87-275 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANGE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT �y ��� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. / �ouncil Resolution ==� Presented y l"S� Referred To � Committee: Date � - � a � d I Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve f the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Donn J. Eiden to serve as a m mber of the Saint Paul Riverfront Commission, filling the remai��der o the term created by resignation of A.L. P�1ueller. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel �/ sonnen __ Against BY �aaese� Wilson ��'�a� Form prove by C' y A rne Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Vass d b cil Sec y BY '� gy. App by Ylavor: Dat �_MAR 1 � 1987 Appro d y Mayor Eor Su si n tp Council B — By PUBLI ;,;�� � 1 19 _ - . CITY O B' SgINT P.A�UL �jc- �7- � 7�� O�'FIEE OF T8E CITY COIINCZL -...... . «.�......... n?"';-'!:3' 0 a t� : February 27, 1987 ' a � CO M (TTEE R E P 0 RT TO = Satn! Qu i City Council F R 0 M : C o m m t t e e 0 h RULES AND POLICY , February� 27, 1987 . , C N a I R VICTOR TEDESCO ' � The Rules a d Policy Committee laid the following item over for two wee!<s t the March 13 meeting. • ` An ordinance amend'ng Section 2.07 of the .Administrative Code - pertain?ng to revi w of necessary procedures for proposed . � ordinances and res lutions. The Rules a d Policy Committee recommended to the City .Council _ approval of the folloWing two appointments: • ' ' •r - � . - . � . _ . � � .d Resolut`_on approvin the appoin�ment 6y the Mayor of Walter P.. Hanson_ to erve as a member af tFie Capitol Area Architectural Plann' g Board� term to expire January 1990. ' :�; . ..,.._• • � �, _�. _:, =:, c,�-, .�) �-� ^ �� � r..J � � .� ��I � . � v � . c� _, _ ,� � :-_7 -_ . • c� c:j t"+l �� �y�� ' ' SEVENTH FLOaR 5AII`1T PAUL.MIIVNESOTA 55102 • ��'n _. _...�:._�._...� .. _---.__.-----_-_._. �_.__.__. _.____.�,.s _ __ ,------------�__ —,. :,. -.,.__,:,.,..,�....._,..._...,._....._...._,�.4.•,..Y,