87-238 wHITE - CITV CLERK PINR� - FINANCE (jITY OF SAINT �AUL Council _a3 p� • CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution �°' /'� �' Presented y �����/ eferred To �� L� Committee: Date ��� ��� Out of Committee B Date An administrative Resolution changing the rate of pay for the title of Bond Technician in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, th t the rate of pay for the title of Bond Technician be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 31 , Section I D 2, Technical Standard Ranges, to Grade 36, Sec ion I D 2, Technical Standard Ranges, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compens tion Resolution; and be it FURTHER RES LVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay pe iod after the passage, approval and publication of this resolution. COUNC[LME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia � (n Favor Rettman Scheibel � � P' Sonnen __ Ageinst BY � Tedesco Wilson FEB 2 6 1987 Form prov by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: D te Certified Vas ounc.il , et BY gp Approved by AAavor: D te _��`a� FEB�7 B�PProved Mayor f Subm ion to Council _�. � , Bv - - PUBIIS�ED :':t 7 1987 � ��'�N° 0 811 Personnei'.Office � DEPARTMENT _ John ShoEkley CONTACT 4221 �PHONE _ ,, . 1-27-87 DATE . �� � ASSI NUMBER FOR :ROUTING URDER C1i All Locations for Si nature. : . Department Director � 3 Director of Management/Mayor r Finance and,Managemen Services Director � �City Clerk . � Budget Director � City Attor.ney . - HAT WILL BE ACH.IE1lED BY AKING I�CTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Since the position was l st audited in 1981 , duties involving assistance in planning, directing reviewing and coordinati g the Treasury Division's operations have be�n added. The d�ties per- formed are very similar o those performed by Management Assistant ZIs. We. cannot .allocate the position to the Manageme t Assistant II class as the incumbent, Shirley Davis, is not on the existing list. Rather t an penalize the incumbent, we are upgradin,g the Bond Technician class to the level of Manageme t Assistant II, with the understanding that the incumbent will test f such and the position wi 1 -be fille.d accordingly when the list expires in October of this year. We are also abolishing t e Bond TeChnician title when vacated by the, inc�taibent. ' COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY D PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The cost will be $4,408 er year. The eventual placement, of this position in the Management Assistant .class sefies w ll enable management to have mare options in joh den�lopment and also gnable the inct�mbent to ave a better chance for career growth. Such will also enable the . Personnel Office to eLi 'nate a single incumbent classification. Class specification is a tached. , �INANCING SOURCE AND BU ET ACTIYITY NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture nat re- Total Amount of"Tran ction:- quired if under � $10,OOQ.) Fundi r�g� Sourc,e: Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTS List and N ber All Attachments : REC EI�t�E� � � . Reso�ut�on � JqN 2g �98I 2. Copy for City C1erk _ ,. : � �ITY AT�'ORI�EY DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � No Council R solution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes d�No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes G/No Insurance Attached: (SEE �REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 " � • . . - � . �,..r�7 �,��' � Title o class: BOND TECHNICIAN DESCRIP ION OF WORK Gener 1 Statement of Dut�es: Performs auditing and bookkeeping work related to the preparation, sale and cantinuing administration of tax exempt debt; a performs related duties as required. Su e ision Received: Worlts under the general guida�ce and direction of a d' ision head. Su e ision Exercised: Exerciaes within a unit close technical supervision d ectly over clerical workers. TYPIC DUTIES PERFORMED The li ted examples may not include all duties p�xformed by all positions in this c ass. A�se bles �nd computes maturity schedules, notice of sales and bond p ospectuses. Work with fiscal advisor and attorneys in the preparation of documents r lating to the sal,e of debt. Prep res and m�intains bond and interest ledgers. � Reco ciles and aud�ts hank statements for a].1 Debt Issues. Prep res City Gouncil resolutions. Prep res miscellaneous claims authorizing payments of principal, interest, a d sexvice charges to paying agent. Answ rs inquiries relating to bond issues, interest payments, redemption, 1 st bonds and registration of bonds. Prep res budget papers for debt service accounts. Prep res reports on long-term investment, debt statements and short-term b rrowing. Prep res lists and arranges for destruction of interest coupons and bonds t at have matured. Prep res for publication notices concerning short-term borrowing and is r sponsible for tranafers of moni�s and miscellaneous claims. KNOWLE GES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Cons derable knowledge of laws, statutes, ordinances and resolutions c ncerning all phases of Tax Exempt bond sales and administration. Cons derable knowledge of practices, procedures and po],icies concerning T x Exempt bond sales and administration. Cons derable skill in modern office practices and procedures. Wor 'ng ability to operate modern office equipment. Wor 'ng ability to deal tactfully and effectively W3.th city personnel and g neral public. � (continued on reverse side) Effective February 26, 1983 BOND TECHNICIAN , . - ' ' BOND TECHNICIAN � (continued) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years' clerical experience, at least two years of which must have b�en as a Clerk III or equivalent, assisting the Treasury Manager in the administration of tax-exempt debt. • � J . • o���- a3� �+ CIT� OF SAINT PBUL � :iiitiiiiid . � O�'B'IC� OF T73II: CITY COII'YCIL � �ommi�tee �eport _ . F�uaan e �ana E�ne�t & Personnel Cammittee. " v FEBRUARY 19, 1987 1. Approval of mi utes from meeting held February 12, 1987. avvroved 2. Resolution aut oriz�ng a joint purchasing agreement with the city of Monticello c (laid over fro Feb=uary 12, 1987) . au�roved 3. Resolution tra sferring $146,072 of Neighborhood Partnership Program CIB funds � for $146,072 o CDBG funds from District 11 recreation center projects. laid over inde: 4. Resolution ame ding the �1987 budget by adding $41,905 to the Department of � Community Serv'ces - Human Services Initiative. ' avvroved � 5. Resolution ame ding Section 16.D of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to • • alternates for Co�ssion Hearing and/or Meeting. laid over to �3/5 _. _. • b. -Resalution ame ding Section 8.A of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to -- - filling vacanc es. Iaid over indef. � 7�°�`� lt�so�utioa cha gi�g the rate of pag for the �title of Band Tec�mfcian from Grade 3Y to Gr de 36 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. „� 8. Resolution aut oriz:ag payment of $25,000 to Lothar T. Williams and Eugene , Williams out o Tort Liability in full settlement of.claim for damages. v t 6 9. Resolution sup orti�g state legislation to provide voluntary merger of the Saint Paul Pol ce Relief Association and the Saint Paul Fire Department Relief Associa ion. into the Public Employees Retirement Association, Police and Fire Fund. avvroved 10. Second Report f the City Treasurer on South African Anti-Apartheid. discussed UNDER SUSPEN5ION . 11. Resolution cl rifyiag city position relating to relationships with banks that do not c mply .rith city anti-apartheid policy. approved C:TY HALL SEV�.VTH FLOOR SAIl�iT PAUI,bZIl�1E50TA SSIOZ '�.�.