99-373a Re°��°Pys°: ORiGINA� Police Dept Accounting . RESOLUTION /) /, � / CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Council File # q9 ,� �3 Green S6eet # 08152 Committee:Date: 1 AS, the Payne/Arcade Bnsiness Association (PABA) has $9,000 available for Saint Paul Police foot 2 patrol on Payne Avenne for the Payne/Arcade Business District Overtime Beat Project; and 4 WHEREAS, PABA will reimbnrse the Saint Paul Police Department $25.00 per hoar for one officer to work 5 a foot beat fonr days a week, five hours per day, for eighteen weeks from April 26,1999, 6 through August 28,1999; and 8 WFIEREAS, the Payne/Arcade Business District Overtime Beat Project will address quality of life issues and 9 nuisance behaviors to improve the Payae Avenue business district; and 10 11 WHEREAS, police services provided to and reimbursed by the PABA are not included in tLe 12 Police Departments 1999 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify 15 that there are available fur appropriafion funds iu excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 16 17 WFIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 bndget: 18 19 20 21 FINANCING PLAN: 22 001 - General Fund 23 04100 - Operations 24 4399 - Services-N.O.C. 25 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 33,689 9,000 42,689 33,689 9,000 4 ,689 26 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 001 - General Fund 29 04100 - Operations 30 0141 - Overtime 918,165 7,885 926,050 31 0439 - Fringe Benefits 6,416,083 1,115 6,417,198 32 7,334,24 ,000 7,343,248 33 34 35 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budget 36 37 Adopted by Council:Date: R ��g �c\c�q Adopti �Certified by Council Secretary: �— BY� 1 � "� !�. ...�_ ,..� a� Requested by Depa ent of• Po ' e By . .,._...._ App val Recommended by I By: For A by City A� Director: Approved by Mayor;Date:� �Q l�Qc/ Ap� BY� c� ,�i9➢1.�'i/Q BY� . -. ,i _ 9�'-� �3 l;i/ GEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INI71A7ED PoliceDepartment 4/5/99 GREEN SHEET wo. 08152 CONTA T ER N& PH NE � MmNlDA7E �NrrwuDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 ua�xros�aa�_ 5 couuca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) , � Please process ASAP ❑3 arrwr.orsr�r,� � ❑a,ras�uc �usrnu�so��� 1 b IFlwwcw�soxwnccTc � � {� �vort(oaass�uip � ❑xuunxwax�s TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) enoHrsenuesreu Approval of the attached coimcII resolurion authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to establish a spending and Snancing plan for police services provided for the Payne/Arcade Business Dishict Overtime Beat Project from April 26, 1999, through August 28, 1999. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has fhis person/firtn ever vrorketl under a conVaC for this tlepartment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a dty employee? GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any current ciry emplayee7 YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITL4TING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WFiI� The Payne/Arcade Business Association (PABA) has $9,000.00 available for increased Saint Paul Police foot patrol on Payne Avenue from Wadena to Lawson. PABA will pay $25.00 per hour for one officer to work a foot beat four days a week, five hours per day, for eighteen weeks (Apri126 through August 28). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Department will be able to work with the PABA by addressing quality of life issues and nuisance behaviors that adversely impact commerce along Payne Avenue. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ' - �� - - •� -_ � None. � .Y <+�at � � 7JdJ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED - ". �� _ -, , �s '" ; � '�,9 Lost opporiunity to cooperate with the PABA to improve the qualiry of the business district along Payne Aben¢� � •'-� � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION E 9,000.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ReimbursementfromthePayne/Arcade ���%"'F=; ���v�"v� µ��'��� FUNDING SOURCE BUSlIlCSS ASSOCi2hOR ACTIVITY NUMBER 04100 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � t� Cd � I�a`3e� payneazcadebusinesbeat.gs q9-3�3 A Proposal to Deputy Chief Theodore P. Brown The St. Paul Police Department/Main Street Program Payne/Arcade Business District Overtime Beat Project By , Commander L. b4. McGirm a9-3�3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARX Proposal The crime and safety subcommittee of the Main Street Pro�ram is recommending that the Payne Arcade Business Association commit �9,000 for off-duty employment of police officers to �vork Payne Avenue and Arcade Street business districts from (April 26"' throu�h Au�ust 28`h 1999). The intent of this program is to assist the community in setting standards of behavior in the business district zero tolerance of quality of life(nuisance behaviors. The primary geo�raphic focus of the patrol is in the Historic Core of Payne Avenue(Wadena to Lawson). Second to this core, patrols will also be available to �vork the business district on Arcade Street, as well as other areas of Payne Avenue form 7`h Street to Wheelock Parkway. One officer would foot patrol, four days per week, five hours per day. The officers would deat with quality of life or nuisance behaviors, such as public intoxication, panhandling, and soliciting, which seem to most adversely impact commerce in the business district. A cell phone would be provided for communication between the officer and business owners and the officer would use his/her personal car to drive between their assignments. PABA is requesting the officer be allowed to use their portable radios. Historical Overview Over the next four years, Payne Avenue will receive half of an $800,000 grant to help develop renewal strategies for the a�ing neighborhood. This revitalization effort is part of a larger national Main Street program that has been successful in cities like Pittsburgh and Detroit. The grant is the latest effort to rejuvenate this area and fits nicely with the Phalen Corridor Project. The focus ofthe grant covers Payne Avenue between Maryland and E. 7`�' Street, with the initial focus on the business district. Business owners and community members are vohmteering to work on committees to strengthen existin� businesses, attract new establishments, and seek solutions to crime and safety concerns. , Members of ihe Main Street Initiative Steering Committee approached me in early 3anuary to encourage the police departments participation on the Crime and Safety Subcommittee. Sgt Doug Holtz and the Payne Ave Beat Officers immediately took this project to heart. They have done an outstandin� job workin� with the Payne/Arcade Business Association, Eastside Neighborhood Development Corporation, business owners, and local residents identifying community priorities, business owner responsibility and educating members in several areas of crime prevention. Officer Joel Johnston, has in fact, been named as the chairperson for the Crime and Safety subcommittee. qg-3�3 Member of the committee are very concerned about the "percepfion" that Payne Avenue is a dangerous location for business owners and citizens alike. They acknowled�e efforts the department has made to address crime and quality of life issues and recognize that additional officers �vill not be assigned to this area until staffing levels, citywide, retum to normal. Current staffing assignments to Payne Avenue are as follows: Tour T District squad Tour IT One beat officers (Monday thru Friday, 0800-1600) Patrol officer assigned to the area One Mounted Officer as available Tour ITI Two beat officers assigned (seven days per week, 10 hours) Patrol officers assigned to the area It was through this forum that I was approached to consider allowin� off-duty officers to �vork on a foot beat on Payne Avenue and Arcade Street. Conclusion A review of this proposal resulted in several concerns being raised: The use of off-duty officers to patrol public property has not been done before, therefore, liability issues, report writing requiring the use of a portable computer and communication problems have to be addressed. The use of a cell phone by the officer to receive calls from business o`vners could result in poor police service and/or put an officer or citizens in harms way if strict procedures are no adhered to. Should PABA and the Main Street Initiative be solely responsible for providing additional police service during this project? Recommended Solution The Main Street Program (a partnership between the East Side Neighborhood Development Company Inc.(ESNDC)and the Payne Arcade Business Association (PABA) and the St. Paul Police Department will embark on a puhlic/private partnership to enhance enforcement in the business districts of Payne Avenue and Arcade Street as previously stated in the ori�inal proposal. qy-3�3 It is throu�h this partnership that all parties involved recognize their responsibility to participate in developin� a plan that provides for financial and technical support for this project. � To that end, we recommend the followin� solutions: PABA will pay S25.Q0 per hour for one officer to be assi�ned to work a foot beat in the business district stated above, four days per week, five hours per day , for ei�hteen (18) weeks from (Ap�i126"' through August 28`" 1999) at a cost of �9,000.00. To facilitate communication between the patrol officer and the business owners, PABA will provide, at their cost, a voice pager for use by the officer assigned. Training in the proper use of the voice pager and its limitations will be the responsibility of the crime and safety committee. The St. Paul Police Department will provide the additional fimding necessary to employ patrot officers (on an overtime basis) to perform this assignment. Additionally, officers assi�ned to this detail will be provided with a marked patrol car, equipped with a laptop computer for report writing, and a portable radio for direct communication with the communications center. Recognizing the need to maintain the overtime officer on ass �°nment, re�ular duty officers will transport and book prisoners whenever they are available. Overtime officers will maintain daily logs oPtheir activities as well as other reports as assi�ned to evaluate this project. Scheduling of officers will occur through the Eastem District Patrol Office in cooperation with the Main Street Program to accommodate their concerns for enhanced patrols between 1100hrs. and 1800hrs (11:OOa.m. and 6:OOp.m.). a Re°��°Pys°: ORiGINA� Police Dept Accounting . RESOLUTION /) /, � / CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Council File # q9 ,� �3 Green S6eet # 08152 Committee:Date: 1 AS, the Payne/Arcade Bnsiness Association (PABA) has $9,000 available for Saint Paul Police foot 2 patrol on Payne Avenne for the Payne/Arcade Business District Overtime Beat Project; and 4 WHEREAS, PABA will reimbnrse the Saint Paul Police Department $25.00 per hoar for one officer to work 5 a foot beat fonr days a week, five hours per day, for eighteen weeks from April 26,1999, 6 through August 28,1999; and 8 WFIEREAS, the Payne/Arcade Business District Overtime Beat Project will address quality of life issues and 9 nuisance behaviors to improve the Payae Avenue business district; and 10 11 WHEREAS, police services provided to and reimbursed by the PABA are not included in tLe 12 Police Departments 1999 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify 15 that there are available fur appropriafion funds iu excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 16 17 WFIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 bndget: 18 19 20 21 FINANCING PLAN: 22 001 - General Fund 23 04100 - Operations 24 4399 - Services-N.O.C. 25 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 33,689 9,000 42,689 33,689 9,000 4 ,689 26 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 001 - General Fund 29 04100 - Operations 30 0141 - Overtime 918,165 7,885 926,050 31 0439 - Fringe Benefits 6,416,083 1,115 6,417,198 32 7,334,24 ,000 7,343,248 33 34 35 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budget 36 37 Adopted by Council:Date: R ��g �c\c�q Adopti �Certified by Council Secretary: �— BY� 1 � "� !�. ...�_ ,..� a� Requested by Depa ent of• Po ' e By . .,._...._ App val Recommended by I By: For A by City A� Director: Approved by Mayor;Date:� �Q l�Qc/ Ap� BY� c� ,�i9➢1.�'i/Q BY� . -. ,i _ 9�'-� �3 l;i/ GEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INI71A7ED PoliceDepartment 4/5/99 GREEN SHEET wo. 08152 CONTA T ER N& PH NE � MmNlDA7E �NrrwuDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 ua�xros�aa�_ 5 couuca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) , � Please process ASAP ❑3 arrwr.orsr�r,� � ❑a,ras�uc �usrnu�so��� 1 b IFlwwcw�soxwnccTc � � {� �vort(oaass�uip � ❑xuunxwax�s TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) enoHrsenuesreu Approval of the attached coimcII resolurion authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to establish a spending and Snancing plan for police services provided for the Payne/Arcade Business Dishict Overtime Beat Project from April 26, 1999, through August 28, 1999. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has fhis person/firtn ever vrorketl under a conVaC for this tlepartment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a dty employee? GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any current ciry emplayee7 YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITL4TING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WFiI� The Payne/Arcade Business Association (PABA) has $9,000.00 available for increased Saint Paul Police foot patrol on Payne Avenue from Wadena to Lawson. PABA will pay $25.00 per hour for one officer to work a foot beat four days a week, five hours per day, for eighteen weeks (Apri126 through August 28). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Department will be able to work with the PABA by addressing quality of life issues and nuisance behaviors that adversely impact commerce along Payne Avenue. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ' - �� - - •� -_ � None. � .Y <+�at � � 7JdJ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED - ". �� _ -, , �s '" ; � '�,9 Lost opporiunity to cooperate with the PABA to improve the qualiry of the business district along Payne Aben¢� � •'-� � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION E 9,000.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ReimbursementfromthePayne/Arcade ���%"'F=; ���v�"v� µ��'��� FUNDING SOURCE BUSlIlCSS ASSOCi2hOR ACTIVITY NUMBER 04100 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � t� Cd � I�a`3e� payneazcadebusinesbeat.gs q9-3�3 A Proposal to Deputy Chief Theodore P. Brown The St. Paul Police Department/Main Street Program Payne/Arcade Business District Overtime Beat Project By , Commander L. b4. McGirm a9-3�3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARX Proposal The crime and safety subcommittee of the Main Street Pro�ram is recommending that the Payne Arcade Business Association commit �9,000 for off-duty employment of police officers to �vork Payne Avenue and Arcade Street business districts from (April 26"' throu�h Au�ust 28`h 1999). The intent of this program is to assist the community in setting standards of behavior in the business district zero tolerance of quality of life(nuisance behaviors. The primary geo�raphic focus of the patrol is in the Historic Core of Payne Avenue(Wadena to Lawson). Second to this core, patrols will also be available to �vork the business district on Arcade Street, as well as other areas of Payne Avenue form 7`h Street to Wheelock Parkway. One officer would foot patrol, four days per week, five hours per day. The officers would deat with quality of life or nuisance behaviors, such as public intoxication, panhandling, and soliciting, which seem to most adversely impact commerce in the business district. A cell phone would be provided for communication between the officer and business owners and the officer would use his/her personal car to drive between their assignments. PABA is requesting the officer be allowed to use their portable radios. Historical Overview Over the next four years, Payne Avenue will receive half of an $800,000 grant to help develop renewal strategies for the a�ing neighborhood. This revitalization effort is part of a larger national Main Street program that has been successful in cities like Pittsburgh and Detroit. The grant is the latest effort to rejuvenate this area and fits nicely with the Phalen Corridor Project. The focus ofthe grant covers Payne Avenue between Maryland and E. 7`�' Street, with the initial focus on the business district. Business owners and community members are vohmteering to work on committees to strengthen existin� businesses, attract new establishments, and seek solutions to crime and safety concerns. , Members of ihe Main Street Initiative Steering Committee approached me in early 3anuary to encourage the police departments participation on the Crime and Safety Subcommittee. Sgt Doug Holtz and the Payne Ave Beat Officers immediately took this project to heart. They have done an outstandin� job workin� with the Payne/Arcade Business Association, Eastside Neighborhood Development Corporation, business owners, and local residents identifying community priorities, business owner responsibility and educating members in several areas of crime prevention. Officer Joel Johnston, has in fact, been named as the chairperson for the Crime and Safety subcommittee. qg-3�3 Member of the committee are very concerned about the "percepfion" that Payne Avenue is a dangerous location for business owners and citizens alike. They acknowled�e efforts the department has made to address crime and quality of life issues and recognize that additional officers �vill not be assigned to this area until staffing levels, citywide, retum to normal. Current staffing assignments to Payne Avenue are as follows: Tour T District squad Tour IT One beat officers (Monday thru Friday, 0800-1600) Patrol officer assigned to the area One Mounted Officer as available Tour ITI Two beat officers assigned (seven days per week, 10 hours) Patrol officers assigned to the area It was through this forum that I was approached to consider allowin� off-duty officers to �vork on a foot beat on Payne Avenue and Arcade Street. Conclusion A review of this proposal resulted in several concerns being raised: The use of off-duty officers to patrol public property has not been done before, therefore, liability issues, report writing requiring the use of a portable computer and communication problems have to be addressed. The use of a cell phone by the officer to receive calls from business o`vners could result in poor police service and/or put an officer or citizens in harms way if strict procedures are no adhered to. Should PABA and the Main Street Initiative be solely responsible for providing additional police service during this project? Recommended Solution The Main Street Program (a partnership between the East Side Neighborhood Development Company Inc.(ESNDC)and the Payne Arcade Business Association (PABA) and the St. Paul Police Department will embark on a puhlic/private partnership to enhance enforcement in the business districts of Payne Avenue and Arcade Street as previously stated in the ori�inal proposal. qy-3�3 It is throu�h this partnership that all parties involved recognize their responsibility to participate in developin� a plan that provides for financial and technical support for this project. � To that end, we recommend the followin� solutions: PABA will pay S25.Q0 per hour for one officer to be assi�ned to work a foot beat in the business district stated above, four days per week, five hours per day , for ei�hteen (18) weeks from (Ap�i126"' through August 28`" 1999) at a cost of �9,000.00. To facilitate communication between the patrol officer and the business owners, PABA will provide, at their cost, a voice pager for use by the officer assigned. Training in the proper use of the voice pager and its limitations will be the responsibility of the crime and safety committee. The St. Paul Police Department will provide the additional fimding necessary to employ patrot officers (on an overtime basis) to perform this assignment. Additionally, officers assi�ned to this detail will be provided with a marked patrol car, equipped with a laptop computer for report writing, and a portable radio for direct communication with the communications center. Recognizing the need to maintain the overtime officer on ass �°nment, re�ular duty officers will transport and book prisoners whenever they are available. Overtime officers will maintain daily logs oPtheir activities as well as other reports as assi�ned to evaluate this project. Scheduling of officers will occur through the Eastem District Patrol Office in cooperation with the Main Street Program to accommodate their concerns for enhanced patrols between 1100hrs. and 1800hrs (11:OOa.m. and 6:OOp.m.). a Re°��°Pys°: ORiGINA� Police Dept Accounting . RESOLUTION /) /, � / CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Council File # q9 ,� �3 Green S6eet # 08152 Committee:Date: 1 AS, the Payne/Arcade Bnsiness Association (PABA) has $9,000 available for Saint Paul Police foot 2 patrol on Payne Avenne for the Payne/Arcade Business District Overtime Beat Project; and 4 WHEREAS, PABA will reimbnrse the Saint Paul Police Department $25.00 per hoar for one officer to work 5 a foot beat fonr days a week, five hours per day, for eighteen weeks from April 26,1999, 6 through August 28,1999; and 8 WFIEREAS, the Payne/Arcade Business District Overtime Beat Project will address quality of life issues and 9 nuisance behaviors to improve the Payae Avenue business district; and 10 11 WHEREAS, police services provided to and reimbursed by the PABA are not included in tLe 12 Police Departments 1999 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify 15 that there are available fur appropriafion funds iu excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 16 17 WFIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 bndget: 18 19 20 21 FINANCING PLAN: 22 001 - General Fund 23 04100 - Operations 24 4399 - Services-N.O.C. 25 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 33,689 9,000 42,689 33,689 9,000 4 ,689 26 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 001 - General Fund 29 04100 - Operations 30 0141 - Overtime 918,165 7,885 926,050 31 0439 - Fringe Benefits 6,416,083 1,115 6,417,198 32 7,334,24 ,000 7,343,248 33 34 35 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budget 36 37 Adopted by Council:Date: (����g ��qqq Adopti �Certified by Council Secretary: BY� 1 � "� !�. ...�_ ,..� a� Requested by Depa ent of• Po ' e By . .,._...._ App val Recommended by I By: For A by City A� Director: Approved by Mayor;Date:� �Q l�Qc/ Ap� BY� c� ,�i9➢1.�'i/Q BY� . -. ,i _ 9�'-� �3 l;i/ GEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INI71A7ED PoliceDepartment 4/5/99 GREEN SHEET wo. 08152 CONTA T ER N& PH NE � MmNlDA7E �NrrwuDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 ua�xros�aa�_ 5 couuca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) , � Please process ASAP ❑3 arrwr.orsr�r,� � ❑a,ras�uc �usrnu�so��� 1 b IFlwwcw�soxwnccTc � � {� �vort(oaass�uip � ❑xuunxwax�s TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) enoHrsenuesreu Approval of the attached coimcII resolurion authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to establish a spending and Snancing plan for police services provided for the Payne/Arcade Business Dishict Overtime Beat Project from April 26, 1999, through August 28, 1999. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has fhis person/firtn ever vrorketl under a conVaC for this tlepartment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a dty employee? GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any current ciry emplayee7 YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO Fxplain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITL4TING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WFiI� The Payne/Arcade Business Association (PABA) has $9,000.00 available for increased Saint Paul Police foot patrol on Payne Avenue from Wadena to Lawson. PABA will pay $25.00 per hour for one officer to work a foot beat four days a week, five hours per day, for eighteen weeks (Apri126 through August 28). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Department will be able to work with the PABA by addressing quality of life issues and nuisance behaviors that adversely impact commerce along Payne Avenue. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ' - �� - - •� -_ � None. � .Y <+�at � � 7JdJ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED - ". �� _ -, , �s '" ; � '�,9 Lost opporiunity to cooperate with the PABA to improve the qualiry of the business district along Payne Aben¢� � •'-� � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION E 9,000.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ReimbursementfromthePayne/Arcade ���%"'F=; ���v�"v� µ��'��� FUNDING SOURCE BUSlIlCSS ASSOCi2hOR ACTIVITY NUMBER 04100 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � t� Cd � I�a`3e� payneazcadebusinesbeat.gs q9-3�3 A Proposal to Deputy Chief Theodore P. Brown The St. Paul Police Department/Main Street Program Payne/Arcade Business District Overtime Beat Project By , Commander L. b4. McGirm a9-3�3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARX Proposal The crime and safety subcommittee of the Main Street Pro�ram is recommending that the Payne Arcade Business Association commit �9,000 for off-duty employment of police officers to �vork Payne Avenue and Arcade Street business districts from (April 26"' throu�h Au�ust 28`h 1999). The intent of this program is to assist the community in setting standards of behavior in the business district zero tolerance of quality of life(nuisance behaviors. The primary geo�raphic focus of the patrol is in the Historic Core of Payne Avenue(Wadena to Lawson). Second to this core, patrols will also be available to �vork the business district on Arcade Street, as well as other areas of Payne Avenue form 7`h Street to Wheelock Parkway. One officer would foot patrol, four days per week, five hours per day. The officers would deat with quality of life or nuisance behaviors, such as public intoxication, panhandling, and soliciting, which seem to most adversely impact commerce in the business district. A cell phone would be provided for communication between the officer and business owners and the officer would use his/her personal car to drive between their assignments. PABA is requesting the officer be allowed to use their portable radios. Historical Overview Over the next four years, Payne Avenue will receive half of an $800,000 grant to help develop renewal strategies for the a�ing neighborhood. This revitalization effort is part of a larger national Main Street program that has been successful in cities like Pittsburgh and Detroit. The grant is the latest effort to rejuvenate this area and fits nicely with the Phalen Corridor Project. The focus ofthe grant covers Payne Avenue between Maryland and E. 7`�' Street, with the initial focus on the business district. Business owners and community members are vohmteering to work on committees to strengthen existin� businesses, attract new establishments, and seek solutions to crime and safety concerns. , Members of ihe Main Street Initiative Steering Committee approached me in early 3anuary to encourage the police departments participation on the Crime and Safety Subcommittee. Sgt Doug Holtz and the Payne Ave Beat Officers immediately took this project to heart. They have done an outstandin� job workin� with the Payne/Arcade Business Association, Eastside Neighborhood Development Corporation, business owners, and local residents identifying community priorities, business owner responsibility and educating members in several areas of crime prevention. Officer Joel Johnston, has in fact, been named as the chairperson for the Crime and Safety subcommittee. qg-3�3 Member of the committee are very concerned about the "percepfion" that Payne Avenue is a dangerous location for business owners and citizens alike. They acknowled�e efforts the department has made to address crime and quality of life issues and recognize that additional officers �vill not be assigned to this area until staffing levels, citywide, retum to normal. Current staffing assignments to Payne Avenue are as follows: Tour T District squad Tour IT One beat officers (Monday thru Friday, 0800-1600) Patrol officer assigned to the area One Mounted Officer as available Tour ITI Two beat officers assigned (seven days per week, 10 hours) Patrol officers assigned to the area It was through this forum that I was approached to consider allowin� off-duty officers to �vork on a foot beat on Payne Avenue and Arcade Street. Conclusion A review of this proposal resulted in several concerns being raised: The use of off-duty officers to patrol public property has not been done before, therefore, liability issues, report writing requiring the use of a portable computer and communication problems have to be addressed. The use of a cell phone by the officer to receive calls from business o`vners could result in poor police service and/or put an officer or citizens in harms way if strict procedures are no adhered to. Should PABA and the Main Street Initiative be solely responsible for providing additional police service during this project? Recommended Solution The Main Street Program (a partnership between the East Side Neighborhood Development Company Inc.(ESNDC)and the Payne Arcade Business Association (PABA) and the St. Paul Police Department will embark on a puhlic/private partnership to enhance enforcement in the business districts of Payne Avenue and Arcade Street as previously stated in the ori�inal proposal. qy-3�3 It is throu�h this partnership that all parties involved recognize their responsibility to participate in developin� a plan that provides for financial and technical support for this project. � To that end, we recommend the followin� solutions: PABA will pay S25.Q0 per hour for one officer to be assi�ned to work a foot beat in the business district stated above, four days per week, five hours per day , for ei�hteen (18) weeks from (Ap�i126"' through August 28`" 1999) at a cost of �9,000.00. To facilitate communication between the patrol officer and the business owners, PABA will provide, at their cost, a voice pager for use by the officer assigned. Training in the proper use of the voice pager and its limitations will be the responsibility of the crime and safety committee. The St. Paul Police Department will provide the additional fimding necessary to employ patrot officers (on an overtime basis) to perform this assignment. Additionally, officers assi�ned to this detail will be provided with a marked patrol car, equipped with a laptop computer for report writing, and a portable radio for direct communication with the communications center. Recognizing the need to maintain the overtime officer on ass �°nment, re�ular duty officers will transport and book prisoners whenever they are available. Overtime officers will maintain daily logs oPtheir activities as well as other reports as assi�ned to evaluate this project. Scheduling of officers will occur through the Eastem District Patrol Office in cooperation with the Main Street Program to accommodate their concerns for enhanced patrols between 1100hrs. and 1800hrs (11:OOa.m. and 6:OOp.m.).