87-274 WHITE - CiTV �LERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council ✓� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• � �" � BLUE - MAVOR C�o ncil Resolution � Presented y aa Referred To �' Committee: Date '2 r �� ^�� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approv of the appointment by the Mayor of Walter R. I-'anson, to fill the rema nder of the term created by the resignation of Barbara Penn `rom the Capitol Area Architectural Plannina Loard. Term to expire the fi st Monday in January, 1990. ` COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Agaipst BY T�a�r� Wilson Form pproved y it tor Adopted by Council: Date � � i:��t� - Certified Pass unc.il Secr ry BY By � Appr by 17avor: Date � MAR 1 � 1981 Appro y Mayor or S ' s n�t Council sy sy PUBIiSHED P��r 211ggJ ,�' . � � : I p�.PARTMENT _ �'�I v2� .C11: _ O942r Ora. Lee Patterson �_�_CqNTACT � PF�ON E , ! DI�TE � �� �� � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING RDER Cli ' 71 Locat.ion for Si n ,ture : Department Director irector of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services qirector � 3. ity Clerk Budget Director } � � � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY T KING ACTIqN THE ATTACHED MATER ALS? (Purpose/ ' Rationale) : Appoint Walter R. Hanson �s „a member of the Capi o1 Area Architectural Planning Board to fill thje unexpired term of Bar ara Penn. Term to expire first P9 day in Jahuar,y 1990. � COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AN PERSONNEL'�I ACTS ANTICI�ATE�: ' FINANCING SOURGE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY UI�$ER CHARGED OR �REaIT D: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- • Total Amount �f "Transact on: ' quired irf under � � �10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All Attac� nts : i . � I DEP �TMENT EVIEW � e CITY A ORNEY REVIEW Yes o Council Resolu ion Requir}ed? ' Resalu ion Required? Yes No Yes � Insurance Requ red? , Insura ce Sufficient? Yes No�� ; Yes No Insurance Atta hed: i ; (SE •REVERSE ID� FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 I � i f • � CITY OF' SAINT PA'CTL � � �����-�yy� pS'B'IEE OH' THE CITY' COUNCZL � '...... . V\1���������� . �?��•••'.:1• 0 a r e : February 27, 1987 ' -�: ;, � CO M (TTEE R E P 0 RT T0 � Satnt Qul City Council F R 0 M � C o m m ir t e e O Cl RULES AND POLICY , February� 27, 'E987 . . C H a I R VICTOR TEDESCO � Tfie Rules d Policy Committee laid the following item over for two weeks the March 13 meeting. � An ordinance amend ng Section 2.07 of the .Administrative Code �- pertain°_ng to revi w of necessary procedures for proposed - � ordinances and res lutions. The Rules d Policy Committee recommended to the City .Counci� . appraval o the following two appointments: • � ' ., . - � f . . -�a Resolut�on approvin the appointment by the Mayor of D�nn J. Eiden ' to serve as a membe of the SE. Paul Riverfront Commission. � ,�:�,,,• _, :_, c,�—� �.�•.�' �•J _ ., � r.__� r.. • ' �.., r� . ' .;" w Q . .-> , � - ,� .. _ry _ , - ' .� ��� C�J ...,J �y��,t, ' � SEVENTH FLOOR SAII�i'�PAUL.MIIVNESOTA 5510'L • .�„ ____ ____ _ . .�______,� __ ____. .�.._._.,...�....:.__ . — -.��. ._ ._ ___ , _ _ __ , _ _. __,.. ..,....., --�.-�.�.,�,>. � _. _.�.