99-387ORIGINAL Council File # � �' 3 '� Green Sheet # � �y �� RESOLUTION Presented By Refened To OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 15 Committee: Aate 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul through its Division of Pazks and Recreation provides 3 a variety of special events for youth including track & field meets; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation is in need of facilities for its Youth � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Track and Field Meets;and WHEREAS, Macalester College of Saint Paul owns land at 1600 Grand Avenue, including an athletic track, stadium seating, concession azea, restrooms and field space; and WHEREAS, Macalester College has given permission to the Division of Parks and Recreation to use the stadium and track for its Youth Track & Field Meet on Friday, June 18, 1999 and for the State Hershey Track Meet on Saturday, July 10, 1999 on the condition that the City iademnify and hoid the College harmless during the use; and WHEREAS, these events serve a legitunate public purpose by serving the youth of the City; and WHEREAS, the expenditure of public fixnds, which includes the promise of indemnification and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and enabie it to take place, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Macalester College hannless from any and all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising out of said Track & Field meets which aze attributable to the negligent act or omission by the City of Saint Paui, its employees, agents or contractors. i 9°1-38'7 2 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this indemnification does not include: 1) injuries or 3 damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the facilities and track itself as to 4 which the Coliege had actual or consiructive norice; and 2) damages or injuries arising out of 5 occurrences or events which are not part of the track meet and do not take place on the premises 6 being used as part of the event. Furthermore, nothing in the foregoing provisions sha11 be 7 coustrued as a waiver of the municipal tort liability limits and defenses set forth in Minn. Stat. 8 §466.01 et. seq. ORIGINAL Adop By: Appz By: Re sted by e tment of: � �'� J / J'� �,e G BY 4' � �L �/'� Form Approved by City At o ne BY' �l� �� ���i�� 1 Adopted by Council: Date �� � ���� Parks and Recreation CONTACT P6iSON AND PHONE Vince Gillespie 266-6408 MUST BE ON COUNdL AGBlDA BV mA7D ° "'�'""'" T � ° ( GREEN SHEET 4-16-99 AS9GN Hwem flOUIMG OHOFIi ��� q,°l �3�Z� NO. 62637 WIiIAUDATE � DEPMTMENTDIflECTOR 2 cmwrrawEr RNANqAL SERVICFS DIR �MAYOR (OR ASSSTAN� TOTAL i OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIW ALLlACA7qN8 PoR AfiMAlY1F! INITIALIDATE 4 cm couNa� _crtv am�c 5 Parks & Recreation ACTION REQUESTm: Approve resolution holding Macalester Coliege harmless for City use of Macalester's track. NECOMMdDATONS Appow W w Ryxt pU _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _qVILSEflVICECOMM1S90N CIB COMMITTEE _ A srnFF _DISTflICT COUNCIL _ SUPPORTS VJHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? 1NITIATMG PROB�EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' pNho, VJhet, VJhen, VJhere, Whyl: 1. Ne tlis penxyfiem wer werketl utlm a cartrM fn tlw Mpartment? YES NO 2. Hn tlfs per�rm ever heen a tlH �Woyee? VES NO 3. Dom Mm Pae��rm Poum a altill rwt �wrm�IlY PwsmW M+�Y aerurt r3N emPIM'x7 YES NO gPw� aN Yo an�wan on wpr�n dset and atdch b� 9�aen ahaet. The City, Division of Parks & Recreation, provides athletic activities including track & field. Macalester Coliege has a high quality track that the College wili make available to City for its Youth Track & Field Meet on Friday, June 18, 1999 and the Hershey State Track Meet on Saturday, July 10, 1999 if the City holds the College harmless. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVm: The City wiil be allowed to use Macalester Track for the Youth Track & Field Meet. DISApVANTAGES IF APPflOVEO: �Dn '� '� i��� None f ��`�� F �' �:� � v__ � � ��;r�� a DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City would have to find another track to use. State Track Meet draws a large number of youth & parents from out state Minnesota to Saint Paul. State Track Meet wouid have to move to another city if unable to use Macalester Track. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION FUNqN6 SOItIGE fINANCIAL INFORMAiION: �IXPLAIN� Wl1.OM11t10 W1N1101{6: fCYtCIEONq Y� NO AC7INTY N{MBBt . , �����:� a��;'::� APR 2 2 �v�� ORIGINAL Council File # � �' 3 '� Green Sheet # � �y �� RESOLUTION Presented By Refened To OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 15 Committee: Aate 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul through its Division of Pazks and Recreation provides 3 a variety of special events for youth including track & field meets; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation is in need of facilities for its Youth � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Track and Field Meets;and WHEREAS, Macalester College of Saint Paul owns land at 1600 Grand Avenue, including an athletic track, stadium seating, concession azea, restrooms and field space; and WHEREAS, Macalester College has given permission to the Division of Parks and Recreation to use the stadium and track for its Youth Track & Field Meet on Friday, June 18, 1999 and for the State Hershey Track Meet on Saturday, July 10, 1999 on the condition that the City iademnify and hoid the College harmless during the use; and WHEREAS, these events serve a legitunate public purpose by serving the youth of the City; and WHEREAS, the expenditure of public fixnds, which includes the promise of indemnification and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and enabie it to take place, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Macalester College hannless from any and all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising out of said Track & Field meets which aze attributable to the negligent act or omission by the City of Saint Paui, its employees, agents or contractors. i 9°1-38'7 2 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this indemnification does not include: 1) injuries or 3 damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the facilities and track itself as to 4 which the Coliege had actual or consiructive norice; and 2) damages or injuries arising out of 5 occurrences or events which are not part of the track meet and do not take place on the premises 6 being used as part of the event. Furthermore, nothing in the foregoing provisions sha11 be 7 coustrued as a waiver of the municipal tort liability limits and defenses set forth in Minn. Stat. 8 §466.01 et. seq. ORIGINAL Adop By: Appz By: Re sted by e tment of: � �'� J / J'� �,e G BY 4' � �L �/'� Form Approved by City At o ne BY' �l� �� ���i�� 1 Adopted by Council: Date �� � ���� Parks and Recreation CONTACT P6iSON AND PHONE Vince Gillespie 266-6408 MUST BE ON COUNdL AGBlDA BV mA7D ° "'�'""'" T � ° ( GREEN SHEET 4-16-99 AS9GN Hwem flOUIMG OHOFIi ��� q,°l �3�Z� NO. 62637 WIiIAUDATE � DEPMTMENTDIflECTOR 2 cmwrrawEr RNANqAL SERVICFS DIR �MAYOR (OR ASSSTAN� TOTAL i OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIW ALLlACA7qN8 PoR AfiMAlY1F! INITIALIDATE 4 cm couNa� _crtv am�c 5 Parks & Recreation ACTION REQUESTm: Approve resolution holding Macalester Coliege harmless for City use of Macalester's track. NECOMMdDATONS Appow W w Ryxt pU _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _qVILSEflVICECOMM1S90N CIB COMMITTEE _ A srnFF _DISTflICT COUNCIL _ SUPPORTS VJHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? 1NITIATMG PROB�EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' pNho, VJhet, VJhen, VJhere, Whyl: 1. Ne tlis penxyfiem wer werketl utlm a cartrM fn tlw Mpartment? YES NO 2. Hn tlfs per�rm ever heen a tlH �Woyee? VES NO 3. Dom Mm Pae��rm Poum a altill rwt �wrm�IlY PwsmW M+�Y aerurt r3N emPIM'x7 YES NO gPw� aN Yo an�wan on wpr�n dset and atdch b� 9�aen ahaet. The City, Division of Parks & Recreation, provides athletic activities including track & field. Macalester Coliege has a high quality track that the College wili make available to City for its Youth Track & Field Meet on Friday, June 18, 1999 and the Hershey State Track Meet on Saturday, July 10, 1999 if the City holds the College harmless. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVm: The City wiil be allowed to use Macalester Track for the Youth Track & Field Meet. DISApVANTAGES IF APPflOVEO: �Dn '� '� i��� None f ��`�� F �' �:� � v__ � � ��;r�� a DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City would have to find another track to use. State Track Meet draws a large number of youth & parents from out state Minnesota to Saint Paul. State Track Meet wouid have to move to another city if unable to use Macalester Track. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION FUNqN6 SOItIGE fINANCIAL INFORMAiION: �IXPLAIN� Wl1.OM11t10 W1N1101{6: fCYtCIEONq Y� NO AC7INTY N{MBBt . , �����:� a��;'::� APR 2 2 �v�� ORIGINAL Council File # � �' 3 '� Green Sheet # � �y �� RESOLUTION Presented By Refened To OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 15 Committee: Aate 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul through its Division of Pazks and Recreation provides 3 a variety of special events for youth including track & field meets; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation is in need of facilities for its Youth � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Track and Field Meets;and WHEREAS, Macalester College of Saint Paul owns land at 1600 Grand Avenue, including an athletic track, stadium seating, concession azea, restrooms and field space; and WHEREAS, Macalester College has given permission to the Division of Parks and Recreation to use the stadium and track for its Youth Track & Field Meet on Friday, June 18, 1999 and for the State Hershey Track Meet on Saturday, July 10, 1999 on the condition that the City iademnify and hoid the College harmless during the use; and WHEREAS, these events serve a legitunate public purpose by serving the youth of the City; and WHEREAS, the expenditure of public fixnds, which includes the promise of indemnification and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and enabie it to take place, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Macalester College hannless from any and all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising out of said Track & Field meets which aze attributable to the negligent act or omission by the City of Saint Paui, its employees, agents or contractors. i 9°1-38'7 2 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this indemnification does not include: 1) injuries or 3 damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the facilities and track itself as to 4 which the Coliege had actual or consiructive norice; and 2) damages or injuries arising out of 5 occurrences or events which are not part of the track meet and do not take place on the premises 6 being used as part of the event. Furthermore, nothing in the foregoing provisions sha11 be 7 coustrued as a waiver of the municipal tort liability limits and defenses set forth in Minn. Stat. 8 §466.01 et. seq. ORIGINAL Adop By: Appz By: Re sted by e tment of: � �'� J / J'� �,e G BY 4' � �L �/'� Form Approved by City At o ne BY' �l� �� ���i�� 1 Adopted by Council: Date �� � ���� Parks and Recreation CONTACT P6iSON AND PHONE Vince Gillespie 266-6408 MUST BE ON COUNdL AGBlDA BV mA7D ° "'�'""'" T � ° ( GREEN SHEET 4-16-99 AS9GN Hwem flOUIMG OHOFIi ��� q,°l �3�Z� NO. 62637 WIiIAUDATE � DEPMTMENTDIflECTOR 2 cmwrrawEr RNANqAL SERVICFS DIR �MAYOR (OR ASSSTAN� TOTAL i OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIW ALLlACA7qN8 PoR AfiMAlY1F! INITIALIDATE 4 cm couNa� _crtv am�c 5 Parks & Recreation ACTION REQUESTm: Approve resolution holding Macalester Coliege harmless for City use of Macalester's track. NECOMMdDATONS Appow W w Ryxt pU _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _qVILSEflVICECOMM1S90N CIB COMMITTEE _ A srnFF _DISTflICT COUNCIL _ SUPPORTS VJHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? 1NITIATMG PROB�EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' pNho, VJhet, VJhen, VJhere, Whyl: 1. Ne tlis penxyfiem wer werketl utlm a cartrM fn tlw Mpartment? YES NO 2. Hn tlfs per�rm ever heen a tlH �Woyee? VES NO 3. Dom Mm Pae��rm Poum a altill rwt �wrm�IlY PwsmW M+�Y aerurt r3N emPIM'x7 YES NO gPw� aN Yo an�wan on wpr�n dset and atdch b� 9�aen ahaet. The City, Division of Parks & Recreation, provides athletic activities including track & field. Macalester Coliege has a high quality track that the College wili make available to City for its Youth Track & Field Meet on Friday, June 18, 1999 and the Hershey State Track Meet on Saturday, July 10, 1999 if the City holds the College harmless. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVm: The City wiil be allowed to use Macalester Track for the Youth Track & Field Meet. DISApVANTAGES IF APPflOVEO: �Dn '� '� i��� None f ��`�� F �' �:� � v__ � � ��;r�� a DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City would have to find another track to use. State Track Meet draws a large number of youth & parents from out state Minnesota to Saint Paul. State Track Meet wouid have to move to another city if unable to use Macalester Track. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION FUNqN6 SOItIGE fINANCIAL INFORMAiION: �IXPLAIN� Wl1.OM11t10 W1N1101{6: fCYtCIEONq Y� NO AC7INTY N{MBBt . , �����:� a��;'::� APR 2 2 �v��