87-273 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE� G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council n CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. �I —��� BLUE - MAVOR 1 �C' cil Resolution ��.` . , �� ,, Presented By ' ,�_Y-='� Referre o G- �-� t� ^ Committee: Date � -3 �� Out of Committee By Date WI�ItFAS, the Sain Paul City Council adopted the "General Folicy Statement for the Constructiari f the Saint Paul 5kyway System" � January 8; 1980s and Wf-�RFAS; the Sain Paul Planning Corrmission; under Section 107.04 of the 5aint Paul A�ninistrati e Code, is e�wered with creating ad hoc advisory task forces to study t 'cal matters; and WHERFAS, the P1 ' g Cannissiori established the Skyway Task Force to review and update the Ci y's skyway plan and policies; and Wf�S, the y Task Force carried out this mandate in a series of meetings aperi to e public; and W�S, the y Task Force reported its finding� and reco�rmendations t�o the Planning ssio�n in the form of the repc»rt entitled, "Saint Paul's Skyways: a Repo of tlie Skyway Task Force of the 5aint Paul Plarm;nq Coarmissian", whi included as Appendix B a proposed revision to the "General Policy Statement or the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway S�stem"; and Wf�E'AS, the Pl ' g Coa�m.ission conducted. a public hearing on the Skyway Task Force Report, in ccordance with Section 107.02 of the Saint Paul Ac�ni.nistrative e; and WHERFAS, the P1 ' g C�rmission has adopted an amended version of the Skyway Task Force Report, entitled. �aint Paul Skyways: A Policy Pian, which included as Apperxiix A a p posed. revision t�o the "General Policy Statement for the Construction of e Saint Paul Skyway S�stem"; and Wf�,S, the City il has adopted Saint Paul Skyways: A Policy Plan as the policy gav ' g the City's skyway system; NUW, Tf�'ORE BE IT RF50LVID, that -the City Council adopts the attached revision to the " eral Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skyway Syst ". COU-�EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Drew � z�nL of Pl 'n & Economic Develo ment �r��7� In Favor � Nicosla Q scnetbe� _ Against BY 3bds�eo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve City A orne MAR 10 1��1 r Certified Ya s C n il S et BY By Appr v by �Navor: Date . MAR 1 � ��7 Approve Mayor for Submis o o il s sy PUBLISNED �AR 2 1 1987p � :w.� "-� PED - Downtown Development � � DEPARTMENT% (�►.�^' � � N° _ U7y�� . , F , � ��`j_� `�_3 . • CONTACT �' ' Kat�� i`;►,�-h]arL ___r._ �.. 228-3224 PHONE :'' December 19 198b DATE . 1 Q/�r� �� � , � _. r ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING 0 DER Cli All Locations for Si nature : ��>rtepartment Director 4 Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management rvices:`Director � 5 City Clerk � Budget Director � 1 Deputy Director � � 3 City Attorney . - , � . ,�'r . - '�� A WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ �_ Rationale) : ' _ :::.`:. : . .:;' _ ,. . � _ . . . .. , Saint Paul Skywa s: . A Pol cy Plan sets specific actions for the development and governance of s yways.`.in S int Pau1 . Adoption of the Plar� will establish policies on design, security, ma'nag ment, signage and financing of skyways. � + : : - � RECE[VED _ . . _ x- � _ . _,. _ . \ . �� � �1 ��� i.�;� . ' � �QP, u CaST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND ERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: p�t�►u�`"yt t+y��'�����'��' Not applicable .' . �'��; J ' �i�86 - _ �EC�iVET3 _ _ _ � _:._, ,�� . — . � C��� A�C�1 t�af�'aEY �;�r� 2 c: ;��,� _ . _ _ _ �. --- —__ _ _ _ . - .--� . .. _ � � .� y Y1��al�t ... . __ IY►M�b'.. _ .. - .. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET CTIVITY NUMSER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of "Transacti n: Nq quired if under ' �10,000) �: Fundi ng Source: NA a, _ .��; � _ . ' ��� Activity Number: NA - - � ::� A'CTACHMENTS List and Number Al1 Attachments : � 1. Letter from �dayor Lati r to City Council Members (for Mayor's signature) _ 2. Planning Commission Res lution and Saint Paul Skyways: A Policy Plan (10 copies) 3. Draft City Council Res lution adopting aint aul yways: Po icy Plan (for Mayor's. signature) . : 4. Draft City Council Resolution adopting "General Policy Statement for the Construction of the Saint Paul Skywa System" (for Mayor's signature� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY AT1'ORNEY REVIEW - - X Yes No Council Resolu ion Required? � Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Requ red? , ' Insurance Sufficient? �es No Yes x No Insurance Atta hed: .� � . . (SE •REYERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS� � - ; .. Revised 12/84 , - - � � ---_ _ _ ___- -_._�__..___.�. -�_..�...,.,�...:.. .,. � � . � . ��7-��3 Appendix A GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAINT PAUL SKYWAY SYSTEM ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA JANUARY $, 1980 REVISED JANUARY .1987 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA This Policy Statement Supersedes and replaces the General Policy Statement Pedestrian Concourse System Downtown Urban Renewal Project Minn. R-20 � . Adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAINT PAUL SKYWAY SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER A. PURPOSE AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 B. DEVELOPMENT PREMISES AND CONSIDERATIONS 1 C. SKYWAY SYSTEM ELEMENTS DEFINED 2 1. Concourse Corridors 2 2. Nodes 3 3. Bridges 3 4. Tunnels 3 4 5. Bridge Support Structures and Services 3 3 6. Vertical Access Facilities 4 D. COST SHARING AND FUNDING POLICY 4 1. Bridges 4 2. Concourse Corridors and Nodes 4 3. Bridge Support Structures and Services 5 4. Vertical Access Facilities 6 5. Directional Signs 6 6:-Ha�dsl��g-Be�e�sa�aa��eas 6 E.--REQ�T�REP4EPT£S-FAR-EXPEPTB��HRE-AF-6��-FEJPIBS-�PI-HARBSH�F-6AS ES 6 �:-6es�-Es��ffia�es-aa�-Re#�bu�se�er��s 6 �:-Sxb�#ss�ea-e€-P�aas � F E. DESIGN AND MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS 7 l. Concourse Corridors 7 �: .� s�ay system Symbol 7 2: � Skyway System Graphics 7 3: � Skyway Eqx�.ga�ea� Furnishings 8 4: � SkyWay Floor Materials 8 3: � Concourse Ceilings and Lighting 9 8 6: � Skyway System Walls 9 �: Sg1, Skyway Colors 9 2. Brid� � (a) Floor Materials 9 (b) Bridges Ceilings and Li�htin� 9 (c) Bridge Walls 9 3. Submission of Plans 9 6 F. EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS 10 H G. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 11 � : . ��-�y.� A. �PURPOSE AND G ERAL DESCRIPTION Beginning with the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area--Minn. R-20, the Housing and Redev opment Authority of the City of Saint Paul has developed a skyway system in wntown Saint Paul. As used herein, t term "skyway system" is inclusive and encompasses the following: (1) co course corridors, (2) node points in the concourse corridors, includi g, where feasible, one major node central to each block, generally at the p int where several concourse corridors intersect, (3) bridges spanning s reets, (4) certain vertical access facilities connecting the concourse corr'dors to public streets or other public property. The ��ia�a�y ori i� p rpose of this skyway system �s was to divert pedestrians from the minimal dth street level sidewalks, enabling pedestrian traffic to move in an enclose environment protected from adverse weather and vehicular traffic. The skyw y system has significantly reduced pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at stree level, particularly during periods of peak traffic, thereby permitting a smoother flow of vehicular. traffic and greater safety for. the pedestrian. Another important enefit of the skyway system is the opportunity afforded developers to prov de shop and office space abutting the concourse. In the use of such shop s ace, the public will be unhindered by adverse weather conditions and tra fic, thereby promoting the desirability of shopping and doing business in he connected buildings and contributing to the economic strength of Downto Saint Paul. The skyway system, through the efforts of the developers, al o may contain sculpture, water displays, artworks, and other elements con ributing to the aesthetic and cultural enrichment of the citizens of the Ci y, thereby becoming a focus of activity in the downtown area. The general location of the existine skyway system, including concourse corridors, nodes, ertical access facilities and bridges a�e is shown on the attached map. B. DEVELOPMENT PR ISES AND CONSIDERATIONS Incorporation of t e public skyway system into private development and building ownership presents some unique implications for both the public, owners, and redeve opers. With recognition of the public and private ' ,interests involved in the skyway system, certain premises have been . established relati g to the system, and these premises are basic to the regulations and de elopment criteria established for the skyway system as set forth in succeedin section. The following premises apply to the entire skyway system, eve though portions of the system may be built by private building owners or developers: 1 1. The skyway system will be entirely enclosed and capable of being heated and cooled to a temperature comparable to that maintained in office and retail areas. The term "enclosed" shall mean protected from the weather, though the area of the skyway system need not necessarily be confined by its own walls. The concourse corridors and bridges will be constructed a� with a s�aa�a�� minimum width of 12'0", except where in the �udgment of the City, physical limitations of existing buildings, such as column spacing, fixed vertical element locations, window opening, etc. , render achievement of a 12'0" width impractical, or would constitute an undue hardship to the owner. In such � instances, a lesser width may be allowed. 2. The success, that is the degree of utilization of the skyway system, will be directly related to the convenience and comfort it affords pedestrians in the downtown. 3. Any and all public expenditures for the skyway system must be limited only to tho�e improvements that are of public benefit. While ad3acent buildings may derive peripheral benefit from a public skyway abutting their properties, no segment of the skyway system or its faciTities that are of primary benefit to private interests can be constructed with public monies. The City shall reserve to itself the sole and final determination as to what improvements are of public benefit. 4, The skyway system must have a design identity of its own, distinguishing it from other areas with public access within buildings as an sid to citizens in finding their way throughout the system. Further, where there is a public €�xds-a�e-exgex�e�.-€e�-easement in the skyway system, it must be possible to readily identify those up blic areas gxb��e�y-g�ev��ed so that citizens are cognizant of �ke��-��gl��-�e-use-sxek-a�eas the location of the skyway path. The system must possess directional clarity and be accessible, identifiable and continuous. 5. The skyway system must functionally and visually help to unify the downtown. �� Concourse corridors should be urban in character and should provide a variety of special experiences; �� thev should not be of monolithic design throughout ��s the svstem's length. The skyway system should possess a variety of floor to ceiling heights and abut spaces of varying design and activities. Nevertheless, it must still possess enough common elements to provide the directional clarity, continuity and identity required. C. SKYWAY SYSTEM ELEMENTS DEFINED The skyway system consists of €}ve six elements: 1. Concourse Corridors - Concourse corridors will run through a block from building face to building face connecting to a skyway bridge. The primary public purpose of such concourse corridors is the accommodation of pedestrian travel from point to point, and as such, a s�axda�d minimum width of 12'0" is established for such elements. 2 . � C� " ,��7� 2. Nodes - Nodes re the points of intersection of several concourse corridors and/or t e location of a vertical access facility. At such points, pedestrian traffic is likely to be heavier and moving in varying direction, directional decisi ns are made, and other activities may be occurring. Such nodes must clearly possess a design identity and character separating them from abutting priv te areas, and must be primarily oriented to the public purpose of accommo ating pedestrian travel in the skyway system, including orientation, direc ion changes, and congregation or vertical movement to street level. The size and configuration of the mode will be dependent upon the number of conc urse corridors intersecting its location within the downtown and the o erall skyway system, and the amount and nature of anticipated pedest ian activity within the node. The node must be Zarge enough to accommod te anticipated pedestrian activity and to constitute a special area of im ortance within the overall skyway system. Therefore, a wider than 12-foot s�asda�d minimwn concourse area will be required, where possible, at one m jor node in each block and may be necessary at other nodes. Secondary nodes ma also occur in some instances, especially at points of vertical access to the street. Where appropriate, such areas shall also have width wider than t e ae�a� minimum 12 feet appropriate for concourse corridors. It is esirable o ach eve an inte ration of the street and s a levels at the node areas• therefore ex osure to the round level is encoura�ed• 3. Bridges - Brid es generally span streets and sidewalks between property lines and perform ssentially the public function as concourse corridors; therefore, the bri ges will be built with a s�axda�d minimurn clear width of 12'0" . Also, the ity of Saint Paul currently requires a minimum bridge height clearance o 17'4" at the center of the street which it spans. Bridges may span private p operty but must connect to an acceptable segment of the basic skyway syste , giving access to a public street or other public property. Bridges will be of a consistent design throughout the downtown area, consisting b sically of exposed steel vierendeel trusses painted deep brown, with terraz o floors. clear elass and dark bronze curtain wall asd-aa egg-e�a�e-g��d-�t� riet�s-ee�}�ag. 4 Tunnels - Whil the s a stem does not currentl include tunnels the ma become necessa in ce t in c rcumstances in th futu An future tunnel connections should be ha dled ve areful 'n orde maintain a � leasant edestria environment The desi and co struction standards . included in this d cument for b id es should be a lied to tunnels if and when the are adde to the s tem. 45. Bridge Suppor Structures and Services - Bridge support structures will support the bridge at either end and will be contained within the buildings unless it is struc rally necessary to provide bridge supports independent of the building. All u orts i de endent of buildin s shall be outside existin � or ro osed ri hts- f-wa of ublic streets wherever ossible. Bridge services are define as those electrical and mechanical systems .which supplX fresh air and provi e heating, cooling and electrical service to the bridge. Also included is th roof drainage system. 3 , �6. Vertical Access Facilities - Vertical access facilities in the form of either stairs or escalators provide access to the concourse nodes, corridors, and the bridges from the street. Vertical access between the concourse and street level will be required throughout the skyway system with escalators being required at the principal points of access to the skyway. system. Generally, vertical access ��s� should be provided at or near each end of the bridges crossing streets and may also be required at other locations within the system. Elevators will also be required within each building in the skyway system to provide vertical access for the handicapped. � D. COST SHARING AND FUNDING POLICY The following cost sharing and funding policy applies to all skyway system elements (concourse corridors, nodes, bridges, bridge support structures and services and vertical access facilities) not under a construction contract at the time of the adoption of this policy by the City Council, unless otherwise specifically exempted from this policy by the City Council. Such skyway system elements specifically exempted by the City Council will be covered by the General Policy Statement - Pedestrian Concourse System - Downtown Urban Renewal Project - Minnesota R-20, as adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, Revised August, 1972. This cost sharing and funding policy is considered to be consistent with St. Paul's adopted Capital Allocation Policies. The skyway system is considered to be a Service System Improvement and any proposal for an addition to the existing skyway system must be based on the merits of each proposal as to its economic benefit to the City. The sole and final determination for each addition to the existing skyway system will rest with the City Council. 1. Bridges - The City W��� n�ya pay se�-�e�e-��aa-ese-ka�€ a portion of the total cost of each skyway bridge, including construction costs, architect's fees and other associated costs. The exact amount will be negotiated between appropriate City staff and benefiting building owners or developers based on the City's downtown development priorities. The City Council will make the final determination on the exact cost to be borne by the City. 2. Concourse Corridors and Nodes - Benefiting building owners or developers will pay all costs for constructing, remodeling or reconstructing their buildings to provide acceptable concourse corridors and nodes through their buildings. 4 . : ���-� �� 3. Bridge Support Structures and Services - The developer or building owner at each end of the bridge will be responsible and will pay all costs for the provision of struc ural supports within �ke-bt�i�d�Ag their respective properties, which re necessary to accommodate the bridge. The City will not be financially res onsible for such increased support structure �e-sxp�e��-�ke b���ge,nor will th City build independent supports for the bridge upon private property a either end at its expense. With respect to br dge services, the building owner or developer_, at his/her exvense, will des� a provide and connect the mechanical and electrical systems of ��s his er bui dings to the bridges and supply �e-�ke-b�}�ge all necessarv facilities �ke-aee ssa�y-kea�;-eee�e�l-a�� for fresh air. heatin�, coolin� and electrical power € e�-�ke-�eekaa3ea�-aa�-e�ee���ea�-sys�effis-e€-��s-bt��.�diags, unless the buildin owner or developer is advised by-�ke-6��y-�ka�;-€e�-a sgee�.€�e-b���ge th t a previously constructed building already eeA�a�as suvplies such faci ities. Where a bridge connects the improvements of one developer or build ng owner with that of another developer or building owner, each party so conn cted shall be responsible for agreeing as to how they will share the cost of roviding the required mechanical and electrical services to the bridge. Such cost-sharing agreement must be reached by the affected parties and submit ed to the City for its apg�eva� �eview prior to the start of bridge construc ion. For bridges �.a con ectin new buildings for which the location is determined at the time of wor ing drawing preparation, the developer's working drawing and specification ill include mechanical and electrical equipment design, Iocation and conne tions to supply necessary services to the bridges. For bridges where prec se location is not yet determined at the time of working drawing completion on the building� the developer must agree to retain the service of its arc itect, at the time such bridge location is determined� to provide necessary esign services as stated above. The building owner or developer must agree to retain the services of its architeet to provi e information, drawings, documents, and to spend the time necessary with the City's architect in order to coordinate the provision of mechanical and ele trical facilities to the bridge and to resolve all structural, aesthe ic and related matters relative to bridge connections. � All such design, c sultation and coordination will be accomplished in a . timely manner so a to permit construction of the bridge as soon as the two buildings to which the bridge connects are capable of receiving the bridge. 5 , 4. Vertical Access Facilities - Vertical access facilities will be installed by the benefiting building owner or developer at no cost to the City. Existing vertical access facilities W��} should be used wherever possible. The City Council may, at its sole and final determination, require the installation of escalators or elevators as part of the skyway system. The Benefiting building owner or developer will pay ��e all costs of such vertical access facilities. 5. Directional Signs - The City will pay for the initial manufacture of all illuminated directional sign boxes and faces within buildings. The Benefiting building owner or developer will pay all costs for supports, electrical service, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of such signs. Such directional signs shall be installed by the building owner or developer p��e�-�e-�ke-egea�ag upon completion of construction of the skyway bridge, or bridges, for public use. 6:--Ha��sk�g-Be�e��sa��e�s---�€-a-Bese€#��ag-����d�Ag-ewae�-eaa-skew-�e-��e sa��s€se��ea-e€-�ke-6��y-�ka�-�ke-ees�s-�e�e�-a�eve-eeas�f���e-aa-eeeaeafe-aa� €�aaae�a�-�a��s��g;-��e-6��y-�sy-eeas#de�-€�saae#a�-ass�s�asee-�e-eay-b����}ag e�xe�-Ee��e�-��as-a-�eve�ege�3-�s-aa-a�e�a�-ae�-�e-exeeed-��e-ffia�ke�-va��e-e€ ��e-sqna�e-€ee�age-e€-�ka�-pa��-e€-��e-b�����ag-Wk�ek-�s-�eq���ed-€e�-seeead- �eve�-skyway-easeffiea�-g��geses:--Beve�ege�s-s�s��-�e�-be-e��g�b�e-€e�-s�ek ka��sk�g-�e�e�ffiisa�iea:--As-�sed-�a-�k�s-see��e�;-�eve�ege�-s�a��-�eas-��a� ge�sea---ga��se�s��g;-�e�A�-ve����e-e�-ee�pe�e��ea-w�e-�s-eeas���e��ag-a �H2���Ag-6�-������Ag-ad����ea-�e-Wk�e�-a-skyway-b��dge-Wi��-be-eeaaee�ed: ��-eases-wke�e-��e-ffied�€�ea��ea-e€-�eekas�ea�-aa�-e�ee���ea�-eq�fgffiea�-��-a ������ag-p�eves-eeeae��ea��y-�a€easib�e;-�ke-6��y-w���-eeas��e�-��ev���ag-�ke aeeessa�y-ffieekaaiea�-ax�-e�ee���ea�-e���gffiea�-as-ga��-e€-��e-skyway-b���ge: �ke-6��y-w���-�ake-�ke-€�aa�-�e�e���xa��ea-as-�e-w�e�ke�-ae�i€�ea��ea-e€ ffieekaa�ea�-aad-e�ee���ea�-eq��pffiea�-�s;-�a-€se�;-eeeaeffi�ea��y-�s€eas�b�e:--�ke 6��y-6e�Ae��-W}��-ffiake-��e-€�sa�-�e�e��aa��ea-ea-a��-s�e�-�a��s�}g-eases: E:--REQH�REP4EN�-FAR-EXPENB��HRE-8F-6��-FF�NBS-�N-HARBSH�P-6ASES �:--6es�-Es��ffia�es-aad-Re�ffib��seffiea�s---As-�eq���e�ea�s-�e-��e-exge�d����e-e€ 6��y-ffiea�es-€e�-skyWay-sys�e�-eeas��e��ea-W�e�e-��e-6��y-de�e�faes-��e�e-�s a-�a��s�ig-�e-��e-b����iag-e�e�;-g�e��ffi�sa�y-��aas-as�-ees�-es���a�es ��e�e€e�-W���-be-s���i��e�-€e�-agg�eva�-by-�ke-6f�y:--�s-ae-evea�-ska��-�ke 6��y-��ev��e-ffiea�es-�a�e�-��e-p�ev�sieas-e€-���s-�ee�ea�-€e�-�ffig�eveffies�s w�fe�-a�e-ae�-e�ea��y-��ea��€�ab�e-as-ga��-e€-��e-skyway-sys�e�:--�ke-ees� es�}ffia�es-p�evi�e�-�y-��e-ewc3e�-W���-�ae���e-��e-es�}ffia�ed-s��a�e-€ee�-ees�-e€ 8}}_��A�s�es-�a�eg�a�-�e-��e-a�ea-e€-��e-skyWay-sys�effi-as-se�-€e���-�a-See��ea F:--S�e�-ees�-�s€e�ffia�ie�-ska��-ise���e-es���a�e�-ees�s-€e�-a�p�eve�-ve��3ea� aeeess-€ae�}���es-�e-�e-��ev��e�-�y-��e-e�e�:--�€-��e-��i���ag-e�e� �a�e��akes-�e-kave-aay-e€-��e-a�eve-��g�eve�ea�s-�eae-�y-a-eea��ae�e�-e��e� ��a�-��e-eea��ae�e�-�e}ag-�e�a�ae�-�y-��e-E��y-�e-�e-��e-����ge-eeas���e��ea; �ke-6��y-w���-�e�����se-��e-�����iag-e�xe�-ea�y-€e�-se��a�-ees�s-iAe���e�: Sxe�-ees�s-��s�-�e-��evea-�e-��e-sa��s€ae��ea-e€-��e-6��y.- 6 � - �- �'�-�73 *�**Section E.2. s ould move to become E.3.**** FE. DESIGN AND MAT RIALS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS �x-e�de�-�e-aek�ev -�1�e-desiga The skywa�ystem's identity, eea��at�3�y desien consistencv, and e se of orientation are necessary if the skyway system is to function effective y;� �The City has established ee��a�a design and materials requirements for t e skyway system. The design of the skyway system within each block shall a ere to these requirements. FT��k-�ke-exeeg��ex-e€-�ke �es}ga-aAd-eeas��� ��.ea-e€-d3�ee�}eaa�-s�gas-as-�e�ed-�a-See��ea-B:3:;-�ke �eve�ege�-e�-b���d r�g-ewxe�-ska��-be-�esgexsib�e-€e�-a��-ees�s-e€-des�gx; eeas��xe��ea;-�.xs� ��a��ea;-�a�a�esaxee;-�eg�aeea�ea�-e��-�egai�-e€-a}}_��effis eatiffie�a�ed-}s-�k�.s see�fea: Two major components of the sk�wav svstem. brid es and the co courses need to be treated diff rentl Wh e the desi and mater als o t e brid es should stress uniformi and consiste c throu hout the do town the concourse corridors sh uld rovide a varie of ex eriences for th s a edestrian. 1. Concourse Corr dors Concourse corridor should be li ht and air s aces and create an inv tin atmos here The destrian should encounter a variet of esi e eriences while traversin � e s stem �: ,�a� Skyway Sy tem Symbol - A graphic symbol has been developed for the skyway system. Su h symbol shall be used to indicate the location of the skyway system with n the building in a manner approved by the City. and on such sk a si na as the C t ma rovide. No other use of the symbol will be permitted. 2: � Skyway Sy tem Graphics - Graphics will play a vital role in orientation in the skyway system, and through consistency of design and placement, will al o constitute a vital element in achieving skyway system identity. The Cit will be responsible for the design and location of all skyway system grap ics; the types of graphics and general location criteria are as follows: fg� j Direct onal Signs - Directional signs are ths largest and most ' conspicuous igns in the skyway system. They are used to give . directions t streets and to ma�or buildings in the skyway system. All directional igns will be a��aeked-�e suspended below the concourse ceilings fe�-st�sgea�ed-€�effi-�ke-ee��iags;-�epexd�ag-ea-eei��ag-l�e3gk�� , will be perp dicular to the axis of the concourse area in which they are located d will be the only such signs to be mounted in this manner. The ost important of such signs will be illuminated. The building owne will provide: 1) support for the directional signs above • the ceiling; ) electrical services to the signs; 3) the pendants which connect the s'gns to the structure above the ceiling., The City has developed sta dard designs for the directional signs and will advise the developer or uilding owner of the specific location of the pendants and signs. Eb� ii. Maps and Route Directories - Wall-mounted or free standing maps and route direct� asories of the skyway system will be placed in prominent locations at he head of vertical access f�acilities, within nodes, or in other appropr ate locations so that the pedestrian may, together with 7 . the directional signs, determine the skyway route to be used in order to arrive easily and quickly at the desired location. iii. Entrv Signs - Entrv signs displayin� the skvwa�go and the handicapped access svmbol. if appropriate will be vosted on building entrances which identifv access�oints to the svstem Ent , si r�is should include. or be located next to. a listing of the building hours iv. Exit signs - Exit signs displaving the skvwa�logo and the name of the street to which access is available will be posted in the concourse corridors near vertical access facilities. v. Skyway Information Signs - The Citv will supplv si�ns containin,g the skvway logo and the international information symbol to volunteer skywav small businesses. These businesses will be r�iven a supplv of skvwav maps and will act as informal skywav information centers 3: ,� Skyway Eqt��gffiea� FurnishinQS - To achieve prominence and identity for major node areas, the building owner, with the approval of the City, is - encouraged to provide and maintain skyway eqx�ga�ea� furnishings in and near the node areas. Such eq�#g�aea� furnishines may include sculptures, decorative fountains, public telephones, public �e��e�s restrooms, drinking fountains, kiosks for display of material of public interest, benches, trash receptacles, planter boxes and other eqt��gffieA� furnishings as approved by the City. The location of such eq��g�ea� furnishings in or near node areas will be determined jointly by the City and the building owner or developer, based on analysis of expected traffic patterns within the node and to adjacent private areas. The City and the building owner or developer will jointly approve the design of all such elements to be placed within the skyway system. 4: � SkyWay Floor Materials - �ke-6��y-W�.��-�eqe���e-�ke-xse-e€-skyWay �e��as$e-3a-a��-e�-a-�a�e�-ge���ea-e€-�t�e-aede-�e-be-deve�e�e�-eea��a�-�e-eaek b�eek-e€-�ke-skyWay-sys�e�e:--Sxek-t�se-e€-a-eeas�aa�-ffia�e��a�-�e-eaek-b��dge ax�-ee���a�-xede-w�}�-es�ab��sk-a-�ege�#��ve-�ky�l�-e€-sgaees-��ia�-W���-a�.�-�s aek�ev}ag-��ex���y-aa�-eea���xi�y-€e�-�l�e-skyway-sys�e�: In concourse corridors running between bridges and nodes, e�ke�-€�ee�-ffia�e��a�s-�ay-be xsed;-�kexgk a consistency of floor material for concourse corridors must be maintained throughout each building. Skyway-�e��asse-aad-�ke-eeaee��se ee����e�-€�ee�-ffia�e��a�-ffiay-�e�-be-�se�;-xa�ess-ekaaged-fa-ee�e�-�ese-e� �ex���e-�x-g�3va�e-sea-skyway-b���d�ag-a�eas-�a-g�ex�ffi��y-�e-�ke-slc�ay-sys�e� Wke�e-sxek-t�se-We���-�e�d-�e-ebset��e-�ke-�dea��.€�ea��ea-e€-skyWay-ffia�e��a�s W��k-eeaee��se-a�eas: A chan�e in floor material should help to define the concourse corridors from private areas. If the building owner chooses to use carpet or other non-permanent flooring material for concourse corridors, the building owner must agree to replace such carpet with new carpet or other material matching as closely as possible the original in color and texture at such intervals as may be determined by the City. .�: � Concourse Ceilings and Lighting - 6eseet��se-eei�iag-ska��-be-e€-�ke sa�e-�a�e��a�s-�k�exgke��-eay-eae-b����fsg: Minimum ceiling height shall be 8'0" , and no signs or other graphics other than as specified above shall be fastened to, or suspended from, the ceiling. Lighting fixtures shall be �eeessed-e�-a��aeke�-ia-��e�ia�e-g�ex��n��y-�e-�ke-ee3��ag;-�1gAg3Ag-e�-geade�� €}xgt��es_W�}}_Ae�-be-ge�x��.��e�. installed in such a manner as to not visuallv block sk�v signa�. Luminous ceilings are permitted. Artificial lighting intensity shall be a minimum of 30 f.c. at every point along the floor. The 8 . . . ������ artificial lighti shall be supplied with electricity in such manner that the interruption of se vice in any circuit inside the building will not result in total interruption of the required lighting. Wke�e-ad3 aeea�-p��va�e-bt���d�ag a�eas-a�e-epea-�e- ke-eeaeet��se;-a-��€€e�ea�}a��er�-�a-eei��ag-��ea�xiea�; ke�gk�;-��gk�-�eve ;-ar�dfe�-�3g�i�-es�e�-s�ia��-be-ae�i�eved---A�-aedes-aad-a� e�l�e�-�eea��exs-W�i �e-ee���ag-met�a�ed-d��eeEiexa�-s�gas-a�e-�e-be-�eea�e�; a�����exa�-��gk��r� -ar��je�-ex��e�s-s�ia��-be-g�ev��ed-�e-aeeex�-sxek-g�a�kie s►a�e�3a�: 6: � s�gy sys em Walls - Where the skyway system is defined by walls or partitions separat ng the concourse from adjacent private building areas, such walls may be of a esign and function consistent with the use and architectural desi of such private building areas. Exeeg��eas-W���-be �eqt���e�-a�-wa��-a eas-Wke�e-g�agk�e-pase�s;-ffiags;-�e��e-d��ee�e��.es;-e�-e�ke� skyFray-�e�a�ed-g�a �i�e-ffia�e��a�-a�e-�e-be-�eea�ed: Skyway system walls shall be of durable, eas ly maintainable, finished materials. Where shop signs, department identif cation signs, or other permanent graphics not related to skyway graphics as specified above are required, they shall be located on and/or parallel to concourse walls a�-a-ke�gk�-�e�eea-�'AL-abeve-�ke-€�ee�; exeeg�-s�gas-ga�s� �-ea-skeg-W�rldeWS-�ay-eeeti�-a�-e�ke�-ke�gk�s-eeas�s�ea� W��k-gee�-�es�ga-g ae��ees. No signs, except as specified for skyway related graphics, may pro� ct from concourse walls into the concourse easement. �: � Skyway Col rs - Skyway-related signs and other graphics will employ a specific color sch me throughout the skyway system as developed by the City. Non-skyway related signs and graphics in proximity to the concourse or node area utilizing the same color scheme as skyway-related graphics will not be permitted. � 2. Bridges It is im ortant th t the s a brid es reflect consistenc in desi and materials throu ho t downto Such consistenc results in easier orie ta ion for edestrians i cludin t e visuall -i aired a Floor Materia s - All skyway bridges will contain a neutral-colored terrazzo floors-e€ a-b�e�-aa�-g�ey-e�i�p-fa-a-da�k-aa���.x-EVea�ee-A��-Ma�b�e-V �836-e�-eqx�va�ea� , herein referred to as "skyway terrazzo". . b Brid e Ceilin s and Li ti - The standard br d e ce'lin is linear metal with recesse filler stri s and fluorescent li htin Su lemental decorative li htin ma be cons'd red c Brid e Walls Brid e curtain walls should consist of clear lass to rovide maximum vi ibilit a d 'nclude dark bronze mullions. The vierendeel truss and related lements both interior and exterior shall be ainted a � deen brown color. 2: 3. Submission f Plans - Plans shall be submitted by the building owner for approval by th City, indicating all materials and finishes used in the skyway system and e architectural manner in which the skyway system is separated from abu ting private building areas where the concourse occurs within the owner's uilding. The City W��� ma make certain additions to such drawings, includin signs and other graphics, furniture, and other elements consistent with ac ieving identity and design continuity for each segment 9 � of the skyway system. Anv requested variations from the City's standard desi�n should be reviewed by the Sk ►�wa_v Governance Committee. 6F. EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS In order to assure public return for the public investment made in development of the skyway system in the downtown, all areas of the skyway system must be located either on public property or within public easement granted without consideration by the developer or building owner. Such easements shall be coterminous with the designated areas of concourse corridors and nodes and vertical access facilities; also, shall extend on the ground floor from the foot of vertical access facilities to a public sidewalk or other public property, giving access to a public sidewalk. Such easements shall be required for both those skyway system elements for which the City is responsible and those elements constituting a link in the basic system for which private parties may be responsible. The easements will be in form satisfactory to the City and will be limited to the life of the improvements constituting the skyway system. The easemerits will grant to the public the . right of use of the skyway system for purposes of ingress and egress and pedestrian transit without limitation, except that such easements may attach - reasonable conditions regarding closing parts or all of the skyway system within the developer's or owner's structural improvements during non-business hours as dictated by reasonable security requirements of the buildings through with the concourse passes. The City will attempt to ne�otiate 24 hour easements. In order to assure the �ossibilitv of future expansion of the skywav s, stem when a buildin� is connected to *he sk�wa�ystem the developer or building owner will t�rant to the Citv an easement which assumes expansion of the system bevond the building and/or block immediatelv being connected Subject to the following conditions, the developer or building owner shall have the right at any time to change the locations of such easements and the easements shall so provide, on the condition that new easements are granted which permit the continuity of the skyway system, and the developer or owner installs a new pedestrian concourse on the new easement area at the developer's or owner's sole cost and expense. . In the event the developer or owner elects to substitute a new easement location, it will submit to the City �ke an easement survev and le,gal description thereof, the plans and specifications therefor, and proof of ability to pay and method of payment therefore for the approval of the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The City shall have 90 days after the submission in which to approve or re�ect the submission. If the City rejects the submission, it must do so in writing within the 90-day period and, in such writing set forth in detail, the valid reasons for such rejections. In the event the City fails to reject the submission within said 90-day period, the City's consent shall be conclusively presumed. The City shall not be required to approve any change in easement location unless the easement to be submitted therefor contains at least the same area and dimensions of the .existing easement; and the improvements thereon are of the 10 . �. , � . . %�- ����3 same character, qu lity and functional characteristics of the initial concourse, includi g replacement of signs, graphics and furniture provided in the original skywa system. When the City approves the substitution as aforesaid, the par ies shall then join in the execution and delivery of an amendatory agreeme t in recordable form which designates the substitute location and termi ates the easement over the old location effective upon completion of the onstruction of the new concourse and skyway system. HG. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The skyway system, including all future additions, is located on public property or within public easements. As such the City has a proprietary obligation for ope ation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the skyway system. Neverthel ss, the City will require, as part of the easement agreement, that th developer or building owner assume the full responsibility for the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all segments of the skyway system loca ed within its property� for bridges over streets abutting its property, and arry out such operation, maintenance, repair and replacement at its own expense without cost to the City. In the event that the developer or b ilding owner fails to operate, maintain, repair or replace the concourse syst , or any part thereof, to a reasonable standard, the City may perform such o erations and assess all costs incurred in so doing against the developer or b ilding owner in accord with the normal procedures for assessments relate to sidewalk maintenance, repair and replacement in the City of Saint Paul. Where skyway bridg s connect the property of one developer or owner with that of another, the de lopers or owners may share equally, or on whatever other basis is mutually reeable to both, the bridge operation, maintenance, repair and replacement costs. Public liability and casualtv insurance covera� includin re uired uret bonds indemnif in and holdin harmless the Cit shall be included art of th s o eration maintenance a reement betwee connectin develo s or owne s Such agreement must be submitted to the City �for agg�eva� view prior to commencement of bridge construction. 11 � . • �i�l-a73 Appendix B RAFT REVISION OF SKYWAY CONDUCT ORDINANCE CHAPTER 140. SKYWAY CONDUCT 140.01. Definitio s Subdivision . Terms. The definitions of this section shall apply in the interpre ation and enforcement of this chapter. Subd. 2. "P destrian skyway system" means any system of providing for pedestrian t affic circulation, mechanical or otherwise, elevated above ground, with n and without the public rights of way, and through or above privat property and buildings, and includes overpasses, bridges, passageways, walkways, concourses, hallways, corridors, arcades, courts, plazas, mall , elevators, escalators, heated canopies and access and all fixtures, fu niture, signs, equipment, facilities, services, and -- �" - - appurtenance . The term shall include systems or portions of systems which are bu lt in the future. For purposes of this chapter, a pedestrian s ay system shall include stairways and escalators leading from or into the skyway system from private buildings and areas under stairs and e calators leading to and connecting concourse corridors, in addition to tairs and escalators connecting the concourse corridors to public stree s or other public property. S�bd:-3:--LH �d�eagge�-ge�seas"-ska��-ffieaR-�l�ese-ge�seAS-s�€€e��ag-€�ea� a-gkys�ea�-e -ffiea�a�-disab����y-suek-as-a-s�gk�-disabf���y;-kea��ag d�saH����y;- -��sab��#�y-e€-�rZeee�d#aa��ea;-a-ffies�e�-d�sab��#�y-e�-axy e�ke�-��sab� ��y-�ka�-s}gx�€�eas��y-�ed�ees-�eb�.���y;-€�ex�b����y; eee�d}sa��ea -ge�eeg��veaess-e�-ab}���y-�e-�ea�: Subd. 4 3. Skyway g�effie��ea �overnance committee." The "skyway g�e�e��ea o ernance committee" shall consist of five persons appointed by the mayor and who represent, respectively, the Building O�cners and Managers Ass ciation, the Saint Paul Police Department, the Downtown Council, ea� the Downtown Community Development Council and skywa� co nected sm 11 businesses. A hai erson h 11 be elected b the . comm ttee to call and re ide over its meet s The skyway p�e�e�fea governance c mmittee shall, in addition to other functions imposed by this chapter advise the mayor aa� i council and building owners on all matters rela ing to the successful public use and enjoyment. of the pedestrian s ay system and pedestrian malls, including but not limited to lighting, standardized system name designations, standardized signs and director es, improved communications between law enforcement � authorities nd retail merchants, hours of opEration, and other matters of public co cern relative to the public ways. The sr-:wav governance committee sh 11 be res on ible for enforcin ado ted sic a olicies includin bu not limi�ed to hours of o eration levF::s of maintenance use of s a s ace for sales nd erformance as rm-: ::ed for bv section 140.06 of th's ordinance nd advertisin in t e sk a�- corridors as rovided for b section 140.08 of this ordinance. The sk a overnance committee sh 11 have the uthorit to rant variances to the uidelines contained in this ordinan e de endin on the facts of the case in uestion. e sk a ov rnance committee shall conduct olic 1 discussions at public meetin�s. notifying interested parties of its � meeting time and place, but may delegate some of its re�ulator�,tasks to committee members and/or citv staff. as it deems fit. Public meetings shall be held at least once a quarter at an accessible site. The skyway governance committee will be staffed by the Department of Planning and Economic Development. Subd, 3 4. "Pedestrian mall" shall mean any indoor enclosed public . mall, arcade, courtyard, galleria� gallery, piazza, square, or other type of indoor public pedestrian way or open space. 140.02 Prohibited acts. No person shall commit any of the following acts within the pedestrian skyway system or within any pedestrian mall: (1) Sit, kneel, lounge, lie� or otherwise recline upon floors or stairs. (2) Stand upon any radiator� seat or other fixture. _ (3) Commit any act which tends to create or incite, or creates or incites, an immediate breach of the peace. Such conduct shall include, without limitation by_reason of this specification: fighting; racing; obscene language, noisy or boisterous conduct tending to cause a breach of the peace; personally abusive epithets, or words or_lan�uage_ of an offensive, disgusting or insulting nature, which epithets, words or language when addressed to the ordinary citizen are, as a matter of common knowledge, inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction of fear, anger or apprehension; and words, language or statements which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. (4) Stand, stop or otherwise_linger in such a manner as to obstruct or impede or tend to obstruct or impede the free passage of pedestrians through the area. If the impediment or obstruction is caused by the size of a particular group of persons, all persons within the group shall be equally subject to this chapter. (5) Play a radio or tape player so as to permit the sound from the radio or tape player to be audible to other persons, except that peace officers may play radios tuned to official police frequencies. (6) Commit any other act otherwise prohibited by local, state or federal law. 140.03. Misdemeanor violation. Whenever any peace officer shall observe a person committing any of the acts enumerated in Section 140.02, or shall have probable cause to believe that a person has committed any of the said acts, he shall order that person to refrain from doing the proscribed conduct. Any person who shall refuse to refrain from such acts or conduct after being ordered to do so. shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 2 � � � � . � G�r��-�7� 140.04. Prohibite animals. No person shall bring or cause to be brought any animal, or low any animal under his ownership or control to be brought into the pedestrian skyway system or any pedestrian mall unless said nimal is a police dog or a guide dog for a deaf or blind perso exeeg�-�ka�-�k�s-see�}ea-ska��-xe�-agg�y-�e-sk}�ays w}�k�s-�e�x- qt�a�e. 140.05. Littering. No person shall throw, deposit, discard or place, or cause to be hrown, deposited, discarded or placed upon or within any surface n the pedestrian skyway system or pedestrian mall any glass bottle, glass, nails, tacks, cans, garbage, swill, papers, refuse, offa , trash or rubbish. It shall be an affirmative defense to a violati n of this provision that the material was placed in a designated t ash receptacle. __140.06. Sales_and performanc_e. No group. e_ntitv or person shall promote, ___ _ ' " advertise or sell articles or conduct, engage in or cause to be - � " presented an type of exhibition, show, performance or entertainment in the pedes rian skyway system or other pedestrian mall .or affix or cause to affixed an t e of ba ne o xte ior si to the s a brid s unless such persons entit,y or group shall first have received a p rmit from the skyway g�e�e��ea governance committee. This prohibi ion shall apply irrespective of whether or not such person or gr up has a license from the city of Saint Paul or other governmental body for such activity. except for advertising as ermitt d un e 140 08. Only non-profit civic, educational, charitable, eligious or patriotic organizations or l�aa��eagged ge�seas ad a ent busin ss s shall be eligible for such permits. Before the skyway g etae��er� governance committee may issue any permits under this section the committee must develop written rules or guidelines to govern such ssuance, which rules shall be approved by the Saint . Paul City Co ncil by resolution. Such rules and guidelines may properly con ider such factors as noise and traffic congestion in the pedestri n system and may limit the number of permits granted per day or t e size of groups allowed in the pedestrian system or the location in which such activities are carried on. However, the � rules may no allow the committee to arbitrarily or discriminatorily � select one g oup over another to which to issue a permit. The rules and idel n s as do ed b the Ci Coun 1 shal e rev ewed eriodicall and at least bienniall the s a ove nance comm ttee sh 11 submit it recommendations res ectin rules chan es �k�s-see�}ea s�ia��-se�-agp�y-�e-skyWays-W��kia-�e�-Sqxa�e: 140.07. Penalty. Violation of any provision of sections 140.04 through � . 140.06 shall be a misdemeanor. 3 140.08. Advertisin�. Billboard-stvle or enclosed display case advertising is a vermitted use in sk�wav corridors. If a building owner or manager. or the Citv, chooses to install such advertisin�, the following guidelines shall applv: �1) Advertisin� should promote the downtown communit,y. enhancing the awareness of sk�way users as to cultural and civic events. . (2) The size. shape and placement of advertising should be such as to not impede pedestrian circulation in the skyway svstem. (3) Advertising should be contained in "permanent", non-movable fixtures. including but not limited to glass display cases affixed to walls and kiosks anchored to the floor. �4) The desi�n and initial installation of advertising in the pedestrian skyway sYStem and/or pedestrian malls must be __ _. approved by the sk��wa��overnance committee and the affected building owner (5) Advertising and displays should be changed at least everY other mon h. � Advertisin� shall not be permitted within the skyway brid�es• [7) Advertisin� shall be subject to such additional rules and �e�ulations as the sk�y governance committee mav determine (8) Notwithstanding the foregoing. if advertisin� in the pedestrian concourse within a particular building or structure is wholly or vartiall�prohibited or restricted by an a�reement with the City of Saint Paul. the Housing and Redevelopment AuthoritY of the City of Saint Paul. Minnesota. and/or neighborin� building owners. advertising shall not be Qermitted unless and until the a�reement is properly amended by the parties thereto. Such amendment shall incorporate the terms and condition of this section 140.08. and shall require that said advertising cases. fixtures or displavs shall be covered bv the liability insurance policies reauired by the Agreement. namin� the said City and Housing and Redevelopment Authoritv as additional insureds. Insurance coverage will be required for the installation. removal and duration of display of external banners or si�ns• namin� the City. Housing and Redevelopment Authority and affected building owners as additional insureds. If the �ermittee is not obligated by a skyway or pedestrian concourse agreement to provide such insurance. or if there is no sk��way or pedestrian concourse a�reement in effect. the permittee shall, as a condition of the �rant of the permit herein. obtain and keep in force liabilitv insurance namin,g the Housing and Redevelopment Authoritv. Citv and affected building owners as additional insureds in the amount of S1.000.000 sin�le limit covera�e. in form satisfactorv to the City Attorney. 4 � � � . � . L�.�`-�7-�7� 9 The ins allation f dis lavs cases and ixtures and an advert sin therein shall com 1 with a 1 other a licable laws and re ulations 10 If er ission to install an such advertisin is withdrawn or revoke b the sk a overnance committee for failure to abide b the uideline as rovided in this section 140 08 b o erat on of an a r eme t or b c urt order the installer of the ad ertisin ha at his o r own ex ense remove su h advert sin and restore the edestrian oncourse to its o e condit on. 5 DRAFT RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING PERMITTING AND USE OF THE SAINT PAUL PEDESTRIAN SKYWAY SYSTEM 1. No .group, entity or person shall promote, advertise, or sell articles or conduct, engage in, or cause to be presented any type of exhibition, . show, performance or entertainment in the pedestrian skyway system or other pedestrian mall, or affix or cause to be affixed any type of banner or exterior sign to the skyway bridges, unless such person, entity or group has received a permit from the Skyway Governance Committee. Usage must also comply with State and City regulations 2. Only non-profit civic, educational, charitable, religious or patriotic organizations or ad�acent businesses shall be eligible for such permits. 3. Usage permits must be attached to displays - booths - etc. , and be visible to the public. " ` - ` 4. No activities are permitted on the skyway bridges, except for the display of such externally-oriented temporary signs as may be approved by the Committee and subject to the following rules: a. The Department of Public Works, Lighting is the preferred agent for the installation and removal of external banners or signs. There is a fee for this service. b, There may be only one exterior banner or sign affixed to any skyway bridge at any time. There may be a m�imum of eight exterior banners or signs on display on all skyway bridges at any time. There may be only one event promoted through use of exterior banners or signs at any time. c. No advertisement or mention of sponsorship is allowed on external banners or signs. d. External banners or signs may be installed for a period not to exceed three weeks. They should be removed within three days of the last day of the event they promote. e. External banners or signs should be constructed of material sufficient in strength to withstand the elements and be fastened in an approved, secure manner, so as to cause no damage to the skyway bridge. The size of such banners or signs should be a maximum of forty (40) square feet. 5. Doors, escalators and other points of ingress and egress must be kept. free of any activity, and all exhibits, booths, etc. , must be located in such a manner as not to impede the flow of pedestrian traffic. 6. Any graphics used as a part of the display shall be as approved by the Committee, neatly lettered and be no larger than 5 feet x 3 feet. 6 , � ��;��7'�73 7. No audio may be used unless the Skyway Governance Committee determines i is critical to the presentation. The use of permitted audio must b kept at a low volume so as not to disturb adjacent space users. 8. Permission t use any electrical service or any other building property se ice or space must be arranged for in advance and approved in writing b the building owner. Storage of applicants' equipment or display, if ecessary, and the terms for provision of electricity or other utilit , or security and janitorial service and of insurance coverages mu t also be approved by the building owner or manager, in writing in a vance of issuance of the permit. 9. Each person, entity, or group shall be responsible for the removal of the display booth, etc. , per the agreement, as well as for removing litter that ay have been created by their presence. 10. The pasting, taping, hanging, nailing, gluing or other placement of � � - any sign or isual aid shall be limited to the display area, and shall not be place on any surface considered a permanent part of the skyway or pedestria mall, without specific approval� in writing, from the Committee. 11. Any damage i flicted as a result of the display or permitted activity shall be pai for or replaced in kind by the permit holder. The Skyway Gover ance Committee may require an applicant to post bond or provide insu ance coverage in connection with the proposed use of skyway space as a condition of issuance of a permit. Insurance coverage wil be required for the installation, removal and duration of display o external banners or signs, naming the City, the Housing and edevelopment Authority and the affected building owners as insureds. 12. Space reques s must be presented in writing thirty (30) days in advance and ddressed to: Skyway Governance Committee, Department of Planning nd Economic Development, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint _ Paul, Minnes ta 55102 or to a place designated by the chair of the � Committee. 13. All activiti s must be confined to the specific location indicated on the permit. Permits will be issued on a first come, first served basis. 14. Permits may e denied or revoked by action of the Skyway Governance Committee fo failure to comply with these rules, any conditions of � . the permit o unlawful conduct on the part of the permit holder or its agents in us of the skyway, after notice and hearing. Any person aggrieved by ction of the Committee may make writter. appeal to the City Council. 7 ° - , � , � ��r���-�7.3 CREDITS Planning Commiss on Skyway Task Force David Lanegran, air Dr. Frank Indihar, Chair Marvin Anderson Lloyd Bergquist Richard J. Anfa Ronnie Brooks James Christenso William A. Buth Robert Ferderer John Mannillo Frank Horak Eileen McMahon Dr. Frank Indiha Brian Nelson Florence E. Judg Craig Rafferty Joseph Levy Pat Shay David McDonell Robert VanHoef Gladys Morton James Mulder Karl Neid Staff Joseph Pangal Gary Park James Bellus, Director Charles Repke, J . James 0'Leary, Deputy Director for Gayle Summers Downtown Development Nancy Tracy Katy Sears Lindblad, Project Manager Imogene Treichel Joan Hagen, Graphic Artist Robert VanHoef P.E.D. Print Shop Kathleen Zieman Resource People Perry Bolin, H el Green & Abrahamson Inc. Douglas Foster, .E.D. Nancy Frick, P.E D. � � Bernard Jacob, B rnard Jacob Architscts . Weiming Lu, Lowe town Redevelopment Corporation Larry May, Ameri an Security Corporation Darold McMahan, .E.D. James 0'Leary, P.E.D. William Pearson, P.E.D. Sgt. Joe Pelton, Saint Paul Police Lt. Tom Reding, aint Paul Police � . Tom Van Housen, .A. Mortenson Company James West, P.E. . (�ITY OF ►SAINT PAUL � �7 a 73 . - OFFICE OF TAE CITY COIINCIL i* s�ea +�ssanurse � !'�u��� = = D a t e : F ebruary 2%, 1987 C MMITT � E RE PORT TO = �a�nt Pau I Cit�y Council F R O M � C O P11 ir t e e O h C i ty Deve 1 opment anci Transportat i on CHAIR W; � � �am �. Wi ison 1 . Ap ea,l of Planning Commission Decision - 5pecial Co dition Use at 874 E . 7th (Patrick Murray) (R ferred back to Planning Commission) 2. An ordinance amending 5ection l40.OEi of the Legis- la ive Code pertaining to skyway conduct (sales an Aerformances) . l"his item will bP cancelled out bv item numbers 6 and "l. Approved to cancet out - to be removed from committee referr�l list. 3 . Re olution approvinc� rules and regutations governing _ _ __ .r__ pe m i tt i ng and use___of the St. Pau t Pedestr i an Skyway _ Sv tem. This item wi11 be cancelled out by item nu bers 6 and 7 . ApAroved ta cancel out - to be re oved from committee referral list 4. Re olution adopting St. Paul Skyways F'olicy Plan Co �mittee recommended approval of amendment to ex �nd the Skyway Yask Farce to seven members and � Aa sed out of committee without recommendation. .,a...�-.f.� L;� � ~-- �-�� �:;1 -, � _ 1' �� � L--J ; r' � _ � �'r ,-? •-t � :..� _ � - ;`; . - _i-c; [:..:�� '"-J CITY HALL ' SBVENTH FLOOR SAIN"T PAUI.� MINNESOTA 55102 .�.�. 1 _.,� ... _:,._.�._. .�,.�..-�.�-v,.��..,,....�..�......�...�...�._.�.:.._ ,�.R....�..,.,�,. �...��._,...��,:...�:�.�,�,,,„,.� -