87-240 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council `/_� 'CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• v • ��� BLUE - MAVOR Cou cil Res ution , , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RES LVED, That if the statewide bill does not move through the legi lature, that the City of Saint Paul supports similar local le islation. COUNC[LMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel � so��e� __ Against BY Tadeg�o wi�son FEB 2 6 1987 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: D te Certified Vas-e ouncil ,e a BY B}� Approved by avor. ate _ a� /�� FEB 2 � �PProved by Mayor for Submission to Counci� gy, J _ BY PUBCISNED �,,:�,� 7 1� . �. � ^ � • �I , � ---- — � WNITE - CITV CIERK � � � II PINK - FINAN�E II CANARV - DEPARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L ���'� 7 ' � SLUE -�MAVOR ' � � F1IC NO• �• -��� Coun il Resolution � Presente By • • /l Referred To � �:Gt.� Committee: Date �� �� ��� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, t e City of Sai t Paul has had a local Fire Relief Association sinc the late eigh een hundreds, and a local Police Relief Associati n since 1903, a WHEREAS, T e Public Employee Retirement Association established a Po ice and Fire Fund i 1959, and WHEREAS, S nce that time there h ve been a number of proposals to place all loc 1 Police and Fire Fund into the P.E.R.A. Police and Fire Fund, a d WHEREAS, N ne of the previous propos ls addressed many of the concerns of the ocal City governments, P.E �A. , and members of the local relief ass ciations, and WHEREAS, ere is now a draft of a bill �n the Minnesota Legislature tha is permissive legislation and �rovides for merger on a voluntary asis and requires City approval. �,, The draft further provides the Ci y with the opportunity to gather '�11 the information needed to make n informed choice, including all a�tuarial cost data, before said fin 1 approval, and WHEREAS, oth the Saint Paul Fire and Police Re��ief Associations have shown an i terest in this legislation, and WHEREAS, here has always been excellent cooperation between the two Relief ssociations and the City of Saint Paul, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paui supports the concept of the voluntary erger contained in the draft; and supports the passage of such legisl tion, and be it further RESOLVED That if a statewide bill does not move througYi,.\ the le islature th t a local COUNC[LMEN Reque; Yeas DfeW Nays Nicosia � Rettman �n FavOC Scheibel (J ` Sonnen __ AgainSt BY - Tedesco � Wilson ��-���� � Form A Adopted by Council: Da e � Certified Vassed by Council S cretary BY - /J /���L',�-�"� ��� ` r"�`" J, B}� y�� , ��_�.�,s�t/ C��^�O Approved hy Kavor: Date _ Approv / � �,� BY - - — BY - /��~� (/ n__ .�.'• !: �.;`. . , t,- ..`.� '.'MR°'"""� i , t `A *.�:, rd''.. -2°�.rM"^K�j$y,�;> �YM .�f'. A'.`.�As.� .�� {?`.� � �St', "� NiFi�lTE +.C�'V'�'!�.'`�RK'•,... . .. " !; ..., , � :.. .. .��: � �' Y..: �s" � - ,_ PINK " FI/YANCE � G 1 1 Y O�� •s ' 1��� S�� COYEICI��" ..-. ,. - � .. � CANARV .-.DEPARTMENT.., k= + � �:. BLU��:. ':.:"1atAY.OR . ' . , .. , . ._ •:`_� . .. . ��''� ��1I� N�. � � �"'� r' -. , f Cl�ZL�CZZ- �E'SO�ZltZO� � t= f�-� �, 5 s r . . . . � . . . .. . � � � ' . , . . . . � . �e �", .. ,� .�. ' ...� . . .. . . �. . - . .; P..i ::..� . . .:Prese�te :By . . ,�-` . Referred To � "� � . ,,,�` "� .�..-° Committee: Date '"'� ,�":�' ��" ;!' � , Ouf of Gommittee By. Date � S � � {: ��e Ci� 01�. 1►i�11 �i I�� i 3�'?atl. t1s'! i�Yti1' ��at�t�ot� _ t� lat,� ii�k► �: a�d a. I� �1fat � . �� � i���� J � �♦ �� �jII�YMM! ��� ��@R `.. is�#a� � � ��E"�! ��id Z�S�f � ��, ��� CtM t1Ml�! D�� i � i� �p�i�t �o � i7.1 �rli+ea� asf lis� i�tQ t'w !.3`�l,.�. �+/►l#►Q,� �ad �i�t� l�t, t. ;. ,�� . �. ; �. +�f � pae+�*f� �ci�� �� �f :t�wl► � : ��::o� t� �+oara�. City �r�ts, t. �t.�►,►, a�d �wr�rs er� t� j l�i s+�i1a�! s � . ; �,. f� a�a�► � �acatt a! a �lli t1� �ti� G�'.. . � 4� . . .. • ii �i� 2��slat�Oa a�w� fa�r a�c , ° . a� a �tl�.� � #,a �d s�atianr �.t� �raF.l.�.�1ralt ���t p� t� Ci �ri�i► t� ��sit� �� +�s�i�s `�►13 !i` 3a�fo�at'�#�vt ; ' ��d � �. =al�a�d �wi�, 3a�eel�i� a�l. �a�r'1�t1 va� dai#s� bs� �s+�id � ap�c+o!�+a�i, ��a� II��i1, thr► =ati�at lar�l �iss �d !b�#a� �il�as# i�roEtfatt#�s. . ,.._ Ii+ita►,a a�o� .aa la�swt ta this l+�ia�.�t�i+e�, a� ` 11���, �as aat aoo�at#�r b� � t1�r t�o �li�� � t1� �a��aiet �1, aa�r tl�ar��vsrt �� � . b� it � �� �hat tD� Cit1 0! ssi�tt l��1 ss�N:s t.� �pt o� � - � tl� �3�estas� �tai�Q i�t #� drslt= smd �poarts ti�t.:� o# s�a�It l+�i� ti+�i. s�[ b� i�t lart�r �!� �lr+et i� a at�� bil,t i�t. aa� � t� fi�r _ la � „ : �OUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: - }; Yeas Drew Nays ,, N��o:�a [n Favor. R�ttman Scheibel _ : _ Sonnen __ AgaitlSt BY — Tedetco Wilson . �'� ' Focm Approved by City Attomey ted by Council: Da >� � , -• C$#� Passed by Council S retary BY -� - � . . By . , �►PProved t�y Havor:_ Cj�te. " . Approved by Mayor for Submissinn to Coancil By . BY � . ,, �<: . � , � ,. , 4., . P ,.._ _ . _ . _ . . . . .. _. . . � • DEPARTMENT G���S�No 3474 . � . - " � CONTACT PHONE DATE 1 e�� Q Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING OR ER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Director Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management S rvices Director City Clerk Budget Director . I City Attorney � WHAT WILL BE ACNIEVED BY TA ING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : � I The resolution allows he City staff to support state legislation which would I provide a voluntary me ger of the Saint Paul Police Relief Association and the Saint Paul Fire D artment Relief Association into the Public Employees Retirement Associatio , Police and Fire Fund. ; COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AN PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: NONE. ' i FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDG T ACTIVITY NU{�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- i' ture not re- Total Amount of Transa tion: rt/A quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Nu ber All Attachments : Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council solution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insuranc Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insuranc Attached: ; i (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � � Revised 12/84 ' � . �c�°�_a�a �*� CITTc OF SAINT PAUL ..:3_ �� , � :i�� c�t.n1 � OB'F'IC� O�' THE CITY COIIi�7'CIL � Cammi�tee �egart _ - F.�anc�. �ana E�ne�t � Personnel Ca 'ttee. _ - r FEBRUARY 19, 1987 1. Approval of minu es from meeting held February 12, I987. auproved 2. Resolution autho iz�ng a joint purchasing agreement with the city of Monticello (laid over from eb:uary 12, 1987) , anproved 3. Resolution trans er:ing $146,072 of Neighborhaod Partnership Program CIB funds � for $146,072 of DBG funds from District 11 recreation center projects. laid over inde: 4. Resolution amen ing the 1987 budget by adding $41,905 to the Department of Community Servi es - Human Services Initiative, auproved 5. Resolution amen ing Section 16.D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to • • alt�ernates for om�:ssion Hearing and/or Meeting. laid over to '3/5 - fi. Resolution amen ing Section $.A of--the Civil Servir�-Rules pertaining" to - - filling vacanci s. Iaid over indef. � 7. Resolution cha ing the rate of pay for the �title of Bond Technician from Grade 31 to Gr e 3G in the Salarq Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. app„�oved 8. Resolution aut oriz�ng payment of $25,OOQ to Lothar T. Williams and Eugene . Williams out o Tort Liability in full settlement of.claim for damages. 1 ov o 26 9. R�.�ion sup o�tiag. state legisla�ion to provide vo�.untary me�ger of .the Saiat Paul Pol ce Relief Association and tMe Saint Paul Fire Department Relief Assaci ion iato the Fublic Employees Retiremeat Association, Polic� aad Fire Fund. avtsroved 10. Second Report of the City Treasurer on South African Anti-Apartheid. discussed UNDER SUSPENSION . 11. Resolution c rifyi�g city position relating to relationships with banks that do not omply :rith city anti-apartheid policy. approved C;.^l �iALL SEV�VTfI FL�OR SAIl�iT PAUL,1�zIl�tNF.SOTA SSIOZ �.+s