 3 � � �� � II� WZ � 3 7 1 �C, ETN � FQ O � pvr. � � 9 ' zi . � s 1 Y -�Y=� � � � � � , ls i l =y� � � U `� �� I i� °�cc zig.�z � " { .� �� � ( � i s r, v � 2 � �- r � ti , � \ � � i35' � zi .� � t� 'a - 11 � � a n � n � 10' Ur� J:�{ lo • e `h 1 I � iliY E�3C.�-N �°• Lm `�l"MLNT c�i 4 1 0 � F q � � >r Dtf<:/ Q t�� �� a 8 '7 _ �O � 9 •� 8 - 7 of � 60 o � �.�y� S<c �, � � o o " '� o P�s 76 , � < � - � > >s ae 6o r zo ,.- i6,. � ' tn ^._._ �1 �o�ERf ° ____----- ------______ _ � •^^—+__—•—J— �� - 15 V�vol4 1 2„ ' � .� 5 �. �{ s . �v. y se .zz-zq-zz�`�1 A R Y A i�f D r � , b zz' � � i ! i 1 I 1 1 ! ; �66 ; I i � � . ( i � � j _ i ` - � ' ; ! i 1 � I f � -� --'— � � —�- ---- ' � � ' �� - � s � Departn�ent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651 } 266-8850 SaintPaul, MN 55702 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY (JF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 31, 1999 Linda Dickhut Department of Public Works 800 Ciry Ha11 Annex Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��i _ _ Dear Ms Dickhut: 99 - 3�fl ����i€�in �1� # 9J: ��4 The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2. Brenner Addidon No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parailel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Srenner Addition No. 2, Saint Pau1, Minnesota. The purpose of ihis request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3t3�/1999. Sincerely, � f� �—" "`� Gienn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) , -�, CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE 99�aqo THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacarion File # 99-G4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated depar[ment or company, that it does not iniend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet ttorth of, and parallei with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paui, Minnesota. except as here noted: Department oF PubLc Works Its �jR�C-r-z>� Mm��soTn ) �,�,�¢� > Siguature RAMSEY � The foregoing insvument wu acknowledged before me this c.���(2 day of // 113"/��� . 199f�, bY % �ma_S <Z: ��G U�l .�e .7�i,P�� r of ��� O� �l/3L /Cr+ �O � S , a �l//(/%L j�/'�G �D�,�D�i�/�d� under the laws of the Siate of Mtnaesota xMAh.VN..v�hhNVw"�t...... � CYNTFiiA ANSE b'+'GG;, ' t�TARYPUBUC-M!NNESOTh RAMSEYCQUN7Y 1Ar47mm�tkn ExdresJan 31, 2600 � ti s �t.YY�3t�T�.t,� QM'1�`�— 7itr� No Public, Ramcey County, Minnesota. My commission ezpiies �.lilY� . � c�l!'2S� (�— ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 551U2 ** �� t °, f ! � U o��- � � � � 0 � z � � m For Ditc i� n t 3.-.d s�t hact 76 vi y � � �A-� .�, i 7 � i _ � \Cj 'G � �� Q � ! � �o r _�,.,, � > - _ �c � � �o �._r� � . � p� 2 � �S � i i �' S 6 �tl ti i � / � 1to o ` ��1• �� � 'l !4 1 ! � ItESFEDYG�YER ' �ss a I � � 4FA11EASEIAFXfB zo� I � �� �� �� ` � 1 ( � . I � � OUTLO}" 8 t2 ° � ; �,., , - - � .� � �JI � r f ` � = I �d c J I � � e y� � i � � .. - — � ( i - f � � � _� ' - L > > - - - - - - - - - - m � _ ^ - - UTlL17Y ESMT, - - - - i ��� ^ ' � � _ sai3-ioo� ' � , � � . � tl -�` � � � 6 C.l. • � � '�. 1 b � � � _` _.� ���o 2 � � jj�`NZ � � �, � � .�s � ¢ Z , v. �. . W �� ��. .s � f ��44°' � W 3 � p � � I� Wz � � } �d° 1 z� . w � ti � w�W � v j` r QQ� � �1 � �� 1 � 1 � f��? 4 s �� �L � Z,s.,� � . � s ; � � .z 2 I s ; z, ., � , � ,3s. � 1 � � � 'o V"i U i Y cAS�,�� 4 %� 9 �' 8 7 /6 � �J�, �., c� $, Lc7, � � � � I i , , i � i ; , : � rz 10 �i 9 ' _ ^ �S Ln �1��ARYLAiJt L a 8 - 7 � o p 60 �r � l r � � N ETN PVT. 9- ��.. ��..r��t}.��-.-.o - r :.o ✓.�.c.,e � ,� LZ' _ ! � 6 i - � � � �i `7 � ,, 7� Aepartment of Tecrinology and Management Services Real Estate Divisdon 140 City HaZI Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (6SI ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 Scatt Ruppert MediaOne 1100 North Concord Street South Saint Paul, MN 55075 �• Deu Mr. Ruppert: q9 -'�° �acati�n �'il+� #� 9'� �.� The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2. Brenner Addition No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Tawnship 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line af Brenner Addidon No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3/3011994. Sincerely, Gl" �`"`�"^'� �,�c�� Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-G4) t, CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE qq-�go THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT FAUL In the Mauer of Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallei with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: me �� q Oh� p6ES , nb\ b� c,� J� `�o �r; �S �� ��e MediaOne �o o� �� � ` v� �.� Its MINNESOTA Dakotah > Sign ure Th mstmm was xlmowledged befoie me this �� day of ��{ a�� . 1998-� by � ` /�Lc� f1 (� 6 � Z �! � Z- the L (JD r�i�-t !l � � ,.r � ✓�c/ � Q %t�� , unde� the laws of ihe State of Minnasota. �� �'�'��-, � F" '-'vF�'��// V :.. �;'. JEANNE A NIELSEN , N y rublic, Dat:otatreouary, M;nnesota. ; NOTARYPU8t1C-MINNESpTA � /� � � 3l � d � � �N�OTA COUNiY My commission e�ires (�}G'� �Y�Oncr�nC�irp3.,�7.31.1�00 �� '� * Piease return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 "" � I : I( '�. ���ti ( 72s-- �r<�_ f ° ��°' _ �� p � : � I� , °i i I / � J�' p � rr� �p � ' 6 � �p �_{� � �'" I I f 3 2 � h L� ' i� i 5 � 5 2 > -s � � � � � / � o � oa ` Q � /4 �� � �� �� I ' ' � ���R � 135 & ' � � � � ���� I . Za� i ' � 1 '°5 '� V� � , I � ` � � � � N i�' ou i �o � ,2 ° 1 ;� � � � � I c�a � r f � . . . ° i � ,� ;�� - ti � � i a ` �� ° ` � �l � � � i ,< i � � i f I � � ; .- . I r� 4 � � ° .� � � � -' �--------------------------° �! I ���� � t � I U7�LITY E57-tT. 5813-100 � z � i � /. \ � I ,, � � I = � � 16 � ��6 c.r;.� mo t f � I Z,. - � � l � � F J 1 � �� W w U1 7 I O � � C � T_II Q �� 2 J �' N . J �� � E � �' o us ,n m l rt �. P � V �K m ' � N � z S .c J I .. �. �Q � . . � � iQ 3 ��\ � .24 � II� F"�'� 3 � � PV9 'n 0.1 �.'� � � \.J z i . i.L�_1 I� � W � � � v .v � r J�J � � I � I � � ��� � 13 � 1 i � a¢� ¢ �' � � � �Q I � �. z's.,z � � " � � � � l s � � 1 5 � � 12 � � � { /35' � 1 j � z� •* ' � � '� 'o SS � � n 0 I 1p' U"il.l� c'\3.°., \�� l.T�}:� Ia. �A , cN� N �� 1 �. `�i� N n { i I � � q � � - i �� D �}Far Dtfci� at I �'1 9 �` $ .v -] _ �90 - � 9 '� 8 - - I of p 6° a„d P s« , � � ` O o n IT Y c� � a � u o hacL 76 ' �,a ` . ��S Lo bo \ � y0 ` /.` � ^ �._������. �, __�����.�� IS]:a �_. r 2 "pvEC � �"- �_ ^ �•__^•- �'�� ' 1G ✓.vOLK 2165^_ 2Y ��ARYLAi�D t I � m 5 �, oF S.W. % See„ZZ � l i i i � I i I i ' � ! ! ZZ ��66 � I i . � . � i 1 � � . i Lf � l ' , � ! ' � ' � ` � � � t I � I � � ! � � � ` __ -----I � --i --- � � I , � Departinent of Technology and Management Services Real &state Division 140 City Hald Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fcix: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1944 Bernie Bullert Water Utiliry 8 East 4th Street, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN 55102 It�. Dear Mr. Bullert: a�-�90 Va�ati�tn ��e # 9� C-4 The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2, Brenner Addition No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and paral3el with, the south line of the southwest quarter of 5ection 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3/30/1999. Sincerely, ��� Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) �, f. CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE - qq -'39'c� 'I'HE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII, OF THE In the Matter of CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 44-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallei with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: RECEiVE� �PR 1 s 1999 ��t�1! ES?P,7E pIVfSION Water Utihtv Bernie R. Bullert Its General Manager MINNESOTA RAMSEY � > ) �.�.0 � �u.�� Signature The fore oin instiument wu aclmowled ed befoie me this 14 th 1999 g g g dayof L�prl]_ , k99$ b Bernie R. Bullert �y, General Manager of the Saint Paul Water Utility , municipal corporation of the City of Saint Pau1 under the laws of the State of Minnesota. nnnMN`• x � SHIRLEY A- JONES � � NOTARY P�BLIC�MINNESOTA < : RANiSflY COU�T > `t�� MYCOmm.Ex?iresJan.31.2000 ; � WVbVV�VVVW A � �� My ** Please return this original copy to 140 City O �l St. Paul, MN 551 U2 ** I I � i Ii '�. �`���, i �2s'- �� � ���°' _ �� �0 \ ; I � _; � . .� c_,�''_'-.' �—r� , I t , ; � /, ` p 2 � s` ,5. 6 e �!.%� � �--�T 1 � . �? � O , , _ g � . � i i� i2 �� Q � `° '� q � Ct !4 � � � � � ItESFEO MIA�YER ? iss a. •' I I � UF Atl EASE�tEXiB zo i ' ' � °5 �'� v� 1 I I � ' j � � � � N� OU I L07 6 iz ° I �! 1 w � k-' � I � � r I ' ' .. .c� 1 � � c ' t I I t f � �� i . 1} � j f ' �� � � � i � i< � i , , l I , ; ; � - . � .0 �` I � � � � � � � --� �--------------------------- �L I �,�� � � � I � U7lLITY ESMT. ggj3-100" 4 z � ; �+. � � i \ � r� � - � �. , . �� I = ' 1 :� 1 � i j i s c.i.^.� „�0 4 i � � � � '� l I � i � � � Q yw Q . � z ; Z � 15 �if��-' QW� Z � v�: � �w i. _ i' �u�d . . �'o . m � � .� � ' o- � 2�.V�0+ ,. � N O Iv 3 b� � �4 I I wZ" 3 �� �/ ETN � �" n! \ I �I� �CO � PVT. � � ��\ , 9 - I I z ��i Z �'\�\��' I l ~ ¢¢w ' `� l --� � °' 4 `�' \`� � � 13 � I � a � '� ` I U � � Q� 1 i� f I � I. Z,B.,Z � •� m �T\ � � ' � � l ` 5 � J 12 I S , 4 �\ , I ,3s� � �, ., � � � ! '� � 'o SI � � , � +' n 10' Ur� u:'� fo�� y I � G � cAS�."I�t� \p UP `�"`ryGk N i � �� � � p Ip q �� � ' �For Da2�<i� a f� � g ` 8 7 ., �� ��' 9 ' 8 - 7 o p 60 ar,a Q s« O o n i r �, Y c�� . a o u o h¢cL 76 � " ` "= � N `,� �S Le bo S' Zp 4' � 11]La � (� �R �ovER .___�---_..^6 _. c ' ---^---^..-....-- _ _ �1"_---'"_—'_"' - 2163 2�{ \ = z4 ✓.vo/c i � �{s.w.ise�u-z9-zzl`�tARY � ,; i � � � � ; � i ' i � ; Z ` �;6 ( � � � � ; ; � : ( � � � � : ; , `' � � ! j . i � � i � —� — ---� ' —�- ---- ' ' � � �� — R�.urn copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall QR �G� { �Ai� ESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By � Referred To Comnrittee: Date 1 WHEREAS, on December 26, 1963, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Council File Number 215995, approved 2 the peution of Alexander M. Barac and The Schneider Company to vacate and discontinue as gublic property the 3 following property described as follows : 4 5 McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Secfion 6 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the northline of Brenner Addiuon No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and, 7 8 WHEREAS, a representauve of the property owner have requested the release of these easements, 9 10 WHEREAS, easements where retained that are no longer needed by the property owner except for Northern States 11 Power Company- Gas Distribution; and, 12 13 WHEREAS, That, with the accompanying Ufility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntazily on 14 behalf of U.S. West Communications, Incorporated, Northern States Power Company-Electric, District Energy St. Paul, 15 Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated, MediaOne, The Water UUlity, and The Aepartment of Public Works, made a 16 part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of 17 these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above. 18 19 THEREFORE BE IT I2ESOLVED, that Council of the City of St. Paul hereby releases all easements in the vacated 20 property described above. 21 22 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and condiUOns set forth in Council File Number 215995 2 3 Shall remain in force and effect. Adopted by Council: Aate � Adoptio Certified by Council Secr By: Appro d y May r: ate By: r Requested by Departrnent of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services By: \,��L./.�'�/`��Gvz��� Director Form Appr ed by City Attorney B ������. y z�- 9 � l by May�r�'or Submission to Council � ,� � Council File # Rq-3q0 Green Sheet # �3�'t l't � r- a - � 9g -��►o T.M.S.I��+ ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3/31/1999 Green Sheet Number: 63719 OIlt3Ct PBiSOII dIId P}LOIIO NUIDUBT- 'L EPARTMENf DIAECTO�{,� / 4 CITY COIINCIL .` Peter White 266-8850 ]. ITY HTTORNEY 5 ITY CLERK ostbeonComa7Agendaby: 4/23/�.999 IIaEl` DIRECPOR PFICE OF FINHNCIHL SVCS. e be on couneil ayeaaa sg.: 4/27/1999 3 YOR (OR ESSIST OR`AL # OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAmi3RE) CTION REQIIESTED: PR 1999 To amend Council PYIe Number 215945, dated December 26,1963 to vacated and discontinued public roperty located at McAfee and Maryland. This would amend the resolution so as no�►�@��sements re uested b the resent re resentitive of the ro e owner. o�DETIONS: 9PPROVE (A) OR RESECT �R) gagONAL SBRVICE CONTRACTS M[75T ANS[QSli T� FOLLO➢IING: Has the personjfirm evar workad under a Contiact for t]�is epaLtmCata YSS NO rxaertasnc coeassssxov A srxrr Aas this person/firm ever beea a City employee? YSS NO CML SERVSCE C019�]IS5ION Does this personjfirm possass a skill aot normally possessed by Y Y85 NO curYeat City eug�loyea3 CI8 COI@IITTEE Explaia all YSS aaswexs on a se arate shaet and attach. PORTS WE[ICH COONCIL 087ECTNBT COVNCIL WARD(S) 6 DISTRICT PLANNING COIINCIL 7 13STIATING PROBLffi, ISSUB, OPPORTUNITY (Who� What� When� L4hera, Why?): o remove easements that were requested to be removed by representatives of the property owners. AGSS IF APPROVBD: emove unnecess easements . ISADVANPAGES IF APPROVSD: y t � one. ISADVANPAGBS IF NOT APPROVED: nnecessary easements will be retained. OTdL AMODNT OP TRANSACTIODi: COST/RSVENUL HQDGETED (CIRCLS ON6) YES NO ING SOiTACB: ACTIV'ITY NOAffiSR: INF�lICIAL INFORMZ�TION: (SXPLASN) �q . 39fl COVER S�IEET McAfeel?vlaryland RELEASE OF EASEMENTS FILE # 99-C-4 CERTIFICATE5 Utility or Deparbment US West Communications NSP Electric Division NSP Gas I?istribution MCI Metro District Energy and Cooling Continental Cablevision Public Works Water Uulity Certificate Sent March 24, 1999 March 24, 1999 March 24,1994 March 24,1999 March 2�4, 1999 March 24,1999 Match 24,1999 March 24,1999 Certi�cate Received �[t��'-� �/ ��� �� a�� � � � � � `i 3 -�q 3} 3, � �� 3�. 3���� �� ����� RESOLUTION Routed Agenda Date/Approval County Filed/Received (99-C-4) �� ;' � I � C � �"�'S �7. I f , \ \ �Q/i, � ��; � � > � `' , ' I � � .-�� \ � � I� �--J � �� 3 p� 2 � � fo� � 1 i� 1 S� c 5� �S I � � '2 � 9 � \l0 `'� i O ' l 2 6 � d C� ���� � ( 1 � . i�o°a � .��, � � � � ! � UEfiFEOylIdyER �f � � � � � OFALL EASE),!''cNT3 ' �ss & ( � � I Z � � o� a , � i , � t; „ I I r�, i �`? Iu1 OUILOI g � � � m l c � r } - � ' � (2 � I i i ,�� _ ° { � � ; �� � � , � � ; . �� � J I� � � ` . _ . ! ' ' � t '� � � ' . � � � � � n � � � — � �---------- ° .I�` ___ � � � U?ILITY ESM7, — — — — ��i� V ' � ` w � ., . � � 5 813-100` y :� "� I_ _ �.. r • '. . . � }— � 1 :�. 16 �; s c.i. . �� C� . �------.__ _ � � _" _' —� � ���o O I { i �. � � z I 2 ��f� y z ., I. O � F �. � ZJ � �� Q' a�' -� Z � � ' ¢w� � � f—' i� 3 0 p i �<Q=' . w N Z 1 z � . \ � 14 ���� rE� 3 � � 7 � ETN J �� '.. �\ � ( i . PY 7: � " �.v I } �Ll� � 9- � �- `� � \,�� 13 ; f " <a� 4 7 IJ Q =' �J L1� �• z's.,z � � � � a� ,� .. I 5 � U\ � ' ^ � � �? v ..� 2 � S r i zi . r �\ J � ' u /3S' � ' � � . , io• � ° 11 I � � VY't1iY < r < � a ' .� '� ,Q , L�\l,� /o. � . � \ ���F:� � 4 p N �P � t � � 9 9 8 7 � w I '� '76 �j �� • o `o -° ?p 9 • 8 7 C � �i � Q'H : � ° n ',0 50 ir '� u a r] ovE4�1 . �•�S o . _ /6 ✓ ,�v-. L o 6 D r 2a r . � 2465^_��•����... � �.����--.�_.-_ � �' ' � __ .-._— ��-��..���..�.�...�.� ❑]�._-._, t 0 � , .� �—s�. �fS.� `.�� =4 ��o,�a j I ! ' ; � i i i �I r I � � � � ' ! ' � YL � i � ; , � � , � f ; �t�6 � ! i I ! ! � 9q -39° OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1963 1195 �. ier L. Fi- ,y mt d- ed �er L. a a nd of ?0, to -•r_ :as es ng itY on iid ks s be A. is: irs :°a on zw �er �te >er Council Fi1e No. 215a59 — Hy Milton Rosen— Resolved, That upon the petition of Alexander ➢i. Ba:ac and The Schneidei Company the section of publlc streei here�nafter described, be and the same is cacated and tiscontmued as pub3ic street, viz: ilqcAtee Street froin East \4aryland .9ce�ue to the estending north ]ine of Brenner Addrtion No. 2, being the north ]ine of Lot 1. Block 3, antl Lo[ 16, Block 2 of said addition estende0; sub�ect expiesslp to the iollowivg con- <inim�s and reser��ations: 1. A71 the contlitions, reservations and pmv�smns contained in ChapteY �28 nf the Samt Paui Legisiative Cnde, enacted December 18, 1957, as amentled. 2 That the peLtioners, without cost to the City of Saint Paul. shall con- cev, or cause to be conceyed. unto said C�ty, by deecl oi com�eyance, approved Uy the Corpora[ion Coun- sel, tor puhlic alley purposes, a per- petua] pubLC easement ior pubLc aliey tw�nnround pivposes, mvermg lanci �butting said section oE puUlic street Uereby proc�ded to Uc vacnted, on the nm'ti� e�nUracing a Ctmulnr �rea �cith a nvnimum radius of 50 £eet 3. The bond proe'idetl {or in saitl ordinance, to be 61ed Uy said peU- t�oners, is hereby ficed �t the sum o[ S3,000. d Said pet�tioners shall pay to the City of Saint Paul the sunt of 54.000, toge[her u�ith the rosts o£ this vaca- Lon proceecimg Adopted bc the Council Nocember 20. 1963 APP�'a�ed \ocemUer 20. 1963. (NO�'e�r.ber 23, 1963) Council File No. 215561 — By Ja�nes J. Dalglish—Bernard 2. Hollan�l— _lI�lton Rosen— Resolced. Th�t the actian vf the Board o£ Water Commissioners in ap- procing and authorizmg ihe executimi on Uehalf of said Board of a proposed form of agreemeni with the City o£ Frid7ey, a copy o£ sa�d agreement being marked Eshib�t ' A", attached hereto and incorporated herein bq reference, �rhah proposed agreeme�:t provides Eon granting perYmssion to ihe City of Fridley to locate certain o£ its public �vater mains or otiier pub]ic �corks upon easements and other p:ouerties of said Hoard as set 3orth in the Resolution adopted by said Bosrd on the 13tR day af Novembeq 1�63. hereby �s m all things ratifled, agwoved and adopted, and the proper Gty o7iicers are hereby authorized and directecl to esecute on Uehalf of said Board and the City oE Saint Paul said proPosed agreement. Ad�pted bc the Council November 20, 1963 �lpproced Soeember 20, 1963. I (\ocember 23, 1963) , Counc�l F�Ie tio 215562 — 215563 — 215a6} — 23a363 — Resolved, That checks be drawn on the C�ty Treasurv, to the aggregate 2mount o£ $297,59U90, covering checks � numbered 90467 to 406"a6 inclusive. as per checks on file in tPe otSlce of the C�Ty Comptroller. Adop[ed by the Councii November 2D, 1963. Approved NovemUer 20, 1963. (NOVe�nber 23, 1963) Coimcil Fi7e No. 215567 — By Milton Rosen— LVhereas. C]aude E. Duke, and Thomas F, Carroll, employes of the DeparGnent o£ PubLC Works of the City of Smnt Pau7, were injured in a third party accident on July 31, 1963, �vhile engaged m the performance of the�r dut�es for said Depar[ment of PuUlic Works: and Whereas. On beha7i o£ said C]autle E. Dulce, the Qty has incurred med�cal eapenses in Ute amoiuit of $-1�00 and has P�kt workmen's compensaLOn Uenefits to said emP�aSe in the amount of $18.00 for loss of time froin work; and on Uehaif of said Thomas F. Carroll the City has incurred medical expenses in ti�e amuunt o£ $3000; a�d Whereas. A settlement hns been through their counsel, Bernard N. Litmmi, and the third party mvolved in said accident nnd induded m said settlement the Crty will recerve full reimUtrcse�nent Sor jts medical ex- penses and compensabun P��� on be- h�1f o£ its emP�oyes. ]ess 25 pet cent attorney Sees to saitl Bernard N Lriman, now. therefore, be it Rerolved, That the proper City offi- cers are hereUy authonzed to accept and entlorse Arafts £rom the insurer of said third party 7m�olved m said accident, to deposit the same to the Worl:men's CompensaGOn Accowit and to Pay out of said settlement a sum equal to 2'a per cent of the same to sa�d Bernard N. Lilttian, as and £or altorney � tees for the recovery o£ the City's subrogation elaim: and the proper City ofEmers are hereby author- �zetl to esecute any necessary re- leases in connection wfth said settle- ment. Adopfed by the Counc�l Noce�nber 21, 1963. Approved NovemUer 21, 1�63 (November 23, 1963) Council File No. 215'a68—By Bernard T. Holland— � Resolced, 2hat the Council af the City of Saint Paul hereby awards to the Legal Ledger, Inc-, the contract Eor printittg antl publishing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, during the year 196d, a11 ordinances and resolu- [ions or abstracts thereo£, and other proceedings and matters required un- der the Charter or by resolution or ordinance of the City Coimcil to be published in a daily newspaper printed in Englsh, including resolutions oE [he Board o£ Education, or abstraMs tor the 1964, �e of $I.50 per 3olio ion, $.40 per £olio £or subsequent insertion �r, and S 50 per folio matter; also to print Form 100 copies o£ of the Council {or to Ue prepared by 1302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Council File No. 215988 — By Bernard to be vacated. on the xwcth embracing T. Holland, by tequest— a circuIar area with a minimum radius Resolved, By the Council oF the City of 50 feet; o£ Saint Paul, that Cnapter 851, i,a�vs 3. The bond provided £or in said of Minnesota £or 1963. approved the Chapter 228, to be hled by said pet�- 23rd day of bfay, 1963, entitled: tioners, is hereby fi<ed at th TO fied cop3' of w h i c h is filed �h, sha11 be and said Act hereby I1 thinas approved; ved Further, That the City as the chief clerical officer o£ ty oF Saint Paul. shall file with �retarv of State. as of Decemfier . 000.00; " e sum Said petitioners shall pay to the o£ Saint Paul the sum of $i,ppp,pp '.her with the costs of this vacatioc eeding; be it rther Resolved, q'ha[ this resolu- shall be deemed to supersede the ' resolution of the Council of the of Saint Paul, on the same su6- designated CouneLL File No. 2t55'ap, oced November 20. 1963. opted bS the Council December 763. proved December 26, 1963. (December 28, 1963) ----�-' �-°�-��-- Cauncil File No. 215996— by the Attorney General stating the peterson— BY Robert F. essential facts necessary to said ap- proval oE said Act hereunder and in- Resolved, That the Council heveby cluding a copy o£ this resolution of concurs in the recommendation of the approval of said Act. Purchasing Committee therefor and Adopted 6y the Council December herebl' awartls contract for furnishing. 28, 1963. deLVering, instalLng and ]easing of Approved December 26, 19fi3. bIECHANIZED FILING EQUIPERENT (December 28, 1963) to the City of St. Paul. Deoartme.,r �� Council File No. 215994 — By Mi7ton 3'ears—to DIEBOLD, IPICORPOE Rosen— in accordance with City specifi� Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent and the Formal Bid No. 9557 � be and he is hereby authorized with Diebold. Incorporatetl £or the the epnsent of the ComptrolLeq to Price of 51214.35 per month. ma purchase £rom PAUL'S CYCLE SERV- toWl of �$29,144.4D £or twenf ICE, INC. three Estnte Model Cu=_hman months, either party having the Tractois at a total cost Of $3300.00 to cancel Upon 30-tlays �vr�tten without advertisement or competitrv�e ��ter fir;t six months of agre b�ds pursuant to Section 290 of the has ercpired, with option to pu Charter of the C�ty of St. Pxul as thu �t unit bid prices therefor, su� is a patented i[em. bemg the lowest and said L a Adopted by the Council Dec¢mber �ounset be antl hereby is authorized 26, 1963. to draw uP the proper Eorm of contract Approvetl December ?6, 1963. therefor and the proper C�ty officiats (Decem6eo 28, 19G3) are hereby dmected to execute said . cantract on behalf o£ the C�ty of St. Paul. Council Fii¢ No. 2159'J5—By Robert F. Formal Bid No. 9557. F. Peterson— Adopted by the Council December Resolved. That upoa the petition af 26. 1963. Alexander M. Barac and The Schneidei ApAro��ed December 26, S�J63. Company. the sectwn of pubiic stred (Decembex 28, 1963) hereinafter described, be and the smne is vacated and d�swntinued as a public =treet, viz: Council File No. 215997 — By M�lton McAfee Street £rom East NIary7and Rosen— Avenue t0 the estendmg north line gesolced, That t0e Council hereby of Brenner Addition No. 2, being concurs in tlie recommendation of the the north line of Lot I, Bbck 3, ancl Contmct Comm�ttee and iejeMS all Lot 16. Block 2, of said addition Uids ceceived for fucnishing and deliv- estended; enng to the Department of Public subject esyressiy to the follo�ving cun- 4VaNcs. Bureau of Mumcipal Equipment. ditions and resetvations: 891 Noeth Dale Street. Sai�t Paui, Min- l. A71 the cond�t(ons, reservations nesota, Two HytlrauLCatly-oFerated and provisions contained in Chapter Aeria! Ladders with Uti]ity Bodies for 228 oF the Safnt Pavt Leg�slati��e Codc, the reason th�t nm�e o£ the bidders enacted December 18, 195Z as amended; submi[ted structural ana7ysis and cal- 2. That the peti[ioners. withouf cost culatiw�s in suRicient detaii to analyze to the City oF Saint Paul, shall convey the ladder assembly. It is recommended or cause to be conveyetl unto snid that this equipment be re-advertised City. by deed oF com�eyance, approved and bids requested again. by the Corporation Coimsel, for public Fonnal Bid No. �J531. alley purposes, a perFetual pubtic Adopted by fhe Council December easement fot public alley turnaraund 2G, 1963. purposes. covering land abutt�ng said Approve�i December 26. 1963. section of puUlu street hereby provided � (December 28, 1963) g4-3qc Council F Vaypuli of�{he �Cit se��bY ar. ance e a cover xter a8e f. ontY aama: 30 a short- 19fi4aa�d s, liab��ity as and d=ath $300,000.00 �i erty damag� Resolved I insurance s} of the City � vide exc�s �ehicles, dr m lea� norr. Adopf d 26, 1963. ApProvea i (De PRELI) Councit File Rosen— Wl�ereas, q mak¢�g of the viz" Reconstruct sides of Chestr soutbeast to t} biinn. & Ome w�th an integra tloing al! other sary and incidc im provement. h the Council of ; thereFOre, Ge it Reso7vect, That P��bLc 4VorBS be �nd <lirected: �' To invesLg �>�' tlesirzibilrtl' a: �mprovement. �� � T� �nvestiga esnmatetl �� ntent, anA the tai �i. To furnish a �'f said improven' 4 � To state whe P�'ovement is aske of t}�ree o� more 5. To �'ePOrt ❑. K�i��g maiters to i Finance. Adopted by the C 1963. APProced Decem (Decembe Council File No. Rosen_ Whereas. A vvntte maki�g nf the follo viz.: Heconstruct the north sitle of 7th 5 to Wacouta St. anc tegral curb-sitle�valk othec work which is ��denta7 to comptete . Depart�nent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Divisian 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 Regina Trujillo US West Com�iuications 700 West Mineral Littleton, CO 80120 ��. Dear Ms Trujillo: � -'1qo �'FeErvE� ��� � � ��9g � �fi��F Df(//Sipry �?aca�i�n �Yt� # 99 C� The property owner of Lots 1 thru 15 Block 2 Brenner Addition No. 2 has requested a waiver of ali easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to elnninate a11 easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3l30/1999. Sincerely, Glene� �T � "„� Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-G4) J CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE q,9 - �'ta THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaLf of the indicated departrnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiliry rights in the realry described below: McAfee St*eet lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Mannesota except as here noted: us wes� co�,��uons �ts � C� � ^OLOR.=yO ARAPAHOE b � e of _ �J� �\ �� under the laws of the S , a``o ��pP 5Uq��'� `9 '� T % i � �Y ��*$ Notary Pu "c, .� oe County, Colora o. 7c �f�� _ (�( (,..� � � � V�/ � � ' - My commission expires � li� • i .� : puauc : o , � ���r�� > Signature "* Please �'�,�„� original copy to '140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** My commtsston �Expires 1+ � ' ; : , , , ; , , , , r ! �` ; ; i ! ! � � ' i � 9� -'�9.`° � � 9g� � � � ; � ; . ; � zz � i I � f 1 ! ' � � I � l '' �� a r. t� �,�� d ��zZ-3 � - n , iS ��� S f� �7 �S -� � s9.Z � � o�� . r� -+� z— a .o.�--. • ��.._. — _ — — _..� e_ccl _�..���.�����_.._---�_��' � __����_��� I'D3no L� I� _... ,. 9/ , '� �OZ � � a � s . � Y1 { ��c. �Jp[, \ � . 'o y �_ v 2 ` 0 0 0 � �� �>S Jb P: "�� ` Os u � ° i� L-� g o 6 ^ � . L S \ 6 � tt Il �» �,v��Q .,i � � ` � Q � �i n I � i� � N , LNi%✓ a p 1 \ .� i �` 4. ! -^=. 1 �;�,�'�' ''�-r;!,n o � � { � � ° � i ra ° ° � i I , ,, +. ,_ � � ,se� � � �� � e �; s � Z t A �. 5 I rn , I b \n \\\\ n "" + .� \`' \ ` 21'9)Z. l � 1 �� b I n` � � <_ � � �r � � �{ �' �� � -�r ;� I �\ \^` � � I rn""' I i 1 "�� \�. � � I -6 in • ,Z SAd � � £ o�m �I, � "\�\ A --� � N13 � ZA { } v'l - A � � u � � N �l � �a�n'�c ; � \ °' � z � co • p�m � ' � AI o ' � . c z `� � ,9 • W4 SZ � z 1 � .�,� � ZN �ll,, � Z i o �,L� 6� j �' I 7�. . I �J ' � ' - t— l 9 x' �;,. T _� = I , � .� —,�� 9 . � � r� � � .-�.� . . ,... i � � I C I. .. . � Z i �'1 �oot-eias •�wsa x!rnsn � � � IILI I� � _ _ _ � _ � _ � _ _ _ � � � � _ _ _ _ � � � _ _ . � � } � I � { ��� � ( � �I v 1 y � ' � � � �_� ' - . ' � � f 1 i i , i i i >� � t � � . i { ° Fi �� � � � r � � I f � , - � � � I � � � � G� Zt ' y� N I � O g _��1 ��� i� � I � � � I f j �o �� �o � ! I � °z &�ttr3+'c�s�� 7tv �0 � � 1 1 � 1� B ssi � �i3AfYMQ3l.3 , ( � � l � � ��' o � � t� so�, `<<z, : � � I i z s � : •' �' I _ i � � ,5 1 , s, ✓� � z.i,Jj d �, , i �` � � °� .. � ��6 \� �'k -�sz�, ti�.%.ob; �o. �, � � %� � 2 Qq-�w� Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Divislon 140 City Hald Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAU� Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26 1999 Mazk Nelson N.S.P. - Gas Disuibuuon 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, Mn 55117 Phone: (651) 266-8850 Fax: (651) 266-8855 R E�EIVE D R � P � r993 o�visro _ . _ . _ _ _ _.. Suh,�ec�, ;, : �a�aiian ��� has be�ii glatte�. and.�ias.a new �r�perty �scriptia�: Deaz Mr Nelson: The Certificates of Non-Use have to be reissued, because the azea has been platted. This makes the oid legal description incorrect which was on the other certificates. Piease sign and notarize the new certificates. Sorry about the that. The representatives of this property did not know these easements were on the property. They found out about them from a tiUe company. "I`hey were setting up closings on the property. Needless to say the representauves wouid appreciate it if you could return the certificates as soon as possible. Thank you for trouble. If you have any question do not hesiate to call me at (651) 266-8862. Sincerely, �� p� Glenn Picha Real Estate Division (6-99 platted) R ` � i CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE °lg -�°w THE HONORt�BLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL Vacauon File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the reaity described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. exceptas here noted: p `+ �na� �. 2� T �aS�'iG N'�a.�. �+.. .'{'�ls ot.'P�_ /-�s �a^� °�5 �J J 't�'C, cM-m.l.� L s �'��� �"` P�a.<..e � f.�/� �..�n, ✓d.c.�.�� ..�� 9 Y�5-f a � �� , n Y�tc:.r��ieS , `j ec� A.F e�� � a t�twZ..,� S ^}-6 � c��a 2 �5 - N.S.P. - Gu Distributian IYS � s �� Pr�ti°�e � • MINNESOTA � � xaMS� ) by oF ..-�`-' Signature "' � The foregoi instcument was acla�owledged before me this J day of �a dG T`�'�i/� � LQi'��" Ihe G= �1Y !�¢.8 f N � p a C4G! C �f' 1 7/� under the lavrs of the State oF iVUnnesota. Mj' COIll21115Si0Il CXZIITPS l 0 Qo � ._ z� z � �� t � U m mz �w n. : ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Halt, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** .', . ,-.-y Departntent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-885a Saint Paul, MN 55102 Faz: (65I ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL I3orm Coleman, Mayor March 26,1999 q°l - �°lo � Mark Nelson N.S.P. - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 R€�_; ' - �'�eaficin Fii� # 99 �-4 Aear Mr. Nelson: The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2, Brenner Addition No. 2. has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet anorth of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3t30/1999. Sincerely, Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) ` a q -�,� �L9 = ��I z i d --� �o � _ L���na �b � ,1l ,9 - N s wav�� � -� � � W � W W V � 41 � � � � 521313W £ • S2l313W Z� - - - - - u - - � 1 -� ' N W � _ _ �' _ _ _ `� � « �� « � �9 L k�j/� „ \�. y� � , � �. / T ., � �•�� ! '• l�v!r � � 1 ti 1' ��/ '� ti V 1 � ,��' ,`' o �, rn FZ� � � ` ZL ° �'�.. � � � J � ,, , ° � , � -_, �~ � , � � � `, � •�, r �� ��� . � a ��-� �S �� �SZ� i�_ ! : � ,, OSZ ��G �� : ,_• , - '�l I�� ..:� � �-�8 � ' 3d �.� , a �9 I ' f E e _�S � � £9t�tr/�Q _� �, � ,z � � b � -- � � - s - r - r - r3r - r�r -- �w�i I�Iw1 IWI � I � I I� I A I I� 1 � _ 1.. 1 ��4 1_ 1�J_ __ W • 1 r� ; S Z l' � � L� Z l•', C3� N�� � _� � tr '� � I N , I IE— ,�j� � � ;� (�,� � I � � � � � � � -� �r • �-- 1 't�� Z l• 1� 7 !— i � u (. �,l1 s..__� i _ _ ; —' � �- - --�-o-, 1 � I----� �-��1 i � -- -�x ' i � � �_� � _ � -- � � �--, � , �__ i , _ F---i � � �--i ' ' H�___� �'7 � � � �i��d „ Z � w �_ �_J—�_ w �y�F� � � 'i ' _J N� 1 n . . . . � J W , T �—��� -� - -v � _ i -- i -- � ---� l�z��e u ssz;� ; 3 2i 1_l NL�2f_ .� __ �- T-' 1 1 � �,� - � �,�—Q - f . � w� N � � � � �G � ---� w ; O i U'I i I � �nd a�ve�� — � Y � 16 V 1 � I a I � � I � I � I � � � � I � I � I O ` � ` � y s� a °� �� � s�` ,��,� � S� � �°¢ �o`�' Q M � �� C � �! � n�. � � �� � 4 � � � �o � � ��� �� � ��� c,� 0 � Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-8850 �aint Paacl, MN 55102 Fax.• (651) 266-8&55 � �, CfTY OF SAiNT PAUL d�q�'3 ��f Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 Lori Pagel Northem States Power Lo. 414 Nicollet Mall - 7th Fl. Mittneapolis, MN 55401 �•, _ Dear Ms Pagel: 'L?a�a�i�n �7ile # 9����4 The property owner of Lots i thru 16. Block 2. Brenner Addition No. 2. has :equested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet nortti of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Faul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3l30/1999. Sincerely, � "-" .,�,,.. _ �� Glenn Picha Rea1 Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE ag-aao RECEIVED THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS oF � cornvcII, oF � QP� fl� i95g In the Matter of CI'fY OF SAINT PAUL REAt ESTA7E DIViSIpn! Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: 1�1 a ��,, Northern States Power Co, ItS Re E Representative rr�ti ) ��l,s� _ `���, ��fiLr� > Signature HENNEPIN � 11te foregoiag instsument was aclmowledged befoce me this 15 t 3� pg April 199y, by Vera-Mae Kasprowicz � real estate representative of N orthern State Power Company a Minnesota Corporation under the laws of the State of �finnesota. �nr � �. . MARGARET M. MAAHS l NOTARYWJBUC-AqHdESOTA ' �� iAy Carunts�+On EXpiesJan.31. 2J00 a '` * Piease return this originai copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paui, MN 55102 ** iclry� � �23; - �� { >\��' ^. � � ; � , ' ; j , 0 `3 �� r ` S 6 ° �� � ` : 2 � � � I �� / i 5 2 i -, . � , , <,., 3 ���`. � l 1Q 34° � � � i �2 � � �? , � 1� / � � � 4 ��� � ^c ������ � !35 & .j ' � iYl�ili7.lir y(' ��•S Za i i i t; �� ,3 �� l l ' � ` � y y i r' � ��� OU i �0"i E !2 � i � ' cv 1 w I � � � r 1 ' 'o S � ' c i � � J 1 j i �; . » ° 1 � . �� 1 � � � � �< s � � t � ( ! ' ; . ... i � � � j . � � + -� ------------------------ �I � I '- �7t� ' I � 1 S UiILIiY ESMi. 58�3-100' I z ` - , i � i \ � ,r . f W i , s c.�._ . �( ' i = �. � �� i �2— ,� ��,o f � � I ' ' ' "'� i � � . � � �L1 y� q Q 2 . 1 z , c 35 �� °' Q �' Z ° U � ,� . . � ` w . ..�� � m � N � � I � r c < V � m � . J Q i a 3 v� .24 { �� r N ETN ` � �� �►�\, � ll� �<° 3 �� Pvr. z, . � s- � z �� � "� �}Y aQ� ' ��1 � � � °_' .�, \ � � 13 � { � _� LL ¢ s U \ a � � z,s.,z �� � " ( m �\ � � � ^ f I 5 '� � .2 2 1 -S � 1 � `� � l ,�s. i z, ., '\ ; � �� o rz � � � 0 r � 10' V �,> :� !o • � y � }���i c '�S�NI�]y \ 1.�� l.T J:,cNLA, N 4E � . tt � - ° h q ` } i � br at I� � 9 A 8 7 - - 10 " 9• 8 - � o� p 60 3r�dp¢ Sct �� � o o ° � o � >acz 76 � �^y iO • `= � V N +� ��s oe c,> � zo i - �� 'ovECf � _ ��__..�_. /6 _ ` v ��� .�_�� �___.^__._.._..�_ u � _. _..� + r »�-�' � _�• a xA .....o�.c� � 2„5 �� s, 4. � s. �. � s �ZZ-zg-zZi��l A RY L A i 1 D r� ,.� zz" � i I i t I � i ' ; ° 6 � � i � � � � � � . i " � i , i i i 1 —`- --__ . � i ' i `. � - -- —� � � j � 1 �� � '� MC! f�/ORLD�'011/� April 8, I949 Mr, Glenn Picha Real Estate Techaician City of St Paul Dept. of Technalogy & Mgmt. Services Reai Estate Division 140 City Hall S� Paul, MN 55102 a 9 -�9 NaSional SuppoR f 7nveAi�tions Thpt 2855 Loc 642 uso ��;ae ai�a Ricl�ardwq T'X 95482 RECEIVED APR 9 2 1999 REAL ESTATE DiViSION REF: Easement Waiver, McAfee St. from E. Maryland Ave, to Brenner Addytion #2, TMS Dept. File #99-C-4 MCI REF: 1320-1999 Dear Mr. Yicha: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been determined that MCIWoridCom does not have facilities within your pro,}ect azea. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the iocal One Ca11 System at least 48 hours prior to anp construcrion. You should address conespondence concerning any future projects to the attention of Nationat Supportllnvestigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with this project, glease do not hesitate to call John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, � �� Brenda Stamper Narionai Support / Investigations � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 David Urke District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. ?5 Wes± Kello�g Bo�?levard Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��. Dear Mr. Urke: Department of Techno{ogy and Management Services Real Estate Division 140CityH¢ll Phone: (651)266-&&50 Satnt Pacsd, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 a9 -'sq° � . . - � . - - � ���'�IDII �� � �l �-� The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Biock 2, Brenner Addiuon No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Rea1 Estate I7ivision, as addressed above, by 3130/1999. Sincerely, � `-� i.c� Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) ' CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE . q 9 -�q�o THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL, OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of ffie indicated depamnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying beiween a line 43 feet north of, and pazallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Ranae 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. FtEGEVVE �1AR 3 � `� # RECEIVED RECEIV�� MAfl�. � � y �'A� : - REA�:yfd,T� �1� g�1;ESTPTEDivt�t0� R�A`�ES?x,�:;,,.,�,,,,, D�strict Eneiev and Cooline St Paut, Inc, MINNESOTA RAMSEY � > ) It5 � y^2 S � �.�t �`�'. Signaeure The foregoing ins[nunent was aclmow]edged before me this CJQ �" day of /, 1, �-�✓''Cih.., , 799$, by �%d.¢.YS �� 1I� 4GLa.�Cstw^ ,the � 1 2S . cb-.._A of •.0 1 Ceo��� S`�. undzr the ]aws of rhe State of Minnesota. J cl.n,MnnMMJ�nnnMnMMMAM1N`/N�`�`� i � � TRUDY L. SHERWOOD 4���_� NQTAn'Y PI�BLIC-MINNESOTA ���j+� wASNS�croNCOUnn My Comm. Expites 1an. 31, 2000 � V V W W W�VV W V1NN�N�IMIWV'�'W R �u � 5-�-,-waod Notazy Public, Ramsey Co "nnesota. My commission expiies � LL{� . 3� o( Q p O / "* Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** �� i ._' U � � � � I � z � � I = ( � 1 � 4 � O � � � z � m �723;_ °\ `}°''' �� ' j � o� ` r;=r, � f '> i / ^ �p� , —3 2 2 � , � / p � y s 6 0 ' -" % S ` �°�? �'� t q9 �'� � � �> �� �QO� «- � � i � ttESTEbY!ldYEB ' ,3s a -� � � OFALl.EAS�f18 zo � ; �� >> �� � � � { � 1 �, �� r � i OUILO� B t2 ° 'r` ' � � 1 �JI ` , � I i � 1� � � 1 . � � � �� :� � ' ' 1, � � � i ` ° . � i � ! �----------------------=--- j� - �„� � � UTIl1TY ESMT. 5813-140' - i � � \ � � � 6 e.r. • � � � 1 � � I —� � �.� t,�a _ , - �� � � . , F I �{ z '' t� • N W `t z5 �, °' � 2 � 0.�� 2 '' U-_� � � � 4 �,, �. 0 i. w m ', '� p, � 7� U� 4 m ,, �( � N �� 3 � � �� � II� WZ � 3 7 1 �C, ETN � FQ O � pvr. � � 9 ' zi . � s 1 Y -�Y=� � � � � � , ls i l =y� � � U `� �� I i� °�cc zig.�z � " { .� �� � ( � i s r, v � 2 � �- r � ti , � \ � � i35' � zi .� � t� 'a - 11 � � a n � n � 10' Ur� J:�{ lo • e `h 1 I � iliY E�3C.�-N �°• Lm `�l"MLNT c�i 4 1 0 � F q � � >r Dtf<:/ Q t�� �� a 8 '7 _ �O � 9 •� 8 - 7 of � 60 o � �.�y� S<c �, � � o o " '� o P�s 76 , � < � - � > >s ae 6o r zo ,.- i6,. � ' tn ^._._ �1 �o�ERf ° ____----- ------______ _ � •^^—+__—•—J— �� - 15 V�vol4 1 2„ ' � .� 5 �. �{ s . �v. y se .zz-zq-zz�`�1 A R Y A i�f D r � , b zz' � � i ! i 1 I 1 1 ! ; �66 ; I i � � . ( i � � j _ i ` - � ' ; ! i 1 � I f � -� --'— � � —�- ---- ' � � ' �� - � s � Departn�ent of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651 } 266-8850 SaintPaul, MN 55702 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY (JF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 31, 1999 Linda Dickhut Department of Public Works 800 Ciry Ha11 Annex Saint Paul, MN 55102 ��i _ _ Dear Ms Dickhut: 99 - 3�fl ����i€�in �1� # 9J: ��4 The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2. Brenner Addidon No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parailel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Srenner Addition No. 2, Saint Pau1, Minnesota. The purpose of ihis request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3t3�/1999. Sincerely, � f� �—" "`� Gienn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) , -�, CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE 99�aqo THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacarion File # 99-G4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated depar[ment or company, that it does not iniend to exercise its utility rights in the realry described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet ttorth of, and parallei with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paui, Minnesota. except as here noted: Department oF PubLc Works Its �jR�C-r-z>� Mm��soTn ) �,�,�¢� > Siguature RAMSEY � The foregoing insvument wu acknowledged before me this c.���(2 day of // 113"/��� . 199f�, bY % �ma_S <Z: ��G U�l .�e .7�i,P�� r of ��� O� �l/3L /Cr+ �O � S , a �l//(/%L j�/'�G �D�,�D�i�/�d� under the laws of the Siate of Mtnaesota xMAh.VN..v�hhNVw"�t...... � CYNTFiiA ANSE b'+'GG;, ' t�TARYPUBUC-M!NNESOTh RAMSEYCQUN7Y 1Ar47mm�tkn ExdresJan 31, 2600 � ti s �t.YY�3t�T�.t,� QM'1�`�— 7itr� No Public, Ramcey County, Minnesota. My commission ezpiies �.lilY� . � c�l!'2S� (�— ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 551U2 ** �� t °, f ! � U o��- � � � � 0 � z � � m For Ditc i� n t 3.-.d s�t hact 76 vi y � � �A-� .�, i 7 � i _ � \Cj 'G � �� Q � ! � �o r _�,.,, � > - _ �c � � �o �._r� � . � p� 2 � �S � i i �' S 6 �tl ti i � / � 1to o ` ��1• �� � 'l !4 1 ! � ItESFEDYG�YER ' �ss a I � � 4FA11EASEIAFXfB zo� I � �� �� �� ` � 1 ( � . I � � OUTLO}" 8 t2 ° � ; �,., , - - � .� � �JI � r f ` � = I �d c J I � � e y� � i � � .. - — � ( i - f � � � _� ' - L > > - - - - - - - - - - m � _ ^ - - UTlL17Y ESMT, - - - - i ��� ^ ' � � _ sai3-ioo� ' � , � � . � tl -�` � � � 6 C.l. • � � '�. 1 b � � � _` _.� ���o 2 � � jj�`NZ � � �, � � .�s � ¢ Z , v. �. . W �� ��. .s � f ��44°' � W 3 � p � � I� Wz � � } �d° 1 z� . w � ti � w�W � v j` r QQ� � �1 � �� 1 � 1 � f��? 4 s �� �L � Z,s.,� � . � s ; � � .z 2 I s ; z, ., � , � ,3s. � 1 � � � 'o V"i U i Y cAS�,�� 4 %� 9 �' 8 7 /6 � �J�, �., c� $, Lc7, � � � � I i , , i � i ; , : � rz 10 �i 9 ' _ ^ �S Ln �1��ARYLAiJt L a 8 - 7 � o p 60 �r � l r � � N ETN PVT. 9- ��.. ��..r��t}.��-.-.o - r :.o ✓.�.c.,e � ,� LZ' _ ! � 6 i - � � � �i `7 � ,, 7� Aepartment of Tecrinology and Management Services Real Estate Divisdon 140 City HaZI Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (6SI ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1999 Scatt Ruppert MediaOne 1100 North Concord Street South Saint Paul, MN 55075 �• Deu Mr. Ruppert: q9 -'�° �acati�n �'il+� #� 9'� �.� The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2. Brenner Addition No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallel with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Tawnship 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line af Brenner Addidon No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3/3011994. Sincerely, Gl" �`"`�"^'� �,�c�� Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-G4) t, CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE qq-�go THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT FAUL In the Mauer of Vacation File # 99-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallei with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: me �� q Oh� p6ES , nb\ b� c,� J� `�o �r; �S �� ��e MediaOne �o o� �� � ` v� �.� Its MINNESOTA Dakotah > Sign ure Th mstmm was xlmowledged befoie me this �� day of ��{ a�� . 1998-� by � ` /�Lc� f1 (� 6 � Z �! � Z- the L (JD r�i�-t !l � � ,.r � ✓�c/ � Q %t�� , unde� the laws of ihe State of Minnasota. �� �'�'��-, � F" '-'vF�'��// V :.. �;'. JEANNE A NIELSEN , N y rublic, Dat:otatreouary, M;nnesota. ; NOTARYPU8t1C-MINNESpTA � /� � � 3l � d � � �N�OTA COUNiY My commission e�ires (�}G'� �Y�Oncr�nC�irp3.,�7.31.1�00 �� '� * Piease return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 "" � I : I( '�. ���ti ( 72s-- �r<�_ f ° ��°' _ �� p � : � I� , °i i I / � J�' p � rr� �p � ' 6 � �p �_{� � �'" I I f 3 2 � h L� ' i� i 5 � 5 2 > -s � � � � � / � o � oa ` Q � /4 �� � �� �� I ' ' � ���R � 135 & ' � � � � ���� I . Za� i ' � 1 '°5 '� V� � , I � ` � � � � N i�' ou i �o � ,2 ° 1 ;� � � � � I c�a � r f � . . . ° i � ,� ;�� - ti � � i a ` �� ° ` � �l � � � i ,< i � � i f I � � ; .- . I r� 4 � � ° .� � � � -' �--------------------------° �! I ���� � t � I U7�LITY E57-tT. 5813-100 � z � i � /. \ � I ,, � � I = � � 16 � ��6 c.r;.� mo t f � I Z,. - � � l � � F J 1 � �� W w U1 7 I O � � C � T_II Q �� 2 J �' N . J �� � E � �' o us ,n m l rt �. P � V �K m ' � N � z S .c J I .. �. �Q � . . � � iQ 3 ��\ � .24 � II� F"�'� 3 � � PV9 'n 0.1 �.'� � � \.J z i . i.L�_1 I� � W � � � v .v � r J�J � � I � I � � ��� � 13 � 1 i � a¢� ¢ �' � � � �Q I � �. z's.,z � � " � � � � l s � � 1 5 � � 12 � � � { /35' � 1 j � z� •* ' � � '� 'o SS � � n 0 I 1p' U"il.l� c'\3.°., \�� l.T�}:� Ia. �A , cN� N �� 1 �. `�i� N n { i I � � q � � - i �� D �}Far Dtfci� at I �'1 9 �` $ .v -] _ �90 - � 9 '� 8 - - I of p 6° a„d P s« , � � ` O o n IT Y c� � a � u o hacL 76 ' �,a ` . ��S Lo bo \ � y0 ` /.` � ^ �._������. �, __�����.�� IS]:a �_. r 2 "pvEC � �"- �_ ^ �•__^•- �'�� ' 1G ✓.vOLK 2165^_ 2Y ��ARYLAi�D t I � m 5 �, oF S.W. % See„ZZ � l i i i � I i I i ' � ! ! ZZ ��66 � I i . � . � i 1 � � . i Lf � l ' , � ! ' � ' � ` � � � t I � I � � ! � � � ` __ -----I � --i --- � � I , � Departinent of Technology and Management Services Real &state Division 140 City Hald Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fcix: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor March 26, 1944 Bernie Bullert Water Utiliry 8 East 4th Street, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN 55102 It�. Dear Mr. Bullert: a�-�90 Va�ati�tn ��e # 9� C-4 The property owner of Lots 1 thru 16. Block 2, Brenner Addition No. 2 has requested a waiver of all easements in McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and paral3el with, the south line of the southwest quarter of 5ection 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of this request is to eliminate all easements in the vacated area.. Please execute the enclosed certificate and retum it to the Real Estate Division, as addressed above, by 3/30/1999. Sincerely, ��� Glenn Picha Real Estate Technician Attachment (99-C-4) �, f. CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE - qq -'39'c� 'I'HE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII, OF THE In the Matter of CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 44-C-4 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: McAfee Street lying between a line 43 feet north of, and parallei with, the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and the north line of Brenner Addition No. 2, Saint Paul, Minnesota. except as here noted: RECEiVE� �PR 1 s 1999 ��t�1! ES?P,7E pIVfSION Water Utihtv Bernie R. Bullert Its General Manager MINNESOTA RAMSEY � > ) �.�.0 � �u.�� Signature The fore oin instiument wu aclmowled ed befoie me this 14 th 1999 g g g dayof L�prl]_ , k99$ b Bernie R. Bullert �y, General Manager of the Saint Paul Water Utility , municipal corporation of the City of Saint Pau1 under the laws of the State of Minnesota. nnnMN`• x � SHIRLEY A- JONES � � NOTARY P�BLIC�MINNESOTA < : RANiSflY COU�T > `t�� MYCOmm.Ex?iresJan.31.2000 ; � WVbVV�VVVW A � �� My ** Please return this original copy to 140 City O �l St. Paul, MN 551 U2 ** I I � i Ii '�. �`���, i �2s'- �� � ���°' _ �� �0 \ ; I � _; � . .� c_,�''_'-.' �—r� , I t , ; � /, ` p 2 � s` ,5. 6 e �!.%� � �--�T 1 � . �? � O , , _ g � . � i i� i2 �� Q � `° '� q � Ct !4 � � � � � ItESFEO MIA�YER ? iss a. •' I I � UF Atl EASE�tEXiB zo i ' ' � °5 �'� v� 1 I I � ' j � � � � N� OU I L07 6 iz ° I �! 1 w � k-' � I � � r I ' ' .. .c� 1 � � c ' t I I t f � �� i . 1} � j f ' �� � � � i � i< � i , , l I , ; ; � - . � .0 �` I � � � � � � � --� �--------------------------- �L I �,�� � � � I � U7lLITY ESMT. ggj3-100" 4 z � ; �+. � � i \ � r� � - � �. , . �� I = ' 1 :� 1 � i j i s c.i.^.� „�0 4 i � � � � '� l I � i � � � Q yw Q . � z ; Z � 15 �if��-' QW� Z � v�: � �w i. _ i' �u�d . . �'o . m � � .� � ' o- � 2�.V�0+ ,. � N O Iv 3 b� � �4 I I wZ" 3 �� �/ ETN � �" n! \ I �I� �CO � PVT. � � ��\ , 9 - I I z ��i Z �'\�\��' I l ~ ¢¢w ' `� l --� � °' 4 `�' \`� � � 13 � I � a � '� ` I U � � Q� 1 i� f I � I. Z,B.,Z � •� m �T\ � � ' � � l ` 5 � J 12 I S , 4 �\ , I ,3s� � �, ., � � � ! '� � 'o SI � � , � +' n 10' Ur� u:'� fo�� y I � G � cAS�."I�t� \p UP `�"`ryGk N i � �� � � p Ip q �� � ' �For Da2�<i� a f� � g ` 8 7 ., �� ��' 9 ' 8 - 7 o p 60 ar,a Q s« O o n i r �, Y c�� . a o u o h¢cL 76 � " ` "= � N `,� �S Le bo S' Zp 4' � 11]La � (� �R �ovER .___�---_..^6 _. c ' ---^---^..-....-- _ _ �1"_---'"_—'_"' - 2163 2�{ \ = z4 ✓.vo/c i � �{s.w.ise�u-z9-zzl`�tARY � ,; i � � � � ; � i ' i � ; Z ` �;6 ( � � � � ; ; � : ( � � � � : ; , `' � � ! j . i � � i � —� — ---� ' —�- ---- ' ' � � �� —