87-249 WHITE - CITV �LERK PINK - FINANCE COIIIICIl Jn CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L p1 �9 BlU= - MA�OR File N O• � ( uncil Resolution - � �� r` ; i'� Presented By �YY, - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESO VED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifie and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of A peals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeal and Review, dated January 13, 1987, and marked EXHIBIT A, and ttached hereto and made a part hereof by re- ference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT O1/13/87 87-86-H 1594 Summit Macalester College Avenue Dupre Hall 88-86-H 1607 Grand Macalester College Avenue Doty Hall BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of one (1) month for the Appellant to meet with Pat Fish, St. Paul Fire Safety, to work out a viable solution to the windows in the sleeping rooms. PROPERTY DESC IPTION: 1594 Summit Ave. (Dupre Hall) 1607 Grand Ave. (DoLy Hall) Macalester St as Vac in DOC 1570635 and the fol . Lot 6 thru 10, Block 7 of Macalester, also subj . to sts the last 4 of SE 4 of Section 4 , Town 28, Range 23 ------------------------------------ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Agaltlst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Passed by Council Se retary BY gy, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIII�CIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �v��q BLUE. - MR1'OR File NO. �� Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT Ol/13/87 93-86-H 448-50 Stryker Rose Ann Herrera Mary Fernandez Romona Zigler Gerald Kaluzny, Attorney BOARD ACTION: ranted an extension of 30 days (February 13, 1987 ) n "Order to Vacate" , to complete the electrical, eadbolts, gas connector to s�ove in Apt. 450, epair bathroom ceiling in Apt. 450 or building must e vacated. PROPERTY DESCR PTION: West St. Paul Blocks 1 thru 99 Lot 4 B1ock 56 --------------------------------- O1/13/87 89-86-H 1085 Homer St. John Ritter BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time for 90 days, to get together with Pat Fish to work out a viable solution, if not request to come before the board again. PROPERTY DESC IPTION: Fort Street out Lots Subj to Rd; Ex part lying SELY of Fol Desc L: Beg at Pt on NELY L of & 120 FT NWLY of SE cor of Lot 5 th deflect left 90 Deg to SWLY L of SD Lot 5; Being in Lot 5 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas preW Nays � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen __ Ag8ltlst BY Tedesco Wilson FEB 2 6 �g87 Form prov by ity ttor Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas•e u cil Sec t y B B}� Approved by vor: te a'���� FEB 2 7 � �TApproved by Mayoc for Submission to uncil By BY PU��lSHED MA�� 7 1987 . . CJr`- �-�5/ , S . PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIE4J 705A City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Min tes, Meeting of January 13 , 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ror� Glassman Rosie Bostrom Glenn Gausman Harold Knutson William Tilton ABSENT WERE: William Hite David Schultz UTHER PRESENT: Sue Toskey, St. Paul Fire & Satety Sherry Jackson, St. Paul Fire & Safety John Betz, Housing/Bldg Jul ie Wr-ase R. Wi 1 1 iams James E. �eFave Gerry Kaluzny Rose Ann Herrera John Ritter Anne McDiarmid Dave Wuorinene STAFF : Josephine P. Palermo . The meeting of th� Board of Appeals and Review was called to to order by Chai man Ron Glassman at 1 :30 p.m. in Room 707 City Hall , on Janua y 13 , 1987. He welcomed the appellants and explained the pr cedures and goals of the board, stating that the board is avail ble to do whatever they can to help the appellants soive their code problems. Minutes of the December 10, 1987 meeting were approved as submitted in wri ing. CASE NO. FROPER Y APPEALED APPELLANT 92-86-H 545 Gr nd Ave. Julie A. Wrase Most Burnett APPEARANCE Juli A. Wrase SUBJECT A�pell t is appealing the "ORDER TO VACATE" by 2/ 1/87. Appellant needs ore time. PROCEEDINGS� Julie Wrase spoke on behalf of Most/Burnett, who represents the lenders at 645 Grand Ave. The lender is Lyons Savings 8� �oan ss'n, The Holloman' s , who are the owners of said property have m ved to California. they have filed bankruptcy in California. P esently, the Hollomans are working on getting a Deed frorn Trus ees ,in bankruptcy in California. The Hollomans have agreed to deed the property back to the bank, as they are not able to ay the amount due to reinstate the mortgage. Basically, Ms. Wrase is asking for an extension of time till March 1 , 1�87. The orders state to vacate February 1 , 1987. 1 , Ms. Wrase is hoping that by the end of the month that they would have approval from the trustees. Contractors have been hired and are ready to start to do the necessary work to bring the building up to code requirments. John Betz, from Housing/ Bldg. stated the building has been condemned and an extension has been given. There is no water in the building and numerous code violations that are hazardous situations. Building was placarded on December 12 , 1986. Ms. Wrase, stated part of the .building is vacant. Ron Glassman was called a month ago by the Hollomans to do an appraisal on this property, which Mr. Glassman did. Then he was contacted by Lyons Mortgage Company. In December he was in the building and saw to it that the kitchen was removed from the basement. The tenants have been holding back rent. There is no hot water and the tenants are complaining. The point Ms . Wrase wants the board to know, if the lender, because of the bankruptcy, can they legally go into the building, without being punitive�ly fined for taking possession and control of the property during the bankruptcy proceedings. Mr. Tilton � stated that if the owners and mortgager agreed that the damages of a building be repaired. then there should be no danger in bankruptcy court of anyone be found liable. BOARD ACTION Motion made by Glenn Gausman to deny the request for an extension of time pertaining to the "ORDER TO VACATE BY 2/1/87. Seconded by William Tilton. THE VOTE: 4 yeas 0 nays 1 Abstention ------------------------------------------------------ 90-86-H 444 Lynnhurst Ave. W. Richard Williams Reentry Services, Inc. APPEARANCE Anne McDiarmid SUBJECT Appeilant is requesting a variance form St. Paul Legislative Code, 34. 11 pertaining to number of baths. 2 �� �>- a�9 PROCEEDINGS Pro ram Director Anne McDiarmid stated these facilities opene on September 15, 1986, Metro is currently licensed by both the Department of Corrections and the City of St. Paul . At present the building is in full complaince with the Oepartment of C rrections licensing requirements and all city health and fire codes with the exception of the number of bathrooms . The D partment of Corrections requires that there b� one toilet to ever ten residents, one wash basin for every 6 and 1 bath and shower or every 8. The City requires that there be 1 complete bath f every 5 residents. Presently there are 11 sinks , 4 toilets and 4 tubs and showers. We are requesting a variance so that we can o�erate with the present number of bathrooms since we are fully in complaince with the Department of Corrections. We are legally licensed to house 22 residents. BOARD ACTION Moti n made by Harold Knutson to grant a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code, 34. 11 , pertaining to number of baths, allowing Re ntry Service, Inc. to operate with the present number of baths . econded by Rosie Bostrom. THE VOTE 4 yeas 0 nays 1 Abstention ------------- --------------------------------------- 94-86-H 225 Univ �rsity Ave. R 8, N Corporation � James E. LaFave, Attorney APPEARANCE Jarnes E. LeFave, Attorney SUBJECT Referring to a letter dated November 11 , 1986, appellant is appe ling item #2, (Sprinkler System) in basement because of cost fa tor. PROCEEDINGS James aFave, Attorney for Ron Saxon Ford, property in question is Sa on Ford main show room building. Basement is approximately 6,000 sq. ft. it is used exclusively for auto parts. The basement is s lid brick construction, floors, walls, and ceiling. The Fi e inspector is requesting a sprinkler system. Estimates to install a sprinkler system is over $16, 000.00. This building is set ap rt from residential housing by a parking lot. Ron Saxon Ford is in the process of installing a smoke detector system in the b sement that will tie in directly to the fire alarm system. No o e works in this part of the basement. Sherry Jackson, om St. Paul Fire 8� Safety stated that Uniform Fire Code Section 10.309, B, "All Occupancies except Group R, Division 3 and Gr up M, an automatic sprinkler system shall be installed: In eve y story or basement of all buildings when the floor area excee s 1500 sq. ft. and there is not provided at least 20 sq. ft. of opening entirely above the adjoining ground level in each 50 lineal feet of fraction thereof of exterior wall in the story or sement on at least one side of the building. Openings shall h ve a minimum dimension of not less than 30 inches. Such opnings shall be accessible to the fire department from the exterior and shall not be obstructed in a manner that 3 fire fighting or rescue cannot be accomplished from the exterior. " The basement is used for storage of parts in cardboard boxes , plastic. Basement fires , because of the access is unlimited. Heat and smoke have to escape through the means of egrees. Sue Toskey, stated that there was some rehab money available, Appellant to contact the fire department. BOARD ACTION Motion made by Glenn Gausman to deny the request on item Z of a letter dated November 14, 1986, pertaining to Sprinkler System. Seconded by William Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ----------------------------------------------------- 91-86-H 2O60 Carter Alpha Gamma RHO Foundation Dale E. Sauer APPEARANCE Dale E. Sauer SUBJECT Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code, 34. 11 pertaining to number of baths. PROCEEDINGS Mr. Sauer stated that an inspection was made a year ago, February 1985, with a list of violations. Most of these violations have been done. A fire protection system was installed. We are in complaince of all items except the bath room situation. Appellant is asking for a variance. Sue Toskey, from Fire & Safety stated the Fire department had no problem with the board granting Mr. Sauer a variance. Bill Tilton asked the board if they felt a variance should be granted with that many occupants living in the building, maybe a variance should be given with the understanding that a cap be put on the number of occupants allowed to live there. BOARD ACTION Motion made by Rosie Bostrom to grant a variance, only if no more than 40 residents be allowed to live there. Seconded by Harold Knutson. THE VOTE 4 Yeas 1 Nays 0 Abstention ----------------------------------------------------- 88-86-H 1607 Grand Ave. Macalester College (Doty Hall ) 87-86-H 1594 Summit Ave. Macalester College (Dupre Hall ) Mark D. Dickinson APPEARANCE Mark D. Dickinson PROCEEDINGS Appellant is requesting a variance pertaining to windaw si�e in sleeptng rooms bec�use o� financlal hardship. PROCEEDINGS Mark Dickenson stated the window situation is the same in both of these buildings. The frame size is 86 inches high and 28 inches wide, but the actual window itself is 21 1/2 x 31 4 �-�/-�`� � 1/2 inches, two indow sashs and then a bottom component which also moves in a track. The clear opening in thz window is approximately 31 " igh by Z1 1 /2" wide or a total of 4.7 sq. ft opening, 5.7 sq. ft openable space is the code requirement. Krause Anderson ave a bid on the window situation. The cost could be $1000.00 0 $2500.00 per window. Financially this could be a hardship, als the aesthetics to the building. Sue Toskey, in the absence of Pat Fish, stated that Pat Fish left a notation on the nspection report stating that an inspection was made on January 2 1987, Windows in each dormitory measure 20 inches wide and 5 feet tall , building is concrete construction and has east. wes and center Class A enclosed stairwells. Room doors are solid c re and have springe hinges, which have been disconnnected by the students. Szveral fire doors in the hallways were bl cked open. The building lacks automatic detection in the corridors common areas , therefore the Fire Prevention Depart ent recommended that a variance be granted on the windows on th following conditions 1 . other itzms on the deficiency list d ted October 28, 1986 be completed in 90 days, 2. Fire alarm sys em that exists in both buildings be updated to meet the current codes, including automatic detection and 3 . student fire monit r be assigned to each floor. � BOARD ACTION Moti n made by Bil�l Tilton to postpone for 1 month, to meet with Pat F sh, from St. Paul F.ire Prevention & Safety to work out a viabl solution to the windows in sleeping rooms at both addresses ( 1607 Grand Ave and 1594 Summit Ave) .Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------- ----------------------------------------- 93-86-H 448-50 S ryker . Rose Ann Herrera Mary Fernandez, Romona Zigler Gerald Kaluzny, Attorney APPEARANCE Gerald aluzny, Attorney with Legal Assistance SUBJECT Tenants equesting an extension of time to do the necessary repairs o bring building up to code through the use of collective rents , Tenants to file a Tenants Remedies Action, pursuant to 566. 18 -516.33 of Minnesota Statutes. PROCEEDINGS On D cember 15, 1986 the Fire Prevention & Safety issued a condemn tion notice "ORDER TO VACATE" because of a number of violat 'ons of a letter dated December 15, 1986, currently the own r of this building, who is having some health problems. Some pr blems with mismanagement of this building for some time. Tenan s of this building came in to see Mr. Kaluzny the 16th of Dec. a which time he tried to contact the owner about making repairs. Mr Kaluzny recommended that they file a law suit in court under Min esota landlord, taking over the administration of the building, ollecting rPnts and making the repairs. A suit has been filed whi h� authorizes Ms. Herrera, one of the tenants to collect the ren , she has contracted to start repairs. Most of 5 the deficiences have been corrected. One item that the fire department was very concerned about was the alarm system, which have been instatled. Harold Knutson, referring to item #9 of a deficiency list dated December 15, 1986 pertaining to electrical service in the entire building must be upgraded and inspected to meet the requirements of the National Electrical Code. When they take out the permit and have a electrical inspection the appeliant will be advised as to what to do bring the wiring up to code. One of the problems on this item is that the inspector could not get to the basement. One of the requirements from the Fire & Satety Department is that an inspection be made of the basement , if there are any violations these must be corrected. BOARD ACTION Motion made by Glenn Gausman to grant an extension of 30 days on the Order to Vacate to complete the electrical , dead bolts , storm doors, broken screens, instali double watled gas connector to stove in apt 450, repair bathroom ceiling in apt 450 (February 13 , 1987) or building must be vacated. Seconded by Rosie Bostrom. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------------------- 89-86-H 1085 Homer Street John Ritter � APPEARANCE John Ritter SUBJECT Appellant is requesting the order to install chemical sprinkler system in paint booth because of financial hardship. PROCEEDINGS Appellant owns Highland Auto Center and has been at this location for about ten years and has been in business for about 25 years. This building is a separate building, with a spray booth, strictly for spray painting. Fire Department is requesting that Mr. Ritter install a chemical spray system that Mr. Ritter sees no need for. Mr. Knutson asked if this was a factory build spray booth. Mr. Ritter stated that it was. The cost to install a chemical spray system in is about $800.00. Sherry _Jackson, from St. Paul Fire � Safety Prevention stated the code, Uniform Fire Code, Section 45, "spray finishing is all spray booths, or spray rooms shall be protected by a approved automatic fire extinquishing system. The approved system can be water off of his domestic water system, if the city allows him to go 150 gallons a minute". There is rehab money available to help install the sprinkler system. 6 � . �-�- ��� Mr. Ritter belong to an association and this has never come up for discussion. Glenn Gausman sugg sted that this case be laid over for one month so as to have the ssociation study this further, and maybe have them appear at the next board meeting to discuss this further. BOARD ACTION Mot on made by Rosie Bostrom to grant a 90 days extension and the get back with Pat Fish, maybe working out a viable sulution. S conded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------- -------------------------------------------- 39-86-H 1541 W M' nnehaha Ave. Richard A. Miller. APPEARANCE NONE . SUBJECT Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code 3 . 11 , pertaining to baths. BOARD ACTION Motion made by Glenn Gausman that the appeal be denied as the appetlant did not show. Seconded by Harold Knutson. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSLY. � Meeting adjourried t 2:40 p.m. Contacted Pat Fish January 20, 1987 in regards to Case # 39-86-H 1541 W. Minnehah Ave. Richard A. Milier and this case was withdrawn because it was resolved. Meeting adjourned t 2:4Q p.m. 7