87-123 WHITE -.�ITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C4IJARV -DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAITL COLIIC3 �� BL�VE -�4AAVOR File �O. ��� � • � 0 r in�nce Ordinance N 0. / '� � Presented By �����-� � J t/Referred To ������ Committee: Date �-3 �� Out of Committee By Date 1 An ordinance establishiny parkin�;,meter zones pursuant to Chapter �af the Saint Paul Legislative Code:�` THE COUNCIL 4F THE CITY OF SAINT RAUL [70ES ORDAlN: SEGTI4N 1. $i.00 per hour - one haur maximum. At al l of the meters iuceted as describPd herein, the tawful parking time at said meters shall be c�ne ho�r maximum, and the deposit required to be made in the met�r theretor shatl be $1.4a per� ho�r ar prarated portion thereof. LdCAT I ON S!DE �F �I HF F T FROM TO Cedar Street. Roth Kellogg Blvd Fifth St �PC��r st.�PPt. wesr. Fifth St Eigfith St E1c�hth �trePt Snutr7 `�iir�nesata St RobertSt Fifth Street �oth St Peter St Wabasha St Fifth Street North Wak�ashaSt Cedar St Fourth Street South St Reter St Wabasha St Fourth Street �oth Wabasha St Minnesota S Kellogg Boulevard E3oth Market St Wabasha St Kellogg Boutevard South Wabasha St Cedar St Kellogg Boulevard Both Cedar St Rob�rt St COUNCILMEN Yeas Dr�ys Requested by Department of: F tc er A4�sanz Dr �,�c,,a In Favor M nz s�heibe! Ni la g sibel Sonnen Against Y esCO 7��0 Wilson W�ISO� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Couneil Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council By BY , . � �7_,a3 P�q�' �' Minnesota Street West Ke11Qg� B1vd F�urth �t RQbert Stre�t West �ixth St Eighth St St Peter Street E�st Kellogg �lvd Fifth �� St Peter Street Both Fifth St Sixth St Sixth Street �Jorth �t Ret�r St Wabasha �t Sixth �treet South Wab�sha St ��dar St Sev�nth Pi��� North Minn��ota St Ftobert �t Wabasha Street West k',eltagg Bivd E1c�hth St SECTION 2. $0.75 p�r hour - one hour maxlmum. At ait of the meters located as described herein, the lawful parking time at said meters shall be one hour maximum, and the deposit requlred ta be made in the meter therefor shalt be $0.75 per hour or prorated portion thereof. l4CAT I ON S i DE �F �TREET FRpM TO Cedar Street East Eighth �t Ninth St Eighth Street North Cedar St RobertSt Eighth Street Both Robert St Jack$on St Exchange Street South St Peter St Wabasha St Fifth Street North Washington St �t Reter St Fifth Street Narth Robert St Jackson St Fifth Street South Jackson St �ibley St Fourth Street Both Washington St St Peter St F�urth Street Both Robert St �ibley St Jackson Street East Fourth St Fifth St Jackson Street West Fifth St Sixth St Jackson Street East �i�cth �t Seventh P1 Jackson Street West Seventh R1 Eighth St Kellogg Boulevard South Robert St Jackson St Kellagg Boulevard Both Jackson St Sibiey St Market �treet Both Kellogg elvd Faurth St Market Street West Fourth St Fifth St Market Street Both Fifth St Sixth St Market Street West Sixth St Seventh P1 Minnesota Street Both Eighth St Ninth St Robert Street Both Eighth St Ninth St St Peter Street East Sixth St Seventh P1 St Peter Street � Both Seventh P1 Tenth St Sherburne Avenue North Capital Blvd Cedar S �ibley Street West Second St Ketlogg Bl��d Sibley Street Both Kellogg Blvd Fifth St Sixth Street South Seventh P1 Market St Washington Street Bo�h Keilogg Blvd Fourth St . U. �7-/°73 . ' � � page � Washington �treet Ea�t Fourth St F1fth St Washington Street West Fifth St Sixth St Washington Street Both S�ixth St Seventh P1 SECTION 3 . $0.75 pe� hour - two hour maximum. At ali of the meters located as described herein, the lawful parking time at said meter� shall be two hour maximum, and the deposit required to be made in the meter therefar shall be $0.75 pen c��ur or prorated portion thereaf. L�CAT I�iN S I DE �F STREET FROM T4 Cedar Street East Ninth St Exchange St Cedar Street East Twelfth St Columbus Ave Cedar Street Both Columbus Ave Central Ave Cedar Street West Exchange St Tenth St Eleventh Street South Cedar St Minnesota St ExGhange �treet North Wabasha St Cedar St Fifth Street Both Sibley St Wall St Fourth Street Both Sible� St Wacouta �t Jackson Street West Eighth St Eleventh St John ireland Blvd Both Twelfth St Central Ave Kellogg Boulevard North Washington St Market St Minnesota Street West Tenth St Eleventh St Minnesota Street Both Ninth St Tenth St Ninth Street Both Cedar St Jackson St Robert Street goth Ninth St Eleventh St Seventh Place Narth Robert St Sibley St Seventh Place Eoth Sibley St Wall St Sibley Street East Fifth St Sixth St Sibiey Street Both Sixth St EighthSt Sixth Street North Jackson St Sibley St Sixth Street 6oth Sibley St Wacouta St Sixth Street South Wacouta St Wali St Tenth Street Both St Peter St Cedar St Tenth Street South Minnesota St Robert St Tenth Street Both Robert St Jackson St Wabasha �treet Both Elghth St Exchange �t Wacouta Street Both Kellogg Blvd Seventh P1 . �!_ �7-ia 3 • �, . . . pa�ge 4 SECTION 4. �0.50 per hour - one hour maximum. At all of the meters located as described herein, the lawfui parking time at safd meters shaii be �,�� two hour maxfmum, and the deposit required to be made in the meter ~ rtherefor shali be $0.50 per hour or prorated portion thereaf. Seventh Street Both Chestnut St Kei logg Blvd SECTtON 5. $0.50 per hour - two hour maximum. At ail of the meters located as described herein, the lawful parking time at said meters shail be two hour maximum, and the deposit required to be made in the meter ther�efor shaii be $0.50 per hour or prorated portion thereof. LOCAT I ON SI DE OF STREET FROM TO Broadway Street West Keliogg Bivd Fourth St Broadway Street East Fourth St Fi f th St Broadway Street West F1fth St Sixth St Broadway Street West Sixth St Seventh St Eighth Street North Jackson St Temperanc�e St Exchange Street Both Nfnth St St Peter St Fifth Street North Sixth St Washington St Fourth Street Both Wacouta St Waii St Jackson Street East f ighth St Tenth St Keilogg Boulevard North Wacouta St Wail St Main Street Both Sixth St Ninth St Robert Street West Columbus St Centrai St � St Peter Street East Tenth St Eleventh St Seventh Piace Both Sixth St St Peter St Seventh Street South St Joseph's Ln St Peter St Sfxth Street Both Main St Seventh St Sixth Street So�th Wali St Broadway St Sixth Street South Fifth St Seventh Pl Tenth Street Both Jackson St Sibiey St Wai l Street Both Kei logg Bivd Fourth St Waii Street West Fourth St Sixth St . �"�'r-ia 3 . . pa�� 5 SECTION 6 . $0.5Q per hour - five hour maximum. At all of th� meters located as described herein, the lawful parking tlme at said meters shall be five hour maximum, and the deposit required to be made �n the meter ther�far shall be $0.5Q per hour ar prorated portion thereof. L4CATit�N SIDE OF STREET FRqh1 TO Aurora Street South Cedar St Robert St Broadway Street East Kellogg Blvd Fourth �t Broad�vay Street East Sixth �t S�venth St Columbus Avenue Both Wabasha �t Cedar St Central Street Both Cedar St Robert St Seventh Street South Sixth St St Joseph's Ln SECTION 7. $0.25 per hour - four haur maximum. At a11 of the meters located as described herein, the tawful parking time at said meters shatl be four hour maximum, and the deposit required to be made in the meter therefor shait be $0.25 per hour ar prarated portion ther�of, �4CATION SIDE OF STREET FROM TO Eleventh Street South St Peter St Wabasha St Jackson Street East Tenth St Eleventh St St Joseph's Lane East Seventh S�t Exchange St St Peter Street West Tenth St Eleventh St Second Street North Kellagg glvd Jackson St Wabasha Street Both Tenth St Eleventh St SECTION 8. $0.25 per haur - five hour maximum. At all of the meters located as described herein, the lawful parking time at said meters shall be five hour maximum+ and the deposit required ta be made in the meter therefor shall be $0.25 per hour or prorated portion thereof. LOCATION SIDE �F STREET FR4M T� Eagle Street Both Seventh St Exchange St Ninth Street Both Main St St Jaseph's Ln Robert Street West Twelfth St Columbus Ave Robert �treet East Tweifth St Thirteenth St Second Street South Robert St Slbiey St G��>-��3 � � � page 6 SECTION 9. $0.25 - Fifteen minute maximum. At ali of the meters located as described herein, the lawfui parking time at said meters shaii be fifteen mfnute maxtmum, and the deposlt required to be made in the meter therefor shall be $4.25 . LOCAT I ON S i DE OF STREET LOCAT I ON Ceder Street East 180 ft. Notrh of Keliogg Bivd Ceder Street East 197 ft. Notrh of Kellogg Blvd Ceder Street East 33 f t. North of Fourth St Ceder Street East 53 ft. North of Fourth St Ceder Street West 48 f t. South of F i f th St Ceder Street East 230 ft. South of Centrai Ave Eagle Street West 1 17 ft. South of Seventh St Eagie Street West 141 ft. South of Seventh St Eighth Street North 48 ft. West of Temperance St Eighth Street North 72 ft. West af Temperance St Eighth Street South 40 ft. East of Robert St Eighth Street South 62 ft. East of Robert St Eighth Street Narth 147 ft. East af Robert St Eighth Street North 227 ft. East of Robert St Exchange Street North 190 f t. West af St Peter St Exchange Street North 280 ft. West of St Peter St Exchange Street North 300 f t. West of St Peter St Exchange Street North 392 f t. West of St Peter St F i f th Street North 67 f t. East of Wa 11 St F i f th Street North 130 f t. East of Wa i l St F f f th Street North 41 f t. West of Wacouta St Fifth Street South 155 ft. West of Wacouta St F i f th Street South 104 f t. East of Jackson St Fifth Street South 79 ft. West of Wabasha St Fifth Street North 168 ft. West of Wabasha St F i f th Street North 43 f t. East of St Peter St F i f th Street North 50 f t. West of St Peter St F i f th Street North 106 f t. West af St Peter St Fourth Street North 88 ft. West of Wali St Fourth Street North 132 f t. West of Wal i St Fourth Street North 98 ft. East of Wacouta St Fourth Street North 137 f t. West of Jackson St Fourth Street North 154 f t. West of Jackson St Fourth Street South 35 f t. East of Robert St Fourth Street South 57 f t. East of Robert St Fourth Street South 132 f t. West of Cedar St ` � . page 7 Fourth Street North 7 i f t. East of Wabasha St Faurth 5treet North 93 f t. East of Wabasha 5t Fourth Street North i 58 f t. East of Wabasha St Fourth Street South 1 1 S ft. West of Wabasha St Fourth Street South 140 ft. West of Wabasha St Fourth Street South 161 f t. West of Wabasha St Fourth Street South 92 f t. West af Market St Fourth Street So�th t 18 ft. West of Market S Fourth Street South 171 f t. West of Wabasha St Fourth Street South 57 ft. East ot St Peter St Fourth Street South 78 f t. East of St Peter St Fourth Street South 38 ft. East of Market St Fourth Street South 102 f t. East of Market St Keilogg Bivd North 63 ft. East of Wacouta St Keilogg Bivd North 1 12 ft. West of Sibiey St Keliogg Bivd South 29 ft. West af Sibiey St Keilogg Bivd South 49 ft. West of Slbley St Keilogg Bivd South 42 ft. East of Jackson St Keilogg Bivd South 56 ft. East of Jackson St Kellogg Bivd South 88 ft. East of Jackson St Keilogg Blvd South 108 ft. East of Jackson St Kellogg Bivd South 130 ft. East af Jackson St Kellogg Bivd South 87 ft. West of Jackson St Keilagg Bivd South 108 ft. West of Jackson St Keliogg Bivd South 130 ft. West of Jackson St Kellogg Blvd South 152 ft. West of Jackson St Keliogg Bivd South 177 ft. West of Jackson St Keilagg Blvd Sauth 201 ft. West of Jacksan St Keliogg Bivd North 144 ft. East of St Peter St Kei logg Blvd North i 88 f t. East of St Peter St Keilogg Bivd South 98 ft. West of St P�ter St Kei logg Bivd South 121 f t. West of St Peter St l�eilogg Bivd South 41 ft. East of Market St Market Street East SO ft. North of Fifth St Market Street E�ast 73 ft. North of Fifth St Robert Street West 1 13 ft. South of Seventh Pi St Peter Street East 40 f t. North af Fourth St St Peter Street East 1 18 ft. North of Fifth St St Peter Street East 142 ft. North of Fifth St St Peter Street East 62 ft. North of Sixth St St Peter Street East 1 10 ft. North of Slxth St St Peter Street East 158 ft. Narth of Sixth St St Peter Street East 220 ft. North of Sixth St St Peter Street East 122 f t. North af Seventh St St Peter Street East 149 f t. North of Seventh St _ , � �>-i.z.3 ' ' • page 8 Seventh Piace North 95 ft. West of Sibiey St Seventh Street North 153 ft. East of Chestnut St Seventh Street North i 79 f t. Eask of Chestnut 5 Seventh Street South 28 ft. West of Eagie St Seventh Street South 142 ft. West of Eagte St Sibley Street East 145 ft. North of Sixth St Sibley Street West 45 ft. Narth of Seventh St Sibley Street East 108 ft. South of Eighth St Sibley Street East 130 ft. South of Eighth St Sixth Street North 107 ft. West of Wacouta St Sixth Street North 52 ft. East of St Peter St Sixth Street North 76 ft. East of St Peter St Sixth Street North 83 ft. South of Main St Tenth Street North 163 f t. West of Jackson St Tenth Street South 41 f t. East of Robert St Tenth Street South 65 f t. East of Robert St T�enth Street South 103 ft. East of Wabasha St Tenth Street South 122 f t. East of Wabasha St Tenth Street South 142 ft. East of Wabasha St Tenth Street South 162 ft. East of Wabasha St Tenth Street South 47 ft. East of St Peter St Tenth Street South 68 f t. East of St Peter St Wabasha Street West 39 f t. North of Fourth St Wabasha Street West 64 f t. North of Fourth St Wabasha Street West 83 f t. North of Fourth St Wabasha Street West 1 14 f t. North of Fourth St Wabasha Street West 150 f t. North af Fourth St Wabasha Street West 172 f t. North of Fourth St Wabasha Street West 70 ft. Narth af Fifth St Wabasha Street West 94 ft. North of Fifth St Wabasha Street West 1 15 ft. North of Fifth St Wabasha Street West 42 ft. North of S1xth St Wabasha Street West fi4 ft. North of Sixth St Wabasha Street West 93 ft. North of Sixth St Wabasha Street West 260 ft. North of Sixth S Wabasha Street West 253 ft. South of Ninth St Wabasha Street West 277 ft. South of Ninth St Wabasha Street West 40 ft. North of Ninth St Wabasha Street East 179 ft. North of Ninth St Wabasha Street West 50 f t. South of Exchange St Wacouta Street West 24 ft. North of Keliogg Bivd Wacouta Street West 42 ft. South of Fifth St Washington Street East 38 ft. South of Fourth St WMITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE p9 CwN�qRV =OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL F le ci1N0. u �/�� BLUE ' -�MAVOR 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. / `7 S��3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �' lo R$9� '� �� SECTIOW � This ordin�nce shall take effect �nd be in farce 30 deys from �nd after its p�sssge, approval and public�tion. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: �,�'" ' Yeas �N.� Nays �+N� �� Public Works—Traff' c—R H. Ro Dr`��R��M In Favor P.E. —Jim O'Leary ��b� �_ Against By Tedesco Wflson� Adopted by Council: Date MAR � 7 1987 Form Approve y City Attorney Certified P s d C ncil Se BY '� By Appro d by Mayor: Dat L MAR �� 9 �987 Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By , PUBLI�HED P��Ar2 2 81987 Publjic_,4�Ior�C s . � ° �DE PARTMENT (�_��a� NO 4 6 7 '' : , � _ Rcrbert 3 H. Roettqer CONTACT ; - 298-4701 PHONE ' reen ee � ,Tani�ar� R� 1 Qf�7 DATE � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING OROER (Clip All Locations for Signature� : 1 Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director 5 Citv Council 2 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVEQ BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Parking meter rates will be adjusted at most of the 1, 900 existing parking meters. This will better manage the parking which takes place at the curb space by encouraging turnover, and at the same time, maximizing usage. RECEIVED COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: J�N � 4 ���� � The proposed rate adjustment will increase the revenue gene�'���l���rking � meter usage by approximately $500,000 to 1,500,000 annually. The cost of parts and materials required to make the proposed changes is $14,000. Labor to perfor�m the changes will be made by existing personnel. ; FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- ; Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under � $10,000) Funding Source: N/A Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : Ordinance ; DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REIIIEW Yes X No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No � Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No � Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � :-..' " , � �� - �a ,3 CITY OF SgINT PAUL ::tli�llr. � . :u� ��.ul OFFICE OF TH� CZTY COUNCIL , Cammitte� Repart F_:=._ Mana eme�t, & Persannel Committee. FEBRUARY 12, 1987 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held February 5, 1987. approved 2• � �'�°�an�•��3u�ti��l� t�►�t�ng met+�r rates at most of the +�xisting parking mer�Ga�t,1�,�, >.� �31�Troved 3. An ordinance amending Section 12.04.1 of the City Charter pertaining to the hearing of grievances by the Civil Service Commission (City Charter Commission recommends approval) . anproved 4. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by transferring $22,000 from Contingent Reserve to Personnel Office (assessment centers for Police Captain and Police , Lieutenant candidates) . avproved • ' • 5. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Washington County whereby the city � will furnish laboratory services. approved 6. Resolution authorizing a joint purchasing agreement with the city of Monticello. laid over to 2/19 ' 7. Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of G.O. Capital Improvement Bonds, Urban Renewal Bonds, Street Improvement Special Assessment Bonds, and Refunding Bonds, Series 1987. approved 8. Discussion of Planning Commission recommendations on the report entitled "Committee Report on the Findings and Recommendations of the Citizens Commission on Bonding and Financing Practices." discussed 9. Administrative Order: D-8263: Addition of $12,557 to the contract for Public Safety Building Remodeling - Skyway. discussed D-8273: Authorization for payment to Captain Molly Douce and Michelle Williams for participation in Firefighter training and recruitment. discussed UNDER SUSPENSION 10. Resolution amending the 1987 budget for debt service for Kaplan's property � acquisition note, approved , C`� �'�- SEVEi�iTH FLOOR Se1INT PAUL,MINNESOTA SSI02 e�si6 ( _ .. -._ .. . � ' � 1 , `�i .' • � `t + � WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK � FINANCE GIT� OF �SAINT PAUL Council s BLUERr-MAVORTMENT � F11E NO. C, ��/�� • Or in�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented y .c J�✓/ i Referred To �! t�/�� �-� Commi ttee: Date °� �3 "��� Out of Committee By , Date Page 1 of 9 16o An ordinence establ� ing p�rking meter nes pursuant to Ghapter ��of the Seint Paul Legisl ive Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIPdT UL OES ORDAIN: SECTIOIV t. �i.0� per hour - o h r meximum. At �11 of the me#ers loceted as described herein, he law 1 parking time at said meters shall be ane hour m�ximum, and th deposit req �red to be m�de in the meter therefor shall be �1.Oa pe� aur ar prorate ortion thereaf. LOCATION SIDE OF TREET FROM TO St Peter Street Esst Keltogg Blvd Fifth St St Peter Street Bo Fifth St �xth St �feb�sha Street W st Kellogg Blvd Eig h St Cedar Street oth Kellagg Blvd Fifth Cedar Street West Fifth St Eighth S Minnesota Street West Keltagg B1vd Fourth St , Robert Street West Sixth St Eighth St Kel l ogg Boul evar Both Market St �abasha St Kel l ogg Boul ev�� d S�uth Wabasha St Ceder St Kellogg Boulev rd Both Gedar St Robert St COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Fletcher Public Works-Traf fic-R.H. Roettger Drew [n Favor p,E.D. - im eary Masanz Nicosia B scne�be� Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor f ' sion to Council By •By -�- � , . : . . . .. ._ :�; k..�,-.,�, ,� ,,�� . . � . _ : ; _, . .. :. �:, K , ,.� pi.)" '...,. . ., p . . .. WHITE —CItY`CCE1tK ' , ° ' ' ' . . . , PINK, ��.FINANLE � i 1-t ' . . ._ . . CI►NARV'..:.DT�cP0.it,TA1ENT� � -�COUflCll- � � � � B��E '=►��YOR ~GITY Op" � .�AINT P+�I3'� File NO. '��" �'�"'�.�, �� . , � � - - � c� a � -�,.--�'1--- �� � � 5 • � , , ._ . . - � Or���{��� Oriiinance N0: �;;.T�_ � :`' �/� rt �:� � , ; F ,'.. � .' �. Presented �y ` �����r � � �, : _, , � � , . . t� � �Referred To �z � ��` F 4: Committe�:- Date � , � �` � �` 1':���� - � , � � . . . . . � . . 4. . - Out of Committee By Date --�.- . ..... °`. _ °, . _ - !�.',�:• � : , , , . �e� �. � �d *, ._. � 4.�-__ ,._.,...+ . ...- ..., . ..... . . . . . . . `. �.. ... �'���.����'�����.�'��� 1��� . � ., �, , ��!���1A S�t R�ul l.Q�i �Y'#�. _ i .. - � �� "�C�lA��.t�7�ClT1i Q�SA� �tIES t1RD�1lI�k � � , ; .�,,,�.-.. ,. [ ..,, : , +' TiOA i. i t.i��ee'�c�ar-�t�s � At�il �[ tl�e , Y �..M�4 y�..' ' . ������������� i .������� � .. � � � ��� ����aM���a���f� ��.����� �` :' ., " . ���`�����.���� '���i�. �. . S ' . . ���. . - � . . � . � . . . .. � _ . . ' . . . . . � � �; � � L#��'�1 S1tIE OF STREET � TE! � �; . � �t P�e#�ir'Stt�t �sst lCelt�B�rd F1itt�St � ;� , ���#r�et BoRh Fifth St �St t, :� '�`a�ea�s S#�ret West Ke��8�vd Ei St � � Geder�� 8�th IC+�1�g Blvd Ft�th �� . ;:: C�et�'�t�et i�t fii�t St E��h ; . . : z Ml�1t�r,�t '�ast Kei��I�d �a�r#�St ''- � _'� Robect S�t �est Six#U St E��St KsUog�#�u�ra� 8otit Matiaa�t �t 1�Fa��s St ; : Ke11og�8o�u�ev� South w'a�5t Cednr�St : Ke1i�B�de�et�d 8a�h Ced�t-� �rt*t �. �: : i � � : �. ;'. COUNC[LMEBi R uested b De rtment of: � �i� ' :. �•�ys` �` *, �1 Y Pa ���. . , ,. Flstct� � _•; , . : �� �.� ' , . _ . . _ . . tn Fa'vor �� �'; Drew � . .��a�� r�� O � ,r t�dc°'i° Against By �'"�. �': f r f. .,,�: ,,-, r schMbsl � ° . , Tedesco �°-- . �° 1 .« Wilson '� 4:�' , r � Form Approved by Cit}� Attomey � �dopted by Council: Date { ... , ' Certi�ied-Passed }>y Couacil Secretary- - . - By : `� ' ,, sy ` `-. :APProved by Mayoc:: : I�te E{►Pprrnted by Mayc►r for Submission to.Couacil .; :; � . � By .By _ . � � � � � � . � � � � �''��3 � page 2 Fourth Street South St Peter St �abesha �t Fourth Street Both W�bash� St ' Minnesot� St Fifth Street Both St Pe�e° �l�basha St Fifth Street t�orth V�aba�h t Gedar St Sixth Street Narth St Pe r St ��bash� St Sixth Street Sauth Wsb sha St Cedar St Se�renth Pl�ce Narth Mi nesot� St Robert St Eighth Street South nnesata St R�bertSt SECTION Z_ $0.? per hour - one our m�ximum. At �11 of the meters lacated �s described here� the lawf parking time at said meters shall be one hour m�ximum, �nd th epos� required to be m�de in the meter therefor shall be $0.75 per hour o orated portion thereof. LOGATION SIDE OF S EET OM TO �t�shington Street Both Kellog lvd Fourth �t Washingtan Street Eest Fourth St Fifth St �tashington Street �test Fifth St Sixth St �t�shington Street Bot Sixth St Seventh P1 Market Street Ba Kellogg Blad ourth St Merket Street '� st Faurth �t Fi St M�rket Street oth Fifth St Sixth M�rk�t Street est Si xth St Seventh Pl St Peter Stre�t Eest Sixth St Se�renth P1 St Peter Street Both Seventh P1 Tenth St �l�b�sha Street Soth Eighth St Exch�nge St V�+abashe Street Both TenthSt Eleventh St Geder Str�et East Eighth St Exch�nge St Ced�r Street West Exchange St Tenth St Minnesvta Str t Bath Eighth St Tenth St Minnesate Str et West Tenth St Eleventh St Robert Stre Both Eighth St Eleventh St Jackson Street East Fourth St Fifth St Jackson Street �est Fifth St Sixth St J�ckson Street East Sixth St Seventh P1 J�ckson Street �est Seventh P1 Eleventh St Sibtey Street �test Secand St Kellogg Blvd Sibtey Street Both iCellagg Bl�rd Fifth St Sibley Street East Fifth St Sixth St �ibley Street 6�ti�� �in��� St EighthSt �lacaute Street 6oth Kello�� Bl�rr.i �?����+'� �`1 Keltogg Baulea��rd Narth 4d�shington St Market St Kel l ogg Bou]ev�rd Sauth Robert St Jacksu�� S i , ; . . . � . (,,c�-�r�3 - � ���� � � Keltogg Baulevard BaEh Jack�on �t 3ibley 3 °�� �ourth �treet Bath Yd�shi ny iu�� �i �i r� r St Fourth Street Bath Rob�rt St �ta ut� St Fifth Stre�t North �1�shington St Peter �t Fifth Street Narth Rabert St Jackson St Fifth Street Sauth Jecksan St Sibley St Fifth Str�et Bath Sibley St Watl St Sixth Street South Se�enth P1 M�rket St Sixth Street th J�ckson St �ibley St Sixth Street Both Sibtey St �facout� St Sixth Street South W�couta ��11 St Seventh Place Both Sixth S St P�ter �t Seventh Pl�ce North Robert t Sibley St Seventh Place �ath Sibt? rt �tall St Eighth Street North ed r St RobertSt Eighth Street Both Ra rtSt JacksGn St Ninth Street Both d�r t Jar�:��^� �`± Exchange Street Sauth t Peter Wabasha St Exchange Street f�arth W�b�sh� �t Ced�r St Tenth Street Bath St Peter St edar St Tenth Street Sauth Minnesota �t Rabei�t�St Tenth Stre�t Both Rabert St Jackson St Eleventh Street South Cedar St Minnesat� St Sherburne Avenue Narth C�pital Blvd �ed�r St SECTION 3 _ $0.?5 per ho r - two hour m�ximum. At all vf the meters lac�ted as described h ein, the lawful parking time at said meters sh�ll be two haur maximum, d the deposit r�equired to be made in the meter therefar sh�ll ae �C?.7 ;re� h^�rr ar prorated portion thereof. LOCATION SIDE F STREET FROM TO Gedar Street E�st Tweifth St Columbus Ave Cedar Street Both Coiumb�� Ave Central Ave John Irel�nd Blvd Both Tv,teifth St Centr4� ,4ve , . . , ���_,�3 page 4 SECTiON 4_ $Q.50 per huur - t�r� huu� iiianiiiiuiii. At �11 of the met�t's laceted as described herein, the lewful parking time at said meters shali be t�ro hour maximum, and the deposit required to be made in�e meter therefor sh�ll be $0.�4 p�r hour or pror�ted portion thereof� LOCATIQN DE OF STREET FROM TO S�venth Street South St Josep s Ln St Peter St Sixth Street Bath Main St Ss�renth St M�i n Street Both Si xth t �li nth St Exchange Stre�t Both Nint St St Peter St St Peter Street E�st Te h St Eleventh St Robert Street �te:t umbus St Central St Jeckson Street E�st ig St Tenth St �all Street Both Kellog lvd Fourth St �tell Street �lest Fourth St Sixth St Broedw�y Street 6oth Kellagg Blvd Fourth� St Bra�dway Street E�st F�urth St Fi _ Braadw�y Street �est ,� Fifth St Sixth St Braad+�ay Street Both % Sixth St Ser�enth �t Kellogg 6oulev�rd North �ecout� St �'�11 Faurth Street Bath Wac�uta St Wall Sixth St �outh Wall St Bro�d�ray St Eighth Street Narth ;� Jacksan St TemperanGe St Tenth Street Bath �' J�ckson St Sibt�y St /( SECTION 5 _ $4.54�'per hour - fi�e hour maximum. At all af the meters located �s described herein, the lawful parking time at seid meters shall be fi�e hour maximum, and the deposit required to b� made in the meter therefor sh�ll be �0.50 per hour ar prarated portion thereof. LOCAT10�1 SIDE OF STREET FROM TO Columbus Arrenue Bath Wabasha St Cedar St Centr�l Street Both Cedar St Robert St Aurora Street Sauth Cedar St Robert St Seventh Street Both Chestnut St Kellogg Blvd Seuenth Stre�t South Sixth St St Joseph's Ln Sixth Street South Fifth St Seventh P1 Fifth Street N�rth �ixti� �t W�shington St , ��, � � . � ��7-�a 3 page S SECTION 6_ $0.2� per haur - four hour maximurii. At all of the meters loceted �s described herein, th@ 181t�fU� �nf icii�y �����G at �ai� r��Cters shall be four hour m�ximum, �nd the deposit required k�p r^��-!8 in the meter therefar shall be $0.25 per hour or prorated p tion thereof. LOCATION SfDE OF STREET FROM TO St Joseph's L�r�� East Seve h St Exchange St St Peter Street West Ten St Et eventh St Eleventh Street Sout St eter St V�ab�sh� St Jackson Street E�st T nth St Eleventh St Second Street North eltogg Blvd Jackson St SECT I ON 7. $0.25 per haur - f i e hour m�xi m . At al l of the met�rs loc�ted as described herein, the la ul parking time at �d meters shell be five hour maximum, and the dep sit required to be m�de in meter therefar sh�ll be $0.25 per hour o proreted portion thereaf. ` LOCATION SIDE OF REET FROM TO �r Eagle Stret Both �� Se�enth St Exchange St Robert Street 1�est � Twelfth St Cotumbus Aa�e Rabert Street East �° T�reifth St Thirteenth St Secand Street Sout�i Rabert St Sibley St Ninth Street Bot� M�in St St Joseph's Ln SECTION 8_ $0.25 - Fifteen minute maximum. At all of the meters located �s described herein, the lawful p�rking time �t said meters shall be f i f teen mi nute maxi mum, �nd the depasi t r�qui red ta be made i n the meter therefar shall be $�.25 . LOCATION SIDE OF �TREET LOCATIQN Ceder Street East 18U f t. Notrh of Kel l agg Bl rrd Ceder Street E�st 197 ft. I�otrh of Kellogg Bt�d Geder Street East 33 ft. Narth of Fourth St Ceder Street East 53 ft. North of Fourth St Ceder Street �est 48 ft. Sauth of Fifth St Geder Street E�st 230 ft. Sauth of Central Av� . � .� � . � � � � ��-ra3 ' page 6 Eogle Street ��?�! 1 17 ft. �vuth af Seventh St Eagie Street �test t�t1 ft. �auth af,.��ver�ti� �t Eighth Stre�t Narth 48 ft. �est o,��"��emperance �t Eighth Street North 72 ft. 1+�es ,�f Temperence St Eighth Street South 40 ft. E� af Ro�ert St Ei�ht!� Stree} �`��r{" �2 ft. st �f Robert St Eighth Stre�t North 147 . E�st of �oG�r i �i Eighth Street IVorth 22 ft. E�st of Ra�ert St Exchange Street N h 1 0 ft. V�+�st of St Peter St Exch�nge Street Narth SO ft. �test af St Peter St Exchenge Street Narth 3�0 ft. �le�t uf St Peter St � Exchange �ireet Narth ;� 392 ft. 1�est af St Peter St Fifth 5+���^` "!vr`h �F} 67 ft. East of b�lall �t Fifth Street North ,� 130 ft_ East af Y��11 St Fifth Street North ,,," 41 ft. �,test af '�tecout� St Fifth Street South ft. �fest af �V�couta St Fifih Street South r' 104 . �st of J�ckson St Fifth Street South 79 ft. lnfes ab�sh� St __ Fi f th Street North 168 f t. Y�esi of Webash� St Fifth Street North 43 it. East af St Peter St Fifth Street North 50 ft. 1�est of St Peter St Fifth Street North 106 ft. West of St Peter �t Faurth Street Nart�r 88 ft. �est of �all St Fourth Street Nor�`th 132 ft. t�est af �1�11 St Fourth Street Nvrth 98 ft. E�st of 1�d�couts St Fourth Street �l�rth 137 ft. �,test af �ackson �t Fourth Street North 15� ft. West of Jacksan St , Fourth Street �� South 35 ft. East of Robert St Fourth Street � SoutF� 57 ft. Ee�t nf �^�ert St Faurth Street �� South 132 ft. 1�est of Ced�r St Faurth Street � North 71 it. East of t+�abasi�o ,�k Faur±M Str�e+ North 93 ft. East af �r+labasha St Faurth Stre�t �� Pdorth 158 ft. Ea�t af t��b�sha St t Fourth Street �" �c,uii� 3 1� ft. V�fest af �r�ab��ha St Faurth Street South 140 ft. West of 1��basha St Faurth Street South 161 ft. �fest of �f�besha St Fourth Street Sauth 92 ft. �test of Market St Fourth Street Sauth 1 1 S ft. West af M$rket S Faurth �treet South 171 ft. West of �tabasha St Faurth Street Sauth 5? f t. t��t u i �i r�ter St Fourth Street South 78 f t. East of St Peter St Faurth Street South 38 ft. East of Msrket St Fourth Street Sauth 142 f t. East of Market St Kellogg Blvd North 63 ft. E�st of 1�acauta 5t Kellogg Blvd North t 12 ft. �est nf Sibley St , � � . ��7-i�3 page 7 ' Kcllag� Btvd �cruth 29 ft. Wc�t af Sibley 3t Ketiogg Bivd South 49 ft. �Nest o Sibley St Kellogg Blvd Sauth 42 ft. Eas af Jackson St Keilogg Blvd Sauth 5�6 ft. st of Jacksan St Kellag� Blvd South 88 f . East af Jackson �t Kellogg Blt+d South 10 ft. East of J�ckson St Kellogg Blvd �auth � ft. East af Jacksan St Kellogg Blvd South 87 ft. �tEJt �f �_la��-�an St Kellogg Blvd Sout 108 ft. �test of Jacksan �t Kellagg Blvd South 13U ft. W�st uf ,��ckson St Kellogg Bivd �outh 152 ft. �test of Jack^c�n �`, Kellogg Blvd South 1�7 ft. 1�est of Jackson St Keilogg Blvd Souih 241 ft. �test af Jackson St Kellagg Blwd N�rr�th 4 ft. East af St Peter �t Kellogg Blvd Narth 188 . East af St Peter St Kellogg Blvd Sauth 98 ft. t af St Peter St Kella�g Blvd South 121 ft. �tes St Peter St Kellag� Blvd Saut 41 ft. East of Marke ----. � Market Street E�s 50 f t_ North of Fi f th St M�rket Street Ea ?3 ft. North of Fifth St Robert Street �t st 1 1� ft. South of �eventh P1 St Peter Street �st 40 ft. North af Faurth St St Peter Street East 1 18 ft. Narth af Fifth St St Peter Street E�st 142 ft. North of Fifth St St Peter Street East 62 ft. Narth af Sixth St St Peter Street E�st 1 10 ft. North af Sixth St St Peter Street East 158 ft. North of Sixth St St Peter Street East �20 ft. North of Sixth St St Peter Street E�st 122 ft. North of Seventh St St Peter Stree E�st 149 f+ !!'^rth of Seventh St Seventh Pl�ce North 95 ft. �est of �ibley St Seventh Stre t Narth 153 f t. East of Ghestnut St Seventh Str et North 179 ft. East of Ghestnut S Seventh Street Sc�u'"► 28 ft. West of Eagle St Se��enth Street South 142 ft. West of Esg1� St Sibley S�reet E�st 145 ft. Narth of Sixth St Sibley Street �lest 45 ft. Narth of Se��±�rrth St Sibley Street E�st 108 ft. Sauth of Eighth St Sibley Street E�st 130 ft. Sauth of Eighth St Sixth Street North 10? ft. �test of �'aGaut� St Sixth Street North 52 ft. East af St Peter St Sixth Street North 76 ft. E�st af St Peter St Sixth Street fVarth 83 ft. South of Main �t Tenth Street North 163 ft. �+est of Jack�on St Tenth Street South 41 ft. Eest of Robert St . , � : � , , � . . . � �7-��3 � . p�ge 8 � Tenth Street South 65 ft. East a# Robert t Tenth Street South 1�3 ft. E�st af �t�ba � St Ter,tt� �tr?e� South 122 ft. East Of inta sha St T�nth Street Sc�uth 142 ft. Ea�i ui "v auasha St T�nth Street Sauth 162 ft. East o �t�t��^h� St Tenth Street South 47 f t. East St Peter St Tenth Street Sauth 68 f t. Eas af St Peter St �+ab�sha Str�ni �te^t 39 ft. N th af Fourth St �tebasha Street �lest 64 ft. orth of Fourtii St ��bashe Street �est 83 f . ��c,rih of Fourth St W�t�°.�"� �`�p?et �fest 1 Narth of Fourth �t Wab�sha Street �est 1 0 ft. (vo of Fourth St Wabash� Street �est 72 f t. Narth af _St �ab�sha Street �test 70 f t. Narth of Fi f th St �tab�sh� Street V�est 94 f t. Narth af Fi f ih St �fabesha Street �fest 1 15 ft. North of Fifth St V��bash� Street West 42 ft. Narth of Sixth St �+abesha Street West 64 fi_ North of Sixth St �l�b�sha Street t�e5t 93 ft. North of Sixth St �ebashe Street �fest 260 ft. North af Sixth S �fabasha Street W�st 253 ft. South of Ninth St �abash� Street �est �77 ft. South of Nitili'i �t W�basha Street �est �� 40 ft. North of Ninth St 1�lab�sha Street E��t 179 f t. North of Ni nth St �tabasha Street �tes 50 ft. South of Exchange St 1��cauta Street We t 24 f t. North of Kel 1 ogg B1 vd W�caut� Street b� st 42 ft. Sauth of Fifth Si W�shingtan Street ast 38 ft. South of Faurth St � Zst n�-��-� � . . . , ' t.�-' �� -� j J �'� -2nd �_ �`� / .S 3rd � -��Z`� �� % Adopted 3 -3-�'"� � , Yeas Nays � �� DREW _ �r ��- 1-�`� . NICOSIA . ���0�-j�; RETTMAN � SCHEIBEL SONNEN WILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO . ti '