87-239 WNITE - CITV CIEFiK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� ��� BLUE - MAVOR Co ncil Resolution � � Presente By `r Referred To � �C-� Committee: Date � � � �a � Out of Committee B Date WHEREAS, The ayor, Pursuant to Section 10. 07. 01 of the City Charter, does cretify hat there is available for appropriation total revenue in excess of tho e estimated for the 1987 budget; and WHEREAS, The ayor recommends the following additions to the 1987 budget CURRENT CHANGE AMENDMENDED DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES BUDGET HUMAN SERVI ES INITIATIVE SPECIAL REV NUE FUND FINANCIN PLAN --------- ----- 301-33001-95 5 DEFERRED REVENUE 0 36, 600 36, 600 301-33001-98 0 FUND BALANCE 0 5, 305 5, 305 ---------- ---------- ---------- 0 41, 905 41, 905 SPENDING LAN 301-33001-02 9 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 0 37, 975 37, 975 301-33001-02 9 MISC. SERVICES 0 3, 430 3, 430 301-33001-03 8 SUPPLIES 0 500 500 ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL BODGET EVISION 0 41, 905 41, 905 NOW, THEREFOR , BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts the above additions to he 198'� budget. APPROVED AS T FUN /ING APPROV��1 RECOMMEf�D�� ; -- -- � - - ----- ---- - --- - -�1-',�-===J�- Direct r, Fin nce and Management ���1 Budget Dir ctor Services ����' COUNC[LMEN Requested by Departmeet of: � . Yeas p�eW Nays c�-� Nicosia � � Rettman In Favor Scheibel /�) � Sonnen V� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson FEB 2 � 1987 Form Approv y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Da e Certified Ya• d b ouncil S tar BY By Approved by • vor. at �— �'� ���fEB 2 � �ppcn b ayor for Sub� ' acil By� - — PU�4S�E6 : :;.'=; ,�� i��T COMMUNITY SERVICE DEPARTMENT ��a.� No 7�� Robert Beikler � �'' CONTACT ' t , 298-4431 PHONE 1/9/87 DATE 1 Q��i� ee ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTIN ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Director 5 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Managemen Services Director 7 City Clerk Budget Director 6 Chair - Finance Committee ' City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY AKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : To budget the co tinued funding of the "Human Services Initiative" Program, with th use of grant financing. RECEIVEp R��L r�'�� JAN � ,�y�� JA N 2 � �g� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY A D PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED� M�YOR'�M•-•-�.�� S.LL}� � � ����eJ �.; .+ � 2 • : 6�; i t�r�::�a r.i This Resolution reates a spending budget f�r grant funds already received. There is no personnel or budgeta y impacts to the General Fund. � � n ` ) � I C��-��"�l� �_ � `� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDG T ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREpITED: (Mayor's signa- ��r������� ; ture not re- Total Amount of Transa tion: �4 1, 90 5 ' quired if under I ��o,000) JAN 2.�`�' � Funding Source: Fund Balance and McKnight Foundation Activity Number: 301 33001 ��"' �`'` �` ° "'� �� ATTACHMENTS List and Num r Al1 Attachments : � RECEIVEp� 1. Council Reso tion -•- � � JAtV 141987 ! OFFiCE OF T�E DIRECTpR �'�i'ARTMENT OF FI'I�ANCE �D M��EMENT SERyiCES ' I DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Reso ution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Re uired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No : ; Yes x No Insurance At ached: ' � ( EE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . . � �7 � 39 �+ CIT�' OF S�I�TT PAUL . :.:�.y;��`• , :�n ��. i O�'F'ICE OP' TH� CZTY COUVCZL . Commi�te� �epar� _ - ��ane �ana E�.e�t 8� Personnel Cammittee. . " v FEBRUARY 19, 1987 l. Approval of mi utes from meeting held February 12, 1987. annroved 2. Resolution aut oriz�ng a joint purchasing agreement with the eity of Monticello (laid over fro Feb:uary 12, 1987) . aovroved 3. Resolution tra sfer=ing $146,072 of Neighborhood Partnership Program CIB funds � for $146,072 o CDBG funds from District 11 recreation center projects. laid over inde= 4. R�BOlutioa am diag the 1987 budget by adding $43,905 to the Departmen� of C,�o�.ty. Se ces - Human S�rvices Iaitiative. ap�rrovedt. � 5. Resolution am nding Section 16.D of the Civi1 Service Rules pertaining to � • alternates fo CommLSSion Hearing and/or Meeting. laid over to �3/5 - 6. Resolut�on-am nding Section 8.A of-the Civi1 Servic��Rules pertairiiag to - -� filling vacan ies. Zaid over indef. � 7. Resolution ch nging the rate of pay for the �titie of Bond Technician from Grade 31 to G ade 36 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. a ove 8. Resolution au horiz�ag payment of $25,000 to Lothar T. Williams and Eugene _ Williams out f Tort I.iability in full settlement of_claim for damages. ver 26 9. Resolution s portirg state legislation to provide voluntary merger of the Saint Paul P lice Relief Association and the Saint Pau1 Fire Department Relief Assoc'ation r.nto the Public Employees Retirement Association, Police and Fire Fun . a�uroved 10. Second Repor of the City Treasurer on South African Anti-Apartheid. discussed UNDER SUSPENSION . 11. Resolution larifyi�g city position relating to relationships with banks that do not comply �rith city anti-apartheid policy. appraved C`� �I'I' SEV'Vr.. TEi Fi.00R SAINT PAUL,:tiIINNESOTA 55202 ...a�...• WHITE C:-TV CLERK PINK �- FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council �j �ANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• u ' -��� BLUE - MAVOR Cou cil R olution Presented By , w F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has had a local Fire Relief Association s 'nce the late eighteen httndreds, and a local Police Relief Associ tion since 1903 ; and WHEREAS, The Public Employee ' s Retirement Association established a Police and Fire Fund in 1959; and WHEREAS, Since that time there have been a number of proposals to lace all local Police and Fire Funds into the P.E.R.A. Poli e and Fire Fund, none of which addressed many of the concerns of t e local City governments, P.E.R.A. , and members of the local rel 'ef associations; and WHEREAS, There is now a bill in the Minnesota Legislature (�.F. 317) th t is permissive leqislation and provides for merger on a voluntar basis. The bill further provides the City with th� opportuni y to approve or disapprove the proposed merger after all of the ne essary actuarial and financial cost information is obtained; and WHEREAS, Both the Saint Paul Fire and Police Relief Associations ave shown an interest in this legislation; and WHEREAS, There has always been excellent cooperation between the two Relie Associations and the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul supports the general concept of th voluntary merger contained in S.F. 317 , and supports the passage o such legislation; and be it COUNCILMEtV Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel so��e� __ Against BY red.s�o wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Sec tary BY B}� t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - - — BY