87-263 /� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F E NO. �� ��°�/ FINAL ORDER f ! By + ^ 18456 File No. Voting In the Matter of t�ttinj the CiSE/1�IT!lINS?zt ��L STt1w�! s� l�OJ�C?• Ward (boa�d b�a~�r ssst b� L�kvright ltss�t tro� tos� >wn�e to 3 ��s ♦ awd ►� �rr Strast trc� Css� ��w to Miaaeirsis ��aw aa t� aorth b� tose �i�e� actea�d fs+oa i-3� �st to ♦ i�t Stra�st awd b� Case �irltt fro� Arianrisht strNt to �arr = ett, os dte Msst b� I-35S �aa aa d�e sogth bj Mi�aha Aw�e :< � n.. �; under Preliminary Order � �4�� approved � ��� � The Council of the Cit of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as rescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considere the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the ouncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City fficers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein a shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas��'�Nays �i��� Certified P e b ouncil ecr ry S!tlNi $elMititl In Favor �oas�' — ?tifsCe � Against W12iow MAR � � ��7Mayor PUBIISNEO MAR 2 1 1987 � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL eiii't Igii ��7_ OFFICP OF THE CITY COIINCIL � ,� (�� v JANICE RETTMAN Counc�7person MarCh 10� 1987 MEMORANDUM T0: Don Nygaard FROM: Janice Ret an RE: Inclusions o he Case/Westminster work orders As I had mentioned uring the March 4, 1987 Public Works Committee meeting, I am requesting tha the following work orders be included with the Case/Westminster Fi 1 Order. 1. PROPERTY OF 1047 WESTMINSTER: Ms. Adella Lorsung is the property owner, and she must have co stant use of her garage. She operates a business in another area, and at times, she uses her garage to store supplies. If necessary, please ca 1 my office, and I will provide you with Ms. Lorsung's work phone number. 2. 740 WESTMINSTER: Britton Motor Company operates a trucking business at this address. The i gress/egress needs must address a traffic flow of heavy large vehicles (40,0 0 lb. semi-trucks) . At the Public Works Committee public hearing, I was assur d that this ingress/egress need will be addressed. 3. WESTMINSTER STRE T (between Geranium and Jessamine): There will be no sewer construction p rformed in the alleyway west of Westminster between Geranium and Jessami e. For this one block area, all sewer work and street paving reconstructio will only be performed on Wesfiminster Street. 4. 380 CAYUGA: The e appears to be a "hump" in the street in front of this property. Dick Sobi ch, TKDA engineer, says that "hump" will be allevia ted wi th correc t s tree t ading. I am reques ting tha t a tten tion be given to this matter. 5. CLARK STREET AND ORK STREET: This is a request to place a four-way stop sign at this in rsection. Currently, this intersection has appropriate signage for one stree . The neighbors feel that the street plan warrants additional signage. am requesting a review and recommendations for appropria te traffic s gnage. 6. All final work or ers will submitted to the City Council for review and approval. Within the final work orders, it will also sta te within one block area, only two s tree t can be cons truc ted a t one time in order to insure adequate ingress and gress needs. JR/JC:bb CTTY HALL ROO NO. 704 SAIlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 6121298-5289 B�p46 lLembera: Chirs Nlcosfa, Cha1r CITY OF ►.�AI�TT PAUL Janica [t�ttmaa � ����� $lki Sonnan �� ��� . OFFIC� OF TH� CITY COIINCIL John Drew (Ali) � � �7--����3 _- Date: March 4, 1987 � C mmitte e Re o rt p To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair . The Public rks Comnittee at its meeting of March 4, 1987 took the following acti n: Hearing Date 1. 3/10/87 FINAL ORDER: Construction of the HAMLINE/HEWITT AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT and the HArII.INE/HEWITT AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING SYSTEM. Recommended approval. 2. 3'/TD"j'�"�`'� FINAL ORDER: Construction of the CASE/WESTMINSTER AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT and CASE/WESTMI�ISTER ARL�14 STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. Reco�e�ded approval. 3. 3/10/87 , FINAL ORDER: Improving BIRMINGHAMN STREET from York venue to Case Avenue by grading and paving, constructing oncrete curb an�' gutter, constructing storm water rainage facilities and constructing a street lighting ystem and doing all work necessary to complete said roject. Also slope construction in the above grading and aving. aid over in Committee to 3-18-87. _ 4. 3/10.87 INAL ORDER: Construction of a storm sewer to be known as he TROUTBROOK OUTLET PHASE B in conjunction with the ombined sewer separation project. ecommended approval. 5. 3/17/87 INAL ORDER: Improving OCEAN STREET from approx. 256 feet orth of and approx. 257 feet south of E. 7th Street with bituminous paving, concrete curb and gutter, concrete riveways and outwalks, a street lighting system and doing 11 work necessary to complete said project. All part of ' e SEVENTH/FRANK STREET AREA PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT ( upplement). commended approval. 6. 3/17/87 F NAL ORDER: Improving STROH DRIVE from Minnehaha .Avenue t Reaney Street by bituminous paving, constructing c ncrete curb and gutter, driveways, outwalks and i stalling a street lighting system. All to be known as A CADE/MINNEHAHA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT ( upplement). R commended avproval. � � o�- �-7-�?�-3 7. 3/17/87 FINAL ORDER: Installation of a Green Lantern Style Street � Lighting System for the following streets: Both sides of GREENBRIER from Dellwood Place to Margaret; both sides of DELLWOOD PLACE from Greenbrier to Margaret, and both sides of MARGARET from Greenbrier to E. Seventh St. This project is in conjunction and/or supplement with the RCADE/MINNEHAHA AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. ecommended approval. 8. ESOLUTION: Registered Land Survey Approval for Stephen reanor. (laid over from 2-4-87) . ecommended approval. 9. MINISTRATIVE ORDER D-8302: Extension of completion time o contract for MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. PARKWAY ESTORATION, PHASE III. ecommended approval. 10. ESOLUTION: Authorizing an agreement with the Minnesota epartment of Transportation making them our agent to ccept federal aid for road and bridge construction. ecommended approval. ., 11. ESOLUTION: Authorizing a grant application between the ity and Minnesota Department of Public Safety whereby the ity will receive funding in order to engage in the r search and monitoring pro�ect known as Top Accident C ntrol Targets (TACT) . R commended approval. 12. R SOLUTION: Authorizing an agreement between the City and t e Minnesota Department of Transportation for the r construction of traffic control signals at the i tersection of T.H. 149 (SMITH AVENUE) and T. H. 13 ( NAPOLIS) . R commended approval. 13. R SOLUTION: Resolution approving final plat for Central P ace Addition. R commended Resolution be withdrawn. 14. R SOLUTION: Authorizing acceptance of a Covenant of I. de.mnity in lieu of the bonding requirement as set forth i condition 4 of C.F. 272539, being a resolution which v cated part of Irvine's Addition in area bounded by C lins, Bedford, North and Lafayette Road. 2 � �-�-a � 3 eferred back to City Council without recommendation. 15. ' ESOLUTION: Designating PARK STREET AND CENTRAL AVENUE ying between University Avenue and Robert Street be known s CONSTITUTION AVENUE. ecommended approval on 2-1 vote, Councilmember Sonnen oting "No". •. 3 C '� C ���� , y - --- ` � c::.��ri �:�UL t;:-Tr �GUNC:L /1E- �-o21r� 3 (�' PUSLIC HEARI�G NGTICE : .������,..:. ;,:. ��� �i� :t PUBLIC iM�ROVEMEN i CONSTRUCTION r City Counci� District 9f5 ^���--�� • . Distric� ?1a::^:in� Cour.cils ��5 Dear ?=oper y 0�,-ner_ Fi'_e No. 18456 and � 18457 � ;: o decide whether to proceed with construction of a storm sewer to be � nown as the CASE/WESTMINSTER STORM SEWER PROJECT as shown on the map � n the back of this notice. Also, to decide whether to proceed with ; rading, paving and lighting installation on the streets listed on -�i �r:r��-,•-•� _;,..!- �_�`_�� ' he back of this notice. - -�� . ._ E - - - ' �ti,� : -- -- - .-. . - � � . � I � _'__-. ._. _ _.__. i. '._'_. _ `_�_'_ � uesday, March 10, 1987, at 10:00 A.M. �;==�' i �,;:; i ity Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House � f the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will be ssessed against the benefitted properties after ratification. The stimated assessments for this project are as follows: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS � for Storm Sewer $883 100 � - {'' h[' i�'�I' � _ �`yr...��ti�_ 1 _ . I i f�.�r;��;'(-i�.y?' T i�;��.; i ESTIMATED FINANCING: Assessments $ 25,000 � State & Federal Grants & Loans 585,000 I S��rm Sewer Seivice Ctidrge 273,1Ot� 1 � TOTAL ' $883,100 � $ .03 per square foot - Residential ! $ .075 per square foot - Commerical ' � I ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS � for Grading, Paving and Lighting $630,625 ESTIMATED FINANCING: Assessments 157,656 Storm Sewer Service Charge 416,269 1988 Capital Improvement Budget 56,700 TOTAL $630,625 S reet Paving $19.00 per assessable foot ( ncluding curb and gutter) L'ghting $2.00 per assessable foot , m,-- �,--� , �,. � . _, , . , � . , . . , . .,, Senior Citizens may defer their assessments untfl the property is sold. We will send further details at the time of the ratification of assessments or you may call 298-5125 for information. 1 ,, L�,) � � i� �_J u u � �'� �=i'i �- t MARYLANO STORM SEWER ASSESSMENT � J I � � � ^"S� L BOUNDARIES � �`� � � C C� �, GE�,� C J ............... STREET IMPROVEMENTS � �� INSTALLATION AREA FOR W � �N� � C NEW STORM SEWERS tn z i'+oU� M : C�; ��o� Jo— � 0<�����J=� �7C� �S�N C� C � o ❑ ❑ � � AS � ��--- N a � ��'"•. SI MS ` � � I �Iy/�` �: i P��� � AYE. �,� ; .:..:� : `'� � I ' - , , W � y ' I ly•�i �J� � � • • � • �� •�� (�; .— � � � � , r� , � . `Z ,. �• �o �— � � � ,•• n !1�� ��i+ � � I � ------ -- --------- ---, _._._ - __—_ ----------------------_... -------- .�uz.zBac� au� sa ri�p ; amss au� 'y�'y 00�01 - 0��6 moz3 IT�H ��?� 8TZ moog uz' ��aCozd sTu� iio i � suoz�sanb a�nuzm �ssj �ius zaMSUS o� aTqsT22n� aq ZjzM 33E�s t��z� °osT�7 _ � `�;` 1 I-� j��l �TS'7-86Z :s�uamssassy LLZ9-Z6Z :uot��na�suo� I _ _.__.____ _ .-i ; •ami� s � � �u� �� � suoz��auuo� asau� ��n.z�suo� aM �aq� �sanba� no� �sq� �sa��ns ar� �uoos � doTanap o� uE�d nof q�zqM f�.zado�d �u��an uMO no� �I •uoi��auuo� zad �so� jEn��E �s passassE aq TTzM �z �uo-���auuo� .za�aM ao uoi��auuo� .zar�as �.za�iuES �uoz��auuo� zaMas mao�s Mau s �sanba.z no6 pZnouS •�aa3 OST �ano a�s�oo� �us snTd apis ��ous aq� uo a�B�uoz3 � s�i passassB aq TjzM �oT �Eq� ��aa.z�s pzy ��uno� .zo a�a�s s uo j s�uoa3 �oZ �Eq� puE pano.zdu�z �uzaq sT �oT .zau.zo� s 3o apis �noZ aq� 3I f •uiE.z�ozd s�aaa�s paTzo 30 �uznBd siu� zapun passassE uaaq ssu apis �.zous aq� �aq� papznozd passasss aq �ou PUBLIC INFORMATION MEE � � � TING ....................... ............................................................... COMB NED SEWER SEPARATION, STREET PA ING, AND LIGHTING PROGRAM CAS /WESTMINSTER AREA AGENDA P OPOSED SEWER AND PAVING WORK I SUMMER 1987, �SEE MAP ON REVERSE SIDE FOR SPECIFIC STREETS) P ESENTATION OF PLANS AND FINANCIAL IN ORMATION. QUESTIONS/ANSWERS (IN LUDING PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS) WHEN W DNESDAY, FEB. 25, 1987-7:00 PM WHERE E ST CONSOLIDATED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4 9 CASE AVENUE PARTICIPAN S� PUBLIC WORKS STAFF- �CITY OF ST. PAUL) TKDA INC.- �CONSULTING ENGINEERS) RESIDENTS/BUSINESS PERSONS �CO-SPONSORED BY HE DISTRICT 5 PLANNING COUNCIL AND THE CASE/PAYNE CO MUNITY COUNCIL FOR MORE INFORMA ION CALL : 774-5234 ��.J � a rt MARYLAN� . . . - . '. ��,,— �- o'Z(c.3 . s . ' �� L..� �1 C� [� C� ❑ � ���- ' � ,• AvE. ,� ���.; � � ��� ❑ ❑ � ❑ � � . �,, . �*' — a �� r �, r � � y __� �. ac � r� ' f , I .i E � _ � ..r � (-- � � !, c-� �___ 5�� � ❑ � a : c t� � E. . _ {� �� � � —� (� :c r • `� ,,_ � -- .-.—�� —� � I� �I I . � �- Q �4'� :� — � � �J i }� �-��k , ti �_ Q N :� .. ,. , _J�u, ��m..�1�� ., �^ � � ;; �' • � LAWSO i= ' t � � ° . � � C� � ' r- ;i ' ' ' � E°5 �1 I� � `JENK �..NS� ►- �� � �. r � C" � I (--1 . cn j, � �, � ��� n � � � � � .� �tQs � � �,�E . ` : N E.. ; �! , r..� .,;--1 � � �, . . ,.�.I ; y , � � � . . , .o G�� S��S r;;:�. �::�: � ( � i .��-� : . 1 (— . � �J � Z_ � ���:� ..... A� � o_ ., �`.",.ti�c:.:::::.::. � � � � � ,,, ;:�.: x -- � ^� :•:.:.."�`�� W_ �., '''�,..�....,.�.::�:: � �— \ W ''.�'. 'ifS�("�,*`; ST w i ►- ' I� , N � � � �.�._...�:_�....�.." L_ �. :_._J � S T r • I � � ''�'' .5 T_ f � - � - , � � � � � . �f S � S7 : �� ' '' ' — I' � • � } �� . � i { , � ; ` .�:� p — r � " ` l / � 0 � ..� � N � � � ^ � 1 J� �1 ��\ N , N O W . .. ' �,� -C !� �� y,� ¢ .,� � ,� o � m U � '� �,� ,'�,. s � j� ' �� M T OA S T� '--1 !'-1�—;-r- �� i, � � i I �t,,.� � , � .,w � :: — . . �� � �� � �q � I -C < ` ���,►% . �. � • . ��1�O• ��J l�. l�� L � — `. . . � , . ,, � Ic�� — . . . �. ._ . . 6E�.�u��.,.,� �:� CASE / �/ESTMINSTER 01 LED STREETS TO B E PAYED 1 .3 M 1 LES OILED STREETS -- PAYING DELAYED 0.0 MILES ����� SEWER CONSTRUCTION �%�-� J��:��.� * � 4� i, -.:�ahLiD�li��i��j C ." , � .14, �. �,. t ' File No.8�-128—By Chri�Nico�sia= i , ., j . ._ I the Ma�ter s�i constiuc�t;it� flse Case%Westm�i�ster A��g„�Sx4#�n.Seq��r � Proj t(bounded on the east by Aikwright St. from Rbse Ave.to Case Ave.siii} � by B St. Erom C�se Ave. to Minnehaha �ve,� o�n the north by. Rose Ave. [aw��-ii�M�t N Ati[wtipt�.a�i r�kw.itww �t:, to 8t•.oaMKR w�Ms��►I-�aai ow N�e sarf��y�j���,��� . .�.T . ..-I . ! - . �. ., .�....r �s.r+k�s*,+`?;.lr{..T.i d±`:� ..t;l:A�4� .:«�;•a:►y Ceuocll ot tie!Citf ot�n!P�rt�wl�t�o�l�rM lM�R�[Wt�!�c- upaa abar� iea��+°�' an�l � �'.« ... .'���'�!.��:.: � 1. t the said report and the same is he�b y,;�ppr+�y�-,arith �fo, ltematives,and that the estimated c�t there�II�„is;8$3,1U8 financed by torm Sewer Service Char e$2Z3,100._ T""��� �S.Opb,aad ssessments S25,Ef0Q; 3tate�and.��dera�'�qts a B � 2. at a public hearing be had o� said �' , prove ent on the•�Oth��of arch. 1987 � lt.,a,r�t:;^-.in t�e`t�unc' Chamcerg oi uie c;riy a an ourt House BcLilding in the Ci�y of Sa t Paul. 3. t notice oi said pvblic hearing•be �v�ri to �ersons a�i ia;t�e: " r-pmvided l�.the t�rter�stit�€n��ie,_�. an�Plpce a�°h�i�� :, natv,re of the i�prQVdeaent as►d�tot�l�eost thereqf as est#�� .. File N6. 18456 . . ,-. � ..r . Ado ted by the Council February 3, 1Q87. , F ,, ��.j A� ved�ebntary b.�@? ,- . g ' >. f ri;�,, � . , � � .. ., .:.:i�'ebrr�ar�r�21�Y�Af)x; ' , .,..