87-257 WNITE - CITV CLERK � � � PINR - FINANCE � CANARV - DEP�ARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L CWlI1C11 p � L'� BLUE - MAVOR FIIe� NO. `� � J ouncil Resolution ���_ � Prese ed By �� Referred To ? ��`� Committee: Date °�"_� 7 �� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursu nt to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriati n revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1987 Budget; and WNEREAS, The Mayor recomn nds the following changes to the 1987 Budget: � CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 436 POLICE - SPECIAL FUN S 34116 Police-Equi nt Purchases -9890 Undesignated und Balance 0 40,750 40,750 NET CHANGE 0 40,750 40,750 SPENDING PLAN 436 POLICE - SPECIAL FUN S 34116 Police-Equi nt Purchases 34116-0821 Cars & torcycles 88,458 22,950 111,408 34116-0848 Other S cialized Equipment 0 17,800 17,800 �_______ NET CHA�:GE 88,458 40,750 129,208 r_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES LVED, that the City Council adopts these changes to the 1987 BUDGET.�J /! • COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays �Z �'����� �_ [n Favor POLICE 1-20-87 Nicosia / /, , Scheibel � B /`lyh.l,�/�'���c.�!,��%GL-l�� Sonnen Against Y 1-/ 'y" Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Dat MA� �J — �9�7 Form Approv y City Attorney Certified Passed y Council Se retary BY By r � A►ppro by AAavor. te MAR 1 1 1987 Appro e Mayor for Su 'on to Council By _ B PUBLISHED (�7 � 2 � 198 F,pl�ce OE PARTMENT ��� a� No 3 H '� �•'rJ�11 i�am Carro�1' � CONTACT 292-3541 PHONE �, 1/23/87 DATE ���� e e ' ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature) : � Department Director 4 Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Managemen Services Director � City Clerk � Budget DirectorGB 7 City Council _ City Attorney 8 Chief Accountant WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY AKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERI�LS��e(Purpose/ Unit Rationale) : Appropriation of funds to purchase cars, motorcycles, and other specialized equi ment. �� �.� R�CEIVED �� ` FEB 2 )987 COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY D PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEp: �iITY ATTO RN EY ' $40,750 �Ec��V�D FEe -3 , !:��?� f�1AY0R's�,r,.r�� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDG T ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transa tion: $40,750 ' quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Specia] Funds _ ° Activity Number: 34116 ATTACHMENTS List and Num er Al1 Attachments : 1 . Council Reso ution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW i x Yes No Council Res lution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance R quired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance tached: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � ; �-- � T� �—�`r�� _ , _ _ �.� �7-�57 CITY OF SAI17T P.�1UL `:�i�'i'i:`"� :� O�''S�ICE O�` TS� CITY COUDTCIL . Committee Report _ _ _ _ _ �:�an e l�ana eme�t � Persannel Cammittee. _ � FEBRU,ARY 26, 1987 ^ 1. Approval of mi utes from meeting held February 19, 1987. a roved 2. Resolution aut orizing payment of $25,000 to Lothar T. Williams and Eugene Williams out o Tort Liability in full settlement of claim for damages (laid over from Febr ary 19, 1987) . avnroved 3. Resolution aut rizing proper city officials to execute an amendment to the ' Consolidated C peration Agreement between the city and the Public Housing Agency for the urpose of reducing the PII.OT payment to benefit the low-income housing progra in Saint Paul. laid over to 3/5 4. Resolution auth rizing the city of Saint Paul to enter into an agreement with . Chemi.cal Bank o New York regarding the Galtier Plaza UDAG project. approved _ 5. Resolution amen ing the 1987 budget and adding $24,200 to the Financing Plan = and to the Sgen ing Plan for Police-Training Fund. �"�approved --- - �• ���t�� iug the 1887 budget by addiag ;4{�,��(} to �� g��cing Plan aad to the S}se ing Plan for``Police;..- $pecial Fu�ds - �o �rrcha� cat'�'; ` metorcycl,�s• .other equip�ment. gt��roved 7. Resolution auth rizing execution of a Joint Use Lease and .Operating Agreement between the cit and Independent School District 625 for recreational � development (bu lding additioa and sitework) at Hancock Elementary School. a roved 8. Administrative rder: ' _ D-8301: Budget revision in Finance and Management Services - Special Revenue Fund. discussed 9. Resolution amen ing the 1985-1986 Col.lective Bargaining Agreement between the city of Saint P ul and the Saint Paul Police Federation and adopting .a new wage schedule p rsuant to comparable worth studies. laid over to 3/12 C`� �'�' SEVEI`ITH FLOOR SAINT'PAUL,.�Pi INFSOTA 551(�� _ .��s __.._ ___._..,.-..,,,.....�..e-,.�....,�.�..�...^..x,>--•----,___�.__..-__._�.,___. ._...... __....._.__._._,...�.r._ --